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Meditate in remembrance on the One Lord; meditate in remembrance on the One Lord; meditate in remembrance on the One Lord,

O my Beloved. kil klys loB moh mhw Bajlu qwry ] rhwa ] ( !"#$, %nwsr&, mhlw '( )e shall save you *rom stri*e, su**erin+, +reed, attachment, and the most terri*yin+ worldocean. ,,-ause,, swis swis inm. inm. idnsu r/in icqwry ] ( !"#0, %nwsr&, mhlw '( 1ith each and every breath, each and every instant, day and ni+ht, dwell u2on )im. sw%sM+ ji2 insM+ min in%wnu %wry ]3] ( !"#0, %nwsr&, mhlw '( &n the 4aadh 4an+at, the 5om2any o* the )oly, meditate on )im *earlessly, and enshrine the treasure o* )is 6ame in your mind. ,,3,, crn kml nmskwr +un +oibd b&cwry ] ( !"#0, %nwsr&, mhlw '( 1orshi2 )is lotus *eet, and contem2late the +lorious virtues o* the Lord o* the 7niverse. sw% jnw k& ryn nwnk mM+l s7. s%wry ]$]3]03] ( !"#8, %nwsr&, mhlw '( O 6anak, the dust o* the *eet o* the )oly shall bless you with 2leasure and 2eace. ,,$,,3,,03,, %nwsr& mhlw ' 9: ; du2dy ( !"#'( %hanaasaree, <i*th Mehl, =i+hth )ouse, %u#-adas> ? siq+ur 2@swid ] ( !"#'( One 7niversal 5reator 9od. By Ahe 9race O* Ahe Arue 9uru> ismra ismir ismir su. 2wva swis swis smwly ] ( !"# , %nwsr&, mhlw '( @ememberin+, rememberin+, rememberin+ )im in meditation, & *ind 2eace; with each and every breath, & dwell u2on )im. ieh loik 2rloik sM+ shweB jq kq moih r.vwly ]3] ( !"# , %nwsr&, mhlw '( &n this world, and in the world beyond, )e is with me, as my hel2 and su22ort; wherever & +o, )e 2rotects me. ,,3,, +ur kw bcnu bs/ j&C nwly ] ( !"#!, %nwsr&, mhlw '( Ahe 9uruDs 1ord abides with my soul. jil nh& *7b/ qsk: nh& lyv/ Bwih n swk/ jwly ]3] rhwa ] ( !"#!, %nwsr&, mhlw '( &t does not sink in water; thieves cannot steal it, and *ire cannot burn it. ,,3,, -ause,, inr%n ka %nu CM%uly ka itk mwq d7%u j/sy bwly ] ( !"#;, %nwsr&, mhlw '(

&t is like wealth to the 2oor, a cane *or the blind, and motherDs milk *or the in*ant. sw+r mih boihEu 2wie= hir nwnk kr& F2w ikr2wly ]$]3]0$] ( !"#;, %nwsr&, mhlw '( &n the ocean o* the world, & have *ound the boat o* the Lord; the Merci*ul Lord has bestowed )is Mercy u2on 6anak. ,,$,,3,,0$,, %nwsr& mhlw ' ] ( !"#"( %hanaasaree, <i*th Mehl> Bey F2wl dieCwl +oibMdw CMm.qu ird/ isMcweB ] ( !"#", %nwsr&, mhlw '( Ahe Lord o* the 7niverse has become kind and merci*ul; )is Cmbrosial 6ectar 2ermeates my heart. nv ini% iri% isi% hir lwi+ rh& jn 2weB ]3] ( !"#3G, %nwsr&, mhlw '( Ahe nine treasures, riches and the miraculous s2iritual 2owers o* the 4iddhas clin+ to the *eet o* the LordDs humble servant. ,,3,, sMqn ka Cndu s+l h& jweB ] ( !"#3G, %nwsr&, mhlw '( Ahe 4aints are in ecstasy everywhere. +.ih bwhir Awku: B+qn kw riv rihCw s@b AweB ]3] rhwa ] ( !"#33, %nwsr&, mhlw '( 1ithin the home, and outside as well, the Lord and Master o* )is devotees is totally 2ervadin+ and 2ermeatin+ everywhere. ,,3,,-ause,, qw ka koie n 2hucnhwrw jw k/ CMi+ +usweB ] ( !"#3$, %nwsr&, mhlw '( 6o one can equal one who has the Lord o* the 7niverse on his side. jm k& Hws imt/ ijsu ismrq nwnk nwmu i%CweB ]$]$]00] ( !"#3$, %nwsr&, mhlw '( Ahe *ear o* the Messen+er o* %eath is eradicated, rememberin+ )im in meditation; 6anak

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