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Market provides a key to gain actual success only to those brands which match best to the current environment i.e." imperative" which can be delivered what are the people needs and they are ready to buy at the right time without any delay. It is perfectly true but this also depends on availability of good uality products and e!cellent taste and services which further attract and add a golden opportunity for huge sales. "his also depends on the good planning approach and provide ample opportunity plus sufficient amount of products for sales in the coming ne!t financial year. "his survey report introduces study of consumer#s preferences for $%$& $%'&. &fter going through a detail analysis of market behavior and future prospect( t may also provide an opportunity to $%$& $%'& to frame a good future plan to satisfy ma!imum needs of the customers and established its guiding role in the market of )elhi( *ha+iabad( city in particular and through out the country as a whole. "he study report will also provide an opportunity to delineate its market potential business areas( products , services are to be offered by the company to the customers. "his study report also provides the various factors affecting the services. Marketing )ivision of $%$& $%'& has to keep in mind various factors specially while preparing a plan for marketing its product or services. )etail description along with analysis of surveyed data is being presented in this report

.R/0&$/........................................................................................1 $2&."/R 134 I5R%)6$"I%5 1.1 /7/$6"I8/ S6MM&R9 :::::::::..; 1.- 'I"/R&"6R/ R/8I/<::::::::::..= 1.> &BS"R&$":::::::::::::::..1? 1.1 $%M.&59 .R%0I'/:::::::::::..11 1.@ .R%)6$" .R%0I'/::::::::::::11 1.A %BB/$"I8/ %0 S"6)9 ::::::::::.1= 1.; R/S/&R$2 M/"2%)%'%*9:::::::...1C $2&."/R -34 )&"& &5&'9SIS &5) I5"/R.R/"&"I%5 -.1 &5&'9SIS ::::::::::::::::-? -.- 0I5)I5*S::::::::::::::::..>= -.> S6**/S"I%5::::::::::::::...>C -.1$%5$'6SI%5::::::::::::::...1? -.@ 'IMI"&"I%5 :::::::::::::::11 -.A BIB'I%*R&.29::::::::::::::1-.; &55/76R/:::::::::::::::...1>


LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES TABLES PAGE NO. "&B'/1 :::::::::::::::::::::::-1 "&B'/-::::::::::::::::::::::.... -> "&B'/>::::::::::::::::::::::....-1 "&B'/1::::::::::::::::::::::.. .-@ "&B'/@::::::::::::::::::::::....-A "&B'/A::::::::::::::::::::::....-; "&B'/;::::::::::::::::::::::....-= "&B'/=::::::::::::::::::::::....-C "&B'/C::::::::::::::::::::::....>? "&B'/1?::::::::::::::::::::::..>? "&B'/11::::::::::::::::::::::..>"&B'/1-::::::::::::::::::::::..>"&B'/1>::::::::::::::::::::::..>1 "&B'/11::::::::::::::::::::::..>1 "&B'/1@::::::::::::::::::::::..>; "&B'/1A::::::::::::::::::::::..>; FIGURES 0I*6R/1::::::::::::::::::::::.. -1 0I*6R/-::::::::::::::::::::::..-0I*6R/>::::::::::::::::::::::..-> 0I*6R/1::::::::::::::::::::::..-1 0I*6R/@::::::::::::::::::::::..-@ 0I*6R/A::::::::::::::::::::::. -A 0I*6R/;::::::::::::::::::::::. -;

0I*6R/=::::::::::::::::::::::..-= 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

"he obDective of the proDect is to know the consumers preferences for $ola )rinks( to study the Market .otential of $%$& $%'& and "he report contains a brief introduction of $oca $ola. "he company $%$& $%'& has interests in various sectors and they provide consistent uality products to meet our costumer#s re uirement worldwide. "his report clearly mentions obDective of the study and the research methodology utili+ed. both primary data and secondary data. "he data collection method used is structured non disguised uestionnaire in which the types of uestions used are open ended( multiple choice and close ended. "he report contains a detailed view of the tasks( which have been undertaken to analy+e the market of $%$& $%'&. 8arious sets of uestionnaire have been prepared to know the .R/0/R/5$/S of consumers about the $%$& $%'&. Some of the research areas are )elhi( *ha+iabad. "his proDect reveals one of the important findings like more and more displays of the window hiring and can be given to the retail outlets as it has been said that EBItna )ikhega 6tna BikegaF. "o increase its consumption( more schemes like GSeasonal Schemes# and other schemes can be given to the consumers. & detailed survey of the consumers was carried to find out their preferences for $%$& $%'&. "he details of the methodology are stated below. &reas are )elhi( *ha+iabad research design3 /!ploratory and descriptive. Sources of information are primary and secondary data. )ata collection method structured non designed uestionnaire. "ypes of uestions used open ended( multiple choice and close ended. Sampling method is random sampling. In this study I found that most of the consumers prefer ./.SI as their 1 st preference and then $%$& $%'&.

LITERATURE REVIEW: 1-A study ! !"#t $s $%s& 's()*% ! $ )$"'d &$%!%$%'#% (' !+#, s%#t $"he purpose of this paper is the study of factors responsible for brand preference in fmcg products( increasing competition( more due to globali+ation( is motivating many companies to base their strategies almost entirely on building brands. Brand preference means to compare the different brands and opt for the most preferred brand. "his brand preference is influenced by various factors. &ccording to this study many factors were find out for preferring a brand like Brand persona Brand constancy Brand loftiness Brand value. In the identification of factors affecting the brand preference( it was concluded that brand persona is the most effective factor that affects the brand preference. "his brand persona deals with the personality aspects or the e!ternal attributes of brand( thus it can be said that consumer prefer any brand by looking at the e!ternal attributes of a brand. 4. u$'"* ! (+s / * 0 ' .11 ."'-.u'% 2334

2-C * u$ "'d !*"/ u$ $u*% # 'su+%$ &$%!%$%'#%s: Study "he intensity of colour and the flavour are the key drivers behind consumer acceptance of beverages( says a new study involving )&5%5/. But packaging and labelling are not as important for winning over consumers( according to findings published in the Dournal 0ood Huality and .reference( "he study involved consumers at different stages of development and highlights the importance of adopting a Esensory marketing approach(F said the researchers from 0rench research organisation &driant( the 6niversity of Rennes 1( )&5%5/ R,)( and Institute .aul Bocuse.
E$ompanies need to continuously innovate to maintain market leadership(F wrote the researchers. E<hen the market is overloaded the challenge consists in creating innovative products able to attract and satisfy consumers.F E"his e!periment showed the feasibility of the proposed multi4sensory design method based on mi!ed ualitative and uantitative approaches.F "he study also demonstrates the importance of flavour and colour selection for new products. "he global flavours market was been valued at some 6SI1=bn in -??A JBusiness InsightsK. Meanwhile( the value of the international colourings market was estimated at around I1.1@bn in -??; JL;>1mK( up -.@ per cent from I1.?;bn JA=?mK in -??1( according to 'eatherhead 0ood International J'0IK. 5atural colours now make up >1 per

cent of the colourings market( compared with 1? per cent for synthetics( according to '0I.

B +)"$d(', t5% s%'s%s

By choosing to formulate a new beverage( the researchers noted that the new product would need to be differentiated by improving the sensory characteristics. 0our factors were identified for the formulation3 four colour intensitiesK( three flavourings( two label types Jsoft versus hardK( and two pack si+es Jstandard versus oversi+eK. By using both uantitative Jhedonic testingK and ualitative Jfocus groupsK approaches( the researchers found that Ethe main factors which drive consumer preference for this concept are colour intensity and flavouringF. Indeed( colour intensity accounted for 1> per cent and flavour >- per cent of the consumers# overall liking. E.ack si+e and label type are taken into account by the consumer to a lesser e!tend(F they added. E"his methodology of a ualitative screening associated to a conDoint analysis on relevant sensory attributes has shown good performances to fit consumers# e!pectation3 it has now to be reproduced( as every brand( concept and product is a uni ue combination designed for a specific consumer group(F concluded the researchers S u$#%: F d 6u"*(ty "'d P$%!%$%'#% V *u+% 171 Issu% 41 P",%s 817-829 By St%&5%' D"'(%**s1 38-O#t-2334 >- T"st% $ 5%"*t5: A study ' # 'su+%$ "##%&t"'#% ! # *" d$(':s "his study e!amined the relative contributions of taste and health considerations on consumer liking and purchase intent of cola drinks. /ight types of commercial cola drinks were evaluated by >?@ adult consumers who also completed a brief uestionnaire on food habits. )ata were analy+ed using factor analysis. Results revealed that purchase intent of cola drinks was strongly related to degree of liking and to several key sensory attributes including saltiness( drinks flavor and greasiness. "hese variables emerged as the first factor in the analysis( suggesting that consumers perceive these characteristics as being most important in their choice of cola drinks. 0actor - described a health dimension and was related to respondentsM attitudes toward fat in the diet. 0actor > comprised two remaining sensory attributes Jcolor and crunchinessK( which apparently were of minor importance to the respondents. "hese data suggest that in spite of current concern about reducing dietary fat( health remains secondary to taste in the selection of cola drinks for consumers in this population. S u$#%-B%/%$*y ;. T%&&%$ "'d A+y C. T$"(* ; u$'"* T%#5' * ,y1 10 S%&t%+)%$ 1774 . ! F d S#(%'#% "'d

14 PAIRED PREFERENCE TESTS USING PLACEBO PAIRS AND DIFFERENT RESPONSE OPTIONS FOR C *" D$(':s1 ORANGE ;UICES &BS"R&$" .reference tests were performed for varieties of cola drinks( orange Duices and using three response protocols3 the traditional paired preference test with the "no preference" option( a C4point hedonic scale and a A4point hybrid hedonicNpurchase intent scale. "he different stimuli to be assessed were presented in pairs( but putatively identical stimuli were also presented as a "placebo" pair. .erformance on the placebo pair with identical stimuli provided a measure of the hidden demand characteristics of the test protocol. "he presentation of the different pairs provided a measure of preference accompanied by such hidden demand effects. $omparison between the two allowed a better measure of preference per se. "he order of presentation of the identical and different pairs did show occasional slight evidence of contrast effects. 0or the placebo "identical" pairs( a maDority of consumers reported false preferences. 'iking uestions with the hedonic and hybrid scales elicited fewer false preferences than preference uestions with the paired preference protocol. 9et( the effects tended to be slight. "he A4point hedonicNpurchase intent scale e!hibited the fewest false preferences in the placebo condition( and this was because of its fewer categories rather than any cognitive strategy change elicited by its different labels. S u$#%-D"/(s W +"'<s ; u$'"* ! F d S#(%'#% "'d T%#5' * ,y1 ;u*y =11 2338

0-># 'su+%$ "?"$%'%ss "'d # 'su+&t( ' &"tt%$' ! !

d &$ du#ts-

"his paper aims to investigate the degree of brand awareness of various food products in relation to background and education of the household( the consumption pattern of various food products consumed by respondents in the light of their areas( income levels and education. a sample of-?? respondents comprising 1?? form rural area and 1?? from urban area were taken. )ata are analy+ed with the help of mean.S)(co Oefficient of variance4test and f4test. "he finding of this study reveals that there is low degree of brand awareness in rural areas( whereas there is a moderate degree of brand awareness in urban India. "he highly educated rural and urban respondents have high degree of brand awareness for many food products( and the less educated rural and urban respondents have low degree of brand awareness for many food products. 4 ; u$'"* ! (+s / * = ' .11 ."'-.u'% 2338


)ouglas 5. )aft was elected chairman( Board of )irectors( and chief e!ecutive officer of "he $oca4$ola $ompany on 0ebruary 1;( -???. Mr. )aft is the 11th chairman of the Board in the history of the $ompany. Mr. )aft( A?( Doined the $ompany in 1CAC as planning officer in the Sydney( &ustralia office. 2e held positions of increasing

responsibilities throughout &sia and in 1C=- was named vice president of $oca4$ola 0ar /ast 'td. In )ecember 1C==( Mr. )aft was named president of the 5orth .acific )ivision and president of $oca4$ola JBapanK $o.( 'td. 2e moved to the $ompanyMs &tlanta

head uarters in 1CC1 to assume the responsibility of president of the .acific *roup and in 1CCC his responsibilities were e!panded to include the $ompanyMs &frica

*roup( and Schweppes Beverage )ivision( as well as the Middle and 0ar /ast *roup. Mr. )aft was elected president and chief operating officer of "he $oca 4 $ola

$ompany in )ecember 1CCC. 2e serves on the boards of Sun "rust Banks( the Boys , *irls $lubs of &merica( $atalyst( the $/R*/4/I 0oundationJ$enter for /conomic Research and *raduate /ducation 4 /conomics InstituteK in the $+ech Republic( the 'auder Institute for Management and International Studies at the 6niversity of International Business 'eaders 0orum( the

.ennsylvania( the .rince of <ales

*rocery Manufacturers of &merica( the British 4 &merican $hamber of $ommerce( the *1??( the <oodruff &rts $enter( the $ommerce $lub( and the Mc*raw42ill

$ompanies. Mr. )aft is a trustee of /mory 6niversity( the &merican &ssembly and the $enter for Strategic , International Studies. 2e is also a member of "he "rilateral


$ommission( "he Business $ouncil( and "he Business Round table. Mr. )aft received a bachelorMs degree in mathematics from the 6niversity of 5ew /ngland and a post4 graduate degree in administration from the 6niversity of 5ew South <ales. 2e

holds an honorary doctorate in international law from "hunderbird( "he &merican *raduate School of International Management.


"he cola industry has phenomenal possibilities for rocketing profit growth inspite of the sign of relief heaved by the manufacture at the abrupt sensational termination of coca cola monopoly the tastes of cola is by no means e!tinguished the coca. $ola have a status symbol to it...( generated by the sub standard( penetrated( advertising and e!tensive distribution network. "otal soft drink segment is growing at the rate of 1?P per year still if international standard area considered the per capita consumption of three serving in rock bottom( less than even our neighbors# .akistan and Bangladesh( where it is four more as much. So with kind of a market potential coke entered in India in 1CC1 after the permissions of setting up Britico 0ood company to coke was granted by the government in .une in 1CCthe plant was established for is deducted then the bottle are taken out of the line and $leaned again or reDected. "he most important step is the mi!ing of drink concentrate dissolved in the soft water the sugar syrup at the same time. $arbon dio!ide is passed in the drink to produce a fi++. &fter the crowing of the bottle the crown contains the manufacturing data batch number and "ime. 11




INDIAN PRODUCT RANGE 0lavour $ola Ingredients .ack .roduct $oke( "humsup $ompany $oca4$oal

$ola 0lavour -??Ml. carbonated water >??Ml. sugar @??Ml. 1 'itre 1.@ 'itre - 'itre %range 0lavour Q -??Ml. $arbonated >??Ml. <aterQ Sugar @??Ml. 1 'itre 1.@ 'itre - 'itre Mango "reated sugar .ulpQ -@? M' waterQ

.epsi 0anta

.epsi $oca4$ola


Mirinda Maa+a Slice 'imca

.epsi $oca4$ola .epsi $oca4$ola

0ruit Buice

$loudy 'emon

'emon 0lavour Q -??Ml. $arbonated >??Ml. <aterQ Sugar @??Ml. 1 'itre 1.@ 'itre - 'itre 'emon 0lavourQ -??Ml. $arbonated <ater >??Ml. Q Sugar @??Ml. 1 'itre 1.@ 'itre - 'itre

Mirinda 'emon Sprite

.epsi $oca4$ola

$lear 'emon

;#6p )ew






"his report attempts to study the marketing mi! keeping in mind the current market situation. Besides( this report also studies the customer feedback about the $%$& $%'&. "hus it can be said that there are two broad goals of the research i.e. "% S"6)9 "2/ $%5S6M/RS .R/0/R/5$/ 0%R $%$& $%'&as a whole and other to $R/&"/ & "%. %0 MI5) &<&R/5/SS %0 $%$& $%'&. "he research work was done through the collection of primary data and secondary data by a common uestionnaire through the market survey techni ue. "husR based on our research( we have made some conclusions and suggestions to make the performance of $%$& $%'& amongst all players better.



"o study the consumers preferences for $oca $ola. "o know the percentage of males and females that are aware about bingo "o know which brand#s advertisement mostly people have seen. "o know the reason to buy cola drinks. "o know why was the advertisement being noticed by the consumerS "o create a top of mind awareness about $%$& $%'& in )/'2I( *2&TI&B&) by providing the information to consumers.


& detailed survey of consumers was carried out to find out their preferences for $%$& $%'& the details of the methodology are stated below3

AREAS: DEL@I J*U41( *U4-( '&B .&" 5&*&R( 5/2R6 5&*&R( S&U/"K G@ACIABAD J*andhi 5agar( Uavi 5agar( RaD nagar( shastri nagar( kaushambiK

Type of Rese !"# Rese !"# $%es&'o(

Exploratory Research Descriptive resarch

Co(s%)e! p!efe!e("es fo! *'(+o S )p,'(+ &e"#('-%e Convenience sampling S )p,e S'.e : 800 S )p,'(+s A!e s : Delhi,Ghaziabad P!') !y D & : Responses thro gh ! estionnaires Cond cted personal intervie"s Se"o(/ !y D & research tools : "ith the respondents . #ebsites . $e"s papers chi s! are test %riedman test







male %emale

F(, 1

+alid 0otal

,ale .emale

)0/*) 800 .re! ency

&'.0 )*.0 '00.0 1erce nt

&'.0 )*.0 '00.0 +alid 1ercent

&'.0 '00.0 C m lati ve 1ercent


%ut of =?? consumers( @1P are males and only 1CP are females.






3E45# '& '-62& 2-6/& /-6)& )- 7 835+E




M&7IM6M numbers of people surveyed are B/'%< 1@ 9/&RS



.re! en cy +alid 1ro%ession al 3 sinessm an :ervice :t dent 8ny other '00 9& 2'0 /*0 2& 800

1ercent '/.0 *.0 2-.0 )*.0 /.0 '00.0 T")*%2

+alid 1ercent '/.0 *.0 2-.0 )*.0 /.0 '00.0

C m lativ e 1ercent '8.0 22.0 )8.0 *9.0 '00.0 '00.0



'/( *( 1R5.E::;5$84 3<:;$E::,8$ :ER+;CE ,8$ :0<DE$0: 2-( 8$= 50>ER



%6" %0 =?? ./%.'/ 1>Pare professionals( CPare businessman( -APare serviceman( and 1CP are students.



+alid 0otal

=es $o

.re! en cy 1ercent 99) *9.0 2/.0 800 '00.0 "able >

+alid 1ercent *9.0 /.0 '00.0

C m lativ e 1ercent *9.0 '00.0


yes no



%ut of =?? respondents( C;P of consumers buy $%') )RI5US and only >Pof them do not buy



.re! ency +alid C5?E 1E1:; 9 <1 :1R;0E .8$08 ,8@@8


1ercent '8.8 '9.9& '2 ''.'2 8.8./ 2/.2 '00.0

+alid 1ercent '8.8 '9.9& '2 ''.'2 8.8./ 2/.2/ '00.0

C m lative 1ercent '8.8 /-.&& )8.&& &*.-9 -8.29 9-.&9 '00.0

'&' ')2 *8* -* -9 '8800




'*( C5?E 1E1:; 9 <1 :1R;0E



.8$08 ,8@@8 0><,:<1

*( ''( '2(


1CP respondents prefer $%U/( 1=P prefer ./.SI( 1-P ;6.( 11 P of them preferS.RI"/( CP0&5"&( =P prefer M&TT&( and ->P prefer



.re! en cy +alid 3rand name 0aste 3rand ambassad or pacAaging Easy avialability 1rice 8ny other '-0 20) 88 '&8 -'2) 8 800 1ercent 20.0 2&.0 8.0 '0.0 '-.0 20.0 '.0 '00.0 0able &
08:0E 8( ''( '( 2&( 18C?8G;$G 1R;CE '&( 20( 20( 3R8$D 8,38::8D5R E8:= 8+;8483;4;0= 8$= 50>ER 3R8$D $8,E

+alid 1ercent 20.0 2&.0 8.0 '0.0 '-.0 20.0 '.0 '00.0

C m lativ e 1ercent 20.0 )&.0 &/. 0 -/.0 9*.0 **.0 '00. 0



-@Ppeople purchase $%') )RI5US because of "&S"/( -?P people purchase $%') )RI5US because of BR&5) 5&M/( -?P people purchase $%') )RI5US because of .&$U&*I5*(

1@P people purchase $%') )RI5US because of .RI$/ ( 11P people purchase $%') )RI5US because of BR&5) &MB&SS&)%R =Ppeople purchase $%') )RI5US because of /&S9 &8I'&BI'I"9 1Ppeople purchase $%') )RI5US because of &59 %"2/R R/&S%5 8. PEOPLE @AVE SEEN T@E ADVERTISEMENT OF COLD DRINBS
.re! en cy 1ercent 982 *8.0 '8 2.0 '00 '00.0 "able A +alid 1ercent *8.0 2.0 '00.0 C m lativ e 1ercent *8.0 '00.0

+alid 0otal

=es $o


yes no



%ut of =?? consumers C=P have seen the &)8/R"IS/M/5" and only -P have not seen the &)8/R"IS/M/5" of any cola drinks



.re! ency +alid C5?E 1E1:; 9 <1 :1R;0E .8$08 ,8@@8 0otal

1ercent 29.0 28.0 '-.0 2'.0 ).0 /.0 '.0 '00

+alid 1ercent 29.0 28.0 '-.0 2'.0 ).0 /.0 '.0 '00

C m lative 1ercent 29.0 &&.0 9'.0 *2.0 *-.0 **.0 '00

101 100 02 20 33 40 101 055 "able ;

To& ,



C5?E 1E1:; 9 <1 :1R;0E

'0( )( -( ''( 2/(

.8$08 ,8@@8 0><,:<1


->P people remember the advertisement of $%U/ ->P people remember the advertisement of../.SI 11P people remember the advertisement of ;6. AP people remember the advertisement of S.RI"/ 1P people remember the advertisement of 0&5"&

1?Ppeople remember the advertisement of M&TT& ->Ppeople remember the advertisement of."26MS6. 7. REASON TO REMEMBER T@E ADVERTISEMENTD
.re! en cy 1ercent '*) 2).0 '**0 20) '''00 2&.0 ''.0 2&.0 '&.0 '00.0 T")*% 4


Creativity 3rand ambassad or ;dea o% delivering message .re! ency o% add 4ogical reason

+alid 1ercent 2).0 2&.0 ''.0 2&.0 '&.0

C m lativ e 1ercent 2).0 )*.0 -0.0 8&.0 '00.0




3R8$D 8,38::8D5R ;DE8 5. DE4;+ER;$G 0>E ,E::8GE

2&( 2&( ''(

.REB<E$C= 5. 8DD 45G;C84 RE8:5$


-1P people remember the advertisement because of $R/&"I8I"9. -@P people remember the advertisement because of BR&5) &MB&SS&)%R


11P people remember the advertisement because of "2/IR I)/& %0 )/'I8/RI5* "2/ M/SS&*/. -@Ppeople remember the advertisement because of 0R/H6/5$9 %0 &)).1@P people remember the adverisement because of '%*I$&' R/&S%5.


# ''%#t( 's

O)s%$/%d N
$%U/ ./.SI ; 6. S.RI"/ 0&5"& M&TT& 1@1 11CA =C AC A; 1=A =??

EE&%#t%d N 11A.= 11A.= 11A.= 11A.= 11A.= 11A.= 11A.=

R%s(du"* 130.8 -131.= -29.= 80.8 9=.8 -4A.= -113.=



T")*% 7 T%st St"t(st(#s C ''%#t( 's C5(-SFu"$%G"H D! Asy+&. S(,. AA8.293 9 .333 "able 1?

a ? cells J.?PK have e!pected fre uencies less than @. "he minimum e!pected cell %re! ency is '')./.


2%4there is no significance difference between the preferences of consumers regarding the $%') )RI5USS 214there is a significance difference between the preferences of consumers regarding the $%') )RI5USS

IF @3 I.30 OUR 'u** @y& t5%s(s (s $%.%#t%d "'d (' t5(s #"s% @3 IS RE;ECTED. T@AT +%"'s # 'su+%$s &$%!%$%'#%s ! $ D$(':s "$% d(!!%$%'t.
1@1 R/S.%5)/5"S buy $%U/( 11- buys ./.SI( CA ;6.( =C consumers prefer S.RI"/( AC prefer 0&5"& chips( A; prefer M&TT&( and only 1=A of them prefer "26MS6.




O)s%$/%d N
$%U/ ./.SI ; 6. S.RI"/ 0&5"& M&TT&

EE&%#t%d N 1==.= 1==.= 1==.= 1==.= 1==.= 1==.=

R%s(du"* -A0.= -98.= =3.8 -7.= 80.8 10.8

147 144 4A A4 =2 84 141


T t"* T")*% 11 T%st St"t(st(#s # ''%#t( 's C5(-SFu"$%G"H d! Asy+&. S(,. 131.730 0 .333 T")*% 12

" 3 #%**s G.3JH 5"/% %E&%#t%d !$%Fu%'#(%s *%ss t5"' 0. T5% +('(+u+ %E&%#t%d #%** !$%Fu%'#y (s 1==.=.


2%4there is no significance difference between the advertisements 214there is a significance difference between the advertisements

IF @3 I.30 OUR 'u** @y& t5%s(s (s $%.%#t%d "'d (' t5(s #"s% @3 IS RE;ECTED. T@AT +%"'s # 'su+%$s $%+%+)%$ d(!!%$%'t d(!!%$%'t "d/%$t(s%+%'ts.
1=C people remember the advertisement of $%U/( 1== people remember the advertisement of ./.SI( =1 people remember the advertisement of;6.(1= people remember the advertisement ofS.RI"/(>- people remember the advertisement of M&TT&( &5) 1=1 people remember the advertisement of "26MS6..





M%"' R"': &"#:",(', B$"'d t"st% E"sy "/("*")(*(ty "+)"ss"d $ P$(#% Ot5%$ 0.11 9.33 9.73 2.33 =.33 =.77 1.31 T")*% 1= T%st St"t(st(#sG"H N C5(-SFu"$% d! 433 A814.0A7 9


Asy+&. S(,.
a 0riedman "est


T")*% 1A @3- there is no significance difference between all the factors. @14there is a significance difference between all the factors. IF @3 I.30 OUR 'u** @y& t5%s(s (s $%.%#t%d "'d (' t5(s #"s% @3 IS RE;ECTED. T@AT +%"'s # 'su+%$s &$%!%$ "'y + )(*% # ''%#t( ' ' t5% )"s(s ! #%$t"(' !"#t $s. In this case as "he mean rank of taste IS A.C? M/&5S most of the consumers purchase drinks because the taste. &5) the mean rank for /&S9 &8&I'&BI'I"9 is -.?? J&0"/R &59 %"2/R 0&$"%RK "2&" means $%5S6M/RS don#t care about /&S9 &8&I'&BI'I"9 while purchasing $%') )RI5US

T@E SE6UENCE OF T@EIR PURC@ASING PREFERENCE ISKKKKKKK "&S"/ BR&5) 5&M/ .&$U&*I5* .RI$/ BR&5) &MB&SS&)%R /&S9 &8I&'&BI'I"9 &59 %"2/R



1. F$(%d+"' T%st

M%"' R"': C$%"t(/(ty =.71 B$"'d "+)"ss"d $ A.2= Id%" ! +%ss",% 1.13 F$%Fu%'#y ! "dd A.92 L ,(#"* $%"s ' 2.A= T")*% 10 T%st St"t(st(#sG"H N C5(-SFu"$% d! Asy+&. S(,. " F$(%d+"' T%st 433 A929.9A8 9 .33=


"able 1A .

@34 there is no significance difference between all the factors "% R/M/MB/R "2/ &)8/R"IS/M/5". @14there is a significance difference between all the factors "% R/M/MB/R "2/ &)8/R"IS/M/5" IF @3 I.30 OUR 'u** @y& t5%s(s (s $%.%#t%d "'d (' t5(s #"s% @3 IS RE;ECTED.T@AT +%"'s # 'su+%$s $%+%+)%$ t5% "d/%$t(s%+%'t ! "'y COLA DRINB )%#"us% ! s +% !"#t $s1 In this case as the mean rank of 0R/H6/5$9 %0 "2/ &)8/R"IS/M/5" IS 1.A- M/&5S most of the consumers remember the advertisement because the fre uency of the add( &5) the mean rank for idea of delivering the message is 1.1? "2&" means $%5S6M/RS don#t care about the idea of delivering the message.


MA;OR FINDINGS 1. %ut of =?? consumers( @1P are males and only 1CP are females. -. Ma!imum number of people surveyed is below 1@ years >. %ut of =?? people 1>Pare professionals( CPare businessman( -APare serviceman( and 1CP are students. 1. %ut of =?? respondents( C;P of consumers buy cold drinks and only >Pof them do not buy. @.1CP respondents prefer coke( 1=P prefer pepsi( 1-P ;up( 11 P of them prefersprite( CPfanta( =P prefer ma++a( and ->P prefer thumsup A.-@Ppeople purchase cold drinks because of taste(-?P people purchase cold drinks because of brand name(-?P people purchase cold drinks because of packaging(1@P people purchase cold drinks because of price ( 11P people purchase cold drinks because of brand ambassador =Ppeople purchase cold drinks because of easy avilability1Ppeople purchase cold drinks because of any other reason. ;. %ut of =?? consumers C=P have seen the advertisement and only -P have not seen the advertisement of any chips =.->P people remember the advertisement of coke( ->P people remember the advertisement of.pepsi( 1P people remember the advertisement of ;up( AP people remember the advertisement of sprite( 1P people remember the advertisement of fanta( 1?Ppeople remember the advertisement of ma++a( and ->P people remember the advertisement of.thumsup C.-1P people remember the advertisement because of creativity. -@P people remember the advertisement because of brand ambassador(11P people remember the advertisement because of their idea of delivering the message.(-@Ppeople remember the advertisement because of fre uency of add.1@P people remember the advertisement because of logical reason.


4. SUGGESTIONS O' t5% )"s(s ! ") /% study ! ** ?(', su,,%st( 's #"' )% ,(/%':
.erform a detail demand survey at regular interval to know about the uni ue needs and re uirements of the customer. "he company should make hindrance free arrangement for its customersNretailers to make any feedback or suggestions as and when they feel. "he company should focus to bring some more flavours and variety of schemes rather then bring second and repeat same old one. It is always better to be first than being better. "he company must be aware of and keep at least the latest knowledge of its primary competitors in market and try to make a perfect anticipated efforts to meet the same "he company should also use time to time some more and new attractive system of word of mouth advertisement to keep alive the general awareness in the whole market as a whole. "he company should be always in a position to receive continuous feedback and suggestions from its customersN consumers as well as from "he market and try to solve it without any delay to establish its own good credibility.. "he visibility of any product plays an important role in making the customer( aware about it and is vital for the growth and development of any product. 0or their advertisement they can also introduce a brand ambassador( because most of the consumers remember advertisement because of their brand ambassador. & strong watch should be kept on distributors also( because in some cases they are found to be cheating the retailers and affecting the goodwill of the BR&5).


)uring the course of the proDect I reali+ed that the customer willingly answered the closed end uestions. 0rom the analysis of the data collected and from the e!periences I have reached the following conclusions3 $%U/ is most popular amongst its users mainly because of its "&S"/( BR&5) 5&M/( I55%8&"I8/5/SS "hus it should focus on good taste so that it can capture the maDor part of the market. But most of the consumers prefer "26MS6. as their 1 st preference( then $%U/ <e come to the conclusion that visibility affects the sales of proDect in a very special way. &nd in terms of the advertisements lays is lacking behined(.mostly consumers remember the advertisement because of the fre uency of add and brand ambassadors (creativity. &fter ac uiring a new customer( there is lot of importance of its retention also. "his can be done only by providing e!tra flavors and good taste In today#s scenario( customer is the king because he has got various choices around him. If you are not capable of providing him the desired result he will definitely switch over to the other provider. "herefore to survive in this cutthroat competition( you need to be the best. $ustomer is no more loyal in today#s scenario( so you need to be always on your toes. <e feel that there is cutthroat competition between $%U/(./.SI("26MS6. so to be on top of mind of the customers they need to do something outstanding every time



Some of the respondents refused to fill the uestionnaires. "he responses may vary as some people did not want to come up with real answers. "he people were busy in their own work so they might not have given actual responses.. 'imitation of time. "he survey is conducted only in few areas of )elhi( *ha+iabadR hence the results may vary in other parts of the cities. Small sample si+e. &nd like any other research the limitation of personal bias of respondents limits the scope of the study.

"he findings are based on the survey conducted in the month of )/$/MB/R and B&56&R9R the results may vary in other months.



Uotler .hilip( EMarketing ManagementF( .earson /ducation. Beri *.$( EMarketing ResearchF( "hird /dition. $ooper )onald R. , Shindler .amela S( EBusiness Research MethodsF "ata Mc*raw42ill /dition /ighth. Schiffman 'eon *. , Uaunk 'eslie 'a+ar( E$onsumer BehaviorF .earson /ducation( /ighth /dition.

M","L('%s "'d . u$'"*s 1 p#s /onomic "imes WEBSITES:???.C #" # *".# + 666.peps'."o) SEARC@ ENGINE




2. AGE : 10-23 21-=0 =9-A0 A9-00 00 AND ABOVE =. DO y u d$(': # #" # *"D 9es 5o A. W5(#5 # *" d$(': d y u &$%!%$ + stD COBE PEPSI 8UP SPRITE FANTA MACA T@UMSUP


0. A) ut C *" d$(': ?5"t d y u *(:% t5% + stDGPLEASE RATE T@EM !$ + 1-9H BR&5) 5&M/ "&S"/ /&S9 &8&I'&BI'I"9 .&$U&*I5* .RI$/ BR&5) &MB&SS&)%R &59 %"2/R J.'/&S/ S./$I09K 9. @"/% y u s%%' "'y "d/%$t(s%+%'t ! ANY C *" d$(':sD 9es 5o 8. Ad/%$t(s%+%'t ! ?5(#5 C *" d$(':s d y u $%+%+)%$s t5% + stD COBE PEPSI 8 UP SPRITE FANTA MACCA T@UMSUP 4. W5"t "tt$"#t%d y u (' t5% "d/%$t(s%+%'tDG PLEASE RATE T@EM !$ + 1-=H $R/&"I8I"9 BR&5) &MB&SS&)%R I)/& %0 )/'I8/RI5* "2/ M/SS&*/ 0R/H6/5$9 %0 &)) '%*I$&' R/&S%5


7. @"/% y u d%#(d%d t &u$#5"s% "'y # ''%#t( ' "!t%$ ?"t#5(', t5% "d/%$t(s%+%'tD 9es 5o





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