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Router> Router>ena Router# sh run Building configuration... Current configuration : 3416 bytes version 12.4 no service ti esta !

s log dateti e sec no service ti esta !s debug dateti e sec no service !ass"ord#encry!tion hostna e Router i! ssh version 1 interface $oo!bac%1 i! address 1& 2''.2''.2''.( interface $oo!bac%2 i! address 1(.14'.14'.1 2''.2''.2''.( i!v6 address 2((1:41(:2:3::)64 eui#64 interface *ast+thernet()( i! address 1(.4.4.3 2''.2''.2''.( i! access#grou! 1(4 in du!le, auto s!eed auto interface *ast+thernet()1 no i! address du!le, auto s!eed auto shutdo"n interface -erial()()( band"idth 64 no i! address enca!sulation fra e#relay i! os!f authentication i! os!f authentication#%ey san#fran i! access#grou! 114 in interface -erial()()(.1 !oint#to#!oint i! address 1(.14(.3.2 2''.2''.2''.( fra e#relay interface#dlci 12( interface -erial()()1 band"idth 64 i! address 1(.4'.4'.1 2''.2''.2''.( i! os!f authentication i! os!f authentication#%ey san#fran i! access#grou! 1(2 in i!v6 address 2((1:41(:2:1(::)64 eui#64 interface -erial()1)( no i! address shutdo"n interface -erial()1)1 no i! address shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)( s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)1 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)2 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)3 s"itch!ort ode access

shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)4 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)' s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)6 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)& s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1). s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)/ s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)1( s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)11 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)12 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)13 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)14 s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface *ast+thernet1)1' s"itch!ort ode access shutdo"n interface 0lan1 no i! address shutdo"n router eigr! 1(( net"or% 1(.(.(.( net"or% 1&2.16.(.( net"or% 1/2.16..2.( no auto#su ary 1 router os!f 1(( log#ad2acency#changes net"or% 1(.4.4.3 (.(.(.( area ( net"or% 1(.4'.4'.1 (.(.(.( area ( net"or% 1(.14(.3.2 (.(.(.( area ( net"or% 1/2.16..2.62 (.(.(.( area ( 1 router ri! version 2 net"or% 1(.(.(.( net"or% 1&2.16.(.( 1 i! classless 1

access#list 1(2 !er it tc! any any e3 ft! access#list 1(2 deny tc! any any e3 telnet access#list 1(2 deny ic ! any any echo#re!ly access#list 1(2 !er it i! any any access#list 1(4 !er it tc! any any e3 ft! access#list 1(4 deny tc! any any e3 telnet access#list 1(4 !er it ic ! any any echo access#list 1(4 deny ic ! any any echo#re!ly access#list 1(4 !er it i! any any access#list 1(6 !er it tc! any any e3 ft! access#list 1(6 deny tc! any any e3 telnet access#list 1(6 !er it ic ! any any echo#re!ly access#list 11( !er it ud! any any e3 do ain access#list 11( !er it tc! any any access#list 114 !er it i! 1(.4.4.( (.(.(.2'' any access#list 11' !er it i! (.(.(.( 2''.2''.2''.( any access#list 122 deny tc! any any access#list 122 deny ic ! any any echo#re!ly access#list 122 !er it i! any any 1 1 1 1 1 line con ( line vty ( 4 !ass"ord cisco login line vty ' 1' !ass"ord cisco login end Question 1: Which will fix the issue and allow ONLY ping to work while keeping telnet disabled? A !orrectl" assign an #$ address to interface fa%&1 ' !hange the ip access group co((and on fa%&% fro( )in) to )out) ! *e(o+e access group 1%, in fro( interface fa%&% and add access group 11- in. / *e(o+e access group 1%0 out fro( interface s%&%&% and add access group 111 in E - Remove access-group 106 in from interface fa0/0 and add access-group 104 in Question 1 Answer: 2 2xplanation: Let3s ha+e a look at the access list 1%1: access list 1%1 per(it tcp an" an" e4 ftp access list 1%1 per(it tcp an" an" e4 ftp data access list 1%1 den" tcp an" an" e4 telnet access list 1%1 per(it ic(p an" an" echo access list 1%1 den" ic(p an" an" echo repl" access list 1%1 per(it ip an" an" 5he 4uestion does not ask about ftp traffic so we don3t care about the two first lines. 5he 6rd line denies all telnet traffic and the 1th line allows ic(p traffic to be sent 7ping8. *e(e(ber that the access list 1%1 is applied on the inbound direction so the -th line )access list 1%1 den" ic(p an" an" echo repl") will not affect our ic(p traffic because the )echo repl") (essage will be sent o+er the outbound direction.

Question 0: What would be the effect of issuing the co((and ip access group 111 in to the fa%&% interface? A Atte(pts to telnet to the router would fail B - It would allow all traffic from the networ ! #$ traffic would be passed through the interface but 5!$ and 9/$ traffic would not / *outing protocol updates for the 1%.1.1.% network would not be accepted fro( the fa%&% interface Question 0: Answer: ' 2xplanation: :ro( the output of access list 111: access list 111 per(it ip 1%.1.1.% %.%.%.0-- an" we can easil" understand that this access list allows all traffic 7ip8 fro( 1%.1.1.%&01 network Question 6: What would be the effect of issuing the co((and access group 11- in on the s%&%&1 interface? ! - "o host could connect to Router through s0/0/1 ' 5elnet and ping would work but routing updates would fail. ! :5$; :5$ /A5A; echo; and www would work but telnet would fail / Onl" traffic fro( the 1%.1.1.% network would pass through the interface Question 6: Answer: A 2xplanation: :irst let3s see what was configured on interface <%&%&1: interface <erial%&%&1 bandwidth ,1 ip address 1%.1-.1-.1 0--.0--.0--.% ip access group 1%0 in ip authentication (ode eigrp 1%% (dip authentication ke" chain eigrp 1%% icndchain ip ospf authentication ip ospf authentication ke" san fran ip+, address 0%%1:11%:0:1%::&,1 eui ,1 *ecall that each interface onl" accepts one access list; so when using the co((and =ip access group 11- in> on the s%&%&1 interface it will o+erwrite the initial access list 1%0. 5herefore an" telnet connection will be accepted 7so we can eli(inate answer !8. ' is not correct because if telnet and ping can work then routing updates can; too. / is not correct because access list 11- does not (ention about 1%.1.1.% network. <o the (ost reasonable answer is A. 'ut here raise a 4uestion? 5he wildcard (ask of access list 11-; which is 0--.0--.0--.%; (eans that onl" host with ip addresses in the for( of x.x.x.% will be accepted. 'ut we all know that x.x.x.% is likel" to be a network address so the answer A: =no host could connect to *outer through s%&%&1> see(s right? 'ut what will happen if we don@t use a subnet (ask of 0--.0--.0--.%? :or exa(ple we can use an ip address of 1%.1-.1-.% 0--.0--.%.%; such a host with that ip address exists and we can connect to the router through that host. Now answer A see(s incorrectA $lease co((ent if "ou ha+e an" idea for this si(A

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