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Brian Williams 2020 F St, NW Apt 518 Washington, DC 20006 (617) 686-3621 January 2, 2014 Mr.

Donald Shearer Director of Health Care Operations Administration The Department of Health Care Finance 441 4th St NW, 900S Washington, DC 20001 Dear Mr. Shearer, My name is Brian Williams; I just recently applied for the 22082-Project Manager position. I was referred to this position by a former classmate of mine, Ben Williams, who currently works for DHCF in the Division of Eligibility Policy. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my excitement for this opportunity, and to briefly explain how I believe my background makes me ideally-suited for this position. After graduating from The George Washington University Masters of Health Administration program in 2010, I worked for three years in Operations at the GW Medical Faculty Associates. Working directly under the Director of Operations, Ms. Tanya Keys, I gained a wealth of experience in the field of health care operations and management. I unfortunately had to resign this position in order to briefly return home to Massachusetts to attend to some family health issues. I left on excellent terms, however, as you are welcome to verify through my references, which are attached to this letter as well as listed in my application, submitted online December 31, 2013. I have also attached a letter of reference provided by a supervisor with whom I worked closely on a wide range of projects. I am confident that my strong educational background and previous experience in Operations and Administration would make me a valuable addition to your already dynamic team. My strong organizational skills, goal-driven approach to projects, and tireless drive to excel in whatever task I am engaged in have brought me professional success and made me a valuable asset to my employers and to the populations they serve. As you can see from my resume, I have expertise in managing large-scale projects that call for both an eye for detail as well as an understanding of the big picture, and a demonstrated record of delivering on tight deadlines. I believe that my professional experience and proven work ethic make me an ideal candidate for this position. Furthermore, my experience living, studying, and working in the District on a wide range of health care operational issues has given me great insight into the health care needs of the populations served by DHCF. I am excited for this opportunity to join in these efforts, and would welcome any opportunity to discuss this position further. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email, listed above and on the attached resume. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sincerely, Brian C. Williams

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