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Theme 1: Investigating Living Things

SECTION A Arahan: Setiap soalan diikuti dengan empat pilihan jawapan A, B, C dan D. Pilih jawapan yang betul. Microorganisms are Living Things 1 Microorganisms are... Mikriorganisma adalah. A B C D living things that have wings. Hidupan yang mempunyai kepak. living things that live in water. Hidupan yang tinggal di air. small living things that can be seen with the naked eye. Benda hidup yang halus yang boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar. very tiny living things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Hidupan yang sangat halus yang tidak boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar.

Which of the following is not a microorganism? Manakah di antara berikut bukan mikroorganisma? A B Bird Burung Virus Virus C D Bacterium Bakteria Protozoan Protozoa

Which of the following is a microorganism? Manakah antara berikut mikroorganisma? A B

Which of the following microorganisms are bacteria? Yang manakah di antara berikut adalah bacteria? I III


A B C D 5

I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

Which of the following devices can be used to observe microorganisms? Manakah alat di bawah digunakan untuk melihat mikroorganisma? I III


A B C D 6

I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

Aisyah makes dough by mixing the following ingredients. Aisyah membuat adunan menggunakan bahan-bahan di bawah. Flour, warm water, dried yeast, sugar Tepung, Air suam, Ragi, Gula After 20 minutes, the dough rises. This is because Selepas 20 minit didapati adunan tersebut naik. Ini kerana A B the yeast dies. Yis telah mati. the yeast grows. Yis membesar. C D the yeast moves. Yis bergerak the yeast breathes. Yis bernafas 2

The picture below shows the condition of a slice of mouldy bread after a number of days. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan keadaan sekeping roti yang berkulat selepas beberapa hari.

After 1 day

After 5 days

After 9 days

After 12 days

What conclusion can be drawn from the observation of the condition of the bread? Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan pemerhatian tersebut? A B The mould grows. Kulat membiak. The mould moves. Kulat bergerak. C D The mould breathes. Kulat bernafas. The mould responds to stimuli. Kulat bergerak balas terhadap rangsangan

The picture below shows a rotten orange. X is a type of microorganism that grows on the orange. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan sebiji oren yang telah rosak. X adalah mikroorganisma yang membiak pada oren tersebut. X

What is microorganism X? Apakah mikroorganisma X? A B Mite Kutu Virus Virus C D Fungus Kulat Bacterium Bakteria

Microorganisms are used in making Mikroorganisma digunakan untuk membuat.. I tapai. II tempeh. III fertilizers. (Baja) A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III 3

10 Which of the following microorganisms is used in making bread? Manakah antara berikut digunakan untuk membuat roti? A B Yeast Yis Virus Virus C D Bacterium Bakteria Protozoan Protozoa

11 The picture below shows tooth decay. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan gigi mereput.

It is caused by a Ini disebabkan oleh A mite. Kutu B virus. Virus C D fungus kulat bacterium bakteria

12 Which of the following diseases is correctly matched with the cause? Manakah pasanganberikut benar antara penyakit dengan puncanya? Disease Penyakit A B C D Flu Selsema Mumps Beguk Scabies Kudis Measles Campak Cause Punca Virus virus Fungus kulat Bacterium Bakteria Protozoan Protozoa

13 Which of the following are the harmful effects of microorganisms? Antara berikut manakah kesan buruk mikroorganisma? I Causing illness Menyebabkan penyakit II Causing food poisoning Menyebabkan keracunan makanan III Causing food to turn bad Menyebabkan makanan rosak A B I and II only I and III only 4 C D II and III only I, II and III

14 A few diseases are listed below. Beberapa penyakit berjangkit telah disenaraikan di bawah. AIDS Mumps Chickenpox

All these diseases are caused by Semua tersebut disebabkan oleh A B C D viruses. fungi. bacteria. protozoa.

15 Which of the following diseases are caused by microorganisms? Manakah penyakit berikut disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma?




I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

16 Tania has contracted chickenpox. She is being quarantined in her room for a few days until she gets well. This is to ensure that Tania telah mengalami cacar air. Beliau dikuarantin selama beberapa hari di dalam biliknya. Ini bertujuan memastikan.. A B C D she gets a good rest. Dia mendapat rehat secukupnya. she gets well as soon as possible. Beliau cepat sembuh. she will not get chickenpox again in the future. Beliau tidak dihinggapi cacar air lagi. she does not spread chickenpox to another person. Beliau tidak menyebarkan cacar air kepada orang lain. 5

17 Which of the following are ways of preventing diseases caused by microorganisms from spreading? Antara berikut langkah manakah yang boleh mengelakkan penyakit berjangkit? I II III IV Cover open wounds Membalut luka Cover the mouth when coughing Tutup mulut ketika batuk Wash hands after using the toilet Basuh tangan selepas keluar dari tandas Wash hands before handling food Basuh tangan sebelum makan I, II and III only I, III and IV only II, III and IV only I, II, III and IV


18 Which of the following animals takes care of its eggs? Haiwan yang manakah yang menjaga telurnya?

19 Which of the following can help birds ensure the survival of their species? Antara berikut yang manakah dapat menjamin kemandirian spesisnya? I Nests are built at high places Bina sarang di tempat tinggi II Producing many eggs Bertelur banyak III Take care of their eggs until the eggs hatch Menjaga telur hingga menetas IV Feeding their young Memberikan makanan pada anaknya A B C D II only I and III only I, III and IV only II, III and IV only 6

20 What is the meaning of survival? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kemandirian? A The way animals lay eggs or give birth Cara haiwan bertelur dan beranak B The process of reproducing living things Proses pembiakan benda hidup C The interaction between living things in a habitat Interaksi antara benda hidup dalam suatu habitat D The ability of living things to continue to live in spite of difficulty or danger Kebolehan benda hidup mengekalkan hidup dari kesusahan dan bahaya 21 The characteristics of an animal are shown below. Di bawah adalah cirri-ciri haiwan. Returns to land to lay eggs Naik ke darat untuk bertelur Lays many eggs Bertelur banyak Hides its eggs Menyembunyikan telur

What is the animal? Apakah haiwan tersebut? A B C D A frog (katak) A snake (ular) A turtle (penyu) A crocodile (buaya)

22 Animal X lives in a herd. The young are always in the midst of the adult animals. Which of the following animals is animal X? Haiwan X hidup berkumpulan. Anaknya sentiasa berada di tengah kawanan dewasa. Haiwan manakah yang dimaksudkan haiwan X?

23 The picture below shows three animals. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan tiga jenis haiwan

Which of the following are similarities between the three animals? Antara berikut yang manakah persamaan antara haiwan tersebut? I Take care of their eggs Menjaga telurnya II Lay eggs in water Bertelur di dalam air III Lay many eggs Bertelur banyak IV Do not take care of their eggs and their young Tidak menjaga telur dan anaknya A B C D I and II only III and IV only I, II and III only II, III and IV only

24 Which of the following statements about an eagle is true? Manakah penyataan berikut benar tentang helang? A Lays many eggs Bertelur banyak B Feeds its young Member makan anaknya C Other animals hatch its eggs Haiwan lain mengeram telurnya D Leaves its young after the eggs hatch Meninggalkan telurnya apabila menetas 25 Plants ensure the survival of their species by Tumbuhan memastikan kemandirian spesisnya dengan A dispersing their seeds. Menyebarkan biji benih B making food. Menbuat makanan C dropping their leaves. Menggugurkan daun D responding to light. Bertindak balas terhadap cahaya 8

26 The picture below shows four types of fruits or seeds. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan empat jenis biji benih. I II



Which seeds are dispersed by animals? Manakah biji benih yang sebarkan oleh haiwan? A B C D I and II only II and III only III and IV only II, III and IV only

27 The list below shows the characteristics of four fruits, P, Q, R and S. Senarai di bawah menunjukkan cirri-ciri empat jenis buah P,Q, R dan S. P Q R S It has wing-like structures. berkepak It is bright in colour. Warna yang terang It has a nice smell. Bau yang menarik It is light. Ringan

Which characteristics help in the dispersal of seeds by the wind? Ciri yang manakah menunjukkan buah tersebut disebarkan oleh angin? A B C D S only P and Q only Q and S only P and S only

28 The picture below shows three types of fruits. The seeds of these fruits are dispersed by animals. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan tiga jenis buah. Biji benih benih buah tersebut di sebarkan oleh haiwan.

Which of the following characteristics attracts animals to the fruits? Manakah cirri-ciri berikut yang menarik haiwan kepadanya? A B C D The size ( saiz) The seeds (biji benih) The shape (bentuk) The colour and the taste (warna dan rasa)

29 The picture below shows two types of fruits. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan dua jenis buah.

The seeds of the fruits are dispersed by Biji benih dari buah tersebut disebarkan oleh A B C D water.(air) animals.(haiwan) the wind. (angin) explosive mechanism.(mekanisma letupan)

30 Fiona finds bird droppings in her garden. She can see that there are some seeds in the bird droppings. What seeds are found in the bird droppings? Fiona mendapati terdapat najis burung di kebunnya. Beliau mendapati terdapat beberapa biji benih dalam najis burung tersebut. Apakah biji benih yang terdapat dalam najis burung tersebut? A Guava seeds Biji jambu batu B Durian seeds Biji durian C D Mango seeds Biji mangga Angsana seeds Biji angsana



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