Lab Write Up: AP Bio Transpiration Lab

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Part A: Transpiration When a plant absorbs water, not all of it is used.

It is instead lost through transpiration, the evaporation of water through the leaf surface and stomata. Transpiration is also the major process that powers the movement of water throughout a plant. The movement of water through a plant is due to water potential. Water always flows from areas of high water potential to areas of low water potential. owever, the actual movement of water is favilitated by osmosis, root pressure, and adhesion and cohesion. Water also evaporates due to guttation. !uttation, which is the loss of water from the vascular tissues in the margins of leaves, is caused when root pressure pushes water up from the roots into leaves and stems. !uttation occurs during the night when stomata are closed and transpiration is over. When water moves through a plant, it first undergoes osmosis which creates root pressure that forces the water upward. owever, transpiration soon ta"es over and #pulls$ the water up through the plant. This #pull$ is increased by water%s properties of adhesion and cohesion. Pressure begins to builds up in the leaves, and prevents the movement of water bac" down. Then transpiration and guttation occur. &oss of water through transpiration is controlled by the opening and closing of the stomata depending on environmental conditions such as rain, sun, humidity, wind, and temperature. 'aterials: (. ).( m& pipette *. clamp on a ring stand +. (, in clear plastic tubing -. plant leaf with steam .. water ,. plastic bag /. food coloring0blue1 2. syringe 3. petroleum jelly (). s4uirt bottle Problem5 ypothesis56ontrol: a1 7oes the rate of transpiration in plants occur faster in light or in the dar"8 b1 If the environment affects the rate of transpiration of plants than the plant in room conditions will transpire more than the plant in the misty environment because the stomata opens bigger when there is a low water potential in the environment, therefore allowing more transpiration to occur. c1 The control group is the plant in regular room conditions. Abstract: This lab tested the rate of transpiration when the environment was changed. 9ne set:up was placed in room conditions and another set:up was placed in a plastic bag and misted, for the e;perimental of #misty environment$. <ach plant was then chec"ed on in +:minute intervals for +) minutes to see if the plant had transpired and loss any water. After +) minutes the set:up placed in room conditions lost .)+ m& of water and lost water 2.++ m& per m*. The e;perimental group lost ).)). m& of water and lost water (..,*. m& per m*. Therefore the set:up in the dar" transpired less than the one in room conditions. Procedure5Protocol

(. Place the tip of a ).(:m& pipette into a (,:inch piece of clear plastic tubing *. =ubmerge the tubing and pipette in a shallow tray of water. 7raw water through the tubing until all bubbles are eliminated. +. 6arefully cut the plant stem under water. This step is very important, because no air bubbles must be introduced into the ;ylem. -. While your plant and tubing are submerged, insert the freshly cut stem into the open end of the tubing. .. >end the tubing upward into a #?$ and use the clamp on a ring stand to hold both the pipette and the tubing ,. If necessary, use petroleum jelly to ma"e an airtight seal surrounding the steam after it has been inserted into the tube. 'a"e sure that the end of the stem is immersed in the water. 7o not put petroleum jelly on the cut end of the stem. /. &et the potometer e4uilibrate for () minutes before recording the time @ero reading. :Aepeat steps (:/ to create a second setup 0one will be placed in room conditions, the other in a #misty environment$1: 2. Aead the level of water in the pipette at the beginning of your e;periment 0time @ero1 and record your finding in Table 3.( 3. 6ontinue to record the water level in the pipette every + minutes for +) minutes and record the data in Table 3.( (). 6alculate the water loss per s4uare meter of leaf surface by dividing the water loss at each reading 0Table 3.(1 by the leaf surface area you calculated. Aecord your results in Table 3.* ((. Aecord the averages of the class data for each treatment in Table 3.+ 7ata: 6ontrol Time 0 3 6 (min) Readin .( .)3 .)2 g (mL) Water ) .)( .)* Loss (mL) Water ) *.// .... Loss per m2 =urface area of leaf: .))+, m*

9 .)2 .)* ....

12 .)/3 .)*). ..,3

15 .)// .)*+ ,.+2

18 .)/. .)*. ,.3-

21 .)/.)*, /.**

24 .)/+ .)*/ /..

27 .)/* .)*2 /./

30 .)/ .)+ 2.++

<;perimental: 'ist Time 0 3 6 9 (min) Readin .( .( .)3. .)3. g (mL) Water ) ) .)). .)). Loss (mL) Water ) ) (..,* (..,* Loss . . per m2 =urface area of leaf: .))+* m*

12 .)3. .)). (..,* .

15 .)3. .)). (..,* .

18 .)3. .)). (..,* .

21 .)3. .)). (..,* .

24 .)3. .)). (..,* .

27 .)3. .)). (..,* .

30 .)3. .)). (..,*.

Analysis56onclusion: (. 6alculate the rate 0average amount of water loss per minute per s4uare meter1 for each of the treatments. Aoom: B ).(). m*5minute 7ar": B ).) m*5minute 'ist: B ).) m*5minute &ight: B ).-(+ m*5minute Co &eaves: B ).) m*5minute
Condition "ar# E e!t "e!rease Reason Co light would not allow the stomata to open big which causes a decrease in transpiration Co leaves means there is no way for the leaf to lose water, it destroys the system of transpiration with no leaves. An increase in light would cause the plant to transpire more because the stomata would open bigger There is more water outside of the plant than inside which means the leaf does not need to transpire and the stomata will close "eeping the water inside..

$o Lea%es






+. E)p*ain t&e ro*e o +ater potentia* in t&e mo%ement o +ater rom soi* t&ro,g& t&e p*ant and into t&e air-

The water potential defines whether the plant will ta"e up water or not. Dor e;ample, If there is low water potential in the plant, the water will move up into the plant. -. W&at is t&e ad%antage o !*osed stomata to a p*ant +&en +ater is in s&ort s,pp*./ W&at are t&6e disad%antages/ The closed stomata prevents water being lost to the environment by transpiration. owever, closing stomata prevents the e;change of gases in plants and limits their carbon supplies. .. "es!ri0e se%era* adaptations t&at ena0*e p*ants to red,!e +ater *oss rom t&eir *ea%es- 'n!*,de 0ot& str,!t,ra* and p&.sio*ogi!a* adaptations=tructural:9pening and closing the stomata, guard cells Physiological:Potassium pumps let water enter the guard cells ,. W&. did .o, need to !a*!,*ate *ea s,r a!e area in ta0,*ating .o,r res,*ts/ The surface area has to be calculated because this greatly affects the amount of water lost through transpiration. =maller leaves may lose less water than the larger ones, but by calculated water loss by surface area creates comparable data that is constant and consistent. To calculate the water loss per s4uare meter of leaf surface we had to divide the water loss at each reading by the leaf surface area that was calculated.

(. E&ab 3 Transpiration <;ample * Ap.E Lab 9 Transpiration Example 2 Ap. C.p.,

n.d. Web. ), Fan. *)(-. Ghttp:55www.biologyjunction.com5labH3HtranspirationHe;ampleH*Hap.htmI.

*. Writer, 6ontributing. EWhat Are the 6auses of !uttation in Plants8E EHow.

7emand 'edia, */ 'ay *))3. Web. ), Fan. *)(-. Ghttp:55www.ehow.com5aboutH.).*/*/Hcauses:guttation:plants.htmlI.

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