Cellular Transport WKST

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Name_________________________ Date___________ Pd______

Cellular Transport Worksheet

Answer the following questions using your notes and your textbook mostly pp!"#$%"#&' but you may need information from other parts of the book(! )*+)*,*

Copy the pi-tures below' and write the -orre-t type of solution underneath isotoni-' hypertoni-' or hypotoni-(




__________toni- means there is a ./0AT0/ -on-entration of solute mole-ules )1T*,D0 the -ell than inside! __________ toni- means there is a 2)W0/ -on-entration of solute mole-ules )1T*,D0 the -ell than inside! __________toni- means there is the *A+0 -on-entration of solute mole-ules outside the -ell as inside!

The *W022,N. AND 31/*T,N. of animal -ells when water enters is -alled _________________________! This happens when a -ell is pla-ed in a _________toni- solution!

The *4/,N5,N. of plant -ells when water lea6es so the -ell membrane pulls away from the -ell wall is -alled __________________________! ,t happens when a plant -ell is pla-ed into __________toni- solution!

The shrinking of AN,+A2 -ells that are pla-ed in a 47P0/T)N,C solution is -alled ______________________!

Cells stay the same si8e when pla-ed in an ________toni- solution be-ause the amount of water lea6ing the -ell is the same and the amount of water entering!

+12T,P20 C4),C09 Cir-le and:or fill%in the answer s( that best -ompletes the senten-e!
The substan-e that dissol6es to make a solution is -alled the ___________________ A! diffuser 3! sol6ent C! solute D! -on-entrate During diffusion mole-ules tend to mo6e _____________________ A! up the -on-entration gradient 3! down the -on-entration gradient C! from an area of lower -on-entration to an area of higher -on-entration D! in a dire-tion that doesn;t depend on -on-entration When the A! 3! C! D! -on-entration of a solute inside and outside a -ell is the same' the -ell has rea-hed___________! maximum -on-entration homeostasis osmoti- pressure equilibrium

The diffusion of water a-ross a sele-ti6ely permeable membrane is -alled ________________! A! a-ti6e transport 3! fa-ilitated diffusion C! osmosis D! phago-ytosis 0nergy for a-ti6e transport -omes from a -ell;s ___________________! A! .olgi -omplex 3! nu-leus C! mito-hondria D! lysosomes ________________ transport requires energy from ATP to mo6e substan-es a-ross membranes! A! Passi6e 3! A-ti6e

All of the A! 3! C! D!

following are kinds of passi6e transport 0<C0PT ________________________ diffusion fa-ilitated diffusion osmosis ion -hannels

When mole-ules mo6e D)WN the -on-entration gradient it means they are mo6ing from ______________ A! an area of low -on-entration to an area of higher -on-entration 3! an area of high -on-entration to an area of lower -on-entration The pressure exerted by water mo6ing during osmosis is -alled __________________ pressure! A! toni3! diffusion C! osmoti-

.ases like oxygen and -arbon dioxide mo6e a-ross -ell membranes using _____________________ A! ion -hannels 3! diffusion C! fa-ilitated diffusion

Complete the transport terms! *ome of the letters ha6e been filled in=
$! A-ti6e transport requires _0_ __ __ __ __ __ to mo6e mole-ules a-ross membranes! "! _A_ __ __ is the mole-ule that pro6ides the energy for a-ti6e transport! >! _D_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __mo6es oxygen and -arbon dioxide mole-ules from a high -on-entration to low -on-entration a-ross membranes! ?! The -ell organelles that burns glu-ose and pro6ides ATP for a-ti6e transport are the _+_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __' @! Water mo6es a-ross membranes by _)_ __ __ __ __ __ __! &! A small membrane sa- used to transport substan-es during exo-ytosis A endo-ytosis B _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __ D! _P_ __ __ __ __ __ __ transport does N)T /0E1,/0 energy! F! A -ell pla-ed in an _,_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ solution neither swells or shrinks be-ause the -on-entration of mole-ules outside the -ell is the same as inside! G! A solution in whi-h there is a 4,.40/ -on-entration of mole-ules )1T*,D0 the -ell than inside B _4_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __! $#! A C)NC0NT/AT,)N _._ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ forms whene6er there is a differen-e in -on-entration between one pla-e and another! $$! A solution in whi-h the -on-entration of mole-ules outside the -ell is 2)W0/ than inside B _4_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __! $"! When mole-ules mo6e from high to low along a -on-entration gradient we say they are mo6ing H_D_ __ __ __I the gradient! $>! _)_ __ __ __ __ __ __ pressure is -aused by water inside a plant -ell pushing against the -ell wall! $?! The shrinking of a plant -ell membrane away from the -ell wall when pla-ed in a hypertoni- solution is -alled _P_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __! $@! The swelling and bursting of animal -ells when pla-ed in a hypotoni- solution is -alled _C_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __!

2))5 AT T40 D,A./A+*! The bla-k dots represent solute mole-ules dissol6ed in water ,n whi-h beaker is the -on-entration of solute the greatestJ A or 3

,f the solute dots( in this diagram is unable to pass through the di6iding membrane' what will happenJ 3

A! the water le6el will rise on the right side of the tube 3! the water le6el will rise on the left side of the tube C! the water le6el will stay equal on the two sides

A! ,sotoni-

+at-h the des-ription with the solution type9

_____ solution with a lower solute -on-entration more water( _____ solution in whi-h the solute -on-entration is the same _____ -ondition plant -ells require _____ -ondition that animal -ells require _____ red blood -ell bursts -ytolysis( _____ plant shrinks Plasmolysis( _____ solution with a higher solute -on-entration less water( _____ solution with a high water -on-entration

3! 4ypertoniC! 4ypotoni-

2abel the toni-ity for ea-h solution isotoni-' hypotoni-' or hypertoni-(9 Pay -lose attention to the arrows===







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