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Good morning and welcome to intellectual forum. On my left side we

have Dr Kiu from University Science Malaysia, Professor Arasu from University Malaysia Kelantan and Mr. Faris from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Kota Bharu. The topic for our discussion for today is factors of the inequality in higher educational institution and its implication to individual, family, society and the nation. Moderator : Doctor, what do you think of this condition plaguing our current

generation? Dr. Kiu : Thanks to mr Moderator and good morning to the audience. In my

opinion, their interests play an important role in this issue. As you know, males are generally in physically challenging type-of-course. Engineering for example is dominated by male students while on the other hand females are generally motherly and they prefer theory-based courses and put less time in physical activity. Therefore, often we see females dominated in feminism courses such as teaching, medic and culinary. Morderator : Prof, what do have to say about personal preference between the two

genders in selecting the appropriate course for them? Professor Arasu: thank you Mr Moderator. I have a strong reason to believe that males

dont seem to be interested in pursuing their study to a hig her level. To them, PMR and SPM results are more than enough to support their daily needs. Contrary to females, they think that pursuing study to a higher level is still valid and vital especially in this very economic era. They need the degree and certificate to help them establish a more secure life insurance and with that they could also apply for a high paying job. Moderator : I have to agree on both reason, they are indeed very solid. Our next guest Mr Faris might have a different view on our main discussion today. What do you think about the growing numbers of females students compare to males in higher educational institutions? Mr faris : Thank mr moderator and good morning to all of you here. While females population is growing in higher educational institutions, we cannot simply ignore the fact that there are still conservative families that stick to the old ways. Women in our country from rural area might not get the chance to further their study not because they cannot but because of their family and local society stigma. Women are expected to be at home cooking meals for

husband and such. Simply put, they do not need higher education to do all the house chores. That said, there are quite a number of women who do not pursue their study because of this stigma. Moderator : thats true, so how do you feel about that? What would be the impacts to one individual and family? Mr faris : to me, as a student, not being able to pursue my study would be a huge disadvantage. Seeing all my friends succeeded in their life would make me sad knowing I could do the same too. It is also not fair when people generalize that males dominated one particular field when obviously females deserve a fair chance too. It would not be fair for both of us. This would make females scared to join a particular course dominated by men because of this clich. Moderator : I cant help but to agree. Professor, what do you have to say about the impact on society considering now, people start opening their mind to do select whatever course they prefer in pursuing regardless of the gender dominance. Prof. faris : it could be a huge jump start to something innovative. Now males are into culinary and they seem to be really good at it. some of them make their way into fashion designing which we know for a fact that it is dominated by females. Regardless of how society view the current trend, it is safe to say that many doors are open to new possibilities. Females can do more and men have different field to pursue into. This has been nothing but a vast eye opener especially to conservative society. Moderator : it also can be a medium for both genders to compete in a healthy way. Would it bring benefits to the nation if the inequality still present in the future? Dr Kiu : definitely, inequality would do nothing but harm to the nation. A variety is a must especially when it comes to higher level educational institutions. Males are not entitled to a certain field and neither do females. It is a stigma we have to erase. Women today have started to get themselves involve in automotive. It can be said that it can be beneficial to the nation when women start taking a different approach in certain field. Apart from generating economy, men can pursue education in many areas that they prefer and that include a female-dominated area such as fashion designing. It opens up various possibility and job offers in a country.


: we have seen all the good and bad inequality could bring. We need to start taking steps to erase this issue. Teachers on the other hand should equally treat their students and always get both gender involve in class activity because it all begins at school.

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