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1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.


1.2.1 Format of SPM Bahasa Inggeris 1119/1 Section Time Marks Type of questions Directed Writing article speech 45 min. 1 35 report letter dialogues Continuous Writing descriptive narrative 1 hr. Choose 1 from 5 topics 50 discussive reflective abstract No. of questions


Format Of SPM Bahasa Inggeris 1119/2 Time 25 min. 25 min. 50 min. 35 min. No of questions 15 10 6 3 Marks 15 10 25 25 Type of questions Based on stimuli and rational cloze: Graphic materials & short text Rational cloze Information transfer (structured responses) Comprehension(5) & summary writing(1) Literature component Poem : 1 question Short story : 1 question Novel : 1 question

Section A B C D

1.3 ANALYSIS OF PAST YEARS QUESTIONS PAPER 1 1.3.1 SECTION A : DIRECTED WRITING Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Topics An article for school newsletter A talk on road safety A formal letter to a class teacher (trip) A report to principal about the school canteen An informal letter (to a friend) An informal letter (to a friend)


SECTION B : CONTINUOUS WRITING SPM 1119/2, 2003 (a) (b) A day you wished had never happened You have been given a chance to visit a country of your choice. Which country would you choose and why? An invention you cannot live without Friends Write a story that ends with: If only I had listened to his / her advice.

(c) (d) (e)

SPM 1119/2, 2004 (a) (b) Describe a festival celebrated in your area. Write a story ending with: We have never laughed so much in our lives. My ideal school. How can we help promote tourism in Malaysia Clothes

(c) (d) (e)

SPM 1119/2, 2005 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Describe the biggest challenge in your life Write a story with the title : An Unexpected Visitor How to keep oneself healthy If you were given a chance to be anybody, who would you want to be and why? Music

SPM 1119/2, 2006 (a) (b) Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced. Write a story ending with: If only I had been more careful, that wouldnt have happened. What changes would you like to see in your life in the next ten years? How can television help students in their studies? Food

(c) (d) (e)

PAPER 2 1.3.3 SECTION A 15 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1.3.4 Advertisements Notices / Signs Graphs / Charts Tables Newspaper clippings Short texts Announcements Comic strips

SECTION B Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Stimulus Tour Brochure Tasik Kenyir Advertisements Article Mind-map Travel Brochure Book Reviews Advertisement Mind Map


SECTION C Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Types of passages Extract from magazine Narrative Extract from magazine Factual Extract from magazine Narrative Extract from newspaper Descriptive Extract from magazine Descriptive Extract from newspaper Factual


SECTION D Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Poems Si Tenggangs Homecoming If Monsoon History Sonnet 18 Si Tenggangs Homecoming The Road Not Taken Short Stories The Necklace The Sound Machine The Drovers Wife The Lotus Eater Looking for a Rain God The Drovers Wife Novel Favourite character An important moral lesson Character you sympathize with Most memorable event & reasons Theme of Love in a family Determined character



PAPER 1 1.4.1 Tips for Directed Writing a. The question may require only one of the following : Descriptions of processes and procedures. Presenting opinions on social/current issues. Descriptive / narrative / argumentative / expository compositions Reports Speeches Interviews

Stories with moral values b. Students are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section, c. Read the question and stimulus carefully and determine your answer format is it a letter (formal / informal), a speech, a report, etc. d. Make sure to include all the vital information to fulfill the required task. e. Expand each main point to gain more marks. f. Use the style or tone that is suitable for the answer. g. To make your answer interesting, use various effective expressions, markers, linkers and suitable vocabulary. h. Plan your composition well to gain more marks. i. A good ending or conclusion will also benefit you. j. Remember to check your answer for any spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. k. Do not spend too much time on this part so that you will have enough time for your continuous writing. l. The required length is about 200 - 300 words.


Tips for Continuous Writing a. Students are required to choose one out of the five topics. b. The topics fall in the range of: narrative composition argumentative composition descriptive composition reflective composition

expository or factual composition open essays c. Students should spend one hour on this section. d. Read and understand all the questions given and choose a topic carefully, weighing all the points that you have. e. Plan an outline for the topic such as using mind-maps. f. Be original and creative especially in your introductory sentence and concluding sentence or paragraph. g. Avoid writing sentences that are too long or boring to read. Write as neatly as possible. h. Use quotations to make your essay more interesting. Avoid using bombastic words which are irrelevant. i. Write in paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a main point and its supporting details. Paragraphs should be linked. j. Use the appropriate tone and style to create the mood that you want. k. Make sure your composition fulfills the required length of about 350 words. l. Time yourself and leave at least 10 minutes for checking. m. Remember to edit or check your composition for any errors in spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. n. Use sentences of various lengths, figurative expressions, direct speech.

PAPER 2 1.4.3 Tips for Section A

Graphic Materials and Short Texts a. This part consists of 8 multiple-choice questions: b. Read the question first and then look at the information given to find the answer. c. Understanding the question is the key to answering the question. d. Underline words like incorrect, untrue or false. This will help remind you to select the correct answers. e. To familiarize yourself with words commonly used in this section, you should do more exercises found in model tests and past years questions.

Rational Cloze a. This part consists of seven multiple-choice questions: narrative dialogue descriptive report factual speech letter article b. Read through the passage first to get the gist to help you get clues to the answers. c. Try to understand what it means by looking at the context of the blank, the words that come before and after it. d. Remember all the grammatical rules before deciding on the answers. e. If the options are very similar, choose the best option. f. If you are uncertain of an answer, go on to the next blank. Do not waste time unnecessarily. Go back to it when you have finished the section. g. Finally when all the answers have been chosen, read the passage with the answers. If it does not make sense grammatically or contextually, it may mean that your answers are incorrect.


Tips for Section B Structured Response a. Information will be based on the given stimulus from: magazines newspapers leaflets brochures pamphlets

advertisements b. Ten subjective questions are asked. c. Students are required to compare and match various short texts and analyse the information. d. Read all the information provided in the stimulus. e. Then read the questions. There will be clues in the questions and you need to do some logical reasoning to derive the answers. f. Write your answers in the space or boxes provided. Your answers have to be brief or short. g. Your answers have to be grammatically correct (spelling, punctuation etc.)


Tips for Section C Reading Comprehension a. This section comprises five subjective or open-ended questions based on one of the following genres: Narrative Descriptive Dialogue Speech

Article b. Begin by going through all the questions first before reading the passage. c. Then read the passage carefully before answering the questions. d. Make sure your answers are to the point. e. Do not just copy large portions of the passage as your answer. You may lift text from the passage unless stated otherwise. f. If the passage is in the first person point of view, remember to change the pronoun according to the question. g. Write your answers in suitable standard English. h. Remember to put quotation mark for phrases quoted. i. Always check your answers before you pass up your answer script.

Summary Writing a. Students will be asked to summarize a certain section of the reading comprehension passage (example: line 5 39) b. Firstly, read the rubrics to fully understand the task given and what you need to do. c. Then, read the passage at least twice to look for content points d. Next, identify the portion of the passage to be paraphrased. e. Underline the ten relevant points to score full marks for content. f. Then, write out the summary including the ten words given. g. Check on the point of view that should be used. h. Add sentence connectors, linkers to make the summary more organized. i. Leave out examples and unnecessary details. j. Do not add your own opinion or ideas. k. Use reported speech and own words as far as possible. Keep to the tense of the passage. l. A summary should be in one paragraph. m. Do not write more than the required number of words as no marks will be awarded beyond the given word limit. n. Very weak students can concentrate on lifting rather than using own words. o. Count your words and write the total number of words correctly. p. You may use a grid or mind-map to help plan for the summary. q. Lastly, check your answer for any errors before you pass up your answer script.



Tips for Section D Literature a. This section comprises of 3 sections Short Stories, Poems and Novels. b. Students have to answer 4 questions each for Poems and Short Stories and 1 question for Novels. c. A total of 5 marks for Poem and 5 marks for Short Story will be awarded. d. Students will have to know all the text and poems really well. e. Read the questions carefully. f. Apply what you have read from the text to each question. g. Question 34 (Novel) carries the most marks 15. h. This is an open-ended question and students can use any of the three novels to answer it. i. Do not give a synopsis of the novel. j. Use certain parts to strengthen your arguments or give examples to support your opinion. k. Quote when necessary. l. Familiarize yourself with the following aspects of the Short Stories, Poems and Novels (Themes, Characters, Point of view, Setting, Moral values, Techniques and Literary Devices).


1.5 1.5.1

SAMPLE QUESTIONS (SET 1) Paper 1 Section A: Directed Writing

Your school has decided to launch a Say No to Smoking! campaign to raise awareness among students of the need to stop the bad habit of smoking. As a representative of English Club for the public speaking competition, you have to prepare a speech on the topic. Below are some of the notes you have made: Reasons Peer pressure Look trendy or glamorous Dangers Cause life-threatening diseases Affect the health of the non-smokers Prevention Never try smoking Prohibit the sale of tobacco products to teenagers Write out a speech that you would give. When writing out what you plan to say, you should remember to: address the audience introduce the topic of the talk use all the notes above elaborate on all the notes given end the talk appropriately

Section B: Continuous Writing Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics: a) Rain. b) Describe how Teachers Day is celebrated in your school. c) Write a story ending with and those in the crowd tearfully murmured, What a waste! What a waste! d) Which is more effective; studying in a group or studying individually? Give your opinion. e) Save the Environment.


1.5.2 Paper 2 SECTION A [15 marks]


1. What does this sign mean? A. Be careful B. Look at the door C. Hold on to the side D. Look to the left and right


Which is the best explanation for this notice? A. You shouldnt wear shoes here. B. You must take off your shoes C. You must leave your shoes here D. You cannot wear shoes at this place


What is the actual meaning of this advertisement? There is a discount of A. 50% on goods B. 50% on some goods C. up to 50% on some goods D. 50% on goods throughout the store


The river is our source of life but respect for it has been lost. Our rivers have become open
sewers and drains, polluted to the extent that river fish is almost extinct. Worse still, most rivers now have silted up due to erosion caused by deforestation and careless developers. 4. What is the best heading for the above extract? A. Silting Rivers B. Polluted Rivers C. Open Sewers and Drains D. Deforestation and Erosion

Felix :

I have lost touch with my family. They dont reply to my letters anymore. I have stopped writing to them.

Farrah :

I feel sorry for you.


The phrase lost touch with means that Felix A. was not touched by his family. B. hoped someone would visit his family. C. had started writing letters to his family. D. had not received any letters from his family.

India Bans Salt Without Iodine NEW DELHI, Wed. India has re-imposed a ban on the sale of salt without iodine after health surveys showed large pockets of the population suffer from iodine deficiency. An estimated 250 million Indians are at risk of iodine deficiency, which is a major cause of mental impairment, stunted growth, miscarriage and thyroid problems. The ban was first implemented by the Congress Government in 1998 but it was lifted two years later by the Hindu Nationalist Government. 6. Who allowed the use of salt without iodine in 2000? A. The Indians B. The Congress Government C. The Hindu Nationalist Government The word it in the article refers to A. The Congress Government B. the risk of iodine deficiency C. The Hindu Nationalist Government D. the ban on the sale of salt without iodine



Dont fool with fuel at petrol stations No sitting on motorcycle while refueling Use correct containers for storing petrol 8. Based on the notice above, customers are advised to A. find a container for storing petrol. B. fill a fuel at petrol stations. C. follow petrol station rules. D. remain seated on the motorcycle while refueling.

Questions 9 15 are based on the following passage. Firewalking is performed as a religious ceremony in many countries of the world. A procession of people firewalk to show (9) barefoot across a bed of red-hot coal. Sometimes groups of people the mind can govern the body, blocking out pain.


While it looks like a truly Scientists say that (12)


act, firewalking might be a relatively easy task.

the charcoal is very hot, it is a very poor conductor of heat. As you (13) a

step on the charcoal, your foot will put out any flame. In addition, it takes a little

second for the heat to travel from within the hot coal to the sole of your foot. So if you walk (14) across a bed of burning coal, you are unlikely to get burned because there will not be (15) your feet. Do not attempt this act yourself!

enough time for the intense heat to pass


A. wobble B. saunter C. stride A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. how what when which encouraging courageous encourage courage whether although because due to


A. B. C. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D.

over of off cautiously hesitantly bravely quickly from into to in







ANSWER SHEET FOR SECTION A Circle the answers.

















SECTION B [10 marks] Questions 16 - 25 Read the information given below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

NINJA STORIES When two air force



Felix and Mike are involved John has his eyes set on a accident during a political brothers career. shady But his

commanders are captured by in an

an elite Ninja force in an vacation. Mysteriously, Mike


African forest, a top secret tosses Felix a file and after practices threaten to end his agent, Rick, is sent to rescue that, Felixs life turns topsy- political career before it

them. See how Rick outwits turvy. A syndicate goes after begins. John has to choose the vicious Ninja in action- him. Felix has to use his wits packed mission. Starring to save himself. Every minute will keep you filled with suspense or thrilled wondering whats happening next. Starring Gordon James. either a career in politics or his relationship brother. with his how only he

Sean Anderson.


handles a brothers dilemma in this family drama. Starring

Alex Marx and Ted Charles.




Two sisters set out to solve Julie, a depressed young lady, One night, Martha, a final year some of the most gruesome is crimes occurring brought to a mental university student, meets

among hospital. At the hospital, she Steven, a man who has this

their friends in high society. encountered the evil Dr. Alan gift of making even the most They come to crossroad who is determined to unlock depressed laugh. She decides that the the secrets of the dead. Dont to use him for her next

when it appears

mayor of the city might be watch this horror movie if research project on human involved in the murder. you are weak hearted! behaviour. This movie will make you rock with laughter. Starring Jacquelina Reed and Zachary Norman.

Starring Angelica Fredericks Starring Brenda Smith. and Sheba Larry.


Questions 16-20 Complete the table with information from the movie reviews.



Questions 21 - 25 Based on the movie reviews, answer the following questions. 21. What kind of movie is Laughing Matter?

(1 mark) 22. After a hard days work, I prefer to watch a movie with a meaningful plot about family. Which movie from the list would I watch?

(1 mark) 23. What are the two main characters in Crimes trying to do?

(1 mark) 24. Why is John in Turning Point in a dilemma?

(1 mark) 25. What makes the movie Deadly frightening?

(1 mark)


SECTION C [25 marks] Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage. Eating right and participating in physical activities, regardless of the type, are important aspects of overall health and fitness. No matter what your personal health and fitness goals are, addressing these issues in your daily routine is essentials for long-term success. 2 Start your day with breakfast. Breakfast fills your empty tank to get you going after a long night without food. Easy-to-prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit and whole-grain waffles. As for exercise, it is easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, cycle or jog to meet your friends. Take a ten-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch television. Climb the stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these activities for a total of thirty minutes everyday. When you exercise, work up a sweat. Vigorous workouts, which make you breathe hard and perspire profusely, help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel your best. Try to follow this pattern of exercising. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Include twenty minutes of aerobic activities such as running, jogging or dancing. Then, do followup activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups of lifting weights. Finally, do cool-down with more stretching and deep breathing. 5




Being active is much more fun with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event, like a bicycle ride or hiking, with a group each week. Join the physical activities at school. Whether you take a physical education class or do other physical activities at school, physical activities are a sure way to fell good, look good and stay physically fit. 25 It is important to balance your food choices and not to eat too much of any one thing. This does not mean that you have to give up foods like beef burgers, French fries and ice cream. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and 30 calcium from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices helps you get all these nutrients. Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods give you carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Besides, they taste good. Try bread such as while-wheat, bagels and pita. Cereals and oatmeal are also in the grain 35 group. Bananas, strawberries and melons are some great tasting fruits. Eat vegetables raw, on a sandwich or salad. If you want to eat snacks, do it smartly. Snacks are a great way to refuel your body. Choose snacks form different food groups such as a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins or some dry cereal. 40


It is not a matter of good food or bad food. A healthy eating style is like a puzzle with many parts. Each part, meaning food, is different. Some food may have more fat, sugar or salt while others may have more vitamins or fiber. What makes a diet good or bad is the different types of food fit together. Balancing your choices is important. Fit in a higher-fat food, like fried chicken at dinner by 45 choosing lower-fat food at other meals. Make healthy eating and physical activities fun and a good habit. Take advantage of the physical activities you and your friends enjoy doing together and eat the food you like. Be adventurous by trying out new sports, games and other activities as well as new food. In doing so, you will grow stronger, play 50 longer and feel better. From paragraph 2, give two reasons why breakfast is so important? (a) (b) [1 mark] [1 mark]



From paragraph 4, how should we exercise? Why?

[2 marks] 28 Mention two ways how you can do physical activities in a group. (a) (b) 29 Why is it important to balance our food choices? [1 mark] [1 mark]

[2marks] 30 In your own words, describe the two consequences of healthy eating and doing physical activities.

[2 marks]



Based on the passage given, write a summary on: The importance of physical activities healthy eating

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must

be in continuous writing (not in note form) use materials from line 5 to line 51 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows: To be healthy, we need to do physical activities and

[15 marks]


SECTION D [25 marks] 32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. Theres Been a Death in the Opposite House Theres been a death in the opposite house As lately as today. I know it by the numb look Such houses have always. The neighbours rustle in and out, The doctor drives away. A window opens like a pod, Abrupt, mechanically; Somebody flings a mattress out,The children hurry by; They wonder if It died on that,I used to when a boy. The minister goes stiffly in As if the house were his, And he owned all the mourners now, And little boys besides; And then the milliner, and the man Of the appalling trade, To take the measure of the house. Therell be that dark parade Of tassels and of coaches soon; Its easy as a sign, The intuition of the news In just a country town.

Emily Dickinson



What does Such houses refer to? [1 mark]


Describe one activity taking place in stanza 2. [1 mark]


From stanza 4, which phrase shows that the minister is in control? [1 mark]


What do you think is the effect of using the word dark in stanza 5?

[2 marks]


Read the extract from the short story The Necklace below and answer the questions that follow.

Thereafter Madame Loisel knew the horrible existence of the needy. She bore her part, however, with sudden heroism. That dreadful debt must be paid. She would pay it. They dismissed their servant; they changed their lodgings; they rented a garret under the roof. She came to know what heavy housework meant and the odious cares of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, using her dainty fingers and rosy nails on greasy pots and pans. She washed the soiled linen, the shirts and the dishcloths, which she dried upon a line; she took the slops down to the street every morning and carried up the water, stopping for breath at every landing. And dressed like a woman of the people, she went to the fruiterer, the grocer, the butcher, a basket on her arm, bargaining, meeting with impertinence, defending her miserable money, sou by sou. Every month they had to meet some notes, renew others, obtain more time. Her husband worked in the evenings, making up a tradesmans accounts, and late at night he often copied manuscript for five sou a page.


(a) What was the dreadful debt that had to be paid by Madame Loisel and her husband? [1 mark] (b) Name two things she had to do after she had dismissed the servant? [1 mark] [1 mark] (c) Do you think Madame Loisel and her husband deserved the suffering. Give a reason for your answer.

[2 marks] 34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in the English Language. Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return - Keris Mas - John Steinbeck K.S.Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Sometimes people can be overcome by greed. Using details from the novel that you have studied, write about some instances that show greed. support your answer with evidence from the novel.
[15 marks]

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


1.6 MARKING SCHEME PAPER 1 1.6.1 Directed Writing Format Content Language Total 3 marks 12 marks 20 marks 35 marks


Format F1 F2 F3 -

greet the audience introduce the topic thank the audience

3 marks 1m 1m 1m


Content C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 peer pressure look trendy and glamorous cause life-threatening diseases affect the health of the non-smokers never try smoking prohibit the sale of tobacco products to teenagers elaboration of C1 elaboration of C2 elaboration of C3 elaboration of C4 elaboration of C5 elaboration of C6

12 marks 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m

Language * Refer to the Criteria for marking Language

20 marks


Criteria for marking Language MARK RANGE A 19 - 20 B 16 18 C 13 - 15 D 10 - 12 DESCRIPTION OF CRITERIA The language is accurate apart from occasional draft slips. Sentence structure is varied and shows that the candidate is able to use sentence length and type to achieve an intended effect. Vocabulary shows some sophistication and is used with precision. Punctuation is correct. Spelling is correct across the whole range of vocabulary used. Paragraphs have unity. The tone is appropriate formal, courteous and suitable to address the intended audience. The language is almost accurate but there may be more minor or first draft slips. Errors may also arise from more ambitious structures which are imperfectly understood. Sentence show some variations in length and type, including the confident use of complex sentences. Vocabulary is wide enough to show intended meaning. Spelling is nearly always accurate. The tone is formal and appropriate to intended audience. The reader is satisfied that a genuine attempt has been made. The language is largely accurate to communicate meaning clearly to the reader. Simple structures are used without error; mistakes may occur when more sophisticated structures are attempted. Vocabulary is adequate to convey intended meaning although it may not be sufficiently developed achieve precision. Sentences show some variety of length and structure although there is a tendency to repeat some sentence types, giving it a monotonous effect. Punctuation is generally accurate although errors may occur in more complex uses. The speech is written in paragraphs which show some unity, although links may be absent or inappropriate. The tone of the speech is fairly formal but lapses into formality may occur. Slang or formal language is used from to time. The language is sufficiently accurate. There will be patches of clarity particularly when simple structures are used. Mistakes will occur when more complex sentences are used. There may be some variety of sentence length and type but this may not be successful in enhancing meaning or arousing interest. Vocabulary is adequate but lacks precision. Simple words spelt correctly, but errors may occur when unfamiliar words are used. Punctuation is generally correct but does not enhance or clarify meaning. Sentence separation errors may occur. The speech is written in paragraphs which may show some unity in topic. The style may fail to achieve the informality required for this task. Lapse in slang or formal language may occur consistently.


E 7- 9

Meaning is never in doubt, but single errors are sufficiently frequent and serious to hamper precision and speed of reading. Some simple structures will be accurate but accuracy is not sustained for long. Vocabulary is limited and either too simple to convey precise meaning or are imperfectly understood. Simple words will usually be spelt accurately but mistakes will occur when more difficult words are used. The speech will have paragraphs but these lack unity and links are incorrectly used or the speech may not be paragraphed at all. There may be errors of sentences separation and punctuation. The tone may be appropriate for a formal piece of writing addressed to an audience. Meaning is fairly clear. The reader feels that the correction of single word errors may produce a piece of fairly accurate English, but the incidence of error is high and will definitely impede the reading. A very few simple structures are used accurately. Vocabulary may not extend beyond a simple range of words that are inadequate to express intended shades of meaning. Paragraphs will sometimes be used correctly but sentence separation errors may occur. Paragraphs may not be used, or if used, show a lack of planning. There may be frequent spelling errors. The style may not be appropriate to that of a speech. Sense will usually be decipherable, but some of the errors will be multiple, requiring the reader to re read and re organize before meaning becomes clear. Whole sections of the speech may make little or no sense. Unlikely to be more than one or two accurate sentences. Scripts in this category are entirely impossible to recognize as pieces of English. Whole sections of the speech may make no sense at all or are copied from the task. Award 1 mark if some sense can be obtained. The mark 0 should only be awarded if the speech makes no sense at all from the beginning to the end.

U (i) 46

U (ii) 2- 3 U (iii) 0-1



Continuous Writing

Criteria for Marking MARK RANGE

DESCRIPTION OF CRITERIA The language is entirely accurate apart from very occasional first draft slips. Sentence structure is varied and shows that the candidate is able to use various types of sentences to achieve a particular effect. Vocabulary is wide and is used with precision. Punctuation is accurate and helpful to the reader. Spelling is accurate across the full range of vocabulary used. Paragraphs are well-planned, have unity and are linked. The topic is addressed with consistent relevance. The interest of the reader is aroused and sustained throughout the writing. The language is accurate; occasional errors are either minor of first draft slips. Vocabulary is wide enough to convey intended shades of meaning with some precision. Sentences show some variation of length and type, including some complex sentences. Punctuation is almost always accurate and generally helpful. Spelling is nearly always accurate. Paragraphs show some evidence of planning, have unity and are usually appropriately linked. The piece of writing is relevant to the topic and the interest of the reader is aroused and sustained through most of the composition. The language is largely accurate. Simple structures are used without error; mistakes may occur when more sophisticated structures are attempted. Vocabulary is wide enough to convey intended meaning but may lack precision. Sentences may show some variety of structure and length but there is a tendency to use one type of structure, giving it a monotonous effect. Punctuation of simple structures is accurate on the whole but errors may occur in more complex uses. Simple words may be spelt correctly but errors may occur when more sophisticated words are used. The composition is written in paragraphs which may show some unity, although links may be absent or inappropriate. The writing is relevant but may lack originality and planning. Some interest is aroused but not sustained.

A 44 - 50

B 38 - 43

C 32 - 37


D 26 - 31

The language is sufficiently accurate to communicate meaning clearly to the reader. There will be patches of clear, accurate language, particularly when simple vocabulary and structures are used. There is some variety of sentence type and length but the purpose is not clearly seen. Punctuation is generally correct but does not clarify meaning. Vocabulary is usually adequate to show intended meaning but this is not developed to show precision. Simple words will be spelt correctly but more spelling errors will occur. Paragraphs are used but show lack of planning or unity. The topic is addressed with some relevance but the reader may find composition at this level lacking in liveliness and interest value. Meaning is never in doubt, but errors are sufficiently frequent and serious to hamper reading. Some simple structures may be accurate, but a script at this level is unlikely to sustain accuracy for long. Vocabulary is limited - either too simple to convey precise meaning or more ambitious but imperfectly understood. Simple words may be spelt correctly but frequent mistakes in spelling and punctuation make reading the script difficult. Paragraphs lack unity or are haphazardly arranged. The subject matter will show some relevance to the topic but only a partial treatment is given. The high incidence of linguistic errors is likely to distract the reader from any merits of content that the composition may have. Meaning is fairly clear but the high incidence of errors throughout the writing will definitely impede the reading. There will be many serious errors of various kinds throughout the script without rewriting the whole sentence. A script at this level will have very few accurate sentences. Although communication is established, the frequent errors may cause blurring Sentences will be simple and very often repetitive. Punctuation will sometimes be used correctly but sentence separation errors may occur. Paragraphs lack unity or there may not be any paragraphs at all. The reader is able to get some sense out of the script but errors are multiple in nature, requiring the reader to read and re-read before being able to understand. At this level, there may be only a few accurate but simple sentences. The content may be comprehensible, but the incidence of linguistic error is so high as to make meaning blur. This type of script may also be far short of the required number of words. Scripts in this category are almost entirely impossible to read. Whole sections may make little or no sense at all. Where occasional patches of clarity occur, marks should be awarded. The mark 0 should only be given if the script makes no sense at all, from the beginning to the end.

E 20 - 25

U (i) 14 19

U (ii) 8 - 13

U (iii) 0-7




Section A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A C C B D C D C C A B B A D C

Section B 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Action-packed Thriller Family drama Murder Horror Comedy Turning Point Two sisters set out to solve crimes involving their friends. He was torn between his brother and his career. The male character, Alan is out to unlock the secrets of the dead.


Section C 26. (a) Fills the empty tank / the first meal of the day (b) To get you going after long night without food / gives you energy 27. We should do vigorous exercises to make us breathe hard and perspire profusely to help our hearts pump better (a) plan a special physical activity event with a group of friends every week. (b) join the physical activities organized at school. Balancing food choices helps to get all the nutrients needed by the body. We feel more energetic and we also look better. Points for summary No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Points Taking healthy breakfast every morning Should fit physical activities in our daily routine Walk to work Jog to meet friends The type of exercise must be vigorous Could make us breathe hard and perspire profusely It also could make our heart beat faster Gives more energy Help look and feel your best Exercising will be more fun if it is done in a group Organize a special physical activities every week Join the physical activities at school Feel good, look good and stay physically fit Healthy eating is achieved by balancing our food choices To ensure we get all the nutrients from the food we eat Leading a healthy life makes us stronger Feel energized and look better


29. 30. 31.

The mark for Language incorporates TWO categories of writing: Ability to PARAPHRASE and USE OF ENGLISH


Language Descriptors MARK PARAPHRASE sustained rephrasing allow phrases from text which are difficult to substitute expression is secure MARK USE OF ENGLISH language is accurate occasional slips or minor very well-organised and coherent throughout marked ability to use original complex structures language is largely accurate isolated serious errors well-organised and coherent in most parts some ability to use original compound/complex structures language is sufficiently accurate some serious errors fairly well-organised and coherent in some parts meaning is not in doubt frequent serious errors poorly organized and lacks coherence heavy frequency of serious errors fractured syntax incoherent

noticeable rephrasing free from stretches of concentrated lifting expression is generally sound

limited rephrasing intelligent and selective lifting expression is not always secure wholesale copying attempts to substitute with own language limited to single word expression more or less a complete transcript of text originality barely noticeable mindless lifting

Question 32 a) b) It refers to houses where death occurs. [1 mark] i. The doctor drove away. ii. The neighbours walked in and out. iii. Someone opened the window. The phrase is And he owned all the mourners now The mourners were feeling very sad or any logical answer that can be accepted.

c) d)

Question 33 a. b. The loan they took to pay the necklace. i. She washed the dishes ii. She washed the clothes iii. Accept any other logical answers. No, because it was their friend who was dishonest. Yes, because she was too proud to admit her mistake. Yes / No, accept any logical answers.



Question 34 For this question, marks are awarded as follows: Content Language Total - 10 marks - 5 marks - 15 marks

Literature Component Novel MARK RANGE 10 9 CONTENT a consistently relevant and convincing response to the task almost always provides textual evidence with details and welldeveloped a relevant response to the task usually provides textual evidence (some development) an intermittently relevant response to the task provides some textual evidence a response of very little relevance of task hardly any textual evidence shows barely any understanding of the requirement(s) of the task response has no relevance to the task MARK RANGE LANGUAGE accurate very well-organised 5


largely accurate well-organised frequent errors but meaning is never in doubt fairly organised some blurring in meaning poorly organised makes little or no sense at all lacks organisation





1.7 STUDENTS SAMPLE SCRIPTS 1.7.1 Directed Writing Good









1.7.3 Continuous Writing Good









1.8 1.8.1

SAMPLE QUESTIONS (SET 2) Paper 1 Section A: Directed Writing [35 marks]

Nowadays, parents do not spend enough time with their children. You want to make recommendations on how parents can spend quality time with their children. Write an article for a local newsletter and give your recommendations. Include the following points:

Problems: Parents too busy working and making money Not enough communication Children feel neglected Children mix with bad company Recommendations: Parents should spend more quality time with their children Show love, care and concern Give guidance, advice and religious teaching Need to play, have fun, be happy, travel and have meals together

You should use all the points given above. When writing this article, you should remember to: write a suitable title include all the points given write in the format of an article write your name


Section B: Continuous Writing [50 marks] Question 2 Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics: (a) Describe the most wonderful moment of your childhood. (b) Write a story beginning with: Perhaps I should make the first move (c) The advantages and disadvantages of learning Science and Mathematics in English. (d) My Ideal Teacher. (e) The Internet.




Paper 2

SECTION A [15 marks] Lindas diary June Monday 12 12 noon Tuesday 13 10 a.m. Wednesday 14 5.30 p.m. Thursday 15 2.00 p.m. 1

Lunch with Daniel Doctors appointment

Tennis with Rick

Computer class

Where would Linda be or what would she be doing at 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday? A. Having lunch with Daniel B. Playing tennis C. At the doctors D. At the computer centre Do you want to make a difference? Stand out in a crowd? Come to our retail shops and view our latest product the Saturn digital mobile phone. It is reasonably priced with many special features: gprs, sms, voice mail, caller-identification, pin code for security and many more. Check us out.

Which of the following is not offered in the advertisement above? A. Discounts at knockout prices B. Voice mail C. Security features D. Caller identification Family in a bind over son who shouts London: British doctors are puzzled over the case of a three-year-old boy whose inability to speak without shouting has driven his entire family, with the exception of a hard-of-hearing granny, to despair. Tom Coward, who has no problem with his hearing, shouts so loudly and so often that he has developed nodules on his vocal cords a condition usually associated with opera singers or football managers.


What had driven Tom Cowards family to despair? A. Toms ability to speak in a natural tone. B. Toms intention to become an opera singer. C. The nodules on Toms vocal cords. D. Doctors who could not find a medical cure for Tom. Asians and whites are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than Latin Americans and Africans are because of differences in bone mass and density. Thin and small-framed women are more prone to the disease than larger-boned, heavier women because their bones are less dense to begin with. The less dense the bone is, the higher the risk of fractures. Asian women tend to be of slender build and have lighter bones than women in other regions of the world.

This extract mainly explains A. what osteoporosis is B. the effects of osteoporosis C. who are most prone to osteoporosis D. which areas in the world are affected by osteoporosis. We can infer that the following group would be the most vulnerable to osteoporosis: A. Indian women B. African women C. Japanese women D. European women


GARAGE SALE Expat owner leaving country, good stuff, 12 p.m. 5 p.m. at 12, Jalan Hijau, Taman Hijau, P.J. Tel: 017 1223456. 2 days only

A prospective buyer should come earlier for the garage sale because A. it will only be held for 5 hours B. the best items will be snatched up C. the items on sale are of good quality D. the owner is leaving the country soon

private cars 35%

trains 20%

motorcycles 15% public buses 25% taxis 5%


The pie chart shows that A. A quarter of the people go home by public buses. B. Half the people go home by cars. C. One- third of the people go home by taxis. D. Three quarters of the people go home by trains. Mr. and Mrs. Wong Fee Hoong are pleased to invite . to a high tea at the Japanese Tea House, Excelsior Hotel on Saturday, 23 June, at 3.00 p.m. on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.

The most suitable card to give the couple for this occasion would be a A. wedding invitation B. thank you card C. condolence card D. congratulatory card

Which of the following sentences best explains the signs below? GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS

A. B. C. D.

Vehicles should give way to the people crossing the road. Pedestrians should help the elderly and the blind by showing them the way. Pedestrians should give way to the vehicles. The way for pedestrians is this way. FITTING ROOM MAXIMUM 2 PIECES OF CLOTHING


A. Only 2 persons may try out clothing in the fitting room. B. One may try out at most 2 pieces of clothing in the dressing room. C. Anyone wishing to try out clothing must bring at least two pieces of clothing into the room. D. One may not fit into the room if one has more than two pieces of clothing.


Question 11 18 are based on the following passage. Women play an essential role in the world today, not only as wives and mothers but also as capable and dedicated career-women. They have entered almost every field available there are women engineers, scientists, test pilots and even astronauts. Women (11) that they are not inferior to men. They have used their intelligence and hard work to obtain high qualifications and a sound education. Since they have the required ability there is no (12) why women should not seek employment. Modern women unlike their ancestors have been given a chance to receive education. Many of them are (13). They further their education at universities and colleges. In these situations they have been trained and prepared for a certain kind of work. It is peculiar to expect them to stay at home after graduation and eventually become full-time housewives. They have a right to seek employment. There are also various professions which are ideally suited for women. In jobs which require personal service, gentleness and charm, women cannot be replaced. For instance, women make ideal nurses, receptionists and air hostesses. They combine their (14) with their inborn talent to serve others graciously. Women form a large part of the worlds workers. There would be a (15) of workers if all women were to stay at home. There is also a question of finance. So many wives continue working because of the high cost of living. They contribute a significant amount to offset the family expenses. 11. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D. 13. A. B. C. D. have proved proved proves will prove sense reason excuse judgement modest challenging confident ambitious

14. A. hopes and aspirations B. ambition and education C. skills and training D. drive and initiative 15. A. B. C. D. disastrous shortage ample supply sudden lack gross deficiency


Section B [10 marks] Read the following information on some famous people, then answer the questions that follow.

Peter Daniel When he was in school, he was told by his teacher, Mrs. Philips, that he was a bad apple and that he would never amount to anything. Peter was totally illiterate until he was 26. A friend stayed up with him and read him a copy of Think and Grow Rich. Now he owns the street corners he used to fight on. His latest book is entitled Mrs. Philip, You Were Wrong.

Richard Bach His story about a seagull, entitled Jonathan Livingstone Seagull was turned down by 18 publishers, before it was published in 1970. By 1975, it had sold more than seven million copies.

Albert Einstein He did not speak until he was four years old and did not read until he was seven. His teachers described him a slow, unsociable and living in his foolish dreams. He was expelled and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. He became a great scientist who paved the way for several scientific developments.

Richard Hooker He worked for several years on his humorous war novel M*A*S*H only to have it rejected by 21 publishers before it was published by Morrow. It became a bestseller. The book gave rise to a very successful television series and a well-received movie.

Charles Darwin Darwin, father of the Theory of Evolution, gave up a medical career and was told by his father, You care for nothing, but shooting dogs and rat catching. Darwin said that he was considered to be a very ordinary boy by both his teachers and his father.


Questions 16 - 20 For each of the descriptions below, select the most suitable person from the given texts. No. 16 17 18 19 20 Description His famous book was about a bird He was considered slow and foolish. His book was made into a popular television series. He was unable to read and write until he was in his 20s. He resigned his job as a doctor. Name of Person [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark]


What is the title of one of the books by Peter Daniel?


When did Einstein start to read?


How many publishers refused to print Richard Bachs book?


What is Charles Darwin famous for?


Who published M*A*S*H? [5 marks]


Section C [25 marks] Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage. 1 I can trace exactly when and where the pressure started. I was in Standard 6 and many kids were starting to smoke. Standard 6! Can you believe that? I wouldnt have believed it but I had been through it, so it must be true. Pocket money, which was supposed to go for nasi lemak or roti canai, snacks at break time, was saved up by the boys to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Why didnt I start smoking when all around me were? Was I the goody twoshoes my classmates accused me of being? Why were the boys so concerned when I didnt join them behind the school for a cig during break time? Where did the urge to start smoking originate? Why did my classmates think they needed to smoke in order to be accepted? I watched them with their cigarettes, trying to hold 10 film-star poses. It was quite funny. Somehow I managed to stay away from the group. Now, Im in Form 5. I know clearly why I dont smoke, why I never really had the urge to start. It all began with my Aunt Salmah. My last and, indelibly-inked memory of Aunt Salmah was seeing her in the ward of the government hospital in 15 the state capital. It was a week before she died. She was down to a mere 35 kilos. She looked so frail and incredibly thin. The throat cancer had eaten her inside out. She had a wan look on her face. She knew the end was near. The thing that really sticks in my mind is how she couldnt, even then, at that late hour in her life, stop smoking. She chained-smoked the entire time of our visit. My siblings and I felt 20 we were visiting a ghost, who couldnt stop puffing away on her infernal cigarettes. Uncle Awang provided the next painful lesson in suicide by cigarette. No, cancer didnt claim him, fatigue did. I was in Standard 5 when my Uncle Yatim called one day to speak to my father. In hushed tones, my father next spoke with my mother and then rushed off to the capital. Awangs boss who had wanted to 25 know why Awang hadnt shown up at work for three days had called Uncle Yatim. Uncle Yatim, a fisherman, went to my Uncle Awangs house. From the road, the house looked normal. Upon closer inspection there were no curtains in the windows. Everything appeared pitch-dark inside. Uncle Yatim was a seasoned fireman. Hed been through many bad experiences 30 while fighting fires. He had seen some of his colleagues drop to their deaths when the roof of the warehouse they were in collapsed as they tried to douse the flames of a big fire. Yet nothing in his professional career had prepared him for the sight he found when he finally managed to get into his brothers house. A forensic fire examiner later determined that Uncle Awang had been watching 35 television in this favourite armchair after a hard day at work. He had fallen asleep while smoking. The cigarette had fallen from his hand and started a fire in his armchair. Awakened by the fire, my uncle had panicked and, in trying to escape the fire, had become overpowered by smoke. He had lost his way and had stumbled into the toilet where he had died of smoke inhalation. 40



When did the writer feel the pressure to start smoking? ...... [2 marks]



What do you understand by the phrase goody two-shoes? .... [1 mark]


Which word in paragraph 2 tells you that the other boys were trying to force the writer to smoke too? .... [1 mark]



Where did the writer last see his Aunt Salmah? .... [1 mark]


Why could the writer not forget his last memory of her? .... [1 mark]



Which phrase in paragraph 4 tells you that the writers uncle had something serious to tell the writers father? ... [1 mark]


How did the fire in Uncle Awangs house start? ... [1 mark]


What had actually caused Uncle Awang to die? ... [2 marks]



Based on the passage given, write a summary on how Aunt Salmah was when she was dying how Uncle Awang died how seeing them die affected the writer

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must be in continuous writing (not in note form) use material from lines 15 to 40 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 given words given below

Begin your summary as follows: It started when I visited Aunt Salmah at the hospital [15 marks] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Section D [25 marks] 32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about dont deal in lies, Or being hated dont give way to hating, And yet dont look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream and not make dreams your master; If you can think and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth youve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build em up with worn-out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch- and- toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To surf your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: Hold on! If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything thats in it, And which is more youll be a Man, my son! Rudyard Kipling


(a) Who is giving the advice? ..[1 mark] (b) Who are i) Triumphs? ..[1 mark] ii) Disasters? ..[1 mark] (c) What do you understand from the phrase And never breathe a word ? .[2 marks] 33 Read the extract from the story The Sound Machine below and answer the questions that follow. He heard the click of the front-gate latch and he jumped up and went out and saw the tall doctor coming down the path, little black bag in hand. Well, the doctor said. Well, whats all the trouble? Come with me, doctor. I want you to hear it. I called you because youre the only one Ive told. Its over the road in the park. They went across the road into the park and Klausner led the way to the great beech tree at the foot of which stood the long black coffin-box of the machine and the axe.

(a) Why does the doctor visit Klausner? [1 mark ] (b) What does Klausner want the doctor to hear? ..[1 mark ] (c) What is the long black coffin-box that is under the tree? ..[1 mark ] (d) What would the axe be used for? ..[2 marks]



The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return Keris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Do you like the ending of the novel? Using the details from the novel that you have studied, give reasons for your answer.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT 61


Marking Scheme

PAPER 1 1.9.1 Directed Writing Format Content Language Total 3 marks 12 marks 20 marks 35 marks


Format F1 F2 F3 suitable title paragraphing writers name

3 marks 1m 1m 1m


Content C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 -

12 marks Parents too busy working and making money Not enough communication Children feel neglected Children mix with bad company Parents should spend more quality time with their children Show love, care and concern Give guidance, advice and religious teaching Need to play, have fun, be happy, travel and have meals together elaboration on any point elaboration on any point elaboration on any point elaboration on any point 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m

Language * Refer to the Criteria for marking Language

20 marks


Continuous Writing * Refer to the Criteria for Marking




SECTION A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B A A C A D A D 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A B A C D C A

SECTION B 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Richard Bach Albert Einstein Richard Hooker Peter Daniel Charles Darwin Mrs. Philip, You Were Wrong When he was seven years old. 18 Theory of Evolution Morrow

SECTION C 26 27 28 29 30 Standard 6 (a) A person with good habits. (b) Concerned (a) In the ward of the government hospital. (b) Although she knew the end was near she could not stop smoking. (a) rushed off to the capital (b) The cigarette had fallen from his hand and started a fire in his armchair. smoke inhalation


Question 31 Award 1 mark for each content. Maximum mark for content is 7. How Aunt Salmah died: - she lost weight - looked frail - became incredibly thin - throat cancer ate her inside out - she had a wan look How Uncle Awang died: - fall asleep while smoking - cigarette fell from his hand - cigarette started a fire - overpowered by smoke - died of smoke inhalation How it affected the writer: - painful lesson - indelibly inked memory Question 32 A father / a parent (a) Success and Failure (b) To mention/grumble/feel regret/complaint

Question 33 a) b) c) d) Klausner phoned him to come over. Klausner wants the doctor to hear the sound made by the great beech tree in the park. The long black coffin box is Klausners sound machine. Klausner will use it to show that trees can feel pain.


Question 34 For this question, marks are awarded as follows: Content Language Total - 10 marks - 5 marks - 15 marks

Literature Component Novel * Refer to the Criteria for marking Language Guidelines to mark Question 34 1. State preference (e.g. I like the ending/ I dislike the ending) (1 mark) 2. Narrate the ending of the novel (5 marks) 3. Discussion based on preference (4 marks) (If candidate does not give any preference, marks awarded should not be more than 2 marks.)



SOALAN PRAKTIS BESTARI Section A1 [15 marks]

This sign is found outside a toilet. What does it mean? A It is to be used in an emergency only. B It is to be used by senior citizens. C It is to be used by handicapped people. D It is to be used by children only

No, your uninvited children may not attend 2 What does this sign mean? A Children are not always welcome. B Children must get an invitation before attending. C Children are not encouraged to come. D Children are not allowed to come.
NAVARATRI This festival of Nine Nights in North India This nine-day festival of the Hindus is celebrated in almost all parts of India in the month of Ashvina and is marked by fasting whenever possible and praying to different aspects of Devi.

From the above notice, we can deduce that A the nine different aspects of Devi are worshipped over the nine days. B It is celebrated in every region in India C These nine days are popular in South India only D Fasting is compulsory for all nine days


The visual teaches us a basic concept in saving the environment which is A reduce B recycle C reuse D recreate

This helpful tip is found in a parental guidance book. This can help save our environment because A watching TV and lead to unnecessary consumer spending on products advertised that can harm the environment B pulling the plug can help in cutting down energy consumption C pulling the plug can stop the TV from contributing to global warming D we can then spend more time on worthwhile activities like enjoying nature and reading good books on how to save the environment


virgin product

recycled product

The difference between a virgin product and a recycled product is A chemical testing B visible testing C competitive pricing D no visible difference

In the map above if one wants to go to the Bintang Old Folks Home from the traffic lights, one will have to pass by the I. Post Office on the left II. Emerald Theatre and Police Station III. Magna Complex on the right IV. Fire Brigade on the right A B C D I, II and III I, II and IV II, III and IV I, III and IV

Which of the sentences below best describes the location of the Post Office in relation to the Fire Brigade? A The Post Office is adjacent to the Fire Brigade. B The Post Office is directly opposite the Fire Brigade. C Across the road one can see the Post Office and Fire Brigade. D One can see the Post Office from the Fire Brigade.


Section A2 [15 marks]

The Health Minister expressed regret that some people are not sensitive to the stop-smoking campaign. He said that despite their knowledge that the habit could cause cancer, heart disease and various other diseases, people still smoked. Smoking also affects the health of people around them, he said. 1 Based on the extract above, the Health Minister expressed regret because people A were not sensitive B did not stop smoking C were not aware of the campaign

Which of the following statements is not true of the above extract? A Smoking causes cancer. B Smoking does not affect non-smokers. C People who smoke may suffer from heart diseases. D Knowing the effects did not stop people from smoking.


The sign means A do not leave your rubbish here. B you can throw things if you wish. C you are forbidden to throw rubbish here. Infectious Disease Situation 5 Confirmed Cases 10 Quarantined 453

Deaths Probable Cases Notified Cases 4

9 15

The table above states that people are possibly suffering from the infectious disease. C 15 A 5 B 10 D 9 The word Quarantined can best be replaced by A put away C isolated B desolate D kept aside




You must put on a helmet. Think carefully before doing anything. Be careful not to knock your head. Make sure your head is minded.


A You must have your lunch outside. B We are out of lunch. C No food is allowed inside. D The shop is closed for lunch.

The journey to and from a longhouse in Sarawak is a very interesting experience. After a ride in an air-conditioned bus, a short trip in a traditional longboat introduces you to the pleasures of upriver travel. These narrow wooden crafts are safe and very sturdy, and the Ibans are expert boatmen.

Which of the following mode of transport will you use when going to a longhouse in Sarawak? A aeroplane B bus C boat


Section A3 [15 marks] We are a publishing company looking for suitable qualified candidates to fill the following position: Editor Diploma or Degree in Journalism or its equivalent Preferably with some experience in the publishing field. Interested candidates are invited to submit a written application before 20 July 2004. Warisan Publishing Sdn. Bhd. Floor Mezanine, Warisan Building, Jalan B.atu Gajah, 30000 Ipoh 1 From the advertisement above, we know that the applicant must A Already be an editor of another company B Have some qualification in journalism C Go for the interview in person
Transport Wanted Urgently We require transport for disabled child to go to and from school. Pick up and send back point at Jaya Jusco. School time is from 8.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m. School is at Taman Cempaka. Willing to pay a good and fair price for services. Please call Mamat at 017-5856789 after 7.30 p.m

In the advertisement, which of the following is not mentioned? A A disabled child need transport to and from school. B School is located in Taman Cempaka. C Mamat can be contacted after 7.30 p.m D The advertiser is the childs father.


Which of the following statement is true? A ambitious. B challenges. C hardworking. D daydreaming


SUGAR FREE CANDY 4 A This candy is free B The candy does not contain sugar C The candy contains free sugar

Types of reading materials preferred by user of SMK TIWA library. Types of Reading Materials Story books Encyclopaedias Revision Books Magazines 5 Materials borrowed in a week 200 0 50 250

What information can you get from the above table? A All students read story-books only. B Half of the books borrowed in a week is magazines. C None of the student read encyclopaedias. D Students prefer story-books to magazines. What can you conclude about the encyclopaedias? A Students are not allowed to read the encyclopaedias B Students are not allowed to borrow the encyclopaedias C Students are encouraged to borrow the encyclopaedias D Students are discouraged to borrow the encyclopaedias ABC Bank 1234 Please present this ticket when number is called.

Choose the best statements to explain the picture. A You must give your ticket to get a present. B You must call the number and get the ticket. C You must present the ticket when the number is called. D You must take a present when your number is called. DO NOT LITTER

Choose the best statement to explain the picture. A You will be fined for littering. B Dont throw rubbish everywhere. C Littering is allowed. [15 marks]


Section B1 [10 marks] Questions 16 25 Read the descriptions of Whats Happening in different countries in a travel magazine and then answer the following questions.

TOKYO Long Journey to Japan at the National Science Museum, One month. 29th Tokyo Motorcycle Show . Tokyo Big Sight. 4 to 7 April West End hit dance musical The Car Man at Bunkamura Orchard Hall, 9 to 12 April Sesshu: Master of Inkord Brush features some 140 works by revered 15th Century artist. Tokyo National Museum. From 23rd April

SYDNEY Two-wheeled Warriors traces the history of Harley-Davidson motorcycles in Powerhouse Museum, Australia. One month. Hyde Park Barracks Museum highlights Australian Convict life. All month. Mission Earthling, an interactive exhibition on the human body, Australia 12 to 20 April. Elton John Concert. Sydney. Entertainment Centre. 26 to 30 April

LONDON The Trench Exhibition is about daily life in a First World War Trench. Imperial War Museum. ONE month. Moscow City Ballet presents Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker from 8 to 11 April and Prokofievs Cinderalla at Richmond Theatre on 12 and 13 April. Shakespeares Birthday Celebration at Shakespeares Globe. 21 to 23 April. The Chelsea Art Fair offers modern paintings, drawings and sculpture at the Chelsea Old Town Hall. 25 to 28 April.

HONG KONG Chung Ying Theatre Company presents the musical black comedy little Shop of Horrors. Kwai Tsing Threatre. 1 April Ancient Chinese Astronomy exhibition. Hong Kong Science Museum. Until 7 April Hong Kong Philharmonie Orchestras All Russian Night. HK cultural Centre Concert Hall. 19 and 20 April.


No. 16

17 18 19 20 21

Description Dr. Ramdev Singh : I am interested in knowing more about the human body and Ill be in Sydney in April. Laila : I am very interested in musicals especially those with Hollywood themes. I will be visiting Tokyo. Mrs Lee : My children are interested in ballet. We will be in London in April. Loh Ah Kow : I believe in the stars and would like to unravel their secrets Patricia : I love Elton John and would give anything to see him perform. Ali : I like to look at the painting.

Event and Place

[6 marks] Based on the advertisements, answer the following questions. 22 Which events would interest a motor-bike fan?


Which event would depict warfare?


If a person is very interested in art, what are the places that would interest him/her?


There are events that could be quite traumatic for some visitors. Name one.

[4 marks]


Section B 2 Questions 16 - 25 Study the pamphlet carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

HELP THE CHILDREN OF ASIA We are a non-profit, non-government organization dedicated to helping the unfortunate children of Asia. All across the Asia continent, children are suffering and facing starvation. They are in danger of dying from malnutrition. They are the innocent victims of drought and famine. Their desperate mothers queue up at refugee camps and food distribution centres in the hope of getting food, but often food supply is scarce. With your donations we can send food to these children by air and give them life and hope. Interested in helping? Send a cheque or money order to : Save The Children Fund Malaysia 35, Jalan Puri 4, 44510 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. For further information, please contact : Tel. No.: 03-5674256 Fax No.: 03-5656721 E-mail: Use the information above to answer these questions. 16. The organization is helping children in which countries? 17.. What is the most likely cause of death for the children? . 18.. Why is there not enough food for the children? .. 19.. State a place where the mothers get their supply of food. .. [4 marks]


Questions 20 - 25 Read the pamphlet and complete the table below. Name of organisation 20 21 How donations can be made 22 23 Ways to contact organisation 24 How food is transported 25

[6 marks]


Section B3 [10 marks] Read the hotel safety brochure below, then answer the questions that follow.

Flamingo Hotel Safety Procedures

What if you have just arrived? STUDY THE FIRE ESCAPE PLAN Upon checking into your room, locate the emergency exits. Count the doors between the fire exits and your room. This will help in case it becomes dark and smoky. FIND THE ALARM CALL POINTS AND EXTINGUISHER Familiarise yourself with the location of all the nearest fire alarm and know where the fire extinguishers and fire hose reels are located What if you find a fire? SOUND THE NEAREST FIRE ALARM Upon detecting a fire or smoke, break the glass of the nearest fire alarm or call the telephone operator. What if you hear the fire alarm? EVACUATE Leave your room immediately via the nearest exit staircase. Do not use the elevators. Do not attempt to pack your belongings. Time is precious. Save your life first. Take your room key with you. You may need to go back to your room if your exit is blocked. Stay calm. Panic will not help. Remember PREVENT FIRE If you are a smoker, be sure to completely extinguish your cigarette. Do not smoke in bed. Do not throw your cigarette stubs in the wastepaper basket. Do not hang wet clothes on lamp shades. Be sure to turn off all electrical appliances upon leaving your room, e.g. electric shaver, traveling iron, etc.


Questions 16-20 Read the situation below and complete the task given. Situation You are staying in a hotel and suddenly you hear the fire alarm. What are the things you must or must not do? List your answers below. 16 17 18 19 20 .. .. .. .. .. [5 marks]

Questions 21-25 In the table below, indicate the safety procedures you should take in each situation. Write one answer only in each space provided.

When you have checked into your room. When you discover a fire. If you want to prevent a fire.

21 22 23 24 25 [5 marks]


Section C1
[25 marks] Read this article and answer the questions that follow. Follow these steps for a successful phone-call. 1 Think ahead about what you want to achieve before you place the call Will you actually reserve a flight if the price is right and the schedule is convenient? If you decide before calling what you want to settle upon, your phone conversations will be brief, effective and satisfying to both parties. Adopt a pleasant tone with the person who answers the call 5 When you make a call, your voice should sound warm, cheerful and upbeat. Your pronunciation should be clear. Make an effort to sound pleasing to the person you are calling. Even if the purpose of your call is unpleasant, (such as to make a complaint to a store), sounding pleasant gets the conversation off on the right foot and makes the recipient of the call more inclined to help 10 you in an equally pleasant manner. Establish the identity of the other party When you get another person on the line, establish the identity of the other party before moving to the business at hand. Good morning. Is this Mr John Wong? If the answer is a flat no, you might say, My name is Lena 15 Loh. To whom am I speaking? Have a piece of paper handy and write down the persons name. That information may come in handy during the remainder of the conversation, or perhaps later, when you speak with someone else. Identify yourself and your reason for calling 20 Just as you want to know whom youre speaking with, the other party wants to know who you are and what you want. Settle this issue before you are asked. Say something like, This is Asmah Hashim and Id like to order some tins of paint. Inquire whether the timing of the call is convenient 25 No matter whom you call or what time of day it is, begin your conversation by asking, Is this a convenient time to talk? If it isnt, volunteer to call back at a better time. Folks who have call waiting appreciate this courtesy.

Take notes during the conversation You can exchange a great deal of information in the course of a telephone 30 conversation. Get in the habit of keeping a note pad near every telephone and conversation. Get in the habit of keeping a note pad near every telephone and making notes as you chat. Otherwise, names, dates, model numbers, phone numbers, addresses and the like can get scrambled if you try to keep everything in you head. Jot it down. 35 Achieve closure When you have finished the business at hand and things have worked out well, say so: Thanks for helping me. I really appreciate it. Then end the conversation. Just say Good-bye and hang up.


Questions 26 - 30 26. How has technology affected the rules of telephone etiquette today?

[1 mark] 27. Give two examples of what the telephone can do for a person. (i) [1 mark] (ii) [1 mark] 28. What can you gain socially by exercising good telephone etiquette?

[2 marks] 29. Why is it important to think ahead about what you want to achieve before you place a call?

[2 marks] 30. Name three things you can do to give a good impression when you make a call. (i) [1 mark] (ii) [1 mark] (iii) [1 mark]



Based on the passage given, write a summary on: the steps for a successful phone call

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must be in continuous writing (not in note form) use material from lines 1 to the end not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows: Making a successful telephone call read to follow some steps [15 marks]


Section C2 [25 marks] Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. 1 Language pollution happens very commonly in the newspapers, advertisements, books and magazines. What are the factors encouraging language pollution? How are we going to overcome this problem? Language pollution is errors made when using a certain language. It can happen in various aspects like sentence structures, definitions, phrases, words, conjunctions, punctuation, wrong use of grammar and spelling. Two main causes of language pollution are errors made are not corrected immediately by the language user and the influence of foreign language. 5

Normally, language pollution occurs in countries with multi-races like Malaysia. Different languages are used for communication purpose. This is when language 10 pollution occurs very easily. Some non-Malays find it difficult to be competent in Bahasa Melayu because they rarely use the language when communicating with family members or close friends. Besides that, the influence of mass media, especially the television encourages language pollution when foreign languages are spoken together with our national language, turning Bahasa Melayu into Broken 15 Bahasa Melayu. Various district languages with different accents are spoken in different states of Malaysia. Of course, this allows language pollution of Bahasa Melayu. Words are pronounced differently and sometimes different words are used that convey the same meaning but most of the time these words are colloquial. Another factor is many fail to understand how to use Bahasa Melayu. This may be due to less enforcement of this language during primary school days. Some publishers are also quite careless when publishing books, magazines and newspapers. This is why we can find errors in them even now. We can overcome this problem if all parties co-operate. The government, through 25 the Education Ministry should reformulate the education system by enforcing the use of Bahasa Melayu in most of the important subjects. Teachers teaching Bahasa Melayu should be given training every now and then to keep up with the changes in the language. Various Bahasa Melayu campaigns should be organised to discourage the use of 30 colloquial language. This would create interest in many to use the language accurately. Publishers also play a very important role by publishing books with no errors in Bahasa Melayu.


Language pollution is destructive and it needs a lot of attention from all parties. Prevention is better that cure.




(a) Based on paragraph 1, where does language pollution commonly happen?

[1 mark] (b) Based on paragraph 2, what is language pollution?

[1 mark] 27 From paragraph 2, state one cause of language pollution.


[1 mark] From paragraph 3, which word has the same meaning as become proficient? [1 mark]


(a) From paragraph 4, what allows language pollution of Bahasa Melayu?

[1 mark] (b) How do various district language encourage the pollution of Bahasa Melayu?

[1 mark] 30 (a) From paragraph 6, why is it necessary for the Education Ministry to reformulate the education system?

[1 mark] (b) In paragraph 8, the writer says that language pollution is destructive. Do you agree with her? Give a reason using your own words.

[2 marks]



Based on the passage given, write a summary on: how we can overcome language pollution factors encouraging the pollution of Bahasa Melayu how you can overcome or prevent the pollution of Bahasa Melayu

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must be in continuous writing (not in note form) use materials from line 9 34 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows: Since Malaysia is a multiracial country, different languages are used [15 marks]


Section C3 [25 marks] Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow 1 A short while after the shooting stopped, I heard someone whispering, Theyve gone. Its safe now to come out. Then there was silence again except for the nocturnal creatures that shrill, incessant cries filled the chilly, night air. The pale half moon cast eerie shadows all around. It was difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal. So I lay very still, ears pricked for the slightest sound. Who could it be? Is he a friend or foe? Then I saw him, a dark figure moving stealthily; one slow heavy step at a time, like a cat stalking a mouse. I held my breath as he came to where I was. The huge roots of a giant tree separated us. Only a small part of him was visible. He breathed heavily, Is anyone there? Help me, Im injured. The voice sounded familiar. I was tempted to go out and join him, but 10 1

Years of jungle warfare in Kalimantan has taught me not to trust any voice in the dark. It could be an enemy mimicking a friend. So it was best for me to remain as quiet as possible. I couldnt take any chances. One wrong move and that would be the end of me. Nobody would ever find me or care to in such a hostile environment. 15 Just before the shoot-out, Im sure they must have spotted me when I dashed out of the hut as they closed in upon us. The ambush was so swift that we hardly had time to organize ourselves into an effective defense. We did the next best thing; we scurried in all directions towards the swamp. The burst of gun shots followed by blue flashes of lights and shouts of, Kill them all but spare the bald one, still rang in my 20 ears as I lay like a cornered rat in the deepest part of the swamp. But why do they want to spare me? I thought. Do I hold the key to their survival? Could it be that I am still alive today because I was spared by them? Then I remembered an event three days before the attack. Three of us, handpicked from three different units from the anti-smuggling squad had penetrated their 25 stronghold in the murky estuary of Sungai Tembusu. It had taken us two days and a night of trekking in knee-deep mud to reach their hideout. Cleverly camouflaged with no tell-tale signs of human intrusion, the hut stored one of the largest amount of cocaine I had ever seen. We were examining the loot when the shots came in from the outside. One of my companions gave a cry of pain 30 as his warm blood splattered on my shirt. They must have lain in ambush for us and struck at our most defenseless moment. After that, all I knew was that I was running for dear life into the swamp.



For a long time, everything was quiet again. It must be well past midnight. The chilly water seeped into my bones and the smell of the swamp pervaded the 35 atmosphere. Where was he? In moments like this, sight was useless. The ears became the most useful organs for survival. Listen. Suddenly, the dark figure loomed in front of me like a dark apparition. Huge, strong arms wrapped around my throat. His grip tightened and I was about to lose my breath, when instinctively, I gave him a jab in the stomach with my elbow and he 40 loosened his grip. Momentarily, my hands went for the pistol which was tucked at my waist. But, no, I could not shoot him. That would bring the others swarming and I stand no chance of escaping. But I could fight one to one even though he was bigger. His swift movements and strength did not belong to an injured person. I was right. He was not one of us. He had cleverly faked injury and imitated my friends voice to lure me out into the open and take me alive. As the chief of the antismuggling unit, I would be a prized prisoner. 45




Then he came at me again. This time I side-tracked and he stumbled slightly. I took advantage of his slight loss of concentration and plunged my knife into his neck, followed by a swift turn, almost severing the neck. He gave a short cry before 50 crashed into the mud. I emptied his pocket and kept his wallet. Back at the base camp, the identification showed him to be Ananto Weiz, the most wanted smuggler in the region himself.



Why couldnt the protagonist see the dark figure clearly?

[2 marks] 27 In paragraph 5 (a) which phrase shows the dark figure was trying to play a trick?

[1 mark] (b) what could happen if the protagonist join the dark figure?

[1 mark]



Why were the protagonists ears more useful than his eyes in the swamp?

[2 marks] 29 What made the protagonist think that he was badly wanted?

[2 marks] 30 How did Ananto Weiz become a victim of his slight loss of concentration?

[2 marks]


Based on the passage given, write a summary on: the incidences in which the writer escaped unharmed.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form) not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given below use materials from lines 9 to 48

Begin your summary as follows: The members of the anti-smuggling squad ran towards the swamp [15 marks]


Section D1 [25 marks] 32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. MONSOON HISTORY The air is wet, soaks Into mattresses, and curls In apparitions of smoke. Like fat white slugs furled Among the timber, Or silver fish tunnelling The damp linen covers Of schoolbooks, or walking Quietly like centipedes, The air walking everywhere On its hundred feet Is filled with glare Of tropical water. Again we are taken over By clouds and rolling darkness. Small snails appear Clashing their timid horns Among the morning glory Vines. Drinking milo, Nyonya and baba sit at home. This was forty years ago. Sarong-wrapped they counted Silver paper for the dead. Potraits of grandfathers Hung always in the parlour. Reading Tennyson, at six p.m. in pajamas, Listening to down-pouring Rain: the air ticks With gnats, black spiders fly. Moth sweeps out of our rooms Where termites build Their hills of eggs and queens zoom In heat. We wash our feet For bed, watch mother uncoil Her snake hair, unbuckle The silver mesh around her waist, Waiting for father pacing The sand as fishers pull From the Straits after Monsoon. The air is still, silent Like sleepers rocked in the pantun, Sheltered by Malacca. This was forty years ago, When nyonya Married baba.

Shirley Geok-lin Lim


32 (a)

How are the Babas and Nyonyas different from the other Chinese communities in Malaysia?

[1 mark]

(b) Why does the poet incorporate Malay words in her poem?

[2 marks] (c) What are the creatures mentioned in stanza 1? Why are they associated with the 'downpouring/rain"?

[2 marks]



Read the extract from the short story The Lotus Eater below and answer the questions that follow.

"Because he's going to kill himself," my friend replied. "He came to Capri when he was thirty-five. He has enough money to last for twenty-five years. When his money is finished, he's going to kill himself." "Wilson did not look very interesting, but I wanted to meet him. I thought he would be an interesting man to talk to. He had made a decision that very few people make. Most people live simple lives. They do not make big decisions which change their lives completely. And very few people decide when they are going to die."

(a) Who came to Capri when he was 35?

[1 mark] (b) When is he going to grant his decision?

[2 marks] (c) What has Wilson decided to do?

[2 marks]


34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language: Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return Kris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Do you find family values in the novel that you read? Using details from the novel that you have studied, write about: two of the values the writer describes [15 marks]


SECTION D2 [25 marks] 32 Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Somebody flings a mattress out, The children hurry by; They wonder if It died on that, ; I used to when a boy. The minister goes stiffly in As if the house were his, And he owned all the mourners now, And little boys besides; (a) Why do you think the children hurry by?

[1 mark] (b) What is the word It referred to in line 3?

[1 mark] (c) Why does the minister behave like he owned all the mourners now?

[1 mark] (d) In your opinion, how does the poet treat death in the poem?

[2 marks]



Read the extracts from the short story The Necklace below and answer the questions that follow. She removed her wraps before the glass so as to see herself once more in all her glory. But suddenly, she uttered a cry. She no longer had the necklace round her neck! What is the matter with you? demanded her husband, already halfundressed. She turned distractedly towards him. I have- I have-Ive lost Madame Forestiers necklace, she cried. He stood up, bewildered. What! how? Impossible! They looked among the folds of her skirt, of her cloak, in her pockets, everywhere, but did not find it.


Why did Mathilde utter a cry when she looked at herself at the mirror?

[1 mark] (b) How did Mathilde and her husband replace the necklace?

[1 mark] (c) What kind of situation did they get themselves into after they replaced the necklace?

[1 mark] (d) If you were Loisel, would you help Mathilde? Give a reason for your answer.

[2 marks]



The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language: Jungle of Hope The Pearl Kris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

The Return

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. . Use information from the novel to support your answer. Describe briefly how the setting in the novel has influenced the life of the character in the story. Support your answers with close reference to the text. [15 marks]


Section D3 [25 marks] 32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. Sonnet 18 Shalll I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. And summers lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of the heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or natures changing course, untrimmd But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst; Nor shall Death brag thou wandrest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growst So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. William Shakespeare In the line, Shall I compare thee to a summers day?, who could the thee be?


[1 mark] (b) What does more temperate in line 2 mean?

[1 mark] (c) What does the line And every fair from fair sometimes declines imply?

[1 mark] (d) Do you think the poets love was immortalised through the poem? Explain.

[2 marks]



Read the extracts from the short story Looking For A Rain God and answer the questions that follow. After it was all over and the bodies of the two little girls had been spread across the land, the rain did not fall. Instead, there was a deathly silence at night and the devouring heat of the sun by the day. A terror, extreme and deep, overwhelmed the whole family. They packed, rolling up their skin blankets and pots, and fled back to the village.

(a) What does it refer to?

[1 mark] (b) Which word in the extract above shows that the family is running away?

[1 mark] (c) Why is the family running away?

[1 mark] (d) Would you do what Mokgobja and his family did? Give a reason for your answer.

[2 marks]



The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language: Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return Kris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question. Use information from the novel to support your answer. Do you like the ending of the novel that you have studied. Give reasons for your answer with close reference to the text. [15 marks]




SECTION A NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLOZE TEXT NO 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SECTION B Section B1 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Mission Earthling Australia West End Hit Dance Bunkamura Orchard Hall,/Tokyo. Moscow City Ballet Richment Theatre,/ London ancient Chinese Astronomy exhibition Hong Kong Science Museum,/Hong Kong Elton John Concert Sydney Entertainment Centre,/Sydney/Australia The Chelsea Art Fair Chelsea Town Centre,/ London Two-wheeled warriors / 29 Tokyo Motorcycle Show The Trench Exhibition Tokyo Museum /Chelsea Old Town Hall Hyde Park Barracks Museum CLOZE 1 A A D C A D A CLOZE 2 C A C B A A B CLOZE 3 A B A A C A D SECTION A1 C D A C B D B A SECTION A2 B B C B C C D C SECTION A3 B D C B C B C B


Section B2 16. Asian continent 17. malnutrition 18. drought / famine 19. refugee camps / food distribution centres 20. Save The Children Fund Malaysia 21. cheque 22. money order 23. telephone 03-5674256 / fax 03-5656721 24. or e-mail: 25. by aeroplane

Section B3 Questions 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 I/We must leave the room immediately (via the nearest exit staircase). I/We must not use the elevators. I/We must not attempt to pack our belongings. I/We must take the room key. I/We must stay calm.

Questions 21 and 22 Locate the emergency exits. Count the doors between the fire exits and the room. Question 23 Break the glass of the nearest fire alarm / Call the telephone operator. Questions 24 and 25 Be sure to completely extinguish cigarette. Do not smoke in bed. Do not throw cigarette stubs in the wastepaper basket. Do not hang wet clothes on lamp shades. Be sure to turn off electrical appliances upon leaving the room.


SECTION C Section C1 26. 27. They do not know to make telephone calls. i. ii. 28. 29. 30. Reserve a flight ticket Order necessary things

we can make the recipient more inclined to help the conversation will be brief, effective and satisfying to both parties. a. Adopt a pleasant tone b. Establish the identity of the other party c. Inquire weather the timing of the call is convenient


Achieve closure


Suggested Scheme of marks for Summary writing Content 10 marks Language 5 marks Total 15 marks

Content: Think ahead what you want to call about Call will be effective Brief Satisfying both parties Adopt a pleasant tone Even if the purpose is unpleasant Establish the identity of other party Come in handy during the reminder Identify yourself Identify the reason for calling Enquire weather it is convenient timing Folks who have call waiting appreciate this courtesy take notes during conversation thing dont get mix up/scrambled achieve a good closure


Section C2 26 27. 28. 29. (a) Language pollution happens in the newspapers, advertisement, books and magazines. (b) Language pollution is errors made when a certain language is used. The cause is errors made are not corrected immediately. / The cause is the influence of foreign language. competent (a) Various district languages with different accents that are spoken in different states of Malaysia allow the pollution of Bahasa Melayu. (b) (i) Words are pronounced differently. (ii) Different words are used that convey the same meaning but most these words are colloquial. (a) By reformulating the education system, the use of Bahasa Melayu in most of the important subjects can be enforced. (b) Yes, language pollution is destructive because pollution can destroy a language little by little. Answer for question 31 to communicate encourages pollution of Bahasa Melayu difficult to master for the non-Malays rarely communicate in the language used with foreign languages different states use colloquial Bahasa Melayu many fail to understand how to use the language careless in using the language all parties co-operate Education Ministry enforce use of language in important subjects teachers should be retrained organise campaigns publish error-free books



Section C3 26 27 it was dark/ the moon was only half/ the moon was pale (a) (b) mimicking/ enemy mimicking a friend he could get killed


The night was very dark but very silent He could not see as clearly as he could hear The smugglers had spared him He was the chief of the anti-smuggling squad When he lost his concentration, he was killed Answer for question 31 to hide/take cover he lay still very quiet did not go out did not respond did not trust the trackers voice though sounded familiar did not shoot took advantage of attackers loss of concentration killed swiftly




SECTION D Section D1


Babas and Nyonyas come from peranakan family where tradition and customs are closely adhered. To give the poem a local flavour. gnats, black spiders, moths, termites, snake: the rain seem to bring out these creatures Thomas Wilson At the age of 60, when he finished his money. To kill himself.

32b. 32c.

33a. 33b. 33c.

Section D2 32 (a) It is because they are afraid. (b) It refers to the dead person. (c) It is because he is in control of the situation in the house. (d) Death is treated as a natural occurrence. It is a part of life. The whole proceeding is described as in an unemotional manner. (Accept any suitable answers).

33. (a) She suddenly realised that she had lost the necklace. (b) They bought another necklace to replace the lost one. (c) They incurred a huge debt and worked very hard to repay the money they had borrowed. / It took them 10 years to pay up the debt. (d) Yes, I would feel that as a husband I will help her although I know that she has been vain and arrogant. or No, I think it is an opportunity for her to be responsible for her action.


Section D3 32 (a) It is the personas beloved. (b) It means more balanced and rational. (c) It means that over time beauty deteriorates. (d) Yes, I think she is. Everyone who reads the poem will know about the beauty of the beloved and his feelings for her.


(a) The ceremony where the children were killed as a sacrifice to the rain god. (b) fled (c) They run away because they have committed a crime / They are scared. (d) No, because it is cruel and we should cherish our children / It is a sin to kill.




COMPOSITION WRITING STRUCTURAL COMPOSITION Newspaper article You are a reporter with a local newspaper. You are waiting for a bus to take you back to office after lunch. You witness an accident between two cars. When you get back to the office, you immediately write an article for publication in the newspaper. Using the points listed below and adding material of your own, write the article. Date and time Place of accident Description of cars How the cars collided. Damage to the cars. Injury to drivers and others. Who caused the accident?

* For structural compositions (newspaper article) you need to: 1. Answer the Wh-questions, e.g. where? When? Who? What? and how? Add details 2. Expand the notes Add extra relevant information


COMPOSITION WRITING FREE WRITING B NARRATIVE SHORT STORY Before I arrive at her house, I feared Mr Kriesanth Don would say some harsh words to me but . (continue the story)

For narrative writing (short story) plan a story-line like this

Climax of story (The most exciting part)

(Next few paragraphs) Develop the story-line

(Last paragraph) Short conclusion

(1st paragraph) Short, interesting beginning to capture the readers attention

You need to : 1. Make short notes add details 2. Expand the notes

add extra relevant information



DESCRIPTIVE Descriptive writing Place Describe the place to which you would like to go for a holiday


Describe the place under headings like: location places to visit/see highlights, e.g. food / unusual attractions things to do accommodation weather people, etc


For description writing, you need to use some of the following to make your writing more vivid: o Adjectives e.g. panoramic view twinkling free water pollution-free water e.g. roam freely e.g. hustle and bustle e.g. in all weathers e.g. rough it out e.g. as pretty as a picture

o Adverbs o Pairs of words o Idiomatic expressions o Figurative language o Similes




You may have to do one of the following: To present a viewpoint i.e. to argue for or against a topic OR to argue in such a way and cons of the topic To discuss the pros and cons of the topic To try to solve a given problem

Use these strategies: Introduction: Middle paragraphs: - state your stand on the topic - present the facts clearly and forcefully - give accurate facts - use specific examples and illustrations to support your argument - reiterate your stand



TOPIC VOCABULARY Suggested topic vocabulary for :DESCRIBING PEOPLE FACE EYES Dark-complexioned Bloodshot Fair-complexioned Brown-eyed Freckled Dreamy Sleepy Oval-shaped Pimpled Sparkling Rosy cheeks Watery

STATURE Burly Short Chubby Slim Fat Stocky Frail-looking Lanky Thin Muscular Petite Well-built Tall

HAIR Black Healthylooking Lustrous Shining Shoulder-length Thick

ambulance badly injured bang collide

AN ACCIDENT injuries knocked dent first aid down screeching fractured legs/arms brakes seriously hospital wounded

shattered glass unhurt

OUTINGS TRIP/JOURNEY enjoyable reservations hazardous road highway scenery steep gradient luggage tiring nerve-wrecking unpleasant picturesque winding pleasant relaxing CAMPING activities knapsacks adventurous nearby stream camp-fire pitch cooking utensils songs tents exciting unforgettable food firewood water guitar

SUGGESTION: Acquire a wider vocabulary by reading newspapers, magazines and books. Compile your own vocabulary list.


accomplished adorable aggressive Arrogant beautiful brilliant bold capable conscientious courageous cruel cunning caring

OTHER USEFUL WORDS diligent hard-working proud quite easygoing honest responsible efficient rude hot-tempered humble extravagant selfish famous impolite shrewd fashionable intelligent sincere gentle irritating snobbish generous lazy sociable glamorous mild-mannered soft-spoken mischievous good-humoured sophisticated narrow-minded gorgeous spiteful outgoing handsome stubborn popular PROVERBS

studious sympathetic tactless talented temperamental timid trend-setter well-disciplined well-known witty

A leopard doesnt change its spot. A new broom sweeps well. A rolling stone gathers nor moss. A square peg in a round table. Beggars must not be choosers. Birds of a feather flock together. Boys will be boys. Dead men tell no tales. Empty vessels make the most noise.

His bark is worse than his bite. Jack of all trades and master of none. Like father, like son. Like mother, like daughter. Once bitten, twice shy. Sitting on the fence. Still waters run deep. Turn over a new leaf.

as blind as a bat as clumsy as a bear as cool as a cucumber as cunning as a fox as docile as a lamb as fickle as the weather as fit as a fiddle as green as grass as happy / merry as a lark as hard as iron/nails as mad as a hatter

SIMILES as poor as church mouse as proud as a peacock as slippery as eel as slow as a tortoise as strong as Hercules as tall as a giant as thick as thieves as timid as a scarecrow as white as a sheet as wise as an owl as mean as a miser


DESCRIBING PLACES Bare Breathtaking Bustling Chaotic Cockroach-ridden Comfortable Cosy Crammed Crowded Dark Dingy Deserted Well-kept Dusty Exotic Filthy Flood-prone Haunted Hilly Historic Isolated Lonely Low-laying Messy Mountainous Windy Muddy Narrow Noisy Palm-fringed Panoramic Peaceful Picturesque Pollution-free Quaint Remote Renowned Rocky Sandy Scenic Serene Shabby Shady Spacious Spectacular Spick and span Tastefully furnished Tidy Tranquil Unique


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