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Andrew Choi Period1 Chapter #27: Empire and Expansion Big Picture Themes 1.

. The Spanish-American War saw the U.S. gain Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guantanomo Bay in Cuba, the Philippines, and other smaller islands. 2. The Philippines proved to be hard to handle since the Filipino people didnt want the U.S. there. They waged a guerilla war and resented American control until it was turned back over to the Philippines after WWII. 3. The U.S. managed to get an Open Door Policy with China. This opened the Asian giant to international trade. 4. Teddy Roosevelt became a vigorous president who obtained and built the Panama Canal. His Big Stick Policy toward Latin America increased Americas influence, but also increased animosity toward the U.S.

Chapter #27: Identifications Alfred Thayer Mahan Mahan was an American author that wrote a book called The Influnece of Sea Power Upon History. The book was about how the United States could be more powerful if they invested into a better Navy. de Lome Letter The de Lome Letter was from a Spanish minister named de Lome to a person in Cuba but was caught in transmission and published to a newspaper in New York. Emilio Aguinaldo Emilio Aguinaldo was the master mind behind the rebellion against American Troops in the Philippines. Teller Amendment The Teller Amendment stated that America would give Cuba its freedom after removing Spain. Rough Riders The Rough Riders were formed under Theodore Roosevelt. He wanted some Action and wanted to fight. Anti-Imperialist League This League was put together to go against McKinleys administration. This included the expansionist moves which were of Twain and Gompers. Foraker Act

Andrew Choi Period1 The Foraker Act gave people of Puerto Rico full citizen right in the United States. Platt Amendment Cuba was unable to make treaties with the U.S and therefore could not be taken into debt. Cuba on the other hand could give right to America for oil and coal. Spheres of Influence. The Spheres of Influence was something set up to main access and control of nearby areas of a coastal city. Philippine Insurrection This was when the American decided to put all the citizens of the Philippines into concentration camps and create something like medical experimentation. Open Door Policy The Open Door Policy was created by John Hay to open all cities in the Sphere of Influence open to trade. Boxer Rebellion The Boxer Rebellion was created by the Chinese government to stop all trade in their foreign controlled cities. Big Stick Policy The Big Stick Policy was used to intimidate foreign nations to obey the demands of the Americans through force. Roosevelt Corollary The Roosevelt Corollary said that it could intervene in Latin America and collect the war money from Europe. Portsmouth Conference Members of the Portsmouth Conference (Russia, Japan, and the U.S.) talked about how they were going to settle the war in the Russo-Japan War. Gentlemens Agreement Japan agreed to limit the amount of workers going to the U.S and Roosevelt agreeded to allow the wives of Japanese men join them.

Chapter #27: Identifications

Andrew Choi Period1 America Turns Outward 1. What factors caused America to turn its attention to the world beyond her borders? American at that time wanted more land and resources. Even though it was democracy it sure looked like an empire. They U.S. became very strict on foreign policy and how they could get land.

Spurning the Hawaiian Pear Know: Queen Liliuokalani 2. Why did President Cleveland not want to annex Hawaii? Cleveland did not want to annex Hawaii because he was against the imperialistic movement of the United States. His main focus was to maintain and restore the Queen Liliuokalani. Cubans Rise in Revolt 3. What was happening in Cuba that caused Americans to be concerned?

Spain was gradually taking control over Cuba. Americans were concerned that this would cause an economic disaster for the U.S. Cubans developed a scorched earth policy and burned down all the sugar cane fields.

Dewey's May Day Victory at Manila Know: Teddy Roosevelt, George Dewey 4. Why did Commodore Dewey have such an easy victory over the Spanish fleet at the Philippines? Commodore George Dewey sent in his naval forces in the harbor of Manila. The army of 10 ships was taken by complete surprise. The Americans were so good that they owned the Spanish fleet with no casualties.

The Confused Invasion of Cuba Know: Rough Riders, Teddy Roosevelt, San Juan Hill 5. Describe the fighting in Cuba. Rough Riders were established to fight the Cubans. It was made by Teddy Roosevelt because he was hungry for battle. In the battle of El Caney his troops went up the San Juan Hill to fight the bad people off. America's Course (Curse?) of Empire Know: Anti-Imperialist League

Andrew Choi Period1 6. What were the arguments for and against the annexation of the Philippines?

Public opinion supported the annexation of the Philippines. Other said that it could become another HK. Filipinos wanted freedom and Americans denied it to them.

Makers of America: The Puerto Ricans 7. How has U.S. citizenship caused Puerto Ricans to be different from other immigrants? After Congress granted Puerto Ricans full American citizenship, the US helped to transform Puerto Rico and aided them greatly in improving their sanitation, transportation, beauty, and education. Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba Know: Insular Cases,Platt Amendment, Guantanamo 8. Describe American treatment of Cuba after the Spanish-American War. Military Action in Cuba brought up by wood made improvements in the government. The Platt Amendment stated that Cuba was unable to make treaties with the U.S and therefore could not be taken into debt. Cuba on the other hand could give right to America for oil and coal. Cuba granted access to Guantanamo bay as a military base shared affair. New Horizons in Two Hemispheres 9. What were the outcomes of the Spanish-American War? It affirmed America's presence as a world power. America's actions, however, made its German rival jealous and its Latin American neighbors suspicious. One major result was narrowing the chasm between the US North and South, which had been problematic after the Civil War. "Little Brown Brothers" in the Philippines Know: William Howard Taft, Benevolent Assimilation 10. In what way do the Philippines show the good and bad sides of American imperialism? America would either run it directly or indirectly. William Howard Taft wanted to take over the Philippines for its economic resources. Benevolent Assimilation was when Americans gave money to improve infrastructure sanitation public health and education in the Philippines. Hinging the Open Door in China Know: Boxer Rebellion 11. Was American involvement in China beneficial to China?

Andrew Choi Period1 American involvement in China was beneficial to China because America's Open Door Policy prevented China from being carved. China was basically being bullied by the European powers. Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900? 12. What issues were important in the 1900 election? Most Filipino immigrants came to toil. With Chinese immigrants banned, Hawaii and the Pacific Coast states turned to the Philippines for cheap agricultural labor. If a Filipino approached a white woman, he could expect reprisals, sometimes violent.

TR: Brandisher of the Big Stick Know: Big Stick, Bully Pulpit 13. Give evidence to show that Teddy Roosevelt was an unconventional president? Teddy Roosevelt bullied the foreign nations under the Big Stick Policy and forced them to agree with the Americans ideals. He would always use the Bully Pulpit which meant to speak out and be heard and as well as listen to others. Building the Panama Canal Know: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, Philippe Bunau-Varilla, 14. Why was the Panama route chosen for the canal? At first they were going to use the Nicaraguan route but the French Canal company did not approve of it. It was also the easiest to do. The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty allowed the American to build and fortify a Central American Canal alone without the permission of the British. Philippe Bunau-Varilla helped start a rebellion against Columbia. TR's Perversion of Monroe's Doctrine Know: Roosevelt Corollary, Dominican Republic, Bad Neighbor 15. Explain the similarities and differences between the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary? They were different in that the Roosevelt Corollary dealt with money and the Monroe Doctrine dealt with Foreign Policy. Roosevelt practiced his intervention in the Dominican Republic. The Bad Neighbor policy was when the U.S use military force to take over in Latin America.

Roosevelt on the World Stage Know: Russo-Japanese War, Portsmouth 16. How did Teddy Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize? He won the Nobel Peace Prize because he successfully stopped the Russo-Jap War in the Portsmouth Conference.

Andrew Choi Period1 Japanese Laborers in California Know: Gentlemens Agreement, Great White Fleet 17. How did a school board in California act in a way that first hurt and then helped American-Japanese relations? The school board thought that Asian Americans should attend different or special schools due to a lack of space. The Gentlemens Agreement stated that they did not want to segregate the students. Varying Viewpoints: Why did America Become a World Power? 18. What caused America's foray into imperialism? Defend your opinion. The overseas adventures in Wide Ocean of Africa were part of a long tradition of racefueled militarism, from the nations earliest Indian escalated quickly into a crazy war of destruction and peace wars to Cold War engagements in Korea and Vietnam.

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