Opvang 2009 - A Success!: Congratulations Graduates!

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Volume 1 Issue 1—October 2009 - Keeping you informed about the challenges and successes of S4 and our students

in the Netherlands

Opvang 2009 - A Success!

The Hague– The very first weekend in August proved to be an exciting mation including their insurance policies and rental agreements. They
one for many as St. Maarten Student Support Services (S4) welcomed also got the chance to meet the mentors that would assist them with
new students from the Dutch Windward Islands to the Netherlands for orientation in their respective cities and schools. For a group that had
the school year 2009/2010. In pursuit of degrees ranging from MBO to just arrived to Europe after a nine hour flight, the students, although a
WO, in fields from Aviation to Biology, a total of forty-eight students bit fatigued were well-behaved and in high spirits. The “Opvang” was
from St. Maarten and St. Eustatius were greeted with enthusiasm at deemed a success by everyone present.
Schipol Airport on Sunday August 2nd, 2009.
Every year hundreds of students from the Netherlands Antilles arrive in
The official welcome reception and dinner took place at Hotel Schipol the Netherlands with the hopes of obtaining higher education and a
A4 where the Director of S4 Drs. Marva Richardson, the representa- new outlook on life. S4 was incorporated in 2004 to assist the students
tives of the Island Government of St. Maarten, the Antillean House, from the Dutch Windward Islands by offering an array of support ser-
SSC and St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce delivered words of advice vices aimed at guiding the students toward success.
and encouragement. The students received packets of valuable infor-

Meet the S4 Team 2
John Brooks - MBO Med. Lab. Technician
Juan Carlos de Jesus - Chef Advanced Picture Gallery 4

Shobhan Giterson - HBO Communication Studentverzekering 6

Shariselle Hennis - BBA International Business Student Highlight 6
Mavis Lestrade - HBO Education—English
Changing Studies 7
Efrena Plantijn - MBO Nursing
Housing Rules 8
Ruben Richardson - MBO Sociale Dienst
Shurhensley Thielman - MBO Netwerk Specialist Mentor Highlight 8

Chi Hing Yee - BSc Accountancy

WHAT’S GOING ON... page 2
The Quarterly Newsletter From S4
WHAT’S GOING ON... has been created to keep the students of S4, their parents and the communi-
ties of St. Maarten, Saba, Statia and the Netherlands informed about the organization and it’s stu-
dents’ successes and challenges. St. Maarten Student Support Services (S4) was established in No-
vember 2004 in order to guarantee proper guidance and supervision for our students in the Nether-
lands and to ensure that their stay in the Netherlands would be fruitful.

WHAT’S GOING ON… is distributed electronically on St. Maarten, Saba, Statia and the Netherlands.
Hard copies are also available at the S4 office.

Born on Curacao almost 50 ideas with the School Managers and Career Counselors.
years ago, my parents were
both from our lovely island You may wonder why I should choose to leave everything behind
St. Maarten. My father was for a job as S4 Director in “koude kikkerland”. My answer is a
from the Dutch side of the island very simple one. At this stage in my life I have already accom-
while my mother, the French. I plished most of my financial, social and personal goals. Instead of
grew up on Curacao with frequent visits to St. going for more of the same I now choose to pursue a better qual-
Maarten, the island that I have loved from a child. ity of life. I can now be closer to my 12 year old son (who has
been residing in Holland for the past 8 years) and at the same
My story is similar to that of most of you. After completing my time give back valuable time, energy and resources to the island
VWO education I came to Holland for the first time when I was 18 that has been so good to me. I am still young enough to pick up
years old. At that time I chose to live in Groningen which was and that part of my profession that has always been close to my
still is an excellent “studenten stad”. I came to study Pedagogiek heart: Pedagogiek. Through S4 I intend to help each one of you
at the Rijks Universiteit Groningen. At that time I was told that to accomplish your goal to also become a successful St. Maarten,
90% of the Antillean students did not succeed in their first year. Saban or Statian professional.
This boggling statistic made me determined not to become part of
that group and with hard work and determination I successfully For most of us education will continue to be the “Key to Success”.
completed my first year within the scheduled time frame. In my Even though I was not born rich, through first of all my strong
second year I decided to switch to “Bedrijfskunde” and after com- faith in God, my education, my determination and by making
pleting my Bachelor - “Kandidaats diploma Pedagogiek richting good choices I have become successful in life and I want each
Onderwijskunde” I went full ahead into Bedrijfskunde. I really en- one of you to have that same opportunity. No one can make you
joyed this study and my enthusiasm for it showed. During my final study if you don’t want to; but through S4 we can be there to sup-
year I was able to arrange an internship at De Bank van de Ned- port, help and motivate you along the way. Whether it is by help-
erlandse Antillen (the Central Bank) in Curacao and following that ing you find a room, a school, buy a computer, pay for your
I wrote my “afstudeer scriptie” entitled “The Effectiveness of the books, etc. It is my goal that as S4 gets better established we will
BNA - De Bank van de Nederlandse Antillen” for which I was also be able to help you to find internship and even a job in the
happy to have received a 9 (nine) when I graduated as “Drs in de private or public sector in St. Maarten. My story started similar to
Bedrijskunde”. that of most of you and I believe that each one of you have the
ability to also become successful citizens on our islands.
It has been 22 years since I graduated from University and during
the years that followed I pursued my career in the Commercial In recognizing the importance of education as a tool to elevate
Banking sector. I started out as a Management Trainee at the the standard of living of our Country, the Government of St.
ABN Bank in Amsterdam/Groningen with my first placement be- Maarten, continues to allocate significant financial resources to
ing with that bank in Curacao. However, within 3 years I got a S4. I believe that these funds can go a long way in helping each
better job that carried me to my favourite island, St. Maarten. one of you, our S4 Students, to become more successful in com-
There I started as a Commercial Credit Account Manager at The pleting your studies within the allocated time frame, graduating
Windward Islands Bank (WIB) and after a few years I became the and finding a job back home. Each one of you has the potential to
youngest Senior Account Manager within the Maduro & Curiel’s make St. Maarten a better place for us all.
Bank Group. In 2005 I got the opportunity to further my career by
moving to First Caribbean International Bank in St. Maarten as I take this opportunity to thank former director Drs Linda Richard-
the Head of Corporate Credit & Country Head. Together with my son for being the one who saw the need for S4. It is her “brain
colleagues who formed the Management Team we succeeded in child” and as we look towards the future it is my goal to continue
moving that company from a “sleeping bank” to one that is con- to build on that strong foundation. that has been laid by her and
sidered as one of the leading banks on the island. the Board of S4. I welcome your ideas on how to make S4 work
better for you and I look forward to meeting with each one of you
On May 1, 2009 I was appointed as the Director of S4 in The soon. For those of you living in The Hague and if you live else-
Hague. During an initial orientation period of two weeks at the where, when you come to The Hague, I invite you to visit the of-
Department of Education on St. Maarten I held productive meet- fice at Casuariestraat 5 -4th floor, where the S4 team is ready to
ings with Commissioners, the Management Team of the Depart- make a difference in your life
ment of Education and that of the Department of Finance. I also Drs. Marva A. Richardson
visited the secondary schools where I was able to share valuable
WHAT’S GOING ON... page 3

Roos Leerdam-Bulo
Information Manager
I am an open, flexible and energetic person. Good com-
munication is, in my opinion, an essential condition for
producing efficient results and achieving team success. I
appreciate the friendly, young and diverse environment
and the open management culture at S4.

Johishi Romney
Housing Coordinator
As S4’s housing coordinator I am responsible for all matters
concerning student housing. Amongst other things I con-
sider myself a thoughtful listener, open, energetic and coop-
erative individual. The overall reason why I enjoy working at
S4 is because of the assistance that we provide students,
which in turn aides them in adapting to life in our Dutch

Amerik Van der Plas

Financial Administrator
I have been working with Antillean student organizations
like SSNA and S4 for over 27 years. I consider the Antilles
as my second home, I love the islands and its’ people. At
S4 I handle all financial administration including student
insurance matters. I enjoy the office’s professional and
relaxed atmosphere.

Ludmila Duncan a.k.a Ludi

Front Office/Managing Editor—Newsletter
Life is an adventure and I believe in the pursuit of happi-
ness through education, real-world experiences and the
enjoyment of friends and family. Managing S4’s Front office
gives me the opportunity to interact with students on a daily
basis, assisting them in any way possible, as they strive for
excellence. Ambition and a love for St. Maarten drives me;
that is what I want to pass on to them.

Milanou L. Koeks a.k.a Mila

Head Mentor
I am a fun, charismatic person who enjoys smiling. I joined
S4 three years ago and I am responsible for the coordina-
tion of S4’s Mentoring system. My expertise is Education
and Child Studies (Pedagogy) which allows me to give
advice, support and guidance to our students. I hope to
make a difference in their personal development.

Richelis Van der Mark

Management Assistant– Intern
I consider myself an ambitious, motivated and enthusi-
astic person. Working at S4 gives me the opportunity to
help the students of St. Maarten adjust in the Nether-
lands. I am hoping to achieve my Bachelor’s Degree
through this final internship.

Elton Villarreal
Opvang & VOBAS
I’m an honest, fun loving and happy person. What’s
good about S4? I get to help “our own”; students from
the Antilles. As Opvang Coordinator I focus on creating
acitivies that allow for the smoothest transition when
students arrive from St. Maarten. I also enjoy the S4
office and my colleagues; it’s a great atmosphere to
work in.
WHAT’S GOING ON... page 4
WHAT’S GOING ON... page 5

These pictures
were taken on
August 2, 2009 at
the Schipol A4
Hotel during the
Welcome Cere-
mony of the new

Pictures courtesy
of Tico Vos,
Director NOSTEVE
WHAT’S GOING ON... page 6

Studentenverzekering Bij VPZ —Alles Dat U Moet Weten

Regelmatig ontvangen wij vragen van studenten over hun ziektekostenverzekering en wat de gevolgen zijn als ze naast
de studie gaan werken. Dat kan namelijk grote gevolgen hebben. Met deze memo willen wij onze studenten informeren
over deze complexe materie. Lees deze informatie aandachtig door zodat je later niet voor vervelende verrassingen
komt te staan.

Hoe zit het ook al weer? belastingdienst de zorgtoeslag aanvragen. te betalen. Je bent echter voor deze extra
Vanaf 1 januari 2006 is in Nederland de premie zelf verantwoordelijk en wel om de
Nieuwe Zorgverzekeringswet van kracht. Let op; je bent verplicht om je verzekering te volgende 2 redenen:
Deze wet zorgt er voor dat elke Nederlander wijzigen. Doe je dat niet dan kun je een forse • Je hebt gekozen om te gaan werken en
recht heeft op een ziektekostenverzekering. boete tegemoet zien. Deze boete bedraagt extra inkomen te verdienen
Deze ziektekostenverzekering is de 130% van de nominale premie voor de • Je kunt zorgtoeslag aanvragen
basisverzekering en is verplicht voor het basisverzekering. Bij een nominale jaarpremie
grootste deel van de inwoners van Nederland. van € 1.200,-- bedraagt de boete € 1.560,-- S4 zal je een incasso machtiging sturen om
als je een jaar lang geen basisverzekering maandelijks deze extra premie automatisch
De basisverzekering is, zoals we hierboven al hebt gehad. Naast de boete moet je ook de van je rekening te laten afschrijven.
aangaven verplicht voor het grootste gedeelte achterstallige premie betalen. In bovenstaand
van de inwoners van Nederland. Er zijn echter voorbeeld wordt het totaal verschuldigde Aan de hand van onderstaand voorbeeld
in de wet een aantal groepen uitgesloten van bedrag € 2.760,--. zullen we dit duidelijk maken.
deelname aan deze ziektekostenverzekering.
Studenten uit het buitenland, die uitsluitend Wat moet jij doen als je gaat werken of Student is 22 jaar:
voor studie in Nederland verblijven, mogen gaat stoppen met werken? Maandpremie basis- en aanvullende
geen basisverzekering afsluiten. Het gaat voor Geef dan de mutatie zo snel mogelijk door verzekering VPZ die S4 heeft betaald €135,--
deze memo te ver om de wetgeving op dit aan Boogaard Assurentien. Vraag bij de af; maandpremie van de particuliere
punt te behandelen. Studenten van Sint belastingdienst de zorgtoeslag aan. Dit kun je studentenverzekering VPZ 65,32
Maarten, Saba en Statia worden door de doen op de volgende website; ----------
wetgever als buitenlandse studenten gezien. www.toeslagen.nl. Stop je met werken laat Extra premie die bij de student € 69,68
Om die reden heeft S4 voor de studenten bij dan de basisverzekering weer omzetten in de geïncasseerd wordt door S4 =====
VPZ een particuliere ziektekostenverzekering particuliere studentenverzekering en geef dit
moeten afsluiten. Voor deze verzekering geldt ook door aan de belastingdienst om de
dat dit geen basisverzekering is en er zorgtoeslag stop te zetten. De student ontvangt van de belastingdienst
daardoor geen recht bestaat op de rechtstreeks de zorgtoeslag van € 57,-- per
zorgtoeslag. De verzekeringspremie voor de particuliere maand, zodat de meerkosten voor de student
studentenverzekering bij VPZ wordt nu door € 69,68 - € 57,-- = € 12,68 per maand
Wat gebeurt er als je gaat werken? S4 voor je betaald. Je bent dus prima bedragen. Dit kan de student ook betalen
In het vorige onderdeel hebben we verzekerd en je behoef je geen zorgen over je omdat hij/zij een betaalde baan heeft.
aangegeven dat studenten van S4 geen verzekering te maken. De premie die S4
basisverzekering mogen afsluiten en ook maandelijks voor je betaalt, bedraagt: Let wel het is een voorbeeld. Wij zullen voor
geen recht hebben op de zorgtoeslag. Daarop elke student die de basisverzekering heeft
is echter een belangrijke uitzondering van • €53,08 voor de leeftijd tot 21 jaar; afgesloten een persoonlijke afrekening
toepassing. Als je gaat werken en je • €65,32 voor de leeftijd vanaf 21 jaar maken.
werkgever draagt belasting en sociale
premies af aan de belastingdienst, dan wordt Als je gaat werken, is dat een persoonlijke Ten slotte willen wij je nogmaals dringend
je niet langer uitgesloten van de keuze. Dit betekent dat je dan te maken krijgt verzoeken om, als je een betaalde baan hebt,
basisverzekering en ben je zelfs verplicht om met extra premie voor de basisverzekering. je particuliere studentenverzekering bij VPZ te
deze verzekering te nemen. Wat moet je dan De premie voor de basis- en aanvullende lat en omzetten in de verplichte
zelf doen: verzekering bedraagt, afhankelijk van het basisverzekering. Doe je dat niet, dan riskeer
gekozen verzekeringspakket tussen de €115,- je een hoge boete!
De particuliere studentenverzekering bij VPZ - en de €135,-- per maand. S4 heeft de
omzetten in de basisverzekering en bij de verplichting om de volledige premie aan VPZ Amerik van der Plas

Shurhensley Thielman—S4 Student

Currently pursuing a HBO degree in International Business Studies, Shurhensley is a student

who knows what he wants and is prepared to work hard to achieve it. As an Elctrotechniek
graduate of the Milton Peters College in St. Maarten, Shurhensley came to Holland and earned
two MBO diplomas; ICT Medewerker Beheer and ICT Netwerk Specialist. Over the last two
years he has earned an array of IT certifications and he is now a Microsoft Certified Professional.

Shurhensley considers himself to be an inquisitive, friendly and easy-going person. He also as-
sisted S4 with the supervision of incoming first year students to the Netherlands when he volun-
teered as an S4 “Opvang” member in 2008. S4 wishes Shurhensley much further success; only
bigger accomplishments await him now.
WHAT’S GOING ON... page 7

On September 7th
2009, the Head of the
Department of Educa-
tion—Island Govern-
ment of St. Eustatius,
Mr. Rene Reehuis
made a courtesy visit
to the Netherlands and
to the S4 Office.

Mr. Reehuis is seen

here receiving a com-
plimentary S4 Informa-
tion Booklet from S4
Information Manager
Roos Leerdam-Bulo.

Changing Schools, Studies or Continuing Onwards

Request for Extension of Study Financing
As an S4 student one of your most important responsibilities is to keep the S4 office informed of any changes to your study during your tenure
in Holland. The following procedures were put in place to keep the Island Government of St. Maarten up-to-date on the status of our students
as all changes to your studies must be submitted to S4 for approval by the Executive Council of the Island Government of St. Maarten.

Change of Study and/or School

If you have or intend to change your original study and/or transfer to another school that is different to what is stated in your “besluit”, you are
required to send into the S4 office:
• A signed motivation letter stating the reason why you want to change schools and/or study. In this motivation letter you must also request
the approval of the Executive Council to this change
• Copies of your most recent grades and proof of registration to the new study/school.

Graduated– New/Second Diploma

Are you a recent graduate who intends to continue onwards to a second degree? If you would like to continue to receive financial aid from the
Island Government of St. Maarten, you must apply for an extension of your study financing. You are required to provide us with:
• A signed motivation letter informing us that you have obtained your degree and why you would like to receive an extension of your study
financing to pursue another study.
• A copy of the diploma received and copies of all relevant correspondence with the new school/program.

Requesting Book Money

If you have changed study, school or are pursuing a second degree and have not completed any of these steps but would still like to request
book money for the study year 2009/2010, you can do so by filling in the request form and returning it to the S4 office along with (A) your most
recent grades list and (B) proof of registration for the current term.

Any student who has (A) changed study or school and/or (B) graduated and started a new/second study, must request the approval of this
change from the Executive Council. You must also submit your motivation letter along with the relevant documentation no later than September
30th, 2009 to the S4 office for processing. Please note that students who have not followed the above-mentioned procedures will not receive
the second half of their book money in February 2010.

Help us to keep St. Maarten informed of your ambitions, challenges and successes here in the Netherlands. In order to offer better quality ser-
vices, S4 requests that you continue to correspond with us on any issues affecting you as a student as well as any ideas you may have on how
to improve your relationship with the office.

Drs. Marva Richardson

Editor-in-Chief Graphics Staff
Drs. Marva Richardson Ludmila Duncan Milanou Koeks
Roos Leerdam-Bulo
Managing Editor Contributors Richelis Van der Mark
Ludmila Duncan Edwina Hodge Amerik van der Plas
Shurhensley Thielman Johishi Romney
Assistant Editor Elton Villarreal
Johishi Romney

WHAT’S GOING ON... is a quarterly publication of S4, produced for informational purposes only. For more information, please contact St. Maarten
Student Support Services at Casuariestraat 5, 2511 VB Den Haag, the Netherlands . Tel: 070-311-5420 Fax: 070-346-9111, info@s4foundation.nl

Housing Guidelines for Students

Dear Students of 2009/2010, and keep track of these payments. Ensure that the rent payment is
made even if you have signed an automatic deduction authorization. If
By now you would have gotten settled into the housing accommoda- for whatever reason, the rent has not been deducted from your ac-
tion provided to you by S4 and you should be adjusting to daily life as count, contact your housing corporation or landlord immediately to
a student in the Netherlands. inform them of this matter and to prevent any arrears in your rent pay-
ments occuring.
This is the time to reiterate the ground rules to make your living and
study experience more pleasant. The following are the most important In general the period for which you can rent a “doorstroom woning”
rules: from S4 is one year. With this in mind, we advise you to register at
housing corporations in your city at your earliest convenience. The
• Smoking in the apartment or in your room is prohibited sooner you do this, the sooner you will become eligible for a house.
It’s a good idea to not only focus on “student housing” but to look at
• The use and sale of controlled substances in the apartment the residential home market as well. This way you improve your
or in your room is strongly prohibited chances of finding a home when the time arrives for you to leave the
“doorstroom woning.”
• Loud music or any type of noise hindering roommates and/
As this might be the first time that you are renting a home, please note
or neighbours is prohibited that rent should always be paid upfront. For example, the rent pay-
ment for the month of November should be paid in the last week of
October, but in any event no later than November 1st.
Complaints regarding your housing situation should first be voiced to
your mentor. If your mentor is unable to assist you with the matter,
Tip: Beware of Electricity and Gas companies that go door to door
then you should contact me at the Housing Department of S4.
offering you a ‘better deal’ than your current provider. If you are rent-
ing from S4, you should never enter into such agreements as your
Some of you are renting your housing accommodation from a housing
rent payment already includes the cost of gas and electricity which are
corporation while others are tenants of houses that S4 maintains,
paid directly by S4.
these houses are better known as “doorstroom woningen.” In both
cases it is very important that you make your rent payments on time
Johishi Romney

Edwina Hodge—Mentor in Arnhem

Hello to one and all. I am a third year student of S4 and currently attending school and working part-time. My best
attributes are that I have a liberal mind-set, straight forward personality and free spirit. Being willing to work hard
for what you want is very important. I also believe in having dreams and goals because without them you can’t
envision yourself going anywhere.

I’m a mentor because I love working with younger people. I rather to see the glass as half full and so no matter
the situation I try to help my mentees by steering them in the right, positive direction. The students I mentor know
that I believe in them and that I’m always there for them when they need me.

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