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Number External name Internal name Units lp 1 i/p

pi Index piFirstInput

Data type He ptReal

2 i/p Comment Comment piComment ptString Ide ntifies this file. Appears on output design sheet 3 i/p Title Title piTitle ptString Mai n title. Will appear on main screen and output design sheet 4 i/p SubTitle SubTitle piSubTitle ptString Sub title. Will appear on main screen and output design sheet 5 i/p RadSh RadSh mm piRadSH ptReal Shaf t radius 6 i/p Rad1 Rad1 mm piRad1 ptReal Roto r radius 7 i/p Gap Gap mm piGap ptReal Airg ap length 8 i/p Poles Poles piPOLES ptInteger Nu mber of Poles 9 i/p Rad3 Rad3 mm piRad3 ptReal Stat or outer radius 10 i/p Slots Slots piSLOTS ptInteger Nu mber of stator slots 11 i/p S-slot S-slot piStatorSlotShape ptList S tator slot shape [Round, Square or Parallel] 12 i/p SO_S SO_S mm piSO ptReal Slot opening 13 i/p SD_S SD_S mm piSD ptReal Slot depth (NB. from slot bottom to stator bore) 14 i/p TW_S TW_S mm piTWS ptReal Widt h of stator tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 15 i/p TGD_S TGD_S mm piTGD ptReal Radi al depth of stator tooth tip (tang depth) 16 i/p TGANG_S TGANG_S mDeg piTGANG ptReal Stat or tang angle, from a line perpendicular to the tooth C/L 17 i/p Lstk Lstk mm piLstk ptReal Stat or stack length 18 i/p Stf Stf piStf ptReal Lami nation stacking factor 19 i/p Liner Liner mm piLiner ptReal Thic kness of stator slot-liner 20 i/p BalWdg BalWdg piBalWdg ptBoolean Ro tationally symmetrical winding 21 i/p PPaths PPaths piPPATHS ptInteger Nu mber of parallel paths in each phase winding 22 i/p TC TC piTC ptInteger Tu rns per coil 23 i/p Throw Throw piThrow ptInteger Co il throw or pitch (in slot pitches) 24 i/p CPP CPP piCPP ptReal Numb er of coils per pole 25 i/p NSH_1 NSH_1 piNSH_1 ptInteger Wi re #1: Number of strands-in-hand in 1 conductor 26 i/p AuxPaths AuxPaths piAuxPaths ptInteger Nu mber of parallel paths in auxiliary winding 27 i/p AuxTC AuxTC piAuxTC ptInteger Tu rns per coil in auxiliary winding 28 i/p AuxThrow AuxThrow piAuxThrow ptInteger Co il throw or pitch (in slot pitches); auxiliary winding 29 i/p AuxCPP AuxCPP piAuxCPP ptReal Numb er of coils per pole; auxiliary winding

30 i/p NSH_A NSH_A re A: Number of strands-in-hand in one conductor 31 i/p NCoilPh NCoilPh mber of entries in coil list 32 i/p NCoilsPh1 NCoilsPh1 mber of coils in phase 1 33 i/p NCoilsPh2 NCoilsPh2 mber of coils in phase 2 34 i/p NCoilsPh3 NCoilsPh3 mber of coils in phase 3 35 i/p CoilList CoilList oil list 36 i/p WdgType WdgType ing Type 37 i/p AuxWType AuxWType ing Type; auxiliary 38 i/p WDia_1 WDia_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 39 i/p Wire_1 Wire_1 #1: Means of specifying wire size 40 i/p WDia_A WDia_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 41 i/p Wire_A Wire_A A: Means of specifying wire size 42 i/p Vs Vs V ine-line supply voltage, V rms 43 i/p DuCy DuCy age-PWM duty cycle [0-1] 44 i/p rpmS rpmS rpm hronous Speed [rpm] 45 i/p ISP ISP A ent regulator set-point current (See HBA on pg.2) 46 i/p Freq Freq Hz 47 i/p Slip Slip p.u. [p.u.] 48 i/p Th0 Th0 e e angle for turn-on [e] 49 i/p Ambient Ambient C t temperature [C] 50 i/p T_rtr T_rtr C bar temperature [C] 51 i/p T_wdg T_wdg C ature of the winding [C] 52 i/p DegCW DegCW C/W mal resistance. Winding to frame surface [Deg.C/W] 53 i/p HTC HTC W/mC nsfer coefficient at ambient temperature [W/mC] 54 i/p HTTC HTTC %/C erature co-efficient of HTC 55 i/p Vq Vq V ard voltage drop in one transistor 56 i/p Rq Rq ohm tate resistance of one transistor [Ohms] 57 i/p Vd Vd V ard voltage drop of one diode 58 i/p ROH ROH mm r overhang at each end of the stator 59 i/p Ext Ext mm ing extension at each end of the lamination stack

piNSH_A piNCoilPh piNCoilsPh1 piNCoilsPh2 piNCoilsPh3 piCoilList piWdgType piAuxWType piWDia_1 piWire_1 piWDia_A piWire_A piVs piDuCy piSyncRPM piISP piFreq piSlip piTh0 piAmbient piT_rtr piT_wdg piDegCW piHTC piHTTC piVq piRq piVd piROH piExt

ptInteger Wi ptInteger Nu ptInteger Nu ptInteger Nu ptInteger Nu ptCoilList C ptList Wind ptList Wind ptReal Wire ptList Wire ptReal Wire ptList Wire ptReal AC l ptReal Volt ptReal Sync ptReal Curr ptReal ptReal Slip ptReal Advanc ptReal Ambien ptReal Rotor ptReal Temper ptReal Ther ptReal Heat tra ptReal Temp ptReal Forw ptReal On-s ptReal Forw ptReal Roto ptReal Wind

60 i/p Wf0 Wf0 W piWf0 ptReal Powe r loss due to friction+windage at the speed RPM0 [W] 61 i/p RPM0 RPM0 rpm piRPM0 ptReal Spee d at which friction+windage power Wf0 is specified [rpm] 62 i/p NWFT NWFT piNWFT ptReal Expo nent for variation of friction+windage TORQUE with speed 63 i/p Skew Skew SSlots piSkew ptReal Roto r skew [SSlots] 64 i/p Bk Bk T piBk ptReal Knee -point flux density on the demagnetization curve [T] 65 i/p CFrq CFrq piCFrq ptReal Carr ier frequency ratio 66 i/p Offset Offset piOffset ptInteger Nu mber of slot-pitches between start of phases 1 and 2 67 i/p gamma gamma e pigamma ptReal The ph ase angle between Iq1 and the q-axis (Eq1) [e] 68 i/p RoShift RoShift mDeg piRoShift ptReal Roto r shift angle [mDeg] 69 i/p R_Bars R_Bars piRotorSlots ptInteger Nu mber of rotor bars (slots) 70 i/p ERthk1 ERthk1 mm piERthk1 ptReal Axia l thickness of end-ring 1 71 i/p ERthk2 ERthk2 mm piERthk2 ptReal Axia l thickness of end-ring 2 72 i/p ERLedge1 ERLedge1 mm piERledge1 ptReal Addi tional radial depth of end-ring 1 73 i/p DblCage DblCage piDoubleCage ptBoolean Do uble cage 74 i/p SLLCalc SLLCalc piStrayLoadLossType ptList Method of calculating stray load loss (WSLL) 75 i/p Bar1 Bar1 piBar1 ptList 76 i/p Bar2 Bar2 piBar2 ptList

77 i/p BarTop1 BarTop1 piBarTop1 ptList Clas sification of rotor slot-opening : open or closed 78 i/p BarTop2 BarTop2 piBarTop2 ptList Clas sification of rotor slot-opening : open or closed; second cage 79 i/p XXm XXm piXXm ptReal Adju stment factor for magnetizing reactance 80 i/p Tap Tap % piTap ptReal % Ta p in G-type tapped-wdg capacitor motor 81 i/p PC1 PC1 %Cu piPC1 ptReal % co nductivity of (upper) rotor bars at 20C 82 i/p TCC1 TCC1 %/C piTCC1 ptReal Temp. coefft. of (upper) rotor bar resistivity [%/C] 83 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar1Type0RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, from the apex to the bottom of the slot 84 i/p R_Bridge R_Bridge mm piBar1Type0RotorBridge ptRe al Rotor bridge 85 i/p TgAng_R TgAng_R mDeg piBar1Type0RotorTangAngle p tReal Rotor tang angle, from a line normal to the bar C/L 86 i/p TW_R TW_R mm piBar1Type0RotorToothWidth ptReal Width of rotor tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 87 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type1SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 88 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type1RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 89 i/p BarDia BarDia mm piBar1Type1BarDiameter ptRe al Diameter of rotor bars

90 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type2SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 91 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type2RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 92 i/p BarWdth BarWdth mm piBar1Type2BarWidth ptReal Width of rotor bar 93 i/p BarDpth BarDpth mm piBar1Type2BarDepth ptReal Depth of rotor bar 94 i/p h2 h2 mm piBar1Type2h2 ptReal Heig ht of T-Bar extension 95 i/p w2 w2 mm piBar1Type2w2 ptReal Widt h of T-Bar extension; (pent top if w2 < SO_R) 96 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type3SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 97 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type3RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 98 i/p TgAng_R TgAng_R mDeg piBar1Type3RotorTangAngle p tReal Rotor tang angle, from a line normal to the bar C/L 99 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar1Type3RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 100 i/p TW_R TW_R mm piBar1Type3RotorToothWidth ptReal Width of rotor tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 101 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type4SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 102 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type4RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 103 i/p BarDia BarDia mm piBar1Type4BarDiameter ptRe al Diameter of rotor bars 104 i/p hN hN mm piBar1Type4hN ptReal Neck height 105 i/p wN wN mm piBar1Type4wN ptReal Neck width 106 i/p BarWdth BarWdth mm piBar1Type4BarWidth ptReal Width of rotor bar 107 i/p BarDpth BarDpth mm piBar1Type4BarDepth ptReal Depth of rotor bar 108 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type5RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 109 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type5SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 110 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar1Type5RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 111 i/p TW_R TW_R mm piBar1Type5RotorToothWidth ptReal Width of rotor tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 112 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1TypeOCRotorSlotOpenin g ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 113 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1TypeOCSetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 114 i/p R_SltTop R_SltTop piBar1TypeOCRotorSlotTopTyp e ptList Shape of rotor slot top 115 i/p wt1 wt1 mm piBar1TypeOCwt1 ptReal Wid th at top of first section 116 i/p wb1 wb1 mm piBar1TypeOCwb1 ptReal Wid th at bottom of first section 117 i/p h1 h1 mm piBar1TypeOCh1 ptReal Heig ht of first section 118 i/p wt2 wt2 mm piBar1TypeOCwt2 ptReal Wid th at top of second section 119 i/p wb2 wb2 mm piBar1TypeOCwb2 ptReal Wid th at bottom of second section

120 i/p h2 h2 mm ht of second section 121 i/p Wt3 Wt3 mm th at top of third section 122 i/p Wb3 Wb3 mm th at bottom of third section 123 i/p H3 H3 mm ht of third section 124 i/p wt4 wt4 mm th at top of fourth section 125 i/p wb4 wb4 mm th at bottom of fourth section 126 i/p h4 h4 mm ht of fourth section 127 i/p wt5 wt5 mm th at top of fifth section 128 i/p wb5 wb5 mm th at bottom of fifth section 129 i/p h5 h5 mm ht of fifth section 130 i/p R_SltBot R_SltBot e ptList Shape of rotor slot bottom 131 i/p R_Bridge R_Bridge mm eal Rotor bridge 132 i/p R_SltTop R_SltTop e ptList Shape of rotor slot top 133 i/p wt1 wt1 mm th at top of first section 134 i/p wb1 wb1 mm th at bottom of first section 135 i/p h1 h1 mm ht of first section 136 i/p wt2 wt2 mm th at top of second section 137 i/p wb2 wb2 mm th at bottom of second section 138 i/p h2 h2 mm ht of second section 139 i/p Wt3 Wt3 mm th at top of third section 140 i/p Wb3 Wb3 mm th at bottom of third section 141 i/p H3 H3 mm ht of third section 142 i/p wt4 wt4 mm th at top of fourth section 143 i/p wb4 wb4 mm th at bottom of fourth section 144 i/p h4 h4 mm ht of fourth section 145 i/p wt5 wt5 mm th at top of fifth section 146 i/p wb5 wb5 mm th at bottom of fifth section 147 i/p h5 h5 mm ht of fifth section 148 i/p R_SltBot R_SltBot e ptList Shape of rotor slot top 149 i/p SD_R SD_R mm tReal Rotor slot depth, from the apex to the bottom

piBar1TypeOCh2 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeOCWt3 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeOCWb3 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeOCH3 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeOCwt4 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeOCwb4 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeOCh4 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeOCwt5 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeOCwb5 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeOCh5 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeOCRotorSlotBotTyp piBar1TypeCCRotorBridge ptR piBar1TypeCCRotorSlotTopTyp piBar1TypeCCwt1 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCwb1 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCh1 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeCCwt2 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCwb2 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCh2 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeCCWt3 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCWb3 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCH3 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeCCwt4 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCwb4 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCh4 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeCCwt5 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCwb5 ptReal Wid piBar1TypeCCh5 ptReal Heig piBar1TypeCCRotorSlotBotTyp piBar2Type0RotorSlotDepth p of the slot

150 i/p R_Bridge R_Bridge mm piBar2Type0RotorBridge ptRe al Rotor bridge 151 i/p TgAng_R TgAng_R mDeg piBar2Type0RotorTangAngle p tReal Rotor tang angle, from a line normal to the bar C/L 152 i/p TW_R TW_R mm piBar2Type0RotorToothWidth ptReal Width of rotor tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 153 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2Type1SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 154 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2Type1RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 155 i/p BarDia BarDia mm piBar2Type1BarDiameter ptRe al Diameter of rotor bars 156 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2Type2SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 157 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2Type2RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 158 i/p BarWdth BarWdth mm piBar2Type2BarWidth ptReal Width of rotor bar 159 i/p BarDpth BarDpth mm piBar2Type2BarDepth ptReal Depth of rotor bar 160 i/p h2 h2 mm piBar2Type2h2 ptReal Heig ht of T-Bar extension 161 i/p w2 w2 mm piBar2Type2w2 ptReal Widt h of T-Bar extension; (pent top if w2 < SO_R) 162 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2Type3SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 163 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2Type3RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 164 i/p TgAng_R TgAng_R mDeg piBar2Type3RotorTangAngle p tReal Rotor tang angle, from a line normal to the bar C/L 165 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar2Type3RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 166 i/p TW_R TW_R mm piBar2Type3RotorToothWidth ptReal Width of rotor tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 167 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2Type4SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 168 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2Type4RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 169 i/p BarDia BarDia mm piBar2Type4BarDiameter ptRe al Diameter of rotor bars 170 i/p hN hN mm piBar2Type4hN ptReal Neck height 171 i/p wN wN mm piBar2Type4wN ptReal Neck width 172 i/p BarWdth BarWdth mm piBar2Type4BarWidth ptReal Width of rotor bar 173 i/p BarDpth BarDpth mm piBar2Type4BarDepth ptReal Depth of rotor bar 174 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2Type5RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 175 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2Type5SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 176 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar2Type5RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 177 i/p TW_R TW_R mm piBar2Type5RotorToothWidth ptReal Width of rotor tooth (uses parallel-sided teeth) 178 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2TypeOCRotorSlotOpenin g ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 179 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2TypeOCSetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening

180 i/p R_SltTop R_SltTop e ptList Shape of rotor slot top 181 i/p wt1 wt1 th at top of first section 182 i/p wb1 wb1 th at bottom of first section 183 i/p h1 h1 ht of first section 184 i/p wt2 wt2 th at top of second section 185 i/p wb2 wb2 th at bottom of second section 186 i/p h2 h2 ht of second section 187 i/p Wt3 Wt3 th at top of third section 188 i/p Wb3 Wb3 th at bottom of third section 189 i/p H3 H3 ht of third section 190 i/p wt4 wt4 th at top of fourth section 191 i/p wb4 wb4 th at bottom of fourth section 192 i/p h4 h4 ht of fourth section 193 i/p wt5 wt5 th at top of fifth section 194 i/p wb5 wb5 th at bottom of fifth section 195 i/p h5 h5 ht of fifth section 196 i/p R_SltBot R_SltBot e ptList Shape of rotor slot bottom 197 i/p R_Bridge R_Bridge eal Rotor bridge 198 i/p R_SltTop R_SltTop e ptList Shape of rotor slot top 199 i/p wt1 wt1 th at top of first section 200 i/p wb1 wb1 th at bottom of first section 201 i/p h1 h1 ht of first section 202 i/p wt2 wt2 th at top of second section 203 i/p wb2 wb2 th at bottom of second section 204 i/p h2 h2 ht of second section 205 i/p Wt3 Wt3 th at top of third section 206 i/p Wb3 Wb3 th at bottom of third section 207 i/p H3 H3 ht of third section 208 i/p wt4 wt4 th at top of fourth section 209 i/p wb4 wb4 th at bottom of fourth section

piBar2TypeOCRotorSlotTopTyp mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm piBar2TypeOCwt1 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCwb1 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCh1 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeOCwt2 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCwb2 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCh2 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeOCWt3 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCWb3 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCH3 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeOCwt4 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCwb4 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCh4 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeOCwt5 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCwb5 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeOCh5 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeOCRotorSlotBotTyp mm piBar2TypeCCRotorBridge ptR piBar2TypeCCRotorSlotTopTyp mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm piBar2TypeCCwt1 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCwb1 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCh1 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeCCwt2 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCwb2 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCh2 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeCCWt3 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCWb3 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCH3 ptReal Heig piBar2TypeCCwt4 ptReal Wid piBar2TypeCCwb4 ptReal Wid

210 i/p h4 h4 mm piBar2TypeCCh4 ptReal Heig ht of fourth section 211 i/p wt5 wt5 mm piBar2TypeCCwt5 ptReal Wid th at top of fifth section 212 i/p wb5 wb5 mm piBar2TypeCCwb5 ptReal Wid th at bottom of fifth section 213 i/p h5 h5 mm piBar2TypeCCh5 ptReal Heig ht of fifth section 214 i/p R_SltBot R_SltBot piBar2TypeCCRotorSlotBotTyp e ptList Shape of rotor slot top 215 i/p NumHoles NumHoles piNumHoles ptInteger To tal No. of cooling holes in the rotor lamination (including both sets if RHole = Double) 216 i/p PCDia PCDia mm piPCDia ptReal Pitc h circle diameter of rotor axial cooling holes 217 i/p HoleDia HoleDia mm piHoleDia ptReal Diam eter of rotor axial cooling holes 218 i/p Harm5 Harm5 piHarm5 ptReal Harm onic current injection (5th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 219 i/p Harm7 Harm7 piHarm7 ptReal Harm onic current injection (7th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 220 i/p Harm11 Harm11 piHarm11 ptReal Harm onic current injection (11th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 221 i/p Harm13 Harm13 piHarm13 ptReal Harm onic current injection (13th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 222 i/p Harm17 Harm17 piHarm17 ptReal Harm onic current injection (17th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 223 i/p Harm19 Harm19 piHarm19 ptReal Harm onic current injection (19th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 224 i/p Harm23 Harm23 piHarm23 ptReal Harm onic current injection (23rd harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 225 i/p Harm25 Harm25 piHarm25 ptReal Harm onic current injection (25th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 226 i/p Harm29 Harm29 piHarm29 ptReal Harm onic current injection (29th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 227 i/p Harm31 Harm31 piHarm31 ptReal Harm onic current injection (31st harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 228 i/p Harm35 Harm35 piHarm35 ptReal Harm onic current injection (35th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 229 i/p Harm37 Harm37 piHarm37 ptReal Harm onic current injection (37th harmonic) [p.u. of ISP] 230 i/p Bifilar Bifilar piBifilar ptList Bifi lar winding ? 231 i/p T_wdg_S T_wdg_S C piT_wdg_s ptReal Windin g temperature used at locked-rotor (stall) 232 i/p T_rtr_S T_rtr_S C piT_rtr_s ptReal Rotor temperature used at locked-rotor (stall) 233 i/p XXL1b XXL1b piXXL1b ptReal Valu e of XXL1 used in breakdown calculation. See also T_wdg_B and T_rtr_B. 234 i/p XXL2b XXL2b piXXL2b ptReal Valu e of XXL2 used in breakdown calculation. See also T_wdg_B and T_rtr_B. 235 i/p T_wdg_B T_wdg_B C piT_wdg_b ptReal Windin g temperature used at breakdown 236 i/p T_rtr_B T_rtr_B C piT_rtr_b ptReal Rotor temperature used at breakdown 237 i/p HousePriceCoeff HousePriceCoeff piHousePriceCoeff ptReal Housing price co-efficient 238 i/p BaseHousePrice BaseHousePrice piBaseHousePrice ptReal Ba se housing price 239 i/p XTLR XTLR piXTLR ptReal Adju

stment factor for locked-rotor torque 240 i/p XTBrk XTBrk piXTBrk ptReal Adju stment factor for breakdown torque 241 i/p SSteel SSteel piSSteelName ptString Sta tor steel database selection 242 i/p ThermalConductivity: "ThermalConductivity:" piIOThermalCo nductivity ptList Units of thermal conductivity 243 i/p St.Calc "St.Calc" piStartCalc ptList Meth od of line-start calculation 244 i/p CalcFAK CalcFAK piMode_R_fak ptList Mode for calculating R_fak 245 i/p CalcFAV CalcFAV piMode_R_fav ptList Mode for calculating R_fav 246 i/p CalcFAR CalcFAR piMode_R_far ptList Mode for calculating R_far 247 i/p CalcFAU CalcFAU piMode_R_fau ptList Mode for calculating R_fau 248 i/p LamShape LamShape piLamShape ptList Stat or lamination: outside shape 249 i/p CnsqPole CnsqPole piCnsqPole ptBoolean Co nsequent-pole winding 250 i/p FACCType FACCType piFACCType ptList Meth od of specifying forced air cooling. Be careful: this changes the meaning of the C-coeffts. 251 i/p BifXTC BifXTC piBifXTC ptReal Adju stment factor for effective turns in Bifilar Aux winding 252 i/p T_wdg_NL T_wdg_NL C piT_wdg_NL ptReal Windin g temperature used at no-load 253 i/p T_rtr_NL T_rtr_NL C piT_rtr_NL ptReal Rotor temperature used at no-load 254 i/p rpmNL rpmNL rpm pirpmNL ptReal No-l oad speed (specified as input) 255 i/p AddC_B AddC_B kJ/C piAddC_B ptReal Addi tional thermal capacitance at node B 256 i/p XPCslot XPCslot piXPCslot ptReal Adju sts PCslot (stator slot) 257 i/p XPRslot XPRslot piXPRslot ptReal Adju sts PRslot (rotor slot) 258 i/p SV SV mDeg piSV ptReal Slot bottom adjustment 259 i/p SWid SWid mm piSWid ptReal Slot width 260 i/p RSteel RSteel piRSteelName ptString Rot or steel database selection 261 i/p SerPll_S SerPll_S piSerPll_S ptList Seri es or parallel connection of START capacitor and resistor 262 i/p T_max T_max C piT_max ptReal Max al lowable temperature in Hot10 model 263 i/p WyeDelta WyeDelta % piWyeDelta ptReal Spee d of wye/delta changeover [% of synchronous speed] 264 i/p WX WX mm piWX ptReal Stat or Lamination: Width 265 i/p WY WY mm piWY ptReal Stat or Lamination: Height 266 i/p ChX ChX mm piChX ptReal Stat or Lamination: Chamfer X 267 i/p ChY ChY mm piChY ptReal Stat or Lamination: Chamfer Y 268 i/p RadC RadC mm piRadC ptReal Stat or Lamination: Corner radius

269 i/p filSB_B filSB_B mm pifilSB_B ptReal Slot bottom fillet for "B" slot 270 i/p filSB_C filSB_C mm pifilSB_C ptReal Slot bottom fillet for "C" slot 271 i/p filSB_D filSB_D mm pifilSB_D ptReal Slot bottom fillet for "D" slot 272 i/p ShSteel ShSteel piShSteelName ptString Sha ft steel database selection 273 i/p Drive Drive piDrive ptList Type of drive or supply 274 i/p MConfig MConfig piMConfig ptList Inte rior/exterior rotor (also exchange RadSh and Rad3) 275 i/p WriteWfm WriteWfm piWriteLoop ptList Outp ut waveform options 276 i/p Sw_Ctl Sw_Ctl piSw_Ctl ptList Volt age PWM/Current hysteresis control 277 i/p Fringing Fringing piFringing ptList Magn et fringing (on/off) 278 i/p Probe Probe piProbe ptList Curr ent/Voltage probe position 279 i/p Connex Connex piConnex ptList Wind ing connection 280 i/p HBA HBA % piHBA ptReal Hyst eresis band adjustment 281 i/p ISLA ISLA piISLA ptReal Inte gration step length adjustment 282 i/p WfmID WfmID piWfmID ptList Wave form identification 283 i/p EQcct EQcct piEqcct ptList Equi valent circuit type 284 i/p Calc1ph Calc1ph piCalc1ph ptList Spli t phase calculation method 285 i/p AuxSP AuxSP piAuxSlotPosition ptList P osition of aux winding in slot 286 i/p filSO filSO mm pifilSO ptReal Toot h fillet radius near stator slot opening 287 i/p Lgth_CBL Lgth_CBL m piLgth_CBL ptReal Leng th of supply cable [m] 288 i/p r_CBL r_CBL ohm/km pir_CBL ptReal Resi stance/phase of supply cable at T_CBL [ohm/km] 289 i/p x_CBL x_CBL ohm/km pix_CBL ptReal Reac tance/phase of supply cable at 50 Hz [ohm/km] 290 i/p T_CBL T_CBL C piT_CBL ptReal Cable temperature 291 i/p c_CBL c_CBL uF/km piC_CBL ptReal Cabl e capacitance per phase [uF/km] 292 i/p XErbs XErbs piXErbs ptReal Adju stment factor for Erb at stall (locked-rotor) 293 i/p XErbb XErbb piXErbb ptReal Adju stment factor for Erb at breakdown 294 i/p L_brg+ L_brg mm piL_brg ptReal Para meter determining inboard length between bearings 295 i/p Created Created piCreateTime ptReal File 's creation time 296 i/p XLph XLph piXLph ptReal Adju stment factor for self and mutual inductance (default = 1) 297 i/p XFe XFe piXFe ptReal Adju stment factor for core losses (default = 1) 298 i/p Xrl Xrl piXrl ptReal Adju stment factor for magnet leakage (default = 1)

299 i/p XET XET piXET ptReal Adju stment factor for end turn length (default = 1) 300 i/p XBst XBst piXBst ptReal Adju stment factor for stator tooth flux-density 301 i/p XFringe XFringe piXFringe ptReal Adju stment factor for magnet fringing function (default = 1) 302 i/p NHxWFe NHxWFe piNHxWfe ptInteger No . of harmonics used in WFe calc. when WFeCalc = Harmonic 303 i/p CZaux CZaux piCZaux ptList Conn ection of auxiliary impedance 304 i/p WetDry WetDry piWetDry ptList Wet or dry airgap; 'FT' fixes air temperature at T_gap 305 i/p Cutout Cutout piCutout ptList Cuto ut parameter 306 i/p SatSelec SatSelec piSatSelec ptList Sect ions for which the harmonic saturation will be applied 307 i/p Old2Rang Old2Rang piOld3phRanging ptBoolean U se prev. 3ph equivalent ranging result for 1ph polygon method 308 i/p CalcMechBearingLossB CalcMechBearingLossB piCalcMechBeari ngLossB ptBoolean Calculate mechanical roller bearing loss (B)? 309 i/p ROpenEnd ROpenEnd piROpenEnd ptBoolean Ca n structure at both ends of rotor can 310 i/p SOpenEnd SOpenEnd piSOpenEnd ptBoolean Ca n structure at both ends of stator can 311 i/p TorqCalc TorqCalc piTorqCalc ptList Calc ulate stall and breakdown torque 312 i/p FrLgthM FrLgthM piFrLgthMode ptList Defi nes FrLgth usage 313 i/p NRDuct NRDuct piNRDuct ptInteger No . of ducts (rotor) 314 i/p LkSat LkSat piLkSat ptList Meth od of calculating leakage saturation 315 i/p ERType1 ERType1 piERType1 ptList Endring type (left-hand end in axial view) 316 i/p maxTSpts maxTSpts pimaxNumTSpoints ptInteger Max No. of points in torque/speed curve 317 i/p Inductance: "Inductance:" piIOInductance ptList Unit s of inductance 318 i/p Resistance: "Resistance:" piIOResistance ptList Unit s of resistance 319 i/p R_run R_run ohm piRunRes ptReal Exte rnal run resistance (SplitPhase) 320 i/p CgDens CgDens kg/m piCageDens ptReal Cage D ensity [kg/m] 321 i/p JL JL p.u. piJLoad ptReal Load inertia (as a multiple of motor inertia) 322 i/p Tratio Tratio piAuxTurnsRatio ptReal Aux . turns ratio [aux/main] 323 i/p Aratio Aratio piAuxAreaRatio ptReal Aux. area ratio [Cu_Aux/Cu_Main] 324 i/p T_aux T_aux C piT_aux ptReal Temper ature of aux. winding 325 i/p PC1_2 PC1_2 %Cu piPC1_2 ptReal % co nductivity of second cage (upper) rotor bars at 20C 326 i/p TCC1_2 TCC1_2 %/C piTCC1_2 ptReal Temp. coefft. of cage 2 (upper) rotor bar resistivity [%/C] 327 i/p St.Time "St.Time" sec piStartDuration ptReal Dur ation of starting calculation [s] 328 i/p thR_CY thR_CY C/W piThR_CY ptReal Ther mal resistance from conductors to yoke

329 i/p PowrSh.. "PowrSh.." W piipPower e of power used in find slip calculation 330 i/p TSBias TSBias piTSBias of points in T-S curve 331 i/p Xm.. "Xm.." ohm piipXm etizing reactance/ph for Non-Lin=FALSE simulation [Ohm] 332 i/p Rc.. "Rc.." ohm piipRc -loss resistance/ph for Non-Lin=FALSE simulation [Ohm] 333 i/p CgDens_2 CgDens_2 kg/m piCgDens_2 y of cage 2 [kg/m] 334 i/p AddC_Cg AddC_Cg kJ/C piAddC_Cg tional thermal capacitance of rotor cage 335 i/p ThR_ws ThR_ws C/W piThR_ws mal resistance from winding to frame surface [Deg C/W] 336 i/p BlowCool BlowCool W piBlowCool ed heat removal from airgap 337 i/p PCEndR_2 PCEndR_2 %Cu piPCEndR_2 nductivity of rotor end-ring at 20C; cage 2 338 i/p TCCEndR2 TCCEndR2 %/C piTCCEndR_2 coefft. of rotor end-ring resistivity; cage 2 [%/C] 339 i/p ERDens ERDens kg/m piERDens g Density [kg/m] 340 i/p ERDens_2 ERDens_2 kg/m piERDens_2 g Density; cage 2 [kg/m] 341 i/p ct_liner ct_liner W/mC pict_liner l conductivity of liner 342 i/p Shrink Shrink piShrink shrinkage, per-unit of slot winding area 343 i/p Shrink_2 Shrink_2 piShrink_2 shrinkage, per-unit of slot winding area; cage 2 344 i/p XBrt XBrt piXBrt stment factor for rotor tooth flux-density 345 i/p XX1aux XX1aux piXX1aux stment factor for auxiliary winding leakage reactance 346 i/p XBsy XBsy piXBsy stment factor for stator yoke flux-density 347 i/p XBry XBry piXBry stment factor for rotor yoke flux-density 348 i/p XBsh XBsh piXBsh stment factor for shaft flux-density 349 i/p XR1aux XR1aux piXR1aux stment factor for auxiliary winding resistance 350 i/p thR_TY thR_TY C/W piThR_TY mal resistance from stator teeth to yoke 351 i/p KC1 KC1 pirfa_C1 oefft. for R_FAK [W/m^2 degC] 352 i/p KC2 KC2 pirfa_C2 oefft. for R_FAK [SI units] 353 i/p Kn Kn pirfa_n nent for R_FAK variation with speed 354 i/p thR_FAK thR_FAK C/W piThR_FAK e/ambient thermal resistance (Kylander eqn. : see CalcRFAK) 355 i/p ct_lam ct_lam W/mC pict_lam l conductivity of laminations 356 i/p Chamfer Chamfer mm piChamfer h of flats on outside surface of stator core 357 i/p ct_wins ct_wins W/mC pict_wins l conductivity of wire insulation 358 i/p ThR_EF ThR_EF C/W piThR_EF mal resistance from end-winding to frame

ptReal Valu ptReal Bias ptReal Magn ptReal Core ptReal Densit ptReal Addi ptReal Ther ptReal Forc ptReal % co ptReal Temp. ptReal Endrin ptReal Endrin ptReal Therma ptReal Bar ptReal Bar ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Ther ptReal C1 c ptReal C2 c ptReal expo ptReal Fram ptReal Therma ptReal Widt ptReal Therma ptReal Ther

359 i/p thR_CE thR_CE C/W piThR_CE ptReal Ther mal resistance from conductors to end-winding 360 i/p ThR_RE ThR_RE C/W piThR_RE ptReal Ther mal resistance from rotor to end-winding 361 i/p ThR_GF ThR_GF C/W piThR_GF ptReal Ther mal resistance from airgap to frame 362 i/p ThR_GM ThR_GM C/W piThR_GM ptReal Ther mal resistance from airgap to cooling medium 363 i/p ThR_BM ThR_BM C/W piThR_BM ptReal Ther mal resistance from bearing to cooling medium 364 i/p ThR_BF ThR_BF C/W piThR_BF ptReal Ther mal resistance from bearing to frame 365 i/p ThR_HB ThR_HB C/W piThR_HB ptReal Ther mal resistance from shaft to bearing 366 i/p ThruCool ThruCool W piThruCool ptReal Forc ed heat removal by cooling medium 367 i/p OverCool OverCool W piOverCool ptReal Forc ed heat removal from frame 368 i/p AxleCool AxleCool W piAxleCool ptReal Forc ed heat removal from shaft 369 i/p RcCalc RcCalc piRcCalc ptList Rc l ocated at terminals or at airgap 370 i/p AuxSpec AuxSpec piAuxSpec ptList How aux winding is specified; TRatio = replica with turns ratio 371 i/p Density: "Density:" piIODensity ptList Chan ge units of mass density 372 i/p DiffLeak DiffLeak piXDiffMethod ptList Meth od of calculating Xdiff 373 i/p SBFull SBFull piSBFull ptBoolean Ro tor bar fills SetBack area: true=full, false=empty 374 i/p TapType TapType piTapType ptList Conn ection for tapped-winding capacitor motor 375 i/p NonLin NonLin piNonLinear ptBoolean Us e nonlinear magnetic circuit calculation 376 i/p DiffSat DiffSat piXDiffSat ptList Satu ration influence on Xdiff 377 i/p Slip: "Slip:" piIOpuPCPM ptList Chan ge units of slip 378 i/p IncShaft IncShaft piIncShaft ptList Incl ude shaft in magnetic circuit 379 i/p Length: "Length:" piIOUnits ptList Chan ge units of length 380 i/p PhysAng: "PhysAng:" piIOPhysAngles ptList Chan ge units of angles such as BetaM 381 i/p Temperature: "Temperature:" piIOTemperature ptList Cha nge units of temperature 382 i/p Power: "Power:" piIOPower ptList Chan ge units of power 383 i/p Speed: "Speed:" piIOSpeed ptList Chan ge units of speed 384 i/p Torque: "Torque:" piIOTorque ptList Chan ge units of torque 385 i/p FluxD: "FluxD:" piIOFluxD ptList Chan ge units of flux density 386 i/p Flux: "Flux:" piIOFlux ptList Chan ge units of flux 387 i/p Coerc: "Coerc:" piIOCoerc ptList Chan ge units of coercivity 388 i/p VoltAmps: "VoltAmps:" piIOPowerVA ptList Chan ge units of Volt-Amperes

389 i/p Weight: "Weight:" piIOWeight ptList Chan ge weight units 390 i/p CtrlAng: "CtrlAng:" piIOCtrlAngles ptList Chan ge units of control angles (eg. Th0) 391 i/p Inertia: "Inertia:" piIOInertia ptList Chan ge units of polar moment of inertia 392 i/p kPhi: "kPhi:" piIOkPhi ptList Chan ge units of kPhi (NOT USED) 393 i/p kE: "kE:" piIOkE ptList Chan ge units of kE 394 i/p kT: "kT:" piIOkT ptList Chan ge units of kT 395 i/p EndFill EndFill piEndFill ptReal End winding fill factor for calculating LaxPack 396 i/p WriteCBR WriteCBR piWriteCBR ptBoolean Wr ite CBR .m files 397 i/p thR_YF thR_YF C/W piThR_YF ptReal Ther mal resistance from yoke to frame 398 i/p TempCalc TempCalc piTempCalc ptList Ther mal calculation method 399 i/p HeatTrans: "HeatTrans:" piIOHeatTransCo ptList Cha nge units of heat transfer coefficient 400 i/p C_start C_start uF piStartCap ptReal Tota l start capacitance [F] 401 i/p C_run C_run uF piRunCap ptReal Run capacitance [F] 402 i/p R_start R_start ohm piStartRes ptReal Exte rnal start resistance (SplitPhase) 403 i/p CutOutSpeed CutOutSpeed % piCutOutSpeed ptReal Cutout speed for start/run windings [% of synchronous speed] 404 i/p rSLL rSLL % pirSLL ptReal Stra y load loss resistance (% of stator resistance) 405 i/p CalcMode CalcMode piCalcMode ptList Meth od of specifying operating point 406 i/p rpm rpm rpm piActualRPM ptReal Actu al shaft RPM 407 i/p BarExt BarExt mm piBarExt ptReal Bar extension at each end of rotor stack 408 i/p cp_Cu cp_Cu kJ/kgC picp_Cu ptReal Spec ific heat of copper 409 i/p cp_SFe cp_SFe kJ/kgC picp_SFe ptReal Spec ific heat of stator laminations 410 i/p cp_RFe cp_RFe kJ/kgC picp_RFe ptReal Spec ific heat of rotor laminations 411 i/p cp_Bars cp_Bars kJ/kgC picp_Bars ptReal Spec ific heat of rotor cage bars 412 i/p cp_Frame cp_Frame kJ/kgC picp_Frame ptReal Spec ific heat of frame material 413 i/p cp_Shaft cp_Shaft kJ/kgC picp_Shaft ptReal Spec ific heat of shaft material 414 i/p AddC_Cu AddC_Cu kJ/C piAddC_Cu ptReal Addi tional thermal capacitance of stator conductors 415 i/p AddC_Y AddC_Y kJ/C piAddC_Y ptReal Addi tional thermal capacitance of stator steel 416 i/p AddC_R AddC_R kJ/C piAddC_R ptReal Addi tional thermal capacitance of rotor steel 417 i/p AddC_F AddC_F kJ/C piAddC_F ptReal Addi tional thermal capacitance of frame 418 i/p AddC_H AddC_H kJ/C piAddC_H ptReal Addi tional thermal capacitance of shaft

419 i/p FrThk FrThk mm piFrThk e radial thickness 420 i/p FrLgth+ FrLgth mm piFrLgth d to Lstk to determine frame axial length 421 i/p N_Fins N_Fins piN_Fins of fins 422 i/p LFin LFin mm piLFin al length of fins 423 i/p FinThk FinThk mm piFinThk thickness 424 i/p CapThk CapThk mm piCapThk kness of one end-cap 425 i/p FrDens FrDens kg/m piFrDens density [kg/m] 426 i/p ShDens ShDens kg/m piShDens density [kg/m] 427 i/p V_air V_air ft/min piV_air velocity over frame[ft/min] 428 i/p ThR_CST ThR_CST C/W piThR_CST mal resistance: conductors to stator core 429 i/p ThR_SS ThR_SS C/W piThR_SS mal resistance: stator core internal 430 i/p ThR_SFI ThR_SFI C/W piThR_SFI mal resistance: stator core-to-frame interface 431 i/p thR_FAV thR_FAV C/W piThR_FAV mal resistance: frame-to-ambient / convection 432 i/p thR_FAU thR_FAU C/W piThR_FAU mal resistance: frame-to-ambient / conduction 433 i/p thR_FAR thR_FAR C/W piThR_FAR mal resistance: frame-to-ambient / radiation 434 i/p ThR_RST ThR_RST C/W piThR_RST mal resistance: rotor to stator (across gap) 435 i/p ThR_RF ThR_RF C/W piThR_RFT mal resistance: rotor to frame / total 436 i/p T_gap T_gap C piT_gap ted airgap temperature for thermal resistance calculation 437 i/p ThR_CAD ThR_CAD C/W piThR_CAD mal resistance: conductors to ambient / direct 438 i/p ThR_HA ThR_HA C/W piThR_HA mal resistance: shaft to ambient 439 i/p ThR_HAD ThR_HAD C/W piThR_HAD mal resistance: shaft to ambient / direct 440 i/p XThLoss XThLoss piXThLoss e factor multiplying every loss component in thermal calc. 441 i/p IT_C IT_C C piIT_Cu l temperature of conductors 442 i/p IT_S IT_S C piIT_s l temperature of stator core 443 i/p IT_R IT_R C piIT_r l temperature of rotor core 444 i/p IT_H IT_H C piIT_H l temperature of shaft and bearings 445 i/p IT_F IT_F C piIT_F l temperature of frame 446 i/p NotUsedh0 NotUsedh0 piObsoleteh0 used: Frame convection coefficient 447 i/p NotUsedhExp NotUsedhExp piObsoletehExp used: Frame convection exponent 448 i/p Emiss Emiss piEmissivity sivity of frame surface

ptReal Fram ptReal Adde ptReal No. ptReal Radi ptReal Fin ptReal Thic ptReal Frame ptReal Shaft ptReal Air ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Estima ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Scal ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal Not ptReal Not ptReal Emis

449 i/p thm_dt thm_dt sec pithm_dt ptReal Ther mal integration timestep [s] 450 i/p hTime hTime min pihTime ptReal Leng th of thermal simulation [min] 451 i/p NumRangingSteps NumRangingSteps piNumRangingSteps ptInteg er Number of ranging steps 452 i/p WriteLogFile WriteLogFile piWriteLogFile ptBoolean Sa ve all the ranging data to disk 453 i/p HasRanging HasRanging piHasRanging ptBoolean Da ta file contains ranging info. 454 i/p SCanSec SCanSec piSCanSecs ptInteger Nu mber of stator can sections 455 i/p ERType2 ERType2 piERType2 ptList Endring type (right-hand end in axial view) 456 i/p sBrkType sBrkType pisBrkType ptList Sear ch or curve-fit to find breakdown slip 457 i/p N_CBL N_CBL piN_CBL ptInteger No . of cables (3 or 6) 458 i/p NLkSat NLkSat piNLkSat ptInteger No . of axial sections used in leakage saturation calculation 459 i/p CanStyle CanStyle piCanStyle ptList Stat or or rotor cans are present (polyphase only) 460 i/p SCanThk SCanThk mm piSCanThickness ptReal Thi ckness of stator can 461 i/p Spc_Can Spc_Can %Cu piSpc_Can ptReal Cond uctivity of stator can, % of Cu 462 i/p pc_Shaft pc_Shaft %Cu pipc_Shaft ptReal Cond uctivity of rotor shaft, % of Cu 463 i/p TS_Min TS_Min p.u. piTSslipMin ptReal Mini mum value of slip used in Speed/Torque characteristic 464 i/p TS_Max TS_Max p.u. piTSslipMax ptReal Maxi mum value of slip used in Speed/Torque characteristic 465 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type6SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 466 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type6RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 467 i/p BarWdth BarWdth mm piBar1Type6BarWidth ptReal Width of rotor bar 468 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar1Type6RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 469 i/p DDiam DDiam mm piBar1Type6DDiam ptReal Di ameter of drill hole at slot bottom 470 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar2Type6SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 471 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar2Type6RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 472 i/p BarWdth BarWdth mm piBar2Type6BarWidth ptReal Width of rotor bar 473 i/p SD_R SD_R mm piBar2Type6RotorSlotDepth p tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 474 i/p DDiam DDiam mm piBar2Type6DDiam ptReal Di ameter of drill hole at slot bottom 475 i/p DeepBar DeepBar piDeepBar ptList Meth od of calculating deep-bar factors 476 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type7SetBack ptReal Depth of rotor slot opening 477 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type7RotorSlotOpening ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 478 i/p D1 D1 mm piBar1Type7D1Diam ptReal T op drill diameter (2 drills)

479 i/p w1 w1 mm h across top bar (2 drills) 480 i/p hN hN mm height 481 i/p wN wN mm width 482 i/p w2 w2 mm h across bottom bar (2 drills) 483 i/p D2 D2 mm rill diameter below the neck (2 drills) 484 i/p SD_R SD_R mm tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 485 i/p D3 D3 mm ottom drill diameter 486 i/p SetBack SetBack mm Depth of rotor slot opening 487 i/p SO_R SO_R mm ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 488 i/p D1 D1 mm op drill diameter (2 drills) 489 i/p w1 w1 mm h across top bar (2 drills) 490 i/p hN hN mm height 491 i/p wN wN mm width 492 i/p w2 w2 mm h across bottom bar (2 drills) 493 i/p D2 D2 mm rill diameter below the neck (2 drills) 494 i/p SD_R SD_R mm tReal Rotor slot depth, excluding SetBack 495 i/p D3 D3 mm ottom drill diameter 496 i/p AuxExt AuxExt mm - auxiliary winding 497 i/p NRFins1 NRFins1 . of fins on rotor endring 1 498 i/p NRFins2 NRFins2 . of fins on rotor endring 2 499 i/p RFinL1 RFinL1 mm l length of rotor fin 1 500 i/p RFinL2 RFinL2 mm l length of rotor fin 2 501 i/p RFinThk1 RFinThk1 mm kness of rotor fin 1 502 i/p RFinThk2 RFinThk2 mm kness of rotor fin 2 503 i/p rpm_init rpm_init rpm ial speed in Dynamic design 504 i/p th1 th1 deg t-on-wave switching of SCR1 in soft-starter 505 i/p th2 th2 deg t-on-wave switching of SCR2 in soft-starter 506 i/p TL0 TL0 Nm age load torque in Dynamic design 507 i/p TL1 TL1 Nm ft. of variable load torque in Dynamic design 508 i/p NLT NLT nent of variable load torque in Dynamic design

piBar1Type7w1 ptReal Widt piBar1Type7hN ptReal Neck piBar1Type7wN ptReal Neck piBar1Type7w2 ptReal Widt piBar1Type7D2Diam ptReal D piBar1Type7RotorSlotDepth p piBar1Type7D3Diam ptReal B piBar2Type7SetBack ptReal piBar2Type7RotorSlotOpening piBar2Type7D1Diam ptReal T piBar2Type7w1 ptReal Widt piBar2Type7hN ptReal Neck piBar2Type7wN ptReal Neck piBar2Type7w2 ptReal Widt piBar2Type7D2Diam ptReal D piBar2Type7RotorSlotDepth p piBar2Type7D3Diam ptReal B piAuxExt piNRFins1 piNRFins2 piRFinL1 piRFinL2 piRFinthk1 piRFinthk2 pirpm_init pith1 pith2 piTL0 piTL1 piNLT ptReal Ext ptInteger No ptInteger No ptReal Axia ptReal Axia ptReal Thic ptReal Thic ptReal init ptReal poin ptReal poin ptReal Aver ptReal Coef ptReal Expo

509 i/p ERLedge2 ERLedge2 tional radial depth of end-ring 2 510 i/p XErb XErb stment factor for Erb 511 i/p SO_R SO_R ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 512 i/p SO_R SO_R ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 513 i/p SetBack SetBack Depth of rotor slot opening 514 i/p SetBack SetBack Depth of rotor slot opening 515 i/p TgAng_R TgAng_R tReal Rotor tang angle, from a line 516 i/p TgAng_R TgAng_R tReal Rotor tang angle, from a line 517 i/p w1 w1 h of top bar 518 i/p w1 w1 h of top bar 519 i/p h1 h1 ht of top bar 520 i/p h1 h1 ht of top bar 521 i/p hN hN height 522 i/p hN hN height 523 i/p wN wN width 524 i/p wN wN width 525 i/p w2 w2 h of bottom bar 526 i/p w2 w2 h of bottom bar 527 i/p h2 h2 ht of bottom bar 528 i/p h2 h2 ht of bottom bar 529 i/p SetBack SetBack Depth of rotor slot opening 530 i/p SetBack SetBack Depth of rotor slot opening 531 i/p h h ht between centres of drill holes 532 i/p h h ht between centres of drill holes 533 i/p w w h of bar (diameter of drill holes) 534 i/p w w h of bar (diameter of drill holes) 535 i/p SO_R SO_R ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 536 i/p SO_R SO_R ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 537 i/p PC2 PC2 uctivity of lower bar (cage 1) 538 i/p TCC2 TCC2 cient of lower bar (cage 1)


piERLedge2 piXErb

ptReal Addi ptReal Adju

mm mm mm mm

piBar1Type8RotorSlotOpening piBar2Type8RotorSlotOpening piBar1Type8SetBack ptReal piBar2Type8SetBack ptReal

mDeg piBar1Type8RotorTangAngle p normal to the bar C/L mDeg piBar2Type8RotorTangAngle p normal to the bar C/L mm piBar1Type8w1 ptReal Widt mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm %Cu %/C piBar2Type8w1 ptReal Widt piBar1Type8h1 ptReal Heig piBar2Type8h1 ptReal Heig piBar1Type8hN ptReal Neck piBar2Type8hN ptReal Neck piBar1Type8wN ptReal Neck piBar2Type8wN ptReal Neck piBar1Type8w2 ptReal Widt piBar2Type8w2 ptReal Widt piBar1Type8h2 ptReal Heig piBar2Type8h2 ptReal Heig piBar1Type9SetBack ptReal piBar2Type9SetBack ptReal piBar1Type9H piBar2Type9H piBar1Type9W piBar2Type9W ptReal Heig ptReal Heig ptReal Widt ptReal Widt

piBar1Type9RotorSlotOpening piBar2Type9RotorSlotOpening piPC2 piTCC2 ptReal Cond ptReal Coeffi

539 i/p PCN PCN %Cu piPCN ptReal Cond uctivity of neck (cage 1) 540 i/p TCCN TCCN %/C piTCCN ptReal Coeffi cient of neck (cage 1) 541 i/p PC2_2 PC2_2 %Cu piPC2_2 ptReal Cond uctivity of lower bar (cage 2) 542 i/p TCC2_2 TCC2_2 %/C piTCC2_2 ptReal Coeffi cient of lower bar (cage 2) 543 i/p PCN_2 PCN_2 %Cu piPCN_2 ptReal Cond uctivity of neck (cage 2) 544 i/p TCCN_2 TCCN_2 %/C piTCCN_2 ptReal Coeffi cient of neck (cage 2) 545 i/p SWedge SWedge piSWedge ptList Magn etic wedges in stator slot-openings : Nonmagnetic or linear permeability 546 i/p muWedge muWedge pimuWedge ptReal Rela tive permeability of magnetic wedge in stator slot-opening 547 i/p IMDVersion IMDVersion piIMDVersion ptList The IMD Version 548 i/p SO_R SO_R mm piBar1Type10RotorSlotOpenin g ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 549 i/p SetBack SetBack mm piBar1Type10SetBack ptReal Setback 550 i/p D1 D1 mm piBar1Type10D1 ptReal 551 i/p wN 552 i/p hN 553 i/p D2 wN hN D2 mm mm mm piBar1Type10wN ptReal piBar1Type10hN ptReal piBar1Type10D2 ptReal piBar2Type10RotorSlotOpenin piBar2Type10SetBack ptReal piBar2Type10D1 ptReal piBar2Type10wN ptReal piBar2Type10hN ptReal piBar2Type10D2 ptReal piAddC_G piERthk1_2 piERthk2_2 piERledge1_2 piERledge2_2 piBarExt_2 piXXL1 piXXL2 ptReal Addi ptReal EndptReal EndptReal Addi ptReal Addi ptReal Exte ptReal Adju ptReal Adju

554 i/p SO_R SO_R mm g ptReal Width of rotor slot opening 555 i/p SetBack SetBack mm SetBack 556 i/p D1 D1 mm 557 i/p wN 558 i/p hN 559 i/p D2 wN hN D2 mm mm mm

560 i/p AddC_G AddC_G kJ/C tional thermal capacitance at node G 561 i/p ERthk1_2 ERthk1_2 mm ring thickness 562 i/p ERthk2_2 ERthk2_2 mm ring thickness 563 i/p ERledge1_2 ERledge1_2 mm tional radial depth of end-ring 1 564 i/p ERledge2_2 ERledge2_2 mm tional radial depth of end-ring 2 565 i/p BarExt_2 BarExt_2 mm nsion of bar at end of stack (Cage 2) 566 i/p XXL1 XXL1 stment factor for stator leakage reactance 567 i/p XXL2 XXL2 stment factor for rotor leakage reactance 568 i/p ht ht mm ht of pent top (tongue) at top of bar

piBar1Type6ht ptReal Heig

569 i/p ht ht mm piBar2Type6ht ht of pent top (tongue) at top of bar 570 i/p DoPart DoPart piDoPartial lculate partial load performance 571 i/p SearchStart SearchStart p.u. piSearchStart ting value of slip for "find" routines 572 i/p SearchInc SearchInc p.u. piSearchInc ting value of the slip increment 573 i/p SearchDir SearchDir piSearchDir ction of search routine 574 i/p TorqSh.. "TorqSh.." Nm piipTorque e of TorqSh used in find slip calculation 575 i/p FAWG_1 FAWG_1 piFAWG_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 576 i/p AWG_1 AWG_1 piAWG_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 577 i/p SWG_1 SWG_1 piSWG_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 578 i/p MWG_1 MWG_1 piMWG_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 579 i/p SFg_1 SFg_1 piSFg_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 580 i/p SFn_1 SFn_1 piSFn_1 #1: Bare wire diameter [7.62000mm, 0.30000in.] 581 i/p FAWG_A FAWG_A piFAWG_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 582 i/p AWG_A AWG_A piAWG_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 583 i/p SWG_A SWG_A piSWG_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 584 i/p MWG_A MWG_A piMWG_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 585 i/p SFg_A SFg_A piSFg_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 586 i/p SFn_A SFn_A piSFn_A A: Bare wire diameter [0.35000mm, 0.01378in.] 587 i/p XDiff.. "XDiff.." piipXDiff t value of Xdiff; equal values for stator and rotor [Ohm] 588 i/p XStf_R XStf_R piXStf_R stment factor for rotor stacking factor 589 i/p SL%PSh "SL%PSh" % piPPShSLL y load loss as percentage of PowerSh 590 i/p NHDiff NHDiff piNHDiff mber of mmf harmonics considered for Xdiff calculation 591 i/p MagCalc MagCalc piMagCalc od for calculating magnetic circuit (no-load calculation) 592 i/p WFeCalc WFeCalc piWFeCalc od for calculating iron loss (no-load calculation) 593 i/p ShapeB ShapeB piShapeB ial shape factor for Bgap 594 i/p kXm.. "kXm.." piipkSfa ration factor (initial value for non-linear iterations) 595 i/p XR1 XR1 piXR1 stment factor for R1 (stator phase resistance) 596 i/p spWFe spWFe W/kg piWFe1TF ific iron losses [W/kg] at 1.5 Tesla and Freq 597 i/p XWFeY XWFeY piXWFey stment factor for spWFe in stator yoke 598 i/p XWFeT XWFeT piXWFet stment factor for spWFe in stator tooth

ptReal Heig ptBoolean Ca ptReal Star ptReal Star ptList Dire ptReal Valu ptReal Wire ptList Wire ptList Wire ptList Wire ptReal Wire ptReal Wire ptReal Wire ptList Wire ptList Wire ptList Wire ptReal Wire ptReal Wire ptReal Inpu ptReal Adju ptReal Stra ptInteger Nu ptList Meth ptList Meth ptReal Init ptReal Satu ptReal Adju ptReal Spec ptReal Adju ptReal Adju

599 i/p WaveSpec WaveSpec ct waveform operation 600 i/p WaveID WaveID ID 601 i/p WaveFileName WaveFileName e of external waveform file 602 i/p WavePlot WavePlot waveforms against time or position 603 i/p InterBar InterBar rbar currents 604 i/p AngSh AngSh e between shaft mean flux line and inter-polar axis 605 i/p AxExSh1 AxExSh1 mm l extension (beyond Lstk) of shaft at RadSh 606 i/p RadSh2 RadSh2 mm us of shaft 2nd step 607 i/p AxExSh2 AxExSh2 mm l length of shaft 2nd step 608 i/p XX1slot XX1slot stment factor for X1slot 609 i/p XX1end XX1end stment factor for X1end 610 i/p XX1diff XX1diff stment factor for X1diff 611 i/p XX2slot XX2slot stment factor for X2slot 612 i/p XX2end XX2end stment factor for X2end 613 i/p XX2diff XX2diff stment factor for X2diff 614 i/p KcSO/SP "KcSO/SP" correction for slot opening / slot pitch 615 i/p KcSetB KcSetB correction for slot opening depth 616 i/p TopStick TopStick pstick present? 617 i/p Filler1 Filler1 dfos X factor 618 i/p ModStrat ModStrat modulation strategy 619 i/p XKCo0 XKCo0 nomial coefficient for KcSO/SP 620 i/p XKCo1 XKCo1 nomial coefficient for KcSO/SP 621 i/p XKCs0 XKCs0 nomial coefficient for KcSetB 622 i/p XKCs1 XKCs1 nomial coefficient for KcSetB 623 i/p XKCs2 XKCs2 nomial coefficient for KcSetB 624 i/p XKCs3 XKCs3 nomial coefficient for KcSetB 625 i/p RadSh3 RadSh3 mm us of shaft 3rd step 626 i/p AxExSh3 AxExSh3 mm l length of shaft 3rd step 627 i/p XWrth XWrth stment factor for stray load loss component Wrth 628 i/p XWsth XWsth stment factor for stray load loss component Wsth

piWaveSpec piWaveID

ptList Sele ptList Wave

piWaveFileName ptString Nam piWavePlot piInterBar piAngSh [mec.deg] piAxExSh1 piRadSh2 piAxExSh2 piXX1slot piXX1end piXX1diff piXX2slot piXX2end piXX2diff piKcSO_SP piKcSetB piTopStick piFiller1 piModStrat piXKCo0 piXKCo1 piXKCs0 piXKCs1 piXKCs2 piXKCs3 piRadSh3 piAxExSh3 piXXWrth piXXWsth ptList Plot ptList Inte ptReal Angl ptReal Axia ptReal Radi ptReal Axia ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptBoolean Kc ptBoolean Kc ptBoolean To ptByte Grun ptList PWM ptReal Poly ptReal Poly ptReal Poly ptReal Poly ptReal Poly ptReal Poly ptReal Radi ptReal Axia ptReal Adju ptReal Adju

629 i/p XWrtso XWrtso piXXWrtso stment factor for stray load loss component Wrt_so 630 i/p XEndW_T XEndW_T piXEndWdgT stment factor for end winding temperature 631 i/p XRad3Sq XRad3Sq piX_G24 re/circle chamfering ratio. 632 i/p EndLeak EndLeak piXEndMethod od of calculating end-winding leakage reactance 633 i/p EndWType EndWType piEndWType or end-winding type 634 i/p X1end.. "X1end.." ohm piipX1End t value of X1end 635 i/p X2end.. "X2end.." ohm piipX2End t value of X2end 636 i/p WIron.. "WIron.." W piipWFe t value for iron losses [W] 637 i/p PCEndR PCEndR %Cu piPCEndR nductivity of rotor end-ring at 20C 638 i/p TCCEndR TCCEndR %/C piTCCEndR coefft. of rotor end-ring resistivity [%/C] 639 i/p XhwfmS XhwfmS piX_GD1 o of stator tooth top "comp. depth" per TGD-S 640 i/p XhwfmR XhwfmR piX_GD2 o of rotor tooth top "comp. depth" per SetBack or R-Bridge 641 i/p slipn0 slipn0 piX_GD3 used for no-load calculation (waveforms & losses) 642 i/p NHBmmfS NHBmmfS piX_GD4 f stator mmf harmonics for B waveforms computation 643 i/p NHBmmfR NHBmmfR piX_GD5 f rotor mmf harmonics for B waveforms computation 644 i/p XSLL XSLL piX_GD6 stment factor for the total stray load losses 645 i/p SORC SORC piX_GD7 valent rotor slot opening for closed slots (waveforms) [mm] 646 i/p XROdok XROdok piXROdok ct of interbar current on R2 647 i/p XXOdok XXOdok piXXOdok ct of interbar current on X2 648 i/p XLst XLst piXLst sts stator tooth length in mag. calculations 649 i/p XLys XLys piXLys sts stator yoke length in mag. calculations 650 i/p XBstsh XBstsh piX_GD12 tator teeth B shape due to fundamental mmf 651 i/p XBstSm XBstSm piX_GD13 tator teeth B peak due to higher stator mmf 652 i/p XBstRm XBstRm piX_GD14 tator teeth B peak due to higher rotor mmf 653 i/p XBstsp1 XBstsp1 piX_GD15 tator teeth B value due to rotor slotting 654 i/p XBstsp2 XBstsp2 piX_GD16 tator teeth B shape due to rotor slotting 655 i/p XBsttp XBsttp piX_GD17 tator tooth tops B peak due to fundamental mmf 656 i/p XBsttsh XBsttsh piX_GD18 tator tooth tops B shape due to fundamental mmf 657 i/p XBsttSm XBsttSm piX_GD19 tator tooth tops B peak due to higher stator mmf 658 i/p XBsttRm XBsttRm piX_GD20 tator tooth tops B peak due to higher rotor mmf

ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Squa ptList Meth ptList Stat ptReal Inpu ptReal Inpu ptReal Inpu ptReal % co ptReal Temp. ptReal Rati ptReal Rati ptReal Slip ptReal No o ptReal No o ptReal Adju ptReal Equi ptReal Effe ptReal Effe ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s ptReal X: s

659 i/p XBsttsp XBsttsp piX_GD21 ptReal X: s tator tooth tops B value due to rotor slotting 660 i/p XBsttss XBsttss piX_GD22 ptReal X: s tator tooth tops B shape due to rotor slotting 661 i/p XLyr XLyr piXLyr ptReal Adju sts rotor yoke length in mag. calculations 662 i/p XBsysh XBsysh piX_GD24 ptReal X: s tator yoke B shape due to fundamental mmf 663 i/p XBsySm XBsySm piX_GD25 ptReal X: s tator yoke B peak due to higher stator mmf 664 i/p XBsyRm XBsyRm piX_GD26 ptReal X: s tator yoke B peak due to higher rotor mmf 665 i/p XmTol XmTol piXmTol ptReal Tole rance in Xm calculation [0 = 1%] 666 i/p XBrtsh XBrtsh piX_GD28 ptReal X: r otor teeth B shape due to fundamental mmf 667 i/p XBrtSm XBrtSm piX_GD29 ptReal X: r otor teeth B peak due to higher stator mmf 668 i/p XBrtRm XBrtRm piX_GD30 ptReal X: r otor teeth B peak due to higher rotor mmf 669 i/p XBrtsp1 XBrtsp1 piX_GD31 ptReal X: r otor teeth B value due to stator slotting 670 i/p XBrtsp2 XBrtsp2 piX_GD32 ptReal X: r otor teeth B shape due to stator slotting 671 i/p XBrttp XBrttp piX_GD33 ptReal X: r otor tooth tops B peak due to fundamental mmf 672 i/p XBrttsh XBrttsh piX_GD34 ptReal X: r otor tooth tops B shape due to fundamental mmf 673 i/p XBrttSm XBrttSm piX_GD35 ptReal X: r otor tooth tops B peak due to higher stator mmf 674 i/p XBrttRm XBrttRm piX_GD36 ptReal X: r otor tooth tops B peak due to higher rotor mmf 675 i/p XBrttsp XBrttsp piX_GD37 ptReal X: r otor tooth tops B value due to stator slotting 676 i/p XBrttss XBrttss piX_GD38 ptReal X: r otor tooth tops B shape due to stator slotting 677 i/p XkC XkC piXkC ptReal Adju stment factor for Carter's coefficient 678 i/p XBrysh XBrysh piX_GD40 ptReal X: r otor yoke B shape due to fundamental mmf 679 i/p XBrySm XBrySm piX_GD41 ptReal X: r otor yoke B peak due to higher stator mmf 680 i/p XBryRm XBryRm piX_GD42 ptReal X: r otor yoke B peak due to higher rotor mmf 681 i/p +TFeR "+TFeR" piIronTempRotor ptReal Del ta rotor iron temperature relative to T_rtr 682 i/p +TFeS "+TFeS" piIronTempStator ptReal De lta stator iron temperature relative to T_wdg 683 i/p TbrkTol TbrkTol piTbrkTol ptReal Tol. on breakdown torque calc. (Search) [0 = 1%] 684 i/p PC PC %Cu piPC ptReal Perc entage conductivity of stator winding rel. to OFHC Cu at 20C 685 i/p TCC TCC %/C piTCC ptReal Temp. coefft. of stator winding resistivity 686 i/p Ecc Ecc piEcc ptReal Ecce ntricity of rotor [0=centred; 1=touching stator!] 687 i/p Xhymi_R Xhymi_R piXhymi_R ptReal Adju st minor loop hysteresis loss; rotor 688 i/p Xhymi_S Xhymi_S piXhymi_S ptReal Adju st minor loop hysteresis loss; stator

689 i/p BpermLvl BpermLvl piBpermLvl -density level at which permeance harmonics vanish 690 i/p XslotI2 XslotI2 piXslotI2 ctor for rotor harmonic current induced by stator slotting 691 i/p XbeltI2 XbeltI2 piXbeltI2 ctor for rotor harmonic current induced by stator phasebelts 692 i/p W_brg W_brg W piW_brg ing loss (total, including both ends) 693 i/p XBmmSy XBmmSy piXBmmSy ing factor for rotor MMF harmonics in stator yoke 694 i/p XBmmStS XBmmStS piXBmmStS ing factor for rotor MMF harmonics in stator tooth 695 i/p XBmmSttS XBmmSttS piXBmmSttS ing factor for rotor MMF harmonics in stator tooth top 696 i/p NHmmSy NHmmSy piNHmmSy . of orders of rotor MMF harmonics in stator yoke 697 i/p NHmmStS NHmmStS piNHmmStS . of orders of rotor MMF harmonics in stator tooth 698 i/p NHmmSttS NHmmSttS piNHmmSttS . of orders of rotor MMF harmonics in stator tooth top 699 i/p NHmmRttS NHmmRttS piNHmmRttS . of orders of stator MMF harmonics in rotor tooth top 700 i/p NHmmRtS NHmmRtS piNHmmRtS . of orders of stator MMF harmonics in rotor tooth 701 i/p NHmmfIs NHmmfIs piNHmmfIs . of pairs of stator phasebelt harmonics in rotor (1 = 5&7) 702 i/p N_sp N_sp piN_sp . of points in stator slot pitch (must be a multiple of 10) 703 i/p X_GD5H X_GD5H piX_GD5H undfos X factor 704 i/p X_GD5F X_GD5F piX_GD5F undfos X factor 705 i/p NHbeltI2 NHbeltI2 piNHbeltI2 . of orders of stator belt MMF harmonics in rotor cage 706 i/p NHslotI2 NHslotI2 piNHslotI2 . of orders of stator slot MMF harmonics in rotor cage 707 i/p X_GD6D X_GD6D piX_GD6D undfos X factor 708 i/p NSDuct NSDuct piNSDuct mber of ducts (stator) 709 i/p WSDuct WSDuct mm piWSDuct h of one duct (stator) 710 i/p muPlug muPlug pimuPlug tive permeability of plug in rotor slot opening 711 i/p thR_CT thR_CT C/W piThR_CT mal resistance from conductors to teeth 712 i/p thR_TS thR_TS C/W piThR_TS mal resistance from stator teeth to stator bore 713 i/p thR_SG thR_SG C/W piThR_SG mal resistance from teeth to airgap centre 714 i/p thR_RG thR_RG C/W piThR_RG mal resistance from rotor to airgap centre 715 i/p thR_RH thR_RH C/W piThR_RH mal resistance: rotor-to-shaft 716 i/p ThR_RM ThR_RM C/W piThR_RM mal resistance from rotor to coolant 717 i/p ThR_HM ThR_HM C/W piThR_HM mal resistance from shaft to coolant 718 i/p ThR_MF ThR_MF C/W piThR_MF mal resistance from coolant to frame

ptReal Flux ptReal X-fa ptReal X-fa ptReal Bear ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger Gr ptInteger Gr ptInteger No ptInteger No ptInteger Gr ptInteger Nu ptReal Widt ptReal Rela ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther ptReal Ther

719 i/p tMain tMain % pitMain ly tap on main winding (%) 720 i/p tAux tAux % pitAux ly tap on aux winding (%) 721 i/p AddC_T AddC_T kJ/C piAddC_t tional thermal capacitance, stator teeth 722 i/p IT_E IT_E C piIT_E l temperature, end-winding 723 i/p IT_Y IT_Y C piIT_Y l temperature, stator yoke 724 i/p IT_M IT_M C piIT_M l temperature, coolant 725 i/p IT_G IT_G C piIT_G l temperature, airgap 726 i/p IsUp IsUp A piIsUp out supply current (positive slope) 727 i/p ImainUp ImainUp A piImainUp out main winding current (positive slope) 728 i/p IauxUp IauxUp A piIauxUp out aux winding current (positive slope) 729 i/p Delay Delay sec piDelay out delay 730 i/p VauxUp VauxUp V piVauxUp out aux winding voltage (positive slope) 731 i/p VcUp VcUp V piVcUp out capacitor voltage (positive slope) 732 i/p IsDn IsDn A piIsDn out supply current (negative slope) 733 i/p ImainDn ImainDn A piImainDn out main winding current (negative slope) 734 i/p IauxDn IauxDn A piIauxDn out aux winding current (negative slope) 735 i/p VauxDn VauxDn V piVauxDn out aux winding voltage (negative slope) 736 i/p VcDn VcDn V piVcDn out capacitor voltage (negative slope) 737 i/p kVs3pheq kVs3pheq pikVs voltage factor for equiv 3ph sat curve (SplitPh only) 738 i/p XBmmRttS XBmmRttS piXBmmRttS ing factor for stator MMF harmonics in rotor tooth top 739 i/p XBmmRtS XBmmRtS piXBmmRtS ing factor for stator MMF harmonics in rotor tooth 740 i/p XBmmfIs XBmmfIs piXBmmfIs ing factor for time belt harmonics 741 i/p XBelt XBelt piXBelt ing factor for belt harmonics 742 i/p XBRttper XBRttper piXBRttper ing factor for permeance harmonics in rotor tooth top 743 i/p XBSttper XBSttper piXBSttper ing factor for permeance harmonics in stator tooth top 744 i/p XBStsi XBStsi piXBStsi h alignment ripple in percent of basis curve 745 i/p XBStsi1 XBStsi1 piXBStsi1 onic amplitude factor of 1st-order tooth-alignment harmonic 746 i/p XBStsi2 XBStsi2 piXBStsi2 onic amplitude factor of 2nd-order tooth-alignment harmonic 747 i/p Xrtttsll Xrtttsll piXrtttsll correction factor for rotor tooth-top-to-tooth section 748 i/p Xseddy Xseddy piXseddy ection factor for higher-harmonic stator eddy-current loss

ptReal Supp ptReal Supp ptReal Addi ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal cutptReal Max ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Toot ptReal Harm ptReal Harm ptReal Loss ptReal Corr

749 i/p rx_yf rx_yf C/W m^2 pirx_yf mal contact resistance between yoke and frame, per unit area 750 i/p HBalTol HBalTol piHBalTol dy-state criterion for heat balance ratio [p.u.] 751 i/p VDCLink VDCLink V piVDCLink ink voltage (average) 752 i/p XPWMradi XPWMradi piXPWMradi stment factor for XPWMEddy in radial sections 753 i/p XPWMyoke XPWMyoke piXPWMyoke stment factor for XPWMEddy in yoke sections 754 i/p fsw fsw kHz pifsw switching frequency 755 i/p XI2PWM XI2PWM piXI2PWM stment factor for PWM rotor loss 756 i/p DistPSLL DistPSLL piDistPSLL e of WSLL between PElec and PowerSh : 1 = all PowerSh 757 i/p XFFArea XFFArea piXFFArea stment factor for finned frame area FFArea 758 i/p XGapLoss XGapLoss piXGapLoss stment factor for P_Gap 759 i/p XFanLoss XFanLoss piXFanLoss stment factor for P_Fan 760 i/p XBrgALoss XBrgALoss piXBrgALoss stment factor for Bearing A loss 761 i/p XBrgBLoss XBrgBLoss piXBrgBLoss stment factor for Bearing B loss 762 i/p XWFe_Y XWFe_Y piXWFe_Y hting factor for (WIron+WSLL) at thermal node Y 763 i/p XWFe_T XWFe_T piXWFe_T hting factor for (WIron+WSLL) at thermal node T 764 i/p XWFe_S XWFe_S piXWFe_S hting factor for (WIron+WSLL) at thermal node S 765 i/p XWFe_R XWFe_R piXWFe_R hting factor for (WIron+WSLL) at thermal node R 766 i/p IT_T IT_T C piIT_T l stator tooth temperature 767 i/p IT_B IT_B C piIT_B l bearing temperature 768 i/p XWSLL XWSLL piXWSLL ctor for scaling of WSLL using Grundfos SLL method 769 i/p XIronSh XIronSh piXIronSh ctor for scaling of Shaft iron loss 770 i/p T_brg T_brg C piT_brg g temperature 771 i/p XTC XTC piXTC e factor for TC 772 i/p AuxXTC AuxXTC piAuxXTC e factor for AuxTC 773 i/p XTh5 XTh5 piXTh5 stment factor for harmonic torque Th5 774 i/p XTh7 XTh7 piXTh7 stment factor for harmonic torque Th7 775 i/p XTh11 XTh11 piXTh11 stment factor for harmonic torque Th11 776 i/p XTh13 XTh13 piXTh13 stment factor for harmonic torque Th13 777 i/p XThmm XThmm piXThmm stment factor for harmonic torque Thmm 778 i/p XThmn XThmn piXThmn stment factor for harmonic torque Thmn

ptReal Ther ptReal Stea ptReal DC l ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal PWM ptReal Adju ptReal Shar ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Weig ptReal Weig ptReal Weig ptReal Weig ptReal Initia ptReal Initia ptReal X fa ptReal X fa ptReal Bearin ptReal Scal ptReal Scal ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Adju

779 i/p XThpm XThpm stment factor for harmonic torque Thpm 780 i/p XThpn XThpn stment factor for harmonic torque Thpn 781 i/p Wrated Wrated W d power 782 i/p Irated Irated A d current 783 i/p XWRCan XWRCan ection factor for rotor can loss 784 i/p XWSCan XWSCan ection factor for stator can loss 785 i/p ThTol ThTol C nce on thermal iteration [C] 786 i/p XET_R XET_R stment factor for length of turn in rotor winding 787 i/p WDia_R WDia_R mm eter of wire in rotor winding 788 i/p IBRes IBRes Ohms/mm^2 rbar resistance (bar/iron contact) [Ohms/mm^2] 789 i/p tnt_m tnt_m mal node type M 790 i/p tnt_b tnt_b mal node type B 791 i/p tnt_h tnt_h mal node type H 792 i/p tnt_r tnt_r mal node type R 793 i/p tnt_g tnt_g mal node type G 794 i/p tnt_s tnt_s mal node type S 795 i/p tnt_e tnt_e mal node type E 796 i/p tnt_c tnt_c mal node type C 797 i/p tnt_t tnt_t mal node type T 798 i/p tnt_y tnt_y mal node type Y 799 i/p WireGrd WireGrd ade of main wire. Used for costing 800 i/p AuxWGrd AuxWGrd de of aux wire. Used for costing 801 i/p CW_1 CW_1 #1: Custom wire table index 802 i/p CW_A CW_A A: Custom wire table index 803 i/p iSpareString2b iSpareString2b 804 i/p NLPSIFileName NLPSIFileName -load i-psi filename 805 i/p tnt_f tnt_f mal node type F 806 i/p RCanThk RCanThk mm ckness of rotor can 807 i/p RCanSec RCanSec mber of rotor can sections 808 i/p Rpc_Can Rpc_Can %Cu uctivity of rotor can, % of Cu

piXThpm piXThpn piRatedPower

ptReal Adju ptReal Adju ptReal Rate

piRatedCurrent ptReal Rate piXWRCan piXWSCan piThTol piXET_R piWDia_R piIBRes pitnt_m pitnt_b pitnt_h pitnt_r pitnt_g pitnt_s pitnt_e pitnt_c pitnt_t pitnt_y ptReal Corr ptReal Corr ptReal Tolera ptReal Adju ptReal Diam ptReal Inte ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther ptList ther

piMainWireGrade ptString Gr piAuxWireGrade ptString Gra piCW_1 piCW_A ptReal Wire ptReal Wire

piiSpareString2b ptString piNLPSIFileName ptString No pitnt_f ptList ther

piRCanThickness ptReal Thi piRCanSecs piRpc_Can ptInteger Nu ptReal Cond

809 i/p RCanOH1 RCanOH1 mm piRCanOH1 ptReal Roto r can overhang (Left hand end) 810 i/p RCanOH2 RCanOH2 mm piRCanOH2 ptReal Roto r can overhang (Right hand end 811 i/p RCanTF RCanTF %/DegC piRCanTF ptReal Temp erature coefft. of rotor can resistivity, per-unit/deg. C 812 i/p SCanOH1 SCanOH1 mm piSCanOH1 ptReal Stat or can overhang (left hand end) 813 i/p SCanOH2 SCanOH2 mm piSCanOH2 ptReal Stat or can overhang (right hand end 814 i/p SCanTF SCanTF %/DegC piSCanTF ptReal Temp erature coefft. of stator can resistivity, per-unit/deg. C 815 i/p Lcan+ "Lcan+" mm piLcan ptReal Addi tional length of can (shearing zone) 816 i/p F_a F_a Nmm piF_a ptReal Axia l force [Nmm] 817 i/p Glycol Glycol piGlycol ptList % gl ycol coolant 818 i/p FanType FanType piFanType ptString Nam e of fan type 819 i/p BearingTypeA BearingTypeA piBearingTypeA ptString Nam e of bearing type 820 i/p BearingTypeB BearingTypeB piBearingTypeB ptString Nam e of bearing type 821 i/p F_r F_r N piF_r ptReal Radi al load [N] 822 i/p ml1a ml1a piml1a ptReal Loss 1 parameter A 823 i/p ml1b ml1b piml1b ptReal Loss 1 parameter B 824 i/p ml1c ml1c piml1c ptReal Loss 1 parameter C 825 i/p ml2a ml2a piml2a ptReal Loss 2 parameter A 826 i/p ml2b ml2b piml2b ptReal Loss 2 parameter B 827 i/p ml2c ml2c piml2c ptReal Loss 2 parameter C 828 i/p ml3a ml3a piml3a ptReal Loss 3 parameter A 829 i/p ml3b ml3b piml3b ptReal Loss 3 parameter B 830 i/p ml3c ml3c piml3c ptReal Loss 3 parameter C 831 i/p ml4a ml4a piml4a ptReal Loss 4 parameter A 832 i/p ml4b ml4b piml4b ptReal Loss 4 parameter B 833 i/p ml4c ml4c piml4c ptReal Loss 4 parameter C 834 i/p Xml1 Xml1 piXml1 ptReal Adju stment factor for Loss1 835 i/p Xml2 Xml2 piXml2 ptReal Adju stment factor for Loss2 836 i/p Xml3 Xml3 piXml3 ptReal Adju stment factor for Loss3 837 i/p Xml4 Xml4 piXml4 ptReal Adju stment factor for Loss4 838 i/p CalcMechGapLoss CalcMechGapLoss piCalcMechGapLoss ptList Method of calculating rotor gap loss

839 i/p CalcMechFanLoss CalcMechFanLoss piCalcMechFanLoss ptBoole an Calculate cooling fan loss? 840 i/p CalcMechBearingLossA CalcMechBearingLossA piCalcMechBeari ngLossA ptBoolean Calculate mechanical roller bearing loss (A)? 841 i/p CalcWMech1 CalcWMech1 piCalcWMech1 ptBoolean Ca lculate loss 1? 842 i/p CalcWMech2 CalcWMech2 piCalcWMech2 ptBoolean Ca lculate loss 2? 843 i/p CalcWMech3 CalcWMech3 piCalcWMech3 ptBoolean Ca lculate loss 3? 844 i/p CalcWMech4 CalcWMech4 piCalcWMech4 ptBoolean Ca lculate loss 4? 845 i/p SingPlot SingPlot piSingPlot ptBoolean Op tion for plotting polygons using the Grundfos splitphase polygon method 846 i/p wa_1 wa_1 mm piwa_1 ptReal Wire #1: Width of 1 strand of rectangular wire 847 i/p wb_1 wb_1 mm piwb_1 ptReal Wire #1: Height of 1 strand of rectangular wire 848 i/p wa_A wa_A mm piwa_A ptReal Wire A: Width of 1 strand of rectangular wire 849 i/p wb_A wb_A mm piwb_A ptReal Wire A: Height of 1 strand of rectangular wire 850 i/p CalcChecked CalcChecked piCalcChecked ptBoolean Ca lculation checked ? 851 i/p Nom_P2 Nom_P2 W piNominal_P2 ptReal Nomi nal output power 852 i/p Nom_I1 Nom_I1 A piNominal_I1 ptReal Nomi nal current 853 i/p Nom_n Nom_n rpm piNominal_n ptReal Nomi nal speed 854 i/p Nom_f Nom_f piNominal_f ptReal Nomi nal frequency 855 i/p Nom_v Nom_v V piNominal_v ptReal Nomi nal voltage 856 i/p Nom_PF Nom_PF piNominal_PF ptReal Nomi nal power factor 857 i/p Nom_Eff Nom_Eff % piNominal_Eff ptReal Nomi nal efficiency 858 i/p Nom_SF Nom_SF piNominal_SF ptReal Nomi nal 859 i/p Nom_C Nom_C piNominal_C ptReal Nomi nal capacitor 860 i/p WireFile_1 WireFile_1 piWireFile_1 ptString Wir e #1: File name for custom wire table 861 i/p WireFile_A WireFile_A piWireFile_A ptString Wir e A: File name for custom wire table 862 i/p InsThk_1 InsThk_1 mm piInsThk_1 ptReal Wire #1: insulation thickness 863 i/p InsThk_A InsThk_A mm piInsThk_A ptReal Wire A: insulation thickness 864 i/p CapPrice CapPrice piCapPrice ptReal Capa citor price 865 i/p BarPrice BarPrice piBarPrice ptReal Cost of bar per kg 866 i/p ERPrice ERPrice piERPrice ptReal Cost of endring per kg 867 i/p XXL1s XXL1s piXXL1s ptReal Valu e of XXL1 used in locked-rotor (stall) calculation. See also T_wdg_S and T_rtr_ S. 868 i/p XXL2s XXL2s piXXL2s ptReal Valu

e of XXL2 used in locked-rotor (stall) calculation. See also T_wdg_S and T_rtr_ S. 869 i/p dslip dslip p.u. pidslip ptReal Slip step in search for breakdown slip (typ [0], 0.01, 0.001) 870 i/p Rim1 Rim1 mm pierRim1 ptReal Rim of end-ring 1 (radial measurement) 871 i/p WRDuct WRDuct mm piWRDuct ptReal Widt h of one duct (rotor) 872 i/p Rim2 Rim2 mm pierRim2 ptReal Rim of end-ring 2 (radial measurement) 873 i/p XkX2slot XkX2slot piXkX2slot ptReal Adju stment factor for rotor slot-leakage saturation factor kX2slot 874 i/p XkX1slot XkX1slot piXkX1slot ptReal Adju stment factor for stator slot-leakage saturation factor kX1slot 875 i/p SO2 SO2 mm piSO2 ptReal Slot opening 876 i/p FilletSB FilletSB mm piFilletSB ptReal Slot bottom fillet 877 i/p SDS_B SDS_B mm piSDS_B ptReal Slot depth (from bore) for "B" slot 878 i/p SDS_C SDS_C mm piSDS_C ptReal Slot depth (from bore) for "C" slot 879 i/p SDS_D SDS_D mm piSDS_D ptReal Slot depth (from bore) for "D" slot 880 i/p SlotOrd SlotOrd piSlotOrd ptString Ord er or sequence of slot depths A,B,..C,D etc. 881 i/p h1s h1s mm pih1s ptReal Stat or slot height 882 i/p h2s h2s mm pih2s ptReal Stat or slot height 883 i/p h3s h3s mm pih3s ptReal Stat or slot height 884 i/p w1s w1s mm piw1s ptReal Stat or slot width 885 i/p w2s w2s mm piw2s ptReal Stat or slot width 886 i/p w3s w3s mm piw3s ptReal Stat or slot width 887 i/p UserReal1 UserReal1 piUserReal1 ptReal 888 i/p UserReal2 889 i/p UserReal3 890 i/p UserReal4 891 i/p UserReal5 892 i/p UserReal6 893 i/p UserReal7 894 i/p UserReal8 895 i/p UserReal9 896 i/p UserReal10 897 i/p UserInt1 UserReal2 UserReal3 UserReal4 UserReal5 UserReal6 UserReal7 UserReal8 UserReal9 UserReal10 UserInt1 piUserReal2 piUserReal3 piUserReal4 piUserReal5 piUserReal6 piUserReal7 piUserReal8 piUserReal9 piUserReal10 piUserInt1 ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptInteger

898 i/p UserInt2 899 i/p UserInt3 900 i/p UserInt4

UserInt2 UserInt3 UserInt4

piUserInt2 piUserInt3 piUserInt4

ptInteger ptInteger ptInteger

901 i/p FEAir FEAir piFEAir ptReal FEA: Ratio of outer radius out to which air region is defined 902 i/p Xkzz Xkzz piXkzz ptReal Adju stment factor for zig-zag leakage saturation factor kzz; (0 = no saturation of X zz) 903 i/p Modified Modified piLastModified ptReal File 's last modification time 904 i/p TwjLeg TwjLeg mm piWedgeLeg1 ptReal Leng th of wedge leg 905 i/p TwjThk TwjThk mm piWedgeThk1 ptReal Thic kness of wedge 906 i/p TwjWid TwjWid mm piWedgeWidth1 ptReal Widt h of wedge 907 i/p PhsLeg PhsLeg mm piWedgeLeg2 ptReal Leng th of wedge leg 908 i/p PhsThk PhsThk mm piWedgeThk2 ptReal Thic kness of wedge 909 i/p PhsWid PhsWid mm piWedgeWidth2 ptReal Widt h of wedge 910 i/p SSteelDB SSteelDB piSSteelDB ptString Sta tor steel database filename 911 i/p RSteelDB RSteelDB piRSteelDB ptString Rot or steel database filename 912 i/p ShSteelDB ShSteelDB piShSteelDB ptString Sha ft steel database filename 913 i/p LogFile LogFile piLogFileName ptString Log file name (for ranging results) 914 i/p StatorLamRef StatorLamRef piStatorLamRef ptString Sta tor lamination part no. 915 i/p RotorLamRef RotorLamRef piRotorLamRef ptString Rot or lamination part no. 916 i/p WindingLamRef WindingLamRef piWindingRef ptString Win ding part no. 917 i/p CouplingRef CouplingRef piCouplingRef ptString Win ding coupling part no. 918 i/p MeasurementRef MeasurementRef piMeasurementRef ptString M easurement report no. 919 i/p EngineerRef EngineerRef piEngineerRef ptString Eng ineer in charge of design 920 i/p Production Production piProduction ptBoolean Pr oduction design ? 921 i/p Wire_2 Wire_2 piWire_2 ptList 922 i/p WDia_2 #2: Bare wire 923 i/p FAWG_2 #2: Bare wire 924 i/p AWG_2 #2: Bare wire 925 i/p SWG_2 #2: Bare wire 926 i/p MWG_2 #2: Bare wire 927 i/p SFg_2 WDia_2 diameter [0.00000mm, FAWG_2 diameter [0.00000mm, AWG_2 diameter [0.00000mm, SWG_2 diameter [0.00000mm, MWG_2 diameter [0.00000mm, SFg_2 mm 0.00000in.] 0.00000in.] piAWG_2 0.00000in.] piSWG_2 0.00000in.] piMWG_2 0.00000in.] piSFg_2 ptReal Wire ptList Wire ptList Wire ptList Wire piWDia_2 piFAWG_2 ptReal Wire ptReal Wire

#2: Bare wire diameter [0.00000mm, 0.00000in.] 928 i/p SFn_2 SFn_2 piSFn_2 #2: Bare wire diameter [0.00000mm, 0.00000in.] 929 i/p CW_2 CW_2 piCW_2 #2: Custom wire gage 930 i/p wa_2 wa_2 mm piwa_2 #2: Width of one strand of rectangular wire 931 i/p wb_2 wb_2 mm piwb_2 #2: Height of one strand of rectangular wire 932 i/p NSH_2 NSH_2 piNSH_2 re #2: No. of strands in hand 933 i/p InsThk_2 InsThk_2 mm piInsThk_2 #2: Insulation thickness 934 i/p WireFile_2 WireFile_2 piWireFile_2 e #2: File name for custom wire table 935 i/p Tpump60 Tpump60 Nm piTpump60 Pump load torque at RPMpmp60 936 i/p RPMpmp60 RPMpmp60 rpm piRPMpmp60 speed at which pump load torque is specified 937 i/p XdegCW60 XdegCW60 piXdegCW60 ctor to reduce DegCW for 60Hz pump simulation 938 i/p Tpump Tpump Nm piTpump load torque at RPMpump 939 i/p RPMpump RPMpump rpm piRPMpump d at which Pump load torque is specified 940 i/p TOLfpump TOLfpump % piTOLfpump rance in percent for f/pump convergence 941 i/p AuxXET AuxXET piAuxXET stment factor for AUX endturn length. [0 = XET] 942 i/p NeckDist NeckDist mm piNeckDist ance between neck and top of bar 943 i/p NeckHght NeckHght mm piNeckHght ht of neck 944 i/p NeckWdth NeckWdth mm piNeckWdth h of neck 945 i/p JFan JFan p.u. piJFan inertia (as a multiple of motor inertia) 946 i/p BgpkTap BgpkTap T piBgpkTap airgap flux-density for scaling stator can loss in Tapmotor 947 i/p WSCanTap WSCanTap W piWSCanTap or can loss at BgpkTap 948 i/p XEsb XEsb piXEsb stment factor for Esb 949 i/p ERIDia1 ERIDia1 mm piERIDia1 de diameter of end-ring 1 950 i/p ERIDia2 ERIDia2 mm piERIDia2 de diameter of end-ring 2 951 i/p TC06 TC06 piTC06 rns of 6th coil (1st = outermost) 952 i/p TC05 TC05 piTC05 rns of 5th coil (1st = outermost) 953 i/p TC04 TC04 piTC04 rns of 4th coil (1st = outermost) 954 i/p TC03 TC03 piTC03 rns of 3rd coil (1st = outermost) 955 i/p TC02 TC02 piTC02 rns of 2nd coil (1st = outermost) 956 i/p TC01 TC01 piTC01 rns of 1st coil (1st = outermost) 957 i/p Airflow: "Airflow:" piIOAirflow

ptReal Wire ptReal Wire ptReal Wire ptReal Wire ptInteger Wi ptReal Wire ptString Wir ptReal 60Hz ptReal 60Hz ptReal X fa ptReal Pump ptReal Spee ptReal Tole ptReal Adju ptReal Dist ptReal Heig ptReal Widt ptReal Fan ptReal Peak ptReal Stat ptReal Adju ptReal Insi ptReal Insi ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptList Unit

s of airflow 958 i/p VolSpecHeat: "VolSpecHeat:" ts of volumetric specific heat 959 i/p iSpareInt03 iSpareInt03 reInt03 960 i/p iSpareInt02 iSpareInt02 reInt02 961 i/p iSpareInt01 iSpareInt01 reInt01 962 i/p SCanFe SCanFe rritic stator can 963 i/p RCanFe RCanFe rritic rotor can 964 i/p Starter Starter ter type: Direct on line or WyeDelta 965 i/p SkewUnits SkewUnits rmines units of Skew 966 i/p RXConnex RXConnex ection of external rotor resistance 967 i/p iSpareString3 iSpareString3 reString3 968 i/p ERODia1 ERODia1 ide diameter of end-ring 1 969 i/p ERODia2 ERODia2 ide diameter of end-ring 2 970 i/p Rad0 Rad0 de radius of rotor lamination 971 i/p AuxTC01 AuxTC01 rns of 1st Aux coil (1st = outermost) 972 i/p AuxTC02 AuxTC02 rns of 2nd Aux coil (1st = outermost) 973 i/p AuxTC03 AuxTC03 rns of 3rd Aux coil (1st = outermost) 974 i/p AuxTC04 AuxTC04 rns of 4th Aux coil (1st = outermost) 975 i/p AuxTC05 AuxTC05 rns of 5th Aux coil (1st = outermost) 976 i/p AuxTC06 AuxTC06 rns of 6th Aux coil (1st = outermost) 977 i/p DataSubVersion DataSubVersion

piIOVolSpecHeat ptList Uni ? ? ? piiSpareInt03 ptInteger iSpa piiSpareInt02 ptInteger iSpa piiSpareInt01 ptInteger iSpa piSCanFE piRCanFe piStarter piSkewUnits piRXConnex ? mm mm mm ptBoolean Fe ptBoolean Fe ptList Star ptList Dete ptList Conn

piiSpareString3 ptString iSpa piERODia1 piERODia2 piRad0 piAuxTC01 piAuxTC02 piAuxTC03 piAuxTC04 piAuxTC05 piAuxTC06 ptReal Outs ptReal Outs ptReal Insi ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu ptInteger Tu

piDataSubVersion ptInteger ptInteger No ptReal Adju ptReal Modu ptReal DC s ptReal Inte ptReal Firi ptReal Forc ptReal Thic ptReal Thic ptReal Coolin

978 i/p BreakIT BreakIT piBreakIT . of cycles to simulate 979 i/p XXskew XXskew piXXskew stment factor for X1skew and X2skew 980 i/p mIndex mIndex pimIndex lation index for sine/triangle PWM 981 i/p Vdc Vdc V piVdc upply voltage used in Drive Simulation 982 i/p Rdc Rdc ohm piRdc rnal resistance of DC supply used in Drive Simulation 983 i/p alphaSCR alphaSCR deg pialphaSCR ng angle delay for thyristors (or triac) in AC series controller 984 i/p WireCool WireCool W piWireCool ed heat removal from stator conductors 985 i/p AirFilm AirFilm mm piAirFilm kness of air film between stator core and frame 986 i/p AirLiner AirLiner mm piAirLiner kness of air layer surrounding slot-liner 987 i/p CHT_E1 CHT_E1 J/mC piCHT_E1

g coefficient at node E (drive end) 988 i/p CHT_F1 CHT_F1 J/mC piCHT_F1 ptReal Coolin g coefficient at node F (drive end) 989 i/p CHT_R1 CHT_R1 J/mC piCHT_R1 ptReal Coolin g coefficient at node R (drive end) 990 i/p CHT_E2 CHT_E2 J/mC piCHT_E2 ptReal Coolin g coefficient at node E (opposite drive end) 991 i/p CHT_F2 CHT_F2 J/mC piCHT_F2 ptReal Coolin g coefficient at node F (opposite drive end) 992 i/p CHT_R2 CHT_R2 J/mC piCHT_R2 ptReal Coolin g coefficient at node R (opposite drive end) 993 i/p Qair_1 Qair_1 m/s piQair_1 ptReal Air fl ow rate (drive end) 994 i/p Qair_2 Qair_2 m/s piQair_2 ptReal Air fl ow rate (opposite drive end) 995 i/p Uair_1 Uair_1 % piUair_1 ptReal Perc entage recirculation of air flow (drive end) 996 i/p Uair_2 Uair_2 % piUair_2 ptReal Perc entage recirculation of air flow (opposite drive end) 997 i/p Ti_1 Ti_1 C piTi_1 ptReal Temper ature of air at inlet (drive end) 998 i/p Ti_2 Ti_2 C piTi_2 ptReal Temper ature of air at inlet (opposite drive end) 999 i/p CInsThk CInsThk mm piCInsThk ptReal Coil insulation thickness (per side); form-wound stator coil with rectangular conduc tors only 1000 i/p CInsThkR CInsThkR mm piCInsThkR ptReal Coi l insulation thickness (per side); form-wound rotor coil with rectangular conduc tors only 1001 i/p iSReal28 iSReal28 ? piiSReal28 ptReal iSRea l28 1002 i/p iSReal29 iSReal29 ? piiSReal29 ptReal iSRea l29 1003 i/p iSReal30 iSReal30 ? piiSReal30 ptReal iSRea l30 1004 i/p SSWedge SSWedge mm piSSWedge ptReal Thi ckness of stator slot wedge 1005 i/p WSWedge WSWedge mm piWSWedge ptReal Wid th of stator slot wedge 1006 i/p iSInt12 iSInt12 ? piiSInt12 ptReal iSInt 12 1007 i/p iSInt11 iSInt11 ? piiSInt11 ptReal iSInt 11 1008 i/p na_1 na_1 pina_1 ptInteger N o. of rectangular strands abreast, across the coil-width 1009 i/p nb_1 nb_1 pinb_1 ptInteger N o. of rectangular strands stacked, along the coil-depth 1010 i/p na_B na_B pina_B ptInteger N o. of rectangular strands abreast, across the coil-width 1011 i/p nb_B nb_B pinb_B ptInteger N o. of rectangular strands stacked, along the coil-depth 1012 i/p Ta_1 Ta_1 piTa_1 ptInteger T a_1 1013 i/p iSInt05 iSInt05 ? piiSInt05 ptInteger iSI nt05 1014 i/p iSInt04 iSInt04 ? piiSInt04 ptInteger iSI nt04 1015 i/p iSInt03 iSInt03 ? piiSInt03 ptInteger iSI nt03 1016 i/p iSInt02 iSInt02 ? piiSInt02 ptInteger iSI

nt02 1017 i/p iSInt01 iSInt01 nt01 1018 i/p NeqnR NeqnR ection of model and equation for rotor e closed 1019 i/p CoilForm CoilForm e of winding coil-form 1020 i/p ArborID ArborID or identifier 1021 i/p RHole RHole e of rotor hole 1022 i/p IncHx IncHx monics in SplitPh equivalent circuit 1023 i/p Wire2Grade Wire2Grade ade of second wire. Used for costing 1024 i/p SO_R SO_R al Rotor slot opening 1025 i/p SetBack SetBack Back 1026 i/p RSlotTop RSlotTop st Rotor slot top type 1027 i/p SBWedgeType SBWedgeType ot implemented 1028 i/p SBmuPlug SBmuPlug use this instead of global muPlug 1029 i/p SBPC SBPC ductivity of slot wedge if present 1030 i/p wt1 wt1 th at top of section 1031 i/p wb1 wb1 th at bottom of section 1 1032 i/p h1 h1 ght of section 1 1033 i/p LayerPC1 LayerPC1 onductivity of section 1 1034 i/p PC_L1 PC_L1 rcentage conductivity of Layer 1 1035 i/p RCurve1 RCurve1 ius of curvature of sides of section 1 1036 i/p Spare1 Spare1 1037 i/p wt2 wt2 th at top of section 2 1038 i/p wb2 wb2 th at bottom of section 2 1039 i/p h2 h2 ght of section 2 1040 i/p LayerPC2 LayerPC2 onductivity of section 2 1041 i/p PC_L2 PC_L2 rcentage conductivity of Layer 2 1042 i/p RCurve2 RCurve2 ius of curvature of sides of section 2 1043 i/p Spare2 Spare2 1044 i/p wt3 wt3 th at top of section 3 1045 i/p wb3 wb3 th at bottom of section 3


ptInteger iSI

piNeqnR ptList Sel slot-opening with Norman's method; 8,9 ar piCoilForm piArborID piRHole piIncHx piWire2Grade mm mm ptList Typ ptByte Arb ptList Typ ptList Har ptString Gr

piBTGRotorSlotOpening ptRe piBTGSetBack ptReal Set

piBTGRotorSlotTopType ptLi piBTGSBWedgeType ptList N piBTGSBmuPlug ptReal May %Cu mm mm mm %Cu piBTGSBPC piBTGwt1 piBTGwb1 piBTGh1 ptReal Con ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

piBTGLayerPC1 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType1 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve1 piBTGSpare1 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

mm mm mm %Cu

piBTGwt2 piBTGwb2 piBTGh2

piBTGLayerPC2 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType2 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve2 piBTGSpare2 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid

mm mm

piBTGWt3 piBTGWb3

1046 i/p h3 h3 mm ght of section 3 1047 i/p LayerPC3 LayerPC3 %Cu onductivity of section 3 1048 i/p PC_L3 PC_L3 rcentage conductivity of Layer 3 1049 i/p RCurve3 RCurve3 ius of curvature of sides of section 3 1050 i/p Spare3 Spare3 1051 i/p wt4 wt4 th at top of section 4 1052 i/p wb4 wb4 th at bottom of section 4 1053 i/p h4 h4 ght of section 4 1054 i/p LayerPC4 LayerPC4 onductivity of section 4 1055 i/p PC_L4 PC_L4 rcentage conductivity of Layer 4 1056 i/p RCurve4 RCurve4 ius of curvature of sides of section 4 1057 i/p Spare4 Spare4 1058 i/p wt5 wt5 th at top of section 5 1059 i/p wb5 wb5 th at bottom of section 5 1060 i/p h5 h5 ght of section 5 1061 i/p LayerPC5 LayerPC5 onductivity of section 5 1062 i/p PC_L5 PC_L5 rcentage conductivity of Layer 5 1063 i/p RCurve5 RCurve5 ius of curvature of sides of section 5 1064 i/p Spare5 Spare5 1065 i/p wt6 wt6 th at top of section 6 1066 i/p wb6 wb6 th at bottom of section 6 1067 i/p h6 h6 ght of section 6 1068 i/p LayerPC6 LayerPC6 onductivity of section 6 1069 i/p PC_L6 PC_L6 rcentage conductivity of Layer 6 1070 i/p RCurve6 RCurve6 ius of curvature of sides of section 6 1071 i/p Spare6 Spare6 1072 i/p wt7 wt7 th at top of section 7 1073 i/p wb7 wb7 th at bottom of section 7 1074 i/p h7 h7 ght of section 7 1075 i/p LayerPC7 LayerPC7 onductivity of section 7 mm mm mm %Cu


ptReal Hei

piBTGLayerPC3 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType3 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve3 piBTGSpare3 piBTGwt4 piBTGwb4 piBTGh4 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

piBTGLayerPC4 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType4 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve4 piBTGSpare4 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

mm mm mm %Cu

piBTGwt5 piBTGwb5 piBTGh5

piBTGLayerPC5 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType5 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve5 piBTGSpare5 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

mm mm mm %Cu

piBTGwt6 piBTGwb6 piBTGh6

piBTGLayerPC6 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType6 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve6 piBTGSpare6 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

mm mm mm %Cu

piBTGwt7 piBTGwb7 piBTGh7

piBTGLayerPC7 ptReal % c

1076 i/p PC_L7 PC_L7 rcentage conductivity of Layer 7 1077 i/p RCurve7 RCurve7 ius of curvature of sides of section 7 1078 i/p Spare7 Spare7 1079 i/p wt8 wt8 th at top of section 8 1080 i/p wb8 wb8 th at bottom of section 8 1081 i/p h8 h8 ght of section 8 1082 i/p LayerPC8 LayerPC8 onductivity of section 8 1083 i/p PC_L8 PC_L8 rcentage conductivity of Layer 8 1084 i/p RCurve8 RCurve8 ius of curvature of sides of section 8 1085 i/p Spare8 Spare8 1086 i/p wt9 wt9 th at top of section 9 1087 i/p wb9 wb9 th at bottom of section 9 1088 i/p h9 h9 ght of section 9 1089 i/p LayerPC9 LayerPC9 onductivity of section 9 1090 i/p PC_L9 PC_L9 rcentage conductivity of Layer 9 1091 i/p RCurve9 RCurve9 ius of curvature of sides of section 9 1092 i/p Spare9 Spare9 mm mm mm %Cu

piBTGLayerType7 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve7 piBTGSpare7 piBTGwt8 piBTGwb8 piBTGh8 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

piBTGLayerPC8 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType8 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve8 piBTGSpare8 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

mm mm mm %Cu

piBTGwt9 piBTGwb9 piBTGh9

piBTGLayerPC9 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType9 ptList Pe piBTGRCurve9 piBTGSpare9 piBTGwt10 piBTGwb10 piBTGh10 ptReal Rad ptReal ptReal Wid ptReal Wid ptReal Hei

1093 i/p wt10 wt10 mm th at top of section 10 1094 i/p wb10 wb10 mm th at bottom of section 10 1095 i/p h10 h10 mm ght of section 10 1096 i/p LayerPC10 LayerPC10 %Cu onductivity of section 10 1097 i/p PC_L10 PC_L10 ercentage conductivity of Layer 10 1098 i/p RCurve10 RCurve10 ius of curvature of sides of section 10 1099 i/p Spare10 Spare10 1100 i/p integer01 1101 i/p integer02 1102 i/p integer03 1103 i/p integer04 1104 i/p Spare11 integer01 integer02 integer03 integer04 Spare11

piBTGLayerPC10 ptReal % c piBTGLayerType10 ptList P piBTGRCurve10 ptReal Rad piBTGSpare10 ptReal

piBTGinteger01 ptInteger piBTGinteger02 ptInteger piBTGinteger03 ptInteger piBTGinteger04 ptInteger piBTGSpare11 ptReal

1105 i/p RSlotBot RSlotBot st Rotor slot bottom type

piBTGRotorSlotBotType ptLi

1106 i/p SlotString SlotString piBTGSlotString ptString C an be used to X-ref punching die 1107 i/p BarOxide BarOxide mm piBarOxide ptReal Thi ckness of oxide layer surrounding rotor bars 1108 i/p WireDens WireDens kg/m piWireDens ptReal Densi ty of stator conductor 1109 i/p h0_N h0_N pih0_N ptReal Coe fficient used in empirical heat-transfer equation for natural convection 1110 i/p h0_F h0_F pih0_F ptReal Coe fficient used in empirical heat-transfer equation for forced convection 1111 i/p RH_x1 RH_x1 mm piRH_x1 ptReal Rot or hole: RH_x1 1112 i/p ct_Frame ct_Frame W/mC pict_Frame ptReal Therm al conductivity of frame 1113 i/p ct_Oxide ct_Oxide W/mC pict_Oxide ptReal Therm al conductivity of bar oxide 1114 i/p RH_x2 RH_x2 mm piRH_x2 ptReal Rot or hole: RH_x2 1115 i/p thR_DR thR_DR C/W piThR_DR ptReal The rmal resistance from rotor bars to rotor body 1116 i/p F1_Cool F1_Cool ? piF1_Cool ptReal Watts cooling at node F1, drive end 1117 i/p F2_Cool F2_Cool ? piF2_Cool ptReal Watts cooling at node F2, drive end 1118 i/p E1_Cool E1_Cool ? piE1_Cool ptReal Watts cooling at node E1, drive end 1119 i/p E2_Cool E2_Cool ? piE2_Cool ptReal Watts cooling at node E2, drive end 1120 i/p R1_Cool R1_Cool ? piR1_Cool ptReal Watts cooling at node R1, drive end 1121 i/p R2_Cool R2_Cool ? piR2_Cool ptReal Watts cooling at node R2, drive end 1122 i/p HTC_F1 HTC_F1 ? piHTC_F1 ptReal Heat transfer coefft. at node F1, drive end 1123 i/p HTC_F2 HTC_F2 ? piHTC_F2 ptReal Heat transfer coefft. at node F2, drive end 1124 i/p HTC_E1 HTC_E1 ? piHTC_E1 ptReal Heat transfer coefft. at node E1, drive end 1125 i/p HTC_E2 HTC_E2 ? piHTC_E2 ptReal Heat transfer coefft. at node E2, drive end 1126 i/p HTC_R1 HTC_R1 ? piHTC_R1 ptReal Heat transfer coefft. at node R1, drive end 1127 i/p HTC_R2 HTC_R2 ? piHTC_R2 ptReal Heat transfer coefft. at node R2, drive end 1128 i/p RH_beta1 RH_beta1 mDeg piRH_beta1 ptReal Rot or hole: RH_beta1 1129 i/p RH_beta2 RH_beta2 mDeg piRH_beta2 ptReal Rot or hole: RH_beta2 1130 i/p RH_r1 RH_r1 mm piRH_r1 ptReal Rot or hole: RH_r1 1131 i/p RH_r2 RH_r2 mm piRH_r2 ptReal Rot or hole: RH_r2 1132 i/p RH_re RH_re mm piRH_re ptReal Rot or hole: RH_re 1133 i/p HoleDia2 HoleDia2 mm piHoleDia2 ptReal Rot or hole: HoleDia2 1134 i/p PCDia2 PCDia2 mm piPCDia2 ptReal Rot or hole: PCDia2 1135 i/p DensScan DensScan kg/m piDensScan ptReal Densi ty of stator can

1136 i/p DensRcan DensRcan kg/m piDensRcan ty of rotor can 1137 i/p VNL_Test VNL_Test V piVNL_Test e-line RMS voltage used in no-load test 1138 i/p PNL_Test PNL_Test W piPNL_Test load power (test data) (includes all phases) 1139 i/p T1NLTest T1NLTest C piT1NLTest r temperature in no-load test (windings and core) 1140 i/p INL_Test INL_Test A piINL_Test load line current (test data) 1141 i/p VLR_Test VLR_Test V piVLR_Test e-line RMS voltage used in locked-rotor test 1142 i/p PLR_Test PLR_Test W piPLR_Test ked-rotor power (test data) (includes all phases) 1143 i/p T1LRTest T1LRTest C piT1LRTest r temperature in locked-rotor test (windings and core) 1144 i/p ILR_Test ILR_Test A piILR_Test ked-rotor line current (test data) 1145 i/p sNL_Test sNL_Test pisNL_Test load slip (test data) (normally 0) 1146 i/p uX1oX2 uX1oX2 piuX1oX2 r-specified X1/X2 ratio, for segregating X1 && X2 obtained from test 1147 i/p R1_test R1_test ohm piR1_test t value of R1 (ohms per phase) 1148 i/p T2LRTest T2LRTest C piT2LRTest temperature in locked-rotor test (windings and core) 1149 i/p T2NLTest T2NLTest C piT2NLTest temperature in no-load test (windings and core) 1150 i/p T2_Test T2_Test C piT2_Test temperature in load test (windings and core) 1151 i/p T1_Test T1_Test C piT1_Test r temperature in load test (windings and core) 1152 i/p P_Test P_Test W piP_Test ctrical power input in load-test (includes all phases) 1153 i/p I_Test I_Test A piI_Test e current in load-test [A rms] 1154 i/p V_Test V_Test V piV_Test e-line RMS voltage used in load-test 1155 i/p sLR_Test sLR_Test pisLR_Test ked-rotor slip (test data) (normally 1.0) 1156 i/p s_Test s_Test pis_Test p in load-test 1157 i/p cf_A1 cf_A1 mm picf_A1 gth of end-turn A of arbor 1 1158 i/p cf_B1 cf_B1 mm picf_B1 gth of end-turn B of arbor 1 1159 i/p cf_A2 cf_A2 mm picf_A2 gth of end-turn A of arbor 2 1160 i/p cf_B2 cf_B2 mm picf_B2 gth of end-turn B of arbor 2 1161 i/p cf_A3 cf_A3 mm picf_A3 gth of end-turn A of arbor 3 1162 i/p cf_B3 cf_B3 mm picf_B3 gth of end-turn B of arbor 3 1163 i/p cf_A4 cf_A4 mm picf_A4 gth of end-turn A of arbor 4 1164 i/p cf_B4 cf_B4 mm picf_B4 gth of end-turn B of arbor 4 1165 i/p cf_A5 cf_A5 mm picf_A5 gth of end-turn A of arbor 5

ptReal Densi ptReal Lin ptReal NoptReal Stato ptReal NoptReal Lin ptReal Loc ptReal Stato ptReal Loc ptReal NoptReal Use data ptReal Tes ptReal Rotor ptReal Rotor ptReal Rotor ptReal Stato ptReal Ele ptReal Lin ptReal Lin ptReal Loc ptReal Sli ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len ptReal Len

1166 i/p cf_B5 cf_B5 mm picf_B5 ptReal Len gth of end-turn B of arbor 5 1167 i/p cf_A6 cf_A6 mm picf_A6 ptReal Len gth of end-turn A of arbor 6 1168 i/p cf_B6 cf_B6 mm picf_B6 ptReal Len gth of end-turn B of arbor 6 1169 i/p cf_R cf_R mm picf_R ptReal Ben d radius on lap winding arbor 1170 i/p cf_X cf_X mm picf_X ptReal X d imension of lap winding arbor 1171 i/p cf_Y cf_Y mm picf_Y ptReal Y d imension of lap winding arbor 1172 i/p cf_S cf_S mm picf_S ptReal Sle eve dimension (to be added to Lstk/2) 1173 i/p TC_FACC TC_FACC %/C piTC_FACC ptReal Tem perature coefficient of forced-air convection coefficients 1174 i/p Liner_R Liner_R mm piLiner_R ptReal Thi ckness of rotor slot-liner 1175 i/p SOAng SOAng mDeg piSOAng ptReal Sta tor slot-opening angle, from a line perpendicular to the slot C/L 1176 i/p iSR_CLR iSR_CLR piiSR_CLR ptReal iSR _CLR 1177 i/p CoolFLW CoolFLW m/s piCoolFLW ptReal Coo ling flow before SLEEVE is added 1178 i/p CoolFLWS CoolFLWS m/s piCoolFLWS ptReal Coo ling flow with SLEEVE 1179 i/p DegCWCor DegCWCor % piDEGCWCOR ptReal Mod el & factor for changing DEGC/W with changing DeltaT 0 OFF else ON. If 1 the mo del is not scaled (DEGCW = DEGCW * DEGCWCOR * (WdgTemp-AmbBasis)/(WdgTemp-Ambien t)) 1180 i/p AmbBasis AmbBasis DegC piAmbBasis ptReal Amb ient temperature at which DEGC/W is defined used if DEGCWCOR is active 1181 i/p XCostFe XCostFe piXCostFe ptReal Xfa ctor for adjusting Steel lamination price (must be not 0 to be active) 1182 i/p XCostCu XCostCu piXCostCu ptReal Xfa ctor for adjusting Stator Copper price (must be not 0 to be active) 1183 i/p KeyGrFos KeyGrFos piKeyGrFos ptReal Key Number for doing special things. Ex. 1602 enables special code for MG160 2pole 1184 i/p CntrBear CntrBear piCntrBear ptReal Len gth for centre Bearing in two serial rotor construction (Applied when CntrBear > 0, only 3 phase motors) 1185 i/p XTorqSh XTorqSh piXTorqSh ptReal Adj ustment factor for Torque (Only for G-Tap and Tkobling) 1186 i/p XXsltTap XXsltTap piXXsltTap ptReal Rat io for (Esb/I1+Xslot)/Xslot for Tapped motors 1187 i/p XXsTapLR XXsTapLR piXXsTapLR ptReal LOC KED ROTOR XXsltTap 1188 i/p JM_DGCW JM_DGCW A/mm2 piJM_DGCW ptReal Mai n Current density at DEGCW tuning point. Used for estimating T_Aux 1189 i/p VtestNL VtestNL V piVtestNL ptReal Vol tage for No-load production test 1190 i/p SpareCLRReal SpareCLRReal piSpareCLRReal ptReal 1191 i/p CWR CWR mm th of rotor coil (measured on coil-former) 1192 i/p COHR COHR mm al length of coil-overhang at one end of the rotor 1193 i/p DegC_Ver DegC_Ver DegC otor Rated Temperature (MS6 - 30, 60 or 90 degrees) 1194 i/p TC_R TC_R piCWR piCOHR piDegC_Ver piTC_R ptReal Wid ptReal Axi ptInteger M ptInteger T

urns per coil in rotor winding 1195 i/p Throw_R Throw_R RSlots piThrow_R hrow (span) of one rotor coil; normally use full-pitch coils 1196 i/p NSH_R NSH_R piNSH_R umber of strands-in-hand in 1 conductor (Wound rotor) 1197 i/p PPaths_R PPaths_R piPPaths_R umber of parallel paths in rotor winding 1198 i/p Tb_1 Tb_1 piTb_1 1199 i/p Ta_B 1200 i/p Tb_B 1201 i/p iSI04 1202 i/p iSI03 Ta_B Tb_B iSI04 iSI03 ? ? piTa_B piTb_B piiSI04 piiSI03

ptInteger T ptInteger N ptInteger N ptInteger ptInteger ptInteger ptInteger ptInteger

1203 i/p SWjType SWjType piSWjType ptList Typ e of stator slot-wedge 1204 i/p NeqnS NeqnS piNeqnS ptList Sel ection of model and equation for stator slot-opening with Norman's method; norm ally use 6 or 7 1205 i/p RvtTap RvtTap piRvtTap ptBoolean R evert XField tapped-winding calculation to 24-Oct-08 1206 i/p RvtWSCan RvtWSCan piRvtWSCan ptBoolean R evert WSCan to torque-loss; new version treats WSCan in parallel with iron loss 1207 i/p RcLoc RcLoc piRcLoc ptList Loc ation of Rc in the equivalent circuit 1208 i/p TestPts TestPts piTestPts ptList Tes t points to be used in the determination of equivalent circuit parameters 1209 i/p LMHClass LMHClass piLMHClass ptList LMH class 1210 i/p MotorSeries MotorSeries piMotorSeries ptList Mot or series 1211 i/p TGorSO TGorSO piTGorSO ptList Tan g angle is measured from a line perpendicular to slot C/L (SOang) or tooth C/L ( TGang) 1212 i/p INLX1 INLX1 piINLX1 ptBoolean I ncludes X1 in calculating no-load current INL 1213 i/p Student Student piStudent ptBoolean S tudent mode 1214 i/p IOConductivity IOConductivity piIOConductivity ptList U nits of conductivity 1215 i/p Alzz Alzz piAlzz ptList Sel ects Alger's methods for zig-zag reactance 1216 i/p RWdgType RWdgType piRWdgType ptList Typ e of rotor winding (wound-rotor motors only; i.e., Config = WR) 1217 i/p RConnex RConnex piRConnex ptList Con nection of rotor winding 1218 i/p CoolSleeve CoolSleeve piCoolSleeve ptBoolean C ooling sleeve for submersible motors. Works only with DEGC/W thermal model 1219 i/p Wire_B Wire_B piWire_B ptList Wir e specification for second aux. wire 1220 i/p WDia_B WDia_B mm piWDia_B ptReal Bar e wire diameter; second wire, auxiliary winding 1221 i/p FAWG_B FAWG_B piFAWG_B ptReal Fra ctional American Wire Gage; second wire, auxiliary winding 1222 i/p AWG_B AWG_B piAWG_B ptInteger A merican Wire Gage; second wire, auxiliary winding 1223 i/p SWG_B SWG_B piSWG_B ptInteger S

tandard Wire Gage; second wire, auxiliary winding 1224 i/p MWG_B MWG_B piMWG_B ptInteger M etric Wire Gage; second wire, auxiliary winding 1225 i/p SFg_B SFg_B piSFg_B ptReal Slo t fill; second wire, auxiliary winding 1226 i/p SFn_B SFn_B piSFn_B ptReal Hea vy build slot fill; second wire, auxiliary winding 1227 i/p CW_B CW_B mm piCW_B ptReal Cus tom wire gage; second wire, auxiliary winding 1228 i/p wa_B wa_B mm piwa_B ptReal Wid th of rectangular wire; second wire, auxiliary winding 1229 i/p wb_B wb_B mm piwb_B ptReal Hei ght of rectangular wire; second wire, auxiliary winding 1230 i/p WireFile_B WireFile_B piWireFile_B ptString Cu stom wire table file name; second wire, auxiliary winding 1231 i/p InsThk_B InsThk_B mm piInsThk_B ptReal Ins ulation thickness; second wire, auxiliary winding 1232 i/p NSH_B NSH_B piNSH_B ptInteger N umber of strands-in-hand in one conductor; second wire, auxiliary winding 1233 i/p WireBGrade WireBGrade ? piWireBGrade ptString 1234 i/p FSteelName FSteelName ? piFSteelName ptString Fram e material name 1235 i/p FSteelDB FSteelDB ? piFSteelDB ptString Fram e material database 1236 i/p yAuxSP yAuxSP piyAuxSP ptReal Dep th of aux. winding in slot [0=top; 1=bottom] 1237 i/p uAuxSP uAuxSP piuAuxSP ptReal Coefficient of slot reactance for aux. winding [0=auto] 1238 i/p MSPang MSPang piMSPang ptReal The l arger of the two slot-pitch angles 1239 i/p PC_WA PC_WA %Cu piPC_WA ptReal Per centage conductivity of stator winding (Wire_A) rel. to OFHC Cu at 20C 1240 i/p TCC_WA TCC_WA %/C piTCC_WA ptReal Temp. coefft. of stator winding (Wire_A) resistivity 1241 i/p Dens_WA Dens_WA kg/m piDens_WA ptReal Densi ty of stator conductor 1242 i/p XXMNL XXMNL piXXMNL ptReal XXm at NOload. If zero XXm is used 1243 i/p XXMNLslip XXMNLslip piXXMNLslip ptReal XXm NL will be applied up to XXmNLslip: XXmNL * (1-Slip/XXmNLslip) + XXm * Slip/XXmN Lslip 1244 i/p XWFERTAP XWFERTAP piXWFERTAP ptReal X-f actor for controlling rotor iron+sll loss when the motor is tapped 1245 i/p XRPMCrit XRPMCrit piXRPMCrit ptReal Cor rection factor for critical speed. By increasing the stiffness of the coppercage can be included 1246 i/p XFECCGrad XFECCGrad piXFECCGrad ptReal Cor rection factor for the sidepull force caused by eccentricity (FeccGrad & Fecc01m m) 1247 i/p WShSeal WShSeal piWShSeal ptReal Add ed Wf0 loss due to Shaftseal (Used in MS4) 1248 i/p Nbperfpts Nbperfpts piNbperfpts ptInteger N umber of performance data points (min 8 and max 22 points) 1249 i/p Polyorder Polyorder piPolyorder ptInteger P olynomial order for performance curve fit 1250 i/p CrunVolt CrunVolt piCrunVolt ptInteger R un capacitor Voltage rating 1251 i/p CstartVolt CstartVolt piCstartVolt ptInteger S tart capacitor Voltage rating

1252 i/p DoClass DoClass piDoClass ptBoolean A ctivates Classification and Performance data simulation 1253 i/p ft_per_s ft_per_s pift_per_s ptBoolean T RUE: Enables writing of ft/s values in classification data file. (Only relevant for submersible motors) 1254 i/p INLB INLB piINLB ptBoolean T RUE: Enables writing of FullLoad in LB-IN in classification data file for 60 Hz motors (Must not be written for JAPAN motors). 1255 i/p TSOpptTune TSOpptTune piTSOpptTune ptBoolean T orque/Speed Characteristic: WFeCalc = Grundfos - Forcing Torque/speed calc. to u se WFeCalc = SPEED tuned at the Steady-state operating point to give same Iron+S LL loss 1256 i/p DoGrpump DoGrpump piDoGrpump ptBoolean C alculates motor and pump intersection points (Pumpdata file \pumpmotor\DoGrPump. pump, Result file \pumpmotor\ResMotpump.m) 1257 i/p P2inclSF P2inclSF piP2inclSF ptBoolean I s the nominal power including Service Factor load 1258 i/p ITC ITC piITC ptBoolean I TC 2 wire starter True or False 1259 i/p CanNoSLL CanNoSLL piCanNoSLL ptBoolean E xclude harmonics in can loss calculation, only magnetizing flux 1260 i/p InclSeal InclSeal piInclSeal ptBoolean I nclSeal is used for specifying if motor is equipped with shaft seal. If InclSeal is true, WShSeal is added to WF0 1261 i/p V_Tolerance V_Tolerance piV_Tolerance ptList Vol tage tolerance, -10% +10% or -10% +6% 1262 i/p GFSDrive GFSDrive piGFSDrive ptList For ce specific drive letter for external files 1263 i/p LinerTop LinerTop piLinerTop ptList Lin erTop 1264 i/p LinerTop_R LinerTop_R piLinerTop_R ptList Lin erTop_R 1265 i/p FairNZZF FairNZZF piFairNZZF ptBoolean A pply fairing to Norman's zig-zag saturation function 1266 i/p RWjType RWjType piRWjType ptList Typ e of rotor slot-wedge 1267 i/p SatX1X2 SatX1X2 piSatX1X2 ptList Use saturated X1 and X2 in XField calculation when Calc1ph = X-Field 1268 i/p filSWj filSWj mm pifilSWj ptReal Fil let radius at corner of stator slot wedge 1269 i/p AngRWj AngRWj piAngRWj ptReal Rotor slot-wedge angle 1270 i/p Vrd Vrd V piVrd ptReal Rea l component of applied rotor voltage 1271 i/p Vrq Vrq V piVrq ptReal Ima ginary component of applied rotor voltage 1272 i/p V_CR V_CR V piV_CR ptReal Vol tage drop across one collector ring/brush contact 1273 i/p R_CR R_CR ohm piR_CR ptReal Res istance across one collector ring/brush contact 1274 i/p tPlug tPlug mm pitPlug ptReal 1275 i/p TStick 1276 i/p TStick_R 1277 i/p IStick 1278 i/p IStick_R TStick TStick_R IStick IStick_R mm mm mm mm piTStick piTStick_R piIStick piIStick_R ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal

1279 i/p BStick 1280 i/p BStick_R 1281 i/p TInsThk 1282 i/p TInsThk_R 1283 i/p BifMain 1284 i/p BifAux

BStick BStick_R TInsThk TInsThk_R BifMain BifAux

mm mm mm mm % %

piBStick piBStick_R piTInsThk piTInsThk_R piBifMain piBifAux piURXF piiSpR29tjem piiSpR28tjem piiSpR27tjem piiSpR26tjem piiSpR25tjem piiSpR24tjem piiSpR23tjem piiSpR22tjem piiSpR21tjem piiSpR20tjem piiSpR19tjem piiSpR18tjem piiSpR17tjem piiSpR16tjem piiSpR15tjem piiSpR14tjem piiSpR13tjem piiSpR12tjem piiSpR11tjem piiSpR10tjem piiSpR09tjem piiSpR08tjem piiSpR07tjem

ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal Und ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal

1285 i/p URXF URXF er-relaxation factor for saturated X2 1286 i/p iSpR29tjem iSpR29tjem 1287 i/p iSpR28tjem 1288 i/p iSpR27tjem 1289 i/p iSpR26tjem 1290 i/p iSpR25tjem 1291 i/p iSpR24tjem 1292 i/p iSpR23tjem 1293 i/p iSpR22tjem 1294 i/p iSpR21tjem 1295 i/p iSpR20tjem 1296 i/p iSpR19tjem 1297 i/p iSpR18tjem 1298 i/p iSpR17tjem 1299 i/p iSpR16tjem 1300 i/p iSpR15tjem 1301 i/p iSpR14tjem 1302 i/p iSpR13tjem 1303 i/p iSpR12tjem 1304 i/p iSpR11tjem 1305 i/p iSpR10tjem 1306 i/p iSpR09tjem 1307 i/p iSpR08tjem 1308 i/p iSpR07tjem iSpR28tjem iSpR27tjem iSpR26tjem iSpR25tjem iSpR24tjem iSpR23tjem iSpR22tjem iSpR21tjem iSpR20tjem iSpR19tjem iSpR18tjem iSpR17tjem iSpR16tjem iSpR15tjem iSpR14tjem iSpR13tjem iSpR12tjem iSpR11tjem iSpR10tjem iSpR09tjem iSpR08tjem iSpR07tjem

1309 i/p iSpR06tjem 1310 i/p iSpR05tjem 1311 i/p iSpR04tjem 1312 i/p iSpR03tjem 1313 i/p iSpR02tjem 1314 i/p iSpR01tjem 1315 i/p iSpI04tjem 1316 i/p iSpI03tjem 1317 i/p iSpI02tjem 1318 i/p iSpI01tjem

iSpR06tjem iSpR05tjem iSpR04tjem iSpR03tjem iSpR02tjem iSpR01tjem iSpI04tjem iSpI03tjem iSpI02tjem iSpI01tjem

piiSpR06tjem piiSpR05tjem piiSpR04tjem piiSpR03tjem piiSpR02tjem piiSpR01tjem piiSpI04tjem piiSpI03tjem piiSpI02tjem piiSpI01tjem

ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptInteger ptInteger ptInteger ptInteger

1319 i/p RVT_GB15 RVT_GB15 piRVT_GB15 ptBoolean R evert bar geometry for Bar Type1 and Type5 to versions before 1320 i/p SerPll_R SerPll_R piSerPll_R ptList Ser ies or parallel connection of RUN capacitor and resistor 1321 i/p RotState RotState piRotState ptList Sta te of rotor for primitive impedance calculation 1322 i/p WriteMX WriteMX piWriteMX ptList Dec ides when to write the primitive and reduced inductance and resistance matrices 1323 i/p DSimData DSimData piDSimData ptList Sel ect source of data for dynamic simulation with Drive = Direct 1324 i/p DSimType DSimType piDSimType ptList Sel ect type of simulation with Drive = Direct 1325 i/p RCMatrix RCMatrix piRCMatrix ptList Con nection or rotor coils (for transient analysis) 1326 i/p Rvt_XFC Rvt_XFC piRvt_XFC ptBoolean R evert method of incorporating core-loss admittance in XField method 1327 i/p iSpR50clr iSpR50clr ? piiSpR50clr ptReal 1328 i/p iSpR49clr 1329 i/p iSpR48clr 1330 i/p iSpR47clr 1331 i/p iSpR46clr 1332 i/p iSpR45clr 1333 i/p iSpR44clr 1334 i/p iSpR43clr 1335 i/p iSpR42clr 1336 i/p iSpR41clr 1337 i/p iSpR40clr 1338 i/p iSpR39clr iSpR49clr iSpR48clr iSpR47clr iSpR46clr iSpR45clr iSpR44clr iSpR43clr iSpR42clr iSpR41clr iSpR40clr iSpR39clr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? piiSpR49clr piiSpR48clr piiSpR47clr piiSpR46clr piiSpR45clr piiSpR44clr piiSpR43clr piiSpR42clr piiSpR41clr piiSpR40clr piiSpR39clr ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal

1339 i/p iSpR38clr 1340 i/p iSpR37clr 1341 i/p iSpR36clr 1342 i/p iSpR35clr 1343 i/p iSpR34clr 1344 i/p iSpR33clr

iSpR38clr iSpR37clr iSpR36clr iSpR35clr iSpR34clr iSpR33clr

? ? ? ? ? ?

piiSpR38clr piiSpR37clr piiSpR36clr piiSpR35clr piiSpR34clr piiSpR33clr

ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal

1345 i/p HGstick HGstick mm piHGstick ptReal Hei ght of Grundfos Gstick for displacing winding in the slot due to endcaps. Gstick area is above the Topstick trapezoidal area (Only for Topstick = true) 1346 i/p IpctAdj IpctAdj Percent piIpctAdj ptReal Par ameter for increasing Current written in Classification data, (increase in perce nt) 1347 i/p HX1 HX1 mm piHX1 ptReal x c o-ordinate of hole on x-axis 1348 i/p HR1 HR1 mm piHR1 ptReal Dia meter of hole 1 1349 i/p HY2 HY2 mm piHY2 ptReal y c o-ordinate of hole on y-axis 1350 i/p HR2 HR2 mm piHR2 ptReal Dia meter of hole 2 1351 i/p HX3 HX3 mm piHX3 ptReal x c o-ordinate of hole 3 1352 i/p HY3 HY3 mm piHY3 ptReal y c o-ordinate of hole 3 1353 i/p HR3 HR3 mm piHR3 ptReal Dia meter of hole 3 1354 i/p HX4 HX4 mm piHX4 ptReal x c o-ordinate of hole 4 1355 i/p HY4 HY4 mm piHY4 ptReal y c o-ordinate of hole 4 1356 i/p HR4 HR4 mm piHR4 ptReal Dia meter of hole 4 1357 i/p DX1 DX1 mm piDX1 ptReal Wid th of flat centred on y-axis 1358 i/p DX2 DX2 mm piDX2 ptReal Wid th to edge of raised section centred on y-axis 1359 i/p DWX DWX mm piDWX ptReal Hei ght of raised section centred on y-axis 1360 i/p DY1 DY1 mm piDY1 ptReal Wid th of flat centred on x-axis 1361 i/p DY2 DY2 mm piDY2 ptReal Wid th of flat centred on x-axis 1362 i/p DWY DWY mm piDWY ptReal Hei ght of raised section centred on x-axis 1363 i/p XKr_DB XKr_DB piXKr_DB ptReal Adj ustment factor for deep-bar skin-effect coefficient of rotor bar resistance 1364 i/p XKx_DB XKx_DB piXKx_DB ptReal Adj ustment factor for deep-bar skin-effect coefficient of rotor bar reactance 1365 i/p qC_S qC_S piqC_S ptReal Com ponent of Carter coefft. For semi-closed slots use 1; for open slots use 0 1366 i/p CoilFill CoilFill piCoilFill ptReal Cop per fill factor for end-coils; (affects Lendt) 1367 i/p kEndCoil kEndCoil pikEndCoil ptReal Ave rage coupling coefficient between end-coils of the same group [1]

1368 i/p qC_R qC_R piqC_R ponent of Carter coefft. For semi-closed slots use 1; for open slots 1369 i/p R_RX R_RX ohm piR_RX ernal rotor resistance, ohms per phase 1370 i/p NRSO NRSO mm piNRSO or slot opening used in Norman's method for leakage saturation 1371 i/p InsThk_R InsThk_R mm piInsThk_R ulation thickness on one strand of rotor conductor (per side) 1372 i/p L_RX L_RX mH piL_RX ernal rotor inductance, mH per phase 1373 i/p iSpR04 iSpR04 ? piiSpR04 1374 i/p iSpR03 1375 i/p iSpR02 1376 i/p iSpR01 1377 i/p iSpR00 1378 i/p BrushName ush name in database 1379 i/p BrushDB ush database name 1380 i/p iSpSt04 1381 i/p iSpSt03 1382 i/p iSpSt02 1383 i/p iSpSt01 iSpR03 iSpR02 iSpR01 iSpR00 BrushName BrushDB iSpSt04 iSpSt03 iSpSt02 iSpSt01 ? ? ? ? piiSpR03 piiSpR02 piiSpR01 piiSpR00 piBrushName piBrushDB piiSpSt04 piiSpSt03 piiSpSt02 piiSpSt01

ptReal Com use 0 ptReal Ext ptReal Rot ptReal Ins ptReal Ext ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptString Br ptString Br ptString ptString ptString ptString

1384 i/p LastParameter LastParameter 1385 i/p 1386 o/p 1387 o/p FileName FileName File name 1388 o/p MRperEd MRperEd version Mech rad/elec = Pi/180 * 2/POLES 1389 o/p Rad2 Rad2 mm ius to stator slot bottom 1390 o/p SYoke SYoke mm ial thickness of stator yoke 1391 o/p RYoke RYoke mm ial thickness of rotor yoke 1392 o/p R1g R1g mm ius to stator surface 1393 o/p Lge Lge mm ective gap length ( = kC_s * kC_r * Gap) 1394 o/p PPitch PPitch mm e Pitch 1395 o/p SP SP ts/pole 1396 o/p NCoilP NCoilP oils/pole (integer value) 1397 o/p PolePairs PolePairs umber of Pole Pairs

piLastParameter ptByte piLastInput ptReal

piFirstOutput ptReal piParamsFileName ptString piMRperEd piRad2 piSYoke piRYoke piR1g piLge piPPitch piSP piNCoilP piPolePairs ptReal Con ptReal Rad ptReal Rad ptReal Rad ptReal Rad ptReal Eff ptReal Pol ptReal Slo ptInteger C ptInteger N

1398 o/p NSph NSph piNSph ptInteger N umber of slots between phase-winding starts 1399 o/p Ast Ast mm^2 piAst ptReal Cro ss-sectional area of a tooth through which flux passes 1400 o/p Asy Asy mm^2 piAsy ptReal Cro ss-sectional area of stator yoke through which flux passes 1401 o/p E2m E2m V piAE2m ptReal Ind uced voltage in main winding of capacitor motor 1402 o/p SlotPitchMR SlotPitchMR mech rad piSlotPitchMR ptReal Slo t-pitch 1403 o/p SlotPitchER SlotPitchER eRad piSlotPitchER ptReal Slo t-pitch 1404 o/p SlotOpeningAngle SlotOpeningAngle mech rad piSlotOpeningAngle ptR eal Slot-opening angle 1405 o/p WFe0R WFe0R W/kg piWFe0R ptReal Spe cific iron loss in rotor steel at 50/60 Hz, 1.5T 1406 o/p Xaux_Int Xaux_Int piXaux ptReal Int ernally calc. ratio Xaux/X1 (before applying turns ratio) 1407 o/p WFe0Sh WFe0Sh W/kg piWFe0Sh ptReal Spe cific iron loss in shaft steel at 50/60 Hz, 1.5T 1408 o/p LFeS LFeS mm piLFeS ptReal Axi al solid length of stator iron 1409 o/p wm wm mrad/s piwm ptReal Ang velocity corresponding to RPM 1410 o/p NPHASES NPHASES piNPHASES ptInteger N umber of Phases 1411 o/p Tph Tph piTph ptReal Tur ns in series per phase 1412 o/p SPP SPP piSPP ptReal Slo ts/pole/phase 1413 o/p LAYERS LAYERS piLAYERS ptReal No. of layers in the winding (= total coils * 2/Slots) 1414 o/p zSlot zSlot pizSlot ptInteger N o. of conductors per slot (= Tph * 2 * PPaths * Nphases/Slots) 1415 o/p MLT MLT mm piMLT ptReal Mea n length of turns 1416 o/p Olgth Olgth mm piOlgth ptReal Axi al length measured between the extremities of the end-turns 1417 o/p SFill SFill piSFill ptReal Slo t-Fill Factor: bare copper/total slot area 1418 o/p SFillHBL SFillHBL piSFillHBL ptReal Slo t-Fill Factor: "heavy-build" insulation + slot liner; d^2 1419 o/p EWDia EWDia mm piEWDia ptReal Bar e diameter of equivalent single wire 1420 o/p ASlot ASlot mm^2 piASlot ptReal Gro ss punched area of one stator slot (unlined) 1421 o/p ARslot ARslot mm^2 piRoSlot1 ptReal Gro ss punched area of one rotor slot (unlined) 1422 o/p ACond ACond mm^2 piACond ptReal Cro ss-sectional area of one conductor 1423 o/p ASlotLL ASlotLL mm^2 piASlotLL ptReal Cro ss-sectional area of slot, less liner (i.e., winding area) 1424 o/p Rph Rph ohm piRph ptReal Pha se resistance calculated at temperature WdgTemp 1425 o/p PCSlot PCSlot piPCSlot ptReal Slo t permeance coefficient (used for X1slot) 1426 o/p ks1 ks1 piks1 ptReal Fun damental skew factor 1427 o/p kd1 kd1 pikd1 ptReal Fun damental distribution factor

1428 o/p kp1 kp1 pikp1 ptReal Fun damental pitch factor 1429 o/p kw1 kw1 pikw1 ptReal Fun damental winding factor 1430 o/p RhoT RhoT ohm-m piRhoT ptReal Res istivity at operating temperature [ohm-m] 1431 o/p MaxSFg MaxSFg piMaxSFg ptReal Max . SFill (gross slot-fill factor) of any slot (see wdg editor) 1432 o/p NCoilMC NCoilMC piNCoilMC ptInteger T otal number of coils in whole machine 1433 o/p RLL_Amb RLL_Amb ohm piRLL_Amb ptReal Lin e to Line resistance excluding cable resistance at Ambient temperature 1434 o/p BWArea_A BWArea_A mm^2 piBWArea_A ptReal Wir e A: Area of one strand of bare wire 1435 o/p ACu ACu mm^2 piACu ptReal Tot al copper area per slot 1436 o/p MainACu MainACu mm^2 piMainACu ptReal Ave rage copper area per slot (main winding) 1437 o/p AuxACu AuxACu mm^2 piAuxACu ptReal Ave rage copper area per slot (aux winding) 1438 o/p ACondHB ACondHB mm^2 piACondHB ptReal Con ductor cross-sectional area over heavy build insulation 1439 o/p AuxACHB AuxACHB mm^2 piAuxACHB ptReal Con ductor cross-sectional area over heavy build insulation 1440 o/p TFRhoAmb TFRhoAmb mm piTFRhoAmb ptReal Rat io of resistivity of stator conductors between ambient temperature and 20 C 1441 o/p HBWDia_A HBWDia_A mm piHBWDia_A ptReal Wir e A: Diameter over heavy build insulation 1442 o/p I2a I2a A piI2a ptReal r.m .s. value of cross-field rotor current 1443 o/p Bg1 Bg1 T piBg1 ptReal Pea k fundamental space-harmonic of open-circuit airgap flux-density 1444 o/p PhiM1 PhiM1 mWb piPhiM1 ptReal Fun damental open-circuit airgap flux/pole 1445 o/p Bstpk Bstpk T piBstpk ptReal Pea k stator tooth flux-density 1446 o/p Brtpk Brtpk T piBrtpk ptReal Pea k rotor tooth flux-density 1447 o/p Bsypk Bsypk T piBsypk ptReal Pea k stator yoke flux-density 1448 o/p Brypk Brypk T piBrypk ptReal Pea k rotor yoke flux-density 1449 o/p WtFert WtFert kg piWtFert ptReal Wei ght of iron in rotor teeth 1450 o/p PhiG PhiG mWb piPhiG ptReal Ope n-circuit airgap flux/pole 1451 o/p Icf Icf A piAIcp ptReal Cor e loss current in positive sequence mesh 1452 o/p Bg1L Bg1L T piBg1L ptReal Pea k fundamental airgap flux-density under load 1453 o/p I2m I2m A piI2m ptReal r.m .s. value of rotor current in main-field axis 1454 o/p OpMode OpMode piDoing ptList Mac hine operating mode (motoring, generating, absorbing) 1455 o/p WCuS WCuS W piPStatorCu ptReal Sta tor copper losses 1456 o/p WCuR WCuR W piPRotorCu ptReal Rot or copper losses 1457 o/p WIron WIron W piWIron ptReal Iro n losses

1458 o/p Wwf Wwf W piWwf dage + friction losses 1459 o/p WTotal WTotal W piWTotal al motor losses 1460 o/p TempRise TempRise C piTempRise temperature rise (Wtotal x DegCW) 1461 o/p Jrms Jrms A/mm^2 piJRMS current-density in phase windings 1462 o/p IWPk IWPk A piIWPk k phase current 1463 o/p IWMean IWMean A piIWMean n phase current 1464 o/p IWRMS IWRMS A piIWRMS phase current 1465 o/p ILPk ILPk A piILPk k line current 1466 o/p ILMean ILMean A piILMean n line current 1467 o/p ILRMS ILRMS A piILRMS line current 1468 o/p PElec PElec W piPElec n electrical power provided to motor 1469 o/p EMTorque EMTorque Nm piEMTorque gap (electromagnetic) torque 1470 o/p PGap PGap W piPGap gap power (synchronous watts) 1471 o/p TLR TLR Nm piTLR ked-rotor (stall) torque 1472 o/p IBrk IBrk A piIBrk e current at breakdown 1473 o/p IBrkpu IBrkpu piIBrkpu . Line current at breakdown 1474 o/p PFBrk PFBrk piPFBrk er factor at breakdown 1475 o/p Ja_t Ja_t A/mm^2 piJa_t current density in untapped part of aux winding 1476 o/p I_a I_a A piAI_a aux current in base tap circuit 1477 o/p ID2RMS ID2RMS A piID2RMS pping diode RMS current 1478 o/p IQ2pk IQ2pk A piIQ2pk mutating transistor peak current 1479 o/p IQ2Mean IQ2Mean A piIQ2Mean mutating transistor mean current 1480 o/p IQ2RMS IQ2RMS A piIQ2RMS mutating transistor RMS current 1481 o/p ID1pk ID1pk A piID1pk mutating diode peak current 1482 o/p ID1Mean ID1Mean A piID1Mean mutating diode mean current 1483 o/p ID1RMS ID1RMS A piID1RMS mutating diode RMS current 1484 o/p htFinal htFinal min pihtFinal al time in transient thermal calculation 1485 o/p DCLinkS DCLinkS A piDCLinkS n DC supply current (including core loss component) 1486 o/p DuCycle DuCycle piDuCycle mated duty-cycle required to sustain current at set-point (ISP) 1487 o/p Vc1 Vc1 V piVc1 . rms L-L volts available with true 6-step operation

ptReal Win ptReal Tot ptReal Motor ptReal RMS ptReal Pea ptReal Mea ptReal RMS ptReal Pea ptReal Mea ptReal RMS ptReal Mea ptReal Air ptReal Air ptReal Loc ptReal Lin ptReal p.u ptReal Pow ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal Cho ptReal Com ptReal Com ptReal Com ptReal Com ptReal Com ptReal Com ptReal Fin ptReal Mea ptReal Esi ptReal Max

1488 o/p Vc1Lin Vc1Lin V piVc1Lin . rms L-L volts available from linear range of sine-triangle PWM 1489 o/p Vc120 Vc120 V piVc120 . rms L-L volts available with 120 6-step operation 1490 o/p Eq1 Eq1 V piEq1 fundamental generated EMF per phase (magnet on open-circuit) 1491 o/p Vph1 Vph1 V piVph1 fundamental terminal voltage per phase 1492 o/p VLL1 VLL1 V piVLL1 fundamental L-L voltage of the motor 1493 o/p Iq1 Iq1 A piIq1 q-axis fundamental component of phase current 1494 o/p Id1 Id1 A piId1 d-axis fundamental component of phase current 1495 o/p Iph1 Iph1 A rms piIph1 phase current 1496 o/p Vq1 Vq1 V piVq1 q-axis fundamental component of Vph1 1497 o/p Vd1 Vd1 V piVd1 d-axis fundamental component of Vph1 1498 o/p Icb Icb A piAIcn e loss current in negative sequence mesh 1499 o/p phi phi eDeg piphi er-factor angle between Vph1 and the phase current 1500 o/p CosPhi CosPhi piCosPhi damental power factor (displacement factor) or Cos(phi) 1501 o/p ILRMain ILRMain A piILRMain ked-rotor current in main winding 1502 o/p ILRAux ILRAux A piILRAux ked-rotor current in aux winding 1503 o/p R1 R1 ohm piR1 tor resistance/phase 1504 o/p R2 R2 ohm piR2 or resistance/phase 1505 o/p Rbar Rbar ohm piRbar component of R2 1506 o/p REndRing REndRing ohm piREndRing -ring component of R2 1507 o/p Rc Rc ohm piRc e-loss resistance/phase 1508 o/p X1unsat X1unsat ohm piX1 tor leakage reactance/phase 1509 o/p X2unsat X2unsat ohm piX2 aturated rotor leakage reactance/phase 1510 o/p Xm Xm ohm piXm urated magnetizing reactance/ph 1511 o/p kXm kXm pikXm uration factor 1512 o/p I1 I1 A piI1 ms Stator phase current 1513 o/p I2 I2 A piI2 otor current 1514 o/p CImc CImc A piCImc No-load' current (from equivalent circuit at operating point) 1515 o/p Ic Ic A piIc urrent in core-loss resistance 1516 o/p IMag IMag A piI_mag ms magnetizing current/ph 1517 o/p V1 V1 V piV1 ms line-neutral supply voltage

ptReal Max ptReal Max ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal Cor ptReal Pow ptReal Fun ptReal Loc ptReal Loc ptReal Sta ptReal Rot ptReal Bar ptReal End ptReal Cor ptReal Sta ptReal Uns ptReal Sat ptReal Sat ptComplex r ptComplex R ptComplex ' ptComplex C ptComplex r ptComplex r

1518 o/p E1 E1 V piE1 ptComplex A irgap voltage 1519 o/p VR1 VR1 V piVR1 ptComplex V olt drop across stator resistance 1520 o/p VX1 VX1 V piVX1 ptComplex V olt drop across stator leakage reactance 1521 o/p VZ1 VZ1 V piVZ1 ptComplex V olt drop across stator impedance 1522 o/p VX2 VX2 V piVX2 ptComplex V olt drop across rotor leakage reactance 1523 o/p VR2 VR2 V piVR2 ptComplex V olt drop across rotor resistance 1524 o/p ER2 ER2 V piER2 ptComplex V olt drop across R2(1/s-1) representing mechanical power 1525 o/p VZ2 VZ2 V piVZ2 ptComplex V olt drop across rotor impedance 1526 o/p PRSlot PRSlot piPRslot1 ptReal Per meance coefft. of rotor slot (Cage 1) 1527 o/p Erb Erb V piErb ptReal EMF generated by rotor bridge flux [V] 1528 o/p P.F. "P.F." piPowerFactor ptReal Pow er factor 1529 o/p sTmaxM sTmaxM p.u. pisTmaxM ptReal not used 1530 o/p sTmaxG sTmaxG p.u. pisTmaxG ptReal not used 1531 o/p RTC_SC RTC_SC sec piRTC_SC ptReal Sho rt-circuit rotor time-constant 1532 o/p TmaxG TmaxG Nm piTmaxG ptReal not used 1533 o/p WSLL WSLL W piWSLL ptReal Str ay load loss 1534 o/p Wt_Cu Wt_Cu kg piWtCu ptReal Wei ght of Copper in stator winding 1535 o/p Wt_Fe Wt_Fe kg piWtFe ptReal Wei ght of iron in stator and rotor laminations (excluding shaft and frame) 1536 o/p Wt_Al Wt_Al kg piWtAl ptReal Tot al weight of rotor cage (bars + endrings + any fins) 1537 o/p Wt_Tot Wt_Tot kg piWtTot ptReal Tot al (active) weight = Wt_Cu + Wt_Fe + Wt_Al (not shaft+frame) 1538 o/p RotJ RotJ kg-m piRotJ ptReal Polar moment of inertia (includes shaft, length Lstk) 1539 o/p WFeF WFeF W/kg piWFeF ptReal Sin ewave total core-loss at Freq Hz, 1.5T 1540 o/p sigma sigma psi pisigma ptReal Air gap shear stress 1541 o/p Ax1md Ax1md mDeg piAx1md ptReal Ori entation of phase 1 axis 1542 o/p Ax2md Ax2md mDeg piAx2md ptReal Ori entation of phase 2 axis 1543 o/p Ax3md Ax3md mDeg piAx3md ptReal Ori entation of phase 3 axis 1544 o/p HeatFlux HeatFlux kW/m piHeatFlux ptReal Heat flow rate per unit of frame surface area 1545 o/p fChop fChop Hz pifChop ptReal Cho pping frequency 1546 o/p LSlot LSlot mH piLSlot ptReal Slo t-leakage inductance 1547 o/p Lendt Lendt mH piLendt ptReal End -turn inductance

1548 o/p MSlot MSlot mH ual-component of the slot-leakage inductance 1549 o/p PshaftHP PshaftHP h.p. ft horsepower [1 hp = 745.7 W] 1550 o/p eMax eMax V k tooth EMF/turn 1551 o/p HysBand HysBand th of hysteresis band as a percentage of ISP 1552 o/p IntStep IntStep egration step-length 1553 o/p kC_s kC_s ter coefficient for stator slotting 1554 o/p kC_r kC_r ter coefficient for rotor slotting 1555 o/p TFRho TFRho io of copper resistivity between WdgTemp and 20 deg-C 1556 o/p DW1kgm3 DW1kgm3 kg/m ty of wire in stator winding (Wire_1) 1557 o/p DFekgS DFekgS kg/m ty of steel in stator [kg/m] 1558 o/p DFekgR DFekgR kg/m ty of steel in rotor [kg/m] 1559 o/p DFekgSh DFekgSh kg/m ty of steel in shaft [kg/m] 1560 o/p WtFeS WtFeS kg ght of iron in the stator 1561 o/p WtFeR WtFeR kg ght of iron in the rotor 1562 o/p WtFest WtFest kg ual iron weight of stator teeth 1563 o/p WtFesy WtFesy kg ual iron weight of stator yoke 1564 o/p WtTri WtTri kg ght of "tooth roots" (used in iron loss calculation) 1565 o/p Wste Wste W tor teeth eddy current loss 1566 o/p PsteWkg PsteWkg W/kg tor tooth eddy current loss 1567 o/p Wsth Wsth W tor teeth hysteresis loss 1568 o/p PsthWkg PsthWkg W/kg tor tooth hysteresis loss 1569 o/p Wst Wst W al stator tooth core losses 1570 o/p WstWkg WstWkg W/kg cific stator teeth core losses 1571 o/p Wsye Wsye W tor yoke eddy current loss 1572 o/p PsyeWkg PsyeWkg W/kg tor yoke eddy current loss 1573 o/p Wsyh Wsyh W tor yoke hysteresis loss 1574 o/p PsyhWkg PsyhWkg W/kg tor yoke hysteresis loss 1575 o/p Wsy Wsy W al stator yoke core losses 1576 o/p WsyWkg WsyWkg W/kg cific stator yoke core losses 1577 o/p WEC0 WEC0 W/kg ewave eddy current loss at 50/60 Hz, 1.5T

piMSlot piPshaftHP pieMax piHysBand piIntStep pikC_s pikC_r piTFRho piDW1kgm3 piDFekgS piDFekgR piDFekgSh piWtFeS piWtFeR piWtFest piWtFesy piWtTri piPste piPsteWkg piPsth piPsthWkg piPst piPstWkg piPsye piPsyeWkg piPsyh piPsyhWkg piPsy piPsyWkg piWEC0

ptReal Mut ptReal Sha ptReal Pea ptReal Wid ptReal Int ptReal Car ptReal Car ptReal Rat ptReal Densi ptReal Densi ptReal Densi ptReal Densi ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Act ptReal Act ptReal Wei ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Tot ptReal Spe ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Tot ptReal Spe ptReal Sin

1578 o/p WHys0 WHys0 W/kg piWHys0 ewave hysteresis loss at 50/60 Hz, 1.5T 1579 o/p WFe0S WFe0S W/kg piWFe0S cific iron loss in stator steel at 50/60 Hz, 1.5T 1580 o/p i_cm i_cm W pii_CM al heat transfer to coolant 1581 o/p WEC WEC W piWEC al eddy current loss 1582 o/p Whys Whys W piWhys al hysteresis loss 1583 o/p WECF WECF W/kg piWECF ewave eddy current loss at Freq Hz, 1.5T 1584 o/p WHysF WHysF W/kg piWHysF ewave hysteresis loss at Freq Hz, 1.5T 1585 o/p W_Per_kg W_Per_kg W/kg piW_Per_kg n loss per kg of Iron weight 1586 o/p WQ1 WQ1 W piWQ1 pping transistor conduction loss 1587 o/p WD1 WD1 W piWD1 pping diode conduction loss 1588 o/p WQ2 WQ2 W piWQ2 mutating transistor conduction loss 1589 o/p WD2 WD2 W piWD2 mutating diode conduction loss 1590 o/p Wrte Wrte W piPrte or teeth eddy current loss 1591 o/p Wrth Wrth W piPrth or teeth hysteresis loss 1592 o/p Wrye Wrye W piPrye or yoke eddy current loss 1593 o/p Wryh Wryh W piPryh or yoke hysteresis loss 1594 o/p i_fa i_fa W pii_FA al heat transfer from frame to ambient 1595 o/p Hot10ss Hot10ss piHot10ss hermal transient converged 1596 o/p LaxPack LaxPack mm piLaxPack al length of motor with bashed windings 1597 o/p kzz kzz pikzz uration factor for zig-zag leakage reactance Xzz 1598 o/p kX1slot kX1slot pikX1slot uration factor for stator slot-leakage reactance X1slot 1599 o/p kX2slot kX2slot pikX2slot uration factor for rotor slot-leakage reactance X2slot 1600 o/p Lab Lab mH piLab ual inductance of phases A-B 1601 o/p Lbc Lbc mH piLbc ual inductance of phases B-C 1602 o/p Lca Lca mH piLca ual inductance of phases C-A 1603 o/p TapXB TapXB piTapXB x-density scale factor in tap-cap XField calc. 1604 o/p BadOffset BadOffset piBadOffset RUE when invalid offset or not BLV/UnBal 1605 o/p Nse Nse piNse ective sine-distr. turns in series/ph 1606 o/p SlotsFwd SlotsFwd piSlotsFwd o. of slots forward to start of next coil 1607 o/p NSeq NSeq piNSeq o. of coil-sequences in the winding

ptReal Sin ptReal Spe ptReal Tot ptReal Tot ptReal Tot ptReal Sin ptReal Sin ptReal Iro ptReal Cho ptReal Cho ptReal Com ptReal Com ptReal Rot ptReal Rot ptReal Rot ptReal Rot ptReal Tot ptBoolean T ptReal Axi ptReal Sat ptReal Sat ptReal Sat ptReal Mut ptReal Mut ptReal Mut ptReal Flu ptBoolean T ptReal Eff ptInteger N ptInteger N

1608 o/p StatorOD StatorOD mm piStatorOD side diameter of stator lamination, = 2 * Rad3 1609 o/p RotorOD RotorOD mm piRotorOD side diameter of rotor lamination, = 2 * Rad1 1610 o/p ws ws erad/s piws chronous speed in elec rad/s = 2 * pi * Freq 1611 o/p fR fR Hz pifR or frequency (Hz) 1612 o/p ZComp ZComp ohm piZComp eneral TComplex number; dummy variable 1613 o/p Zrotor Zrotor ohm piZrotor 2/s + jX2, Ohm 1614 o/p Yrotor Yrotor S piYrotor dmittance corresp. to Zrotor, i.e. 1/Zrotor, S 1615 o/p Zmag Zmag ohm piZmag c in parallel with jXm, Ohm 1616 o/p Ymag Ymag S piYmag dmittance corresp. to Zmag, i.e. 1/Zmag, S 1617 o/p Zm Zm ohm piZm mpedance just upstream of magnetizing branch, Ohm 1618 o/p Ym Ym S piYm dmittance corresp. to Zm, i.e. 1/Zm, S 1619 o/p Zstator Zstator ohm piZstator 1 + jX1, Ohm 1620 o/p Z1 Z1 ohm piZ1 otal impedance per phase, Ohm 1621 o/p Y1 Y1 S piY1 dmittance corresp. to Z1, i.e. 1/Z1, S 1622 o/p TorqSh TorqSh Nm piTorqSh ft torque 1623 o/p PowerSh PowerSh W piPowerSh ft power 1624 o/p Effcy Effcy % piEffcy hine efficiency 1625 o/p SFMag SFMag piSFMag uration factor - magnetizing 1626 o/p SFLkg SFLkg piSFLkg uration factor - leakage 1627 o/p PCplug PCplug piPCplug emeance coefft. of rotor slot plug 1628 o/p SkewAngle SkewAngle eRad piSkewAngleER w angle in elec rad 1629 o/p RhoBar RhoBar ohm-m piRhoRoBar1 istivity of upper rotor bars at temperature T_r 1630 o/p C2 C2 mm^2 piC2 al conductor cross-section in rotor; see Alger, p. 190 mm^2 1631 o/p LB LB mm piLB gth of rotor bar (skewed) 1632 o/p Dbar Dbar mm piDR n diam. of rotor cage 1633 o/p Lrt Lrt mm piLrt or tooth length 1634 o/p Lst Lst mm piLst tor tooth length 1635 o/p RRing1 RRing1 ohm piRRing1 istance of one end-ring ref. to stator, Ohm/ph 1636 o/p RRing2 RRing2 ohm piRRing2 istance of other end-ring ref. to stator, Ohm/ph 1637 o/p Phi_rb Phi_rb mWb piPhi_rb rotor bridge flux

ptReal Out ptReal Out ptReal syn ptReal rot ptComplex g ptComplex R ptComplex a ptComplex R ptComplex a ptComplex i ptComplex a ptComplex R ptComplex t ptComplex a ptReal Sha ptReal Sha ptReal Mac ptReal sat ptReal sat ptReal Per ptReal Ske ptReal Res ptReal Tot ptReal Len ptReal Mea ptReal Rot ptReal Sta ptReal Res ptReal Res ptReal 2 x

1638 o/p X1slot X1slot ohm piX1slot ptReal Sta tor slot-leakage reactance 1639 o/p Phi1L Phi1L mWb piPhi1L ptReal Fun damental flux/pole under load 1640 o/p Kx Kx piKx ptReal Vei nott's EMF factor : eqn 17-13, pg. 318 1641 o/p Belt Belt ohm piBelt ptReal Vei nott permeance coefficient for belt leakage reactance 1642 o/p EndLkg EndLkg ohm piEndLkg ptReal Vei nott permeance coefficient for end leakage reactance 1643 o/p ZigZag ZigZag ohm piZigZag ptReal Vei nott permeance coefficient for zig-zag leakage 1644 o/p X1end X1end ohm piX1end ptReal Sta tor end-winding leakage reactance 1645 o/p k_gap k_gap W/mC pik_gap ptReal Therm al conductivity of air or water in airgap 1646 o/p X1belt X1belt ohm piX1belt ptReal Sta tor belt-leakage reactance 1647 o/p X1zz X1zz ohm piX1zz ptReal Sta tor zig-zag leakage reactance 1648 o/p X1skew X1skew ohm piX1skew ptReal Sta tor skew-leakage reactance 1649 o/p TIGI TIGI Nm piTIGI ptReal Ele ctromagnetic torque [i]t[G][i] averaged over the entire Dynamic simulation 1650 o/p X2slot X2slot ohm piX2slot ptReal Rot or slot-leakage reactance 1651 o/p X2belt X2belt ohm piX2belt ptReal Rot or belt-leakage reactance 1652 o/p X2zz X2zz ohm piX2zz ptReal Rot or zig-zag leakage reactance 1653 o/p X2skew X2skew ohm piX2skew ptReal Rot or skew-leakage reactance 1654 o/p X2end X2end ohm piX2End ptReal Rot or end-winding leakage reactance 1655 o/p LSkew LSkew mm piLSkew ptReal Lin ear skew 1656 o/p IL1 IL1 A rms piIL1 ptReal RMS Line current 1657 o/p rpmS rpmS rpm piopSyncRPM ptReal Syn chronous Speed 1658 o/p Freq Freq Hz piopFreq ptReal Fun damental frequency 1659 o/p Slip Slip p.u. piopSlip ptReal Sli p [p.u.] 1660 o/p rpm rpm rpm piopActualRPM ptReal Act ual speed 1661 o/p CErb CErb V piCErb ptComplex C omplex value of Erb 1662 o/p R2mech R2mech ohm piR2mech ptReal Res istance in rotor circuit representing mechanical power 1663 o/p E1 E1 V piE1rms ptReal rms Voltage across magnetizing reactance 1664 o/p MMFst MMFst p.u. piMMFst ptReal Sta tor tooth MMF relative to airgap MMF 1665 o/p MMFrt MMFrt p.u. piMMFrt ptReal MMF of rotor teeth relative to airgap MMF 1666 o/p MMFsy MMFsy p.u. piMMFsy ptReal MMF of stator yoke relative to airgap MMF 1667 o/p MMFry MMFry p.u. piMMFry ptReal MMF of rotor yoke relative to airgap MMF

1668 o/p Ic_main Ic_main A piAIc_main e loss current in main axis; X-field method 1669 o/p Ic_aux Ic_aux A piAIc_aux e loss current in aux axis; X-field method 1670 o/p Bgm Bgm T piBgm n airgap flux-density 1671 o/p K_r K_r piK_r n effect factor for rotor bar resistance 1672 o/p K_x K_x piK_x n effect factor for rotor bar leakage inductance 1673 o/p X2Aug X2Aug ohm piX2Aug augmented by Erb/I2 for saturated rotor bridge 1674 o/p I2 I2 A piI2rms or current 1675 o/p Imc Imc A piImc load" current from equiv. cct. 1676 o/p IMag IMag A piIMagrms netizing current 1677 o/p T_t T_t C piT_t r core temperature, node T 1678 o/p nu_gap nu_gap m^2/s pinu_gap ematic viscosity of air or water in airgap 1679 o/p T_r T_r C piT_r core temperature, node R 1680 o/p T_f T_f C piT_f temperature, node F 1681 o/p T_h T_h C piT_h temperature, node H 1682 o/p T_a T_a C piT_a nt temperature, node A 1683 o/p I_RFe I_RFe W piI_RFe or iron loss (total including hysteresis + eddy-current) 1684 o/p I_SFe I_SFe W piI_SFe tor iron loss (total including hysteresis + eddy-current) 1685 o/p I_Cu I_Cu W piI_Cu per loss (total over all phases) 1686 o/p I_wf I_wf W piI_wf dage and friction loss 1687 o/p C_Cu C_Cu kJ/C piC_Cu rmal capacitance of copper windings 1688 o/p C_SFe C_SFe kJ/C piC_SFe rmal capacitance of stator laminations 1689 o/p C_RFe C_RFe kJ/C piC_RFe rmal capacitance of rotor laminations 1690 o/p C_cage C_cage kJ/C piC_cage rmal capacitance of cage 1691 o/p C_Frame C_Frame kJ/C piC_Frame rmal capacitance of frame 1692 o/p C_Shaft C_Shaft kJ/C piC_Shaft rmal capacitance of shaft 1693 o/p WtFrame WtFrame kg piWtFrame me weight 1694 o/p WtShaft WtShaft kg piWtShaft ft weight 1695 o/p i_CST i_CST W pii_CST ductors to stator lams, by conduction + convection + radiation 1696 o/p i_CAD i_CAD W pii_CAD ductors to ambient, by direct cooling 1697 o/p i_SFI i_SFI W pii_SFI erface from stator lams to frame

ptReal Cor ptReal Cor ptReal Mea ptReal Ski ptReal Ski ptReal X2 ptReal Rot ptReal "No ptReal Mag ptReal stato ptReal Kin ptReal Rotor ptReal Frame ptReal Shaft ptReal Ambie ptReal Rot ptReal Sta ptReal Cop ptReal Win ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal Fra ptReal Sha ptReal con ptReal con ptReal int

1698 o/p i_FAU i_FAU W pii_FAU ptReal fra me to ambient by conduction 1699 o/p i_FAV i_FAV W pii_FAV ptReal fra me to ambient by convection 1700 o/p i_FAR i_FAR W pii_FAR ptReal fra me to ambient by radiation 1701 o/p i_RST i_RST W pii_RST ptReal rot or to stator across gap, by conduction + convection + radiation 1702 o/p i_RFV i_RFV W pii_RFV ptReal rot or to frame by convection 1703 o/p i_RHI i_RHI W pii_RHI ptReal int erface from rotor lams to shaft 1704 o/p R_fav R_fav C/W piR_fav ptReal Fra me-to-ambient thermal resistance by convection 1705 o/p R_far R_far C/W piR_far ptReal Fra me-to-ambient thermal resistance by radiation 1706 o/p Cooling Cooling W piCooling ptReal Tot al forced heat extraction 1707 o/p q_C q_C W piq_c ptReal Hea t balance at node C (conductors) 1708 o/p q_s q_s W piq_s ptReal Hea t balance at node S (stator bore) 1709 o/p q_r q_r W piq_r ptReal Hea t balance at node R (rotor) 1710 o/p q_h q_h W piq_h ptReal Hea t balance at node H (shaft) 1711 o/p q_f q_f W piq_f ptReal Hea t balance at node F (frame) 1712 o/p q_Absorb q_Absorb W piq_Absorption ptReal Tot al absorption in all thermal capacitances 1713 o/p q_Source q_Source W piq_Source ptReal Tot al heat generated 1714 o/p q_Disspn q_Disspn W piq_Dissipation ptReal To tal heat removal rate by conduction, convection, radiation 1715 o/p WCan WCan W piWCan ptReal Can losses 1716 o/p WShaft WShaft W piWShaft ptReal Sha ft eddy current losses 1717 o/p ARslot_2 ARslot_2 mm^2 piRoSlot2 ptReal Cro ss-sectional area of one rotor slot (unlined;Cage 2) 1718 o/p PRSlot2 PRSlot2 piPRSlot2 ptReal Per meance coef 1719 o/p Erb2 Erb2 V piErb2 ptReal EMF generated by rotor bridge flux [V] 1720 o/p X22 X22 ohm piX22 ptReal Lea kage reactance per phase of second rotor cage 1721 o/p R22 R22 ohm piR22 ptReal Res istance per phase of second rotor cage 1722 o/p C22 C22 mm^2 piBar22 ptReal Tot al conductor cross-section of second cage 1723 o/p Rbar2 Rbar2 ohm piRbar2 ptReal Bar resistance of second cage 1724 o/p Zrotor2 Zrotor2 ohm piZrotor2 ptComplex I mpedance of second rotor cage 1725 o/p Yrotor2 Yrotor2 S piYrotor2 ptComplex A dmittance of second rotor cage 1726 o/p CRatio CRatio piCRatio ptReal Tot al conductor cross-section area ratio (stator/rotor) 1727 o/p R_rotor R_rotor ohm piR_rotor ptReal Rot or cage resistance (not referred to stator; R_rotor=R2/kr_RS)

1728 o/p X_rotor X_rotor ohm piX_rotor or leakage reactance (not referred to stator; X_rotor=X2/kr_RS) 1729 o/p phi_rb2 phi_rb2 mWb piphi_rb2 x in rotor bridge of second cage 1730 o/p K_rc K_rc piK_rc ssical deep-bar factor for rotor resistance [rect. slot] 1731 o/p K_xc K_xc piK_xc ssical deep-bar factor for rotor reactance [rect. slot] 1732 o/p kw3 kw3 pikw3 harmonic winding factor 1733 o/p kw5 kw5 pikw5 harmonic winding factor 1734 o/p kw7 kw7 pikw7 harmonic winding factor 1735 o/p kw9 kw9 pikw9 harmonic winding factor 1736 o/p kw11 kw11 pikw11 h harmonic winding factor 1737 o/p kw13 kw13 pikw13 h harmonic winding factor 1738 o/p kw15 kw15 pikw15 h harmonic winding factor 1739 o/p kw17 kw17 pikw17 h harmonic winding factor 1740 o/p kw19 kw19 pikw19 h harmonic winding factor 1741 o/p kw21 kw21 pikw21 t harmonic winding factor 1742 o/p kw23 kw23 pikw23 d harmonic winding factor 1743 o/p WFeR WFeR W piWFeR or iron loss 1744 o/p WFeS WFeS W piWFeS tor iron loss 1745 o/p WrtWkg WrtWkg W/kg piPrtWkg cific rotor teeth core loss 1746 o/p WryWkg WryWkg W/kg piPryWkg cific rotor yoke core losses 1747 o/p K_r2 K_r2 piK_r2 p bar resistance factor for Cage 2 of double cage 1748 o/p K_x2 K_x2 piK_x2 p bar reactance factor for Cage 2 of double cage 1749 o/p Bshpk Bshpk T piBshpk k shaft flux-density 1750 o/p Wrth Wrth W piWrth or tooth-head loss due to steps in stator MMF wave 1751 o/p Wsth Wsth W piWsth tor tooth-head loss due to steps in rotor MMF wave 1752 o/p Wrt_so Wrt_so W piWrt_so or tooth-head losses due to stator slotting 1753 o/p Wst_ro Wst_ro W piWst_ro tor tooth-head losses due to rotor slotting 1754 o/p Xpm Xpm ohm piXpm netizing reactance for backward slot permeance harmonic 1755 o/p Xpn Xpn ohm piXpn netizing reactance for forward slot permeance harmonic 1756 o/p Xm5 Xm5 ohm piXm5 netizing reactance for 5th (phasebelt) harmonic 1757 o/p Xm7 Xm7 ohm piXm7 netizing reactance for 7th (phasebelt) harmonic

ptReal Rot ptReal Flu ptReal Cla ptReal Cla ptReal 3rd ptReal 5th ptReal 7th ptReal 9th ptReal 11t ptReal 13t ptReal 15t ptReal 17t ptReal 19t ptReal 21s ptReal 23r ptReal Rot ptReal Sta ptReal Spe ptReal Spe ptReal Dee ptReal Dee ptReal Pea ptReal Rot ptReal Sta ptReal Rot ptReal Sta ptReal Mag ptReal Mag ptReal Mag ptReal Mag

1758 o/p Xmm Xmm ohm piXm_m netizing reactance for backward slot (zig-zag) harmonic 1759 o/p Xmn Xmn ohm piXm_n netizing reactance for forward slot (zig-zag) harmonic 1760 o/p X2m X2m ohm piX2_m kage reactance for backward slot harmonic 1761 o/p R2m R2m ohm piR2_m or resistance for backward slot harmonic 1762 o/p X2n X2n ohm piX2_n kage reactance for forward slot harmonic 1763 o/p R2n R2n ohm piR2_n or resistance for forward slot harmonic 1764 o/p X25 X25 ohm piX25 kage reactance for 5th (phasebelt) harmonic 1765 o/p R25 R25 ohm piR25 or resistance for 5th (phasebelt) harmonic 1766 o/p X27 X27 ohm piX27 kage reactance for 7th (phasebelt) harmonic 1767 o/p R27 R27 ohm piR27 or resistance for 7th (phasebelt) harmonic 1768 o/p Bd_slot Bd_slot T piBd_slot x-density dip due to stator slot-opening 1769 o/p x2Zm x2Zm p.u. pix2Zm -unit rotor harmonic backward zigzag reactance 1770 o/p x2Zn x2Zn p.u. pix2Zn -unit rotor harmonic forward zigzag reactance 1771 o/p kwm kwm pikwm ding factor for backward slot harmonic 1772 o/p kwn kwn pikwn ding factor for forward slot harmonic 1773 o/p x2Z5 x2Z5 p.u. pix2Z5 zag harmonic reactance for 5th harmonic 1774 o/p x2Z7 x2Z7 p.u. pix2Z7 zag harmonic reactance for 5th harmonic 1775 o/p WPm WPm W piWPm ay load loss due to backward slot-permeance harmonic 1776 o/p WPn WPn W piWPn ay load loss due to forward slot-permeance harmonic 1777 o/p WB5 WB5 W piWB5 ay load loss due to 5th (backward) phasebelt harmonic 1778 o/p WB7 WB7 W piWB7 ay load loss due to 7th (forward) phasebelt harmonic 1779 o/p WZm WZm W piWZm ay load loss due to backward slot-MMF harmonic 1780 o/p WZn WZn W piWZn ay load loss due to forward slot-MMF harmonic 1781 o/p Xm11 Xm11 ohm piXm11 netizing reactance for 11th (phasebelt) harmonic 1782 o/p Xm13 Xm13 ohm piXm13 netizing reactance for 13th (phasebelt) harmonic 1783 o/p X211 X211 ohm piX211 kage reactance for 11th (phasebelt) harmonic 1784 o/p R211 R211 ohm piR211 or resistance for 11th (phasebelt) harmonic } { Ohm } 1785 o/p X213 X213 ohm piX213 kage reactance for 13th (phasebelt) harmonic 1786 o/p R213 R213 ohm piR213 or resistance for 13th (phasebelt) harmonic } { Ohm } 1787 o/p x2Z11 x2Z11 p.u. pix2Z11 zag harmonic reactance for 11th harmonic

ptReal Mag ptReal Mag ptReal Lea ptReal Rot ptReal Lea ptReal Rot ptReal Lea ptReal Rot ptReal Lea ptReal Rot ptReal Flu ptReal per ptReal per ptReal Win ptReal Win ptReal Zig ptReal Zig ptReal Str ptReal Str ptReal Str ptReal Str ptReal Str ptReal Str ptReal Mag ptReal Mag ptReal Lea ptReal Rot ptReal Lea ptReal Rot ptReal Zig

1788 o/p x2Z13 x2Z13 p.u. pix2Z13 zag harmonic reactance for 13th harmonic 1789 o/p WB11 WB11 W piWB11 ay load loss due to 11th (backward) phasebelt harmonic 1790 o/p WB13 WB13 W piWB13 ay load loss due to 13th (forward) phasebelt harmonic 1791 o/p WHx WHx W piWHx al harmonic losses 1792 o/p THx THx Nm piTHx al harmonic torque 1793 o/p XmHx XmHx ohm piXmHx ferential reactance as sum of harmonic magnetizing reactances 1794 o/p X1diff X1diff ohm piX1diff aturated stator differential leakage reactance 1795 o/p X2diff X2diff ohm piX2diff aturated rotor differential leakage reactance 1796 o/p I2f I2f A piI2f ward current 1797 o/p I2b I2b A piI2b kward current 1798 o/p R1aux R1aux ohm piR1aux tor Aux. resistance 1799 o/p X1aux X1aux ohm piX1aux tor Aux. leakage reactance 1800 o/p XmAux XmAux ohm piXmAux tor Aux. magnetizing reactance 1801 o/p X2Aux X2Aux ohm piX2Aux or Aux. leakage reactance 1802 o/p R2aux R2aux ohm piR2aux or Aux. resistance 1803 o/p Xm0 Xm0 ohm piXm0 aturated magnetizing reactance/ph 1804 o/p JRotor JRotor A/mm^2 piJrms_R current-density in rotor cage; average based on WCuR 1805 o/p V_Zc V_Zc piV_Zc oltage across auxiliary impedance Zc 1806 o/p VA_Zc VA_Zc VA piVA_Zc t-amperes in auxiliary impedance Zc 1807 o/p W_Zc W_Zc W piW_Zc er loss in auxiliary impedance 1808 o/p Jaux Jaux A/mm^2 piJ_a current-density in aux winding 1809 o/p AuxACond AuxACond mm^2 piAuxACond ductor c/s area - aux winding 1810 o/p BWDia_A BWDia_A mm piBWDia_A e A: Bare wire diameter 1811 o/p AuxMLT AuxMLT mm piAuxMLT n length of turn - Aux winding 1812 o/p Tph_aux Tph_aux piTph_aux ns in series - aux winding 1813 o/p ETR ETR piETR ective auxiliary/main turns ratio 'a' 1814 o/p ZfR ZfR ohm piZfR ward resistance: real part of Zf 1815 o/p ZfX ZfX ohm piZfX ward reactance: imaginary part of Zf 1816 o/p ZbR ZbR ohm piZbR kward resistance: real part of Zb 1817 o/p ZbX ZbX ohm piZbX kward reactance: imaginary part of Zb

ptReal Zig ptReal Str ptReal Str ptReal Tot ptReal Tot ptReal Dif ptReal Uns ptReal Uns ptReal For ptReal Bac ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Rot ptReal Rot ptReal Uns ptReal RMS ptComplex V ptReal Vol ptReal Pow ptReal RMS ptReal Con ptReal Wir ptReal Mea ptReal Tur ptReal Eff ptReal For ptReal For ptReal Bac ptReal Bac

1818 o/p ZcR ZcR ohm l part of auxiliary impedance 1819 o/p ZcX ZcX ohm ginary part of auxiliary impedance 1820 o/p Im Im A main winding current 1821 o/p Ia Ia A aux winding current 1822 o/p VZc VZc V voltage across auxiliary impedance 1823 o/p ATRatio ATRatio io of main amp-turns to aux amp-turns 1824 o/p WtCuMain WtCuMain kg ght of copper in main winding 1825 o/p WtCuAux WtCuAux kg ght of copper in aux winding 1826 o/p WtAl_ER WtAl_ER kg ght of endrings (including both ends, and any fins) 1827 o/p Ask_S Ask_S mm^2 n area 1828 o/p Ask_R Ask_R mm^2 n area 1829 o/p ILR ILR A ked-rotor current 1830 o/p PFLR PFLR ked-rotor power factor 1831 o/p ZcRR ZcRR ohm l part of Zc - run 1832 o/p ZcRX ZcRX ohm g part of Zc - run 1833 o/p fsTorque fsTorque Nm d slip : Torque 1834 o/p fsPower fsPower W d slip : Power 1835 o/p fsEfficiency fsEfficiency % d slip : Efficiency 1836 o/p fsPF fsPF d slip : Powerfactor 1837 o/p fsCurrent fsCurrent A d slip : Current 1838 o/p fsSlip fsSlip p.u. d slip : slip 1839 o/p ERArea1 ERArea1 mm^2 -ring area 1 1840 o/p ERArea2 ERArea2 mm^2 -ring area 2 1841 o/p LB2 LB2 mm gth of skewed rotor bar (Cage 2) 1842 o/p LSkew2 LSkew2 mm ear skew (Cage 2) 1843 o/p RhoBar1_2 RhoBar1_2 ohm-m istivity of upper cage at RoTemp (Cage2) 1844 o/p ERID1 ERID1 mm ide diameter of end-ring 1 1845 o/p ERID2 ERID2 mm ide diameter of end-ring 2 1846 o/p EROD EROD mm side diameter of end-rings 1847 o/p ERID1_2 ERID1_2 mm ide diameter of end-ring 1 (Cage 2)

piZcR piZcX piIm piIa piAVZc piATRatio piWtCuMain piWtCuAux piWtAl_ER piAsk_S piAsk_R piILR piPFLR piZcRR piZcRX pifsTorque pifsPower

ptReal Rea ptReal Ima ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal Rat ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Ski ptReal Ski ptReal Loc ptReal Loc ptReal rea ptReal ima ptReal Fin ptReal Fin

pifsEfficiency ptReal Fin pifsPF pifsCurrent pifsSlip piERA1 piERA2 piLB2 piLSkew2 ptReal Fin ptReal Fin ptReal Fin ptReal End ptReal End ptReal Len ptReal Lin

piRhoRoBar1_2 ptReal Res piERID1 piERID2 piEROD piERID1_2 ptReal Ins ptReal Ins ptReal Out ptReal Ins

1848 o/p ERID2_2 ERID2_2 mm piERID2_2 ide diameter of end-ring 2 (Cage 2) 1849 o/p EROD_2 EROD_2 mm piEROD_2 side diameter of end-rings (Cage 2) 1850 o/p RhoBarN RhoBarN ohm-m piRhoRoBarN istivity of neck at RoTemp (Cage1) 1851 o/p RhoBar2 RhoBar2 ohm-m piRhoRoBar2 istivity of lower cage at RoTemp (Cage1) 1852 o/p RhoBarN_2 RhoBarN_2 ohm-m piRhoRoBarN_2 istivity of neck at RoTemp (Cage2) 1853 o/p RhoBar2_2 RhoBar2_2 ohm-m piRhoRoBar2_2 istivity of lower cage at RoTemp (Cage2) 1854 o/p Abar Abar mm^2 piAbar1 or bar area 1855 o/p Abar2 Abar2 mm^2 piAbar2 or bar area (cage 2) 1856 o/p IBpeak IBpeak A piIBpeak k bar current 1857 o/p JBpeak JBpeak A/mm^2 piJBpeak k bar current-density 1858 o/p CurTime CurTime piCurTime rrent time 1859 o/p CurDate CurDate piCurDate rrent date 1860 o/p SimTime SimTime piSimTime mulation time 1861 o/p SimDate SimDate piSimDate mulation date 1862 o/p UserName UserName piUserName me of licensee 1863 o/p Supplier Supplier piSuppliedBy me of supplier 1864 o/p PRSB1 PRSB1 piPRSB1 meance coefft. of rotor slot opening 1865 o/p PRSB2 PRSB2 piPRSB2 meance coefft. of rotor slot opening (cage 2) 1866 o/p kw1_aux kw1_aux pikw1_Aux damental winding factor for auxiliary winding 1867 o/p ATR ATR piATR ual auxiliary/main turns ratio 1868 o/p Tph1 Tph1 piTph1 * Tph 1869 o/p Tph1_aux Tph1_aux piTph1_aux * Tph for aux. winding 1870 o/p TBrk TBrk Nm piTbrk akdown torque 1871 o/p WtFery WtFery kg piWtFery ght of iron in rotor yoke 1872 o/p sLR sLR p.u. pisLR ked-rotor slip 1873 o/p sBrk sBrk p.u. pisBrk akdown slip 1874 o/p TLRpu TLRpu piTLRpu io of locked-rotor torque to operating torque 1875 o/p TBrkpu TBrkpu piTBrkpu io of breakdown torque to operating torque 1876 o/p J_ER J_ER A/mm^2 piJrms_ER current density in rotor end-ring 1877 o/p alpha_TL alpha_TL pialpha_TL ective turns-ratio for transforming from T to L equiv. cct.

ptReal Ins ptReal Out ptReal Res ptReal Res ptReal Res ptReal Res ptReal Rot ptReal Rot ptReal Pea ptReal Pea ptString Cu ptString Cu ptString Si ptString Si ptString Na ptString Na ptReal Per ptReal Per ptReal Fun ptReal Act ptReal kw1 ptReal kw1 ptReal Bre ptReal Wei ptReal Loc ptReal Bre ptReal Rat ptReal Rat ptReal RMS ptReal Eff

1878 o/p X1oX2 X1oX2 X2 (from internal PC-IMD calulation) 1879 o/p spout03 spout03 used 1880 o/p RPMcrit RPMcrit rpm tical speed 1881 o/p JBar1 JBar1 A/mm^2 current density in rotor bars 1882 o/p JBar2 JBar2 A/mm^2 current density in bar (double-cage) 1883 o/p kr_RS kr_RS io for referring rotor impedance to stator 1884 o/p TRV TRV Nm/m3 io of shaft torque to rotor volume 1885 o/p T/Wt "T/Wt" Nm/kg io of shaft torque to total (active) weight 1886 o/p P/Wt "P/Wt" W/kg io of shaft power to total (active) weight 1887 o/p kBg kBg gap flux density wave-form factor 1888 o/p kfE1 kfE1 k emf wave-form factor 1889 o/p Bgpk Bgpk T k value of airgap flux density 1890 o/p Bshm Bshm T n value of flux density in the shaft 1891 o/p FindSlipCompleted FindSlipCompleted ptBoolean 1892 o/p kSfa kSfa uration factor (total MMF relative to airgap MMF) 1893 o/p Ary Ary mm^2 ss-section area of rotor yoke 1894 o/p WtAl_RB WtAl_RB kg ght of rotor bars 1895 o/p Dbar_2 Dbar_2 n diam. of rotor cage; cage 2 1896 o/p Zin Zin ohm ut impedance per phase 1897 o/p Brtm Brtm T n flux density in the most saturated rotor tooth 1898 o/p Brtmin Brtmin T imum flux density in the most saturated rotor tooth 1899 o/p RhoEndR RhoEndR ohm-m istivity of rotor end-rings at RoTemp 1900 o/p Wrt Wrt W al rotor teeth core losses 1901 o/p Wry Wry W al rotor yoke core loss 1902 o/p WFeSe WFeSe W 1903 o/p WFeSh 1904 o/p WFeRe 1905 o/p WFeRh 1906 o/p MMFThR 1907 o/p Wsttop WFeSh WFeRe WFeRh MMFThR Wsttop W W W eDeg W

piX1oX2 pispout03 piRPMcrit piJrms_B1 piJrms_B2 pikr_RS piTPRVo piTPWt piPPWt pikBg pikfE1 piBgpk piBshm

ptReal X1/ ptReal Not ptReal Cri ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal Rat ptReal Rat ptReal Rat ptReal Rat ptReal Air ptReal Bac ptReal Pea ptReal Mea

piFindSlipCompleted pikSfa piAry piWtAl_RB piDR_2 piMagZin piBrtmean piBrtmin piRhoRoEndR piPrt piPry piWFeSe piWFeSh piWFeRe piWFeRh piMMFAlpha piWsttop ptReal Sat ptReal Cro ptReal Wei ptReal Mea ptReal Inp ptReal Mea ptReal Min ptReal Res ptReal Tot ptReal Tot ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal

1908 o/p Wsttope 1909 o/p Wsttoph 1910 o/p Wrttop 1911 o/p Wrttope 1912 o/p Wrttoph 1913 o/p WsttWkg 1914 o/p WrttWkg 1915 o/p WSLLS 1916 o/p WSLLSe 1917 o/p WSLLsh 1918 o/p WSLLst 1919 o/p WSLLste 1920 o/p WSLLsth 1921 o/p WSLLstt 1922 o/p WSLstte 1923 o/p WSLstth 1924 o/p WSLLsy 1925 o/p WSLLsye 1926 o/p WSLLsyh 1927 o/p WSstWkg 1928 o/p WSsttWk 1929 o/p WSsyWkg 1930 o/p WSLLR 1931 o/p WSLLRe 1932 o/p WSLLRh 1933 o/p WSLLrt 1934 o/p WSLLrte 1935 o/p WSLLrth 1936 o/p WSLLrtt 1937 o/p WSLrtte

Wsttope Wsttoph Wrttop Wrttope Wrttoph WsttWkg WrttWkg WSLLS WSLLSe WSLLsh WSLLst WSLLste WSLLsth WSLLstt WSLstte WSLstth WSLLsy WSLLsye WSLLsyh WSstWkg WSsttWk WSsyWkg WSLLR WSLLRe WSLLRh WSLLrt WSLLrte WSLLrth WSLLrtt WSLrtte

W W W W W W/kg W/kg W W W W W W W W W W W W W/kg W/kg W/kg W W W W W W W W

piWsttope piWsttoph piWrttop piWrttope piWrttoph piWsttWkg piWrttWkg piWSLLS piWSLLSe piWSLLsh piWSLLst piWSLLste piWSLLsth piWSLLstt piWSLstte piWSLstth piWSLLsy piWSLLsye piWSLLsyh piWSstWkg piWSsttWk piWSsyWkg piWSLLR piWSLLRe piWSLLRh piWSLLrt piWSLLrte piWSLLrth piWSLLrtt piWSLrtte

ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal

1938 o/p WSLrtth 1939 o/p WSLLry 1940 o/p WSLLrye 1941 o/p WSLLryh 1942 o/p WSrtWkg 1943 o/p WSrttWk 1944 o/p WSryWkg

WSLrtth WSLLry WSLLrye WSLLryh WSrtWkg WSrttWk WSryWkg

W W W W W/kg W/kg W/kg

piWSLrtth piWSLLry piWSLLrye piWSLLryh piWSrtWkg piWSrttWk piWSryWkg

ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptReal ptBoolean F ptReal Pha ptComplex V ptReal Aux ptReal Com ptReal Con ptReal Frame ptReal Con ptReal Iro ptReal Fra ptReal Stato ptReal The ptReal the ptReal Bar ptReal Bar ptReal Tri ptReal Tri ptReal Tri ptReal Tri ptReal Ind ptReal Ind ptReal Ind ptReal Air

1945 o/p DoNoLoad DoNoLoad piDoNoLoad lag for no-load calculation 1946 o/p MMFBeta MMFBeta eDeg piMMFBeta se difference between stator and magnetizing mmf 1947 o/p CVaux CVaux V piCVaux oltage across the auxiliary winding 1948 o/p Vaux Vaux V piAVaux winding voltage 1949 o/p ThRSlot ThRSlot piThRSlot bined thermal resistance of stator slot-liners 1950 o/p ACL ACL mm^2 piACL tact area of one stator slot liner 1951 o/p TFrame TFrame C piTFrame surface temperature 1952 o/p LCL LCL mm piLCL tact length of liner around the inside of the stator slot 1953 o/p WFeBal WFeBal W piWFeBal n loss in balanced 2-phase model of split-phase motor 1954 o/p FSArea FSArea mm^2 piFSArea me surface area (including both end-caps) 1955 o/p T_c T_c C piT_c r conductor temperature, node C 1956 o/p ThermTC ThermTC min piThermTC rmal time-constant [min] 1957 o/p C_motor C_motor kJ/C piC_motor rmal capacitance [J/deg C] 1958 o/p Abar Abar mm^2 piAbar cross-section area 1959 o/p Abar_2 Abar_2 mm^2 piAbar_2 cross-section area; cage 2 1960 o/p Kring1 Kring1 piKring1 ckey's factor for radial distribution of end-ring current 1961 o/p Kring2 Kring2 piKring2 ckey's factor for radial distribution of end-ring current 1962 o/p Kring1_2 Kring1_2 piKring1_2 ckey's factor for radial distribution of end-ring current 1963 o/p Kring2_2 Kring2_2 piKring2_2 ckey's factor for radial distribution of end-ring current 1964 o/p E2 E2 V piAE2 uced EMF 1965 o/p Ef Ef V piAEF uced EMF due to forward field 1966 o/p Eb Eb V piAEB uced EMF due to backward field 1967 o/p ATgap ATgap A piFg gap ampere-turns

1968 o/p ATsy ATsy A piFsy tor yoke ampere-turns 1969 o/p ATst ATst A piFst tor teeth ampere-turns 1970 o/p ATry ATry A piFry or yoke ampere-turns 1971 o/p Atrt Atrt A piFrt or teeth ampere-turns 1972 o/p ATsh ATsh A piFsh ft ampere-turns 1973 o/p MMFsh MMFsh p.u. piMMFsh of shaft relative to airgap MMF 1974 o/p Ag Ag mm^2 piAg gap area per pole 1975 o/p ERA1_2 ERA1_2 mm^2 piERA1_2 -ring area 1 (cage 2) 1976 o/p ERA2_2 ERA2_2 mm^2 piERA2_2 -ring area 2 (cage 2) 1977 o/p I2f I2f A piAI2f or forward current 1978 o/p Ifm Ifm A piAIfm n winding forward current 1979 o/p Ibm Ibm A piAIbm n winding backward current 1980 o/p I2b I2b A piAI2b or backward current 1981 o/p IMf IMf A piAIMf ward magnetizing current 1982 o/p IMb IMb A piAIMb kward magnetizing current 1983 o/p Ic Ic A piAIc e-loss current 1984 o/p Vz1m Vz1m V piAVz1m t-drop across main winding leakage impedance 1985 o/p Zp Zp ohm piZp ositive sequence impedance 1986 o/p Zn Zn ohm piZn egative sequence impedance 1987 o/p WFeAxis WFeAxis piWFeAxis used with FBfield method 1988 o/p i_fak i_fak W pii_FAK t flow through Kylander's frame/ambient resistance 1989 o/p R_fak R_fak C/W piR_FAK ander's frame/ambient thermal resistance 1990 o/p FFArea FFArea mm^2 piFFArea ned area of frame including end-caps 1991 o/p R_yf R_yf C/W piR_YF rmal resistance from yoke to frame 1992 o/p R_ty R_ty C/W piR_TY rmal resistance along stator tooth (from airgap to yoke) 1993 o/p WtCap WtCap kg piWtCap ght of one end-cap 1994 o/p R_ct R_ct C/W piR_ct rmal resistance from conductors to stator tooth 1995 o/p ThRcond ThRcond C/W piThRcond fusion resistance through conductor array (all slots in p-llel) 1996 o/p k_slot k_slot W/mC pik_slot ivalent thermal conductivity of conductor array 1997 o/p R_ce R_ce C/W piR_CE rmal resistance from conductors (centre) to end winding

ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Rot ptReal Rot ptReal Sha ptReal MMF ptReal Air ptReal End ptReal End ptReal Rot ptReal Mai ptReal Mai ptReal Rot ptReal For ptReal Bac ptReal Cor ptReal Vol ptComplex P ptComplex N ptReal Not ptReal Hea ptReal Kyl ptReal Fin ptReal The ptReal The ptReal Wei ptReal The ptReal Dif ptReal Equ ptReal The

1998 o/p VC_G VC_G DegC gap temperature 1999 o/p R_rg R_rg C/W rmal resistance from rotor to mid-airgap 2000 o/p R_sg R_sg C/W rmal resistance from stator surface to mid-airgap 2001 o/p R_ts R_ts C/W rmal resistance from stator bore to mid-tooth 2002 o/p tReal 2003 o/p tReal 2004 o/p 2005 o/p Real 2006 o/p Real 2007 o/p 2008 o/p st ptReal 2009 o/p dy ptReal 2010 o/p Real 2011 o/p st ptReal 2012 o/p dy ptReal 2013 o/p Real 2014 o/p t ptReal 2015 o/p y ptReal 2016 o/p eal 2017 o/p n_Hyst ptReal 2018 o/p n_Eddy ptReal 2019 o/p n ptReal 2020 o/p Real 2021 o/p Real 2022 o/p 2023 o/p eal 2024 o/p eal 2025 o/p 2026 o/p t ptReal 2027 o/p y ptReal

piVC_G piR_RG piR_SG piR_TS

ptReal Air ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The


2028 o/p eal 2029 o/p t ptReal 2030 o/p y ptReal 2031 o/p eal 2032 o/p ptReal 2033 o/p ptReal 2034 o/p al 2035 o/p _Hyst ptReal 2036 o/p _Eddy ptReal 2037 o/p ptReal 2038 o/p L_Iron ptReal 2039 o/p on_Hyst ptReal 2040 o/p on_Eddy ptReal 2041 o/p on ptReal 2042 o/p L_Hyst ptReal 2043 o/p L_Eddy ptReal 2044 o/p L ptReal 2045 o/p _Hyst ptReal 2046 o/p _Eddy ptReal 2047 o/p Real 2048 o/p Real 2049 o/p 2050 o/p eal 2051 o/p eal 2052 o/p 2053 o/p t ptReal 2054 o/p y ptReal 2055 o/p eal 2056 o/p 2057 o/p al


2058 o/p al 2059 o/p 2060 o/p 2061 o/p 2062 o/p 2063 o/p 2064 o/p

piMOTOR_SLL_Iron_Eddy ptRe piMOTOR_Iron ptReal

piMOTOR_Iron_Hyst ptReal piMOTOR_Iron_Eddy ptReal piMOTOR_SLL ptReal

piMOTOR_SLL_Hyst ptReal piMOTOR_SLL_Eddy ptReal ptReal Rot ptReal Har ptReal Los ptReal Los ptReal Rot ptReal Mai ptReal Aux ptReal Stato ptReal End-w ptReal Stato ptReal Airga ptReal Beari ptReal Coola ptReal Cop ptReal Cop ptReal Tot ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea

2065 o/p A piI2belt or current induced by stator belt harmonics 2066 o/p W piPI2Harm monic losses in rotor cage due to induced stator space harmonic 2067 o/p W piP2slot ses in rotor cage induced by stator slotting 2068 o/p W piP2belt ses in rotor cage induced by stator phase belt MMF harmonics 2069 o/p A piI2slot or harmonic current induced by stator slotting 2070 o/p AIm_mag AIm_mag A piAIm_mag n winding magnetizing current 2071 o/p AIaux_mag AIaux_mag A piAIaux_mag winding magnetizing current 2072 o/p T_y T_y C piT_y r yoke temperature, node Y 2073 o/p T_e T_e C piT_e inding temperature, node E 2074 o/p T_s T_s C piT_s r bore temperature, node S 2075 o/p T_g T_g C piT_g p temperature, node G 2076 o/p T_b T_b C piT_b ng temperature, node B 2077 o/p T_m T_m C piT_m nt temperature, node M 2078 o/p WCu_slot WCu_slot W piWCu_slot per loss in slots 2079 o/p WCu_end WCu_end W piWCu_end per loss in end-winding 2080 o/p Wrotor Wrotor W piWrotor al rotor loss 2081 o/p i_yf i_yf W pii_yf t flow: stator yoke to frame 2082 o/p i_ef i_ef W pii_ef t flow: endwinding to frame 2083 o/p i_gf i_gf W pii_gf t flow: airgap to frame 2084 o/p i_bf i_bf W pii_bf t flow: bearings to frame 2085 o/p i_ty i_ty W pii_ty t flow: stator teeth to stator yoke 2086 o/p i_cy i_cy W pii_cy t flow: conductors to stator yoke 2087 o/p i_ct i_ct W pii_ct t flow: conductors to stator teeth

2088 o/p i_ts i_ts t flow: stator teeth to stator bore 2089 o/p i_ce i_ce t flow: conductors to endwindings 2090 o/p i_re i_re t flow: rotor to endwindings 2091 o/p i_sg i_sg t flow: stator bore to airgap 2092 o/p i_rg i_rg t flow: rotor to airgap 2093 o/p i_rh i_rh t flow: rotor to shaft 2094 o/p i_hb i_hb t flow: shaft to bearings 2095 o/p i_gm i_gm t flow: airgap to coolant 2096 o/p i_mf i_mf t flow: coolant to frame 2097 o/p i_bm i_bm t flow: bearings to coolant 2098 o/p i_hm i_hm t flow: shaft to coolant 2099 o/p i_rm i_rm t flow: rotor to coolant 2100 o/p i_ha i_ha t flow: shaft to ambient 2101 o/p R_ef R_ef rmal resistance : end-winding to frame 2102 o/p R_gf R_gf rmal resistance : airgap to frame 2103 o/p R_cy R_cy rmal resistance : stator conductors to 2104 o/p R_re R_re rmal resistance : rotor to end-winding 2105 o/p R_rh R_rh rmal resistance : rotor to shaft 2106 o/p R_bf R_bf rmal resistance : bearing to frame 2107 o/p R_hb R_hb rmal resistance : shaft to bearing 2108 o/p R_gm R_gm rmal resistance : gap to coolant 2109 o/p R_mf R_mf rmal resistance : coolant to frame 2110 o/p R_bm R_bm rmal resistance : bearing to coolant 2111 o/p R_hm R_hm rmal resistance : shaft to coolant 2112 o/p R_rb R_rb rmal resistance : rotor to coolant 2113 o/p R_ha R_ha rmal resistance : shaft to ambient 2114 o/p R_fa R_fa rmal resistance : frame to ambient 2115 o/p R_rm R_rm rmal resistance from rotor to coolant 2116 o/p C_y C_y rmal capacitance of stator yoke 2117 o/p C_t C_t rmal capacitance of stator teeth

W W W W W W W W W W W W W C/W C/W C/W yoke C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W kJ/C kJ/C

pii_ts pii_ce pii_re pii_sg pii_rg pii_rh pii_hb pii_gm pii_mf pii_bm pii_hm pii_rm pii_ha piR_ef piR_gf piR_cy piR_re piR_rh piR_bf piR_hb piR_gm piR_mf piR_bm piR_hm piR_rb piR_ha piR_fa piR_rm piC_y piC_t

ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal The ptReal the ptReal the

2118 o/p C_g C_g kJ/C piC_g rmal capacitance of airgap 2119 o/p C_m C_m kJ/C piC_m rmal capacitance of coolant 2120 o/p C_e C_e kJ/C piC_e rmal capacitance of stator end-windings 2121 o/p C_r C_r kJ/C piC_r rmal capacitance of rotor (total) 2122 o/p C_c C_c kJ/C piC_c rmal capacitance of straight part of stator conductors 2123 o/p C_Cap C_Cap kJ/C piC_Cap rmal capacitance of one end-cap 2124 o/p q_y q_y W piq_y t balance at node Y (stator yoke) 2125 o/p q_t q_t W piq_t t balance at node T (stator teeth) 2126 o/p q_e q_e W piq_e t balance at node E (end windings) 2127 o/p q_g q_g W piq_g t balance at node G (airgap) 2128 o/p q_m q_m W piq_m t balance at node M (cooling medium) 2129 o/p q_b q_b W piq_b t balance at node B (bearings): no capacity 2130 o/p q_a q_a W piq_a t balance at node A (ambient) 2131 o/p Xm_mean Xm_mean ohm piXm_mean n value of Xm from 1-ph polygon 2132 o/p Bstwt Bstwt T piBstwt ghted value of Bst from 1-ph polygon 2133 o/p Bsywt Bsywt T piBsywt ghted value of Bsy from 1-ph polygon 2134 o/p Brtwt Brtwt T piBrtwt ghted value of Brt from 1-ph polygon 2135 o/p Brywt Brywt T piBrywt ghted value of Bry from 1-ph polygon 2136 o/p Ta Ta pithmTa in airgap thermal resistance calculation 2137 o/p Nu Nu pithmNu in airgap thermal resistance calculation 2138 o/p alpha alpha pithmalpha ha in airgap thermal resistance calculation 2139 o/p R_yfd R_yfd C/W piR_yfd fusion component of yoke-to-frame thermal resistance 2140 o/p R_yfc R_yfc C/W piR_yfc rmal contact resistance between yoke and frame 2141 o/p R_fau R_fau C/W piR_fau rmal resistance from frame to ambient by conduction 2142 o/p XPWMEddy XPWMEddy piXPWMEddy rection factor for PWM eddy loss component of SLL+IRON 2143 o/p P2PWM P2PWM W piP2PWM current loss in rotor cage 2144 o/p I2PWM I2PWM A piI2PWM current in rotor cage 2145 o/p WRCan WRCan W piWRCan or can loss 2146 o/p WSCan WSCan W piWSCan tor can loss 2147 o/p W_gap W_gap W piW_gap or gap loss

ptReal the ptReal the ptReal the ptReal the ptReal the ptReal the ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Mea ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Ta ptReal Nu ptReal alp ptReal Dif ptReal The ptReal The ptReal Cor ptReal PWM ptReal PWM ptReal Rot ptReal Sta ptReal Rot

2148 o/p W_fan W_fan W piW_fan ptReal Coo ling fan loss 2149 o/p notusedW_rol notusedW_rol W piW_rol ptReal Bea ring loss 2150 o/p WMech1 WMech1 W piWMech1 ptReal Los s1 2151 o/p WMech2 WMech2 W piWMech2 ptReal Los s2 2152 o/p WMech3 WMech3 W piWMech3 ptReal Los s3 2153 o/p WMech4 WMech4 W piWMech4 ptReal Los s4 2154 o/p LFeR LFeR mm piLFeR ptReal Axi al solid length of rotor iron 2155 o/p WIronSh WIronSh W piSHAFT_iron ptReal Gru ndfos loss component 2156 o/p TorqRip TorqRip % piTorqRip ptReal Tor que ripple of split phase motor 2157 o/p TmaxWdg TmaxWdg C piTmaxWdg ptReal Max w inding temperature (hotspot) 2158 o/p TMinWdg TMinWdg C piTMinWdg ptReal Min w inding temperature (coolspot) 2159 o/p WMech WMech W piWMech ptReal Tot al mechanical loss 2160 o/p WRcanIron WRcanIron W piWRcanIron ptReal Rot or can iron loss 2161 o/p WRcanSLL WRcanSLL W piWRcanSLL ptReal Rot or can SLL loss 2162 o/p WScanIron WScanIron W piWScanIron ptReal Sta tor can iron loss 2163 o/p WScanSLL WScanSLL W piWScanSLL ptReal Sta tor can SLL loss 2164 o/p kw3_aux kw3_aux pikw3_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 3rd harmonic winding factor 2165 o/p kw5_aux kw5_aux pikw5_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 5th harmonic winding factor 2166 o/p kw7_aux kw7_aux pikw7_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 7th harmonic winding factor 2167 o/p kw9_aux kw9_aux pikw9_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 9th harmonic winding factor 2168 o/p kw11_aux kw11_aux pikw11_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 11h harmonic winding factor 2169 o/p kw13_aux kw13_aux pikw13_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 13th harmonic winding factor 2170 o/p kw15_aux kw15_aux pikw15_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 15th harmonic winding factor 2171 o/p kw17_aux kw17_aux pikw17_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 17th harmonic winding factor 2172 o/p kw19_aux kw19_aux pikw19_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 19th harmonic winding factor 2173 o/p kw21_aux kw21_aux pikw21_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 21st harmonic winding factor 2174 o/p kw23_aux kw23_aux pikw23_Aux ptReal Aux illiary 23rd harmonic winding factor 2175 o/p SFillHBLA SFillHBLA piwvAuxSFillHBLOUT ptReal Aux slot-fill factor; "heavy-build" insulation + slot liners) 2176 o/p SFillA SFillA piwvAuxSFillOUT ptReal Au x slot-fill factor 2177 o/p ODChamEQ ODChamEQ mm piODChamEQ ptReal Equ ivalent circular chamfer statorOD used in magnetic circuit calculation

2178 o/p CostCu CostCu piCostCu per cost 2179 o/p CostFe CostFe piCostFe t of laminations 2180 o/p CostFeS CostFeS piCostFeS t of stator steel 2181 o/p CostFeR CostFeR piCostFeR t of rotor steel 2182 o/p CostTotal CostTotal piCostTotal al materials+handling cost 2183 o/p DiaSltMN DiaSltMN mm piDiaSltMN imum inner rotorslot diameter 2184 o/p Bar1TWR Bar1TWR mm piBar1TWR type1 rotor minimum toothwidth 2185 o/p LFrame LFrame mm piLFrame me axial length 2186 o/p CostBar CostBar piCostBar al bar cost 2187 o/p CostER CostER piCostER t of endrings 2188 o/p CostCage CostCage piCostCage al cost of rotor cage 2189 o/p Tpls Tpls Nm piTpls sating torque 2190 o/p opInsThk_1 opInsThk_1 mm piopInsThk_1 e #1: Insulation thickness 2191 o/p opInsThk_2 opInsThk_2 mm piopInsThk_2 e #2: Insulation thickness 2192 o/p opInsThk_A opInsThk_A mm piopInsThk_A e A: Insulation thickness 2193 o/p tStart tStart sec piTStart rting time 2194 o/p ILRpu ILRpu piILRpu io of locked-rotor current to operating current 2195 o/p Ic_t Ic_t A piAIc_t e-loss current in tapped section of main winding circuit 2196 o/p Ic_u Ic_u A piAIc_u e-loss current in untapped section of main winding 2197 o/p Ic_a Ic_a A piAIc_a e-loss current in aux winding circuit 2198 o/p phIc_t phIc_t deg piphIc_t se angle of Ic_t 2199 o/p phIc_u phIc_u deg piphIc_u se angle of Ic_u 2200 o/p phIc_a phIc_a deg piphIc_a se angle of Ic_a 2201 o/p E_t E_t V piAEt across core-loss resistance in tapped section of main cct 2202 o/p E_u E_u V piAEu across core-loss resistance in untapped section of main cct 2203 o/p E_a E_a V piAEa across core-loss resistance in aux circuit 2204 o/p phEt phEt deg piphEt se angle of Et 2205 o/p phEu phEu deg piphEu se angle of Eu 2206 o/p phEa phEa deg piPhEa se angle of Ea 2207 o/p Im_t Im_t A piAIm_t current in tapped section of main winding

ptReal Cop ptReal Cos ptReal Cos ptReal Cos ptReal Tot ptReal Min ptReal Bar ptReal Fra ptReal Tot ptReal Cos ptReal Tot ptReal Pul ptReal Wir ptReal Wir ptReal Wir ptReal Sta ptReal Rat ptReal Cor ptReal Cor ptReal Cor ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal EMF ptReal EMF ptReal EMF ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal RMS

2208 o/p Im_u Im_u A current in untapped section of main winding 2209 o/p phIm_t phIm_t deg se angle of Im_t 2210 o/p phIm_u phIm_u deg se angle of Im_u 2211 o/p phI_a phI_a deg se angle of I_a 2212 o/p phImIa phImIa deg se angle between Im and Iaux (+ if Iaux leads Im) 2213 o/p phVZc phVZc deg se angle of V_Zc 2214 o/p Jm_t Jm_t A/mm^2 current density in tapped section of main winding 2215 o/p Jm_u Jm_u A/mm^2 current density in untapped section of main winding 2216 o/p phVz1m phVz1m deg se angle of Vz1m 2217 o/p phVaux phVaux deg se angle of Vaux 2218 o/p WCu_t WCu_t W per loss in tapped section of main winding 2219 o/p WCu_u WCu_u W per loss in untapped section of main winding 2220 o/p WCu_a WCu_a W per loss in aux winding 2221 o/p pTWdg pTWdg C/sec abatic rate of rise of temperature in stator winding 2222 o/p kC_rd kC_rd ter factor for rotor ducts 2223 o/p kC_sd kC_sd ter factor for stator ducts 2224 o/p kC kC rall Carter factor 2225 o/p kXL1 kXL1 uration factor: X1/X1unsat 2226 o/p kXL2 kXL2 uration factor: X2/X2unsat 2227 o/p ATR_bar ATR_bar C atic temperature rise of rotor bars 2228 o/p ATRring1 ATRring1 C atic temperature rise of end-ring 1 2229 o/p ATRring2 ATRring2 C atic temperature rise of end-ring 2 2230 o/p WtAl_ER1 WtAl_ER1 kg ght of conductor in end-ring 1 2231 o/p WtAl_ER2 WtAl_ER2 kg ght of conductor in end-ring 2 2232 o/p ATwj ATwj mm^2 ss-sectional area of one stator slot wedge 2233 o/p APhs APhs mm^2 a of slot wedge 2 2234 o/p X1Aug X1Aug ohm mary leakage reactance modified for saturation 2235 o/p X2 X2 ohm urated rotor leakage reactance. 2236 o/p X1 X1 ohm urated value of stator leakage reactance 2237 o/p CostHousing CostHousing t of housing

piAIm_u piphIm_t piphIm_u piphI_a piphImIa piphVZc piJm_t piJm_u piphVz1m piphVaux piWCu_t piWCu_u piWCu_a pipTwdg pikC_rd pikc_sd pikC pikXL1 pikXL2 piATR_bar piATRring1 piATRring2 piWtAl_ER1 piWtAl_ER2 piWedgeArea1 piWedgeArea2 piX1Aug piX2sat piX1sat

ptReal RMS ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal RMS ptReal RMS ptReal Pha ptReal Pha ptReal Cop ptReal Cop ptReal Cop ptReal Adi ptReal Car ptReal Car ptReal Ove ptReal Sat ptReal Sat ptReal Adiab ptReal Adiab ptReal Adiab ptReal Wei ptReal Wei ptReal Cro ptReal Are ptReal Pri ptReal Sat ptReal Sat

piCostHousing ptReal Cos

2238 o/p pTBar pTBar C/sec pipTBar abatic rate of rise of temperature of rotor bars at stall 2239 o/p pTMain pTMain C/sec pipTMain abatic rate of rise of temperature of main winding at stall 2240 o/p pTaux pTaux C/sec pipTaux abatic rate of rise of temperature of aux winding at stall 2241 o/p C_main C_main kJ/C piC_main rmal capacitance of main winding 2242 o/p C_aux C_aux kJ/C piC_aux rmal capacitance of aux winding 2243 o/p WCuMain WCuMain W piWCuMain per loss in main winding 2244 o/p WCuAux WCuAux W piWCuAux per loss in aux winding 2245 o/p WCuMainS WCuMainS W piWCuMainS per loss in main winding at stall 2246 o/p WCuAuxS WCuAuxS W piWCuAuxS per loss in aux winding at stall 2247 o/p Vm_t Vm_t V piAVm_t tage across tapped part of main winding 2248 o/p phVm_t phVm_t deg piphVm_t se of Vm_t 2249 o/p Vm_u Vm_u V piAVm_u tage across untapped part of main winding 2250 o/p phVm_u phVm_u deg piphVm_u se of Vm_u 2251 o/p V_a V_a V piAV_a tage across aux winding 2252 o/p phV_a phV_a deg piphV_a se of V_a 2253 o/p Vmain Vmain V piAVmain tage across main winding 2254 o/p phVmain phVmain deg piphVmain se angle of Vmain 2255 o/p ATstick ATstick mm^2 piASSWedge ss-sectional area of topstick 2256 o/p kwm_aux kwm_aux pikwm_Aux winding factor for backward (m'th) slot harmonic 2257 o/p kwn_aux kwn_aux pikwn_Aux winding factor for forward (n'th) slot harmonic 2258 o/p INL INL A piINL e current from no-load calculation when TorqCalc = "All" 2259 o/p AINLMain AINLMain A piAINLMain n winding current from no-load calculation when TorqCalc = "All" 2260 o/p AINLaux AINLaux A piAINLaux winding current from no-load calculation when TorqCalc = "All" 2261 o/p NLrpm NLrpm rpm piANLrpm ed from no-load calculation when TorqCalc = "All" 2262 o/p NLTorque NLTorque Nm piANLTorque que from no-load calculation when TorqCalc = "All" 2263 o/p NLPF NLPF piANLPF er factor from no-load calculation when TorqCalc = "All" 2264 o/p R1_20C R1_20C ohm piR1_20C at 20 deg. C 2265 o/p R1aux20C R1aux20C ohm piR1aux20C ux at 20 deg. C 2266 o/p EffWst EffWst mm piEffWst ective width of stator tooth used in magnetic calculations 2267 o/p StartRun StartRun piStartRun rt or Run connection

ptReal Adi ptReal Adi ptReal Adi ptReal the ptReal the ptReal Cop ptReal Cop ptReal Cop ptReal Cop ptReal Vol ptReal Pha ptReal Vol ptReal Pha ptReal Vol ptReal Pha ptReal Vol ptReal Pha ptReal Cro ptReal Aux ptReal Aux ptReal Lin ptReal Mai ptReal Aux ptReal Spe ptReal Tor ptReal Pow ptReal R1 ptReal R1a ptReal Eff ptList Sta

2268 o/p VR1 VR1 V piAVR1 tage drop across stator resistance 2269 o/p VX1 VX1 V piAVX1 tage drop across stator leakage reactance 2270 o/p VR2 VR2 V piAVR2 tage drop across rotor resistance R2 2271 o/p VX2 VX2 V piAVX2 tage drop across rotor leakage reactance 2272 o/p ER2 ER2 V piAER2 tage drop across rotor resistance R2 * (1/s - 1) 2273 o/p C_Brg C_Brg kJ/C piC_Brg rmal capacitance of bearings 2274 o/p V_CBL V_CBL V piV_CBL le voltage drop per phase 2275 o/p W_CBL W_CBL W piW_CBL er loss in supply cable 2276 o/p TNLpu TNLpu piTNLpu -unit value of no-load torque 2277 o/p INLpu INLpu piINLpu -unit value of no-load current 2278 o/p R_Cable R_Cable ohm piR_Cable ective cable resistance per phase at T_CBL 2279 o/p X_Cable X_Cable ohm piX_Cable ective cable reactance per phase 2280 o/p Z0_Cable Z0_Cable ohm piZ0_Cable ge impedance (wave impedance) of cable 2281 o/p Vt Vt V piVt or terminal voltage (line) 2282 o/p fsPElec fsPElec W pifsPElec partial results for PElec 2283 o/p fspcPSh fspcPSh % pifspcPSh partial results for p.u. Power 2284 o/p fsRPM fsRPM rpm pifsRPM partial results for RPM 2285 o/p MaxSFn MaxSFn piMaxSFn . SFillHBL (net slot fill factor) of any slot (see wdg editor) 2286 o/p Lbrg Lbrg mm piLbrg oard distance between bearings 2287 o/p BifACu BifACu mm^2 piBifACu . copper cross-section per slot: Bif. extension 2288 o/p WtCuBif WtCuBif kg piWtCuBif ght of copper in bifilar extension 2289 o/p BifMLT BifMLT mm piBifMLT n length of turn in bifilar extension 2290 o/p R1Bif R1Bif ohm piR1Bif istance of bifilar extension 2291 o/p Eff_X_PF Eff_X_PF % piEff_X_PF duct of efficiency and power factor 2292 o/p STOH STOH mm piSTOH tor tooth overhang 2293 o/p SBWid SBWid mm piSBWid tor slot bottom width 2294 o/p PLR PLR W piPLR ut power at locked rotor 2295 o/p PLRCX PLRCX W piPLRCX ut power at locked rotor with capacitor short-circuited 2296 o/p LSingLck LSingLck mm piLSingLck - Distance from Single wire lock 2297 o/p LDoblLck LDoblLck mm piLDoblLck - Distance from Double wire lock

ptReal Vol ptReal Vol ptReal Vol ptReal Vol ptReal Vol ptReal the ptReal Cab ptReal Pow ptReal per ptReal per ptReal Eff ptReal Eff ptReal Sur ptReal Mot ptReal Do ptReal Do ptReal Do ptReal Max ptReal Inb ptReal Avg ptReal Wei ptReal Mea ptReal Res ptReal Pro ptReal Sta ptReal Sta ptReal Inp ptReal Inp ptReal SOS ptReal SOS

2298 o/p LTripLck LTripLck mm piLTripLck ptReal SOS - Distance from Triple wire lock 2299 o/p NOGOmax NOGOmax mm piNOGOmax ptReal NOG OMax - AXJ Max. Barediam. ((SOS-0.75)/2.5) 2300 o/p NOGOLck NOGOLck mm piNOGOLck ptReal SOS - NOGOMax wire lock ((SOS-0.75)/2.5) 2301 o/p TGDGrFos TGDGrFos mm piTGDGrFos ptReal TGD from SO_S center at Rad1+Gap, Needed for Grundfos drawing 2302 o/p RSlotDIA RSlotDIA mm piRSlotDIA ptReal Rot or Slot width for Type5 Bar 2303 o/p RPMcriCA RPMcriCA rpm piRPMcriCA ptReal Cri tical speed including the cage 2304 o/p SFillGSM SFillGSM piSFillGSM ptReal SFi llHBL the GSM way, not accounting for Liner 2305 o/p FeccGrad FeccGrad N/m piFeccGrad ptReal Gra dient of Side-pull Radial force, for static eccentricity 2306 o/p Fecc01mm Fecc01mm N piFecc01mm ptReal Sid e-pull Radial force at 0.1 mm static rotor eccentricity 2307 o/p RPMcriF RPMcriF rpm piRPMcriF ptReal Cri tical speed including side pull force coeff. 2308 o/p RPMcrCAF RPMcrCAF rpm piRPMcrCAF ptReal Cri tical speed including cage & side pull force coeff. 2309 o/p RPMcriF2 RPMcriF2 rpm piRPMcriF2 ptReal Cri tical speed for DOUBLE rotor & side pull force coeff. 2310 o/p RPMcCAF2 RPMcCAF2 rpm piRPMcCAF2 ptReal Cri tical speed for DOUBLE rotor & Gage & side pull force coeff. 2311 o/p RPMcrit2 RPMcrit2 rpm piRPMcrit2 ptReal Cri tical speed for DOUBLE rotor 2312 o/p RPMcCA2 RPMcCA2 rpm piRPMcCA2 ptReal Cri tical speed for DOUBLE rotor Including the Cage 2313 o/p P2PctNom P2PctNom % piP2PctNom ptReal Pow erSh in percent relative to nominal power 2314 o/p TRipPct TRipPct % piTRipPct ptReal Tor qrip in percent of TorqSh 2315 o/p TplsPct TplsPct % piTplsPct ptReal Tpl s "100 Hz" torque ripple in percent of TorqSh 2316 o/p ActDEGCW ActDEGCW C/W piActDEGCW ptReal Act ual DEGC/W: (T_wdg - Tamb)/Wtotal 2317 o/p Wtpctins Wtpctins % piWtpctins ptReal Wir e insulation weight in percent of copper weight 2318 o/p MWtpctin MWtpctin % piMWtpctin ptReal Mai n Wire insulation weight in percent of Main copper weight 2319 o/p AWtpctin AWtpctin % piAWtpctin ptReal Aux Wire insulation weight in percent of Aux copper weight 2320 o/p WiLngGSM WiLngGSM m piWiLngGSM ptReal Tot al wire length for GSM motors (only for 6 and 8 inch) 2321 o/p MLTGSM MLTGSM mm piMLTGSM ptReal Sta ndardized MLT for each GSM building size (XET independent, only for 6 and 8 inch ) 2322 o/p fM0y fM0y Hz pifM0y ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 0, Incl. Yoke 2323 o/p fM0ytw fM0ytw Hz pifM0ytw ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 0, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding 2324 o/p fM0ytwH fM0ytwH Hz pifM0ytwH ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 0, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding, House 2325 o/p fM0ytwHC fM0ytwHC Hz pifM0ytwHC ptReal Add itional Resonance frequency - MODE 0, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding+House+Cham fer 2326 o/p fM2y fM2y Hz pifM2y ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 2, Incl. Yoke

2327 o/p fM2ytw fM2ytw Hz pifM2ytw ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 2, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding 2328 o/p fM2ytwH fM2ytwH Hz pifM2ytwH ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 2, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding, House 2329 o/p fM2ytwHC fM2ytwHC Hz pifM2ytwHC ptReal Add itional Resonance frequency - MODE 2, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding+House+Cham fer 2330 o/p fM3y fM3y Hz pifM3y ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 3, Incl. Yoke 2331 o/p fM3ytw fM3ytw Hz pifM3ytw ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 3, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding 2332 o/p fM3ytwH fM3ytwH Hz pifM3ytwH ptReal Res onance frequency - MODE 3, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding, House 2333 o/p fM3ytwHC fM3ytwHC Hz pifM3ytwHC ptReal Add itional Resonance frequency - MODE 3, Incl. Yoke, Teeth & 0.1*Winding+House+Cham fer 2334 o/p EsBFEcan EsBFEcan V piEsBFEcan ptReal Fer ritic can closed stator slot Esb (like Erb) 2335 o/p P_pump P_pump W piP_pump ptReal Pow er of Pump load 2336 o/p RCable20 RCable20 ohm piRCable20 ptReal Eff ective cable resistance per phase at 20 deg 2337 o/p RLL20 RLL20 ohm piRLL20 ptReal Lin e to Line resistance including cable resistance at 20 deg 2338 o/p LRCODE LRCODE piLRCODE ptString Lo cked rotor KVA code letter 2339 o/p KVALR KVALR kVA piKVALR ptReal Loc ked rotor KVA 2340 o/p KVALRCOD KVALRCOD piKVALRCOD ptReal Loc ked rotor KVA normalized to Nom_P2 in HP 2341 o/p RslSpace RslSpace mm piRslSpace ptReal For shrink > 0 the Space or distance between bar and Rotor slot wall 2342 o/p STCHy STCHy %/DegC piSTCHy ptReal Sta tor Steel Hysteresis loss temperature coefficient 2343 o/p STCEd STCEd %/DegC piSTCEd ptReal Sta tor Steel Eddycurrent loss temperature coefficient 2344 o/p RTCHy RTCHy %/DegC piRTCHy ptReal Rot or Steel Hysteresis loss temperature coefficient 2345 o/p RTCEd RTCEd %/DegC piRTCEd ptReal Rot or Steel Eddycurrent loss temperature coefficient 2346 o/p Esb Esb V piEsb ptReal EMF generated by stator slot bridge flux 2347 o/p RTC_OC RTC_OC sec piRTC_OC ptReal Ope n-circuit rotor time-constant 2348 o/p UMP UMP kg piUMP ptReal Unb alanced magnetic pull due to rotor eccentricity 2349 o/p EROD1 EROD1 mm piEROD1 ptReal Out side diameter of end-ring 1 2350 o/p EROD2 EROD2 mm piEROD2 ptReal Out side diameter of end-ring 2 2351 o/p PNL PNL W piPNL ptReal Noload power 2352 o/p PBrk PBrk W piPBrk ptReal Bre akdown power (electrical) 2353 o/p rpmBrk rpmBrk rpm pirpmBrk ptReal Bre akdown speed (electrical) 2354 o/p JcmA JcmA cmil/A piJcmA ptReal Cir cular mils per ampere 2355 o/p BWDia_1 BWDia_1 mm piBWDia_1 ptReal Wir e #1: Bare Wire Diameter

2356 o/p BWArea_1 BWArea_1 mm^2 piBWArea_1 ptReal Wir e #1: Area of one strand of bare wire 2357 o/p mGap mGap mm pimGap ptReal Mag netic gap 2358 o/p XLL_NL XLL_NL ohm piXLL_NL ptReal App arent line-line reactance at no-load 2359 o/p EffTotal EffTotal % piEffTotal ptReal Tot al efficiency of wound-rotor machine (Pshaft : PET) 2360 o/p HBWDia_1 HBWDia_1 mm piHBWDia_1 ptReal Wir e #1: diameter over heavy build insulation 2361 o/p Jmain Jmain A/mm^2 piJmain ptReal RMS current-density in main winding 2362 o/p BWDia_2 BWDia_2 mm piBWDia_2 ptReal Wir e #2: Bare Wire Diameter 2363 o/p BWArea_2 BWArea_2 mm^2 piBWArea_2 ptReal Wir e #2: Area of one strand of bare wire 2364 o/p Not_Used Not_Used mm^2 piNot_Used_MainACond2 ptRe al Not used 2365 o/p Not_Used Not_Used mm^2 piNot_Used_MainACu2 ptReal Not used 2366 o/p WFeSCan WFeSCan W piWFeSCan ptReal Sum of iron loss and stator can loss, WIron + WDCan 2367 o/p HBWDia2 HBWDia2 mm piHBWDia2 ptReal Wir e #2: Wire diameter over heavy build insulation 2368 o/p alpha_LT alpha_LT pialpha_LT ptReal Eff ective turns-ratio for transforming from L to T equiv. cct. 2369 o/p PF_mt PF_mt piPF_mt ptReal Pow er factor of tapped part of main winding 2370 o/p PF_mu PF_mu piPF_mu ptReal Pow er factor of untapped part of main winding 2371 o/p PF_a PF_a piPF_a ptReal Pow er factor of auxiliary winding 2372 o/p AvSFn AvSFn piAvSFn ptReal Ave rage of per slot SFn values 2373 o/p AvSFg AvSFg piAvSFg ptReal Ave rage of per slot SFg values 2374 o/p VLL1rms VLL1rms V piVLL1rms ptReal RMS line-line voltage in drive simulation 2375 o/p IDCwfm IDCwfm A piIDCwfm ptReal Mea n current in DC link 2376 o/p Twfm Twfm Nm piTwfm ptReal Mea n electromagnetic torque 2377 o/p Tloop Tloop Nm piTloop ptReal Mea n electromagnetic torque from i-psi loop area 2378 o/p IW1rms IW1rms A piIW1rms ptReal RMS fundamental phase current 2379 o/p IL1rms IL1rms A piIL1rms ptReal RMS fundamental line current 2380 o/p dsPhi1 dsPhi1 deg pidsPhi1 ptReal Fun damental power-factor angle from dynamic simulation 2381 o/p dsPF1 dsPF1 pidsPF1 ptReal Fun damental power-factor from dynamic simulation 2382 o/p VdcMean VdcMean V piVdcMean ptReal Mea n DC voltage at inverter terminals 2383 o/p IdcMean IdcMean A piIdcMean ptReal Mea n current in DC link, computed by power balance 2384 o/p R_cta R_cta C/W piR_cta ptReal The rmal resistance of air film between slot liner and tooth 2385 o/p R_cya R_cya C/W piR_cya ptReal The rmal resistance of air film between slot liner and slot bottom

2386 o/p iFQ_1 iFQ_1 W piiFQ_1 t transfer from node F to airflow (drive end) 2387 o/p iEQ_1 iEQ_1 W piiEQ_1 t transfer from node E to airflow (drive end) 2388 o/p iRQ_1 iRQ_1 W piiRQ_1 t transfer from node R to air flow (drive end) 2389 o/p iFQ_2 iFQ_2 W piiFQ_2 t transfer from node F to airflow (opposite drive end) 2390 o/p iEQ_2 iEQ_2 W piiEQ_2 t transfer from node E to airflow (opposite drive end) 2391 o/p iRQ_2 iRQ_2 W piiRQ_2 t transfer from node R to airflow (opposite drive end) 2392 o/p To_1 To_1 C piTo_1 rature of air at outlet (drive end) 2393 o/p To_2 To_2 C piTo_2 rature of air at outlet (opposite drive end) 2394 o/p T_e1 T_e1 C piT_e1 rature at end-winding : drive end 2395 o/p T_e2 T_e2 C piT_e2 rature at end-winding : opposite drive end 2396 o/p q_e1 q_e1 W piq_e1 t generation at end-winding : drive end 2397 o/p q_e2 q_e2 W piq_e2 t generation at end-winding : opposite drive end 2398 o/p WCuRbars WCuRbars W piWCuRbars s in rotor bars 2399 o/p WCuRends WCuRends W piWCuRends s in rotor end-rings 2400 o/p PCF PCF mm piPCF n perimeter of centroid filament of arbor-wound coil-group 2401 o/p Rcf Rcf ohm piRcf itive-sequence core-loss resistance used with SymmCpts 2402 o/p Rcb Rcb ohm piRcb ative-sequence core-loss resistance used with SymmCpts 2403 o/p T_f1 T_f1 C piT_f1 rature at drive-end of frame 2404 o/p T_f2 T_f2 C piT_f2 rature at opposite-drive-end of frame 2405 o/p T_r1 T_r1 C piT_r1 rature at drive-end of rotor 2406 o/p T_r2 T_r2 C piT_r2 rature at opposite-drive-end of rotor 2407 o/p q_f1 q_f1 W piq_f1 t generation at drive-end of frame 2408 o/p q_f2 q_f2 W piq_f2 t generation at opposite drive end of frame 2409 o/p q_r1 q_r1 W piq_r1 t generation at drive-end of rotor bars 2410 o/p q_r2 q_r2 W piq_r2 t generation at opposite drive end of rotor bars 2411 o/p q_d q_d W piq_d t generation at node D (rotor bars) 2412 o/p R_dr R_dr C/W piR_dr rmal resistance from node D (rotor bars) to node R (rotor body) 2413 o/p T_d T_d C piT_d bar temperature, node D 2414 o/p i_dr i_dr W pii_dr t transfer from node D (bars) to node R (rotor body) 2415 o/p Tmax_F Tmax_F C piTmax_F emperature along frame

ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Los ptReal Los ptReal Mea ptReal Pos ptReal Neg ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal Hea ptReal The ptReal Rotor ptReal Hea ptReal Max t

2416 o/p Tmax_C Tmax_C C piTmax_C emperature along stator conductors 2417 o/p Tmax_R Tmax_R C piTmax_R emperature along rotor conductors 2418 o/p uTmax_F uTmax_F piuTmax_F ition of Max temperature along frame 2419 o/p uTmax_C uTmax_C piuTmax_C ition of Max temperature along stator conductors 2420 o/p uTmax_R uTmax_R piuTmax_R ition of Max temperature along rotor conductors 2421 o/p Tmid_F Tmid_F C piTmid_F rature at mid-point of frame 2422 o/p Tmid_C Tmid_C C piTmid_C rature at mid-point of stator conductors 2423 o/p Tmid_R Tmid_R C piTmid_R rature at mid-point of rotor conductors 2424 o/p Tshaft Tshaft Nm piTshaft ft torque (formerly TorqSh) 2425 o/p Pshaft Pshaft W piPshaft ft power (formerly PowerSh) 2426 o/p R_yfa R_yfa C/W piR_yfa film component of yoke-to-frame thermal resistance 2427 o/p i_e1C i_e1C W pii_e1C al heat conduction out of conductors at drive end 2428 o/p i_e2C i_e2C W pii_e2C al heat conduction out of conductors at opposite drive end 2429 o/p i_f1F i_f1F W pii_f1F al heat conduction out of frame at drive end 2430 o/p i_f2f i_f2f W pii_f2F al heat conduction out of frame at opposite drive end 2431 o/p i_r1D i_r1D W pii_r1D al heat conduction out of rotor bars at drive end 2432 o/p i_r2D i_r2D W pii_r2D al heat conduction out of rotor bars at opposite drive end 2433 o/p h_yf h_yf W/mC pih_yf ansfer coefft. from stator yoke to frame 2434 o/p h_cy h_cy W/mC pih_cy ansfer coefft. from stator conductors to stator yoke 2435 o/p h_dr h_dr W/mC pih_dr ansfer coefft. from rotor bars to rotor yoke 2436 o/p TEF_1 TEF_1 C piTEF_1 mediate air temperature between E and F, drive end 2437 o/p TRE_1 TRE_1 C piTRE_1 mediate air temperature between R and E, drive end 2438 o/p TEF_2 TEF_2 C piTEF_2 mediate air temperature between E and F, opposite drive end 2439 o/p TRE_2 TRE_2 C piTRE_2 mediate air temperature between R and E, opposite drive end 2440 o/p AF_DE AF_DE mm^2 piAF_DE ced-air cooling area at node F, drive end 2441 o/p AE_DE AE_DE mm^2 piAE_DE ced-air cooling area at node E, drive end 2442 o/p AR_DE AR_DE mm^2 piAR_DE ced-air cooling area at node R, drive end 2443 o/p AF_ODE AF_ODE mm^2 piAF_ODE ced-air cooling area at node F, opposite drive end 2444 o/p AE_ODE AE_ODE mm^2 piAE_ODE ced-air cooling area at node E, opposite drive end 2445 o/p AR_ODE AR_ODE mm^2 piAR_ODE ced-air cooling area at node R, opposite drive end

ptReal Max t ptReal Max t ptReal Pos ptReal Pos ptReal Pos ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Tempe ptReal Sha ptReal Sha ptReal Air ptReal Axi ptReal Axi ptReal Axi ptReal Axi ptReal Axi ptReal Axi ptReal Heat tr ptReal Heat tr ptReal Heat tr ptReal Inter ptReal Inter ptReal Inter ptReal Inter ptReal For ptReal For ptReal For ptReal For ptReal For ptReal For

2446 o/p EWG EWG piEWG ptReal Equ ivalent wire gauge (MWG) 2447 o/p Sleeve Sleeve mm piSleeve ptReal Sle eve dimension for lap-wound coils 2448 o/p R1_eqy R1_eqy ohm piR1_eqy ptReal R1 (per phase, equivalent wye) 2449 o/p R2_eqy R2_eqy ohm piR2_eqy ptReal R2 (per phase, equivalent wye) 2450 o/p Rc_eqy Rc_eqy ohm piRc_eqy ptReal Rc (per phase, equivalent wye) 2451 o/p X1_eqy X1_eqy ohm piX1_eqy ptReal X1 (per phase, equivalent wye) 2452 o/p X2_eqy X2_eqy ohm piX2_eqy ptReal X2 (per phase, equivalent wye) 2453 o/p Xm_eqy Xm_eqy ohm piXm_eqy ptReal Xm (per phase, equivalent wye) 2454 o/p R2_L R2_L ohm piR2_L ptReal R2 (per phase, equivalent wye, L circuit) 2455 o/p Rc_L Rc_L ohm piRc_L ptReal Rc (per phase, equivalent wye, L circuit) 2456 o/p X2_test X2_test ohm piX2_test ptReal X2 (per phase, equivalent wye, from test data) 2457 o/p XL_L XL_L ohm piXL_L ptReal XL (per phase, equivalent wye, L circuit) 2458 o/p Xm_L Xm_L ohm piXm_L ptReal Xm (per phase, equivalent wye, L circuit) 2459 o/p R2_test R2_test ohm piR2_test ptReal R2 (per phase, equivalent wye, from test data) 2460 o/p Rc_test Rc_test ohm piRc_test ptReal Rc (per phase, equivalent wye, from test data) 2461 o/p X1_test X1_test ohm piX1_test ptReal X1 (per phase, equivalent wye, from test data) 2462 o/p XL_test XL_test ohm piXL_test ptReal XL (per phase, equivalent wye, from test data) 2463 o/p Xm_test Xm_test ohm piXm_test ptReal Xm (per phase, equivalent wye, from test data) 2464 o/p fM1 fM1 Hz pifM1 ptReal Res onance frequency - Mode 1 (rotor transversal vibration) 2465 o/p fM1RMa05 fM1RMa05 Hz pifM1RMa05 ptReal Res onance frequency - Mode 1 HALF ROTOR STEEL AND BAR MASS (rotor transversal vibra tion) 2466 o/p AXXslEsB AXXslEsB piAXXslEsB ptReal Act ual Ratio for (Esb/I1+Xslot)/Xslot 2467 o/p Xg_norot Xg_norot Ohm piXg_norot ptReal Sel f reactance when there is no rotor 2468 o/p Xnorotor Xnorotor Ohm piXnorotor ptReal Tot al phase reactance when there is no rotor 2469 o/p AVZCNL AVZCNL V piAVZCNL ptReal Vol tage accross capacitor at noload 2470 o/p AVAUXNL AVAUXNL V piAVAUXNL ptReal Vol tage accross auxiliary winding at noload 2471 o/p VAuxPU VAuxPU V piVAuxPU ptReal PIC K UP - Voltage Vaux at Brkdown torque point (Using C_start) 2472 o/p VauxDO VauxDO V piVauxDO ptReal DRO POUT - Voltage Vaux at Brkdown torque point (Using C_run) 2473 o/p VauxLR VauxLR V piVauxLR ptReal Loc ked rotor voltage accross Auxiliary winding 2474 o/p DTaux DTaux DegC piDTaux ptReal Aux winding temperature rise 2475 o/p ShFluxpu ShFluxpu p.u. piShFluxpu ptReal Fra

ction of flux passing through shaft 2476 o/p StatorID StatorID mm piStatorID ptReal Ins ide diameter of stator lamination, = 2 * R1g 2477 o/p RotorID RotorID mm piRotorID ptReal Ins ide diameter of rotor lamination, = 2 * Rad0 2478 o/p AHT_R1 AHT_R1 mm^2 piAHT_R1 ptReal Hea t-transfer area at node R1 : Rotor end-rings, Drive end 2479 o/p AHT_R2 AHT_R2 mm^2 piAHT_R2 ptReal Hea t-transfer area at node R2 : Rotor end-rings, Opposite-Drive end 2480 o/p AHT_E1 AHT_E1 mm^2 piAHT_E1 ptReal Hea t-transfer area at node E1 : Stator end-windings, Drive end 2481 o/p AHT_E2 AHT_E2 mm^2 piAHT_E2 ptReal Hea t-transfer area at node E2 : Stator end-windings, Opposite-Drive end 2482 o/p AHT_F1 AHT_F1 mm^2 piAHT_F1 ptReal Hea t-transfer area at node F1 : Stator frame, Drive end 2483 o/p AHT_F2 AHT_F2 mm^2 piAHT_F2 ptReal Hea t-transfer area at node F2 : Stator frame, Opposite-Drive end 2484 o/p MLT_R MLT_R mm piMLT_R ptReal Mea n length of turn in one coil of wound rotor 2485 o/p RLL20_R RLL20_R ohm piRLL20_R ptReal Rot or phase resistance at 20C 2486 o/p RCoil20R RCoil20R ohm piRCoil20R ptReal Res istance of one rotor coil at 20 C 2487 o/p kw1R kw1R pikw1R ptReal Fun damental harmonic winding factor .. rotor winding 2488 o/p Tph_R Tph_R piTph_R ptReal Tot al turns in series per phase, in rotor winding 2489 o/p Rph_R Rph_R ohm piRph_R ptReal Rot or winding resistance per phase at temperature T_r 2490 o/p CoilPh_R CoilPh_R piCoilPh_R ptReal Coi ls in series per phase, in rotor winding 2491 o/p RphR_eqY RphR_eqY ohm piRphR_eqY ptReal Equ ivalent-wye rotor resistance per phase at temperature T_r 2492 o/p RX_eqY RX_eqY ohm piRX_eqY ptReal Equ ivalent-wye external rotor resistance per phase 2493 o/p RphRXeqY RphRXeqY ohm piRphRXeqY ptReal Equ ivalent-wye total rotor resistance per phase 2494 o/p ACond_R ACond_R mm^2 piACond_R ptReal Cro ss-section of one rotor conductor 2495 o/p Emain Emain V piAEmain ptReal EMF in main winding 2496 o/p AEaux AEaux V piAEaux ptReal EMF in auxiliary winding 2497 o/p I1p I1p A rms piI1p ptReal Pos itive-sequence current : stator [A rms] 2498 o/p I1n I1n A rms piI1n ptReal Neg ative-sequence current : stator [A rms] 2499 o/p I2p I2p A rms piI2p ptReal Pos itive-sequence current : rotor [A rms] 2500 o/p I2n I2n A rms piI2n ptReal Nea gtive-sequence current : rotor [A rms] 2501 o/p SFn_R SFn_R piSFn_R ptReal Net slot-fill factor; wound rotor 2502 o/p SFg_R SFg_R piSFg_R ptReal Gro ss slot-fill factor; wound rotor 2503 o/p DWAkgm3 DWAkgm3 ? piDWAkgm3 ptReal Densi ty of wire in stator winding (Wire_A) 2504 o/p TFRho_WA TFRho_WA ? piTFRho_WA ptReal Ratio of copper resistivity (Wire_A) between WdgTemp and 20 deg-C 2505 o/p RhoT_WA RhoT_WA ? piRhoT_WA ptReal Resis

tivity of Wire_A at operating temperature [ohm-m] 2506 o/p Wt_W1 Wt_W1 ? piWt_W1 ptReal Weigh t of stator winding (Wire_1) 2507 o/p Wt_W2 Wt_W2 ? piWt_W2 ptReal Weigh t of stator winding (Wire_2) 2508 o/p VZC_BRK VZC_BRK V piVZC_BRK ptReal Vol tage accross capacitor at Break-down 2509 o/p VZC_LR VZC_LR V piVZC_LR ptReal Vol tage accross capacitor at Locked-Rotor 2510 o/p P2Brk P2Brk W piP2Brk ptReal Sha ft power at Break-down 2511 o/p TplsNL TplsNL Nm piTplsNL ptReal "10 0 Hz" splitphase torque ripple at noload 2512 o/p TOTLOSNL TOTLOSNL W piTOTLOSNL ptReal Tot alloss at Noload 2513 o/p B_width B_width mm piB_width ptReal Wid th of stator slot, at tooth top corners 2514 o/p Rcir Rcir mm piRcir ptReal Rad ius of circle in slotbottom that is tangent to tooth 2515 o/p Xcir Xcir mm piXcir ptReal Cen ter X coordinate of circle in slotbottom that is tangent to tooth 2516 o/p Ycir Ycir mm piYcir ptReal Cen ter Y coordinate of circle in slotbottom that is tangent to tooth 2517 o/p ARslotLL ARslotLL mm^2 piARslotLL ptReal Net winding area in rotor slot (= ARslot less liner and other insulation) 2518 o/p VCR VCR V piVCR ptReal RMS voltage drop in collector ring/brush contact, per phase 2519 o/p PCR PCR W piPCR ptReal Tot al power loss in collector rings/brush contacts 2520 o/p PXR PXR W piPXR ptReal Pow er at external terminals of rotor; if positive, power flows from slip-rings to f requency-converter 2521 o/p QXR QXR W piQXR ptReal Rea ctive power at external terminals of rotor; if positive, reactive power flows fr om slip-rings to frequency-converter 2522 o/p IXR IXR A piIXR ptReal RMS current at external rotor terminals 2523 o/p ZXR ZXR ohm piZXR ptReal Rea l part of equivalent external rotor impedance 2524 o/p ZXX ZXX ohm piZXX ptReal Ima ginary part of external equivalent rotor impedance 2525 o/p phIXR phIXR piphIXR ptReal Phase angle of external rotor current 2526 o/p E1R E1R V piE1R ptReal Vol tage across magnetizing branch referred to rotor 2527 o/p E1Rd E1Rd V piE1Rd ptReal Rea l component of E1R (induced voltage/phase in rotor circuit) 2528 o/p E1Rq E1Rq V piE1Rq ptReal Ima ginary component of E1R (induced voltage/phase in rotor circuit) 2529 o/p PET PET W piPET ptReal Tot al electrical power at supply terminals 2530 o/p ESOR ESOR mm piESOR ptReal Eff ective rotor slot-opening due to saturation 2531 o/p ETGD ETGD mm piETGD ptReal Not used 2532 o/p EMT1 EMT1 Nm piEMT1 ptReal Fun damental harmonic torque 2533 o/p EMT3 EMT3 Nm piEMT3 ptReal 3rd harmonic torque 2534 o/p EMT5 EMT5 Nm piEMT5 ptReal 5th

harmonic torque 2535 o/p EMT7 EMT7 harmonic torque 2536 o/p ERVol1 ERVol1 ume of end-ring 1 2537 o/p ERVol2 ERVol2 ume of end-ring 2 2538 o/p RBifmain RBifmain tor by which bifilar winding increases 2539 o/p RBifAux RBifAux tor by which bilifar winding increases 2540 o/p LastOutput LastOutput

Nm m3 m3

piEMT7 piERVol1 piERVol2

ptReal 7th ptReal Vol ptReal Vol

piRBifmain ptReal Fac the main winding resistance piRBifAux ptReal Fac the auxiliary winding resistance piLastOutput ptReal

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