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Bank of Maharashtra General Awareness Exam 2008

1. The Govt. of India has taken a decision to open three more IITs during the year 2008-09. These IITs wi !e in which of the fo owing groups of "tates # $%& 'ihar( )a*asthan( %ndhra +radesh $'& %ndhra +radesh( ,rissa( -arnataka $.& -arnataka( Tami /adu( -era a $0& 1ttar +radesh( 2adhya +radesh( 'ihar $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& 2. 5hich of the fo owing is6are not the high ights of the 1nion 'udget 2008-09 # 1. % )isk .apita 7und is to !e set up and maintained !y one of the financia institutes. 2. % ocation for 0efence is reduced !y 108 to make it )s. 10(000 crore. 9. "evera new schemes to !e introduced for providing socia security to the peop e in unorgani:ed sectors. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& 'oth 1 and 2 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $'& 9. To he p farming community the Govt. of India has decided to raise the 2inimum support price of paddy for current -harif marketing season. 5hat is that price # $%& )s. 800 per ;uinta $'& )s. 900 per ;uinta $.& )s. 9<0 per ;uinta $0& )s. 1200 per ;uinta $3& /one of these %ns 4 $3& =. 5hich of the fo owing is the correct definition of the term commercia papers # 1. It is nothing !ut the popu ar name of the >udicia stamp papers used to register financia transactions. 2. It is one of the instruments through which .orporates raise de!t from the market. 9. It is the name of the ?.ertificate of 0eposits@ provided !y the 'anks to its retai customers. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& 'oth 1 and 2 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $'& <. %s per the decision taken !y the Govt. of India two financia inc usion funds are set up with an overa corpus of )s. <00 crore each. These funds-7inancia Inc usion 7und and 7inancia Inc usion Techno ogy 7und are to !e set up !y the initia contri!ution made !y theAA $%& "I0'I( /%'%)0 and 1TI $'& /%'%)0( 1TI and )'I $.& Govt. of India( /%'%)0 and )'I $0& "I0'I( Govt. of India and I0'I 'ank $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.& B. %s per the )ai way 'udget 2008-09 the ,perating ratio of )ai ways is pitched at which of the fo owing eve s # %pproCimate yAA $%& D08 $'& D<8 $.& 988 $0& 908 $3& 818 %ns 4 $3& D. %s per the Govt. po icy the provision of the su!sidy for interest su!vention to co-operative "ugar 2i s is done !y which of the fo owing agencies 6 organi:ations # $%& .ommission for %gricu tura costs and prices $'& /ationa 'ank for %gricu ture and )ura 0eve opment $.& 2inistry of %gricu ture $0& /ationa .ommission on 7armers $3& /one of these %ns 4 $'&

8. 'anks these days have aunched a new scheme product known as ?)everse 2ortgage@. The scheme is designed keeping which of the fo owing groups of society in consideration # $%& Eoungsters who have *ust started earning $'& 0efence personne whose ife is a ways at high risk $.& "enior .iti:en $0& 5omen who do not have independent source of income $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.& 9. %s per the new figures re eased in recent past what has !een the ratio of taCes to Gross 0omestic +roduct $TaC-G0+& in 200D-08 # %pproCimate yAA $%& 88 $'& 98 $.& 108 $0& 11F<8 $3& 12F<8 %ns 4 $3& 10. 2any a times we read in the newspapers a term ?Got 2oney@. 5hich of the fo owing is the correct definition of Got 2oney # 1. This is the fund which is dumped into a country to get the advantage of a favoura! e interest rate and hence !rings higher returns. 2. This is the fund which is provided !y a !ank in 1" H at very short notice and at a very high rate of interest and for a onger period of repayment. 9. This is the fund which is pushed into market through Gawa a or some other such i ega methods and sometimes referred a so as ' ack 2oney. $%& ,n y 1 is correct $'& 'oth 1 and 2 are correct $.& ,n y 9 is correct $0& 'oth 1 and 9 are true $3& ,n y 2 is correct %ns 4 $%& 11. %s per the report re eased in the press the Govt. of India has done a study on "pecia 3conomic Iones. 5hich of the fo owing is6are the high ights of the reports # 1. )eport says that "3Is shou d not !e given much preference !y the po icy makers. 2. "tudy says that the end !enefit in the neCt few years may !e of the tune of )s. 1(<0(000 crores which wi !e much higher than the estimated revenue osses. 9. "ince new "3Is are deve oped !y the +rivate "ector the investment for infrastructura deve opment is ike a net saving for the Govt. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& 'oth 2 and 9 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.& 12. %s per the new figures re eased !y the Govt. agencies the 7oreign 0irect Investment inf ow to India is at higher eve and has increased su!stantia y in recent past. 5hich of the fo owing is6are the contri!utory factors which has6have he ped in this record growth # 1. +rogressive de icensing of various sectors. 2. "imp ification of !usiness procedures in India. 9. "u! +rime crisis in 1"%. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& 'oth 1 and 2 $0& ,n y 9 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $.& 19. 5hich of the fo owing .ompanies has got J/avratna "tatus@ recent y # $%& /ationa 2inera 0eve opment .orporation $/20.& $'& /ationa TeCti e .orporation $/T.& $.& 2aruti 1dyog Ktd. $0& I0'I 'ank Ktd. $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%&

1=. The rea return to the investor sometimes gets reduced due to sudden rise in the prices of the commodities. This phenomenon in financia market is known asA $%& 2arket risk $'& Inf ation risk $.& .redit risk $0& 0iversification of funds $3& /one of these %ns 4 $'& 1<. In the recent times the )'I and "ecurities and 3Cchange 'oard of India $"3'I& have taken various steps to contro the f ow of capita in Indian economy. 5hich of the fo owing is6are not inc uded in these step$s& # 1. Guide ines are issued to restrict unregu ated overseas investors through ?p-notes@. 2. )s. B0(000 crores out of this fund is !eing provided to waive the oans on farmers. 9. 'orrowers raising eCterna commercia !orrowings of over H 20 mi ion wou d have to park the proceeds overseas for use as foreign currency eCpenditure. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& 'oth 1 and 9 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $3& 1B. 5hich of the fo owing countries has recent y made an agreement with the 5or d Trade ,rgani:ation which wi a ow it to *oin the same as a permanent mem!er # $%& )ussia $'& %fghanistan $.& Iam!ia $0& 1ganda $3& 1kraine %ns 4 $3& 1D. +rime 2inister of India on his visit to .hina a few months !ack signed a detai ed agreement with the same. 5hat is6are the ma*or high ights of the agreement # 1. 'oth the countries agreed to continue high eve eCchange of views. Indian +resident is invited to .hina. 2. India to host *oint mi itary eCercise in 2008. 9. India has decided to raise the issue of Ti!et in 1/,. .hina has agreed for the same. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& 'oth 1 and 2 $0& ,n y 9 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $.& 18. %s per the reports in the eading newspapers "ecurities and 3Cchange 'oard of India $"3'I& has asked the 2utua 7und industry to stop ?2isse ing@ their schemes to investors. 5hat is ?2isse ing@ of products # 1. 2isse ing takes p ace when mutua funds are so d without te ing the ike y returns. 2. 5hen agents se the products without te ing investors what are the risks invo ved in investing in mutua funds. 9. 5hen agents invest some!ody@s money in mutua funds without their know edge( it is ca ed misse ing. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& % 1( 2 and 9 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $'& 19. %s per the news report "3'I has a owed short se ing !y 7Is627s from 7e!ruary 1( 2008. 5hat is ?short se ing@ # 1. "e ing of shares that the se er does not own at the time of trading. 2. "e ing of shares on the same day or on the day they were a otted to the trader. 9. "e ing of shares on a much ower price due to tur!u ent market situations. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& % 1( 2 and 9 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%&

20. 5hich of the fo owing countries is governed !y the /orweigianmediated ceasefire %greement to end its dispute with a group of re!e ions # $%& /epa $'& 2yanmar $.& %fghanistan $0& "ri Kanka $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& 21. The 1"%( as reported in the eading newspapers is proceeding towards ?recession@. 5hat happens when an economy goes in the grip of ?recession@ # 1. G0+ growth s ows down. 2. +eop e ose their *o!s. 9. 7oreign eCchange reserve goes up su!stantia y as ot of oans6grants start pouring in. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& ,n y 1 and 2 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& 22. The "ensitive IndeC of the 'om!ay "tock 3Cchange keeps on changing positive y and negative y !oth. 5hich of the fo owing is6are the main reasons which contri!ute for this sudden change in the same # 1. Gigher G0+ Growth. 2. .ontinuous 7oreign 7unds 7 ow. 9. Gigh Lo ume of 7oreC )eserves. =. )ecession in 1"%. $%& ,n y 1 and 2 $'& ,n y 2 and 9 $.& ,n y 9 and = $0& ,n y 2 $3& % 1( 2( 9 and = %ns 4 $'& 29. The >erusa em and +a estine made an agreement on their peace negotiations. 5hich of the fo owing is6are the points inc uded in the agreement # 1. There shou d !e an end to the occupation that !egan in 19BD. 2. The agreement must esta! ish +a estine as a home and for the +a estinian peop e *ust as Israe is the home and for >ewish peop e. 9. % the disputes shou d !e so ved with the mutua ta ks on y and in presence of 1" ,!servers. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& 'oth 1 and 2 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& 2=. 5ho amongst the fo owing agreed to supp y aircraft carrier ?Gorshkov@ to India for its defence services # $%& )ussia $'& 7rance $.& Germany $0& Ita y $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& 2<. The Govt. of India has decided to set up a .ommittee to redraft )ight to 3ducation 'i 200<. 5hat was6were the o!*ection$s& owing to which Govt. has to redraft the !i # 1. "tate Governments are re;uired to spend more money on education. "ince education is the responsi!i ity of centre and state !oth( eCpenditure shou d !e shared e;ua y !y !oth of them. 2. "tates were advised to ensure that a schoo is avai a! e at the distance of one km for each chi d. 9. .hi dren in .entra schoo s are not a owed to get free education whereas schoo s run !y "tates were asked to ensure that. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& 'oth 1 and 2 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $'&

2B. %s per newspaper reports outsourcing has !ecome a profita! e !usiness in India and countries ike .hina are trying to earn a!out it from India. 5hat are the main factors which has6have he ped India in attaining this position # 1. %vai a!i ity of ski ed manpower in a!undance. 2. -now edge of 3ng ish anguage. 9. % switch over from farming to other sectors which are creating more *o! opportunities. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& 'oth 1 and 2 $0& ,n y 9 $3& % 1( 2 and 9 %ns 4 $.& 2D. 5ho amongst the fo owing esta! ished the ?%nandvan@ a reha!i itation centre for Keprosy patients in 2aharashtra # $%& 'a!a %mte $'& +andurang "hashtri %thaw e $.& 2edha +atkar $0& %saram 'a!u $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& 28. Thaksin "hinawatra@s name is associated with which of the fo owing countries # $%& "ingapore $'& Thai and $.& /orth -orea $0& "outh -orea $3& /one of these %ns 4 $'& 29. 'hupen Ga:arika is the recipient of the Kife Time %chievement %ward and is provided the status of a .a!inet 2inister. 5hich of the fo owing "tate Govt. has honoured him in this manner # $%& ,rissa $'& %ssam $.& 5est 'enga $0& 2aharashtra $3& /one of these %ns 4 $'& 90. The first ever Eouth , ympic Games are schedu ed to !e he d in 2010. These games wi !e organi:ed inAA $%& 2oscow $'& /ew 0e hi $.& 'ei*ing $0& -ua a Kumpur $3& /one of these %ns 4 $3& 91. 5ho amongst the fo owing has taken over as the +resident of "er!ia # $%& )au .astro $'& "teven "pie !erg $.& 'oris Tadic $0& >oes 2anue )amos Gorta $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.& 92. Internationa 0esert 7estiva 2008 was organi:ed in 7e!ruary 2008 inAA $%& 'hu* $'& Ganganagar $.& 'ikaner $0& >aise mer $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& 99. 5ho amongst the fo owing is the recipient of the ?-ishore -umar %ward@ given !y the 2adhya +radesh Govt. # $%& "ha!ana %:mi $'& %mita!h 'achchan $.& 2ano* -umar $0& 0ev %nand $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.&

9=. The 1nder 19 .ricket 5or d .up 2008 was won !y which of the fo owing teams # $%& 2a aysia $'& India $.& +akistan $0& %ustra ia $3& 3ng and %ns 4 $'& 9<. 5hy was the name of %nato yevich 2edvedev in news recent y # $%& Ge has taken over as the +resident of )ussia $'& Ge has taken over as the +rime 2inister of )ussia $.& Ge is the new +resident of "outh -orea $0& Ge is the new +rime 2inister of "outh -orea $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& 9B. 5ho amongst the fo owing was the .hief Guest in India@s )epu! ic 0ay function # $%& "amak "undarave* $'& Gordon 'rown $.& 'oris Tadic $0& /ico as "arko:y $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& 9D. The Genera 3 ections in Iran are due in 2008. Iran e ects its +ar iament for a period ofAA $%& 2 years on y $'& 9 years on y $.& = years on y $0& < years on y $3& B years on y %ns 4 $.& 98. 5hich of the fo owing states tops in primary( upper primary education in India # $%& Tami /adu $'& Garyana $.& Gu*arat $0& -era a $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& 99. 5ho amongst the fo owing is the recipient of +adma Li!hushan given away recent y # $%& %nu 2a ik $'& "han $.& %sha 'hos e $0& "onu /igam $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.& =0. Kuciana %ymar who was ad*udged the 5or d Gockey + ayer 200D is from which of the fo owing countries # $%& Germany $'& %rgentina $.& Ita y $0& )ussia $3& /one of these %ns 4 $'& =1. 5hich of the fo owing "tate Governments has decided to provide ownership )ights to Tri!a s over forest and !eing cu tivated !y them since ast 10 years. $%& 2adhya +radesh $'& 1ttar +radesh $.& 2aharashtra $0& %ndhra +radesh $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& =2. 5ho amongst the fo owing p ayers has comp eted 1B000 runs in ,ne day Internationa .ricket matches recent y # $%& %ni -um! e $'& )ahu 0ravid $.& "ourav Gangu y $0& Irfan +athan $3& "achin Tendu kar %ns 4 $3&

=9. The 11th 7ive Eear + an wishes to raise the eCisting 28 growth in agricu ture and a ied activities to which of the fo owings eve s !y the year 2012 # $%& 88 $'& B8 $.& <8 $0& =8 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $0& ==. %s a po icy the )eserve 'ank of India wishes to contain inf ation at which of the fo owing eve s # $%& <8 $'& =.<8 $.& =8 $0& B8 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& =<. The current trend in %gricu tura sector in India is a matter of concern for the po icy makers these days as it is not showing the eCpected resu ts. 5hat is6are the ma*or areas of pro! em$s& !eing faced !y the farmers # 1. Irrigation faci ities are not enough. 2. 1se of chemica ferti i:ers has !ad y affected the ferti ity of the and. 9. Govt. has reduced the su!sidy in the farming sector. Gence it is no more a profita! e activity. $%& ,n y 1 $'& ,n y 2 $.& ,n y 9 $0& % 1( 2 and 9 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& =B. 5hich of the fo owing committees recommended the reviva of .ooperative .redit institutions in states # $%& Laidyanathan .ommittee $'& )angara*an .ommittee $.& "achchar .ommittee $0& )akesh 2ohan .ommittee $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& =D. ?5or d 0ay for 5ater@ is o!served on which of the fo owing days # $%& 2arch 22 $'& 7e!ruary 22 $.& >anuary 22 $0& 2ay 22 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $%& =8. %s we a know .hinese economy is a !ooming economy and its eCports have p ayed a significant ro e in it. 5hat was the share of .hina@s eCport as compared to its G0+ in 200D # $%& 208 $'& 908 $.& =08 $0& <08 $3& /one of these %ns 4 $.& =9. 0e hi won the )an*i Trophy for the seventh time in >anuary 2008 !y defeatingA $%& )ai ways $'& Garyana $.& 2aharashtra $0& Gu*arat $3& 1ttar +radesh %ns 4 $3& <0. Gagan /arang( who got a si ver meda in an internationa championship he d in 2unich( is a6anAA $%& 100 metre runner $'& 'adminton p ayer $.& .hess p ayer $0& "wimmer $3& %ir )if e shooter %ns 4 $3&

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