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Dear Parent/Guardian It will soon be that time of year again for the annual SBC Youth and Students

Weekend Away. Date: 14th-16th March 2014 Venue: Gartmore House Cost: 50 (+ cost of Saturday afternoon activity) (discounts are available for families with more than one child attending) (cheques should be made payable to Stirling Baptist Church) This year we will be doing things slightly different with Saturday afternoon being a time of optional activities. Options include: Go-Ape, high wire adventure -30 Swimming, MacDonald Resort - 10 Watching Six Nations Rugby on the big screen or other activities based at Gartmore House Free! Times: Meet at 6pm at Gartmore House on Friday and finish at 2pm on Sunday. (If you are having any difficulty with transport please let us know.) Speaker : Tara Devlin Things to bring: Bible!!!! Indoor trainers Outdoor shoes Swimming stuff Wash kit Towel Waterproofs Torch

Contact numbers (for more info and for over the weekend): Rosey McFarlane: 07894 503 174 David Gooding: 07889 631 119 Rob Fraser-Binns: 07889 631 113 If your child attended the lock-in at the end of 2013 then the church already have the relevant medical and contact information needed and as a result we only need the slip below. If not, or if important information has changed, then please also fill in a general consent form. ---------------------------------I give permission for ___________________________ to attend the Stirling Baptist Church Youth and Student Weekend Away to Gartmore House on the 14th - 16th March 2014. They would like to take part in: Go-Ape Swimming Free Activities Signed_________________________________________________ Relationship to young person_______________________ Date____________________________________________________

Stirling Baptist Church -Youth Department General Consent Form

Name of young person Date of birth Address

Known medical conditions

Allergies/dietary requirements

Primary Emergency contact Name Home number Mobile number Work number Secondary Emergency contact Name Home number Mobile number Work number Family Doctor GP Practice Phone number

General consent:
I . (parent/guardian) give permission for my young person, named above, to take part in Stirling Baptist Church youth activities. I understand that while involved in activities, my child will be under the control and care of the Leaders and that while they will take all reasonable care, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my young person during or as a result of any activity. In an emergency, I am willing for my young person to receive necessary medical, hospital or dental treatment including anesthetic. I also give consent to my child being photographed. Signed: Date:

Agreement to comply with Code of Good Behaviour:

Please discuss with your young person and indicate your agreement with the following Code of Good Behaviour by signing and returning the attached consent form: Show courtesy to leaders and peers, and report bullying immediately. Refrain from the use of foul language and excessive/improper physical contact. Never bring cigarettes, alcohol or drugs to any event. Treat the property of SBC and other young people with respect. Engage only in the appropriate and responsible use of mobile phones and other items of technology. Behave responsibly while travelling, and comply fully with instructions from those in charge (including the wearing of seat belts). Adhere to leaders instructions on appropriate access to allocated, single sex, sleeping areas. Accept that valuables are brought at the owners risk.

I, ................................................................ (parent/guardian) have read and understood the SBC Code of Good Behaviour. I have discussed this with my young person and accept that failure to comply will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken. (This may include being asked to collect my young person from the event). Signed: Date:

I, ................................................................ (young person) agree to the SBC Code of Good Behaviour. I understand fully that failure to comply will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken. Signed: Date:

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