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1>What are the major differences between ESX 3.5 and Vsphere?

The diffrence between ESX 3.5 and ESX 4 is substantially the arch they use. ESX 3.5 is x86 based (32bit) while ESX 4 is based n x86!64 (64bit). "t least ESX 4 is the newer #ersi n that fits int the $%ware #S&here en#ir n'ent( the lder ESX 3.x &r ducts are &art f the $%ware $irtual )nfrastructure ($)).
with ESX 4 yo wi!! "ain impro#ed performance as we!! as new feat res $ s ch as increased memory for the V%s increased to &5' ()* p to + #irt a! ,-.s* pto 1/ #irt a! 01cs with the new #irt a! hardware j st to name a few $

& What are the major differences between ESX and ESXi

The $%*are ESXi d es n t ha#e the +inux ,ernel that is used by the $%*are ESX. The ESXi has a 'uch s'aller dis, f t&rint c '&ared t the ESX. )t can run n 32'b f -a' whereas ESX needed 2./ -a' The ESXi is ften s ld as a built0in hy&er#is r( unli,e the the ESX. The ESXi re1uires 'uch fewer u&dates c '&ared t the ESX. The ESXi lac,s the c ns le that ' st ESX users
&> What is the proced re to p"rade from ESX 3.5 to Vsphere? 3> Wi!! 23 and 45S wor6 if Vcenter "oes down?
23 wi!! sti!! wor6 if its been confi" red #center is not re7 ired for 23 to f nction* on!y re7 ired to confi" e 23. 45S re7 ires #motion which is a #center f nction so it wi!! stop f nctionin". 89 im not 1//: b t i be!i#e its the same as 23 once confi" red thro "h #center it wi!! sti!! f nction if #center was to "o down. 9he primary and secondary #m e;chan"e heartbeats to ma6e s re both are a#ai!ab!e and if not then it fai!s o#er witho t the need of #center. b t if #center is na#ai!ab!e and and 89 has fai!ed to the secondary i be!ie#e yo wi!! need #center p and a#ai!ab!e to set it bac6 p.

5> What is Vmotion?

$%ware $% ti n enables the li#e 'i2rati n f runnin2 #irtual 'achines fr ' ne &hysical ser#er t an ther with 3er d wnti'e( c ntinu us ser#ice a#ailability( and c '&lete transacti n inte2rity. )t is trans&arent t users. $% ti n lets y u4

"ut 'atically &ti'i3e and all cate entire & ls f res urces f r 'axi'u' hardware utili3ati n and a#ailability. 5erf r' hardware 'aintenance with ut any scheduled d wnti'e. 5r acti#ely 'i2rate #irtual 'achines away fr ' failin2 r under&erf r'in2 ser#ers.

'> What are the prere7 isites to enab!e Vmotion?

The $% cann t be c nnected t a 670-8% r fl &&y dri#e that is usin2 an )S8 r fl &&y i'a2e st red n a dri#e that is l cal t the h st ser#er. The $%9s affinity 'ust n t be set (a,a( b und t &hysical 65:s). The $% 'ust n t be clustered with an ther $% (usin2 a cluster ser#ice li,e the %icr s ft 6luster Ser#ice (%S6S)). The tw ESX ser#ers in# l#ed 'ust use (the sa'e) shared st ra2e. The tw ESX ser#ers in# l#ed 'ust be c nnected #ia .i2abit Ethernet ( r better). The tw ESX ser#ers in# l#ed 'ust ha#e access t the sa'e &hysical netw r,s. The tw ESX ser#ers in# l#ed 'ust ha#e c '&atible 65:s.

<> Where do confi" re Vmotion$$ ,! ster =e#e!* 2ost !e#e!....? ,! ster =e#e! '> What are port "ro ps?

port groups is a network hubs connected to a single vswitch port. This actually makes sense for multiple reasons: All members of a port group share common attributes like a VLAN tag All members of a port group can see all of the packets sent by other members of this port group A port group is always connected to a single vswitch
<> 2ow many defa !t ports are created on insta!!ation of ESX 3.5? Vi c!ient>4irect? to ESX ser#er $ 443 Vi c!ient>4irect? to V% remote conso!e $ @/&*@/3 V1 c!ient>Via V,? to V% remote conso!e $ @/&*@/3 V1 c!ient>Via V,? to #irt a! center $ 443

#irt a! center to ESX ser#er $ 443 ESX ser#er to Virt a! center 3"ent 2eartbeat $ @/&>.4-? Vmotion from one ESX to another ESX $ +/// ESX comm nications $ @/& 9,-A.4V%23 to V%23 $ &/5/$&&5/ +/4&$+/45 9,-A.4ESX to 1S,S1 $ 3&'/ ESX to 08S $ &/4@ =icense Ser#er to ES; ser#er $ &</1/ B &</// '> What is defa !t port n mber for iS,S1? 3&'/ +> What are temp!ates?

" te'&late is a ;2 lden; c &y f a #irtual 'achine ($%) r2ani3ed by f lders and 'ana2ed with &er'issi ns. They9re useful because they act as a &r tected #ersi n f a ' del $% which can be used t create new $%s. "s a te'&late is the ri2inal and &erfect image f a &articular $%( it cann t be & wered n r run.

@> What are differences between con#ert to temp!ate and c!one to a temp!ate options* for a V%?
,!onin" $ to ma6e a comp!ete copy of the V%C9emp!ate with a new name somewhere e!se. ,!one to 9emp!ate $ to ma6e a comp!ete copy of a V% into a 9emp!ate ,on#ert to 9emp!ate $ ta6e a V% and t rn it into a 9emp!ate.

1/> What co !d be the ma;im m host fai! re in a c! ster?

ma;im m nodes in a c! ster for 23 was 1' whi!e it is 3& when on!y sin" 45S

11> what is the difference between Vsphere> V1 ,!ient? c!ient and Vcenter ? VCenter is the management application and licensing server. It's the vSphere replacement for the Virtual Infrastructure Client/VMware license server.They did away with the separate license server for version 4 and now vCenter has all the licensing !uilt in. vCenter does "#T provide you with the a!ility to host virtual machines you need vSphere for that. vCenter has two parts the server and the client. The server has the data!se and does all the wor$ the client can !e installed on several machines and connects to the vCenter server to manage your hosts/clusters/VMs 1&> What are the re7 irements to insta!! Vcenter? Windows ser#er Sp1 or X- sp&*Sho !d be in domain* 13> What is minim m hardware confi" rations to insta!! Vcenter?

Component Requirement 2.<.=3 r 2reater )ntel r "%7 x86 based &r cess r. )t is a best &ractice t 5r cess r use a faster &r cess r if the #6enter 7atabase runs n the sa'e ser#er. 2./ f -"%. "2ain( it is a best &ractice t use ' re -"% if the database is runnin2 n the sa'e ser#er. %e' ry The $%ware #6enter %ana2e'ent *ebser#ices re1uire fr ' >28%/ t >.5./ f additi nal 'e' ry. The 'e' ry is all cated at syste' startu&. " 'ini'u' f >./ f additi nal st ra2e is re1uired in additi n t the st ra2e re1uired f r the &eratin2 syste' installati n. )f the $%ware #6enter :&date %ana2er ser#ice is installed n the sa'e syste'( an additi nal 22./ 7atabase f s&ace is re1uired t acc '' date st ra2e f &atches. )f %icr s ft S?+ Ser#er 2<<5 Ex&ress is installed as the database( 2./ f dis, s&ace is re1uired durin2 the installati n( with >.5./ reclai'ed after the installati n is c '&lete. " ><<%/ netw r, c nnecti n can be used( but a >./ netw r, c nnecti n is @etw r,in2 rec ''ended.
14> When yo dep!oy 1/ Virt a! %achines from a temp!ate* and power p a!! the Virt a! %achines sim !taneo s!y* wi!! there be a IP conflict? 1f yes how to reso!#e this D What if 42,- ser#er is disab!ed D 3re there anythin" we can do to pre#ent an ip conf!ict on dep!oyin" Virt a! machines? Ees if we sysprep we can "et rid of this iss e. 15> What is Ser#ice ,onso!e? Why do yo need Ser#ice ,onso!e? Ser#ice conso!e is for mana"in" ESX hosts comm nication 1'> 4oes ser#ice conso!e wor6 on =in ; FS? 1<> What is V%6erne!? 1s Vm6erne! based on =in ; ?
The VMkernel is the kernel used by VMware ESX. It provides basic operating system services needed to support virtualization: hardware abstraction, hardware drivers, scheduler, memory allocator, filesystem (vmfs), and virtual machine monitor (vmm).

1+> What are different interfaces a#ai!ab!e to access an ESX host? Web access*V1 c!ient and Vcenter

$%ware $) *eb "ccess interface. The benefit t usin2 this is that y u 2et a .:) client f r y ur ESX ser#er with ut ha#in2 t install a client n y ur l cal 'achine. The d wnside t the web interface is that y u can nly &erf r' basic ESX functi ns li,e c ntr llin2 existin2 'achines (startAst &A&ause) and c ns le re' te access. B u cann t add new $%s( w r, with $% st ra2e( r $% netw r,s. Still( this is a 2reat interface if

y u Cust need t chec, the status f y ur ESX $%s( restart a $%( r use c ns le re' te c ntr l. $%ware $irtual )nfrastructure 6lient ($) 6lient) 4 The benefits t the $) client are that y u ha#e full access t d whate#er is needed n the ESX Ser#er and y u 2et a .:) client t d it in. The nly d wnside is that y u 'ust install the $) client a&&licati n t d this. = we#er( the installati n is ne2li2ible and the $) client is the abs lute best way t ad'inister y ur ESX Ser#er. E#en better( the $) client can be used with the $%ware $irtual 6enter Ser#er $6 Ser#er 4 Dr ' this $) $6 interface( y u can 'ana2e all ESX ser#ers( $% st ra2e( $% netw r,s( and ' re. $irtual 6enter( f c urse( is an &ti nal &r duct that re1uires additi nal licenses and hardware.

1@> When yo access an ESX 2ost thro "h V,enter or V1 c!ient* does it contact ser#ice conso!e or Vm6erne!? Ser#ice conso!e &/> 3re the chan"es we ma6e thro "h Vcenter or V1 c!ient* on ser#ice conso!e or V%6erne!? Ees &&> What do yo mean be reso rce poo!s? E;p!ain

" $%ware ESX -es urce & l is a & l f 65: and 'e' ry res urces. )nside the & l( res urces are all cated based n the 65: and 'e' ry shares that are defined. This & l can ha#e ass ciated access c ntr l and &er'issi ns.
&3> What is 01, teamin"* e;p!ain in brief the options it pro#ides?

3 01, team can share the !oad of traffic between physica! and #irt a! networ6s amon" some or a!! of its members* as we!! as pro#ide passi#e fai!o#er in the e#ent of a hardware fai! re or a networ6 o ta"e.

&4> What are different types of ,on#erstions?

VMware standalone Converter VMware vCenter Converter

&5> What do yo mean by conso!idate bac6 p?

$%ware 6 ns lidated /ac,u& is a &r xy ser#er that assisted with l cal area netw r,0free bac,u&s f #irtual 'achines ($%s). This c nfi2urati n eli'inates the bac,u& traffic fr ' a netw r,( freein2 u& ESX ser#er res urces f r $% &erf r'ance. =ere are the benefits f this(

6entrali3e bac,u&s f $%ware ESX $irtual Ser#ers 5r #ide file0le#el bac,u&s f $%ware ESX $irtual Ser#ers 0 b th full and incre'ental (file le#el bac,u& a#ailable t nly *ind ws 2uests) 5r #ide i'a2e0le#el bac,u&s 5re#ent y u fr ' ha#in2 t l ad a bac,u& a2ent n e#ery $irtual %achine 5re#ent y u fr ' ha#in2 t shutd wn $irtual %achines t 2et a bac,u& 5r #ides +"@0Dree bac,u& because the $6/ ser#er is c nnected t the S"@ thr u2h y ur fibre channel ada&t r 5r #ides centrali3ed st ra2e f $irtual Ser#er bac,u&s n the $6/ ser#er( that is then ' #ed t y ur bac,u& ta&es thr u2h the 3rd &arty bac,u& a2ent y u install -educes the l ad n the $%ware ESX ser#ers by n t ha#in2 t l ad a 3rd &arty bac,u& a2ent n either the $%ware ESX ser#ice c ns le r n each #irtual 'achine. :tili3es $%ware Sna&sh ts

&'> What are the disaster reco#ery options a#ai!ab!e in Vsphere or ESX 3.5? &<> what is 9hin -ro#isionin"? &@> What are the ma;im m n mber of e;tents that can added to a =.0?
%a; n mber of e;tents $ 3&

3/> What is 4-%* 45S* V%otion and 23 ? 4-% $ $%wareEs

7istributed 5 wer %ana2er (75%) is &art f $%wareEs 7istributed -es urce Scheduler (7-S). Fust as 7-S w r,s t &ti'i3e the res urce l ad acr ss 'ulti&le ESX h st ser#ers( 75% can fit int that by 'i2ratin2 $% 2uests ff f ser#ers that are n t in use and shut the h st syste' d wn.
45S $ 7-S is a ser#ice r feature that will dyna'ically all cate and balance c '&utin2 res urces acr ss the
h sts in a cluster

23 $ $%ware

=" (=i2h "#ailability) is a utility that eli'inates the need f r dedicated standby hardware and s ftware in a #irtuali3ed en#ir n'ent. The utility is &art f a #irtuali3ati n suite called $%ware )nfrastructure 3. )n )T (inf r'ati n techn l 2y)( the ter' hi2h a#ailability refers t a syste' r c '& nent that is c ntinu usly &erati nal f r l n2 &eri ds.

Gey features f $%ware =" include4

5r acti#e ' nit rin2 f all &hysical ser#ers and #irtual 'achines "ut 'atic detecti n f ser#er failure -a&id restart f #irtual 'achines affected by ser#er failure 8&ti'al &lace'ent f #irtual 'achines after ser#er failure Scalable a#ailability u& t 32 n des acr ss 'ulti&le ser#ers

33. What are reso rce poo!s B whats the ad#anta"e of imp!ementin" them?

" $%ware ESX -es urce & l is a & l f 65: and 'e' ry res urces. )nside the & l( res urces are all cated based n the 65: and 'e' ry shares that are defined. This & l can ha#e ass ciated access c ntr l and &er'issi ns.
34. E;p!ain why V%ware ESX Ser#er is preferred o#er Virt a! Ser#er or Wor6station for enterprise imp!ementation? 3<. E;p!ain ad#anta"es or feat res of Vmware Virt a! %achine 8i!e System >V%8S? ? V%wareGs V%8S is a fi!e system that wi!! a!!ow m !tip!e nodes or m !tip!e V%ware ESX ser#ers to read and write to the same =.0 or V%8S partition conc rrent!y.

$%ware $%DS ($irtual %achine Dile Syste') is a cluster file syste' that facilitates st ra2e #irtuali3ati n f r 'ulti&le installati ns f $%ware ESX Ser#er( a hy&er#is r that &artiti ns &hysical ser#ers int 'ulti&le #irtual 'achines. $%DS is &art f the #irtuali3ati n suite called $%ware )nfrastructure 3. *ith $%DS( new #irtual 'achines can be created with ut the #ersi2ht f a st ra2e ad'inistrat r. The si3e f a # lu'e can be chan2ed as needed with ut disru&tin2 netw r, &erati ns. %ulti&le installati ns f $%ware ESX Ser#er can be used t si'ultane usly write and read data t and fr ' a sin2le st ra2e l cati n. $%ware ESX ser#ers can be added r re' #ed fr ' a $%DS # lu'e with ut affectin2 ther h sts. The file and bl c, si3es can be adCusted t &ti'i3e the )A8 (in&utA ut&ut) functi nality f each #irtual 'achine. )n the e#ent f a ser#er failure( a distributed C urnalin2 file syste' all ws f r ra&id syste' rec #ery and &re#ents catastr &hic l ss f data.
3+. What are the types of datastores s pported in ESX3./ ?

=oca! 8ibre ,hanne! >8,? 1S,S1 >2ardware iniatiated? 1S,S1 >software iniatiated? 08S >08S c!ient is b i!t$in into ESX ser#er?

4/.What is Vmware ,onso!idate )ac6 p >V,)? ? E;p!ain yo r wor6 e;pos re in this area ?

6entrali3e bac,u&s f $%ware ESX $irtual Ser#ers 5r #ide file0le#el bac,u&s f $%ware ESX $irtual Ser#ers 0 b th full and incre'ental (file le#el bac,u& a#ailable t nly *ind ws 2uests) 5r #ide i'a2e0le#el bac,u&s 5re#ent y u fr ' ha#in2 t l ad a bac,u& a2ent n e#ery $irtual %achine 5re#ent y u fr ' ha#in2 t shutd wn $irtual %achines t 2et a bac,u& 5r #ides +"@0Dree bac,u& because the $6/ ser#er is c nnected t the S"@ thr u2h y ur fibre channel ada&t r 5r #ides centrali3ed st ra2e f $irtual Ser#er bac,u&s n the $6/ ser#er( that is then ' #ed t y ur bac,u& ta&es thr u2h the 3rd &arty bac,u& a2ent y u install -educes the l ad n the $%ware ESX ser#ers by n t ha#in2 t l ad a 3rd &arty bac,u& a2ent n either the $%ware ESX ser#ice c ns le r n each #irtual 'achine. :tili3es $%ware Sna&sh ts

41.2ow do yo confi" re Vmware Virt a! ,entre %ana"ement Ser#er for 23 B 45S ? What are the conditions to be satisfied for this set p ? 4&.E;p!ain yo r wor6 re!ated to be!ow terms H V% -ro#isionin"H 3!arms B E#en %ana"ementH 9as6 Sched !erH 2ardware ,ompatibi!ity =istH 43.What S30 or 03S bo;es ha#e yo confi" red V%ware with ? 2ow did yo do that ? 44. What 6ind of app!ications or set ps yo ha#e on yo Virt a! %achines? 45.2a#e yo e#er faced ESX ser#er crashin" and Virt a! ,entre Ser#er crash? 2ow do yo 6now the ca se of these crashes in these cases ?

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