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Handful of Stardust by Yvonne Whittal "You can't deny you enjoy my company!" Brett challenged.

Samantha wouldn't admit it. Perhaps she was starry-eyed about Cli e! though her "ather disli#ed him$ she was sure he was the only man in the world "or her. Brett Carrington had no right to critici%e her or Cli e& much less try to tell her she should marry him instead! 't ne er occurred to Samantha that Brett might be right. (or did she reali%e just how "ar he was prepared to pursue his campaign.... CHAPTER ONE EXUBERANT voices and the loud twanging of electric guitars fought for supremacy as Samantha Little and live !ilmot faced each other on the dimly lit terrace of the hotel" Both were e#ually fair$ %ut whereas live was tall and slender with his shoulders hunched in anger and his sensitive mouth petulant at that moment$ Samantha stood small and erect$ with an almost regal #uality in the way she held herself" E&cept for the faint glimmer of tears in her large violet %lue eyes$ there was no way of guessing at the tur%ulent thoughts that were racing through her mind during that tense confrontation" '(on't %e such a puritan$ Sam$' live !ilmot was saying accusingly" 'Be with it and let yourself go"' ')'m afraid ) can't let myself go to the e&tent you desire$ live"' ') thought you loved me"' *is lips tightened once again with irritation and anger" ') do love you$ you +now ) do$ and that's why ) can't do what you as+ of me"' She %it down hard on a trem%ling lower lip and fought for composure" ') can't live with you$ live$ until after we're married"' 'But you +now that marriage is out of the #uestion at the moment"' ') +now that$ live$ and ) understand$ %ut until then you must respect my wishes"' ,or several seconds he stared at her in angry dis%elief %efore he straightened and said$ ')'m going %ac+ inside" Are you coming-' Samantha shoo+ her head" ')f you don't mind$ )'d li+e to remain out here for a while longer"' 'Suit yourself$' he shrugged negligently$ striding along the terrace and disappearing through the glass doors" Samantha closed her eyes for a moment to relieve the ache %ehind them and tasted the salty tang of the sea on her lips" live's %ehaviour had %een strange lately$ and at times she glimpsed a side of his nature that did not entirely impress her" *is anger and dissatisfaction never lasted long$ and he usually succeeded in sweeping aside her fears %y apologising profusely and +issing her warmly" *is erring little %oy act always touched her heart and van#uished her misgivings" *e was also so terri%ly handsome" *er high heels tapped softly on the stone floor as she wal+ed along the terrace$ which was on the third floor level$ ta+ing the opposite direction to the one live had ta+en until she eventually found her way %arred %y an iron gate" She clutched at it for a moment$ tempted to go %eyond it into the lush greenery of the garden %athed in moonlight which she had discovered so une&pectedly" !hile she was still contemplating whether to enter or retrace her steps$ the decision was more or less ta+en for her when the gate s#uealed slightly and swung open %eneath her agitated hands"

The Trydon *otel sliced into the steep hill$ and for the first time Samantha realised that the remaining portion of the hill on the east side was on a level with the third floor of the %uilding$ with a concrete %ridge leading from a secluded %alcony into the garden she had .ust entered" She stood for a moment with her %ac+ pressed hard against the gate and inhaled the sweet fragrance of frangipani as it mingled with the tangy sea air on this sultry /anuary night" The din of the party at the other end of the terrace %arely reached her ears in the tran#uillity and peace of the enchanting oasis she had stum%led upon" The grass was springy %eneath her feet in this scented garden$ the shadows soft and enfolding on such a starlight night as she wandered further" )t represented a way of escape from her trou%led thoughts0 a garden to dream in when harsh reality threatened one's sanity$ she decided unhappily as she ventured deeper into the garden" A dar+ shape disengaged itself from the shadows %eside her and$ startled$ she turned and fled" '/ust a moment1' an imperious voice halted her in her stride %efore she reached the gate" She turned$ pressing a hand against her throat where a frightened pulse thro%%ed achingly" A man was approaching her and in the moonlit dar+ness he seemed terrifyingly tall and %road2shouldered$ his dar+ evening suit almost %lending with the shadows" '(id ) startle you-' *is voice was pleasantly deep and somehow reassuring$ she noticed as she stammered a reply" ')3) thought ) was the only one here"' *e laughed %riefly" ')'ve %een watching you for some time" Are you a resident at this hotel$ or were you escaping from the rowdy party in the restaurant-' ') suppose you could saying ) was escaping from the party$' she ac+nowledged guiltily" A %rief$ uncomforta%le silence lingered %etween them %efore he said calmly$ ') suppose you do realise you're trespassing-' Samantha %it her lip nervously" '4h$ dear1 ) should have +nown %ut ) couldn't resist the temptation" !ho does this garden %elong to-' ')t %elongs to the owner of this hotel"' '5ou mean Brett arrington$ the man who owns al2 most half the five2star hotels in the Eastern ape as well as one of the most prosperous sheep farms in the 6aroo-' she as+ed incredulously$ voicing her harassed thoughts" 'That's rather a sweeping statement$ %ut yes$ it does %elong to Brett arrington"' *e coughed slightly" '*e's an e&tremely wealthy man$ ) hear$' Samantha continued thoughtfully$ loath to leave this paradise$ yet strangely distur%ed %y the man confronting her" 7(oes wealth impress you-' he as+ed suddenly" '8ood heavens$ no ) should imagine that %eing wealthy could %e an agonising %ore$ especially when people fawn all over you"' !hat on earth was she doing$ she wandered cra9ily$ tal+ing to this stranger in the shadows of this secluded garden as though she had every right to %e there- ')t must %e terri%ly difficult for :r arrington to +now whether people are sincere$ or merely trying to cash in on his wealth"' 'E&perience ma+es one a good .udge of character"' ') suppose so$' she agreed reluctantly" 7(o you +now him well-' The tall$ dar+ figure %eside her moved slightly" '5ou could say ) +now him well" ) am Brett arrington"' 74h$ lord1' she gasped$ clapping her hand over her mouth" ')'ve said and done all the wrong things$ ) suppose"'

'Loo+$ we can't tal+ here$' he said %ris+ly his hand at her el%ow and sending a current of awareness along her nerves" 'Let me ta+e you inside$ then ) can at least offer you something to drin+ %efore ) return you to your friends"' '4h$ ) don't thin+3' '*ave you lost your nerve-' he challenged$ his face an unrecognisa%le %lur in the dar+ness" 'No$ ) haven't$ %ut3' ' ome$ then"' *e led her across the garden and on to the %alcony$ opening the dou%le glass doors and drawing aside the heavy curtains for her to enter" )t was when those doors closed %ehind them that Samantha %egan to panic" ':r arrington$ ) must apologise for entering your private garden uninvited$ %ut ) don't thin+ ) ought to ma+e further use of your hospitality"' 'Rela&$ you're #uite safe" ) have some e&cellent sherry ) can offer you$' he replied unpertur%ed$ selecting a %ottle from the tea+ ca%inet at the other end of the room and filling two delicately stemmed glasses" Samantha too+ this opportunity to glance a%out her and felt a pleasura%le feeling of delight ripple through her at the plush gold furnishings and the #uiet elegance of his impecca%le taste" Brett arrington turned towards her then and she found herself loo+ing directly into the dar+ %rown eyes with peculiar gold flec+s a%out the pupils" They were unusual eyes that seemed to %urn through her with a strange intensity" 'Sit down$' he said as she accepted the glass of sherry from him$ and she su%sided than+fully into the nearest chair as she %ecame aware of a strange wea+ness in her legs at his now distur%ing nearness" *er mind registered clearly for the first time the tanned angular face and thic+ dar+ hair greying at the temples" *is suit was well cut and e&pensive$ the white lacy front of his shirt contrasting drastically with the dar+ evening suit and %lac+ %ow2tie" *e was no longer a young man and neither was he old$ she thought$ hastily .udging his age to %e a%out thirty2five$ and he loo+ed different somehow from the photographs she had seen of him in the newspapers3more attractive$ perhaps" But$ with his rugged good loo+s$ he could never %e called handsome$ although there was something undenia%ly authoritative a%out his distinguished manner and the arrogant set of his %road shoulders" )t was his eyes$ however$ that filled her with the curious desire to escape" ') don't +now your name$' he interrupted her thoughtful scrutiny$ and Samantha %lushed$ realising that she had %een staring rudely" 7Samantha Little$' she replied warily" *is glance swept over her %riefly and the hard smooth mouth twisted cynically" ') dare say you've %een teased enough a%out suiting your name$ so may ) call you Sam an than - ' '!hy """ yes$ of course"' Startled %y this re#uest$ she almost spilt some of the li#uid on to her lap" 'Tell me a%out the party in the restaurant$' he said" ':y friend 8illian ,or%es is cele%rating her twenty2first %irthday"' '(id something happen to ma+e you want to escape-' *e was far too astute$ she realised and$ to her surprise$ found herself replying$ ') had a slight disagreement with my %oy2friend"' ') see"' *is e&pression altered without warning and %ecame coldly impersonal" '5ou'd %etter drin+ up so ) can return you to your friend %efore he comes loo+ing for you"'

!hen he eventually wal+ed her %ac+ to the restaurant$ he too+ her through the garden once again and she turned at the gate to ta+e one last loo+ at the enchanting and slightly mysterious paradise" Against the wall %eside the gate was a large %oard mar+ed ;R)<ATE" she had not noticed it %efore she could not imagine$ and she felt decidedly guilty at having trespassed into Brett arrington's private domain" '4h$ there's live1 ' she e&claimed as they entered the noisy restaurant$ and it was then that the most e&traordinary thing happened" live hesitated in his stride$ paling visi%ly when he noticed her companion$ %ut he recovered swiftly as he made his way towards them among the ta%les" A drastic change had ta+en place in Brett arrington as well$ she noticed" The polite$ impersonal mas+ had %een ripped from his face to %e replaced %y a loo+ that was close to hatred$ and there was a hardness a%out his mouth that chilled her to the marrow" 'So$ live !ilmot$ we meet again$' Brett arrington remar+ed drily while live regained his composure with a visi%le effort" 7)'ve had the pleasure of your young lady's company for a few short moments"' 7So ) see$' live muttered nervously" 7)'m afraid ) wandered into :r arrington's private garden %y mista+e$' Samantha e&plained hastily$ her chee+s suffused with colour as live glanced at her #uestioningly" 7So there you are$ Sam$' 8illian interrupted this tense little scene as she and Stan fought their way through the dancing guests towards them" 'Stan and ) have %een loo+ing everywhere for you$ and so has live"' 7:r arrington$' Samantha %egan almost apologetically$ 'this is my friend 8illian ,or%es and her fianc=$ Stan (reyer"' Brett arrington ac+nowledged their presence with a polite nod" live stepped past him at that moment and placed a possessive arm a%out Samantha's shoulders$ %ut Brett arrington merely raised a moc+ing eye%row in their direction %efore giving his complete attention to 8illian" ') %elieve it's your twenty2first %irthday$' he said politely" ':ay ) also offer my congratulations-' 8illian than+ed him with e#ual politeness$ and in the same easy manner as+ed> '!ould you care to .oin us$ :r arrington- There's plenty to eat and drin+"' ')'m afraid it's impossi%le$' he apologised$ '%ut please accept the case of champagne ) shall have sent in to you"' *is glance returned to Samantha and$ for a %rief moment$ she was conscious of his eyes loo+ing +eenly into her own" ';erhaps we shall meet again$ :iss Little" 8oodnight"' *e turned on his heel then and left$ ta+ing something vital with him that made it impossi%le for Samantha to en.oy the rest of the evening" live$ too$ remained strangely reticent throughout the rest of the evening$ %ut her encounter with Brett arrington led to their first serious argument as he drove her home later that evening" '!hat the devil were you doing with Brett arrington-' he demanded$ not ta+ing his eyes off the road" ') told you3) went for a wal+ and ended up in his private garden$' she e&plained once more" '*e found me there$ we tal+ed a %it$ and then he offered me something to drin+ %efore he returned me to the party"' She glanced at live surreptitiously" ') didn't +now you were ac#uainted with Brett arrington-' live par+ed the car at the entrance to the flats and lit a cigarette$ his hands sha+ing slightly" '!ell$ if you must +now$ he and ) had a %it of an argument some years ago and

it wasn't very pleasant" ) had hoped ) would never have to meet him again$ and it was a%solute rotten luc+ that it had to %e his garden you strolled into"' *e drew hard on his cigarette and %lew the smo+e forci%ly through the open window" '!hat on earth made you go in there-' ') don't +now" ) wasn't thin+ing$ ) suppose$ and the garden loo+ed so tempting and so very peaceful"' She felt her irritation rising swiftly" 'Really$ live$ you can't %lame me for your em%arrassment"' '!hat did he say to you-' 'There in the garden$ you mean-' '4f course$' he snapped angrily$ 'unless you'd rather not tell me the intimate details"' '4h$ for goodness' sa+e$ live$ what was there for him to say-' she demanded hotly$ her %reath coming fast as she recalled her fright when he had emerged from the shadows to confront her" '*e was polite enough not to order me drastically off the premises and when he discovered that )'d strayed from the party$ he offered to wal+ me %ac+" !hat else was there for him to say or do-' '5ou loo+ed rather flushed$' he e&plained$ glancing at her suspiciously" '*e didn't try anything$ did he-' Samantha stared at him aghast$ the street light filtering dimly into the car so that she could see his angry$ #uestioning e&pression without difficulty" ' live !ilmot$ if you're suggesting that someone as wealthy and influential as Brett arrington would consider cuddling a strange girl in a shadowy garden$ then forget it" *e's not the type"' 2 live rela&ed then$ flic+ing his cigarette out of the window %efore drawing her unresistingly into his arms" '5ou're right$ Sam" *e's virtuous$ pompous$ and arrogant" 4h$ hell$ darling$ let's forget it"' Samantha was a%out to protest that he had started the discussion$ %ut his lips got in the way and successfully swept aside all further thought of Brett arrington and their %rief encounter" As usual$ live's +isses %ecame possessive and demanding and$ for the first time$ Samantha felt strangely repulsed %y his lac+ of control" She was not ready for the +ind of relationship he desired and she had told him so earlier that evening" That sort of thing had to wait until after their marriage" Although she had fallen in love with him almost from the first moment they had met a month ago and found it a pleasura%le sensation to +now that he wanted her to such an e&tent$ she could not tear down principles which had %een erected since childhood" Because of this he appeared to %ecome o%sessed with possessing her" '!hen will ) see you again-' live murmured against her throat" 'Tomorrow evening$ if you li+e$' she whispered$ successfully avoiding his lips" ') must go now"' ')'ll call for you at seven$' he announced$ satisfied$ yet still reluctant to release her" )t was Samantha who finally managed to struggle free of his warm em%race and slip from the car" )t was$ in a sense$ %ecoming increasingly difficult to part from him and she longed for the day when there would %e no need for him to leave her on the doorstep0 a time when they could return to their own home where they could %e together" She was tiptoeing into the flat she shared with her father when she heard him call> 'Samantha$ is that you-' '5es$ (addy" (id ) wa+e you-' 'No$ ) couldn't sleep$ so ) thought a glass of warm mil+ might help$' he e&plained$ emerging from the small +itchen in his py.amas and dressing2gown" Samantha$ small$ petite and fair$ lived up to her name$ whereas /ames Little was

anything %ut small" Tall$ lean and with dar+ hair flec+ed a%undantly with grey$ he was not at all what his name suggested" Samantha was more li+e her mother who had died so suddenly and une&pectedly from some un+nown virus a year ago" '!hy is it that every time live and ) go out somewhere$ you suffer from insomnia-' she as+ed her father e&asperatedly as she .oined him in the +itchen" '!hy don't you li+e live- *e's so nice"' /ames Little frowned down into the glass of mil+ %efore him on the ta%le" 'That's the trou%le$ my dear$ he's too nice to %e true"' '4h$ (addy$ stop %eing so suspicious1' 7)'m sorry$ Samantha$' he apologised swiftly" ') +now you imagine yourself in love with him and that he's vaguely hinted at marriage$ %ut ) can't help feeling that his sincerity is nothing more than a %luff" *e's stringing you along$ my girl$ and you've fallen for his charm %ecause you're %asically sweet and innocent"' Samantha sprang instantly to the defence" ' live wants to marry me$ %ut at the moment his salary is far from sufficient to 7)f he earned a hundred thousand Rand a month$' her father interrupted cynically$ 'his salary would still %e insufficient" There'll always %e another reason for not naming the day"' There were few su%.ects on which she and her father disagreed$ %ut live was one of them" 4n occasions such as this her anger rose sharply and she found it impossi%le to understand her father's reasoning" live had %een nothing %ut polite and charming to her father on the rare occasions they had met$ %ut her father persisted with this peculiar idea that live was anything %ut sincere" 7*ow can you say such things a%out him$ (addy1' she demanded$ hurt and angry as she pulled out a chair and .oined him at the ta%le" ') can say it$ Samantha$ %ecause )'m a good deal older than you$ and in my .o% as personnel manager )'ve met all types of people" live !ilmot is a %ounder$ and you're too %lind to see it"' Samantha slammed her fist on to the ta%le" '5ou have no right to say that1 5ou don't +now live as ) do$ and your opinion is %iased" *e loves me and wants to marry me3 he's said so and ) %elieve him"' 7!ell$ ) hope for your sa+e that your faith is .ustified"' /ames Little mellowed slightly" '5ou may %e twenty$ Samantha$ %ut you're still my little girl$ and ) worry a%out you" ) want you to %e happy$ %ut """ forgive me """ ) can't see live !ilmot %ringing you anything %ut sorrow"' Samantha e&pelled the air from her lungs and +new that she was fighting a losing %attle" '4h$ (addy$ perhaps if you +new him %etter """' 7;erhaps$' he agreed$ although she could see from his e&pression that nothing would ever dissuade him from the opinion he had formed" *e smiled at her suddenly and the tension evaporated" 'There's plenty of mil+ in the fridge" :a+e yourself some cocoa"' 'By the way$ ) met Brett arrington #uite %y accident this evening at the Trydon *otel$' she informed her father as she warmed the mil+ and searched for the .ar of cocoa in the cup%oard" '5ou have heard of him$ haven't you-' The name arrington can open almost any door in the Eastern ape$ especially here in ;ort Eli9a%eth$' her father replied une&pectedly" '*ow did you meet him-' Samantha told him %riefly of how she had wandered accidentally into Brett arrington's private garden$ and of the em%arrassing moment when she was discovered and was told whom she was spea+ing to" But she carefully omitted the fact that live had %een so upset at meeting an old ac#uaintance"

7(o you +now him at all-' she as+ed casually as she mi&ed her cocoa and .oined her father at the ta%le once more" She could find no e&planation for her unreasona%le curiosity concerning a man she had met only %riefly and she %lushed under her father's direct scrutiny" 7)'ve heard a lot a%out him$ you +now how people tal+$ %ut )'ve never had the pleasure of meeting him"' Samantha fingered her mug thoughtfully" ') wonder what +ind of man he really is"' 7,rom what ) can gather he's thirty2eight and a confirmed %achelor" There are plenty of disillusioned mothers in the city who'd hoped to snare him as a son2in2law$ %ut to date he's managed to evade them all successfully"' /ames Little chuc+led slightly at his own remar+ %efore a so%ering thought crossed his mind" '*is only sister died tragically a num%er of years ago" Rumour had it that she committed suicide$ %ut no one seemed to +now what actually happened$ and arrington has always %een reluctant to discuss the su%.ect"' Samantha's curiosity deepened" '*ow did the accident occur-' *er father raised his dar+ eye%rows and shrugged as he emptied his glass of mil+" 'She was ostensi%ly on her way to ;ort Eli9a%eth when her small sports car crashed through the rails on the 4lifants+op ;ass and plummeted down the mountain" Brett arrington was with the rescue team that eventually went down with a helicopter to e&tract her %ody from the wrec+age" )t wasn't a pretty sight$ %y all accounts"' Samantha's heart instantly stirred with pity" '*ow terri%le for him 1 ' A mischievous gleam entered her father's grey eyes> '5ou appear to have an unusual interest in Brett arrington$' he remar+ed teasingly$ and had the satisfaction of seeing the colour deepening in her chee+s" ')'m .ust curious$' she argued defensively" 'Someone li+e Brett arrington always gives one the impression of %eing so self2sufficient and untouched %y sorrow and strife that one tends to forget that they're only human after all"' She drained her mug of cocoa$ in a hurry now to escape her father's prying eyes" ')'m going to %ed" 8oodnight$ (addy"' She +issed him swiftly and escaped to her room$ %ut it was a long time %efore she managed to fall asleep" *er thoughts were filled with live's strange %ehaviour at the sight of Brett arrington$ and the surprising information which her father had given her" She could remem%er only too vividly the touch of his hand on her el%ow and those unusual eyes ga9ing down at her so intently$ adding to the confusion in her mind" !hat +ind of man was he- she wondered again$ and it was then that an alarming thought struc+ her" Brett arrington was on the %oard of directors of the engineering firm she wor+ed for" She realised now why his name had rung a warning %ell in her mind" The possi%ility that they would meet again was not so great$ %ut he had stepped into her life as swiftly as he had emerged from the shadows of the garden$ and for some ine&plica%le reason she had a premonition that he would %e a disrupting influence in her relationship with live" 8illian cornered Samantha at wor+ the following morning and could tal+ of nothing else %ut Samantha's meeting with Brett arrington" ') always wondered what he actually loo+ed li+e" Newspaper photographs can %e so deceptive"' She rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and sighed ecstatically" ')f ) didn't love Stan so much$ ) could go for Brett arrington in a %ig way1' Samantha laughed outright$ remem%ering how desperately in love 8illian had %een with Stan %efore he so much as noticed her" 8illian ,or%es$ red2haired and green2 eyed$ had %een her closest friend since they were at high school together and$ whereas Samantha was always the serious one$ 8illian had always %een the madcap

daredevil$ and %eing an adult had not changed her" '5ou'd %etter not let Stan hear you$' Samantha reprimanded with a swift glance over her shoulder to the glass partition surrounding Stan's office" 'Stan (reyer had me chewing my nails long enough$' 8illian insisted$ her eyes dancing with humour" ')t's time now that he suffered a few an&ious moments" !ho +nows$ he might appreciate me more"' '5ou're not serious-' Samantha remar+ed hesitantly$ +nowing full well that her friend would #uite easily do e&actly as she had said" ':y dear Samantha$' 8illian said dramatically$ 'Stan .ust had to smile at me and ) fell into his lap li+e a ripe plum" (id he suffer at all during the lonely evenings and frustrating days when he had eyes for everyone else %ut me-' She shoo+ her head adamantly" '4h$ no 1 Stan had it all too easy"' Samantha frowned slightly" '5ou're not going to do anything irresponsi%le$ are you-' 'Nothing irresponsi%le$ darling$ ) promise you$' 8illian laughed mischievously$ '%ut ) intend giving him #uite a few an&ious moments %efore the day ) wal+ up that aisle to marry him" )'m going to loo+ at and admire every other male in sight" *e mustn't get the idea that he was the only fish in the sea"' ';oor Stan$' Samantha sympathised as she visualised what 8illian had in mind" '(on't forget in the process that he loves you very much"' ') shan't forget either how much ) love him$' 8illian laughed happily" Samantha glanced ruefully at the pile of wor+ mounting up on her des+$ %ut 8illian evidently had no intention of leaving yet" '!hat was up with live last night-' she as+ed" ' live-' Samantha as+ed innocently" '(on't hedge$' 8illian remar+ed urgently" '*e went a%solutely white when he saw you wal+ing in with Brett arrington$ and ) don't thin+ that he #uite recovered from the shoc+ during the rest of the evening"' ')t was nothing really$' Samantha replied evasively" Li+e her father$ 8illian was not over2fond of live and made no effort to hide the fact that she did not approve of" Samantha's choice" 'They .ust don't get on very well$' she added lamely" 7:r arrington and live$ ) mean"' ')'ll %et they don't$' her friend remar+ed scathingly" 'Brett arrington isn't a fool$ and live is so transparent3' '8illian$ please$' Samantha %egged$ and her friend was instantly contrite as she saw the loo+ of pain flash %riefly across Samantha's sensitive features" ')'m sorry$ Sam$' she said softly$ her hand gripping Samantha's shoulder" ') didn't mean to hurt you$ %ut ) wish you hadn't fallen in love with live !ilmot" *e wasn't meant for you$ ) .ust +now it t ' Samantha managed a weary smile" ':y father will certainly agree with you$ %ut ) wish you'd %oth give live a chance to prove himself without condemning him outright"' 'Sam$ ) must admit he's suave and charming$ and devilishly attractive in a lean sort of way with that fair hair of his and his handsome %oyish features$' 8illian sighed despairingly$ '%ut ) can't help the feeling ) get that under all that marvellous e&terior there lur+s something #uite unpleasant"' '5ou're %iased$ li+e my father"' ;erhaps$' 8illian agreed$ ignoring the danger signals in Samantha's usually soft %lue eyes" ') .ust hope you won't %e disillusioned" ) would hate to see you %adly hurt"'

') shan't %e$' Samantha insisted stu%%ornly$ %ut 8illian merely shrugged her shoulders characteristically as she wal+ed across to her own des+" There was fortunately no time for Samantha to %rood over their conversation as she steadily wor+ed her way through the amount of typing in her %as+et" She snatched a cup of tea at ten that morning and then set to wor+ once more without delay" At lunch"time the pile had diminished considera%ly and it was with a feeling of relief that she went down to the cafeteria to have something to eat" 8illian had rushed into town with Stan to do a %it of shopping$ so Samantha found herself without her friend's usual %right company$ %ut for once$ she was glad to %e alone" (ear 8illian1 she thought amusedly" Li+e her father$ 8illian meant well$ yet they were %oth so a%surd to dou%t live's intentions" CHAPTER TWO SA:ANT*A was pouring her tea after a light lunch when she had the most peculiar sensation that someone was o%serving her closely from across the room" She turned her head slightly and her startled glance loc+ed with that of Brett arrington" *er %reath caught in her throat as he inclined his head towards her %efore e&cusing himself from his companion and threading his way among the crowded ta%les towards her" !hat could he possi%ly want with her- she wondered frantically as she o%served with almost hypnotic fascination the panther2li+e #uality in his wal+ as he approached her purposefully" 'Escape now$' something warned her$ %ut it was a futile instruction$ for her lim%s were too num% to o%ey" ':ay ) .oin you-' 7;lease do$' Samantha murmured$ colouring slightly and conscious of the fact that heads were turning in their direction as Brett arrington pulled out a chair and sat down" 'There's still enough tea in the pot" ould ) fetch another cup$ :r arrington -' 7No$ than+ you$ )'ve .ust had tea"' *is +een glance swept over her$ ta+ing in the neat grey s+irt and crisp white %louse" ') had no idea you wor+ed here"' 75ou never as+ed for my credentials when ) so rudely invaded your privacy last night$' she replied lightly" ')'m shattered at my own neglect$' he moc+ed her" '*owever$ fortune has smiled on me once again it seems"' Samantha's dar+ %lue eyes were #uestioning" ') don't thin+ ) understand"' 7(on't you-' *is mouth was firm$ with a hint of sensuality in the lower lip as it rela&ed into a smile" ')t doesn't matter" ) hope the rest of your evening was en.oya%le-' 7)t was """ pleasant$ than+ you"' )f he was aware of the slight hesitation and her utter confusion at his presence then he showed no sign of it" 7*ow long have you +nown live !ilmot-' )t was an une&pected and direct #uestion that immediately put her on the defensive" 7:r arrington$ ) fail to see that it's any %usiness of yours"?@@ Brett arrington's angular face hardened" ') was merely ma+ing polite conversation$

:iss Little$ and not prying into your affairs"' 7)'m sorry$ ) didn't mean to %e rude" )t's .ust that """' She %it her lip nervously$ angry with herself for allowing a simple #uestion to rattle her$ and realising that she owed this man some sort of e&planation for her rudeness$ she said> ' live !ilmot has %ecome a rather touchy su%.ect lately with my father and my closest friend$ 8illian" 5ou met her last night$' she ended lamely" 7Am ) to understand that they don't entirely approve of your friendship with !ilmot-' 7No$ they don't"' 7;erhaps they have reason-' Samantha's unreasona%le anger and irritation grew swiftly" '4h$ please$ not you as well$ :r arrington 1 ' 7:ay ) as+ you again how long you've +nown him-' She loo+ed up into his dar+ %rown eyes and +new she could not evade his direct #uestion on this occasion" 7/ust over a month"' ') see"' '!hat do you see$ :r arrington-' she as+ed a%ruptly$ noticing the cynical twist to his lips" ')t ta+es years to get to +now some people$ yet with others it can ta+e no longer than five minutes"' A '!hat are you insinuating-' There was a gleam of amusement in his eyes that pu99led her" ')'m not insinuating anything" )'m merely trying to point out that some people are transparent$ where others are inclined to hide %ehind a mas+"' 'Aren't we all inclined to wear a mas+ where others are concerned-' she as+ed hotly$ no longer caring that this elegantly dressed man in his dar+ %rown suit could #uite easily see to it that she lost her .o%" '(on't you$ :r arrington-' Those strong$ well2shaped hands gestured e&pressively" 'There are times when it's necessary$ ) agree$ %ut it depends on the people you're with"' 'E&actly$' Samantha replied with satisfaction" She had proved her point with Brett arrington$ she thought with an unusual sense of elation" ') shan't argue with you$ :iss Little$ %ut may ) as+ you to render me a small service %efore ) leave you-' *e had risen to his feet and heads turned swiftly in their direction once more as he towered over her" ')f ) can help you$ ) """ ) will$' she replied with uncertainty" ' ould you give me live !ilmot's %usiness address-' Relieved that it was no more than that$ she gave him the address without so much as a twinge of curiosity and watched him write it down in a small note%oo+ which he replaced immediately in his .ac+et poc+et" There was an unmista+a%le hint of moc+ery in his eyes as he glanced down at her once more" '!e shall meet again$ Samantha Little$' he said" ') would very much li+e to continue our interesting discussion"' Samantha stared after him until he was out of sight with an uncomforta%le feeling that she had %een %eaten after all" Brett arrington$ she sensed$ was not a man to %e thwarted$ and neither was he a fool" !hen he wanted something$ he would go out of his way to get it$ and$ with this thought$ Samantha felt strangely trapped" Two2days later life was entirely disrupted %y an une&pected telephone call from live" 'Sam darling$ )'m afraid ) have to cancel our plans for this evening$' he told her ruefully" 'The firm is sending me to the ape Town %ranch to relieve the chap there for three

wee+s" That means ) shan't %e %ac+ until the middle of ,e%ruary"' '4h$ no ' she moaned$ distraught with disappointment" !ill ) see you %efore you go-' ')'m afraid not$ darling$' he dashed her hopes" ')'m leaving on the si&2thirty flight this evening"' ') could %orrow (addy's car and drive out to the airport$' she suggested desperately" ') might .ust ma+e it in time"' 'Sam darling$ that would %e splendid$' he e&claimed$ sounding more cheerful while her heart twisted within her" ') hate the thought of not seeing you for three whole wee+s$' she sighed" ')t's damna%le$ ) +now$ %ut what could ) do-' 'Nothing$ live$' she told him dismally$ 'e&cept to go and hurry %ac+ as soon as your time there is up"' live's soft laugh came across the wires and her heart #uic+ened" '*ave ) ever told you that you're a marvellously unselfish and understanding person$ Sam-' ')'m not really$ live$' she protested$ close to tears$ '%ut than+s for the compliment anyway"' ')'ll see you later$ then" heerio for now$ my love"' The line went dead and Samantha replaced the receiver with an acute sense of dread" Three wee+s without live1 )t was going to feel li+e an eternity with nothing to loo+ forward to in the evenings e&cept hours of longing" 'Bad news$ Sam-' 8illian as+ed$ pushing her wor+ aside and turning to her friend" ' live is going away for three wee+s$'$ she said dully" '4h-' Samantha e&plained swiftly$ adding> ') shall miss him terri%ly"' ' heer up$ Sam$ it isn't as if he'll %e gone for ever$ you +now"' '5ou're right$ 8illian$' Samantha replied$ ma+ing an effort to control her dismal thoughts" '!hat's three wee+s compared with a whole lifetime we shall spend together-' 'E&actly$' 8illian remar+ed emphatically" She changed the su%.ect instantly and Samantha was grateful to her friend for trying to ta+e her mind off her present unhappiness" But$ despite 8illian's efforts$ the immediate future loo+ed %lea+ and empty without live" Samantha too+ her usual %us home that evening and lingered only long enough to e&plain to her father that she would %e returning a little later" She drove to the airport as fast as the speed limit through !almer would allow and arrived there only minutes %efore live's flight was called" 'Sam darling1 ' he cried as he saw her enter the %uilding" ') was afraid you might not ma+e it"' She flung herself unashamedly into his outstretched arms" 'Nearly all the traffic lights caught me" ) was a%solutely frantic1' 'All that matters is that you're here$ my sweet$' live told her seriously$ +issing her waiting lips with a warmth that #uic+ened her heart" :oments later his flight to ape Town was called and he glanced at her regretfully" ') must go$ my pet"' '4h$ live$ ) shall miss you1' she cried$ une&pected tears %rimming her eyes" 7And ) shall miss you too$ darling$' he replied$ drawing her into his warm em%race as he +issed her for the last time %efore hastening towards the departure gate" Samantha saw him go through a film of tears and remained where she was until the Boeing had soared into the swiftly dar+ening s+y" ,or a moment she felt frightened and desperately alone %efore she shoo+ herself mentally and told herself not to %e silly"

live would %e returning and$ if she +ept herself %usy$ the time would pass #uic+ly" She went to wor+ the following day$ determined not to let live's a%sence upset her more than necessary$ %ut half2way through the morning something happened that made her wish she had %oarded that plane with him" The telephone on 8illian's des+ rang shrilly and$ after answering it$ she placed the receiver %eside the telephone" 75ou're wanted on the phone$ Sam"' :ystified$ Samantha went across to her des+ and lifted the receiver$ placing her hand over the mouthpiece" '!ho is it-' 8illian shrugged" ')t's an internal call" The voice sounds familiar$ %ut ) .ust can't place him at the moment"' 7!ho could it %e-' Samantha #uestioned$ frowning down at her an&iously" '5ou won't find out that way$' 8illian remar+ed$ grinning mischievously as she gestured towards the receiver" 'Tal+ to the man and find out what he wants$ or ) shall %urst with curiosity 1 ' A warning flashed through Samantha's mind$ %ut with a curiosity to match 8illian's she raised the receiver to her ear" 'Samantha Little spea+ing"' 7Ah$ ) was %eginning to thin+ you couldn't %e found$' a deep voice said a%ruptly" Samantha's nerves were instantly electrified" 7:r arrington ' '!ere you e&pecting a call from someone else-' he #ueried moc+ingly$ his voice vi%rating across the line" 'N2No$' she stammered@ foolishly$ clutching at the des+" '!hat can ) do for you-' ') was wondering if ) might persuade you to have dinner with me this evening"' She sagged against 8illian's des+ and stared into her friend's #uestioning eyes" 7)3)'m afraid ) can't" 2 live is ta+ing me out this evening$' she lied$ gra%%ing at the only straw she possessed for safety" But safety from what- she wondered confusedly" 8illian smothered a giggle %ehind her hand .ust as Brett arrington's easy tones rang in Samantha's ear" ' an't you thin+ of a %etter e&cuse-' 7!hat do you mean-' 7) happen to +now that live !ilmot will %e out of town for the ne&t three wee+s" ) am right$ am ) not-' She was trapped$ she realised with heavily thudding heart and flaming chee+s" '!ho3 who told you this-' 75ou could say ) have my ear to the ground$' he replied moc+ingly" '!ill you have dinner with me this evening$ and allow me to entertain you in his a%sence-' ')3) couldn't" ) 7)'ll call for you at seven and we can have dinner at my hotel$' he interrupted$ ta+ing no notice of her stammered protests and precipitating her ne&t e&cuse" 'There's no need to dress$ it will %e #uite informal"' 'But ) haven't said 'But you will$' he interrupted with an infuriating confidence that too+ her %reath away" '5es$' she heard herself accepting as if she were listening to someone else" 'Seven o'cloc+-' '5es$' she agreed mechanically" '8ood$' his voice came a%ruptly over the line" ') loo+ forward to seeing you$ Samantha"' The line went dead and Samantha stared incredulously at the lifeless instrument in her hand" '!hat did the great Brett arrington want-' she heard 8illian as+ as she dropped the receiver on to its hood with an angry gesture" '*e's invited me to have dinner with him this evening"' )t sounded even more incredi%le spea+ing those words aloud and she felt #uite da9ed .ust thin+ing a%out it"

8illian's eyes widened considera%ly" '!ell$ well$ well1 ' '(on't say it li+e that1' '(arling Sam$' 8illian laughed up into her friend's apprehensive %lue eyes" '(on't you realise what an honour it is to %e as+ed to dine with a man li+e Brett arrington- There are girls in this city who would give their false eyelashes for an invitation li+e that1' ') +now$ ) +now$ %ut """' She swallowed violently$ struggling to regain her composure %efore she met 8illian's glance with panic2stric+en eyes" '8illian$ )'m frightened1 ' ',or heaven's sa+e$ Sam$' 8illian laughed reassuringly$ drawing a chair closer and pushing Samantha into it" '*e can't eat you$ and it isn't as if he has a reputation with women"' Samantha smiled" ')'m not afraid he might try to seduce me$ if that's what you mean" And )'m not %luffing myself that he has any lasting interest in me" Besides$ it would ta+e an e&traordinarily attractive woman to capture the heart of Brett arrington"' 8illian stared at her for several seconds with a gleam of tolerant amusement in her eyes" 'That's what ) li+e most a%out you$ Sam" 5ou're always so unpretentious and so %lessedly unaware of the fact that you're one of the most %eautiful girls )'ve ever clapped eyes on"' '5ou're a good friend$ 8illian$ %ut you do tend to e&aggerate at times"' '(on't underestimate yourself$ darling$' 8illian continued unpertur%ed" 'Brett arrington may have no interest in marriage to the local opposite se&$ %ut ) have yet to meet a man who doesn't appreciate %eauty when he sees it"' ')'m not interested in Brett arrington's opinion of my appearance$' Samantha protested irrita%ly" '4h$ if only live were here1 ' 'But he isn't$ so why not allow Brett arrington to ta+e your mind off live for a whileThere can %e no harm in that$ surely-' 'But ) don't want anyone or anything to ta+e my mind off live$' Samantha cried$ curling her small hands into fists" ') love him1' ':ore's the pity$' she heard 8illian mutter$ %ut she was too distur%ed at the thought of dining with Brett arrington that evening to ta+e offence" '/ust ma+e up your mind that you're going to en.oy yourself this evening$ and you will$' 8illian added with confidence" Samantha returned to her own des+ and wished five o'cloc+ would never come" She thought strongly a%out pretending to %e ill$ %ut +new somehow that Brett arrington would not let the matter rest there" ;erhaps the only solution would %e to get the evening over and done with$ she decided unhappily$ %ut she would ma+e it #uite clear to him that after this evening she would not %e availa%le for further invitations" /ames Little appeared rather dou%tful when Samantha told him a%out the une&pected invitation she had received" )f he had thought that she was merely pulling his leg$ then he was forced to %elieve her when he found himself sitting down to a solitary meal while Samantha %athed and changed into a semi2evening dress that matched the colour of her eyes super%ly" !ith a %illowing s+irt and halter2nec+ top it was not too formal and cool enough for that warm summer evening" !ithout intending to$ she had ta+en more than the usual care when dressing that evening$ and her pale gold hair shone li+e a halo after she had %rushed it vigorously away from her face to fall softly on her nec+" !hen she finally entered the lounge where her father was reading the evening paper$ he glanced up and whistled appreciatively$ %ut she found it difficult to hide the nervousness that seemed to twist her stomach into a permanent +not" ')f you would rather not go )'ll ma+e some e&cuse$ Samantha$' he offered generously$

%ut Samantha shoo+ her head firmly" 7)t'll %e no use$ (addy" Brett arrington isn't the +ind of man to %e fo%%ed off with e&cuses" ) tried and failed"' *er father folded the newspaper carefully and dropped it on the floor %eside his chair to give her his undivided attention" ') don't suppose it's occurred to you that you might en.oy his company-' ') dou%t it$' she remar+ed$ firmly convinced that the evening was going to %e a disaster from %eginning to end" At seven o'cloc+ precisely the door%ell chimed and Samantha turned frightened eyes towards her father" 'Brett arrington is o%viously a very punctual man$' /ames remar+ed calmly$ and she laughed nervously as she rose to her feet" ')f he's punctual$ then ) don't suppose he would li+e to %e +ept waiting$' she tried to %e flippant as she left the lounge" She closed her eyes for a moment$ fighting to control her #uivering nerves %efore she lifted the latch and opened the door" '8ood evening$ Samantha$' Brett arrington smiled down at her from his great height$ and she could not help %ut admire his splendid physi#ue which was clad in immaculate grey trousers$ matching grey tweed .ac+et$ and a sil+ scarf tuc+ed into the nec+ of his white shirt" '!on't3won't you come in-' she stammered$ aware that she had %een staring and furious with herself when she noticed the gleam of amusement in his dar+ eyes" *e followed her into the lounge and$ to her surprise$ some of the tension left her when$ after ma+ing the necessary introductions$ she discovered that there was an instant rapport %etween the two men" She could do nothing %ut stare as she saw Brett arrington and her father$ completely rela&ed and at ease in each other's company$ chatting as though they were old ac#uaintances" )f only live and her father could get on in this way$ she thought with a sta% of pain" ;erhaps this was where the fault lay in the relationship %etween live and her father$ she thought ten minutes later as she sat stiffly %eside Brett arrington in his silver /aguar" live seldom too+ the trou%le to tal+ to her father and$ when he did$ it always appeared as though he was in a hurry to get away" *e never really gave her father the opportunity to get to +now him$ or endeavoured to spend time with him as Brett had done" )t was an aw+ward situation she felt incapa%le of rectifying" 75ou loo+ e&ceptionally lovely this evening$ Samantha Little$' Brett arrington interrupted her thoughts" *e placed a hand over hers where she gripped them nervously in her lap" would prefer it$ though$ if you were more rela&ed and not so silent"' 7)3)'m sorry"' Those warm$ strong fingers sent an electrifying current along her ragged nerves and she was forced to clamp her teeth together for a moment to stop their chattering" ') didn't w2want to come with you$ you +now that"' *e released her hands instantly and a tense silence hung %etween them" She was .ust %eginning to thin+ that she had mortally offended him when she heard him chuc+le softly to himself" 75ou're refreshingly honest$ and ) li+e that$' he e&plained as she glanced at him #uestioningly" ';erhaps a good wine and e&cellently prepared food will alter your disposition"' Samantha was not sure what she had e&pected$ %ut she had certainly not %argained with going up to the third floor in his private lift to his elegantly and e&pensively

furnished suite where a dinner for two had %een laid out on a small ta%le at a window overloo+ing the sea" Soft lights and su%dued music added to the atmosphere while white2clad waiters discreetly served the most e&#uisite meal she had ever tasted and left them ostentatiously alone to en.oy it" Samantha could not recall at what stage during the meal she %egan to lose some of the tension within her$ %ut she never ceased to %e wary of the man seated opposite her" She was aware of him in every fi%re of her %eing$ and it was an awareness that frightened her and placed her involuntarily on her guard" 7*ow did you +now where ) lived-' she as+ed curiously$ recalling suddenly that he had not as+ed for her address when he had issued his une&pected invitation to have dinner with him" Their coffee had %een poured in small coffee cups of the most delicate china and Brett arrington gestured to the waiter that they would help themselves to more coffee if they so desired" 75ou've perhaps forgotten$' he %egan when they were alone once more$ 'that ) have access to the staff files-' '4f course"' *ow foolish of her not to have realised this" No one would have thought it strange for one of the directors to as+ for an employee's file which he could scrutinise at leisure" The nervousness which had lain dormant almost throughout the entire meal reared itself once more$ and +nowing that she was dining with one of the most sought2 after men in the Eastern ape only served to heighten her discomfort" Brett arrington offered her a cigarette from a slim gold case and$ when she refused$ he lit one for himself and leaned %ac+ in his chair$ his eyes narrowed as he glanced at her through a film of smo+e" ') discovered also that after you left school you attended a secretarial college for a year %efore .oining this firm" Eighteen months ago you were promoted to private secretary to the Assistant 8eneral :anager$ %ut after a wee+ you re#uested a transfer %ac+ to your old .o%"' *is glance was intense and inscruta%le" '!hy-' Samantha's heart%eats #uic+ened as she lowered her glance" ':y reasons were of a personal nature"' ') could ma+e it my %usiness to find out"' *er trou%led %lue ga9e was pleading" ') don't wish to discuss it"' Brett arrington's mouth tightened" '(id the A"8":" demand more than your secretarial services from you-' Samantha felt the %lood rush to her face as she stared at him incredulously" '5ou +now-' 'Everyone +nows that his secretaries are specially chosen for that purpose$' he replied %luntly$ crushing his half2smo+ed cigarette into the silver ashtray" 'There are girls who relish such .o%s$ %ut you o%viously do not$ or you wouldn't %lush .ust tal+ing a%out it"' She could not %ear the scrutiny of his dar+ eyes and lowered her glance" ')'ve never discussed the su%.ect with anyone %efore"' ')t's understanda%le$' she heard him say drily" ')'ve discovered #uite a lot a%out you$ Samantha Little$ in a short space of time" ;erhaps you might care to fill in the missing pieces to the pu99le-' Samantha felt her hands trem%ling in her lap as she glanced at him suspiciously" ')s that why you invited me to have dinner with you-' '!ould it shoc+ you to +now that for some reason you interest me a great deal$ Samantha-' She considered this in silence for a moment %efore replying$ ')t doesn't shoc+ me$ :r

arrington$ %ut 'Brett$' he interrupted swiftly" ':y friends call me Brett"' *e smiled %riefly at her discomfort" '5ou were saying-' ') fail to see why ) should interest you"' There was an unmista+a%le gleam of moc+ery in his eyes that did nothing for her confidence" '(oes there have to %e a reason-' 'There usually is$ when a man li+e yourself %ecomes interested in an ordinary girl li+e myself"' 'Are you in love with live !ilmot-' The #uestion was so sudden that for a moment Samantha stared at him %lan+ly" 'Really1 ) don't see 'That it's any %usiness of mine$' he finished for her with a hint of impatience" '!ould you prefer it if ) #uestioned others a%out your personal life-' She stared at him aghast$ floundering hopelessly %ut$ as he was a%out to refill her glass$ she %egged> '4h$ please$ no more wine"' ' ome$ Samantha$ have some more and rela&$' he coa&ed and$ without waiting for a reply$ he replenished her glass" ') don't intend to eat you$' he echoed 8illian's remar+$ topping up his own glass %efore glancing #uestioningly at her$ his heavy eye%rows raised autocratically" '!ell$ do ) get a reply to my #uestion-' ')f you must +now """ yes$ ) am in love with him' '*as he as+ed you to marry him yet-' Samantha shifted uncomforta%ly in her chair" 'Not in so many words$ %ut we've discussed marriage"' !hy on earth was she allowing him to drag all this information from her- she wondered angrily" )t was none of his %usiness$ yet it was impossi%le not to answer his pro%ing #uestions" *e had her over a %arrel and he +new it" (amn him1 7(o you thin+ he will as+ you to marry him-' (espite her valiant efforts$ her anger rose sharply" ') fail to see why ) should continue answering #uestions which have a%solutely nothing to do with you" 5our prying has gone far enough$ :r arrington1' 4ne strong %rown hand closed firmly over hers where it lay clenched on the ta%le %etween them$ and Samantha %lin+ed her eyes in surprise as she stared at it" ') would hate to thin+ of someone as %eautiful as yourself %eing hoodwin+ed$ Samantha" ) would also hate to see your innocence marred"' *is voice was warm and vi%rant$ and strangely sincere$ yet she could not heed his o%vious warning" She trusted live and she had to %elieve that he loved her as much she she loved him" (ear$ darling live$ who was not there at that moment to defend himself" ' live would never do anything to hurt me"' ',amous last words$' Brett o%served easily$ 'if you'll forgive the old clich="' She averted her glance$ staring instead through the open window to where the calm sea lay shimmering in the moonlight$ depicting a peace and serenity she was far from e&periencing" She had always %een a%le to trust her own .udgment in the past$ so why should she not trust it where live was concerned- !hy was everyone so %ent upon destroying their relationship- !hy did they find it so difficult to %elieve that live was sincere- !as Brett arrington's cynicism perhaps as a result of the argument that had ta+en place %etween himself 'and live- Surely not Brett did not appear to %e the +ind of man who would %ear a grudge and then deli%erately set out to destroy someone else's happiness"

!hen he drove her home that evening$ she made up$ her mind that she would avoid him at all costs in future$ if only for her own peace of mind" '!hat is it that you have against live-' she as+ed %luntly as he too+ the +ey from her and unloc+ed the door to the flat" '!hy have you %een trying your %est to ma+e me %elieve he's a scoundrel of some sort-' *is eye%rows rose sharply" ':y dear Samantha$ )'ve done nothing of the +ind" )'m merely trying to place you on your guard against the pitfalls of life" ) can sense that you're much too trusting$ and a%solutely sincere in everything you do$ %ut that doesn't mean that others share your admira%le principles"' Samantha stared at him for several seconds in the dimly lit entrance to the flat$ %ut his e&pression remained formida%le" ')'m sorry ) mentioned this su%.ect once more$' she said dully" ') don't really wish to continue this discussion further"' 'Right$ let's change the su%.ect$' he agreed" '!hat are you doing tomorrow evening-' Samantha held her %reath" '!hy-' ') have two tic+ets for a show in town and we could have dinner afterwards"' 'Than+ you very much for the invitation$ %ut3' 'That's settled$ then$' he interrupted her refusal$ and she leaned wea+ly against the door in an effort to control the unfamiliar wea+ness in her +nees" ':r arrington$ ) 'Brett$' he corrected$ leaning closer to her$ and for one wild moment she thought he was going to +iss her" ;anic held her in its fierce grip as she stared into his rugged face so close to hers" *is glance swept over her upturned face and lingered for a moment on her trem%ling lips %efore he straightened and twisted his lips into a moc+ing smile" '5ou've avoided using my name all evening$ %ut ) insist that you use it now"' 'Brett$' she managed finally$ not wishing to prolong the evening" ') must than+ you for your +ind invitation .ust now$ %ut the answer is """ no"' To her chagrin he smiled at her tolerantly as if she were an amusing child" '(espite the fact that you say no very prettily$ Samantha$ ) shall call for you at si&2thirty tomorrow evening and hope that you've changed your mind"' !ithout waiting for a reply he turned on his heel and disappeared down the stairs" Samantha stood as if she had %een mesmerised until she heard the silver /aguar drive away" Brett arrington was really the most infuriating man she had ever met$ she decided as she went inside and loc+ed the door %ehind her" *is arrogant refusal to accept no for an answer only made her more determined that$ no matter what$ she would not %e ready and waiting for him when he arrived the following evening" Later$ as she lay staring into the dar+ness$ she tried to thin+ of live$ %ut Brett arrington's angular face +ept intruding into her thoughts" Time and again she %anished him until she finally gave up$ allowing her mind to con.ure up his image" The thic+$ almost %lac+ hair$ greying at the temples$ the dar+ %rown eyes %eneath heavy %lac+ eye%rows$ with a straight nose and s#uare chin" She thought again of how he had loo+ed in that moment when she had feared that he would +iss her$ and for one horrified moment she wondered what it would feel li+e to have that chiselled mouth pressed against her own" ;lacing her hands against her hot chee+s$ she felt an incredi%le anger rising within her" !hat was happening to her- *ow dared she entertain such thoughts a%out a man li+e Brett arrington- The reason for his sudden interest in her was %eyond her understanding$ %ut she would not allow him to dominate her life in this way" live

would %e %ac+ within three wee+s$ and until then she would have to %e on her guard against Brett" *e had wealth and influence as well as %eing in a position of authority and$ even at this early stage she had a feeling that$ given the opportunity$ he could wield a strange power over her$ a power that could #uite easily drive live from her heart and mind" Brett arrington was not a man to %e overloo+ed$ and her feminine instincts warned her that$ li+e so many others %efore her$ she could %ecome an easy prey to a man of his e&perience" '4h$ live$' she moaned softly to herself$ 'why did you have to %e sent away .ust at the time when ) needed you most-' But would live %e a%le to protect her ade#uately from something she was una%le to e&plain even to herselfShe thumped her pillow and tried to sleep instead of allowing her thoughts to go round in endless circles that led nowhere in particular" Everything will ma+e more sense in the morning$ she consoled herself" CHAPTER THREE '!ELL-' 8illian demanded the following morning at wor+" '!as it as %ad as you thought it would %e-' 'No$' Samantha shoo+ her head$ '%ut ) would rather see as little as possi%le of Brett arrington in future"' '(on't tell me he made a pass at you1 ' '8illian$' Samantha replied with moc+ severity$ 'a man li+e Brett arrington doesn't ma+e passes at a girl"' 7No$ ) don't suppose he would$' 8illian nodded gravely$ adding with a hint of humour$ ') must admit Stan and ) were hoping he would sweep you off your feet"' Samantha laughed outright at her friend's admission" ') never gave him the opportunity$ and he %ehaved li+e a perfect gentleman all evening"' '*ow disappointing$' 8illian murmured half in earnest" ') had hoped he would at least ma+e you realise that there were far more interesting men a%out for a girl to fall in love with"' '8illian$' Samantha reprimanded$ ') happen to %e in love with live$ and as far as Brett arrington is concerned """ well$ ) want no part of him"' '!hat a pity$ %ecause he has all the #ualities most women admire" *e had a wonderful physi#ue and such good vi%rations$ and added to that he's so terri%ly rich1 ' 'That may %e so$ %ut he doesn't interest me at all"' '!here did you have dinner-' 8illian as+ed e&asperatedly" 'At a restaurant in town-' 'No$ in his private suite at the hotel"' 8illian pouted her lips and whistled softly" '/ust as well live isn't here" !ere you alone-' 'There was a %evy of servants who very discreetly managed to ma+e us feel as though we were alone$' Samantha told her with a touch of irritation" '*as he as+ed you to go out with him again-' '5es """ %ut ) shall refuse to go$' Samantha added swiftly$ determined that she would remain adamant a%out not seeing him again" She should have realised$ however$ that Brett arrington was a force to %e rec+oned with" *e arrived at the flat that evening at si&2thirty sharp and found her dressed in a

pair of old slac+s and sweater$ and sitting cross2legged on the lounge carpet with several dress patterns and pieces of material in disarray a%out her" Encouraged %y her father$ who thought the whole episode amusing$ Brett instructed her to change immediately$ glancing at his wristwatch and giving her not much more than ten minutes to do so" )nfuriated$ she gathered up the patterns and material and escaped to her room$ slamming the door %ehind her and loc+ing it" *e could wait there in the lounge for ever as far as she was concerned$ she thought$ %ut fear of what he might do when provo+ed made her change swiftly into something more appropriate" Brett arrington was to have his way after all$ she thought helplessly" The show he had tic+ets for turned out to %e a classic tragedy that left her on the verge of tears towards the end$ and he moc+ed her gently throughout dinner a%out %eing tender2hearted$ finally succeeding in ma+ing her wonder why she had %een so afraid to accept his invitation in the first place" Brett was pleasant company$ %ut there was live to consider" She had to remain faithful to him in every respect$ %ut was there really any harm in accepting a few casual invitations from one of the directors of the firm she wor+ed for- Samantha +new somehow that she was merely ma+ing e&cuses for herself when every nerve in her %ody was crying out that she should ta+e care" She had hoped that live would have telephoned her soon after his arrival in ape Town$ %ut after two days had passed without a word from him she felt somehow .ustified in allowing Brett arrington to monopolise her free time to such an e&tent$ %ut that was all Samantha was #uite mollified that evening when Brett left her on the doorstep without so much as a pec+ on the chee+" *is %ehaviour that evening had %een impecca%le$ .ust as it had %een the evening %efore$ and Samantha %egan to wonder whether she had allowed her imagination to run away with her" She would not see him again$ she was sure" After issuing an invitation to her on two consecutive evenings in a row$ he would now have tired of her company$ she told herself happily" She was mista+en$ however$ for Brett %ecame a regular visitor at her home during the following two wee+s" *e would either invite her out to dinner or ta+e her to a show$ and #uite often he would spend the evening sitting in one of their %rightly covered armchairs$ e&changing views with her father while she sat and stared in ama9ement at the way her father responded to their important visitor" ')mportant' was rather a mild word to descri%e Brett$ for his %earing and manner made it #uite o%vious that he was used to having his every command carried out promptly" *e was also$ she had to admit$ someone who could %e depended upon in every way$ and a man who e&pected honesty in return for the same" )t was perhaps these characteristics of his that had her father eating out of his hand in a short space of time" '!e don't see much of you these days$ Sam$' Stan (reyer remar+ed one morning when he .oined 8illian and herself during their tea %rea+ in the cafeteria" ') hear you're ho%no%%ing with the cream of society lately"' '(on't %e silly$ Stan$' Samantha re%u+ed him good2humouredly" '4nce live has returned Brett aning2ton will realise that ) have no interest in him whatsoever$ %ut until then why shouldn't ) go on en.oying myself while live is away-' 'There's no reason at all why you shouldn't en.oy yourself$' Stan agreed readily" )'m sure live is *e %ro+e off suddenly as 8illian rammed him in the ri%s with her el%ow and gave him a fierce loo+" Samantha could not help noticing this$ %ut decided to ignore the implication that live would %e anything %ut faithful to her" *e had telephoned her only once

during the two wee+s he had %een away$ and it had %een a very unsatisfactory call$ for the line had %een %ad at the time$ which made conversing intelligently impossi%le" She was a%le to understand$ however$ that he would not telephone again owing to pressure of wor+$ %ut that he would contact her as soon as he returned from ape Town" Samantha accepted this as gracefully as she could$ %ecause it would$ after all$ not %e long %efore she saw him again" *earing live's voice$ however %adly due to the distur%ances on the line$ had merely served to re2awa+en her longing for him$ and she %egan to count the days to his return" Samantha arrived at wor+ one morning to find 8illian and Brett arrington deep in conversation on the steps leading to the entrance of the offices" urious as to why her friend should %e wearing such a serious e&pression$ Samantha approached more swiftly$ %ut 8illian saw her coming and gave a guilty start" Brett turned at that moment$ his e&pression perfectly calm as he smiled down at her" 78ood morning$ Samantha"' She returned the greeting$ her chee+s flaming for some un+nown reason as his glance swept over her appreciatively from her pale gold hair to her soft leather shoes" 8illian added to her em%arrassment %y hastily e&cusing herself and entering the %uilding$ leaving Brett and herself alone on the steps" Samantha tried to follow suit$ %ut found her arm held firmly a%ove the el%ow" 7!ill you have lunch with me-' ') have some typing to get through during lunch$' Samantha hedged$ aware of the magnetism of this tall$ immaculately dressed man who had fallen into step %eside her" 7) +now of a place near%y where the service is #uic+ and the meals super%$' Brett persisted persuasively$ and even without loo+ing at him she +new there would %e a gleam of moc+ery in his eyes %ecause of her continual reluctance to accept his invitations" 7!hy can't you ta+e no for an answer-' she sighed$ as they reached the door to the general office" 7Because you don't really mean it$ Samantha$' he replied arrogantly" '5ou can't deny that you've en.oyed my company these past two wee+s$ can you-' Samantha shoo+ her head helplessly" 'No$ ) can't deny it$ %ut3' 7Then why do you continually want to deny me the pleasure of your company-' 7There's live$' she reminded him" 7 live is almost eight hundred +ilometres from ;ort Eli9a%eth at the moment$ %ut )'m here$' he stated firmly" ') shall %e waiting for you at the front entrance" Twelve2thirty-' An involuntary smile pluc+ed at her lips as she nodded and pushed past him into the office" *is manner was infuriating$ his arrogance %reath2ta+ing$ yet she could not deny that his company was stimulating and never dull" Samantha never did find the time to as+ 8illian the reason for her serious discussion with Brett %ut there was something in the way 8illian stared at her from time to time that distur%ed her" At such times 8illian would switch instantly to her usual madcap self$ and Samantha would eventually %e left to wonder whether her imagination had played tric+s on her" !hatever it was that they had discussed in such earnest$ 8illian was o%viously not going to tell her$ and Samantha +new her friend too well to pry" After that luncheon date with Brett she did not see him again until he arrived at the flat one evening$ three days %efore live's return to ;ort Eli9a%eth" Samantha was shampooing her hair when the door%ell chimed and$ thin+ing that her father might have

forgotten his latch +ey and was returning for it$ she rinsed her hair and wrapped a towel a%out her head %efore going to the door" 7(addy isn't home this evening$' she said stupidly when she found herself confronted %y Brett's tall$ imposing figure" '*e's at a meeting"' 7) +now$' Brett smiled$ his glance flic+ing over her %eige slac+s and loose2fitting %louse as he closed the door %ehind him and followed her into the lounge" ,lustered %y his une&pected appearance$ she stood in the middle of the floor and wished the roof would cave in on her as he seated himself in the only comforta%le armchair they possessed$ %ehaving as though it was nothing unusual for him to see her with a towel wrapped li+e a tur%an a%out her head" *er trem%ling hands were sei9ed suddenly and she was pulled down on to her +nees %efore him" )t was so une&pected that she found no time for protest as she felt his hands undoing the towel" ') used to dry my sister's hair for her$' he e&plained #uietly at her #uestioning glance$ and proceeded to ru% her hair vigorously until her scalp tingled pleasura%ly" )t was a perfectly natural situation$ yet somehow she had never associated Brett arrington with the menial tas+ of drying a woman's hair" Neither had she %argained for the unwanted though pleasura%le sensations caused %y his nearness" )t was at a time li+e this that she had to force herself to remem%er that her heart %elonged to live alone" ') %elieve your sister died a few years ago$' she remar+ed$ not particularly wanting to discuss a su%.ect which might %e painful to him$ %ut it happened to %e the first thing that came to mind when she felt the need to %rea+ the heavy silence %etween them" Surprisingly enough he said #uite casually> 'That's right" !ho told you-' ':y father$ %ut ) %elieve he read it in the newspapers at the time"' '5es$ it was a terri%le waste of such a young life$' he stated firmly$ letting the towel fall to the floor" There was a touch of %itterness in the glance that met hers and then$ realising that she must loo+ a mess$ she hastily e&cused herself" )n the sanctuary of her room she #uic+ly com%ed her hair$ the feathery yet still damp curls refusing to remain in position and curling a%out her ears" E&asperated$ she let them %e and touched up her ma+e2up %efore returning to the lounge" Brett stood at the window with his %ac+ to her" *e had removed his .ac+et and his shirt was spanning almost too tightly across the width of his shoulders" *e turned to face her then$ almost as if he had sensed her presence$ and something #uivered in her throat at the graveness of his e&pression" 7There's something ) want to discuss with you$' he said %rus#uely$ adding to her nervousness" 74h-' The only other occasions when he had adopted this serious attitude was when they had discussed live$ and Samantha prepared herself mentally to do %attle with him as he came towards her and gripped her shoulders until she winced inwardly" 'Samantha$ ) want you to stop deluding yourself that !ilmot will ever marry you" *e won't """ and when that happens ) may not %e around to pic+ up the pieces"' 7*ow dare you1' she e&claimed angrily$ sha+ing off his hands" ') dare %ecause ) happen to care what happens to you when you discover the truth a%out him$ %ut )'m also certain that you don't love him as much as you thin+ you do"' 75ou're wrong 1 ) do love him3) do 7No$ you don't ) ' he contradicted harshly" '5ou've %een da99led %y his charming

manner and gli% tongue li+e so many others %efore you$ %ut you don't love him"' Samantha stared at him$ her eyes dar+ with anger" ')'m #uite capa%le of loo+ing after myself$ %ut ) fail to see what you're trying to achieve with all your insulting remar+s"' ')'m trying to ma+e you see that what you feel for him is nothing more than infatuation$' he replied with galling confidence" This was too much$ and Samantha drew a shuddering %reath$ almost cho+ing in her fury as she tilted her head upwards to face him defiantly" 'Brett arrington$ you %ulldo9ed your way into my life without so much as a %y2your2leave$ %ut ) will not have you dictating to me as to whom ) should and should not love ) *ow can you claim to +now my feelings$ and who gives you the right to ma+e accusations against someone who isn't here to defend himself-' ') presume you're referring to live !ilmot-' *is moc+ery did not escape her$ and it only served to infuriate her more" '5ou +now very well ) am1' ')'m #uite prepared to repeat my accusations with live !ilmot present$ and it would give me the greatest pleasure to see him s#uirm"' There was a hard %rutality in his features she had never seen %efore$ %ut he recovered himself swiftly" 'Samantha$ you're too good for him"' '(on't ma+e me laugh$' she said sarcastically" '!ill you marry me$ Samantha-' She stared at him in stunned silence for immeasura%le seconds %efore she managed to gather her wits a%out her" '5ou must %e mad1' she %lurted out" ') wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on earth1' Those firm lips twisted cynically" '5ou won't marry live !ilmot either3all he'll do is to persuade you to %ecome his mistress" *e won't marry anyone unless he can %enefit financially from the marriage"' Samantha paled visi%ly" '!hat a horri%le thing to say1' '*orri%le things sometimes have to %e said when someone is too stu%%orn to ta+e advice"' ') refuse to listen to you1' she cried desperately$ placing her hands against her ears to shut out his accusations and detesta%le insinuations" '5ou've said #uite enough1' ruel fingers latched on to her wrists and dragged her hands from her ears" ')f you won't listen to me$ then ) shall have to prove to you that your affections are misplaced"' Not guessing his intentions$ she was #uite unprepared for the sudden onslaught on her emotions" Arms of steel held her with effortless ease against the muscular hardness of his %ody$ while his lips found hers unguarded" This was what she had feared$ and now she +new the reason why" *is +iss ripped through her defences$ drawing a wild response from her that was terrifying as well as into&icating while strange new emotions raced through her$ engulfing her in their intensity" She was vaguely conscious of the fact that she had to resist$ %ut she had neither the will nor the strength to do anything other than cling to him and wish that this awe2inspiring moment would last for ever" )t seemed an eternity %efore Brett eventually raised his head$ his eyes almost %lac+ with undisguised passion as he held hers captive" !ith hammering heart she saw him lower his head once more$ and it was then that a spar+ of sanity flared within her" 'No1 ;lease don't ' she %egged hoarsely$ %ut his arms merely tightened a%out her while his warm lips sought the hollow in her throat where a pulse thro%%ed frantically" 'Be truthful$ Samantha$ and admit that live's +isses have never aroused you the way mine have .ust done"' She could not argue against such a %latant truth$ for

not even during their most passionate em%race had live ever succeeded in stirring more than the surface of her emotions" 'Brett$ stop it 1 5ou have no right3' ') have as much right as live !ilmot$' he insisted$ his hands warm and e&citing against her %ac+" 'No$ no 1 she whispered wea+ly" '5es$ Samantha"' *e raised his head then and she felt her defences slipping as she met the passionate ferocity of his ga9e" '(on't shut your mind to the truth"' ')'m in love with live$' she insisted$ %ut her voice sounded unconvincing to her own ears" '!hy won't you accept that fact and leave me alone-' '5ou're trying very hard to convince yourself$ aren't you-' Brett moc+ed her mercilessly" ') don't have to convince myself" ) +now1' '(o you$ Samantha-' he as+ed with dangerous softness$ lowering his dar+ head once more and creating havoc with her emotions as his lips claimed her in a devastating +iss that left no room for coherent thought" 'Are you very sure-' *ow could she thin+ clearly when his lips against her throat produced such tantalising sensations- She had to resist1 She had to thin+ of live1 Samantha struggled against him in an effort to avoid his lips" '(on't$ Brett" 4h$ don't1 ' '5ou're as innocent as a %a%y$ my dear" 5ou've never %een more vitally alive than at this moment$ and still you refuse to recognise it"' *e released her with an a%ruptness that caused her to sway %ac+wards against a chair$ collapsing into it as her legs gave way" 'There's a difference$ you +now$ %etween %eing in love """ and loving"' ,ree of him now$ Samantha found her pulse rate su%siding and she found her anger returning as she remar+ed with unaccustomed sarcasm$ ') had no idea that you were an authority on the su%.ect1' ,or one %rief moment she feared that she might have gone too far$ for flames of anger flic+ered momentarily in his dar+ eyes %efore he laughed harshly" 'All right$ Samantha$ you win" ;lease accept my apologies$ although ) can't say that ) regret what ) did" ) en.oyed +issing you very much and ) was a%solutely serious when ) as+ed you to marry me"' Samantha gripped the edge of her seat as she stared up at him$ her +nuc+les showing white through the s+in as she made an effort to regain her composure" 7!hy should someone li+e you want to marry a girl li+e me when there are plenty of eligi%le women from wealthy and influential families in the city from whom you could choose a wife who would suit you far more admira%ly than ) would-' 7They would %ore me to tears$' he announced moc+ingly as he %ent down and imprisoned her in her chair" 7) would prefer to marry a small pac+age of dynamite la%elled Samantha2Little"' The tic+ing of the cloc+ against the wall seemed to %ecome louder$ scraping along her already sensitive nerves$ while his nearness distur%ed her pulse rate and #uic+ened her %reath" 7)3) don't +now what to say"' 7Say """ yes$ Brett$ )'ll marry you"' )t would %e so easy to say 'yes' to a man li+e Brett arrington$ she realised all at once" *e was attractive$ in a rugged sort of way$ and he was wealthy$ two factors which could turn any girl's head if she desired a marriage that would %ring her wealth and prestige" )f it was not for the fact that she was so unfalteringly sure of her love for live$ it would have %een very easy to say 'yes' to Brett$ %ut she had to ma+e herself %elieve that the emotions he had evo+ed within her had %een purely physical$ and nothing more"

7) can't$ Brett" 5ou +now ) can't"' The firm mouth twisted slightly into a sem%lance of a smile" 'There's really nothing to stop you from marrying me"' 7Brett """ )'m sorry$ %ut """ ) don't love you$' she ended misera%ly$ avoiding his eyes and the loo+ of dis%elief that glimmered through" '!e won't discuss the su%.ect further at the moment$' she heard him say$ much to her relief" ',riends-' '5es$ Brett$' she laughed self2consciously$ 'as long as you don't e&pect more of me than friendship"' ') don't give up that easily$ Samantha$' he warned ominously" ') usually get what ) want$ %ut for the time %eing )'m prepared to place the su%.ect on ice"' /ames Little arrived home late that evening to find Samantha waiting up for him in the dar+ened lounge" 'This ma+es a welcome change to find you waiting up for me$' he chuc+led$ switching on the reading lamp" *e gestured towards the cigarette stu% in the ashtray" ') see you've had company" Brett arrington-' 75es"' Samantha %it her lip nervously" '(addy$ ) have to tal+ to you"' 7*m """ yes-' 7Brett as+ed me to marry him"' 7And-' her father as+ed with his %ac+ to her as he poured himself a whis+y and splashed some soda into it" '5ou don't seem surprised" (id you +now he would propose-' 'No$ %ut ) suspected something li+e that"' *e turned then$ drin+ in his hand$ and seated himself %eside her on the couch" '(id you accept-' 'No"' 7Because of the way you feel a%out live-' '5es"' *m """' /ames Little sipped thoughtfully at his drin+ %efore turning to face her" ')f it hadn't %een for live3would you have accepted-' 7(addy$ that's not a fair #uestion$' she re%u+ed him gently" 7)sn't it- *ave ) %een mista+en in thin+ing you li+ed Brett -' 7) """ yes$' she admitted$ surprising even herself" ') can't help li+ing him$ %ut )'m also afraid of him"' Bushy eye%rows ascended a%ove incredulous grey eyes" 'Afraid- 8ood heavens$ why-' 7)'ve never met anyone li+e him %efore$' she e&plained tensely$ recalling those moments in Brett's arms and how easily she had responded" '(addy$ why should a man li+e Brett arrington want to marry someone li+e myself- !hy should he have %othered with me at all- )t doesn't ma+e sense" !e met #uite %y chance$ and all of a sudden my life is no longer my own" ) had no particular wish to see him again$ %ut )'ve %een una%le to sha+e him off$' she concluded$ gesturing helplessly with her hands" '!hy$ (addy-' /ames dran+ deeply on his whis+y and stretched out his legs %efore venturing a reply" '5ou don't suppose it might %e %ecause he's in love with you-' 7)n love with me-' Samantha repeated$ laughing cynically" '4h$ no$ (addy" A man doesn't %uild up a reputation for %eing a confirmed %achelor only to %e caught %y someone as insignificant as myself"' 75ou could %e mista+en"' 7No$ there has to %e some other reason$ )'m sure"'

') was a confirmed %achelor until ) met your mother"' 7But you're different$ (addy$' she insisted" '5ou weren't arrogant$ dictatorial and self2sufficient"' 7*ow do you +now ) wasn't all those things you .ust mentioned-' he chuc+led suddenly$ clearly amused %y her remar+s" ') was thirty2si& when ) married your mother$ and ) was set in my ways as well as accustomed to doing .ust as ) pleased" Age loses its significance when you love someone"' Samantha pressed her fingers against her closed eyelids in an effort to relieve the tired ache %ehind them" '4h$ don't +now what to thin+" )'m confused and .ust too tired to try to understand Brett arrington's motives"' 7Samantha$' her father %egan tentatively$ %rea+ing the trou%led silence that lingered in the air$ 'would you consider a move to ape Town-' Samantha removed her fingers from her eyes and %lin+ed rapidly at her father to clear her vision" ' ape Town-' 7The firm has offered me a transfer to our new ape Town %ranch" )t will %e a challenge for me$ %ut not an a%solute necessity$ so """' *is voice trailed off into silence as the world %egan to roc+ %eneath her" '!ould you li+e to go very much-' /ames gestured self2consciously" :y dear$ at my age )'m perhaps too old to accept challenge and changes"' 7!ill have to go with you-' she as+ed the dreaded #uestion" ') would prefer it$' he replied instantly$ lowering her hopes to a level of desperation" ')t will$ of course$ mean a separation from live"' 75es """' Torn %etween her devotion for her father and her love for live$ she hesitated %riefly %efore continuing> '(addy$ you could go without me" ) """' /ames shoo+ his head firmly" '5ou're only twenty and ) would %e shir+ing my responsi%ilities if ) left you %ehind here in ;ort Eli9a%eth"' 7(addy$ there are plenty of girls my age who live alone$' she argued hopefully" 7That may %e so$ %ut while )'m still alive$ and until you're married$ you will remain my responsi%ility$' he informed her adamantly" ')s it so important that you stay here to %e with !ilmot-' '(addy$ )'m sorry$ %ut )'m """ in love with live"' She was furious with herself for her slight hesitation when she saw her father's curious glance" 75ou're sure of this-' ')'ve never dou%ted it"' A peculiar smile appeared a%out her father's mouth that sent her scurrying to her room after a hasty 'goodnight' pec+ on his chee+" !as she still so very sure of her love for live$ she finally as+ed herself as she slid %etween the sheets and lay staring into the dar+ness$ or was she stu%%ornly clinging to something which no longer e&isted- She had to admit$ however reluctantly$ that during those moment's in Brett's arms she had not %een at all sure of her love for live1 *er insistence had merely assumed a form of defence at the time" Now$ away from Brett's distur%ing influence$ she told herself that she was a%solutely sure of her feelings" Loving was trusting$ and she had to %elieve in live despite all the ridiculous accusations made against him" She turned her face into the pillow and her thoughts turned ine&plica%ly to Brett" She had to forget him0 forget that he ever aroused emotions she had not dreamed that she possessed$ %ut her hammering heart moc+ed her childish determination" Samantha and her father were having %rea+fast in the +itchen when the telephone

rang on that Saturday morning live was due to arrive" ')'ll get it$' her father said hastily$ e&cusing himself from the ta%le and leaving her to wonder why he had appeared so agitated" !ithout intending to$ she found herself listening curiously to the dis.ointed and intriguing conversation" '5es """ no """ she won't agree to that """ yes$ of course" )'m not very happy a%out shifting my .o% on to someone else """ yes$ ) +now ) can trust you implicitly$ and that's why """ yes$ than+ you"' The strangely guarded conversation ended a%ruptly and Samantha was instantly alert" !hat did it all mean- she wondered$ frowning down at the omelette she had allowed to %ecome cold in her plate" 'Sorry a%out that$' her father apologised distractedly as he resumed his seat" *e was clearly agitated and deep in thought$ %ut he made no effort to e&plain as he poured himself a fresh cup of coffee" 'Something wrong at the office-' she as+ed" '!hat- 4h """ yes" Something to do with wor+$' he muttered$ avoiding her eyes" 'Are you accepting the transfer to ape Town-' she pro%ed tentatively$ not particularly wanting to renew the su%.ect" ') haven't decided yet$ %ut ) have until :onday to reach a final decision"' ')f you do accept$ how soon do you have to leave-' ')mmediately"' Samantha's eyes widened considera%ly$ %ut she remained silent as she piled the %rea+fast dishes into the sin+ and started washing up" ')'ll help you$' /ames offered$ %ut Samantha shoo+ her head firmly" ')t's your day off$ (addy$ so ma+e yourself comforta%le in the lounge with the morning paper while ) get on with it"' She had to thin+ and decide what to do a%out this new development" To accompany her father would mean parting from live for long periods$ and to insist on remaining would merely .eopardise her father's opportunities$ %ecause he would refuse to go without her" She was trapped0 cornered %y circumstances and una%le to find the way out" Everything was against her and live$ %ut it merely made her more determined that they would succeed in proving everyone wrong" live was +ind and gentle as well as passionate$ and she would not e&change him for someone with a fiery temperament li+e Brett arrington who could sweep her emotions into a turmoil with the merest glance" Samantha was eventually vacuum2cleaning the lounge carpet when the door%ell chimed shortly after ten that morning" She switched off the cleaner and finally flung open the door with a sigh of irritation" '8ood morning$ Samantha"' )t was only the man who had the power to unnerve her completely3Brett arrington1 CHAPTER FOUR

T*E heavy thudding of her heart almost cho+ed her as she stared up at Brett" )mmaculate as always in a %eige lightweight suit and matching tie$ he loo+ed tanned and virile$ and arrogantly self2assured as he stepped past her" 7!hat do you want-' Samantha demanded rudely$ closing the door to +eep out the draught coming up from the stairs"

*e ignored her lac+ of courtesy with a touch of moc+ery in his glance" )t's a lovely morning and )'ve come to ta+e you for a drive out into the country"' /ust li+e that1 Samantha thought angrily" She had not seen him since the evening he had as+ed her to marry him$ and now he .ust arrived and calmly stated that he would %e ta+ing her for a drive" The arrogance of the man1 ')'m afraid it's out of the #uestion$' Samantha told him$ avoiding his glance as she returned the vacuum cleaner to its place in the passage cup%oard" ')'m meeting live at the airport and his plane arrives at noon"' ')n that case )'ll drive you there"' She stared at him open2mouthed$ %ut she was prevented from telling him e&actly what she thought of him as her father emerged from the lounge" 78ood morning$ Brett" ) couldn't help overhearing that last remar+$ and ) thin+ it would %e an e&cellent idea if you drove Samantha to the airport" :y car's %een giving me #uite a %it of trou%le these past few days"' *ow dared they stand there and calmly organise her life as if she was of no significance- she fumed$ mentally stamping her foot as her glance went from one to the other" Besides$ there had %een nothing wrong with her father's car when she had used it the previous evening to call on 8illian at her home" ') would prefer3' she %egan" 78o and powder your nose$ then we can drive out there now$' Brett interrupted smoothly" ') have something to show you that might interest you"' Samantha glanced helplessly at her father$ %ut he gestured firmly that she should do as she was told$ and with an infuriated shrug she swept past them" She could hear their su%dued voices in the lounge$ %ut at that moment she was too angry to %e particularly interested in their conversation" ;erhaps$ if she had %een a little more o%servant$ the pattern of her immediate future might have %een drastically altered %y the +nowledge she would have gained if she had listened in on their conversation" 'Ta+e good care of her$' /ames instructed as they were a%out to leave$ and Samantha stared at her father in surprise as she felt the pressure of his arm a%out her shoulders and his lips against her chee+" !hat on earth was the matter with him- ould he %e ill'5ou have my word on that$' Brett promised gravely$ and this was even more distur%ing" 'Brett's only driving me to the airport to meet live$ you +now$' Samantha remar+ed with forced amusement$ endeavouring to ease the tension which hovered vi%rantly in the air" ')'m not going to the ends of the earth"' 2 /ames smiled at her with unaccustomed tenderness" ')t's my privilege to %e concerned a%out my daughter"' Samantha could not prevent the smile that curved her lovely mouth as she reached up and planted a +iss on his rough chee+" ')'m a %ig girl now$ (addy" To siens"' 78ood%ye$ Samantha"' Brett hustled her from the flat and$ to her surprise$ it was not his silver /aguar that stood at the entrance$ %ut a slee+ %lac+ :ercedes" A white2coated$ pea+2capped chauffeur .umped to attention as they approached and opened the rear door with a flourish" Sitting in the cushioned lu&ury of the %ac+ seat %eside Brett$ she sent him a #uestioning glance" ') occasionally employ the services of my chauffeur$' he e&plained offhandedly" )t ma+es a welcome change to rela& and en.oy the scenery"'

7That sounds funny coming from someone who always has to %e in command of every situation$' Samantha remar+ed$ una%le to +eep the sarcasm from her voice as the car pulled away from the cur%$ heading towards the centre of the city" They were o%viously ta+ing the longest route to the airport$ round the :ayor's 8arden$ down towards South End and past 6ing's Beach" 75ou will discover$ Samantha$ that )'m human with human feelings li+e everyone else$' he informed her mildly as they left the city traffic %ehind" 'No one is perfect"' *e spo+e as if had every intention of continuing their relationship$ %ut she would have to disillusion him$ and at once$ she decided$ scraping together her courage" 7Brett$ there's something ) want to ma+e #uite clear to you$' she %egan$ turning in her seat to face him" ') don't want to see you again after today"' She had e&pected moc+ery or heavy sarcasm$ %ut she found herself una%le to argue with his calm %ut authoritative reply" 7(o you mind if we discontinue this discussion until we're alone-' Samantha fell silent$ not paying much attention to their surroundings as she %ecame aware instead of his hand lying on the seat %etween them so close to her own" )t was a hand with well2+ept fingernails and fine %lac+ hair on the %ac+" )t indicated strength and the capa%ility to crush$ or to spar+ off emotions she preferred not to dwell on" A car shot across the red light at the ro%ot on the %each front and Brett's driver swerved violently$ narrowly avoiding a collision with a stationary car while at the same time trying to avoid the car that continued on its way without stopping" The suddenness of it all flung Samantha against Brett and his arms closed a%out her instantly" 'Are you all right-' '5es3yes$ ) thin+ so$' she stammered$ %ut the pressure of his arms did not diminish as she trem%led with shoc+" 'That damn fool$ whoever he is$ could have caused a nasty accident$' he e&claimed angrily$ glancing at his chauffeur" '/oseph$ did you get the num%er of that car-' 'No$ sir" )'m sorry$ sir"' '*e ought to %e ta+en off the road permanently$' Brett continued harshly$ %ut left the su%.ect there" Samantha e&tricated herself carefully from his arms and straightened$ %ut the whole unfortunate episode had unnerved her so severely that violent tremors shoo+ through her %ody" She had seen that car seconds %efore it had disappeared down *umewood Road and it had %een live's3or one very li+e his" But live was still in ape Town$ wasn't he- ould he have returned on an earlier flight without telling her- But why- She drew a shuddering %reath and admonished herself severely for the dou%ts she was entertaining" )t was all Brett's fault$ she decided angrily" )f he had not persisted with his nasty insinuations she would never have considered the possi%ility that that car had %een driven %y live" live was still in ape Town$ she told herself firmly$ and he would %e arriving with the twelve o'cloc+ flight as he had said he would" !hen they finally reached the airport$ Brett helped her alight from the car and +ept his hand on her arm as they entered the %uilding" 'There's still plenty of time" !e can order a strong pot of tea in the restaurant"' !ithout waiting for a reply$ he ushered her in that direction" *e found a ta%le close to the window and placed their order as the waitress appeared$ then an uneasy silence lingered %etween them until their tea was eventually served" Samantha poured and they dran+ in silence for a moment$ the strongly %rewed tea steadying her nerves and %ringing the colour %ac+ to her chee+s"

'Are you loo+ing forward to seeing live again-' Brett as+ed a%ruptly$ ta+ing a cigarette from his cigarette case and lighting it carefully" '<ery much"' 'A pity"' Samantha placed her cup in the saucer with a clatter" ')f you're going to start %eing unpleasant3' '(id you +now your eyes %ecome a deep violet %lue when you're angry or emotionally distur%ed-' *e leaned closer to o%serve her and there was devilment in his eyes" ')t's most e&traordinary"' Ta+en a%ac+$ Samantha hovered %etween anger and em%arrassment" '5ou're the most disconcerting man )'ve ever met 1 ' '(o you find the truth disconcerting-' '!hen it's aimed at me personally$ yes"' '(oesn't live ever tell you how %eautiful you are- That you have hair li+e spun gold$ truly remar+a%le eyes$ a small perfectly chiselled nose$ and the most delightful lips that were made to %e +issed-' *er chee+s were flaming %y the time he had concluded his summary and she hastily lowered her glance to avoid the moc+ery in his eyes" ':ust you say these things-' she managed finally" ') find your %lushes intriguing and your innocence captivating$' Brett persisted$ his glance no longer moc+ing %ut completely unfathoma%le" 'Surely you're not so completely unaware of your alluring appearance-' Samantha %it her lip nervously$ not sure .ust how to ta+e him in this frame of mind" ') don't want to appear alluring"' Brett laughed derisively" '(on't say that as though it were some terri%le sin1 )f Adam hadn't found Eve alluring$ where would this human race %e today-' A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth %ut it disappeared swiftly when she noticed the sudden sternness of his e&pression" *is moods altered swiftly$ she had noticed" 4ne minute he would shower her with attention$ however moc+ing$ and the ne&t he would appear almost %ored with the trend of the conversation" )t was most confusing$ she decided$ pushing her empty cup aside and glancing through the window at the Boeing ta&iing on to the runway" '*ave you ever flown %efore-' he as+ed suddenly$ and she felt a nervous flutter at the %ase of her throat" 'No"' '!ould you li+e to-' Samantha fingered the ta%lecloth a%sently" '!hen the opportunity presents itself$ yes"' ') have a small aircraft out there" ) could give you a taste of flying and have you %ac+ here in time to meet !ilmot"' *is glance was persuasive" 'Shall we go-' 7) don't +now" )3' 75ou're not frightened$ are you-' Brett moc+ed her$ crushing his cigarette into the ashtray" 7No 1' she lied %ravely$ %ut she was determined that he should not %e aware of the #ua+ing feeling which had gripped her insides" 'Let's go$ then"' Samantha %arely had time to snatch up her hand2 %ag as he settled the account and ushered her through the %uilding and out on to the tarmac" The small aircraft turned out to %e a slee+ four2seater$ painted white and trimmed with red" Brett clim%ed a%oard ahead of her and then turned"

78ive me your hand$' he instructed and$ as she did so$ she was than+ful that she had chosen to wear her slac+s instead of the narrow s+irt she had originally selected" *er hands fum%led with the seat %elt and Brett was forced to lean across from %ehind the controls to secure the fastener for her" 7Ready-' he #uestioned impatiently" 752yes$' she managed$ swallowing convulsively as her throat tightened" 7Right$ here we go"' *e placed the earphones on his head as the engine sprang to life and Samantha could feel the tremendous vi%ration %eneath her while he re#uested permission to ta+e off" This was followed %y an aeronautical discussion she was una%le to understand and then$ suddenly$ they were moving forward$ ta&iing out on to the appro2 *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST priate runway" )t seemed an endless$ timeless .ourney %efore Brett pulled out the throttle and the engine %egan to speed up" They moved forward now$ gathering speed$ and Samantha gripped her seat as the earth suddenly fell away %eneath them" She closed her eyes tightly as they gained height$ wishing at that moment that she had %een less %rave when he had suggested this e&cursion" '5ou can open your eyes now$' he shouted a%ove the roar of the engine$ and she did so only to meet his moc+ing glance" *e was fully aware of her nervousness and certainly en.oying her discomfort" 'Rela&$ Samantha$ and en.oy it" ) don't intend to frighten you with aero%atic stunts"' ') wouldn't put that past you$' she countered$ gritting her teeth" '(on't tempt me$ my dear"' )t had %een a warning and Samantha +new %etter than to pursue the su%.ect" She glanced tentatively through the window to see the teeming city %eneath them$ the ampanile$ standing almost at the entrance to the %usy har%our as a memorial to the o British settlers$ and the tall %uildings along :ain Street which now loo+ed peculiarly small from that height" Then$ as they left everything of structural interest %ehind them$ she gradually %egan to rela& and en.oy the surrounding countryside %elow" *er fear overcome$ it was a fantastic e&perience %eing a%le to survey everything from that height" )t was a clear$ warm day and the visi%ility stretched for seemingly endless +ilometres$ affording her the %reath2ta+ing view of the valleys and rivers winding their way among the hills$ flowing past pictures#ue little villages nestling on their %an+s" This was the Sundays River <alley3citrus country" ')f you loo+ directly ahead of us you'll see the Addo" Elephant ;ar+$' Brett interrupted her thoughts$ pointing at the dense %ush %elow" '*ave we come this far in so short a time-' '5es" (oes it surprise you-' ')t does$ %ut """' Samantha %it her lip and glanced nervously at her wristwatch$ 'shouldn't we %e returning-' '!hy the hurry$ Samantha-' he moc+ed$ meeting her an&ious eyes" ') thought you were en.oying yourself-' ') am$ %ut will you have enough fuel to get us %ac+ to ;ort Eli9a%eth-' Brett raised a satirical eye%row" 'Are you dou%ting my capa%ilities as a pilot-' 'No$' she replied with nervous haste" 'No$ of course not"' '5ou're perfectly safe with me$' he announced drily$ returning his attention to the numerous dials in front of him" Samantha remained silent for a considera%le length of time$ %ut she could no longer restrain herself when they flew over the Suur%erg :ountains with La+e :ent9 clearly in

the distance" 'Brett$ it's almost eleven2thirty$' she protested wea+ly" '!e must turn %ac+ now or ) shan't %e in time to meet live"' ')'m afraid live will have to do without his welcoming committee$' he informed her smoothly" BThere's something ) want to show you"' Samantha felt a chill of fear that made her s+in crawl as she stared at him aghast" 'Brett$ you can't do this1 ;lease turn %ac+1' 7)'m sorry$ Samantha$' he replied without a trace of regret as he glanced at the dials" ') have .ust enough fuel to get us safely to our destination"' 'And where$ may ) as+$ is that-' she demanded with heavy sarcasm" Brett glanced at her %riefly$ %ut his e&pression conveyed nothing" '5ou'll see for yourself in less than fifteen minutes"' Samantha clenched her hands in her lap$ fighting against the uncontrolla%le anger that raged through her" ') suppose you thin+ you've %een very clever '5es$ ) thin+ so"' Realisation dawned with a swiftness that too+ her %reath away" '5ou deli%erately planned this trip so ) wouldn't %e at the airport to meet live" (idn't you-' *is smile was infuriating" 'That was a very clever piece of deduction$ if ) may say so"' She sagged helplessly against the firm %ac+rest" ') don't +now what you hope to gain %y this$ %ut ) can tell you now that$ whatever it is$ you won't succeed"' '!e shall see$ Samantha$' he replied a%ruptly$ his lips tightening and the s#uare chin .utting out stu%%ornly" 'Sit tight$ )'m going in to land"' Samantha closed her eyes hastily as the tarmac rose to meet them" There was a %ump as the wheels touched down and the revving of the engine gradually ceased its deafening roar$ and she opened her eyes with a feeling of relief to discover that they were ta&iing towards a hanger %eside which a Land2Rover was par+ed" The occupant of the open Land2Rover waved e&citedly and Brett returned the gesture$ a smile of pleasure lighting up his stern features that made him loo+ curiously younger" 'That's Lucas$' he told her$ cutting the engine and undoing his seat %elt" '*e loo+s after the vehicles as well as %eing a general all2rounder"' *e helped her down off the aircraft %efore turning to the coloured man who was approaching them with a welcoming smile on his weather %eaten face" *e was dressed simply in +ha+i drill trousers and shirt$ with an old slouch hat pulled down over his eyes to guard them against the glaring sunlight" Brett shoo+ hands with him and then drew Samantha to his side" 'Lucas$ this is :iss Samantha Little"' '8lad to +now you$ :iss Samantha$' Lucas said$ touching his hat respectfully %efore turning again to Brett" 'The :adam said ) was to %ring the :aster straight to the house" No nonsense"' Brett nodded so%erly" ') %et dear old Aunt Emma has wor+ed herself up into a stew a%out the message ) sent her this morning"' 'Stew is the right word$ :aster Brett$' Lucas chuc+led as they clim%ed into the Land2 Rover" All this$ Samantha supposed$ had something to do with her une&pected arrival" )t was o%vious that Aunt Emma$ whoever she might %e$ was not at all thrilled at the prospect of having an unwanted guest thrust upon her$ for however %rief a period" She glanced at her watch$ sighing inwardly" )t was past midday and live would already have arrived in ;ort Eli9a%eth$ she realised$ %ut she would .ust have to %ear this slight delay caused %y Brett and loo+ forward instead to seeing live that evening"

*aving made this decision$ she glanced a%out her with interest for the first time" This was the 6aroo$ she realised$ ta+ing in the scru%2covered country$ %ut she had no idea e&actly where they were" The Land2Rover %umped une&pectedly over an uneven piece of ground and Samantha gra%%ed at the %ac+ of Brett's seat to steady herself" 'Sorry a%out this$' he said tersely$ turning in his seat" 'The recent rains have played havoc with the road" !e're almost there"' *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST Up ahead among the trees she caught sight of a house$ %ut her view was partially hampered %y Brett's dar+ head and %road shoulders directly in front of her" They passed through a white2painted stone arch with the name$ arrington's ;ost$ engraved impressively on it in large %lac+ letters" So this was one of his farms$ she thought as they drove through an avenue of poplar trees$ %ut why on earth should he have %rought her hereThey emerged from the welcoming shadow of the trees and Samantha drew her %reath in sharply as the homestead loomed up ahead" )t was large and impressive with a wide stoep on the north side of the house$ where gravel paths wound their way through an ornamental garden that gave her the curious impression of an oasis in the semi2desert" All this she noticed in one sweeping$ startled glance as the Land2Rover crunched to a halt at the foot of the stone steps leading up to what was o%viously the front door" This in itself was a wor+ of art and craftsmanship" ircular steps led up to the heavy oa+ door a%ove which a circular roof$ trimmed with wrought2iron$ rested on carved stone pillars" arved into the stone .ust a%ove the door were two lions facing each other$ their tails lashing the air$ their fangs %ared and their claws unsheathed to do %attle" !as this sym%olic of the arrington family- Samantha wondered$ e&periencing a sudden attac+ of nerves as she stood there %eside Brett$ trem%ling inwardly as his strong fingers closed a%out her arm" Lucas$ +nowing that he was no longer re#uired$ drove off in the Land2Rover as they mounted the steps" '!elcome to my home$ Samantha"' '5our """ home-' she managed %reathlessly$ glancing up at him in surprise" The wind had whipped through his hair in the open Land2Rover and it fell heavily across his forehead" )t made him loo+ different somehow0 less austere$ %ut she was not deceived" 'This is my home when )'m not in the city$' he informed her in clipped tones" ')t has housed four generations of arringtons$ including myself$ and it will also %e the home of my children one day"' *is children1 She had$ never thought to hear him spea+ of his children" :arriage and children were something one found difficult to associate with Brett arrington$ the confirmed %achelor" The heavy oa+ door opened without a sound and a woman stood there$ tall and erect in a %lac+ froc+ that hung well %elow her +nees" *er grey hair was com%ed %ac+ from her face and rolled into a neat %un in the nape of her nec+$ while the only thing that was alive in her gaunt$ mar%le2li+e features was the %urning disapproval in her eyes" 'Aunt Emma1' Brett e&claimed$ striding forward to plant a +iss on her thin chee+" *e turned then and %ec+oned to Samantha" 'Let me introduce you" This is Samantha Little" Samantha """ my Aunt Emma Bryce$ the only woman who has the audacity to imagine that )'ll .ump when she crac+s the whip"' *is teasing remar+ did not lessen her disapproval as she ac+nowledged Samantha's timid greeting in a clear$ remar+a%ly pleasant voice" ')f you come this way )'ll show you to your room$ :iss Little" )'m sure you would li+e to freshen up %efore lunch"' 'Than+

you$' Samantha murmured$ glancing swiftly at Brett as she %rushed passed him$ %ut his e&pression remained inscruta%le" The silence was strained as she followed Emma Bryce into the magnificent hallway with its rosewood furniture and chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling$ their steps ma+ing no sound on the carpeted staircase with its carved wooden %alustrade" )t was cool inside and Samantha shivered slightly as she wondered whether this woman was always so severe2loo+ing$ or whether it was as a result of the inconvenience caused %y an une&pected guest$ for Emma Bryce had certainly not gone out of her way to ma+e her feel at all welcome" She opened a door to one of the rooms on the upper floor and stood aside for Samantha to enter" The room was fully carpeted with an old2fashioned %rass %ed dominating the room" Samantha fingered the lace %edspread and then turned self2 consciously towards the older woman" ')t's very %eautiful$' she remar+ed$ gesturing towards the %edspread" '(id you ma+e it$ :rs Bryce-' 7No" Brett's mother made it shortly %efore her death$' she replied a%ruptly$ and then gestured towards a door leading off the room" 'The %athroom is through there" )'m sure you'll find everything you may need"' ')t's very +ind of you to allow me the use of this room for the hour or so that ) shall %e here$' Samantha said politely" Emma Bryce stared at her curiously$ almost as if she were a%out to say something of importance$ then she apparently changed her mind and reassumed her grim e&pression" '!hen you're ready$ come down to the dining2room$ child" )t's the first door to your right at the %ottom of the stairs"' !ithout giving Samantha the opportunity to than+ her$ she turned and closed the door %ehind her" Samantha endeavoured to shrug off the uneasiness which had settled upon her and went through to the %athroom" This suite had o%viously %elonged to a woman$ she guessed$ glancing a%out her" Brett's sister- she wondered curiously as she washed her face and hands and made use of the hand towel placed at her disposal" /udging %y the array of powders$ %ath oils and perfumes$ the occupant of this room had had a truly feminine wea+ness for such lu&uries" She found her com% in her hand%ag and pulled it through her hair %efore touching up her ma+e2up" 4n the dressing2ta%le in the %edroom she discovered a %rush and com% set with the initials N" " engraved on them" So she had %een right$ she thought$ in thin+ing that this had %een his sister's room" !hat had she %een li+e- she wondered curiously" And what had the initial N stood for- Nancy0 Natalie- Norma$ perhapsSamantha closed her hand%ag with a decisive snap" She had %etter not +eep Brett and his aunt waiting or she might %ring more than disapproval down upon her own head$ she decided as she closed the %edroom door softly %ehind her and found her way down to the hall" As she hovered at the entrance to the dining2room$ the sound of raised voices from the opposite direction drew her attention" Brett and his aunt were o%viously disagreeing on some ma.or issue$ %ecause the argument was heated" Samantha #uelled the sudden desire to eavesdrop and entered the dining2room instead to admire the priceless silverware and the solid tea+ furniture" The minutes tic+ed %y on the cloc+ a%ove the dresser and she turned idly towards the window" !hat could they %e arguing a%out- she wondered curiously %efore losing

herself in the %eauty of the garden" So engrossed was she in this sunlit paradise that she .umped violently when Brett spo+e %eside her" ':y apologies for +eeping you waiting$ Samantha$' he said %rus#uely$ sending a glance in his aunt's direction that conveyed a clear warning" 'There was an urgent matter we had to discuss"' 7That's #uite all right$' Samantha assured him un2 comforta%ly" ')'ve %een admiring your lovely view of the garden"' 'All the rooms$ e&cept those on the south side$ have a view of the garden$' Emma Bryce told her$ ma+ing her statement sound li+e a re%u+e" 'Shall we have lunch-' The air of hostility which prevailed made lunch an uncomforta%le necessity" Samantha ate very little under the close scrutiny of Emma Bryce" !hat thoughts lay %ehind those curious grey eyes- she wondered" !as the fact that Brett had %rought a female guest to arrington's ;ost so unusual$ or had their violent argument %efore lunch not concerned her at all- !hatever the reason$ Samantha decided eventually$ it had put neither of them in a socia%le mood" Brett maintained an angry silence throughout the meal$ and his aunt's comple&ion was a shade paler than on their arrival" Tea was served in the living2room with its massive stone fireplace and deep$ comforta%le armchairs with their padded arm2rests and crocheted lace coverings" E&pensive porcelain vases adorned the carved ta%les against the walls as well as a colourful vase of flowers on the low ta%le in the centre of the room" )t was a homely room$ %ut the austere atmosphere caused %y its occupants %rought a chill to it which it did not deserve" '(o you li+e my home$ Samantha-' Brett as+ed une&pectedly$ arresting her glance" 'The little )'ve seen of it ) find very %eautiful$' she admitted readily$ her %ac+ muscles tense from perching nervously on the edge of her chair$ almost as if she were ready for flight" let me show you the ornamental garden$' he suggested$ drawing her to her feet" ')t's Aunt Emma's pride and .oy"' )t was o%vious that he was ma+ing an effort to %rea+ the ice %etween them$ %ut Emma Bryce maintained a stony silence and Brett merely shrugged carelessly as he steered Samantha through the dou%le glass doors on to the stoep" ')t's li+e an oasis in the desert$' she echoed her original thoughts as she stood %eside Brett$ allowing her ga9e to wander in among the carefully tended shru%s and flowering succulents" *e too+ her arm as they wal+ed through the garden and she found herself strolling %eneath shady trees$ crossing sturdy ornamental %ridges %eneath which a carefully contrived stream flowed$ and finally hovering ecstatically %eside a lily pond in which the goldfish swam la9ily %eneath the circular flat leaves in search of food" ')t's %eautiful1' she e&claimed with sincerity$ glancing up to find Brett o%serving her with tolerant amusement$ an unlit cigarette %etween his fingers" Em%arrassed$ she rose from her +neeling position and lowered her glance" '5ou must find my enthusiasm %oring" )'m sorry"' 'Sincere enthusiasm is never %oring$ Samantha$ it's enchanting"' *e gestured towards the %ench %eneath the oa+ tree" 'Let's sit down"' Seated %eside him on the wooden %ench$ Samantha recalled the incidents leading up to this enforced visit to his home$ and the %eauty of the garden was temporarily forgotten" 'All right$ Brett$ you've had your fun$' she reminded him calmly" !ill you ta+e me %ac+ to ;ort Eli9a%eth now that )'ve seen your home-'

Brett too+ his time lighting his cigarette %efore turning to face her$ and there was a firmness a%out his .aw that unnerved her" ')'m afraid$ Samantha$ ) neglected to tell you that you'll %e staying here for a while"' ,or several la%ouring seconds Samantha was conscious only of the heavy %eat of her heart as she stared at him incredulously$ every vestige of colour draining from her face and leaving her chilled to the marrow" '5ou're .o+ing$ naturally$' she heard herself say in a cho+ed voice" ')'ve never %een more serious"' 'But ) can't stay here1' '!hy not-' ':y father3' '5ou're here with your father's +nowledge and complete approval"' The world tilted cra9ily a%out her as she struggled to grasp his un%elieva%le statement" She clutched at the %ench %eneath her for support and %lin+ed rapidly in an effort to %ring his face into focus" '5ou mean you planned this """ a%duction """ %etween the two of you-' 'E&actly" ) telephoned him this morning to tell him that everything had %een arranged"' 'B2%ut w2why-' Brett drew hard on his cigarette and then crushed the remainder %eneath the heel of his e&pensive shoe" '5our father and ) %oth felt it would %e in your own interest if you didn't see live !ilmot again """ at least$ not until you've ridded yourself of the ridiculous notion that you're in love with him"' Anger came to her rescue and sent her %lood racing vi%rantly through her veins" ') don't suppose it occurred to either of you that ) might not want to rid myself of the idea that ) love live-' *is eye%rows rose moc+ingly" ')'m afraid$ Samantha$ that until you do you'll remain here at arrington's ;ost"' Samantha felt li+e slapping that smug$ self2satisfied loo+ off his face$ %ut her fear of the conse#uences +ept her trem%ling hands tightly loc+ed in her lap" '5ou and my father must have %een cra9y to thin+ that you could +eep me here against my will ) ' she said furiously$ grasping hopefully at the final straw availa%le to her" 'There's my .o%$ for instance" ) can't .ust stay away li+e this"' Brett's lips twisted cynically" '5ou no longer have a .o%$ %ecause ) too+ the li%erty of having you replaced" ) had to ta+e your friend 8illian into my confidence$ and she assisted me to find someone appropriate"' )t was li+e a stunning %low %etween the eyes$ %ut it also e&plained 8illian's peculiar %ehaviour during the past wee+" Samantha sagged wea+ly against the %ac+ of the %ench and lowered her lashes swiftly to veil the tears of helplessness which stung her eyes" '5ou've thought of everything$ haven't you-' she said dully$ the shrill sound of the cicades in the afternoon heat scraping along her sensitive nerves" ') don't %elieve in half measures$' he replied mercilessly" '5our clothes and personal possessions are %eing pac+ed for you at this moment$ %ut they won't arrive %efore tomorrow" Until then you'll have to ma+e do with what remains of my sister's wardro%e"' *is glance swept over her momentarily" 'She was considera%ly taller than you$ although .ust as slight$ %ut ) dare say you won't mind the unavoida%le inconvenience until your own things arrive"'

CHAPTER F !E A ;R4,4UN( silence followed Brett's remar+3a silence during which Samantha assimilated the shoc+ing realisation that he was in deadly earnest a%out +eeping her there for an unspecified period" *er trem%ling hands fluttered nervously in a pleading gesture$ only to fall %ac+ limply into her lap" She seldom smo+ed e&cept in moments of dire stress and this$ she decided$ was one of them" ':ay ) have a cigarette$ please-' Brett's e&pression was unfathoma%le as he calmly opened his cigarette case and e&tended it towards her" She selected one and rolled the cigarette nervously %etween her fingers until he held the lighter towards her$ his hand cupped a%out the flame" She coughed slightly at the first draw$ %ut soon e&perienced its soothing effect on her shattered nerves" '!as as+ing me to marry you part of this dia%olical plan-' she as+ed finally when she was in complete control of her voice" 'Not e&actly$' he smiled %riefly$ '%ut it would have %een simpler if you had accepted" There would have %een no need then to a%duct you"' ')t ama9es me to thin+ that you would have gone to the e&tent of giving up your freedom to wrec+ my relationship with live$' she remar+ed with a touch of sarcasm" 'No$ my dear$ you're wrong$' he said with #uiet determination" ') as+ed you to marry me %ecause ) wanted o you for my wife" ) still aim to persuade you to accept my proposal"' '!hy-' Brett shrugged carelessly" 'Let's say you're the only woman )'ve ever met who ) feel sure would suit me admira%ly as a wife"' Samantha felt curiously hurt" '5ou ma+e it all sound so cold2%looded1' ';erhaps it is$' he admitted icily$ removing the unsmo+ed cigarette from her passive fingers with a distasteful e&pression on his face and promptly disposing of it" 'There's something else ) have to tell you" 5our father has accepted that transfer to ape Town$ and he leaves on :onday"' '*ow very convenient$' she remar+ed$ trem%ling with renewed anger" ') feel li+e a cum%ersome$ erring child$ shuttled from one parent to the other when the %urden has %ecome too uncomforta%le to %ear"' '5ou're not a child$ Samantha$ you're a woman"' *is voice sent a chill up her spine" 'Li+ewise$ )'m not your parent$ %ut the man who hopes to marry you some day when you've ac+nowledged your infatuation and real2 lised that you're as yet unawa+ened"' ')'ll never marry you$ and )'ll get away from here somehow1 ' Brett leaned closer to her$ his manner threatening" ') must warn you$ my dear$ that you will not %e allowed to escape" :y staff have %een instructed to +eep an eye on you and$ as there is no necessity for me to return to the city within the ne&t month$ ) intend +eeping an eye on you personally as an added precaution"' 'A month1 A whole month1 ' she cried in dis%elief" '5ou can't +eep me here that long-' ,or seemingly endless seconds his dar+ eyes pinned her ruthlessly to her seat and not for the first time did *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST she notice the peculiar colouring of his eyes" The dar+ %rown eyes with the flec+s of

gold gave one that impression of leaping flames as the sunlight caught them" Beautiful eyes$ she thought irrationally even as he spo+e harshly" ')'ll +eep you here much longer if you persist with your ridiculous notions"' ') hate you$ Brett arrington$' she said with feeling$ 'and ) thin+ %oth you and my father have %ehaved despica%ly ' '!e've acted in your interest alone"' ':y interest and my happiness lies with live$ and nothing will alter that$' she argued hotly" 'A %old statement$ Samantha$ %ut a foolish one$' he claimed moc+ingly$ drawing her to her feet" ' ome$ you're overwrought and distressed" ) suggest you lie down for a while until ) send someone to call you down for tea"' ') don't want to lie down$ than+ you"' '(on't %e childish$ Samantha"' *is re%u+e was li+e a whiplash" 'Allow me to +now what's %est for you"' ')f you thin+ )'m going to sit %ac+ mee+ly and allow you to carry out this disgusting plan of yours$ then you're mista+en$' she informed him$ lifting her chin defiantly" ') shall fight you all the way"' ')'ve always admired spirit$ Samantha$' he laughed softly$ 'and ) would have %een e&tremely disappointed if you'd merely accepted everything without a murmur"' '5ou're insuffera%le 1 ' she fumed and$ turning$ fled light2footed along the path$ her eyes %linded once more %y helpless tears of rage" There was not a soul in sight when she entered the homestead" The tea cups had %een removed from the living2room and a silence had descended upon the house as though everything had ceased to function after the midday heat" )t was o%viously the general practice for everyone to have a rest when the lunch was over$ %ut it was a ha%it Samantha had never %een a%le to cultivate" She found her room without much difficulty and discovered that someone had drawn the curtains against the afternoon sun$ leaving it pleasura%ly cool" The old2fashioned %ed with its feather mattress loo+ed inviting and Samantha finally succum%ed to the invitation$ slipping off her shoes and lying fully clothed on the %ed after removing the e&#uisite lace %edspread" '4h$ live1' she thought in anguish$ '*ow are we going to endure this unnecessary parting- *ow am ) ever going to convince Brett that what we feel for each other is sincere-' She turned her face to %ury it in the pillow and$ to her surprise$ saw something she had not noticed %efore" Beside her %ed$ on a small ta%le$ stood a telephone" live would %e at his flat and she could telephone him there" *e would come and fetch her at once$ and there would %e nothing the mighty :r Brett arrington could do a%out it" She lifted the receiver$ her heart racing with e&citement$ %ut the ne&t instant the dialling tone was interrupted %y a sharp clic+$ to %e followed %y an ominous silence" 'Samantha$' Brett's voice came clearly over the line and she felt her nerves vi%rating$ 'your telephone is connected with mine here in the study$ and also with the one in the hall" )f you're thin+ing of telephoning !ilmot and as+ing for his assistance3forget it" ) left a note at his flat informing him that you're here and he should have received it %y now" *e won't do a thing to help you"' Samantha found her voice with difficulty" '!hat ma+es you thin+ that live won't come to my aid if ) should as+ him-' ') +now live !ilmot$ %ut if you would li+e proof$ then go ahead and phone him$' Brett

remar+ed in a %ored2sounding voice$ replacing the receiver and leaving her for several seconds with nothing %ut the sound of the dialling tone in her ear" live would come" 4f course he would come1 She argued mentally with herself$ %ut the annoying fear that Brett's supposition might %e confirmed made her replace the receiver as though it had suddenly %urnt her fingers" She supposed Brett must have heard her replacing the receiver without dialling and she could imagine that infuriating loo+ of self2satisfaction on his usually immo%ile face" *e had won this round" *e had succeeded very cleverly in sowing a seed of dou%t in her mind$ and she hated him with an intensity that shoo+ her slender frame" She fell %ac+ against the pillows and closed her eyes$ her hands clenched tightly against her sides" !ithout intending to$ she saw again Brett's peculiar eyes and the way he had loo+ed at her in the garden" *e had succeeded in penetrating her defences$ his eyes searching deeply and distur%ingly into her soul$ leaving her curiously defenceless and vaguely aware of something she could not put a name to" Samantha literally shoo+ herself free of these thoughts and wondered instead e&actly how she had %een such a fool to allow herself to %e trapped into this slightly mediaeval situation" )t was unheard2of in this modern century that a girl could %e carried off in this way %y a +night on a white charger to his castle in some secluded spot in the country" She giggled with rising hysteria as she thought of Brett as the +night in #uestion$ his small aircraft representing the white charger$ and his home$ arrington's ;ost$ as the castle" )t was ludicrous1 But the romance of the situation did not escape her$ and her hammering heart told her that she was a fraud" Brett arrington had a forceful$ magnetic personality0 he was not the +ind of man to %e overloo+ed or underestimated$ she realised again" *e made his presence felt %y those around him and he was decisive in his actions" *owever distasteful she found these thoughts she was forced to admit that live could not compare with Brett in this respect" live was handsome$ suave and charming" *e was passionate and petulant$ %ut he was fun" *e was$ at times$ li+e a tiresome child$ %ut he was3romance" Brett$ to the contrary$ was mature in his approach to life$ and there had %een nothing peevish a%out him when she had struggled free of his em%race that evening he had proposed marriage so une&pectedly" Neither had there %een anything immature a%out the way he had held and +issed her" *e had %een masterful and overpowering in his method$ and it had ta+en all her will2power not to give way completely" *er chee+s flamed suddenly as she remem%ered those moments" Brett had said that he had every intention of persuading her to accept his proposal of marriage" !ould he use the same method of persuasion- she wondered irrationally$ %urying her face in the pillow as her s+in tingled with the mere thought of those firm lips against her own" No$ it would %e so easy to forget live0 to give up the struggle against emotions that were %ecoming too powerful for her to control" She had to fight1 she decided firmly" Brett had warned her against live$ %ut she was in more imminent danger with Brett" !ith live she had %een strong in mind and heart$ %ut with Brett she was continually overcome %y an ine&plica%le wea+ness$ and awe2inspiring awareness that he could %end her to his will as easily as %ending a sapling %etween his fingers" Brett was not in the living2room that afternoon when Samantha went down for tea" She found Emma Bryce alone$ seated in an upright chair with the tea trolley %eside her" '*ave ) +ept you waiting-' Samantha as+ed apologetically as the woman glanced up$ %ut Emma Bryce shoo+ her grey head and %egan to pour" Samantha glanced a%out her e&pectantly" ')sn't Brett coming down for tea-'

'Brett has as+ed me to ma+e his apologies$' the woman said$ handing Samantha her tea and gesturing that she should help herself to mil+ and sugar" '*e's ta+en one of the horses to ma+e an inspection tour of the new gra9ing camps" *e's always preferred going on horse%ac+ to ta+ing one of the Land2Rovers"' Samantha felt curiously deflated while at the same time she was than+ful for the opportunity to spea+ to Brett's aunt alone" ':rs Bryce$ ) suppose you +now Brett's reason for %ringing me here-' she %egan tentatively" '5es$ ) +now"' 'Am ) right in assuming that you don't approve of the whole idea-' Samantha searched her face and was surprised to see those gaunt features softening considera%ly" ')s that the reason for the argument %etween Brett and yourself %efore lunch-' '5ou're very astute$ my dear$' Emma Bryce said at length$ s#uaring her shoulders and avoiding Samantha's glance" ') disagreed most strongly with my nephew on the su%.ect" *e has no right to interfere in the lives of others simply %ecause Nadine """' 'Nadine-' Samantha #uestioned sharply as her voice trailed off guiltily" '!ho's Nadine-' 'Brett's sister$' the older woman told her a%ruptly" 'She died three years ago"' '!hat has Nadine to do with my %eing here-' Samantha persisted curiously$ certain now that there was more to this whole situation than what Brett had led her to %elieve" 'Nothing$' Emma Bryce said$ and Samantha was surprised to discover that the woman was decidedly uncomforta%le a%out the way the conversation was developing" '5ou +now Brett's reasons for wanting to +eep you here"' Samantha decided against pursuing the su%.ect and instead she as+ed> ':rs Bryce$ will you help me to get away from here- ;lease-' There was a%solute silence for several seconds %efore Brett's aunt placed her empty cup in the tray with an unnecessary clatter" ':y dear girl$ as much as ) disli+e the idea of Brett meddling in your life$ ) can't go against his wishes" Brett$ li+e his father %efore him$ is master of this household and everything that goes with it"' ,or the second time Samantha noticed a softening in the grey eyes and a gentleness a%out the mouth that had %een nothing %ut firmly compressed since their arrival %efore lunch" 7Even ) must o%ey him$' she added$ and there was une&pected humour in the glance that held Samantha's" 'After all$ you're here with your father's approval"' So Emma Bryce was not such an ice%erg as she had originally suspected$ Samantha thought with a feeling of immense relief" '!hat am ) going to do-' she sighed" 'There's nothing you can do %ut accept the situation as gracefully as possi%le" Antagonising Brett will merely ma+e matters worse for you"' She smiled now$ transforming her features completely" ':ore tea$ Samantha-' 7No than+ you"' Samantha returned the smile with a *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST heavy heart and rose to her feet" ':ay ) wal+ a%out out2 side$ or is that not allowed when )'m unaccompanied-' '8ood gracious$ child1' the older woman said in surprise" '5ou're free to wal+ where you please as long as you don't try to leave the farm"' '!here are we e&actly- !hat's the nearest town-' Emma Bryce made no effort now to hide the humour in her glance" 'Bosmansvlei is the nearest town$ and if you're thin+ing of wal+ing there$ it's thirty +ilometres away"' Samantha assured her that$ for the time %eing$ she felt no desire to overta& her strength %y attempting such a lengthy wal+ in an effort to escape" She refrained from

mentioning$ however$ that she had every intention of investigating every avenue of escape availa%le to her" There appeared to %e no one a%out when she stepped into the %rilliant afternoon sunlight" ,or a while she strolled aimlessly across the well2+ept lawns until she noticed a %uilding to the %ac+ of the house which o%viously housed the farm vehicles as well as those for private use" Endeavouring to appear as casual as possi%le$ she continued her stroll in that direction$ intent on investigating the possi%ility of ma+ing use of one of the estate cars" There was par+ing space for appro&imately twelve cars$ %ut only three of the par+ing %ays were occupied" The gleaming white :ercedes was o%viously Brett's$ and the unpretentious :ini3a smile pluc+ed at her lips3could only %elong to Emma Bryce$ for Brett would never manage to seat his large frame comforta%ly in such a confined space" The only other vehicle in the garage was a Land2Rover which was %eing repaired$ .udging %y the various assortment of tools lying a%out and the amount of grease on the hands of the oloured man who +ept emerging from the interior of the engine to select whichever implement he needed" )t would not %e difficult to escape at night if she could ma+e use of one of those cars$ %ut it would %e to her disadvantage if she planned too hastily" )t would ta+e a little time to discover where the +eys were +ept$ for any direct #uestions in that respect might cause suspicion and inevita%le failure" The thundering of a horse's hooves interrupted her thoughts and she turned to see horse and rider approaching her across the yard" )t was Brett$ loo+ing alarmingly different in .odhpurs and +ha+i %ush .ac+et$ with a %road2rimmed slouch hat pulled firmly over his eyes" *e drew the horse in %eside her and Samantha stepped %ac+ swiftly as the temperamental white stallion pawed the air" 7(o you ride-' he as+ed a%ruptly$ loo+ing down at her with a sardonic e&pression on his face as he +ept a tight hold on the reins to control the horse" 7N2no"' 7Then ) shall have to teach you"' To her horror he leaned down towards her and e&tended his hand" '8ive me your hand and )'ll help you up and give you a taste of what it's li+e"' 74h$ no ' There was nothing she wanted less at that moment than to get on the %ac+ of that vicious2loo+ing animal with Brett" 7 ome"' )t was a command and she found herself o%eying involuntarily" ';ut your left foot in the stirrup and )'ll do the rest"' The #uivering animal turned large %rown eyes in her direction %ut remained perfectly still at Brett's command" Samantha did as she was told and #uite suddenly found herself sitting on the animal's %ac+ with Brett's strong arm a%out her waist" '/ust as well you're wearing slac+s$' he moc+ed as she drew her %reath in sharply" 'Are you comforta%le-' 752yes$ than+ you$' she managed %reathlessly$ only too aware of his solid %road chest against her shoulder and the warmth of his muscular arm a%out her waist" There was a%out him the smell of the sun which made him almost a complete stranger to her$ compared to the immaculately groomed %usiness man she had come to +now since that night she had wal+ed into his private garden at the hotel" She had not %een sure what to e&pect after %eing hoisted up on to his horse$ %ut she gradually rela&ed as she %ecame accustomed to the rhythm of the animal %eneath her" Brett's warm %reath was against her chee+ as they thundered across the veld with its thorn %ushes and windmills standing out li+e %eacons$ %ut he did not spea+ until the horse had slowed its pace to a rhythmic canter"

'*ave you ever %een on a sheep farm %efore-' he as+ed eventually$ his voice low and pleasant against her ear" '4nly once when ) was a child$ %ut ) don't remem%er much a%out it$' she owned$ allowing her ga9e to wander in the direction of the camps where the sheep were gra9ing la9ily" 'Tell me something a%out it"' 7Are you merely %eing polite$ or do you really want to +now-' he as+ed moc+ingly$ and Samantha felt the tightening of the muscles in his arm" ') wouldn't as+ if ) wasn't interested"' Brett appeared to consider this for a moment$ then he laughed softly %eneath his %reath" 'There's a lot ) still have to learn a%out you$ little Samantha"' '(on't call me that1' she snapped irrita%ly$ leaning %ac+ slightly to glance up at him and wishing she had not allowed herself to %e forced into underta+ing this unusual e&pedition with him" '!hat-' he laughed moc+ingly$ strong white teeth flashing against the tan of his s+in" 'Little Samantha- 5ou live up to your name$ my dear$ %ut what you lac+ in height you certainly ma+e up for in temperament"' ') did as+ you to tell me something a%out the farm$' she reminded him coldly$ changing the su%.ect swiftly %efore she lost her temper" '5our servant$ madam$' he moc+ed thum%ing his hat on to the %ac+ of his head" 'The gra9ing area has %een fenced off into camps and we gra9e them in rotation to preserve the natural vegetation" )t sounds complicated$ %ut it's really very simple$' he smiled at her when she loo+ed up at him with raised eye%rows$ %ut he continued his e&planation without a trace of moc+ery" 'The lam%s are %orn in spring or at the onset of autumn$ %ut prefera%ly in the spring$ as our winters here can %e cruel at times"' The stallion continued its rhythmic wal+ along the .ac+al fencing and although Samantha realised that she would suffer some discomfort later as a result of this ride$ she was strongly aware of the peacefulness of the country as the late afternoon sun lay warm against her %are arms" )n a camp some distance away$ two farmhands were herding a large num%er of lam%s into a stone +raal and their %leating could %e heard clearly across the stillness of the open veld" 'Those lam%s have %een weaned$' Brett e&plained$ sensing her #uery" 'They were %orn during 4cto%er and are now almost four months old"' 7(o you do your own shearing$ or do you enlist the aid of people specially trained to do this-' ':y farmhands do the shearing and sorting themselves$' he said a%ruptly" 'They're a highly specialised %unch$ %ut the shearing is done only after the winter$ from August to 4cto%er"' *e turned the horse sharply and she suc+ed her %reath in sharply as they galloped across the veld$ away from the enclosed camps" 'There's someone ) want you to meet$' he shouted a%ove the noise of thundering hooves and the wind in her ears" The oloured settlement lay %eyond a small +op.e$ its neat %ric+ houses shaded %y tall %luegum trees" The children were the first to notice them and they ceased their games to greet Brett e&u%erantly$ running alongside the horse as he slowed its pace to a wal+ and scram%ling for the handful of cents he had dropped in the sand" Samantha's presence caused a slight stir among them$ %ut they o%viously too+ it for granted that if she was with Brett she had every right to %e there" Samantha somehow managed to restrain herself from #uestioning Brett until he slid off his horse at the furthest end of the settlement and placed his hands a%out her waist to help her down"

')'m ta+ing you to meet Rosa$' he answered her #uery$ his hands lingering distur%ingly at her waist" 7She sent a message via her grandson that ) was to %ring you to her$ and even ) don't ignore such a command ' 7But why-' she as+ed$ somewhat surprised" 'She doesn't even +now me"' Brett's lips twitched slightly" ') thin+ ) should warn you" Rosa is rather strange in some ways" She """ sees things$ as they say$ %ut she's really #uite harmless"' Samantha shivered involuntarily" '5ou ma+e her sound rather frightening"' 7There's nothing frightening a%out Rosa$' Brett assured her" ':y grandmother died shortly after my father was %orn$ and Rosa loo+ed after him from when he was a %a%y right through to his adolescence" She's merely a wise old woman with peculiar ways$ %ut don't let her upset you in any way"' *e too+ her arm and led her towards the cottage %uilt a little distance from the others" The gate opened noiselessly %eneath his hand and they wal+ed in silence up the garden path towards the front door" )t was opened %y a young oloured woman %efore Brett could raise his hand to +noc+ and she smiled %roadly$ gesturing that they should enter" The neat %ut sparsely furnished room served as a lounge and dining2room$ and in a chair %eside the scru%%ed wooden ta%le sat an old woman$ her face lined with age and snow2white hair com%ed %ac+ from her face with a neat plait coiled in her nec+" She smiled$ displaying teeth that were yellowed with age$ and invited them to sit down" 'Rosa$ you're an old rogue$' Brett re%u+ed her +indly once they were seated" '5ou're the only person who would have the chee+ to order me a%out"' '5our father was li+e my own child$' her voice crac+led$ 'and you are his son" 5our father and your mother are no longer here to loo+ after your welfare$ 8od rest their souls$ so ) must do the %est ) can$ even if it means ordering you a%out"' '5ou +now you're always forgiven$' Brett replied with surprising gentleness" The old woman nodded and turned dar+$ %eady eyes on Samantha" ') +new that one day you would come$ and when ) saw a star shoot in the east last night$ ) +new that %efore the sun set on another day$ you would %e here"' Samantha glanced nervously at Brett seated %eside her$ and the loo+ he gave her said clearly> '!hat did ) tell you-' '5our name is Samantha$' the old woman continued$ and Samantha felt the %lood recede from her face" ') had to see you to tell you what ) saw" )'m getting old$ you see$' she chuc+led with mirth$ 'and sometimes ) forget things3important things"' Samantha could not pretend that she was unaffected %y Rosa's meanderings and$ ignoring the moc+ery in Brett's glance$ she #uestioned the old woman" '!hat is it that's of such importance that you had to tell me-' Rosa's glance never left Samantha's and she had the most peculiar feeling that the woman was almost sin+ing into a trance" *er s+in crawled" )t was almost li+e delving into the supernatural$ something she had heard of and had scoffed at in the past" 'Beware of stardust" )t %linds the eye and slips through your fingers$' Rosa's crac+ling voice interrupted the tense silence" '!hen the young leaves of spring sit on the trees you will find your star of happiness"' Rosa sagged in her chair and %owed her head$ clearly e&hausted %y the effort" Brett drew Samantha to her feet and gestured to the younger woman hovering in the doorway that they were leaving" 'Tell Rosa that :iss Samantha appreciated her concern and that we'll come again some other time$' Brett told the girl$ %efore he marched Samantha firmly from the cottage" )t had %een a weird e&perience that left her mind in a turmoil during the silent ride

home" !hat could the old woman have meant- Beware of stardust" )t %linds the eye and slips through your fingers" And then there" was something a%out finding her star of happiness in the spring" !as the old woman implying that her happiness with live would not materialise %efore the spring- But that was seven months away$ and she had no intention of %eing parted from live for that long1 Brett was strangely distant when they parted company some time later$ and during dinner that evening she was aware of his long searching glances" After coffee had %een served in the living2room she escaped into the garden to en.oy the peaceful silence of the night" She had to %e alone" She had to thin+1 'There's nothing more %rilliant than the stars in the country$' Brett remar+ed %ehind her$ and she stiffened instantly" '*ave you noticed-' ') didn't come out here to do starga9ing$' she replied$ moving away from him along the stoep" ') did warn you not to ta+e Rosa's ram%lings too seriously$' he said drily$ almost as though he had read her thoughts" Samantha turned to face him in the shadowy moonlight" '5ou +now her %etter than ) do" !hat was she trying to say-' The silence was filled with the fragrance of honeysuc+le as she waited for him to reply$ %ut he merely shrugged his shoulders carelessly and said> ')'m afraid ) have no idea what she meant"' 'Surely you must have some idea-' ':y dear Samantha$' Brett laughed moc+ingly$ 'how should ) +now all that goes on in the mind of someone li+e Rosa- )t could have meant that you're chasing after moon%eams$ or something e#ually ridiculous"' 'Now we're %ac+ to live$' she snapped angrily" 'No$ my dear$ we're %ac+ to you$' Brett corrected$ ta+ing her hands in his and drawing her relentlessly towards him in the silvery dar+ness" ':arry me$ Samantha$ and all my worldly goods will %e yours"' ')'m not for sale1 she e&claimed %reathlessly$ struggling vainly to free her hands and still the clamouring of her heart" *is grip tightened painfully on her wrists" ')f )'d wanted to %uy a wife$ ) could have done so years ago" )'m as+ing you to %e my wife$ Samantha> ') can't marry you$' she cho+ed out the words" ') don't love you"' 7Love-' he laughed moc+ingly$ his cool %reath against her forehead" '!hat is love5ou tal+ of it as if you +now$ and yet )'m certain that you haven't the faintest idea what it's all a%out"' 7Let me go ) 5ou can't force me to accept %y using %rute strength$' she panted wildly$ %ut$ instead of releasing her$ Brett held her firmly against the hard length of his %ody" ') agree$ Samantha$ %ut ) will nevertheless prove to you that you're not as indifferent to me as you would li+e me to thin+"' *is mouth was hard against her own$ forcing her lips apart and sending a charge of electricity along her nerves" She trem%led$ struggled to su%due her rising emotions$ and finally +new that$ su%consciously$ she had wanted him to +iss her in this way" *orrified and ashamed of herself$ she %ro+e free$ and Brett made no effort to stop her" )t was anger that came to her rescue$ or she might have %urst into tears as she stood facing him on that still summer night with her fic+le heart hammering against her ri%s" 'Am ) to %e su%.ected to this +ind of treatment throughout my enforced stay-' she gasped$ trying to control the trem%ling of her hands %y clasping them %ehind her %ac+"

'(o you intend to wear down my defences until ) no longer have the will to refuse-' The silence was heavily charged as they faced each other" Brett's e&pression was formida%le in the moonlight$ and Samantha's nerves twisted into a tight coil" 75ou must allow me to +now what's %est for you$' he said with surprising calmness" '5ou have my word that ) shan't +iss you again unless you give some sign that you wish it$ %ut ) will not discontinue my efforts to ma+e you accept my proposal of marriage"' '5ou'll %e wasting your time ) ' ') thin+ not$ Samantha$' he contradicted harshly" ')'m a patient man" ) can wait"' '5ou'll wait for ever$ Brett arrington ) ' she flung at him$ her chee+s %urning with humiliation and anger as she made her escape while his moc+ing laughter followed her until she had entered the house" The living2room was empty$ %ut Emma Bryce met her in the hall$ her manner less disapproving and an unmista+a%le warmth in her grey eyes" ')'ve ta+en the li%erty of selecting a few things from Nadine's wardro%e for you to choose from" 5ou'll find them in your room"' 'Than+ you very much$ :rs Bryce" ) thin+ if you don't mind$ ) would li+e to retire to my room" )t's %een rather a tiring day"' '4f course$ my dear$' she nodded understandingly$ 'and call me Aunt Emma" Everyone does"' There was a genuine warmth in her voice that %rought swift tears to Samantha's eyes as she stammered her than+s" '5ou're very +ind$ and it would ma+e me very happy to call you Aunt Emma"' They could hear Brett closing the doors leading on to the stoep and$ noticing Samantha's nervous glance in that direction$ the older woman gave her a gentle push towards the stairs" '4ff to %ed with you" 5ou've had enough for one day"' Samantha smiled at her gratefully and fled upstairs$ not stopping until she reached the privacy of her room" Aunt Emma was right$ she had had enough for one day" Enough of Brett's arrogance and moc+ery$ enough %itterness and anger$ and enough disappointment at her father and 8illian's contri%ution to her unhappiness" Later$ dressed in the frilly lace nightgown which had %een laid out for her$ Samantha lay staring into the dar+ness$ nursing the unfamiliar stiffness that was setting in from her ride and with a mind too e&hausted to thin+ as she watched the moon spread its soft glow across her %ed" Too much had happened$ and all of it distur%ing" Beware of stardust$ Rosa had said" !as it merely the ram%lings of an old woman$ or did it have some hidden meaning- she wondered$ sighing heavily" There was nothing as %lissfully silent as the 6aroo nights$ and nothing more soothing for a mind %ruised %y tortuous thoughts" Samantha closed her eyes in these unfamiliar surroundings and allowed the silence to wash over her$ lulling her into a false state of serenity until she drifted into the o%livion of sleep"

Brett left the homestead soon after %rea+fast the following morning$ %ut arrived %ac+ in time to have tea with Aunt Emma and herself on the stoep$ and Samantha could not prevent the flic+er of admiration that passed through her as she glanced at him surreptitiously" (espite the fact that he was wearing +ha+i drill trousers and %ush

.ac+et$ he loo+ed as immaculate as always$ and somehow such a part of this vast semi2desert country" '!ould you li+e to come for a swim with me-' he as+ed$ wiping the perspiration from his %row with a spotless hand+erchief" 'There's a natural pool in the vlei that we always use for this purpose"' '5ou're forgetting )'ve %rought nothing with me$ and that my clothes haven't arrived yet$' she reminded him coolly" ') dare say ) could rustle up a swimsuit for you$' he said drily %efore disappearing into the house" Aunt Emma shrugged her shoulders at Samantha's dou%tful glance and removed the tray to the +itchen while Samantha followed Brett upstairs with some trepidation" There was no +nowing what he would 'rustle up' as he had put it$ and she was %eginning to wonder if it would not have %een wiser to decline his invitation" Brett met her at the top of the stairs$ a towel hanging a%out his nec+" ')'ve left something in your room for you" )'ll %e waiting out at the %ac+ for you$ so come down when you're ready1 *e disappeared down the stairs and Samantha turned warily towards her room" The 'something' he had mentioned turned out to %e the minutest dar+ green %i+ini she had ever seen$ and she %lushed crimson .ust loo+ing at herself in the mirror" )f it had not %een so suffocating hot$ and the thought of a swim so tempting$ she would have thought twice a%out wearing the scanty garment Brett had found for her" )t was perhaps also some of 8illian's devilment that had ru%%ed off on her over the years that prevented her from shying away from the idea of appearing li+e that %efore Brett" She might %e short$ she thought$ surveying herself in the mirror$ %ut her figure was good" *er %reasts were small and firm$ her waist slender$ her hips rounded perfectly$ and her legs shapely" There was nothing Brett could find fault with" As if she cared$ she added to herself defiantly" She found a pair of denim slac+s in the cup%oard which she had to roll up round her an+les$ and a %rightly coloured %louse which she left hanging loosely over her %elt" )n a hurry now not to +eep Brett waiting$ she slipped on her shoes and gra%%ed a towel %efore hurrying down the stairs and out to the %ac+" '4ver here 1 ' Brett called as she emerged from the house$ and she glanced across to see him standing %eneath the old oa+ tree holding on to the reins of his own magnificent white stallion as well as a grey mare" ')f you're going to learn to ride$ then you might as well start now"' 'Brett$ ) can't1' she e&claimed$ her throat tightening with fear as she came forward hesitantly" ' oward 1 ' This was too much 1 She could ta+e Brett's moc+ery$ %ut she was not a coward$ and she steeled herself to stretch out a hand and stro+e the mare's nec+" )t was a pleasant sensation to feel the smooth coat %eneath her fingers" 7!hat's her name-' 7) call her :eisie38irl$' he translated for her haughtily" ') can understand Afri+aans$' she informed him$ meeting his glance with a shade of anger in her eyes" 7(on't treat me as though ) were illiterate1' 7(on't %e so touchy$' he re%u+ed her$ lifting her into the saddle as if she were no weight at all" 7:eisie is very tame$ so you have nothing to fear" /ust do as ) tell you and soon you'll %e riding li+e an e&pert"'

7Brett$' she %egan with rising panic$ 'what if ) fall off-' 7:y dear child$' he laughed moc+ingly$ 7no one has ever fallen off :eisie$ so stop imagining all sorts of mishaps and do e&actly as ) tell you"' )t was a nerve2rac+ing ride down to the vlei$ %ut it was fun" Under Brett's firm guidance she soon %egan to feel secure as she watched her movements to the rhythm of the mare$ while her muscles o%.ected to this unaccustomed e&ercise" 7Rela& your hold on the reins slightly$' Brett instructed at one stage" '5ou've got her pulling at the %it and it can hurt her mouth" That's %etter"' Samantha +new that she would never forget that unusual %ut pleasant smell of leather and horseflesh$ com%ined with the spi+y odour of the veld" )t was an e&perience she would not have e&changed for anything else in the world at that moment3riding with Brett in the hot 6aroo sun$ and seeing a side of him few others +new of" This was his +ingdom0 it was where he %elonged$ and not in the harsh %usiness2li+e world where she had met him and once thought him such a part of" 7!e're almost there$' he interrupted her thoughts$ and she glanced in the direction he was pointing to see a shady pool$ protected from the glare of the sun %y the willow trees growing on its %an+s" Brett dismounted first and helped her down %efore tethering the horses to a tree" They stripped down to their costumes and Samantha turned warily to follow Brett into the water$ only to find that he appeared in no hurry to en.oy the coolness of the pool" *e stood there with a male arrogance that was %oth disarming and infuriating$ his glance moving down the length of her with a slow deli%eration that #uic+ened her pulse and sent the %lood drumming in her ears" She was painfully aware of the fact that the %i+ini he had given her left very little to the imagination$ and her chee+s went hot with em%arrassment" Una%le to endure his prolonged scrutiny$ she turned and plunged into the cool$ refreshing water$ %ut she was surprised to find Brett surfacing %eside her almost simultaneously" *is hair was plastered to his head and there was a wic+ed loo+ in his dar+ eyes" 'Be careful$' he warned moc+ingly" 'That %i+ini wasn't made to ta+e rough treatment"' '8o away1' she cried in an anguish of em%arrassment$ stri+ing out towards the opposite %an+" But Brett caught up with her$ his arm heavy a%out her waist as he dragged her against him$ and she automatically clutched at those %road shoulders" 'Teasing time is over$' he said severely" '(on't swim that way$ it's dangerously deep" 6eep to this side of the pool"' *e released her then and Samantha o%eyed him without resentment$ swimming only where he had indicated it was safe" She rolled over on to her %ac+ and floated$ watching the dragonflies hovering li+e helicopters a%ove the water" '(o you often swim here-' she as+ed when he reached her side once more$ treading !ater" 'Almost every day in the summer$' he replied with a gleam of moc+ery in his eyes" 'But ) don't usually swim in this respecta%le fashion"' '!hat do you mean-' *is amusement deepened at her innocence" ') swim in the nude" A costume is something ) don't normally carry around with me"' Samantha %lushed profusely and$ avoiding his glance$ she swam out to the side of the pool" '!e'd %etter dry off in the sun %efore we change %ac+ into our clothes$' he suggested$ following her out and towelling himself vigorously"

Samantha spread out her towel on the grass and sat down$ her hands clasped a%out her +nees$ her hair wet and stringy$ sending rivulets of water down her %ac+ and ma+ing her shiver in the sun" ') have something for you$' Brett said$ seating himself %eside her with his smooth shoulder almost touching hers" She too+ the s#uare envelope from him and recognised her father's handwriting immediately" '5ou must have had this with you since yesterday" !hy are you only giving it to me now-' '5ou weren't in a very understanding mood yesterday$ so ) withheld it a little"' Samantha %it %ac+ a sharp retort and tore open the envelope$ e&tracting a single sheet of paper with her father's neat handwriting on it" ':y dear Samantha$' he had written$ 'This is not an easy letter to write$ %ecause ) +now how you must %e hating me at this moment" )t was not an easy decision for me to ta+e" Tric+ing one's own daughter into a situation she doesn't desire is never very pleasant$ %ut you wouldn't have gone willingly" 7;erhaps you will forgive me when ) tell you that )'ve longed to get away from ;ort Eli9a%eth and the aching memories of the happiness your mother and ) had shared" ) couldn't force you to come with me to ape Town$ and ) couldn't leave you %ehind with someone li+e live !ilmot in the offing" That's why$ when Brett suggested an unscheduled visit to his farm where you would %e under his care and that of his aunt's$ ) .umped at the chance" 7Thin+ of it as a holiday$ Samantha$ and the opportunity to ma+e sure of your feelings for live" )f he loves you as he says he does$ he'll wait for you" As Brett put it to me> something worthwhile is always worth waiting for" 7(on't .udge me too harshly$ my dear$ and write to me when you have the time" 5our loving father$ /ames Little"' She felt the tears pric+ her eyelids as she returned the letter to the envelope" Brett had moved away from her and stood leaning against a tree$ smo+ing a cigarette and staring out across the water with an almost %rooding e&pression on his face" Samantha lay down on her %ac+ and felt the sting of the sun against her closed eyelids" She could almost forgive her father$ and yet """ Brett's shadow fell across her and as she raised her glance she found herself trapped %y those peculiar gold2flec+ed eyes$ a clear %lue s+y$ and the gently swaying %ranches of the willow trees" 7!hy$ Brett-' she demanded$ catching her trem%ling lower lip %etween her teeth" '!hy am ) not free to live my life as ) wish$ and to love whom ) please-' Brett's e&pression remained unchanged e&cept for a slight tightening of his lips" '5ou haven't loved yet$ Samantha$ %ut you will one day3 the right man"' She had an idea that they were not tal+ing a%out the same thing$ %ut she let it pass and did not mention the su%.ect again as they dressed and rode %ac+ to the homestead" Brett's chauffeur2driven %lac+ :ercedes arrived that afternoon with Samantha's suitcases$ and it was only when they stood in a neat row at the foot of her %ed that the star+ reality of her predicament too+ its toll on her nerves" She wept$ washed her face and wept again" She was %eing silly$ she told herself" She was not normally the weepy +ind$ %ut she found that she was incapa%le of stemming the flow of tears" *er first wee+ at arrington's ;ost dragged %y$ %ut during this time she #uelled her impatience and spent her time planning a way of escape" Brett seldom left her alone$

ta+ing her with him through acres of gra9ing paddoc+s$ or down to the vlei for a swim in the pool0 he on his white stallion$ Lightning$ and she on :eisie" Although he +ept his word and did not try to +iss her again$ Samantha %ecame so aware of him as a forceful and virile man that she wondered which was worse0 %eing +issed %y him$ or %eing so alarmingly aware of him" (espite the roc+y start$ Emma Bryce %ecame her friend$ %ut Samantha +new instinctively that she could not share her confidences with this woman$ for her loyalty to Brett outweighed their friendship" )f Emma Bryce +new of her plans she would inform her nephew instantly" Samantha soon discovered that the +eys to all the vehicles were +ept in Brett's %oo+2 lined study" )t was a comforta%le$ %usiness2li+e room with padded leather chairs and a heavy mahogany des+" She had %een in there once with Brett when Lucas happened to return the +eys of the Land2Rover and she had seen Lucas hang them on a hoo+ in a small unloc+ed cup%oard %ehind the door" She would have to %ide her time$ she decided" Brett must not suspect that she had intentions of ma+ing a %id for freedom" ,reedom3a strange word$ %ut an apt one" She was imprisoned %y Brett as a man$ and %y her own unpredicta%le emotions" She had to get away3to escape from thoughts and feelings %rought on %y his dominating presence" *er opportunity came one evening during her second wee+ at the farm" Brett announced at dinner that he would %e attending a meeting in the district that evening" That left Aunt Emma and Samantha completely alone" Aunt Emma normally went to %ed early and that would mean that Samantha would %e free to collect the +eys of the :ercedes and ma+e her escape %efore Brett returned" )t was all too ridiculously easy$ she thought humorously" )f Brett intended to +eep her a prisoner$ then he would have to +eep her chained li+e a slave" '8oodnight$ Samantha$' Brett %owed moc+ingly as he was on his way out" ',orgive me for ro%%ing you of my charming company this evening"' '5our company won't %e missed$ ) assure you$' she replied with sarcasm" )t was her only weapon against his moc+ery and she was forced to use it fre#uently" 'The day will come$ my dear$' Brett continued unpertur%ed$ 'when you'll long for my company """ and plenty more %esides"' Samantha flushed deeply %ut did not avert her ga9e" '(on't %e too sure of yourself$ Brett arrington" Not all women are prepared to fall at your feet when you happen to %ec+on" Some may find you irresisti%le$ %ut to me you're rather an arrogant %ore"' Brett went white a%out the mouth and Aunt Emma$ who had %een listening to this ver%al %attle in silence$ drew her %reath in sharply" Samantha waited$ not +nowing what to e&pect$ %ut Brett recovered swiftly and ordered Aunt Emma to leave them alone for a %rief moment" '(on't try me too far$ Samantha$' he said harshly as the door closed %ehind his aunt$ 'or ) might forget my promise to you and show you .ust how irresisti%le you do find me"' Samantha too+ an involuntary step %ac+wards$ her pulse drumming in her ears" ') hate you$ Brett1' '8ood$' he snapped$ his eyes li+e two coals of fire in his head" ')f you can love$ as vehemently as you hate$ then %eing married to you will %e an enthralling revelation"' She placed her hands against her %urning chee+s as he turned on his heel and left the room" *e was an infuriated$ self2opinionated$ hateful man$ and she would never marry him" Never1 The outer door slammed %ehind him and moments later Aunt Emma re2entered the

living2room" '!as that Brett ) heard leaving-' she as+ed$ ta+ing in Samantha's flaming chee+s and %lue eyes now almost %lac+ with anger" '5es"' ':y dear$ you must %e careful$' she said with deep concern" 'Brett is very much accustomed to having his own way and he doesn't tolerate people spea+ing to him the way you do"' Samantha's eyes stung with angry tears" ') did not mean to %e disrespectful$ %ut why must he always moc+ and taunt me the way he does-' Emma Bryce shoo+ her head and slipped a comfort2 ing arm a%out Samantha's shoulders" ') don't +now what's got into Brett lately" *e's not usually li+e this" *e's really a very +ind and considerate man$ firm with those who wor+ for him$ %ut never cruel"' Samantha swallowed at the lump in her throat and #uelled her sudden desperate longing for the comforting warmth of live's arms$ and the firm assurance that he loved her" )f her plan wor+ed$ she would soon %e with him and no one$ not even Brett arrington$ would succeed in ta+ing her away from him a second time" 7) thin+ )'ll have an early night$' she told the older woman$ and dropped a light +iss on her chee+ %efore going up to her room" )t was not long %efore she heard footsteps passing her door" Aunt Emma was retiring for the night and within half an hour her light would %e out" She would give her an hour %efore ma+ing her first move$ .ust to ma+e sure that she would %e asleep" The hour seemed to drag %y as Samantha waited$ her two suitcases side %y side at the door$ and her nerves twisted into a tangled +not" The worst part$ she discovered later$ was tiptoeing down the dar+ened stairs$ collecting the +eys from Brett's study$ and slipping from the house without wa+ing Aunt Emma 4nce outside$ she +ept to the shadows and reached the garages without much difficulty" The %lac+ :ercedes was not in its usual place$ %ut the white :ercedes loo+ed inviting in the moonlight" )t would perhaps have %een %etter to ta+e Aunt Emma's :ini$ %ut once she was on the main road %eyond Bosmansvlei she would need speed to get away as #uic+ly as possi%le" She placed her suitcases in the %oot and slipped into the driver's seat" She was practically on her way$ she thought$ her hands trem%ling with e&citement" Nothing could stop her now" She turned the +ey in the igni2 tion and pressed the starter" Nothing happened1 She tried again """ and still nothing happened" She flic+ed the switch for the lights %ut$ when they did not come on$ she realised with a sic+ening .olt that the %attery must have %een removed" *er suspicions were confirmed when$ moments later$ she had the %onnet open" She hurried across to the :ini and$ to her chagrin$ found that it was also without a %attery" '*aving trou%le$ Samantha-' 'Brett1' *er heart leapt to her throat with a violence that almost cho+ed her as she swung round to face the tall$ menacing figure approaching her in the dar+ness" ') had an idea you were planning something li+e this$' he told her with a calmness that frightened her" 'That's why ) invented the meeting and deli%erately gave you the opportunity"' Samantha's lim%s were num% with shoc+" '5ou mean """ you've %een here all the time-' '5es$ ) par+ed the car further along among the trees and waited"' *e seemed to tower over her trem%ling form" ') must admit ) never thought you'd have the nerve to try"' Samantha was too num% to spea+ sand she leaned wea+ly against the %onnet of the car while he removed her suitcases from the %oot and slipped the +eys into his poc+et"

*e gestured that she should follow him and she did so mee+ly$ her legs trem%ling to such an e&tent that she stum%led several times in the dar+ness from the garages to the house" !hen they reached his study he stood aside for her to enter and then closed the door '%ehind them with his foot %efore dropping her suitcases on to the floor" She sat down than+fully in the first availa%le chair and clasped her trem%ling hands in her lap" *er %ody #uivered uncontrolla%ly and her teeth were clamped so tightly together that her .aw ached" 7(rin+ this$' Brett spo+e %eside her$ a glass of am%er2coloured li#uid in his hand" She could hardly hold the glass properly and some of the li#uid splashed on to her slac+s" '!hat is it-' 7Brandy and water$' he said a%ruptly" ')t will steady your nerves" 5ou're sha+ing li+e a leaf"' ') can't drin+ it1' she protested through clenched teeth$ %ut the loo+ in his eyes made any further protestations die on her lips" She coughed and spluttered as the first mouthful scalded her throat$ %ut he forced the glass to her lips once more" She o%ediently too+ another mouthful %efore pressing the glass into his hand" ';lease$ )'ve had enough" )t's #uite revolting1' She leaned %ac+ in her chair$ closing her eyes as she felt the welcome warmth steal through her veins and finally steadying her #uivering nerves" !hat was Brett going to do- she wondered suddenly$ glancing at his impassive face from %eneath her eyelashes" She had e&pected him to %e angered$ %ut this calm acceptance he was displaying made it difficult for her to +now .ust how to handle the situation" " '!hile ma+ing your plans of escape$ Samantha$ did you give a thought to where you would go-' he as+ed suddenly$ leaning against his des+ and folding his arms across his chest" '!ell$ ) o%viously can't go %ac+ to the flat$ as it's %een let to someone else$ ) presume"' She avoided the directness of his ga9e" ')'ll find a room somewhere"' '4r you could move in with !ilmot"' 'That's a vile thing to say1' she flared hotly$ gripping the arms of her chair" '!hat do you thin+ ) am-' Brett raised his eye%rows moc+ingly" '5ou're not going to tell me he's never suggested it-' '4f course not *e """' She %it her lip suddenly$ re2 calling an incident she would have preferred to forget" live had insisted that there was no reason for them not not to live together until his salary could provide ade#uately for a wife$ and she had refused adamantly" Now$ with Brett waiting patiently for her to reply$ she was forced to admit the truth" '5es"' '!ell$ then-' he persisted cynically" ')'m old2fashioned enough to %elieve that that sort of thing is for after the marriage"' She felt the tell2tale colour seeping into her chee+s$ %ut she faced him with a touch of defiance" 'Am ) going to %e punished for trying to get away-' '5es"' *e too+ her hands and drew her to her feet$ and #uite suddenly she +new what he intended to do" She could have freed herself #uite easily$ for he did not ta+e her into his arms$ %ut for some unaccounta%le reason she remained perfectly still as he lowered his head" *is lips moved over hers in a lingering +iss that made her trem%le$ and when his unusual chastisement finally ended$ her eyes$ deep %lue and #uestioning$ held his glance"

')s that all-' she heard herself as+ing almost with a sigh" 'Am )to %elieve you're as+ing for more$ Samantha-' '5ou +now very well what ) mean$' she %it out$ furious with herself for inviting his moc+ery" 'The least ) e&pected was a lashing with your tongue$ if not with a whip"' ')'m not a %ar%arian to ta+e a whip to a woman$ or anyone else for that matter$' he stated harshly$ releasing her hands and ta+ing a pace away from her to allow his glance to slide over the length of her" 'There are other forms of punishment which are far more effective"' Samantha's chee+s stung with humiliation$ %ut fortunately Brett's %ac+ was turned towards her as he collected her suitcases" )t was a silent$ agonising wal+ up to her room$ with Brett$ cold and for%idding$ directly %ehind her" *e placed her suitcases .ust inside the door and then loo+ed down at her disdainfully from his great height" 78oodnight$ Samantha"' She stammered something$ %ut he was gone %efore the words had formed properly on her lips" (isappointed and despondent$ she %it %ac+ the tears" )f only she could accept her father's e&planation for agreeing that Brett should practically a%duct her and +eep her a prisoner" !hat right had they to interfere- )f live was not the +ind of man her father had had in mind for her$ then surely he should have had the grace to accept the fact that she had made her choice$ and that she was old enough to +now what she wanted- 4r was it merely that Brett's suggestion had %een the easy way out for him$ leaving him free to accept the transfer he had secretly desired since her mother's untimely death- she wondered unhappily" She had heard of parents o%.ecting to their children's chosen escorts$ %ut this was more than ridiculous and totally unreasona%le" *er thoughts returned to live$ and the most unnerving realisation swept through her" )t was not so much live whom she wanted to rush to$ %ut Brett she wanted to escape from" But what was she running from- An awareness0 a sensing of danger- !as she afraid of allowing herself to %ecome su%merged in a whirlpool of emotions as yet une&plored %y herself- 4r was it perhaps the +nowledge that Brett could awa+en these emotions$ where live had failed in the pastA shuddering sigh escaped her and she instantly shied away from these distur%ing thoughts as she pre2 pared for %ed" )t would perhaps %e advisa%le not to delve too deeply into her reasons for wanting to get away from arrington's ;ost$ she decided tiredly$ snapping off the light and ac+nowledging temporary defeat" Samantha was more determined than ever now to get away" At the first availa%le opportunity to spea+ to Lucas without Brett %reathing down her nec+$ she tried to persuade him to place one of the cars at her disposal$ %ut Lucas could not %e swayed" ':iss Samantha$' he said in that peculiarly accented voice attri%uted only to the oloured people$ 'my family have lived on this farm for many years$ and this is where ) want to live until ) die"' Samantha could not prevent the smile that tugged at her lips" '(oes this mean that you won't help me-' ')t means$ :iss Samantha$' he replied$ his e&pression apologetic$ 'that ) can't help you even if ) wanted to" :aster Brett gave his orders"' '(o you always o%ey your %oss so implicitly-' Lucas' eyes widened in his %rown face" ':iss Samantha$ if :aster Brett said ) must chop off my arm$ ) will chop it off"' Samantha swallowed her disappointment" '5our loyalty is commenda%le$ Lucas" ,orgive me for as+ing you to go against your %oss's wishes$ and forget that ) ever

as+ed you to consider doing so"' Lucas smiled with relief and touched his hat respectfully %efore leaving her to contemplate the only other avenue of escape left open to her" She would have to get away from the house %efore dawn one morning and ma+e her way on foot to the road %efore the heat of the day made such a feat impossi%le" )f she managed to get a lift into Bosmansvlei$ she could ta+e a train from there to ;ort Eli9a%eth" )t was three days %efore Samantha could put this plan into action" ,or two days it rained incessantly and on the third Brett +ept her %usy in his study$ dictating letters which he had as+ed her to type" *er elation was almost impossi%le to %ear when she eventually found herself on the road to Bosmansvlei at the first light of dawn with a change of clothing in her small vanity case$ as well as her savings %oo+ and enough cash in her sling %ag to pay for a train tic+et" The rest of her possessions would .ust" have to remain at arrington's ;ost to %e collected later" Samantha wal+ed at an easy pace$ the wild smell of the 6aroo %ush permeating the air" )t would %e two hours %efore her disappearance would %e noticed and that would give her more than enough time to get as far away as possi%le" By seven that morning the sun had dispersed the chill of early dawn$ and the glistening dew drops on the grass and scru%s transformed the veld into a twin+ling paradise" Several cars had passed her$ going in the opposite direction$ and she was close to giving up hope when she heard a car approaching from %ehind" She turned to thum% a lift %ut never completed the action$ for the car approaching her was Brett's" *e drew up alongside her and clim%ed out with those leisurely$ panther2li+e movements that so often had held her spell%ound$ and came towards her$ his thum%s tuc+ed into the %elt of his immaculate grey trousers" 78oing somewhere-' Samantha swallowed' violently at the constriction in her throat when she met the cold fury of his glance" 7Brett$ )3' 78et in ' he thundered$ wrenching open the door on the passenger side and helping her forci%ly into the seat" !ith pounding temples she waited for him to get in %eside her and turn the car round" An ominous silence lingered %etween them during the drive %ac+ to arrington's ;ost$ where he pulled her roughly from the car and marched her into the house and directly to his study" 7Brett$ you can't +eep me a prisoner here on your farm$' she %egan %ravely despite the chill of fear that curled along her spine" ')f ) went to the police ) could have you arrested"' Brett laughed harshly as he faced her across his des+" ':y dear child$ you're here as my guest and$ what's more$ ) have in my possession a letter signed %y your father in which he assigned you to my guardianship until you reach the age of twenty2one"' ') don't %elieve you l' Brett unloc+ed the drawer of his des+ with a savage movement and pushed a piece of paper towards her" 'Ta+e a loo+ at that" )t's a photostat copy of the original"' Samantha's throat tightened$ virtually cho+ing off her %reath as she read through the letter and discovered that Brett had spo+en the truth" 7So )'ve %een tric+ed and trapped with the help of my own father """ the one person )'ve always thought ) could trust implicitly1 '(on't say that l' *e came round his des+ with a few #uic+ strides and gripped her shoulders painfully" )f you weren't so stu%%orn you would realise that your father has your welfare at heart$ .ust as ) do"'

'!hy-' her voice croa+ed as his face swam %efore her" '!hy should you care what happens to me-' '5ou're too lovely to have your life ruined %y a cad li+e live !ilmot"' '5ou don't +now live1' she protested$ her lips #uivering as she voiced the ha%itual complaint" '(on't )-' Brett released her and lit a cigarette$ %lowing the smo+e forcefully into the air" 'Samantha$ if ) %ring you positive proof that live has not %een faithful to you """ will you marry me-' She clenched her hands at her sides" 'That's unfair1' ')f you're as sure of live as you say you are$ then what have you to lose-' he challenged$ his eyes watchful$ his mouth twisting cynically" '<ery well$' she agreed in angry defiance and with a confidence that was showing signs of crum%ling" 'But you won't find any such proof"' '!e shall see$' he moc+ed" ':eanwhile$ do you also give me your word that you'll remain here if ) fly to ;ort Eli9a%eth this morning in order to o%tain this proof -' '5ou have my word that )'ll remain here$ %ut """ if you don't find the proof you see+-' *er %lue ga9e was raised to his imploringly" 'Then ) shall personally return you to live"' A loo+ of distaste flashed across his face" 7(o we have a %argain-' Samantha's heart pounded uncomforta%ly against her ri%s" '5es """ %ut you'll %e disappointed"' CHAPTER SE!EN T*E homestead was ominously #uiet after Brett's departure$ and Samantha had plenty of time to regret her foolishness in allowing him to trap her into an agreement which could #uite easily force her into marrying him" )t had %een madness0 %ut it was done" Eventually$ when she could %ear the silence no longer$ she went in search of Aunt Emma and found her in the garden$ pottering among the plants with a wide2%rimmed hat on her head as protection against the sun" ' an ) help-' she as+ed$ wishing there was something she could do to #uell the frightening thoughts that raced madly through her mind" '!ithout garden gloves you'll spoil your lovely hands$' Aunt Emma remar+ed seriously" 'Sit down somewhere and we can tal+ if you li+e"' Samantha sat down on the grass %eside the little stream and trailed her fingers in the water" )f Aunt Emma +new a%out her attempt to hitch2hi+e to Bosmansvlei that morning$ then she was diplomatic enough not to mention it$ Samantha thought gratefully" 'Tell me a%out Brett's parents$ Aunt Emma"' The older woman glanced up %riefly and smiled" 'There isn't much to tell" Brett's mother died not long after Nadine's %irth$ and as ) was widowed at the time ) came %ac+ to the farm to loo+ after my %rother$ Brett's father$ and the two children" Brett was fourteen when Nadine was %orn$ and already an independent young man with ideas of his own"' She pushed the garden for+ into the ground and removed her gloves" '4f course$ with his mother's untimely death$ he developed a protective love for Nadine$ and actually spoiled her tremendously" )t was Brett who taught her to swim and to ride horses """ and to drive

that dreadful little red sports car he'd given her on her nineteenth %irthday"' Aunt Emma sighed and stared thoughtfully out across the veld to where the tractors were ploughing up the earth to plant lucerne for the winter" '*e %lamed himself very much for her death" ) thin+ perhaps that's why """' '5es-' Samantha prompted$ her interest #uic+ening as Aunt Emma's voice trailed off into a guilty silence" 'Nothing$' she shoo+ her head firmly" 'Let's go %ac+ to the house$ it's almost time to have tea"' Samantha slipped her arm through Aunt Emma's as they wal+ed slowly along the path" '5ou haven't told me much a%out Brett's father" !hat was he li+e-' A reminiscent smile hovered a%out Aunt Emma's lips" 'Brett is very much li+e his father" *e was also tall and dar+$ %ut a much gentler man than Brett" *e was very much a dreamer$ whereas Brett has always had his feet planted firmly on the ground" *e died ten years ago after suffering a very %ad throm%osis$' she added almost a%ruptly$ %ut Samantha noticed the film of tears in her eyes and thought it %est not to pursue the su%.ect" Tea was served on the stoep with the usual melt2in the2mouth .am tarts$ %ut Samantha was too agitated to en.oy them" She eventually left Aunt Emma in the +itchen$ supervising lunch$ and had :eisie saddled in the hope that a ride in the veld might dispel the awful feeling of dread in her heart$ %ut she returned an hour later feeling slightly worse than when she had started out" Samantha finally ended up pacing the living2room floor as the lunch hour drew near" Brett had said he would %e %ac+ %efore one$ with or without the proof he had gone in search of$ and$ as the time for his re2' turn grew near$ she %ecame aware of a terrifying an&iety %uilding up within her" Aunt Emma set aside her em%roidery and glanced up at her with concern" 'Samantha """ my dear$ aren't you happy here with us- *aven't we done our %est to ma+e you settle in comforta%ly-' Samantha allowed her ga9e to wander out across the sunlit garden and watched the restless progress of a %utterfly on the crimson poppies" ') could %e very happy here$ if only """' ')f only the man you loved could %e here to share it with you$' Aunt Emma finished for her$ nodding understandingly" Samantha frowned and turned away from the window" 'Aunt Emma$ what am ) going to do-' she as+ed hoarsely$ and then$ without intending to$ it all came tum%ling out$ her words falling over one another as she e&plained the true reason for Brett's sudden trip to ;ort Eli9a%eth" '(on't you thin+ it was rather foolish of you to enter into such an agreement with Brett-' Aunt Emma as+ed when she had finished" ') had no choice" :y faith in live was challenged$ and %esides$ he won't find the proof he see+s"' Aunt Emma raised her eye%rows with a touch of unaccustomed cynicism and pic+ed up her em%roidery" ') hope for your sa+e that you're right"' Samantha o%served for a moment those surprisingly supple fingers as they wor+ed deftly with needle and thread$ %efore she resumed her pacing with renewed energy" !hat if Brett had succeeded in his mission and *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST returned with proof- She shuddered inwardly as she thought of the result" Surely he would not insist on her honouring their ridiculous agreement-

',or goodness' sa+e$ child ) ome and sit down$ you're wearing out the carpet$' Aunt Emma e&claimed impatiently" ')'m sorry$' Samantha muttered$ perching nervously on the arm of a near%y chair$ %ut$ even as she did so$ she heard the distant droning of Brett's plane and .umped swiftly to her feet" '*e's here1 ' 'Sit down$ Samantha$' Aunt Emma instructed firmly" '5ou'll have your answer soon enough"' )t seemed an eternity %efore they heard the Land2Rover come up the drive and seconds later Brett entered the house$ tall and %road2shouldered$ his tie as+ew$ the top %utton of his shirt undone$ and the .ac+et of his dar+ grey suit slung across his arm" Samantha glanced nervously at Aunt Emma %efore returning her glance to Brett where he stood in the doorway$ his face dar+ with suppressed anger" 7!ell """' he said harshly$ 'you have a choice"' 'A """ choice-' 75es1 ' *e gestured with his %riefcase" 7(o you want the results now$ or would you prefer to en.oy your lunch first-' A frightened pulse leapt in her throat" ') """ ) don't """' 'Brett$ you're frightening the child$' Aunt Emma intervened swiftly$ her glance disapproving$ %ut not without a touch of sympathy for the girl who stood pale and rigid %eside her chair" ':y apologies"' *e inclined his head moc+ingly" 'Shall we go to my study and get it over with$ Samantha-' Samantha followed him down the passage and into the austere atmosphere of his study$ where she stood facing him with a feeling of renewed dread in her heart" !as this terri%le anger in him as a result of the success or failure of his trip- she wondered with growing alarm" )t was difficult to tell with Brett$ she had come to realise$ for his moods altered with terrifying swiftness" 4n his des+ stood a photograph of Nadine$ her features soft and rounded$ her dar+ eyes alight with gentle amusement$ and her e#ually dar+ hair tum%ling down across her shoulder in sil+en curls" !hat had sent this lovely girl careering along a mountain pass to crash to her death- she wondered distractedly$ loo+ing up to find Brett appraising her thoughtfully" 'Brett$ you couldn't have found ' She cho+ed off the words as flames of anger leapt in his eyes" ')'m 2afraid ) have"' ') don't %elieve you1 ' she cried in despair$ fighting to control the tremors that shoo+ through her" 'This is some sort of tric+ to get me to honour my part of the %argain" live would never ' live has1 ' he interrupted %rutally$ opening his %riefcase and pressing a wad of photographs into her hands" 'Ta+e a loo+ at that$ and chec+ the date$ time and place noted at the %ottom of each photograph"' Samantha studied the photographs with an odd sensation at the pit of her stomach" )t was as though the floor had given way %eneath her feet and she was falling into a %ottomless pit" There was a photograph ta+en of live at a night2clu% with a dar+2 haired girl$ and there was something decidedly intimate a%out the way he held her" There was another of them entering a %loc+ of flats on the %each2front that same evening$ wearing the same clothes as in the first photograph$ and another of the girl leaving the %uilding the following morning" 'The flat is registered in the name of :r and :rs

*AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST live !ilmot$' she heard Brett say as she dropped the rest of the photographs on to his des+" '!here3where did you get these-' ') employed a private detective to follow him during these past wee+s"' She felt physically ill as she faced him$ her chee+s deathly pale and a wounded e&pression in her eyes" ') thin+ you're despica%le1 )3' ')'ve %rought you proof$ Samantha" ;roof of what live !ilmot really is$' Brett interrupted relentlessly" 'Now ) shall e&pect you to +eep to your side of the %argain"' '5ou're not going to tell me you actually too+ that ridiculous agreement seriously-' '(o you want to %ac+ out now that you've lost-' he counter2#uestioned cynically" 'No """ )'ll +eep to my side of the %argain" )'ll marry you$ ) """' *er voice faltered as hot tears welled up in her eyes and slid down her chee+s %efore she could prevent them" 'Nothing """ matters now"' A spotless white hand+erchief was pressed into her hands" ' live !ilmot isn't worthy of your tears"' '5ou d2don't understand$' she moaned into the white linen$ trying unsuccessfully to stem the flow of tears" ') loved """ loved him"' *e muttered something unintelligi%le and #uite suddenly she found herself in his arms with her head pressed against his shoulder" )t was a comforting gesture$ so une&pected from him$ %ut he held her #uite firmly and dispassionately until her silent weeping ceased" ')'m sorry$' she managed eventually in a muffled voice$ e&tricating herself from his arms and wiping her face" ') must loo+ a mess"' ') thin+ the sooner we're married$ the %etter$' he re2 mar+ed$ and she did not dare loo+ at him" ')'ll contact your father this afternoon and as+ formally for your hand in marriage$ as well as for the re#uired written permission as you're still under age"' Samantha felt as though every vestige of feeling had deserted her" '5ou're serious$ then """ a%out marrying me-' ')'ve never %een more serious a%out anything in my life$' he said with #uiet determination as she raised her glance to his" '(espite the fact that ) don't 2love you-' 'Samantha$ ) %elieve that marriages founded on the solid %asis of truth and respect are far more successful than most others$' he replied moc+ingly$ capturing her trem%ling hands in his" '8iven time$ my dear$ we could %e as happy as anyone else"' Alone in her room$ with the tray of lunch Brett had had sent "up to her still untouched on the small ta%le where the maid had placed it$ reaction %egan to filter through the %lan+et of num%ness li+e a douche of icy water$ setting her nerves tingling and driving her close to panic" She saw again those damning photographs and a searing pain shot through her" live had not waited$ %ut within a matter of a few short wee+s he had found someone else and had married her" !hat had happened then to all his arguments that his salary was not sufficient to +eep a wife- she wondered misera%ly$ failing to understand his reasoning" )t was o%vious to her now that no man could %e trusted$ she thought with unaccustomed %itterness" She had trusted live and$ %ecause of that foolish trust$ she had allowed herself to %e trapped into an agreement with Brett3an agreement she was now forced to honour" !hat did it really matter whom she married- *er hopes and girlish dreams had %een

shattered$ and she would never love again" Never l )t was agony to love someone$ %ecause it %rought only immeasura%le pain and disillusionment" !ithin less than a month$ according to what Brett had told his aunt when he called her into his study$ they would %e married" The thought unnerved her" :arriage to Brett arrington was something she would never have contemplated under normal circumstances" *e was far too arrogant and domineering and$ as a hus%and$ would %e demanding and e&acting$ something she would %e incapa%le of coping with" She could never love Brett$ %ut he had not offered her love """ simply marriage" But with marriage there came certain o%ligations which made her shudder merely to thin+ of it" !ould Brett demand that she fulfil her wifely duties$ something which he had every right to e&pectShe covered her face with her hands as the %lood rushed into her chee+s and then receded to leave her deathly pale" There was still time to escape$ she thought frantically$ %efore sanity returned to crush the idea %efore it had even materialised" !hatever else she might %e$ she was not a coward" The future had to %e faced$ and she would do so with as much dignity as possi%le" She would save face %y marrying Brett$ and in doing so she would %e showing live that she had emerged from their relationship unscathed" She would not give him the satisfaction of +nowing that$ %ecause he had failed her$ her life lay in ruins a%out her" :arriage to Brett would have its compensations" *e was e&tremely wealthy$ and as his wife she would have access to that wealth" A strangled moan escaped her as$ sic+ened %y her own thoughts$ she fell across the %ed and %uried her face in the pillow" She was tired" Tired of fighting for live's non2e&istent virtues0 tired of fighting against Brett's determination to marry her$ and most of all$ tired of trying to understand the frightening pattern her life had %ecome" The following three wee+s consisted of whirlwind trips to ;ort Eli9a%eth to select material for her wedding gown and several fittings %efore Aunt Emma was satisfied with the results" Brett had made arrangements for them to spend their honeymoon on the island of :auritius and insisted on depositing a large amount in her %an+ account with which to %uy a suita%le trousseau" Simple cottons and linens were not good enough for the wife of Brett arrington$ it had to %e e&pensive sil+s and cloud2li+e chiffons$ as well as lacy underwear she would never have dared to %uy %ecause of the phenomenal price" There was no time to %rood a%out her decision$ for Aunt Emma involved her in the wild rush of preparing for the e&pected guests" At night Samantha slept dreamlessly from sheer e&haustion$ a fact which saved her many hours of futile an&iety" She saw very little of Brett during this time$ and not even the glittering diamond ring he had placed on her finger succeeded in distur%ing or disrupting her unnatural composure" Not once did he su%.ect her to unwanted intimacies$ %ut at all times remained completely impersonal$ almost aloof" ;erhaps this was why she had %ecome enmeshed in a we% of total unreality$ %ehaving with an unnatural calm acceptance that at times e&asperated Aunt Emma" An ecstatic letter arrived from 8illian in which she apologised for the part she had played in Brett's plans$ %ut stating that she was happy things had turned out for the %etter seeing that Samantha was marrying Brett" *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST )t was a letter that left Samantha strangely unmoved at the time$ although it surprised

her to discover how swiftly news travelled" Brett gave her more freedom during those few wee+s$ placing the :ercedes at her disposal for trips into Bosmansvlei$ the #uaint little town that served the farming community" Everyone appeared to +now her$ or +now of her" )t was em%arrassing at times$ although it made her feel less li+e a stranger when she did the odd %it of shopping that did not re#uired a trip to ;ort Eli9a%eth" She should have +nown$ too$ that in a small town li+e Bosmansvlei everyone +new everything a%out everyone else in the town as well as the surrounding district" The people were friendly$ .ovial and welcoming" To them she was the future wife of Brett arrington0 someone of importance" )f only they +new how little difference it made to her$ and of the dead ashes in the %ruised heart she was offering$ %y force$ to the most respected man in their community" !ould they still thin+ so highly of her- she wondered cynically" :eisie$ the grey mare$ %egan to loo+ forward to her almost daily outings$ and the lump of sugar Samantha invaria%ly carried in the poc+et of her .odhpurs" Brett seldom accompanied her on these rides across the veld now that she was capa%le of managing :eisie with confidence" She was out early one morning on the mare$ e&ploring the farm$ when she discovered a cottage almost hidden among the trees not far from the main homestead" uriosity made her venture closer and to her delight she saw what she had always secretly wished for herself" A cottage with an ivy creeper trailing along the walls$ a carefully tended garden$ not as ela%orate as the one at the homestead$ %ut with a pleasant$ rest2 ful atmosphere that gave one the impression that loving hands had planted each seedling as well as caring for the roses that flowered so a%undantly" '*ello there 1 A young woman appeared around the side of the cottage$ her au%urn hair tied %ac+ in a ponytail$ an apron tied a%out her waist$ and a smile on her slightly rounded face" '5ou must %e :r arrington's fiancee"' '5es"' Samantha's hands tightened spasmodically on the reins as the woman approached the fence surrounding the cottage" ')'m Louise 4osthui9en$' she introduced herself$ her English heavily accented" ':y hus%and$ Ted$ is :r arrington's farm manager"' Samantha stared at her in surprise" ') had no idea that Brett had a farm manager"' '8ood heavens$ yes$' :rs 4ostui9en laughed merrily" 'This farm is much too %ig for a man li+e :r arrington who can't spend all his time here" Ted has %een here three years now$ ever since :r arrington's previous manager retired"' She shaded her eyes from the sun with her hand as she glanced up at Samantha" ')'ve .ust made a pot of tea$ %ut it's rather lonely drin+ing it %y myself" !ould you care to .oin me-' *er warmth drove some of the chill from Samantha's heart as she accepted Louise 4osthui9en's invitation and dismounted" 'By the way$ my name is Samantha"' 'Samantha$' she murmured$ her grey eyes appraising her une&pected visitor" 'A lovely name for someone as lovely as you"' Samantha %lushed at the compliment as she followed her into the cottage and sniffed at the pleasant odour of home2made %read and a mutton roast in the oven" '5ou must forgive me if the house is in a %it of a mess$' Louise 4osthui9en continued pleasantly" '!e've only .ust returned from holiday and ) haven't had the opportunity to see to everything yet"' Samantha realised now why Brett had had to leave his other activities to spend a

month on the farm" )t was so that Ted 4osthui9en could ta+e his annual leave with his wife and the little %a%y %oy that lay +ic+ing and gurgling in his pram in the +itchen" The chu%%y little fingers curled tightly a%out Samantha's finger as she leaned over the pram and$ as the uncertainty passed$ she was awarded a toothless smile that melted the ice a%out her heart completely" '*e's adora%le ' she e&claimed$ pic+ing up the cuddly %undle and hugging him against her %reast" 'And thoroughly spoiled %ecause of it$' Louise laughed$ setting out cups on the scru%%ed wooden ta%le and pouring the tea" Sitting down to have tea with Louise's %a%y on her lap was an e&perience that uncoiled the tension within Samantha$ and she felt rela&ed for the first time since that fateful day she had agreed to marry Brett" ')t's time for his morning nap$' Louise said eventually$ marching off to the room with the child" '(on't go away yet$ Samantha"' Louise returned moments later" Now$ with him out of the way we can rela& more" Tell me a%out yourself$ Samantha-' 'There's """ really nothing much to tell$' Samantha said hesitantly$ withdrawing mentally from this friendly woman" 'Ted and ) were %eginning to thin+ that :r arrington would never marry$' she continued amia%ly" 'Ted said he was much too particular a%out what he wanted in a wife$ %ut whatever it is$ you must have that something special he was loo+ing for"' A wary smile curved Samantha's lips and she hastily changed the su%.ect" ') really had a chee+ to call on you so une&pectedly$ %ut ) found your cottage #uite %y chance"' 7Ag$ nee$ ) don't mind$' Louise set her mind at rest #uic+ly" ') get very lonely sometimes with no one to tal+ to e&cept Ted$ when he's home" :r arrington's Aunt Emma has %een here a couple of times$ and )'ve %een up to the %ig house once or twice$ %ut ) don't want to ma+e a nuisance of myself"' Samantha understood perfectly how she felt and her tender heart softened instantly" 'Louise$ will ) still %e welcome in your home after """ after :r arrington and ) are married-' '5es$ of course ' '!ill you come and see me as well- ) thin+ )'m going to find it .ust as lonely sometimes with no one near my own age to tal+ to"' ')t's a pity Nadine isn't still alive$' Louise shoo+ her head sadly" 'She was always so full of fun"' '(id you +now her-' Samantha #uestioned tentatively" 'No$ %ut the oloured farm la%ourers who've %een here for many years often tal+ a%out her"' Louise sighed heavily" 'She had that terri%le accident .ust a few months %efore we came to arrington's ;ost$ and :r arrington has never %een the same since then" They say he used to laugh more when his sister was alive$ and the %ig house was always filled with music" Nadine played the piano %eautifully$ ) %elieve$ %ut :r aning2 ton sold the %ig piano after her death$ and now the %ig house is filled with silence all year round with not much happy laughter in those %ig rooms"' Samantha digested this in silence0 trying to visualise that other Brett who laughed without harsh moc+ery$ and pro%a%ly spo+e to the sister he loved with a gentle2 *AN(,UL 4, STAR(UST ness devoid of cynicism and %ar%ed insinuations" She tried to see him in this role$ and failed dismally"

') %elieve there was some speculation at the time as to whether she committed suicide or not$' Samantha delved deeper into this delicate su%.ect in an effort to get a %etter understanding of the man she was to marry" 7Ag$ man$' Louise %egan$ pouring them each a second cup of tea$ ')'ve heard that story too" Everyone seems to thin+ there was a man involved somewhere" ) can't say that this is so$ %ut ) wouldn't %e surprised" /a nee 1 Samantha had plenty to thin+ a%out when she rode %ac+ to the homestead that morning" !as it possi%le that that lovely girl$ whose photograph she had seen on Brett's des+$ could have committed suicide %ecause the man she loved had let her down- !hat reason had Brett to %lame himself for her death if this was so$ or had Aunt Emma interpreted Brett's %ehaviour incorrectly- ;eople could %e wrong$ of course" Nadine's death might have %een an accident$ and nothing more" )t was strange$ however$ that Brett and his aunt hardly ever spo+e of Nadine" )t was almost as though she had never e&isted$ e&cept for the framed photograph on Brett's des+" Nadine remained an unravelled mystery0 a mystery enhanced %y Louise's disclosure that there could possi%ly have %een a man involved in the reason for her accident" Samantha sighed heavily as she left :eisie with the sta%le %oy and strolled listlessly %ac+ to the house" She had met Louise 4osthui9en #uite %y chance that morning$ %ut it was the only good thing that had happened to her for wee+s" She li+ed Louise and$ if Brett had no o%.ection$ she would not mind having her as a friend to call on from time to time when the need for company arose" The guests %egan to arrive two days %efore the wedding was to ta+e place in Bosmansvlei's old stone chapel$ and among those first arrivals was Samantha's father" As much as she %lamed him for her unhappiness$ %e %ecame her oasis in a sea of strangers consisting of relatives and %usiness associates to whom she was forced to ma+e a pretence of su%lime happiness" But only Samantha +new of the moc+ery in Brett's glances which others interpreted as complete devotion" Beyond caring$ she found it easier to ignore that which would have caused her pangs of misery and anger" ')'m so glad you were a%le to sha+e off your infatuation for live$' her father said when they had a moment alone in the seclusion of the garden and$ without noticing the veil of sadness in her eyes$ he continued> 'Brett will ma+e you an e&cellent hus%and" 5ou always did need a firm hand to guide you"' Bitterness engulfed her$ %ut she forced herself to smile and hastily changed the su%.ect" 'Are you happy in ape Town$ (addy-' '<ery happy$' he assured her$ pulling her arm through his as they strolled %ac+ to the house where tea was %eing served to everyone on the stoep" ') miss you$ of course$ %ut now that ) +now you'll %e settling down happily in your marriage ) shall %e more contented"' Settling down happily in her marriage1 The words moc+ed her ruthlessly$ %ut she did not have the heart to disillusion her father" She would never lac+ money$ Brett would see to that$ %ut he would never %e a%le to provide that spar+ of inner happiness that came only from loving someone" The magnificent homestead was filled almost to capacity and in the crush of people no one appeared to notice the occasionally stilted %ehaviour of the %ride and groom" The most pleasant surprise for Samantha on her wedding day was the arrival of 8illian ,or%es and Stan (reyer" 8illian %urst into her room that morning while Aunt Emma was helping her to dress and literally pounced on Samantha$ almost hugging the %reath from her lungs" '8illian$ it's marvellous to see you1' Samantha e&claimed e&citedly$ chec+ing swiftly to

see that her dress was still intact" ') didn't dare hope you would come"' '(arling$ when ) received your invitation ) made immediate arrangements to have this Saturday off$ and so did Stan$' 8illian added$ her green eyes spar+ling" ') thin+ )'ll leave the two of you alone for a few minutes$' Aunt Emma said tactfully$ hesitating at the door" '4nly a few minutes$ remem%er$ or we shan't %e ready in time to drive to the church$ and Bosmansvlei is thirty +ilometres away"' Samantha sent her a than+ful glance$ %ut she so%ered instantly as the door closed %ehind Aunt Emma's slender figure dressed in a prim pale %lue suit" '(arling$ )'m so glad you realised in time what a shallow creature live is$' 8illian continued$ gripping Samantha's hands" '5ou are happy now$ aren't you- Brett is such a wonderful man"' '5es$ Brett is """ wonderful" *e """' 'Sam darling 8illian e&claimed an&iously" '5ou've gone awfully pale" 5ou're not feeling ill$ are you-' Samantha pulled herself together with an effort" 7No$ )'m not """ ill" )t's .ust that ) suddenly realised the significance of this day" )t's my wedding day"' 'But of course it is$ silly$' 8illian laughed" '5ou're having a slight %out of pre2wedding .itters$ and every %ride is entitled to that"' '5es$ ) suppose so$' Samantha nodded$ forcing a smile to her unwilling lips" 'Sam$ you loo+ lovely$' 8illian sighed$ stepping %ac+ to e&amine the e&pensive satin trimmed with fine lace and intricate %eadwor+ along the nec+line of the low2cut %odice" A single pearl pendant$ a gift from Brett$ hung a%out her nec+ and nestled against her creamy s+in li+e a solitary tear" ') always said you were %eautiful$ Sam$ %ut today you surpass .ust ordinary %eauty" Brett will %e proud of you"' A lump rose in Samantha's throat$ %ut she was fortunately saved from replying %y the timely arrival of Aunt Emma" 8illian +issed Samantha swiftly on her pale chee+" 'See you later1' Aunt Emma passed a critical eye over Samantha when they were alone once again" 7*m """ a little more rouge on your chee+s$ ) thin+" 5ou're much too pale"' Samantha turned away from the mirror and clutched at the older woman's arm" 'Aunt Emma$ )'m afraid1' 7:y dear child$ Brett isn't a monster"' 7But ) don't love him1 ' Aunt Emma's eyes softened" ') never loved my hus%and when ) married him$ and ) couldn't have wished for a %etter man" *e was so gentle and understanding that$ after %eing married to him for only a few wee+s$ ) was so madly in love with him that ) couldn't imagine why ) hadn't seen instantly that he was the only man for me"' Samantha was startled %y this revealing %it of information$ %ut it did nothing to ease her fear" ') don't thin+ ) ever want to love a man again$' she said firmly" ') don't thin+ ) shall ever love again """ not the way ) loved3' She %it her lip$ una%le to say the name of the one whom she had come close to despising" 75ou will love again$ Samantha$' Aunt Emma insisted #uietly$ '%ut this time it will %e a mature love that will %e lasting for all time"' ') could never love Brett 1 ' 'Love often +indles love$ my dear$' Aunt Emma continued confidently" '*as it never occurred to you that Brett might %e in love with you- *ave you never thought it strange that$ after remaining a %achelor for so long$ he should have left no stone unturned to ma+e you his wife-' Samantha #uivered inwardly$ re.ecting this suggestion instantly$ yet finding the idea

intriguing enough to allow her thoughts to linger on it for some time" Long enough$ in fact$ to sustain her on the long .ourney to Bosmansvlei and the slow wal+ down the isle on her father's arm" )t was when she saw Brett$ tall and distinguished in his dar+ suit$ that her fears returned" *is dar+ hair was %rushed %ac+ severely$ and those unusual %rown eyes never left hers from the moment she entered the church" Broad2 shouldered and so infinitely masculine$ he was every girl's dream of a perfect hus%and$ yet Samantha could not help wishing herself millions of +ilometres away at that moment" *e appeared so cold and remote that she instantly discarded Aunt Emma's foolish suggestion that he might love her" /ames Little raised the frothy veil from his daughter's face and +issed her raised lips" She noticed the film of tears in his eyes and swallowed violently as a lump rose to her throat$ %ut she instantly regained her composure as Brett too+ her hand and slipped it through his arm" She glanced at him surreptitiously as the murmurs of the guests su%sided and marvelled at his apparent calmness (id nothing ever unnerve him*is eyes met hers une&pectedly and$ una%le to tear her glance from his$ she saw a flic+er of admiration in their depths and something else which she was una%le to define in that %rief moment %efore he returned his glance swiftly to the clergyman who was clearing his throat$ indicating that the ceremony was to %egin" ;anic sei9ed her at that moment" She was to %ecome Brett's wife on this warm April morning$ and it was too late to turn %ac+ the cloc+$ or to wish she had never entered into this cra9y agreement" A tremor shoo+ through her and Brett's hand closed instantly over hers where it lay on his arm" )t was a strangely comforting gesture$ very much the same as when she had wept in his arms after learning of live's marriage" She had %een aware of his inner strength on that occasion$ .ust as she was made aware of it now$ and she +new #uite suddenly that$ even if he did not have her love$ he had her respect" At Brett's re#uest there was no reception$ merely a %uffet lunch and something to drin+ at the homestead for those who had travelled far and still had to return to their homes that same day" Their suitcases were pac+ed and$ after snatching a %it to eat$ Brett and Samantha were given a send2off %y the farmhands as they prepared to fly to ;ort Eli9a%eth on the first leg of their .ourney to :auritius" )t was touching to see the happiness of these oloured people as they danced and sang for their ':aster Brett' and his wife on their wedding day" )t was a gesture that %rought Samantha close to tears" The added weight of Brett's wedding ring on her finger$ as well as her engagement ring$ made her glance at it several times during their flight" )n the rush to change into something more suita%le she had had only a few moments to spend alone with her father$ for which she was than+ful$ as it merely %rought a lump to her throat at having to say good%ye to him again" Brett +ept up a flow of easy conversation as they transferred themselves and their luggage from his small aircraft to the (ur%an2%ound Boeing$ never giving her the opportunity to consider her nervous state" *e was %eing a perfect companion$ %ehaving very much li+e a man who was ta+ing a girl out for the first time" After changing flights once more at (ur%an they arrived at :auritius late that afternoon and too+ a ta&i directly to their hotel on the %each2front" Brett had ac#uired a suite with a private dressing2room and %athroom$ and the view from the %edroom loo+ed directly on to the pictures#ue %each with its tall palms" 7)'ve arranged for us to have dinner in the main dining2room$' he told her after they had

unpac+ed their suitcases" ') thought it would %e prefera%le to have people around us this evening instead of spending it alone"' *is lips twisted into a wry smile as she stammered her than+s$ %ut he did not pursue the su%.ect and merely waited calmly while she chec+ed her ma+e2up %efore they left the suite and too+ the lift down to the ground floor" Brett ordered wine %efore dinner$ %ut Samantha could not %ring herself to ta+e more than a few sips" The night lay dar+ and frightening %efore her and$ no matter how much she tried$ she could not rid herself of the alarming thought that she had to spend the night alone with Brett" *e was her hus%and$ and yet she dreaded the thought that he should touch her" 4h$ 8od1 !hat was she going to doStruggling through that super% dinner was a nightmare she thought she would never forget$ and when they finally returned to their suite her hands were cold and clammy with tension and nerves" She was %eing silly$ she told herself$ %ut she could not help it" Brett displayed ama9ing diplomacy %y leaving her at the door with the e&cuse that he needed to %uy cigarettes$ and Samantha was left alone to wash and change into the frothy lace nightgown Aunt Emma had insisted she should %uy for her honeymoon" )t was far removed from the choice she would have made$ for it was too flimsy and revealing" *er chee+s %urned with mortification at the thought that Brett would have to see her in it$ and she hastily pulled on the sil+en powder2%lue ro%e which had %een an une&pected going2away gift from her father" She .umped violently as the door opened and Brett$ still fully dressed$ entered the room" *er heart was hammering so wildly that for a moment she had difficulty in %reathing" Brett's glance swept over her momentarily and a smile of satisfaction curved his lips" *e gestured towards the two glasses and the %ottle of champagne in his hands" '!ith the compliments of the management$' he said$ still smiling enigmatically as he placed them on the dressing ta%le and proceeded to open the %ottle" She flinched nervously when the cor+ shot from the %ottle$ %ut Brett appeared not to notice as he filled the two glasses with the spar+ling li#uid" *e drew a chair closer for himself and$ as she su%sided wea+ly on to the stool %ehind her$ he placed her glass in her hand" 'To us$ Samantha$' he said$ raising his own to his lips" 7To us$' she echoed hollowly$ sipping at the champagne and spilling some of the li#uid %efore she could control the trem%ling of her fingers" 'Rela&$ my dear$' he said #uietly$ noticing her agitation and interpreting it correctly" ') have no intention of pouncing on you and demanding my con.ugal rights while you're in this state of nervous tension"' Relief flowed through her veins li+e a heady wine and %rought tears to her eyes" ')'m sorry$ Brett$ .ust """ give me a little time"' ')'ll give you all the time you want" ) can wait"' The colour flowed %ac+ into her chee+s as she raised her glance to his" *is e&pression was unfathoma%le$ %ut there was a slightly cynical smile playing a%out his firm lips as he answered her unspo+en #uery" 'There's a couch in the dressing2room" )t loo+s comforta%le enough to %e made into a %ed"' Samantha %lushed profusely and lowered her glance$ %ut her conscience pric+ed her severely" ')'m sorry$' she whispered again$ not daring to meet her hus%and's eyes" 7Stop apologising$ Samantha$ and drin+ up that champagne$' he laughed$ %ut his laughter curiously lac+ed mirth" 'Let's ma+e up our minds that we're going to en.oy this

short holiday$ and let everything else ta+e care of itself"' !hen he eventually wished her goodnight$ the tension went out of her as she su%sided on to the %ed and %egan to cry" She cried with relief$ releasing all the pent2up emotions she had suppressed consciously and su%consciously during the past wee+s until$ e&hausted$ she crept %etween the cool sheets and slept" CHAPTER E #HT A,TER a tearful start to that sun2drenched wee+ on the island$ Samantha found herself rela&ing under Brett's undemanding influence$ and it %ecame the la9iest dream holiday she had ever e&perienced" They had nothing more strenuous to do than to spend their days swimming in the cool %lue waters of the )ndian 4cean or languishing on the glistening sands$ soa+ing up the sun while the island children amused them %y clam%ering e&pertly up the stems of the tall palm trees" The nights on :auritius were warm and scented and they invaria%ly had their evening meals served on the trellised %alcony leading off their suite$ after which they would stroll along the almost deserted %each while it was %athed in moonlight" Everything was so perfectly right for a romantic honeymoon that Samantha's heart ached ine&plica%ly when she allowed herself to dwell fleetingly on that su%.ect" *ad Brett purposely chosen this island with that thought in mind- she wondered distractedly" *ad he hoped that the romance of the island might influence her)t was futile to dwell on these thoughts$ since they merely served to ma+e her withdraw further from Brett$ instead of %ringing them closer" (espite the unnatural circumstances of their marriage$ Brett was surprisingly attentive$ %ut the impenetra%le wall %etween them remained firmly intact" *olding hands while they strolled on the %each seemed to come naturally$ and when he occasionally +issed her lightly on the lips$ she found it a pleasing e&perience instead of repulsive" She %ecame accustomed to seeing his dar+ hair lying across his fore head in an unruly fashion after a swim$ and %egan to admire the muscular fitness of his tanned %ody" Samantha$ too$ had ac#uired a deep golden tan %y the end of that wee+$ and she found herself wishing that their stay could %e prolonged$ for she was %eginning to discover things a%out her hus%and that intrigued her" Beneath that harsh e&terior there was a gentleness she seldom saw and$ %ehind his moc+ery$ a vulnera%ility that left her with the tantalising thought that$ if she wanted to$ she could penetrate his defence and discover the real Brett arrington" But$ li+e all similar thoughts$ these were instantly disposed of" Samantha spent their last day on the %each$ soa+ing up the sun while Brett went for a swim" )t was peaceful lying there$ listening to the sound of the waves %rea+ing on the shore$ and the laughter of the children as they %uilt sandcastles only to have them dashed away %y the sea" Now$ as she watched Brett coming towards her across the warm sand$ she was not unaware of the admiring glances women sent him as he passed" )ne&plica%ly her own glance sharpened$ ta+ing in the %road shoulders and the rough dar+ hair$ now damp and clinging to his muscular chest" She lowered her ga9e to the slim hips and the rippling muscles in his thighs and calves$ for the first time e&periencing a feeling of pleasure at the sight of him" '5ou should have come for a swim instead of la9ing a%out here in the sun$' he said$ drying himself vigorously with his towel %efore lowering himself on to the sand %eside

her" *is eyes sought hers then and they were gently moc+ing" '(id you miss me-' '!ould it flatter your ego if ) said yes-' she as+ed lightly$ %y now #uite used to his teasing$ often moc+ing manner" ')t would at least %e a sign that all was not in vain"' Samantha fro9e instantly$ growing hot under his direct scrutiny" )t was the first time he had referred in any way to their relationship" She avoided his eyes$ %ut his hand was %eneath her chin and she was forced to meet his glance" '(on't ta+e everything ") say so literally$' he said" ') was merely teasing"' Ashamed of herself for reading more into his remar+ than was intended$ she grasped his hand in %oth of hers and pressed it against her chee+$ uncaring as to how he interpreted her actions" ',orgive me$ Brett" 5ou've %een very +ind to me and ) haven't e&actly %een a model wife" )f you thin+ that it hasn't trou%led me$ then you're wrong" ) 3' ',orget it$' he interrupted her stilted speech and$ not caring who saw them$ he +issed her on her unguarded lips" ') told you ) would wait$ and at the moment we have enough on our hands trying to get to +now each other"' !ith that the su%.ect was closed and Samantha was filled with intense relief" She needed time0 time to ad.ust and to come to terms with the demands he would eventually lay upon her" Settling into the homestead's plush white :aster Suite with its gold trimmings was accomplished without any traumatic e&perience" Brett moved into the dressing2room without a murmur while Samantha had the main %edroom with its enormous four2 poster %ed to herself" Ta+ing over the running of that vast household under Aunt Emma's guidance was a far more difficult tas+$ %ut Aunt Emma was adamant that Samantha should learn all there was to +now as soon as possi%le" )t was time she too+ a well2earned rest$ she e&plained laughingly" ,or Brett$ the holiday was over in every respect" The rela&ed manner disappeared %ehind the cool$ aloof e&terior of the %usiness man who divided his time %etween city and farm" Samantha soon discovered that he appeared to have an ine&hausti%le supply of energy for every tas+ he undertoo+$ and that he never %ecame ruffled when pro%lems arose" She realised too$ why his farm la%ourers followed his instructions so diligently$ for he was always fair and prepared to listen to whatever they had to say" As time passed she gradually %ecame accustomed to his timely and often untimely invasion of her privacy" To see him emerging from the shower with his hair damp and tousled$ and with nothing more than a towel fastened a%out his waist$ was no longer unusual or em%arrassing to her$ %ut #uite natural" *e made a practice of entering her room at night %efore retiring$ and it soon %ecame a pleasant interlude she loo+ed forward to when he was not in the city" They would tal+ a%out what had transpired that day$ discussing incidents of importance$ or sometimes maintaining a companiona%le silence while he smo+ed a last cigarette %efore retiring" .ust %efore he left her on these occasions he would %rush his lips against her chee+$ a fatherly gesture that made her feel li+e a child instead of the woman she was and$ as a woman$ she %egan to re.ect the set pattern of her life" )t came as almost a shoc+ to realise how rarely she thought of live during that time$ and when she did$ it was without pain or regret" *er e&perience had taught her to %e wary of men with gli% tongues and polished manners that smac+ed of insincerity" She found instead that she longed for Brett's company$ the

sound of his voice$ the often accidental touch of his hand" At times she caught herself listening for his light step$ the %rief laughter that occasionally %ro+e from him when he found something amusing and$ most of all$ she %ecame ine&plica%ly aware of a longing to feel those strong arms a%out her """ a yearning that usually left her sha+en and confused" Ta+ing over the reins as mistress of arrington's ;ost still left Samantha plenty of free time$ for Brett's staff had %een competently trained %y Aunt Emma who$ after relin#uishing her duties$ spent more time catching up on her letter writing and crocheting as the winter chill set in" Brett continued with his fre#uent trips to the city$ staying away a few days each time$ and ta+ing with him the vital spar+ that +ept Samantha on her toes" She missed him on those occasions$ she could not deny it$ %ut each time he returned from these trips he seemed further removed from her than %efore" '!hy don't you as+ him to ta+e you with him ne&t time-' Louise 4osthui9en suggested one morning when Samantha rode out to have tea with her in the cottage$ and that was e&actly what she did when she found Brett in his dressing2room shortly after lunch one day" There was a peculiar tightening in her chest when she noticed the open suitcase on his %ed" 'Ta+e me with you$' she %egged impulsively" '!hy-' '!ell$ ) """ could do some window2shopping in ;ort Eli9a%eth for a change$ or3' '5ou must thin+ )'m a fool 1 ' he rounded on her harshly$ his glance stripping her of every vestige of confidence" '(o you thin+ ) don't realise that while my hands will literally %e tied with %usiness affairs during the day$ it will leave you free to spend your time with live !ilmot$ when and where you please-' 7That's a vile thing to say 1 ' she %urst out furiously$ despising herself for not having the nerve to admit that her reason for wanting to go with him was to %e near him$ and not live as he thought" 7;erhaps not so vile when you stop to consider$' he continued$ towering over her as she gasped and fell %ac+ against the wall" 7(o you thin+ ) haven't noticed that distant loo+ in your eyes when you're anywhere %ut here with me- 5ou flinch whenever ) touch you and$ when the conversation %ecomes too personal$ you shy away$ li+e a frightened filly" ) dare say if ) were live you'd soon e&perience a few warm2%looded emotions"' 7That's not true1 ) +now ) as+ed you to give me time3' 7Time1 ' he interrupted with an e&clamation of disgust$ and she trem%led at the flame of anger in his eyes" 7!e've %een married for two months$ Samantha$ and for two months )'ve left you alone" )'m going to %e away for two wee+s on this trip$ %ut %efore ) go ) want to leave you with something to thin+ a%out" !hen ) return$ Samantha$ you and ) are going to have to come to terms with our marriage" 5ou're my wife$ and it's high time that you %egin to fulfil your wifely duties" (o ) ma+e myself clear-' 7;erfectly clear$' she could have said$ %ut not a sound passed her #uivering lips" She .ust stood there$ clutching at the wall for support and dying slowly %y inches as his glance swept over her with an insolence that set her heart pounding and the %lood rushing to her head" She had the weirdest feeling that he was mentally stripping her of every article of clothing$ and that there was a%solutely nothing he did not +now a%out her" She shivered uncontrolla%ly and$ seeing this$ Brett's lips tightened harshly as he turned away to close the lid of his suitcase" ')'ve %een very patient with you$ Samantha$ %ut ) shan't %e patient much

longer" ,orget a%out live" *e %elongs to someone else$ and you %elong to me"' '5ou ma+e me feel li+e something you %ought at a %a9aar$' she managed$ her voice edged with %itterness" *e turned to her then and she noticed for the first time the lines of weariness etched %etween nose and mouth$ the grey hair at his temples appearing more prominent as well" An emotion she could not e&plain caught at her throat while she felt herself drowning in the dar+ pools of his eyes" '8iven the opportunity$ Samantha$ ) could ma+e you feel li+e the woman you ought to %e instead of the confused child you are"' Long after he had gone those words still rang in her ears$ taunting her$ e&citing her$ and leaving her to wonder" !hen she had first met Brett she had realised that he had the a%ility to ma+e any woman feel that she was cherished and important to him" *is total lac+ of interest in women$ e&cept the one he was with$ added to his magnetic personality" She had seen the way other women loo+ed at him %ut$ if Brett had noticed$ he had given no sign of it" She was not immune to his lovema+ing" She could recall vividly two instances when she had found it e&tremely difficult not to succum% to the demands of her own emotions which he had so cleverly aroused" !ould it therefore %e so difficult to merely give rein to her feelings and allow Brett to have his wayTa+ing such cold2%looded stoc+ of herself was something new to Samantha" )t horrified her$ yet she +new that the time had come to force herself to ta+e a loo+ at herself dispassionately and to analyse each dissected part of her mind and heart" Brett had given her two wee+s to thin+ a%out it$ and that was e&actly what she would have to do" There could %e no running away now0 no escaping what lay %efore her" Brett was her hus%and and she should have realised sooner that he was not the +ind of man who would %e satisfied with the a%normal life they had %een living" *e was vi%rantly virile and his demands would have to %e met """ soon1 There was no one she could turn to for advice at that moment" As far as Aunt Emma was concerned their marriage was #uite normal$ if grossly undemonstrative$ and she would never dream of discussing her personal pro%lems with Louise 4osthui9en" Louise and Ted$ a stoc+y$ tawny2haired man whom she saw occasionally when he called on Brett$ were ideally happy in their little cottage with their %a%y son" They were simple$ down2to2earth fol+$ who would most li+ely %e shoc+ed rigid to learn the true facts a%out Brett and herself" No$ this was something she would have to sort out for herself$ or heaven help her when Brett finally returned" Samantha had plenty of time to thin+ during Brett's a%sence$ for she went down with a %ad %out of influen9a and was forced to spend several days in %ed$ a lu&ury she did not welcome at that time$ since her thoughts were %ecoming more confused as time progressed" Aunt Emma must have telephoned Brett to tell him that she was ill$ for he telephoned every evening to in#uire after her health and continued to call even after the doctor had given her permission to leave her %ed" The telephone had %een placed %eside her %ed for these nightly calls$ %ut they never spo+e for more than three minutes at a time" Brett's #ueries were as impersonal as her replies$ %ut after each call she was left wea+ and tearful$ torn %etween the longing to see him again and the fear of what would eventuate" '5ou're not well enough yet to stay up all day$' Aunt Emma remar+ed with concern when she found Samantha weeping into her pillow one evening" Samantha dashed away her tears and argued to the contrary$ %ut Aunt Emma was adamant that she could rest for an hour each morning and afternoon until she had

completely recovered" 'Aunt Emma$' Samantha %egan tentatively when she had composed herself enough to spea+ coherently$ 'tell me$ what is love-' Aunt Emma loo+ed at her strangely for a moment %e2for she lowered herself on to the %ed and too+ hold of Samantha's hands where they lay listlessly a%ove the covers" 'Loving$ my dear$ means longing to %e with the person you care for$ wanting to please him and finding .oy in the things you do for him" )t also means that you're proud of the one you love0 proud of the way he wal+s and tal+s" But$ a%ove all else$ it's the desire to give of yourself0 to give of your warmth and understanding when your hus%and most needs it"' She held Samantha's trou%led glance for some time %efore as+ing> 'Are you discovering$ my dear$ that you're %eginning to love Brett in that way-' Samantha drew a shuddering %reath" ') don't +now3 ) thin+ so" 4h$ Aunt Emma$ )'m so confused1' 'Let me as+ you this #uestion" (o you still care for live !ilmot-' 'No1 ' The vehemence of her swift reply surprised even herself" '!hen ) thin+ %ac+ now ) can see so many flaws in his character which ) was too %lind to see at the time"' '!e all have flaws in our characters$' Aunt Emma reminded her gently" 'Not Brett$' Samantha retorted swiftly$ colouring profusely when she realised what she had said$ %ut nevertheless continuing" 'There's no comparison %etween live and Brett" Brett is strong and dependa%le" *e can %e harsh when necessary$ and """ gentle when he chooses" *e'll never fail those who need him"' 'And you need him$' Aunt Emma concluded #uietly" Samantha stared at her %lan+ly for a moment until those #uietly spo+en words penetrated her trou%led mind" )t was then that a strange new e&citement stirred warmly inside her$ %ringing a light to her eyes which$ moments %efore$ had %een dull and lifeless" '5es$ ) need him" 4h$ Aunt Emma$ how could ) have %een so stupid not to realise what was happening to me- *ow could ) have %een so %lind-' A smile +indled in the eyes of the older woman" ';erhaps you were too %usy ruling your life with your mind instead of letting your heart ta+e over"' The truth in that remar+ was li+e a stunning %low" !hy had she not thought of it %efore- She had %een so %usy arguing away her emotions that she had never given herself a chance to feel anything" She had wanted love to come to her$ instead of trying to meet it half way" Love1 5es$ this was love" !ith live she had %een in love with love" She had thought romance and live had provided it with his suave$ easy manner and his passionate innuendoes" 5et$ when he had pleaded for a more intimate relationship$ she had %een repulsed" Now$ +nowing that she loved Brett$ she was no longer filled with horror at the thought of giving herself" She wanted his touch$ his close em%race" She wanted to %elong to him as a wife should %elong to her hus%and and """ to have his children" ,or some time after Aunt Emma had wished her goodnight$ Samantha lay marvelling at her own stu2 pidity" )t seemed now that she had loved Brett almost from the very %eginning" )f she had not %een so wrapped up in her infatuation for live she might have %egun to realise what was happening to her" She might have understood why she had so readily allowed Brett to monopolise her life and to dominate her thoughts" The only thing that marred her happy thoughts at that moment was not +nowing why Brett had made it his %usiness to come %etween live and herself" !as it all merely to save her from

entering into a disastrous marriage$ or did he really care- *e had told her once that she was the only woman he had ever considered marrying$ %ut he never told her that he loved her" 7Love +indles love$' Aunt Emma had once told her$ and it could wor+ %oth ways" )f her love for Brett was strong enough it must surely +indle a spar+ of love in his heart" No one can remain immune for long when they are showered with love """ not even Brett" ould heBrett's return to arrington's ;ost was greeted with mi&ed feelings" The 'dam had sprung a lea+ in his a%sence and he had no sooner arrived when he was whis+ed off %y Ted 4osthui9en to inspect the damage" Samantha's .oy at seeing him again turned to apprehension when he scarcely ac+nowledged her e&istence in the rush to change into something suita%le for traipsing through the muddy waters" *e arrived late for dinner that evening$ upsetting Aunt Emma who li+ed to have everything on time$ and finally retired to his study loo+ing alarmingly morose" Nothing seemed to %e going the way Samantha had planned$ and she eventually went up to her room in a rather de.ected frame of mind" )t was some time after she had %athed and prepared herself for %ed that she heard Brett's slow$ almost dragging footsteps pass her door and enter his room" ,or the first time since she had +nown him$ she sensed that he was tired$ and her heart twisted with compassion" She was restless and tense as she crossed to the window" The air was still and fragrant now that dar+ness had fallen over the 6aroo li+e a cloa+$ hiding its arid %eauty from her searching glance" The moon had sought refuge %ehind a cloud and the howl of a .ac+al in the distance sent an involuntary shiver up her spine" '5ou shouldn't %e standing in front of an open window on a cold night li+e this$' Brett's voice startled her as he spo+e directly %ehind her" !ith wild2%eating heart she inhaled the pleasant odour of his shaving lotion as he %rushed against her while closing the window$ and she +new$ without turning$ that his hair would %e damp from his shower" She was incapa%le of moving$ every nerve tingling at his nearness$ while the desperate longing to feel his arms a%out her %ecame almost impossi%le to %ear" 'Samantha$' he murmured$ his hands sliding over her shoulders$ their warmth penetrating through her sil+ ro%e and flowing li+e a current of electricity through her" She %egan to trem%le and he released her instantly" '(o ) repel you that :uch-' '5ou don't repel me$' she argued tremulously$ +eeping her %ac+ firmly towards him as she suppressed the desire to lean %ac+ against him" 'But ) don't attract you as a lover"' A pulse thro%%ed painfully in her throat" ') never said that"' 'But that's what you're trying to imply"' 'Brett$ you're putting words into my mouth$' she said in despair" '*ow else then am ) to interpret your actions-' he demanded harshly$ ta+ing her roughly %y the shoulders and turning her to face him" 'Answer me1' Samantha stared up at him$ her lips trem%ling and her eyes a luminous deep violet with suppressed emotions" *er ro%e had parted as a result of his rough handling and his eyes were aflame as they found the revealing cleft %etween creamy %reasts" There was a fluttering in her throat and a wild upsurge of e&pectancy as she waited %reathlessly$ unashamedly willing him to ta+e her in his arms" ':y 8od$ Samantha$ ) want you$' he cried$ and she was crushed against the length of

him with a force that almost drove the %reath from her %ody" *is mouth sought hers with a demanding pressure that drove her lips apart while her heart leapt in response to every caress" !hen he finally raised his head his glance was tortured and torn with desire" '5ou don't +now what it's %een li+e$ having you near me and not %eing a%le to touch you"' 7Brett """' she sighed against his lips" She slid her arms a%out his nec+ and pressed closer to him$ offering her lips" !ith an e&clamation of triumph he plundered her yielding lips$ his impatient hands sliding her ro%e from her shoulders to lie in a sil+en heap at her feet" *er %reathing came shallow and fast when he finally lifted her high in his arms and carried her into the shadows of the %ed" She could no longer thin+ coherently$ and neither did she want to" She was aflame with emotions and sensations that sharpened on desire$ conscious for the first time of the need to satisfy the demands of her own %ody" She felt no fear as Brett too+ her to the heights of ecstasy$ merely a .oyous desire to give as much as she was receiving" )t was only later$ while Brett lay sleep2 ing %eside her$ that she realised with aching despair that he had not one said that he cared" No tender words of love had passed his lips$ merely a driving passion that left no room for anything else" Samantha stirred %eneath the unfamiliar weight of his arm and$ even as he slept$ his arm tightened and drew her against the warmth of his %ody" ;erhaps$ she decided drowsily$ it would pay to tread carefully for a time" Until he showed signs of caring$ her own love must lay hidden in her heart" The realisation was too wonderfully new to survive Brett's moc+ery or the +nowledge that her love would never %e returned" Samantha awo+e the following morning to find that she was alone" Stifling a yawn$ she stretched la9ily and curled up %eneath the covers once more$ her thoughts turning instantly to Brett" !here was he- !hat was he doing- !ould she see him %efore %rea+fastAn&ious now to %e with him$ she %athed and changed into warm slac+s and a woollen sweater$ ta+ing time with her ma+e2up and %rushing her spun2gold hair until it fell in soft waves around her face" *er heart was singing on that cold /une morning with the frost lying thic+ and white on the veld until the sun melted it away" '!here's Brett-' she as+ed Aunt Emma when she .oined her for %rea+fast in the dining2 room" '*e had %rea+fast early this morning and went out to supervise the repairs to the dam" )f ) +now Brett$ then he won't %e %ac+ until this evening"' Aunt Emma was right and Samantha had to swallow her disappointment" Brett did not return home for lunch$ %ut arrived shortly %efore dinner that evening and went directly upstairs to shower and change" !hen he eventually came down to the dining2room$ he was his usual cool$ aloof self$ and Samantha$ confused and hurt$ had to fight against threatening tears" )t was almost as though nothing of importance had happened %etween them$ and they were %ac+ to where they were %efore his departure for the city" *e e&cused himself eventually$ saying$ ')'ve %rought wor+ home that needs attention$' and promptly disappeared into his study" 'Aunt Emma-' Samantha #uestioned helplessly$ her eyes filling with tears she could no longer hold %ac+" ':en are sometimes thoughtless$ child$' Aunt Emma said sympathetically" 'They wrap themselves up in their wor+ and don't give a thought for anyone else" (on't let it upset

you" *e'll come to you later$ and all will %e well"' Aunt Emma was right$ for$ later that evening$ when Samantha lay snuggled up in %ed$ her mind in too much of a turmoil to sleep$ her %edroom door opened and Brett stood silhouetted against the light from the passage" *e hesitated when he saw that her light was off and$ anticipating his retreat$ she sat up swiftly and switched on the %edside lamp" '(id ) wa+e you-' he as+ed$ closing the door %ehind him and placing a tray %eside the %ed" ') thought you might li+e some cocoa"' ') wasn't asleep$' she assured him swiftly as she studied him with a #uic+ ache in her throat" *is shoulders drooped with fatigue as he sat down %eside her on the %ed$ and she instantly #uelled the desire to smooth away the lines of tiredness %eside his mouth with her fingertips" !ould she ever %e a%le to hide the flame of love that now %urned so steadily in her heart for this man- she wondered$ her pulse rate #uic+ening as she accepted the mug of cocoa from him$ sipping at it while she o%served him from %eneath lowered lashes" 'Samantha$ a%out last night ' he said eventually$ loo+ing at a spot a%ove her head somewhere" A tender smile #uivered on her lips$ %ut she controlled it instantly as she placed her empty mug on the tray and gave him her undivided attention" '5es$ Brett-' ',orgive me if ) was rough with you$' he said hoarsely$ meeting her hungry glance at last" ') never intended frightening you"' '5ou didn't frighten me$' she whispered" 7(o ) ta+e that to mean that in future you'll %e my wife in every possi%le way-' *is eyes passed over her li+e a slow caress and a shiver of delight surged through her$ spreading li+e a ripple and filling her %eing" '5es"' *er voice was a mere thread while she %lushed profusely %eneath the ardency of his ga9e" 'Samantha$ you're so small you are almost li+e a child$' he said savagely$ gathering her into his arms$ '%ut you're so very %eautiful$ and so infinitely desira%le"' *er lips parted %eneath his as she slipped her arms a%out his nec+ and pushed her fingers through his crisp dar+ hair" She could feel the heavy %eat of his heart against her and then$ inevita%ly$ the gentleness of those strong hands moving caressingly against her creamy s+in" !ith an e&clamation of delight she slipped her hands %eneath his sil+ shirt and felt the rippling of his shoulder muscles %eneath her fingertips as he threw the covers aside$ the pressure of his lips and hands demanding an finding an instant response in her" *is mug of cocoa remained almost untouched in the tray$ ma+ing way for more important matters such as a hus%and and wife discovering each other for the first time" Samantha cherished every moment she spent with Brett during the wee+s that followed" *e was a demanding and e&acting hus%and and lover$ never allowing her to forget the power he wielded over her" She e&isted only for him$ for his smile$ however moc+ing$ and his touch" *e had ensnared her heart completely$ %ringing her to the full %loom of womanhood as she came to +now the heights and depths of love" Love1 The only thing that marred her ecstatic happiness was not +nowing whether Brett loved her$ or was merely using her as an instrument to satisfy his physical needs" !ith the advent of spring Samantha %egan to suspect that a new young life was growing inside her$ and this was confirmed %y the family doctor when he was called out one day after she had fainted" Brett was away at the time$ %ut he appeared to %e

pleased when she finally confronted him with the news" '5ou must ta+e more care of yourself in future$' he said with unusual concern$ lifting her on to the %ed where she had %een resting until his arrival" 'Brett$ you are happy a%out this$ aren't you-' she pleaded for assurance" '5ou're not .ust saying so to please me-' *is glance was an instant re%u+e" '(o ) ever say anything ) don't mean-' 'No$ %ut ') want this child very much$ Samantha$' he interrupted swiftly" 'But ) want you to ta+e great care of yourself"' 'Brett$ stop thin+ing of me as a child1' ') don't$' he assured her moc+ingly$ sliding his lips along her throat to where a pulse thro%%ed in response" 'Not when )'m holding you in my arms li+e this and can feel your heart %eating so fast %eneath my hand"' '4h$ Brett """' she moaned softly$ a sudden urgency ta+ing possession of her as she moved against him" *er arms tightened a%out his nec+$ %ut he held %ac+$ his loo+ of concern deepening" ':y dear$ we must %e careful"' 7Brett$ hold me close$' she cried passionately$ une&pected tears shimmering in her eyes" ') promise ) shan't %rea+" (on't shun me physically now that )'m to have your child"' 7Shun you-' *e loo+ed startled for a moment and then$ with a throaty sound$ drew her wholly into his arms" '8ood 8od$ Samantha$ ) could never do that" 5ou +now very well that at this moment ) want you more than anything else"' She tried to spea+$ %ut he silenced her effectively$ her immediate dou%ts and fears swept aside as he set a%out proving her desira%ility" CHAPTER N NE RE(E 4RAT)N8 the old nursery %ecame a ma.or operation" ;aint and wallpaper had to %e %ought as well as new curtaining and carpets to replace the old" The flurry of plans %eing made and the e&cited gurgle from Aunt Emma at the prospect of having a child in the home caused many a raised eye%row from Brett" )t was difficult to +now .ust what he was thin+ing$ or how he felt a%out his whole household %eing disrupted to accommodate the e&pected %a%y" Samantha grasped every happy moment with %oth hands$ almost as if she feared it would disintegrate at any moment" Loving Brett the way she did %rought its own pain0 the pain of not +nowing what lay in his heart$ and the ina%ility to reach him at times when he erected that cold$ impenetra%le wall %etween them" *e appeared occasionally to lose patience with her and$ confused and deeply hurt$ her failure to understand made her plunge to the depths of despair" Brett handed her a letter one evening while they were having coffee in the living2room" )t was among my private post that came this afternoon$ %ut )'ve only .ust noticed it$' he e&plained" The handwriting was not familiar to Samantha and she ripped open the envelope$ e&tracting the single sheet of paper" *er curious glance went swiftly to the name at the %ottom of the sheet$ and she fro9e instantly" )t was from live1 'Samantha$' she read$ frighteningly aware of Brett leaning against the fireplace$ his dar+ eyes resting

%roodingly on her$ '*ow foolish of you to have married Brett arrington" (idn't you +now that he married you only to have an heir- )f you don't %elieve me$ then as+ him a%out the stipulation in his father's will that states he has to produce an heir %efore he reaches the age of forty$ or lose his inheritance" *e's now thirty2nine" ')t is not my intention to upset you$ %ut ) felt you ought to +now" 5ours always$ live"' Samantha's face was deathly pale as she read the letter through once more %efore tearing it to shreds %etween her trem%ling fingers" There was a drumming in her ears that made her head feel as though it wanted to %urst$ while every word in that incriminating letter seemed to tear her heart to shreds" ould it %e true- !as that all she meant to Brett3someone to produce the heir he so desperately needed to retain his inheritance!as that letter from live-' Brett as+ed coldly$ his face taut with anger" Samantha nodded$ una%le to spea+ as her throat tightened with the pain of +nowing the truth at last" 7!hat did he want-' Brett continued harshly$ his eyes narrowed to slits as she rose on sha+y legs to drop the pieces of paper into the fire" '*e """ wished us well """ with our marriage$' she lied through clenched teeth$ drawing a deep %reath to steady herself as she avoided his eyes and watched instead the flames rise higher in the grate as live's letter disintegrated into ashes" Ashes1 That was all she had left of a wonderful dream that one day Brett might love her" 4h$ how stupidly naive she had %een1 7*e's rather late with his congratulatory wishes$' Brett moc+ed her" ',ive months too late"' 'Too late1 ,ive months too late1' she repeated to herself with rising hysteria" She was going to have Brett's child" *is inheritance was safe3he had made sure of that1 ')'m """ rather tired$' she managed haltingly$ turning away from the silent figure %eside the fire" ')'m going to %ed"' To her relief he made no effort to stop her and she made her way upstairs on legs that seemed unwilling to o%ey the commands of her num%ed %rain" Somehow she managed to undress and crawl into %ed where she lay in a crumpled heap$ allowing her aching misery to flow from her through the tears that appeared never ending" She had no idea eventually how long she had lain there$ %ut the tears on her chee+s had finally dried and the emptiness within her had %ecome a lead weight she felt incapa%le of carrying with her through the future" )t was all so devastatingly clear to her now" Brett had married her merely to produce the heir he needed to ena%le him to +eep his inheritance" Love was never involved" All that he had needed was a physical attraction to ena%le him to reach his goal """ and that goal was now accomplished" She was going to have his child" *is heir1 !hat happens now- she wondered tiredly" A slow degeneration of their relationship until they %ecome li+e strangers living together$ demanding nothing and e&pecting even less4h$ 8od$ what a fool she had %een ) !hat an utter fool to have given her heart$ her very soul$ to a man li+e Brett arrington" *e had used her shamelessly to meet the re#uirements of his father's will and now$ his mission accomplished$ he would have no further interest in her" )ndeed$ he had so often shown that he had no lasting interest in her" *e would$ no dou%t$ ta+e care not to show his true feelings until after the %irth of the child$ %ut once the %a%y was there it would all %e over" The end of a foolish dream she had har%oured of

!inning her hus%and's love" Brett did not come to her that night$ %ut slept instead in the dressing2room as he had done at the start of their marriage" *is action indicated a clear %rea+ in their relationship which made the pain of loving him more acute" )t would %e useless trying to ma+e herself %elieve that she hated him$ she realised that chilly spring morning as she stared at the empty space %eside her on the %ed" After a sleepless night she realised that she could not leave him either$ for never to see him again would %e even more agonising than +nowing he did not love her" Life had %ecome a vicious circle" There was no way out e&cept to go on with the desperate hope that she would eventually come to terms with whatever the future had in store for her" ') don't want you rush you$ Samantha$' Aunt Emma said one evening$ '%ut ) do thin+ you should get the redecorating of the nursery done %efore you're incapa%le of attending to it personally" 5ou have less than seven months to do so"' ';erhaps you should go to ;ort Eli9a%eth" Bosmansvlei hasn't much to offer in that line$' Brett suggested from %ehind his newspaper" '5es """ ) suppose so"' Samantha %it her lip thoughtfully" (uring the past few days they had ac+nowledged each other with a chilly politeness that %rought a constant ache to her throat" 7(oesn't the idea appeal to you-' !ell """ we could fly there and %ac+ in one day"' 7There'll %e no flying for you at the moment$' Brett insisted sharply$ lowering the newspaper to glance at her sternly" ') shall get Lucas to drive you there"' 'Lucas-' She felt a wave of disappointment sweeping through her" ') """ ) thought """' ')'m afraid it's impossi%le for me to get away at the moment$' Brett informed her dispassionately$ disappearing once more %ehind his newspaper" ')t's lam%ing season"' ') see """' Samantha glanced at Aunt Emma$ %ut the older woman merely shrugged her shoulders$ indicating that she was at a loss to understand Brett's peculiar %ehaviour" )t was$ however$ a rather wea+ e&cuse on Brett's part$ for Ted 4osthui9en was #uite capa%le of handling the farm without him ')'ll ma+e arrangements for you to leave in the morning$' Brett said eventually$ folding his newspaper and rising to his feet" ':y suite at the hotel will %e prepared for you to stay overnight"' 'Brett$' Samantha said swiftly$ clutching at his arm as he passed her chair$ 'you won't change your mind a%out coming with me-' 'Surely ) can trust you now$ Samantha-' he said$ raising his eye%rows moc+ingly as he carefully disengaged himself and left the room" Aunt Emma let out an e&asperated sigh as they heard the study door close %ehind him" 'Ta+e no notice$ my dear" :en are peculiar creatures at times$ with peculiar notions"' Samantha was not at all happy with the situation$ %ut Brett's decidedly odd %ehaviour did not come as a surprise to her" *e had lost interest in her$ and the plans for the %a%y as she had thought he would" )t could perhaps also %e that he did not %elieve her e&planation as to the contents of live's letter$ and most pro%a%ly thought that she had plans to stri+e up a new relationship with live" !ould he care if this was so- she wondered distractedly" 4r was he no longer concerned with what she did as long as the %irth of his heir was ensured'Aunt Emma e&cused herself eventually and went up to her room while Samantha

remained for a moment longer$ staring thoughtfully into the dying em%ers of the fire" live had certainly ruined her life with his supposedly well2meant information" )t had %een intentional and vindictive$ %ut it could only %e the truth$ or live would not have %een so %old to suggest that she confront Brett with his accusation" !hen she crossed the hall on her way upstairs she saw the light %eneath the study door$ and +new that she would not rest until she had spo+en to Brett once more" ' ome in$' he called in answer to her +noc+$ and she stepped inside gingerly$ closing the door %ehind her and leaning against it for support" Brett sat %ehind his des+$ his raised glance sending a sudden chill along her spine" '!hat is it$ Samantha-' She steadied herself and too+ a deep %reath" 'Brett$ ) hope you're not thin+ing that ) have any desire to see live again-' *is eyes narrowed slightly %ut his e&pression remained unfathoma%le" ':y dear Samantha$ if you're entertaining such thoughts then there's nothing ) can do to stop you"' 'That sounds funny coming from you$' she laughed without mirth$ 'considering how you went out of your way to +eep us apart"' 'That was eight months ago"' '!hat's that supposed to mean-' she as+ed warily$ dreading the direction her thoughts were ta+ing" '5ou can interpret that in whichever way you please$' he remar+ed$ showing signs that the conversation was %eginning to %ore him" 'Ta+e my advice$ Samantha$ and get to %ed early" 5ou have a long drive ahead of you tomorrow"' (ismissed$ Samantha went up to her room with a growing fear in her heart she could no longer ignore" )t was over3 live's letter had seen to that" )t had made Brett dou%t her$ and it had shattered her hopes of winning the love of the one man who mattered a%ove all else" She had trusted Brett implicitly$ and he had let her down3something she had never thought him capa%le of" Now there was nothing left to live for e&cept the child$ which meant so much and yet so little to Brett" Samantha moaned softly as a searing pain lodged in her heart" (ry2eyed$ she fell across the %ed and %uried her face in her arms$ the agony of failure too un%eara%le to thin+ a%out" Brett would never as+ her to leave0 to him marriage was %inding$ %ut he had made it perfectly clear that she could e&pect nothing more than consideration and disorientated affection" *ow strange$ she thought when she finally went to %ed" She had thought she would never get over losing live$ %ut it had %een accomplished without much suffering" Losing Brett would %e a different matter entirely$ for merely thin+ing a%out it made her wish for the o%livion of death" She was still awa+e when Brett eventually entered his room" She heard him moving a%out and ta+e a shower$ %ut she +new he would not come to her" !hatever significance he had placed on live's letter$ it had %een damning enough to ma+e him avoid her and$ despite everything$ she longed for his arms and his lips" *umiliation and anger had made way for a deeper realisation during these few heart2%rea+ing days3 no matter what he had done$ she needed him" She would always need him" Samantha awo+e the following morning to find a cryptic note from Brett on her %rea+fast tray$ and with unsteady hands she unfolded it" ')'m sorry ) couldn't wait to see you off this morning$' he had written in his %old handwriting$ '%ut ) shall telephone you this evening" )'ve madam all the necessary

arrangements for your stay in the city" Ta+e care of yourself" Brett"' She read it through once more %efore crushing it in her hand$ determined now to show Brett that she was unaffected %y his %ehaviour" )f he could %e cool and aloof$ then so could she" Never would she let him +now how much she loved him$ or how his callous %ehaviour ripped her heart to pieces" Never l ,rom that moment onwards she would dish out as much as she received$ and in +ind" The drive to ;ort Eli9a%eth was tiring$ %ut they arrived at the hotel %efore lunch that day and Samantha was installed into Brett's private suite with its plush furnishings and gold drapes with a pomp and ceremony that left her gasping" !hen she tried to do away with some of the servants$ Brett's manager appeared almost affronted" 7:r arrington's instructions were most e&plicit$ :rs arrington$' he informed her" 'Nothing should %e spared to ensure your comfort" The servants attending to you have %een handpic+ed %y :r arrington to attend to him personally when he is here$ and they would %e most dissatisfied if you don't give them the opportunity to do the same for you$ :rs arrington"' ,aced with this argument Samantha was forced to relent" *er meals were served to her in the suite$ doing away with the necessity of mingling with the other guests and$ when she in#uired$ she was told that Lucas had %een given accommodation in the servants' #uarters in order to %e at hand when she should need him" Everything appeared to %e ta+en care of$ leaving her free to do the shopping she had come for$ %ut she could not help feeling li+e a novice when it came to handing out instructions" !ith her shopping partially done that afternoon$ Samantha sat down after dinner at the mar%le2topped writing des+ and made a list of the items she still re#uired" The faint sound of music drifted up towards her from the hotel restaurant and suddenly she was overcome with loneliness" She thought of the two other occasions she had entered Brett's suite$ especially on that first occasion when he had invited her to dinner She had %een overcome with nervous an&iety at the time$ overawed %y the splendour of her surroundings and the forcefulness of her host" She had$ at that time$ still considered herself to %e so much in love with live$ %ut she +new now what it was to love someone deeply and passionately" She +new also the heartache of never %eing a%le to e&press that love for fear of %eing re.ected" She was to have Brett's child$ %ut it seemed now as though she would never have his love 3a love she craved a%ove all else in the world" 4vercome with self2pity and +nowing she must fight it$ she tried to concentrate on the list she was drawing up$ %ut the longing for Brett %ecame almost too much to %ear$ and she finally closed her eyes to ease the ache %ehind them" She .umped violently when the telephone rang shrilly %eside her and$ composing herself$ she lifted the receiver" 'A gentleman to see you$ :rs arrington$' the receptionist informed her" *e says he's an old friend of yours"' Samantha searched her mind for a possi%le friend$ %ut found herself una%le to thin+ of anyone else at that moment e&cept Stan (reyer" *e could %e the only male friend who would consider paying her a visit" ')s it a :r Stan (reyer-' ')'ll in#uire for you$ :rs arrington"' The line went silent for a while and then the receptionist returned to the telephone" 'That is correct$ :rs arrington" Shall ) send him up-' '5es$ than+ you"' *ow on earth did Stan +now that she was in ;ort Eli9a%eth- she wondered suddenly

after replacing the receiver" ould Brett$ thin+ing that she might want company$ have let Stan +now she would %e here so that either he or 8illian could pay her a visitSurely not$ she decided with a touch of cynicism" Brett would never thin+ of something li+e that0 %esides$ she was #uite capa%le of doing her own telephoning" A +noc+ at the door interrupted her distur%ed thoughts" She hastily put down her pen and went to answer it$ %ut she was unprepared for the person who stood on the threshold" )t was live$ as handsome as ever$ his %oyish features displaying a certain wea+ness she had %een too da99led %efore to notice" '*ello$ sweetie 1 Surprised to see me-' Samantha stood as if turned to stone" ' live1' she managed at last" 'But ) thought 'That ) was Stan-' he laughed +nowingly as he %rushed past her$ closing the door" '5es$ )'m afraid ) made use of your in#uiry %ecause ) had an idea that you might not want to see me"' Samantha came to life then$ glancing nervously at the closed door and wishing she had ta+en more care %efore allowing the receptionist to send up this unwanted visitor" She was ama9ed also at the coolness within her" )t was no use denying that she had dreaded meeting live again$ yet now that she was face to face with him she felt not the slightest twinge of affection or regret that their relationship had floundered due to Brett's intervention" live had %ecome more than a stranger3he was someone in whom she had not the slightest interest" An ac#uaintance long forgotten" ') don't thin+ we have anything to say to each other$' she said coldly$ not inviting him to sit down" '!hat do you want-' 'To tal+ to you$ Sam$ what else-' *e stood with his hands thrust into his trouser poc+ets as he glanced a%out him with a cynical smile" '!ell$ ) must say you've done well for yourself" Landing a fish li+e Brett arrington is what ) call #uite a catch"' *is2inference that she had married Brett for his money infuriated her$ %ut she managed to +eep a tight hold on herself" '!hy did you come$ live-' she as+ed" *e turned to her then with a display of sincerity that was unconvincing" ') came %ecause ) had a yen to see you again """ for old times' sa+e" !e were very close once"' '*ow did you +now ) would %e in ;ort Eli9a%eth this evening-' 'Brett arrington is news$ sweetie$ and as his wife you get the same rating"' *e flashed his old da99ling smile at her" '5ou +now how news gets around"' *is glance swept over her speculatively as though he were summing up her possi%ilities$ ta+ing in the e&pensive woollen dress that hid successfully the slight fullness at her waist$ the diamond %rooch Brett had given her as a wedding present pinned to the wide collar$ and the soft leather shoes on her small feet" Throughout this crude inspection Samantha remained perfectly still$ %ut when his grey eyes met hers once more there was undisguised desire in their depths" Samantha went rigid with distaste" '(oes your wife +now you're here-' ':y """ what did you say-' Samantha had the satisfaction of seeing his composure shattered" '5our wife$ live$' she repeated calmly" ')'m sure she won't li+e the idea3' 'But )'m not married ' The silence that followed his emphatic denial was filled with conflicting emotions" )t was Samantha's turn to stare at him in confusion" ') """ don't thin+ ) understand"' 'Neither do )$ sweetie$' he said agitatedly$ peering down at her with renewed confidence" ')s that why you married Brett- Because you thought ) was married-'

') """ ) don't """' she floundered$ una%le to articulate sensi%ly while her mind was in such a turmoil" !hy should Brett have lied to her- !as it not enough that he had %rought proof of live's escapades with another womanlive was %eside her now$ %ut she was successful in evading his groping hands" 'Sam$ sweetie$ you don't realise how )'ve %een pining my heart out for you"' '5ou surely don't e&pect me to %elieve that$ do you-' she demanded$ placing some distance %etween them" ')f you're not married then what's happened to the dar+2haired woman who lived with you in a %each2front flat and called herself :rs !ilmot-' live loo+ed ta+en a%ac+" '!ho told you that-' 7To use your own words$ live """ news gets around$' she replied with a touch of cynicism" 'Sam$ it meant nothing$ ) swear it" She was3' ')t really doesn't concern me"' '(on't lie$ Sam$' he laughed$ advancing upon her with determination" 'Admit that it concerns you very much" 5ou don't love Brett$ you love me$ and don't deny it"' *is audacity was almost laugha%le" *e was so sure that his fatal charm would have her falling into his arms that he was %lind to the loo+ of scorn that flashed across her sensitive face" ' live$ )'m no longer free" )'m married to Brett$ and that's the way it's going to Stay"' 7That doesn't mean we can't ta+e what happiness we can find"' Samantha %egan to panic" 7)'m not sure ) understand you"' 74h$ come now$' he laughed +nowingly as she sidestepped him once more" '5ou're no longer the innocent young girl you used to %e" Be nice to me$ Sam" Let me stay with you tonight"' 75ou must %e mad 1 ' she e&claimed in horror$ seeing him for the first time as he really was3a man without scruples or sense of decency$ and with the misguided idea that every woman was fair game" )t was a moment of revelation that filled her with a relief so great that she would never %e a%le to than+ Brett enough for saving her from this o%no&ious man stal+ing her a%out the room " live %ridged the gap %etween them with a swiftness that caught her %y surprise" *is arms tightened a%out her as she fought against him$ his %reathing la%oured as his mouth sought hers" ') want you$ Sam" )'ve always wanted you$ you +now that"' ,illed with revulsion she managed somehow to evade his lips$ %ut even as she did so she felt his hands fum%ling with her 9ip" 'Let me go ' 7Sam$ )'ve got to have you"' 7No 1 ' Anger gave her added strength and she managed to free one of her hands$ stri+ing him a vicious %low across the chee+" live released her instantly$ his ardour decidedly dampened %y the stinging slap$ and clearly startled %y her une&pected attac+" 74ne would swear you were still a virgin %y the way you're carrying on$' he muttered with well2remem%ered petulance$ fingering his chee+ that was reddening rapidly" '!ell$ )'m not < she e&claimed furiously" 'But that doesn't mean that ) have the desire to go to %ed with any other man who comes my way" )'m going to have a %a%y3Brett's %a%y And$ for your information )'m very happily married and have no wish to see+ pleasure elsewhere1 ' 'A %a%y- !ell$ what do you +now 1 ' he laughed nastily$ recovering his composure swiftly" 'So Brett has made it after all"' Samantha flinched inwardly as she struggled to control the sha+ing of her lim%s" '5es$

Brett has made it after all$ and won't %e losing his inheritance"' live raised his eye%rows in surprise" 'So you got my letter """ and you don't mind Brett marrying you for that reason-' 'No$ ) don't$' she lied" Not for anything in the world would she let him +now how much his letter had hurt her" ') don't +now what you hoped to gain %y sending me that letter$ %ut you may as well +now that it ma+es no difference to me at all" ) love Brett enough to overcome that stum%ling %loc+3if what you wrote is true-' '4h$ it's true all right$' he said$ o%serving her closely while he lit a cigarette with unsteady hands" '*ow did you find out a%out it-' '!ell$ ) once heard ' *e %ro+e off a%ruptly and laughed %riefly" '4h no$ you're not going to catch me out that easily" Let's .ust say that ) heard it mentioned once"' *is e&pression so%ered and %ecame almost pleading" 'Sam$ ) did love you$ you +now"' '5ou don't +now the meaning of the word love$ live" To you it means having affairs with women and dropping them when you've tired of them" To me$ loving someone represents a more lasting relationship$ and %eing true to one person only" Now get out of here$' she ordered contemptuously$ 'and ) hope ) never have to see you again ) ' 'Ta+e it easy$ sweetie$ )'m going$' he said defensively" ')f ever you should change your mind3' ') shan't$' Samantha interrupted forcefully at his audacity$ fighting a mental and physical fatigue" '8ood%ye )t was only after she had closed and loc+ed the door %ehind him that she allowed herself to rela&" )t was perhaps .ust as well that he had come$ she decided$ su%siding wea+ly into a chair$ for now he would +now$ once and for all$ that everything was over %etween them3that it had in fact %een over a long time ago" The telephone rang$ interrupting her thoughts$ and every nerve in her %ody reacted violently to the sound" )t would %e Brett" '4h$ Brett$ Brett$ why did you do this to me1 !hy did you have to wal+ into my life only to %rea+ my heart in the way you have-' Samantha raised herself tiredly and lifted the receiver$ a strange calmness ta+ing possession of her as she heard his voice" ') hope everything is to your satisfaction-' he as+ed after a peremptory greeting" '5es$ than+ you"' '(id the .ourney tire you-' 'Not at all"' *er own voice sounded peculiarly lifeless to her own ears and Brett must have %een aware of this$ for he said> '5ou must ta+e care of yourself$ Samantha" (on't overta& your strength"' Naturally$ she thought cynically" She must not do anything to harm the child he needed so desperately" '4h$ ) shan't do that$ Brett"' There was a %rief silence %efore she heard him as+> '*as something happened to upset you$ Samantha-' !hat an understatement$ she thought$ her emotions %ordering on hysteria" 'No"' '5ou're tired$ perhaps-' '5es"' 'Then )'ll say goodnight$ Samantha" Sleep well"' The line went dead and she was left holding$ a lifeless instrument in her hand" )t was so tragically sym%olic of her marriage that she was on the verge of tears"

'4h$ Brett$ why did you let me love you-' her anguished heart cried" '!hy couldn't you have told me the truth instead of letting me go on hoping-' There was no longer any .oy in this shopping e&pedition" The parcel of %a%y clothes in her %edroom was a %itter reminder of the function she had %een chosen to perform" )t was wrong to feel this way$ she realised after a sleepless night" *er child would come %lameless into the world$ and it would need her love and attention" She had to prepare for its arrival as though nothing had happened to mar the occasion" )t would$ after all$ %e her child .ust as much as Brett's" 4n an impulse she telephoned 8illian %efore leaving the hotel after %rea+fast" ' ould you get away from wor+ and meet me at 8arlic+s for lunch-' ')'ll say ) can$' 8illian agreed enthusiastically" ')s Brett not with you-' 'No"' Through the window she could see Lucas waiting patiently %eside the :ercedes" '8illian$ ) must fly" See you later"' A fine dri99ling rain fell that morning and$ helped on %y the south2easterly wind$ it made shopping rather uncomforta%le" Everything felt clammy to the touch$ %ut Samantha was used to this +ind of weather$ the refreshing chill in the air whipping against her chee+s and %ringing a touch of colour to them" )t was somehow comforting to ride through familiar streets$ to wal+ into familiar shops$ and to feel the pulsating city around her" )t had %een months since she had last wal+ed these streets$ for Brett never once offered to %ring her with him on his fre#uent trips" *ad he %een afraid that she might meet live and learn the truth- A tantalising thought$ %ut one that touched a rawness deep within her" CHAPTER TEN AT twelve2thirty$ with the last of her shopping done$ Samantha dismissed Lucas and ordered him to return to the hotel with her parcels" But Lucas' %rown face was almost indignant" 7But$ :adam$' he argued" The :adam can't e&pect me .ust to leave the :adam here in the middle of :ain Street- :aster Brett will never 7Lucas$ please$ go %ac+ to the hotel" )'ll have lunch in town and then )'ll ta+e a %us or a ta&i"' 7!ell$ ) don't +now what :aster Brett will say$' Lucas shoo+ his head dou%tfully" 7:aster Brett need not +now$' Samantha assured him$ slipping out of the car .ust as the ro%ot turned$ green" 7(on't worry so much$ Lucas$ nothing will happen to me"' Lucas was forced to drive on while Samantha made her way swiftly to where she was to meet 8illian" She found a ta%le without much difficulty and shortly afterwards 8illian arrived$ windswept and drawing attention to herself as she almost shrie+ed with delight at the sight of her friend" 7Sam darling$ it's good to see you$' she said$ slipping into the chair opposite Samantha" '5ou're loo+ing a %it hollow2eyed$ though" ;regnancy not agreeing with you-' ')t has nothing to do with my pregnancy" )'m really fine$ ) """' She %it her lip nervously and fought against the tears that stung her eyelids" 8illian glanced at her with concern" '!hat is it$

Sam- )'ve never seen you this agitated %efore" *as something happened to upset you-' '5es$ ) """ ) have to tal+ to someone$ or go mad1' 8illian placed her el%ows on the ta%le and leaned closer" 'Tal+ away$ darling" )'m an awfully good listener$ %ut ) don't guarantee my advice"' Samantha sat for a moment$ wondering where to %egin and how to e&plain the confusion her life had %ecome" )t was not going to %e easy tal+ing a%out it %ut$ with her father away in ape Town$ 8illian was the only other person who could perhaps listen impartially and give advice" '!hat would you say if ) told you ) had reason to suspect that Brett merely married me in order to have an heir-' Samantha %egan$ una%le to disguise the #uiver in her voice" '(on't %e silly1 Brett loves you"' ') dou%t it very much"' 8illian's glance sharpened" '!hat on earth has given you the idea that Brett needed an heir so desperately-' Samantha e&plained %riefly$ telling her of live's letter containing the damaging statement and his visit the previous evening$ omitting nothing e&cept his revolting suggestions that made her shudder to thin+ what could have happened" '5ou don't mean to tell me you %elieved live-' 8illian as+ed incredulously when she had finished" 'Really$ Sam$ you ama9e me" 5ou've always %een so level2headed"' The tears sprang instantly to Samantha's eyes" ')'m so confused at the moment that ) don't +now what to %elieve"' 'That ) can see$' her friend nodded sympathetically$ %ut with a touch of impatience" 'Loo+$ Sam$ there's only one thing you can do$ and you should have done it immediately you received that letter" 8o home and confront Brett with this information$ and ) would li+e to sta+e my life on it that there's something wrong with the story live gave you"' '4h$ 8illian$ ) wish ) could %elieve that"' ' heer up$ darling$ it's not the end of the world yet$' her friend laughed$ reaching across the ta%le to s#uee9e her hand" 'There must %e some e&planation for Brett's %ehaviour$ and ) %et it's not at all what live has insinuated"' They ordered lunch$ %ut Samantha found it difficult to eat" There was nothing$ however$ that could put 8illian off her food" She was always at her happiest when she could eat$ and the miracle was that she never gained an ounce of superfluous weight" 'By the way$' she said$ wor+ing her way through a second helping of dessert$ 'Stan and ) are getting married in Novem%er and ) shall e&pect Brett and yourself at the wedding" The invitations will %e going out soon"' '8illian$ )'m so happy for you$' Samantha e&claimed delightedly$ her own pro%lems momentarily forgotten as she shared in her friend's plans" )t was only afterwards that she realised with a pang of regret how sadly her own wedding arrangements had lac+ed the enthusiasm 8illian was displaying$ %ut she %rushed aside these painful thoughts lest her heedless tears should fall in pu%lic" !hen they eventually parted company$ Samantha was forced to promise 8illian that she would follow her advice a%out confronting Brett" )t was no use leaving something li+e that to %ecome worse as time progressed$ 8illian had said wisely" Samantha too+ a %us %ac+ to the hotel$ en.oying the short wal+ from the %us stop and the refreshing coolness of the rain on her hot face" She had to thin+$ %ut she felt mentally e&hausted and$ %y the time she had reached her suite$ she was no nearer a solution than she had %een when she had parted from 8illian in town"

She removed her hat and coat$ sha+ing the few drops of rain from her hair$ and only then did she notice the tall figure emerging from the deep chair %eside the window" 'Brett1' *is name on her lips was a mi&ture of delight and despair while she marvelled at how arrogantly self2assured he appeared to %e as he came towards her" She wished she could hate him for what he had done to her$ %ut the heavy thudding of her heart moc+ed her and almost sent her rushing into his arms" '!hat are you doing here- ) thought3' ') decided to fetch you myself" )'ve already sent Lucas home with your parcels$' he said smoothly" 'Sit down$ you loo+ e&hausted"' ') don't want to '(o as you're told1 ' he instructed sternly$ giving her a gentle push into a chair %ehind her" ')'ve ordered tea ah$ here it is"' The tray of tea was placed on the small ta%le %etween them and$ surprisingly$ Brett poured$ neither of them attempting to spea+ until the warm li#uid had succeeded in steadying her trem%ling hands" 'This e&cursion has %een too much for you$ Samantha"' '4h$ for goodness' sa+e$ stop fussing 1 ' she e&claimed$ rising agitatedly and turning her %ac+ on him to escape the intense scrutiny of his eyes" 'Surely a hus%and is entitled to fuss over his wife when she's going to have his child-' he said" She was in the grip of such acute unhappiness that she flinched under the impact and gripped the %ac+ of her chair for support" ' live was here last night$' she %lurted out in an effort to shoc+ him into some positive action" ') see"' E&asperated$ Samantha swung round to face him$ an angry flush of colour staining her chee+s" ')s that all you're going to say- Aren't you going to demand to +now how he came to %e here$ and what he wanted-' There was a frightening calmness a%out Brett as he placed the delicate china cup in the tray and rose to his feet$ placing her at an immediate disadvantage$ for she now had to crane her nec+ to loo+ up at him" ' live +new you were here %ecause ) dropped a few hints in the right places$ and he too+ the %ait .ust as ) +new he would"' She stared at him in a%solute silence$ una%le at first to grasp what he had said then$ as comprehension dawned$ she clenched her hands tightly at her sides" '*ow typical ) Brett arrington$ the manipulator of people's lives ' she lashed out" '!hy did you want to ma+e sure that we met-' ') wanted you to get him out of your system$ once and for all"' Samantha drew a careful %reath" ') don't suppose it occurred to you that ) might not want to see him again- That such a meeting was #uite unnecessary-' ,lames of anger leapt along her veins" '(id you hope ) would discredit you-' '5ou're .umping to conclusions$' he said harshly" '5ou're deli%erately trying to find hidden meanings %ehind simple statements$ and coming up with the wrong answers"' 'Am ) finding the wrong answers-' she demanded cynically" ')f ) am then you've given me no reason to thin+ differently"' ')'m losing patience with you$ Samantha"' ';erhaps$ %ut why did you lie to me-' she as+ed$ ignoring the loo+ of warning in his glance" 'To the %est of my +nowledge )'ve never lied to you$ Samantha$' he replied %luntly$

thrusting his hands into his poc+ets" '!hat in particular are you referring to-' '5ou told me live was married"' 'And you've now discovered that the woman concerned was merely his current mistress-' he as+ed moc+ingly" ':y informant too+ it for granted that they were married when he found the flat registered in the name of :r and :rs " !ilmot" Later$ when ) discovered this was not so$ ) didn't thin+ it would matter whether ) told you or not" 5ou were %y that time already my wife"' 7So you deli%erately left me to thin+ otherwise" After all$ it had done the tric+" )'d married you practically on the strength of that information$' she accused as a wave of %itterness engulfed her" '*ow fortunate for you1 ' Brett's eyes dar+ened with anger and his fingers %it into her shoulders causing a physical agony she almost welcomed" ')f you thin+ )'ll release you so that you can marry live$ then you're mista+en"' ') don't want to marry live ' she almost shouted$ a loo+ of distaste flashing across her face" '*e's the most revolting specimen it's ever %een my misfortune to +now1' 'Samantha "' *e gave her a #uic+ loo+ and his hand slid across her shoulder to the nape of her nec+" The caress %rought her to the edge of tears$ %ut she held them %ac+" 7;lease$ there's something ) must +now"' '!hat is it-' Samantha shut her mind to the delicious tremors his caressing fingertips were producing" She could not rela& until she +new the truth and only then would "this ter2 ri%le tension leave her" *er eyes were %eseeching as she raised them to his" ')f in the past you haven't always %een honest with me$ %e honest with me now$ Brett" ;lease- ) must +now the truth"' *is lips rela&ed Slightly" '!hatever it is that's so important to you$ you can depend on a truthful reply"' '(oes your father's will stipulate that$ if you haven't produced an heir %y the age of forty$ you lose your inheritance-' *is fingers ceased their caressing movements against the %ac+ of her nec+ and his hands fell slowly away from her as she held her %reath and waited for the reply she dreaded" '!ho told you that-' he demanded harshly$ and Samantha moved an involuntary step away from him" ')t was live who wrote and told me"' 'And you %elieved him-' he echoed 8illian's #uery" '!hat else was ) to do-' she pleaded an&iously$ ignoring the cold fury of his glance" ')s it true-' '5es$ it is"' There was a pounding at her temples as she e&pelled the air from her lungs and turned away from him wearily$ her voice sounding strangled as she said> 'That's """ all ) wanted to +now"' She moved without realising it$ stum%ling into the %edroom in her an&iety to get away from this man who had used the foulest weapon in his possession with which to hurt her$ and he had done so without the slightest sign of regret" She fell across the %ed and dropped her head on to her arms as the tears came" Slow$ convulsive so%s tore at her throat and rac+ed her %ody even as she felt the %ed sag %eneath Brett's weight" *e made no attempt to touch her until her torrent of weeping had ended$ leaving her e&hausted and clutching at the %lue sil+ %edspread" 'Samantha$ listen to me"' ') don't thin+ ) want to hear more$' she said thic+ly$ shrugging off his touch" ')'ve heard enough"'

'5ou're going to hear more whether you li+e it or not$' he insisted and it was useless ignoring the authority in his voice as he pressed a clean linen hand+erchief into her hands" 'Sit up$ dry your eyes """ and listen1 ' ;hysically spent$ Samantha could only wait while Brett lit a cigarette and paced the floor li+e a caged lion" A frightened pulse thro%%ed in her throat as she waited for him to spea+$ dreading to hear what he had to say$ while at the same time +nowing that nothing could hurt her more than he had already done" *e stopped %eside her %ut still made no attempt to to touch her" ') ought to ta+e you across my +nee for har%ouring such thoughts a%out me$ %ut then ) can't %lame you entirely" !e haven't e&actly %een completely honest with each other in the past$ and the lac+ of it was %ound to cause misunderstandings"' *is e&pression hardened" ')'m to %lame for that" ) should have +nown %etter"' Samantha felt as though she could hardly %reathe as he turned away from her and resumed his pacing" *er eyelids felt heavy$ her heart considera%ly heavier with dou%t$ confusion and hope clamouring through her" This was the moment of truth$ she realised$ %ut she cowered from it mentally$ dreading what she might hear$ while at the same time +nowing that she would not rest until she +new it all" '!hen ) said .ust now that live's information was correct$ ) was not %eing completely truthful$' Brett %egan %rus#uely$ his firm mouth unrelenting" ':y father had a notion that if a man wasn't married %efore the age of forty0 he would never marry at all" *e and ) discussed his will at great length %efore his death" )f ) failed to produce an heir %efore the age of forty$ then my cousin (avid's eldest son would inherit the %usiness 3%ut only after my death" But if$ after the age of forty$ ) should marry someone young enough to produce an heir$ that clause falls away and my children naturally inherit"' *e crushed his cigarette into the ashtray and turned to face her for a moment$ his e&pression cynical$ yet slightly sad" ')t was simply meant as a precaution to +eep the %usiness in the arrington family" )t was something Nadine often teased me a%out" ?*urry up and marry$? she used to say$ ?or you lose your inheritance"? 4%viously live too+ this seriously"' Samantha was filled with remorse and intense relief$ %ut she failed to see the connection %etween live and Nadine" *er eyes %rimmed with tears$ and she would have gone to him at that moment had she not realised that there was more to come" ')'ll tell you a%out Nadine$ and ) thin+ that the %est place to start is four years ago$' Brett continued$ and she was instantly aware of an underlying anger %eneath his controlled movements" *e thrust his hands into his poc+ets and ceased his pacing to stand at the window with his %ac+ to her" ':y 2sister Nadine was young3your age now" She had led a very sheltered life and )'m afraid that$ after the death of our parents when she was still in her teens$ ) may have spoiled her to a large e&tent" 4n one of her infre#uent trips to ;ort Eli9a%eth she met live !ilmot and she was instantly swept off her feet"' The missing pieces in the pu99le were falling into place with shoc+ing clarity" '*e promised her the world$ %ut he was as much a fa+e then as he is now" *e wanted to marry her$ %ut when he discovered that ) held the purse strings until she reached the age of twenty2five$ and perhaps even after that if ) thought it necessary$ he dropped her flat"' There was a savagery in his voice that frightened her and tore at her heart simultaneously" *e was reliving painful memories that would have %een %est forgotten had they not %ecome so vitally important to their future" ')t was not long %efore Nadine discovered that she was going to have a %a%y" She contacted live$ %egging him to marry her$ %ut he made it #uite clear that he had no

intention of %eing saddled with a wife who had no control over her money$ as well as a child" After that he promptly vanished without trace"' Brett turned to her then and she was surprised at the %itterness on that strong angular face and in the eyes that sought hers in the dimness of the room" 'Nadine couldn't ta+e it$ and %efore ) could do anything to help her$ she drove her car through the rails at the highest point on the 4lifants+op ;ass at a time when ) was flying %ac+ to the farm" !hen ) found her farewell note it was already too late to save her"' There was silence for a moment$ while Samantha loo+ed away" Then$ 'Brett$ )'m sorry$' she murmured inade#uately" ') saw live again for the first time in three years that evening you and ) met in the garden of this hotel$' he continued almost as if she had not spo+en" ')t was providence$ %ut the desire to crush him was no longer there"' (riven with compassion$ she went to him" '!hy didn't you e&plain all this to me at the time-' *is lips twisted cynically" '!ould you have %elieved me-' Samantha lowered her glance guiltily" ') suppose not$ %ut it might have made all the difference in the world at the time"' '5ou were young and innocent$ and in that respect you reminded me of Nadine$' he said harshly$ turning away from her almost as if he could not %ear to have her near" ') had to prevent you from ma+ing the same mista+e$ so ) arranged for live to %e sent away" ) spent time with your father$ getting to +now him and discovering that we had a mutual concern3your involvement with live which could only lead to disaster"' Samantha recalled vividly those evenings Brett had spent with her father" )t was all so clear now that she was ama9ed at her ignorance at the time" An involuntary smile pluc+ed at her lips" 7So you practically a%ducted me$ with the help of my father"' ') couldn't +eep live away from ;ort Eli9a%eth indefinitely$' he replied$ his formida%le %ac+ turned firmly towards her" 'At the same time your father had pro%lems of his own to contend with" *e really had no choice a%out$ ta+ing that transfer to ape Town$ and he was torn %etween leaving you %ehind to fall into live's clutches$ and ta+ing an unwilling daughter with him"' ') """ didn't +now"' ;oor (addy$ she thought" *ow difficult she must have made it for him %y her selfish desire to stay close to live$ a man who was less than the dust %eneath Brett's e&pensive leather shoes" 'There was only one solution to the pro%lem"" :y farm manager$ Ted 4osthui9en$ was ta+ing his annual leave$ which meant that ) would have to spend that month on the farm"' Brett turned to her then$ his e&pression as formida%le as his %ac+" 'The rest you +now"' She was very conscious of the arrogant set of his head upon his %road shoulders$ and the feel of his dar+ hair so crisp %eneath her fingertips$ %ut there was still something she had to +now" '!as marrying me part of the plan-' ') hoped it would %e"' They faced each other in silence until the agonising #uestion that hovered on her lips was finally uttered" 'Brett$ why did you marry me-' 'Before ) answer that$ ) shall as+ you one #uestion-' he said tersely" '(o you have any feelings left for live-' 'No1 *e's the most hateful

man )'ve ever met1' *e nodded his head as though satisfied" '8ood" Now the rest is up to you$ Samantha"' 7Up to """ to me-' there was tension in the air as she met his glance unfalteringly" )t was almost as if Brett were trying to convey a message to her which she was too frightened to grasp" 'Brett$ if your reason for marrying me was not merely to save me from a fate similar to Nadine's$ or %ecause of your father's will$ then """' She faltered$ unsure of herself in that supreme moment of sacrificing her pride in the strengthening +nowledge of what she had to do" !hen she eventually found her voice she stum%led %lindly through her confession while unshed tears threatened to cho+e her" 'Brett$ ) love you$ and """ 8od +nows )'ll do anything to ma+e you care """ .ust a little"' 'All you have to do is tell me again that you love me" )t's what )'ve %een waiting for all this time$ to hear you say3Brett$ ) love you"' There was a new loo+ of tender amusement in his dar+ eyes$ and her heart leapt with .oy as she found herself in his arms$ her glowing ,ace pressed into the hollow of his shoulder" '5ou see$ my darling$ it didn't ta+e me very long to realise that )'d fallen in love with you" )'ve loved you almost ,rom the first moment ) loo+ed into your remar+a%le violet %lue eyes$ %ut ) was too proud to admit it while ) thought you still loved live"' *is lips found hers and she clung to him while she e&perienced a happiness that pulsated through her with a force that left her wea+" Nothing mattered at that moment e&cept that sure +nowledge that he loved her$ and the unhappiness which had %een her constant companion for so long seemed to evaporate into the mist of o%livion as she felt his arms tightening a%out her" 7Brett """' she sighed with melting warmth against his lips" '(arling$ )'ve %een such a fool 7No$ Samantha$ my dearest heart$' he contradicted as a solitary tear found its way down her chee+" *e %rushed it away with his thum% and placed his lips against her closed eyelid" 'A little confused perhaps$ %ut never a fool"' ')'ve dou%ted you so much$ and )'ve had such uncomplimentary thoughts a%out you"' ') shall ma+e you pay for each one of them$ li+e this """ and this """' *e +issed her repeatedly with a growing passion that ignited a flame of desire within her" *e trem%led suddenly and with a groan released her" 'Samantha$ ) must +now" !hen did you discover that live no longer meant anything to you-' A tremulous smile hovered on lips still warm and tingling from his +isses" 'Long %efore ) discovered that ) loved you"' 'And when was that-' he as+ed suspiciously" A delicate colour stained her chee+s %ut she met his glance unwaveringly" 'That time you went away and left me with an ultimatum"' 7Ah$' his e&pression lightened with gentle moc+ery$ 'perhaps ) should have delivered that ultimatum sooner1' She was in his arms again$ thrilling to the touch of his lips and hands and welcoming the storm of emotions sweeping through her" The rain lashed against the window panes$ yet in her heart the sun was shining with a warmth that filled her %eing" Below their window the young willow trees were sprouting green leaves and$ without intending to$ she recalled Rosa's peculiar message" 'Rosa was right$' she whispered$ inhaling the familiar smell of shaving lotion and to%acco as she slipped her arms inside his .ac+et$ feeling the pleasant warmth of him as she pressed closer" 'The young leaves of spring are sprouting on the trees and )'ve

found my star of happiness" 5ou$' she added dreamily" 7So you did ta+e it seriously after all$' he laughed against her smooth nec+" 75es$ ) must have$' she admitted$ trying to avoid those con#uering lips a moment longer" 'The love ) thought ) had for live was li+e a handful of stardust" )t was of so little su%stance that it tric+led through my fingers unnoticed"' '*ow can you %e sure that you really love me-' She held him off with her hands against his chest and felt the heavy %eat of his heart %eneath her fingertips" 7Brett$ ) love you so much that ) was prepared to accept the fact that you married me solely to +eep your inheritance$ and ) would have made the %est of our marriage %ecause """ to leave you """' *er voice faltered while her heart was in her eyes for him to see the love she had so foolishly hidden from him" '(arling$ ) would rather die than have to live without you"' Samantha's son was %orn early one April morning at arrington's ;ost" She had held the small pin+ %undle in her arms with awe2inspiring wonder until tiredness had overwhelmed her and she was forced to relin#uish her cherished possession into the capa%le hands of the nurse Brett had employed to help with the %a%y until her strength was restored" Brett came to her eventually after seeing off the family doctor$ and he stood staring down at her for immeasura%le seconds with a loo+ of such deep devotion that it %rought happy tears to her eyes" ':y darling wife$' he murmured$ lying down %eside her on the %ed and gathering her into his arms" ') died a thousand deaths these past few hours for fear ) would lose you"' 'But everything went off so perfectly$' she protested$ wea+ with happiness as she pressed her lips against his warm nec+" 'Are you happy with your son-' ':y happiness is so complete at this moment$ my darling$' he said in a voice vi%rating with emotions as he traced a loving finger along the fine %one structure of her face" '5ou've given me more than ) ever dreamed possi%le"' Samantha turned fully towards him and wound her arms a%out his nec+" love you so much$ Brett"' ':y darling$' he whispered after a long and satisfying +iss$ his glance teasing as he loo+ed down at her" ') shall have to get used to sharing you now"' She laughed softly as she pulled his head down towards hers and pressed her lips against the greying hair at his temples" ':y hus%and$ my love$ my life" ) shall always %e there when you need me"' She felt his lips$ warm and tender against her own$ and with a contented sigh she slept in his arms and +new that her dreams would %e filled with the wonder of his love" A love that found an ever2increasing echo in her heart"

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