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Installation instructions - Linoleum xf rolls

LI*+LE,- 0.

Veneto, Allegro, Etrusco, Silencio 18dB, Style Elle and Style Emme
Decem er !"11

1 Descri$tion of %ar&ett Linoleum range Application chart 'eneral Installation guidelines Jobsite conditions Material storage and handling Color matching Su floor Concrete Wood Anhydrite base Metal Terrazzo and ceramic floor Existing resilient floors adiant heated floors Ad(esi)es Installation #heet Welding Initial site cleaning

! "

Im$ortant The proced%res described in this man%al ha&e been caref%lly de&eloped to offer the best possible information for a proper and s%ccessf%l installation 'ith Tar(ett)s flooring prod%cts* Descri$tion of %ar&ett Linoleum range+ ,inole%m is made from nat%ral ra' material li(e linseed oil- rosins- cor( flo%r- 'ood flo%rnat%ral fillers calandered onto .%te* /epending on the design and the calendaring methoddifferent types can be prod%ced+ ,inole%m 0eneto xf 1 the classical marbled ,inole%m #heet format /imensions+ 233 ml x 2m Thic(ness + 2*3- 2-"- 3-2 mm C%ts for access floor+ $34 x $34 mm ,inole%m Allegro xf 1 contrasted marbled design #heet format /imensions+ 233 ml x 2m Thic(ness + 2*" mm C%ts for access floor+ $34 x $34 mm ,inole%m Etr%sco xf 1 plain design #heet format /imensions+ 233 ml x 2m Thic(ness + 2*" mm C%ts for access floor+ $34 x $34 mm ,inole%m #tyle Emme xf 1 soft marbled design #heet format /imensions+ 233 ml x 2m Thic(ness + 2*" mm C%ts for access floor+ $34 x $34 mm ,inole%m #tyle Elle xf 1 linear design #heet format /imensions+ 233 ml x 2m Thic(ness + 2*" mm C%ts for access floor+ $34 x $34 mm

#ilencio xf 1 aco%stic prod%ct for impact so%nd red%ction 514d67 #heet format /imensions+ 228 ml x 2m Thic(ness + 3*4 mm C%ts for access floor+ $34 x $34 mm

J96#:TE C9;/:T:9;# < Areas to recei&e flooring shall be clean- f%lly enclosed and 'atertight 'ith the permanent heating- &entilation and air conditioning 5=0AC7 in operation* A minim%m room temperat%re 14 >C shall be established and maintained d%ring the installation and for 8 days after* Maxim%m temperat%re sho%ld not exceed 3" >C after installation* The minim%m temperat%re of the s%bfloor hat to be 1">C* The recommended relati&e h%midity of the room is "3?$3@* < :nstallation of the flooring sho%ld not begin %ntil the 'or( of all other trades has been completed* < Areas to recei&e flooring shall be adeA%ately lighted to allo' for proper inspection of the s%bstrate- installation and seaming of the flooring- and for final inspection*

MATE :A, #T9 ABE A;/ =A;/,:;B < Areas 'here flooring materials are to be stored sho%ld be a stable- conditioned en&ironment as described %nder Jobsite Conditions* All flooring materials sho%ld be acclimated to these conditions for at least !4 ho%rs prior to the installation* < Material sho%ld be deli&ered to the .ob site in original- %nopened pac(aging- 'ith all labels intact* < #tore all rolls &ertically- labels %p- and ens%re that the color- roll and batch n%mbers can be easily read*


Crod%ction series Batc( num er

< #heet material sho%ld al'ays be stored and transported rolled face o%t* < Material sho%ld al'ays be &is%ally inspected prior to installation* :f there are any A%estions regarding the A%ality of material- contact yo%r local Tar(ett representati&e C :9 to installation* Any costs 5incl%ding labor7 associated 'ith the replacement of material that 'as installed 'ith &is%al defects that co%ld ha&e been seen prior to installation are not co&ered by the 'arranty* C9,9 MATC=:;B < All material sho%ld be from the same batch- and rolls or cartons m%st be installed in consec%ti&e order* C%ts from indi&id%al rolls sho%ld also be installed in seA%ence* :f material from more than one batch is to be %sed- the .ob sho%ld be planned so that different batch n%mbers are not installed in the same area

< When installing Tar(ett ,inole%m sheet prod%cts- all sheet m%st be installed r%nning in the same direction- seaming factory edge to factory edge- to g%arantee colo%r and shade matching* 11 E02E3%I+*# The ,inole%m Style Elle 4linear design5 sheets m%st be installed in opposite direction*

#D6E,99 + Tar(ett ,inole%m can be installed on all s%bfloors that are permanently+ flat- clean-free from all debris F resid%es- 'itho%t any so%nd - dry- solid- hard- smooth* Eor mar(ing- only %se a non oily graphite pencil* The absorbency m%st be chec(ed and not exposed to h%midity* The preparationGdryness of the s%bfloor and installation proced%res sho%ld all be as per the c%rrent rele&ant #tandard 'ithin the co%ntry of %se* The dryness of a solid s%bfloor sho%ld be belo' the maxim%m moist%re le&el permitted 'hen tested in accordance 'ith the local #tandard* All crac(s- holes- etc* sho%ld be filled* A p= test for al(alinity m%st be cond%cted* es%lts sho%ld range bet'een 8 and H* :f the test res%lts are not 'ithin the acceptable range of 8 to H- the installation m%st not proceed %ntil the problem has been corrected* 1 :t may be diffic%lt to determine if c%ring compo%nds- hardening compo%nds or sealers ha&e been %sed* Al'ays cond%ct adhesi&e bond tests prior the installation to ens%re the integrity of the flooring system*

;EW #D6E,99 # Chec( al'ays for local reg%lations and as( to le&eling compo%nd man%fact%rers in case of do%bts* a7 C9;C ETEGCEME;T 6A#E preparation + 'ater base primer compo%nd I self le&elling compo%nd adapted to the traffic le&el b7 W99/ 9 W99/ CA T:C,EGC,JW99/ 6A#E preparation +Wood adapted primer compo%nd recommended- direct installation possible or add a special 'ood fiber le&elling compo%nd* /o not install o&er 9#6 59riented #trand 6oard7- particle board- chipboard- la%an or composite type %nderlayments* c7 A;J/ :TE 6A#E preparation + sanding of the s%rface then apply adapted primer or em%lsion- in principlescreeding is not necessary *

d7 META, preparation + apply an anti?r%st primer I direct gl%ing- after thoro%gh cleaning of any oily resid%e e7 TE AKK9 A;/ CE AM:C E,99 + #%rface m%st be thoro%ghly sanded to remo&e all glaze and 'axes* emo&e or replace all loose tiles and clean the gro%t lines* Dse a Cortland cement based le&eling compo%nd to fill all gro%t lines and other depressions* f7 A/:A;T =EATE/ E,99 #+ :t is imperati&e that %nderfloor heating systems ha&e been fo%nd to be f%nctioning correctly prior to the installation of the floorco&ering* Ens%re that the %nderfloor heating system is s'itched off !4 ho%rs prior to the floorco&ering installation commencing and remains off for at least !4 ho%rs after the installation is complete* /%ring the period of decommissioning of the %nderfloor heating system- an alternati&e heating so%rce sho%ld be pro&ided- if reA%ired- to ens%re that the area of installation is (ept at a constant room temperat%re of 14>C ? 28>C* Brad%ally increase the temperat%re o&er a n%mber of days by only a fe' degrees per day %ntil the desired room temperat%re is reached* The temperat%re sho%ld ne&er exceed the floorco&ering ind%stry agreed maxim%m of 28>C at the %nderside of the floorco&ering 5the adhesi&e line7* EL:#T:;B E#:,:E;T E,99 :;B Tar(ett ,inole%m xf floor co&erings installed o&er existing resilient flooring may be more sensible to indentation* Tar(ett ,inole%m floor co&erings may be installed o&er a single layer of non?c%shioned resilient flooring pro&ided it meets the follo'ing conditions+ 1* The existing resilient flooring is installed o&er concrete 'ith no history of moist%re related problems* 2* The existing flooring m%st be f%lly adhered and 'ell bonded* 3* The existing flooring m%st not be embossed or text%red* Al'ays cond%ct adhesi&e bond tests prior to the installation to ens%re the integrity of the flooring system- and to ens%re that a sec%re bond can be achie&ed* The responsibility for determining if the existing resilient flooring is s%itable to be installed o&er rests solely 'ith the installer and flooring contractor* WA ;:;BM /9 ;9T #A;/- / J #WEEC- / J #C ACE- / :,,- #AW- 6EA/6,A#T- 9 MEC=A;:CA,,J C=:C 9 CD,0E :KE EL:#T:;B E#:,:E;T E,99 :;B- 6ACN:;B- ,:;:;B EE,T 9 A#C=A,T:C OCDT?6ACNP A/=E#:0E#* T=E#E C 9/DCT# MAJ C9;TA:; E:T=E A#6E#T9# E:6E # 9 C J#TA,,:;E #:,:CA* A09:/ C EAT:;B /D#T* :;=A,AT:9; 9E #DC= /D#T :# A CA;CE A;/ E#C: AT9 J T ACT =AKA /* #M9N:;B 6J :;/:0:/DA,# ELC9#E/ T9 A#6E#T9# E:6E # B EAT,J :;C EA#E# T=E :#N 9E #E :9D# 69/:,J =A M* EBD,AT:9;# MAJ EQD: E T=AT T=E MATE :A, 6E TE#TE/ T9 /ETE M:;E A#6E#T9# C9;TE;T*

=%midity+ The preparation of the s%bfloor and installation proced%res sho%ld all be as per the c%rrent rele&ant #tandard 'ithin the co%ntry of %se* The dryness of a solid s%bfloor sho%ld be belo' the maxim%m moist%re le&el permitted 'hen tested in accordance 'ith the said #tandard* The follo'ing &al%es for resid%al moist%re for &ario%s s%b?floors apply to s%bstrates of normal thic(ness and ser&e as g%idelines based on experience+


Moist%re content Maxim%m Cermitted in CM?@ 2-3 3-" 23 gr of prod%ct "3 gr of prod%ct

Cement floor Calci%ms%lfat flooring

A/=E#:0E+ An acrylic adhesi&e for ,inole%m xf sho%ld be applied to the entire s%bfloor 5#EE ,:#T 6E,9W7 Apply adhesi&e %sing a tro'el 61 53"3?!33 gGm27 as recommended by Tar(ett * #(irting system %se contact adhesi&e 5see co&ing instr%ction7*
MANUFACTURER PRODUCT BOSTIK CEGECOL "ege #$$ Lino HENKEL / THOMSIT L%&$ ', ()L *$$ EUROCOL &#& Euroflex Lino +lus UZIN LE %&$#, )E ,$*, LE && -koline MAPEI BOSTIK F BALL 3/&, 30&$LE SCHONOX/ NOTCHES CASCO Linobond 4#

Linoleum with jute backing (Veneto xf, Sader Lino, Allegro xf, Etrusco xf, Style Emme xf, Linomang, Style Elle xf) i!lalino Linoleum with foam backing (Silencio xf)

.ltrabond Eco /&$, &0 1, S 2$ .ltrabond Eco /%$

Sader (ac 5*, +olymang S , i!lafix *$$

.ltrabond Eco V&S+

4# (A%)

:;#TA,,AT:9; 1* c%t the reA%ired length of the roll allo'ing approx 8 cm excess for trimming 2* C%sh the length of the sheet as close to the starting 'all as possible- letting the extra length r%n to the 'all at each end* 3* Trace the shape of a doorpost to the linole%m 'ith the help of a scribing bar- next c%t the material along the scribe line %sing a hoo(ed blade (nife* !* C%t the factory seam edges 'ith a linole%m edge trimmer 5min 1 cm7

"* Clace the sheet tightly against the 'all- dra' a pencil line do'n the edge of the linole%m on the s%bfloor length?'ays opposite the scribed 'all*

$* When in position dra' a pencil line at H3> to the edge of the sheet from the linole%m onto the s%bfloor %sing a r%ler* This cross mar( sho%ld be approximately 233 mm a'ay from one of the ends still lapped %p the 'all*

8 * #lide bac( the sheet along the first pencil line %ntil the end of the sheet lies flat on the s%bfloor and slightly short of the 'all* The t'o cross lines 'ill no' ha&e mo&ed apart*

4* #et the long scribers at the distance bet'een the t'o lines and scribe this size from the 'all onto the linole%m at the same time (eeping the scribers parallel 'ith the sheet edge* With the scriber ad.%sted to this setting- the end of the sheet is no' scribed and c%t and the s%rpl%s remo&ed*

H* #lide the linole%m bac( into its pre&io%s position 'ith the material no' fitted to the long 'all and end 'all* epeat this last proced%re to the end still lapped %p the opposite 'all*

13* 9&erlap the next sheet by 1" mm 'ith one end already 23?33 mm short of one 'all* Ad.%st the scribers to scribe a small amo%nt off this end of the sheet and c%t to size* #lide this end of the sheet into position against the 'all .%st fitted to* H* ;o' repeat the proced%re adopted for fitting the pre&io%s sheet 'here the linole%m 'as still lapped %p the remaining 'all* 13* This entire proced%re sho%ld be copied for all consec%ti&e sheets apart from the last sheet- 'hich sho%ld be installed in the same manner as the first* 11* 9nly install the amo%nt of floorco&ering that can be adhered to a s%bfloor in one day*

12* J%st prior to adhering the linole%m- all .oins sho%ld be c%t in to lea&e a "67 mm gap 5'hen it is installed7 follo'ing one of these t'o methods+ a7 :n the case of small rooms 5 efore ad(esi)e is a$$lied7 The lo'er sheet is scribed 'ith a straight (nife along the trimmed edge of the %pper sheet* Then perform the final c%t in the opposite direction 'ith a hoo(ed blade* b7 :n the case of large rooms 5after ad(esi)e (as een a$$lied7

The %pper edge is scribed along already trimmed edge of the gl%ed bottom sheet 'ith an %nder and?o&er scriber or a lino?c%tter- and then c%t in the opposite direction 'ith a hoo(ed blade*

13* Caref%lly p%ll the sheets bac( half their length and re?s'eep the s%bfloor and re&erse of the linole%m to ens%re that no debris can be left on the s%bfloor*

1!* Apply a recommended linole%m adhesi&e from a rep%table floorco&ering adhesi&e man%fact%rer and apply to the s%bfloor as reA%ired 5approximately !33 gGm2- depending on the brand7* #cribe bottom edge of the linole%m onto top sheet by %sing a short scriber 5o&er F %nders7 as described abo&e

1"* epeat proced%re for second half of sheet as soon as first half has been adhered* Dse a pressing hammer on the .oin to ens%re that it 'ill f%lly adhere to the gro%nd*

%ar&ett xf 8elding rod

.or clean and carefree 9oints 8it( easy cleaning
:nstall sheets 'ith a gap of approx* 1*3 mm at .oint* 5#ilencio 3*3 mm7* #tart hot 'elding operation 5and groo&ing7 minim%m 2! to !4 ho%rs maxim%m after gl%ing Broo&e a RR,)) shape of max* 3-" mm 'idth- preferably by machine*

/epth of groo&ing 2 mm into the thic(ness of the material 1 .%st o&er the top of the .%te 5max*2-" mm for other prod%ct thic(ness7* ;e&er groo&e ,inole%m #ilencio xf to the top of foam* Caref%lly clean seam totally free of resid%es* The recommended 'elding rod temperat%re is abo%t !"3 SC* Dse hot air 'elding g%n fitted 'ith " mm traditional hot speed 'eld nozzle* When 'elding the rod m%st float o%t slightly on both sides of the .oint- on s%rface*

Weld at approximately 2 metres per min%te* Trim the 'elding in t'o s%ccessi&e operations %sing a OA%arter moon (nifePMozart (nife- or similar*

The second c%t sho%ld be done 'hen the 'elding rod is still slightly 'arm*

I-3+/%A*% 1
A,WAJ# do trials before starting the 'elding operation to ad.%st to existing site conditions*

A.%E/ I*S%ALLA%I+* :MC9 TA;TM Wait !4 to 82 ho%rs before allo'ing any foot traffic or mo&ing in f%rnit%re* 3rotection of installation :f b%ilding 'or( is carried o%t after installation- the floor sho%ld al'ays be protected by co&ering it 'ith hardboard or ply'ood sheeting* Mas(ing tape m%st not be st%c( directly to the floor* ;e&er s%b.ect a ne'ly installed floorco&ering to hea&y 'heeled traffic at an early stage- as this 'ill force adhesi&e from beneath the floorco&ering* Initial site cleaning An initial site cleaning is al'ays recommended before the ne' floorco&ering is commissioned* esid%al adhesi&e sho%ld be remo&ed 'ith methylated spirits and a clean cloth* ,ightly soiled floors+ &ac%%m- s'eep or damp mop the area to remo&e loose dirt and b%ilding d%st* A combined machine is &ery effecti&e for large areas 5combined scr%bberGdryer 'ith cylindrical br%shes for safety flooring7* 3re)enti)e care Abo%t 43@ of all the dirt is bro%ght in from o%tside* An effecti&e entrance dirt barrier system is needed* :deally it sho%ld be approx* 8?4 m in hea&y traffic entrances based on the three? stage principle+ ? 9ne scraper grid before the door ? 9ne PgrassP mat ?9ne fibre mat

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