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Year 5 – Science 五年级科学

Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
1. Microorganism 微生物
1.1 Understanding Pupils view video showing various types of Pupils Teacher uses the yeast- ragi
that microorganism is microorganism, e.g. bacteria, virus, fungi and 学生 following recipe to 酵母菌
a living thing. protozoa. make dough.
了解微生物是生物 学生观看有关微生物种类的录像带,例:细菌、 state types of 教师利用以下材料制作 harmful- berbahaya
病毒、真菌和原生动物。 microorganisms. 粉团: 有害的
Pupils make a qualitative comparison Ingredients: 材料: magnifying glass-
between the size of microorganism and 1 cup of flour kanta pembesar
that of human and conclude that ½ cup of warm water 放大镜
microorganism is very tiny. 1 teaspoon of dried
学生比较微生物与人类的形体大小,并做出总 yeast uses- kegunaan
结:微生物是形体非常细小的生物。 1 teaspoon of sugar 用处
state that yeast is an 1杯面粉
Pupils discuss that yeast is a fungi, an example of microorganism. ½杯温水 sprinkling –
example of microorganism. 确认酵母菌是其中一种微生物。 1茶匙酵母菌 merenjis
学生讨论:酵母菌是其中一种微生物。 1茶匙糖 少量/洒
state that microorganism
Pupils observe the effect of yeast on dough breathes.
Method: 制作法:
and infer that microorganism breathes 说明微生物会呼吸。
1.Mix all ingredients.
and causes the dough to rise. 2.Cover the
学生观察酵母菌在面粉团所造的影响已推断面 mixture with a damp
粉团发酵是微生物呼吸所造成的。 state that microorganism
3.Leave it for 20
Pupils carry out activity and observe the effect 说明微生物会生长。 minutes.
when a test tube filled with 2 teaspoon of 1.把所有材料混合。
dried yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar and half test 2.用湿布把混合物盖着。
tube of water. The mouth of the test tube is
3.搁置 20 分钟。
attached to a balloon.
学生进行以下活动并做出观察:将2茶匙干酵 Ensure pupils use
母菌、1茶匙糖和半试管的水加入一个试管内, microscope or
然后在试管口套上一个汽球。 magnifying glass /
hand lens.
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
1.2 Understanding Pupils gather information on the uses of Pupils Pupils need not know contagious-
that some microorganisms, e.g. 学生 the methods of making berjangkit
microorganisms are a) making bread, bread, tapai, tempe 会传染
harmful and some b) making tapai, state examples of use of and quarantine –
are useful. c) making tempe, microorganisms. fertiliser. diasingkan
了解有些微生物有 d) making fertiliser. 举例活命微生物的用处。 学生不需要知道有关制 隔离
害而有些微生物有益 学生收集有关微生物的用处的资料,例制作: 作面包、发酵饭或木薯、 measles- campak
a. 面包 发酵豆饼和堆肥的方法。 麻疹
b. 发酵饭或木薯(Tapai) chicken pox- cacar
c. 发酵豆饼(tempe) 水痘
d. 堆肥 stomach upset-
sakit perut
Pupils gather information on the harmful state the harmful effects 肠胃不适
effects of microorganisms, e.g. of cough- batuk
a) causing illness, microorganisms.
b) causing food poisoning, 说明微生物所带来的害处。 harm- kesan buruk
c) causing food to turn bad, 害处
d) causing tooth decay. dengue – denggi
学生收集有关微生物的害处资料,例: 骨痛热症
a. 引起疾病 Tooth decay – gigi
b. 造成食物中毒 reput
c. 使食物腐坏 蛀牙
d. 蛀牙 sneezing – bersin
Pupils gather information on diseases caused d
 escribe that diseases Teacher just need to Scabies – kudis
by microorganisms e.g. caused by microorganisms mention the common 疥苍
stomach upset, measles, cough, flu, chicken can spread from one person diseases. flu - selsema
pox, dengue, conjunctivitis, mumps and AIDS. to another. 教师只需举出一些常见 流行性感冒
学生收集有关微生物所引起的疾病资料,例: 描述由微生物引起的疾病会 的疾病 mumps – beguk
肠胃不适,麻疹,咳嗽,流行性感冒,蛀牙, 通过人互相传染。 腮腺炎
结膜炎,腮腺炎和爱滋病。 conjunctivitis –
sakit mata
Pupils discuss that diseases caused by 结膜炎
microorganisms can spread from one person
to another. 学生讨论由微生物引起的疾病会
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils discuss on how diseases caused by
microorganisms can be prevented from e
 xplain ways to prevent
spreading, e.g. diseases caused by
a) by washing hands before handling food, microorganisms.
b) by boiling water before drinking, 阐明预防由微生物所引起的
c) by covering mouth and nose when 疾病方法
coughing or sneezing,
d) by washing hands after using the toilet,
e) by putting patients who have chicken pox,
conjunctivitis or mumps into quarantine.
f) by covering wounds.
b. 饮用煮沸的水
c. 打喷嚏或咳嗽时要掩盖嘴巴和鼻子。
d. 如厕后,要洗手。
e. 隔离水痘、腮腺炎或结膜炎的病患。
f. 伤口要包扎好。

2. Survival of The Species 物种的生存

2.1 Understanding Pupils gather information to find examples of Pupils Teacher may explain Survival –
that different animals animals that take care of their eggs and 学生 that species means kemandirian
have their own ways young, e.g. give examples of animals similar types of living 生存
to ensure the survival a) cow, that take care of their eggs things that can breed
of their species. b) hen, and young. among themselves adapt-
2.1 了解动物以各种 c) cat, 举例说明会照顾卵和 教师讲解物种是同类生 menyesuaikan
方法确保其物种的生 d) bird. 幼儿的动物 物之间的繁殖 适应
存 学生收集有关会照顾卵和幼儿的动物资料,例:
a. 牛 take care- menjaga
b. 鸡 照顾
c. 猫
d. 鸟 protect- melindungi
young – anak
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils view video on how animals ensure the e
 xplain how animals take slimy – berlendir
survival of their eggs and young, e.g. care of their eggs and young. 黏稠的
a) keep their young in their mouths, e.g fish, 讲解动物如何照顾卵和幼儿
b) feed their young, e.g. bird, pouch – kantong
c) attack in order to protect their eggs or 育儿袋
young when they are disturbed, e.g. snake or
tiger, herd – kumpulan
d) lay slimy eggs, e.g frog, yang besar
e) hide their eggs, e.g. turtle, 群居
f) carry their young in their pouches, e.g
kangaroo, disturbed-
g) stay in herds e.g. elephant. diganggu
学生观看有关动物如何确保卵和幼儿生存的录 被干扰
a. 把幼儿藏在嘴里,如:鱼 plenty – banyak
b. 喂养幼儿,如:鸟 大量
c. 攻击威胁卵或幼儿的敌人,如:蛇或老虎
d. 卵有一层黏液包裹着,如:青蛙 attack- menyerang
e. 把卵产在隐蔽的地方,如:海龟 攻击
f. 将幼儿装在育儿袋里,如:袋鼠
g. 群居,如:大象 hide –
Pupils discuss and conclude that animals take e
 xplain why animals take 藏
care of their eggs and young to ensure the care of their eggs and young.
survival of their species. 解释动物照顾卵和幼儿的原 ensure-
学生讨论并总结:动物照顾卵和幼儿以确保物 memastikan

种得以延续。 确保

feed – memberi

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
2.2 Understanding Pupils study live specimens, view video or Pupils various – pelbagai
that different plants computer simulation to find out the on how 学生 各种
have their own ways plants ensure the survival of species, e.g. state various ways plants
to ensure the survival a) by water, disperse their seeds and waxy – berlilin
of their species b) by wind, fruits. 蜡质的
2.2 了解植物以各 c) by animal, 说明植物传播种子和果实
种方法确保物种的生 d) by explosive mechanism. 的方法 husk – sabut
存 学生用实物、观赏录像带、电脑模式片段以找 外皮
出植物传播种子和果实的方法,例如: e
 xplain why plants need
a. 水力 to disperse seeds or fruits. shell – tempurung
b. 风力 解释为何植物需要传播种 壳
c. 动物 子或果实 Examples of plants that
d. 自动爆裂 disperse –
disperse seeds and
 ive examples of plant
g encaran
fruits by: 例:
Pupils discuss and conclude that plants need that disperse seeds and fruits 传播
a) water, e.g. coconut
to disperse their seeds or fruits to ensure the by
and pong-pong,
survival of their species. water. edible – boleh
水力:椰子、莲 dimakan
学生讨论和总结植物须传播种子或果实以确保 举例靠水力传播种子和果
b) wind, e.g. lallang
物种的延续。 实的植物 可吃的
and angsana,
flame of the forest –
风力:茅草、青龙木 semarak api
Pupils gather information to give examples of give examples of plant
c) animals, e.g.
plants that disperse seeds and fruits by: that disperse seeds and fruits 凤凰木
watermelon, love grass
a) water, by wind.
and rambutan
b) wind, 举例靠风力传播种子和果 chestnut – buah
动物:西瓜,相思草, berangan
c) animal, 实的植物
d) explosive mechanism. 红毛丹 栗子
d) explosive
学生收集资料以列出用以下方法传播种子和果 give examples of plant
mechanism, e.g. balsam –
实的植物 that disperse seeds and fruits
balsam, rubber, flame keembung
a. 水力: by animals.
of the forest, chestnut
b. 风力 举例靠动物传播种子和果 凤仙花
and ocra.
c. 动物 实的植物 自动爆裂:凤仙花,橡 lady’s finger / ocra
d. 自动爆裂 胶,凤凰木,栗子,羊 – kacang bendi
 ive examples of plant
that disperse seeds by 角豆 羊角豆
explosive mechanism.
举例靠自动爆裂传播种子 love grass –
和果实的植物 kemuncup

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇

Pupils study live specimens or view video and relate characteristics of

discuss the relationship between seeds and fruits to the ways
characteristics of seeds and fruits and their they are dispersed.
ways of dispersal : 联系种子和果实的特征和
a) by water – light and have air space 其传播的方法
b) by wind – light, have wing-like structure,
dry, have fine hairs and small
c) by animals – fleshy, brightly coloured,
edible, have smells or have hooks.
d) explosive mechanism – dry when ripe.

2.3 Realising the Pupils discuss and predict the consequences Pupils extinction –
importance of if certain species of animals and plants p
 redict what will happen if kepupusan
survival of the become extinct, e.g. some species of animals or 绝种
species a) shortage of food resources, plants do not survive. shortage –
2.3 意识物种生存的 b) other species may also face extinction. 学生 kekurangan
重要性 学生讨论和预测如果某些动物、植物绝种所造 预测如果某些动植物 短缺
成的影响,例: 的物种无法生存所造成的影响
a. 食物来源短缺
b. 其它生物也会面临绝种

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
3. Food Chain and Food Web 食物链和食物网
3.1 Understanding Pupils carry out a brainstorming session on Pupils Food chains must food chain-rantai
food chains animals and the food they eat. 学生 begin with plants as makanan
3.1 了解食物链 学生进行有关动物和它们的食物之脑力激荡环 identify animals and the producers. 食物链
节活动 food they eat. 食物链以作为生产者的
确认动物和它们的食物 绿色植物开始 producer-pengeluar
Pupils discuss and classify animals into the 生产者
following groups according to the food they classify animals into
eat: herbivore, carnivore and consumer-
a) herbivore omnivore. pengguna
b) carnivore 将动物分为草食动物、肉食 消费者
c) omnivore 动物及杂食动物
a. 草食动物
b. 肉食动物
c. 杂食动物 construct food chain
Pupils build food chains to show the food
relationship among organisms. identify producer.
学生绘制食物链以显示动物及其食物的关系 确认生产者

From the food chains pupils identify the identify consumer.

producers and the consumers 确认消费者

3.2 Synthesizing food Pupils construct a food web based on food Pupils 教师确定适合的活动 Food web – 食物网
chains to construct chains given. 学生 地点。
food web. 学生根据食物链设计一个食物网 · construct a food web
3.2 综合食物链以设 绘制一个食物网
计食物网 Pupils walk around the school compound to
study food webs in places such as field, · construct food webs of
science garden, pond or under flower pot. different habitats.
学生研究在校园内,如草场、科学园、水池或 在不同的生态环境绘制食
花盆下的食物网 物网.

Year 5 – Science 五年级科学
Investigating Living Things 探讨生物世界
Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Based on the organisms identified, pupils
construct food chains and then food webs for
the habitats they have studied.

Pupils discuss and predict what will happen if · predict what will happen if
there is a change in the population of a there is a change in
certain species in a food web. population of a certain
学生讨论和预测如果食物网内某些物种的数量、 species in a food web.
产生变化所造成的后果。 预测如果食物网内某些物
Pupils carry out simulation or play games 后果。
based on food webs.

Pupils view video to study various species · explain what will happen to
that are facing extinction because they only certain species of animals if
eat one type of food. they eat only one type of food
学生观赏录像带以了解某些动物因只吃一种食 阐明如果某些动物只吃
物而濒临绝种。 一种食物的后果

Pupils conclude that certain species of

animals that eats one type of food only has
difficulty to survive because their only source
of food may run out, e.g.
a) panda eats bamboo shoots only,
b) koala bear eats eucalyptus leaves only,
c) pangolin eats ants only.
a. 熊猫,只吃竹笋
b. 树熊,只吃尤加利叶
c. 穿山甲只吃蚂蚁

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