Dubai Astronomy Group Cover Feature For Khaleej Times' WKND Magazine

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Looking for
Days after the launch of DubaiSat-1,
the Dubai Astronomy Group
explains the huge spectrum of
benefits an interest in the stars can
reap. George O’Donohue reports

our hundred years ago, Galileo Gali-
lei used the first astronomical telescope
to get a closer look at the night sky. He
wasn’t the first by any means to take
a vested interest in the bigger picture
beyond the clouds; civilisations beginning (as far
as we know) with the Egyptians 6,000 years ago
worked out and recorded how to measure time,
space, geographical positions and directions using
the stars and planets above us.
Astronomy has played a large part in Arab his-
tory for many centuries. Building on discoveries by
the Greeks and Romans, ancient Arabs used navi-
gational techniques to aid Middle Eastern trading
and have promoted this strain of science at local
universities since the 13th century.
Fast forward to 2009 and astronomy is once
again at the forefront of people’s minds. This month
saw launch of the first UAE satellite, DubaiSat1, into
space; a breakthrough that will enable a new level of
local data collection on a whole range of subjects.
“It will definitely be the beginning of a new era,”
says Ankur Bhatia, an Indian engineer who is a
member of the Dubai Astronomy Group.
w./31.07.2009/ Photo: Shihab

The Dubai Astronomy Group has been active

in the UAE since 2000 and now boasts more than
1,200 members. It is headed up by Hasan Ahmad
Al Hariri, an Emirati who has been passionate

STAR-GAZER: Hasan Ahmad Al Hariri

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Cover Story

about the subject since his brother “Many civilisations have a rich
brought home a book on the stars past in astronomy,” says Lee Ful-
in the 1970s, when he was only 14.
“I even slept with that book,” he
“We want children len from the International Year of
Science organisation (IYA). “It is
laughs. “I am not a researcher, I am and teachers to our hope that people will gain an
an amateur, but I am trying to fill up love science... I’m increased appreciation of how as-
other people’s lives with something
more meaningful than just com-
trying to empower tronomy is a modern, dynamic and
fascinating science with many real
muting between home and work. them with the world applications.”
To give people a passion towards knowledge to help This sentiment is echoed by
their environment, and get them to
look at the bigger picture.”
them become citi- Hasan with a very specific local
perspective. His group runs sum-
He continues, “Astronomy is the zens of the world,” mer camps for children and has
model for all science, it is at the root says Hasan been working with UAE schools
of everything. There is so much since 2005 to set up and fund clubs
meaning in it, ranging from giv- for kids to fuel their imagination in
ing someone enjoyment from the the possibilities of science.
beauty of the stars, to serious sci- more. Kaizad Raimalwala has been “We want to empower children
entific research.” a member since he encountered the and teachers to love science. Today
The Dubai group is open to any- group at university in Sharjah in in the UAE, there are only a small
one and membership is free. Hasan 2005. “Imagining the unthinkable amount of nationals and we have
and his board run a range of activi- enormity of the universe gives me to excel at something that will be
ties from lectures and seminars, to a sense of perspective and humility. beneficial and useful not just for us,
training courses and star gazing It makes me realise there’s more to but for the international commu-
trips at astronomer ‘hide-outs’ in life than the hatred, crime and war nity as well. What I’m trying to do
the desert mountains. They have that plagues our world.” is empower them with knowledge
the largest telescope in the UAE His enthusiasm is echoed in- and help them to be citizens of the
and plenty of resources for anyone ternationally. This year is also the world,” he explains.
interested in learning more about International Year of Astronomy, Talking to the group’s members,
the great unknown. Better still, which celebrates the science’s con- this approach seems to be work-
Hasan’s passion is infectious. tribution to society and culture. Ba- ing. Astronomy brings perspective
“Astronomy is fun for your soul sic concepts that we live our lives to anyone that becomes involved
and fun for your mind,” he says. by and take for granted as having in its wider world, but potential
“What we are missing in Dubai is always existed such as time, dates, astronomers can take as little or as
an appreciation of the beauty of sci- years, the decimal point and the much from it as they wish.
ence, it’s important to have some- realisation that we live in a helio- Indian Ridhi Kantelal will be com-
thing other than work and home to centric (or sun-based) universe on bining her interest in the stars with

have a rich life.” a round planet (not a flat disc) all her university course of Material
His members couldn’t agree have their roots in star-gazing. Sciences. She explains, “Astrono-

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Cover Story

DREAMS: (left to right)
Ankur Bhatia, Ankit Choud-
hary and Amol Mane

my combines the creativity of an people come to realise after they get space, you won’t see political bor-
artist and the rigidity of a scientific involved in astronomy,” says Amol ders piercing through our lands,
mind. During space voyages, more Mane, whose interest sits separate marking them into territories. You
environmentally friendly materials to his job as an IT manager at a real will see big green and brown conti-
are needed. I hope to conduct re- estate company. nents interspersed by blue oceans
search and find materials that will But this isn’t just idealistic think- of water — signs of life. By gazing at
at least aid a leap in the progress of ing. The very scope of astronomy the heavens one can appreciate life
astronomy.” requires international collabora- and it’s immense potential,” says
Hasan himself is an example of tions. “You learn to co-ordinate with Kaizad. Astronomy might be inspir-
what a passion for astronomy can various people who are sometimes ing for its followers, but listening
lead to. Thanks to his passion he not even living in the same country. to them speak is in itself inspiring
speaks fluent English and learnt Most astronomy projects are on a and encouraging, for the future of
computer programming, which grand scale, so people from all parts not just space exploration, but also
lead to his career in telecommuni- of the world join together to make it here down on the ground.
cations engineering. happen,” Amol explains. Talking about the future, the
“I had to learn English because I Similarly, the IYA is spending UAE’s first satellite marks a new
kept sending NASA questions and this year organising and promot- chapter in Arab astronomy, launch-
the replies were in English, then I ing events in 140 countries to en- ing 40 years after man first walked
learnt more with computers, geol- courage young people especially to on the moon.
ogy and electronics because my take a wider interest in the world “It is a huge achievement and a
special area of interest is spacecraft around them, to a share an experi- beautiful thing,” says Hasan. His
missions and robotics,” he says. ence which transcends nationality own group also have grand plans
The potential held in the universe or geography. for a renewed effort in space ex-
beyond our own world is exciting “If you look at our planet from ploration. They have proposed a
and inspiring, yet it can be taken for space facility on Indonesian Suma-
granted by a modern society more tra near the equator, to HH Shaikh
concerned with their short-term, Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum,
Earth-based pursuits, than a life- “If you look at our UAE Prime Minister and Vice-Pres-
time of learning and study. But the
members of the Dubai Astronomy
Earth from space ident, and Ruler of Dubai, and hope
to collaborate with the Indonesian
Group are positive about a future of you won’t see government.
international co-operation. political borders “We could do a great job, and a
w./24.07.2009/Photo: Rahul Gajjar

Ankit Choudhary has been fas-

cinated by space since he saw Star
piercing through space facility could develop new
technology that would raise the
Wars as a child, and has been a our lands, you will region’s profile in the international
member for six years, “I see as- see big continents, community. We would collaborate
tronomy as helping to bridge gaps
between different cultures.”
oceans — signs of with NASA, ASA, the Japanese, the
Russians, the Chinese, everyone
Others echo his sentiments life,” says Kaizad to create something international
whole-heartedly. “This feeling of that could help the entire world,”
universal brotherhood is something enthuses Hasan. This international

Cover Story

collaboration is already happening;

this month’s satellite launch took
place with the aid of a Russian-
made rocket.
A fellow founding member, Yousif
Marhoon looks forward to the day
when the group is recognised by
Dubai’s government, realising a
dream he has had since childhood.
“I always dreamt of running
an observatory and being able to
contribute to society in a positive
way through spreading science to THE UNIVERSE AND OTHER THINGS: (left to right) Ridhi Kantelal,
the next generation.” A manager Vidya Gopalakrishnan and Yousif Marhoon
of assets strategy and policy at the
RTA, he recognises the potential to voyage of discovery, often these
change lives that astronomy has, new findings open more doors than
both at an individual level and a
wider one for the world, “We re-
“I believe all the they close, but as with all good voy-
ages, it’s in the journey that mean-
ally feel that we achieve something answers we’re ing can be found.
valuable with the group, which looking for are “Dark matter makes our world
makes you feel like a productive in-
dividual in society.”
right there above even stranger and mysterious than
previously imagined. This opens
It may seem like a diverting folly us. If only humans up entirely new frontiers in astron-
to launch a renewed interest in the would spend more omy,” says Amol. For Ankur Bhatia,
possibilities of space when we have
so many pressing problems on the
time looking at it is what’s yet to come that spurs
on his interest. “I’m looking for-
ground, but our biggest leaps in un- the sky we’d find ward to some positive results from
derstanding the world around us them,” says Vidya the Keplar mission.” This mission’s
have come from our interest in a objective is to find similar size
galaxy, far, far away. planets to Earth within a habitable
“I believe all the answers we’re range of stars.
looking for are right there above us, scale would be incredibly difficult It is this anticipation of the fu-
be it the beginning of the universe without astronomy.” ture that this month’s launch of
or the mystery of dark matter, or The breadth of areas that astron- DubaiSat1 hopes to reignite. The
even our very own existence. If only omy can feed into is exemplified Middle East has spent thousands of
humans would spend a little more nowhere better than asking differ- years tracking the stars. It now has
time looking at the sky, we’d find ent astronomers to name the most the skills and technology to take its
them,” says Vidya Gopalakrishnan. exciting discovery since that infa- first steps in getting closer to them.
Her interest also stems from a mous one step for man. No answer Further projects include a new ob-
childhood film, the 1984 classic, ET. is the same. From planets outside servatory in the mountains, science
“Satellite monitoring of the Earth the solar system, to the river beds foundations and museums.
maintains a vigil on ice caps and on Mars to worm-holes, microwave (For more information on
forests, as well as tracking climatic radiation, dark matter and the fact astronomy in Dubai, go to www.
conditions,” adds Lee. “Solving en- that the universe is accelerating or www.
vironmental problems on a global and expanding. As a never-ending

It’s been four decades since Neil Armstrong set foot the ‘Terminator.’ Forget the science fiction films, the
on our nearest neighbour, and yet the interest in science fact means this is the line that separates the
the moon shows no sign in waning. Some of the as- illuminated part of the moon from the side that is
tronomers above are currently undertaking a moon in darkness. The shadows thrown by the Sun’s low
mapping project. Since it has been inactive for a rays pick out with dazzling clarity the details of lu-
long time, the surface of the moon is a preserved nar craters. Kaizad explains the project’s appeal, “I
landscape that can offer us clues to our own planet’s hope everyone gets a chance to see the moon up
geological history. This sub-group have been map- close through a telescope; it’s a sight you will never
ping this landscape through high resolution photo- forget. It still leaves me in awe after many years of
graphs, focusing on the most visually striking part, moon-watching.”


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