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EUT 443 : Project Management Assignment (2013/2014) Project Management Using Microsoft Project This assignment requires student

to manage a multi-phase multi-task project using MS Project management software. 1. Objectives: a. To learn how to create graphic output of the project (Gantt Chart) b. To understand and analyse information produced by Microsoft Project

2. Procedures: Enter the following 3-Phase System Analysis project into your worksheet. Project start date is 01 Nov 2013. Phase 1. Initiation 1.1 Defining Team Organisation 1.2 Establish initial contact 1.3 Conduct initial interview 1.4 Define problem/opportunity 1.5 Problem ID Statement* 2. Planning 2.1 Describe project scope 2.2 Conduct feasibility analysis 2.3 Define tasks and schedule 2.4 Refine project scope 2.5 Select baseline project plan* 3. Analysis 3.1 Data needs analysis 3.2 Resource identification 3.3 Define major processes 3.4 Design preliminary models 3.5 Deliver preliminary models* * Note : task is a milestone on the Gantt Chart. This project will be conducted by a four person team. The following are the resource information. Name Ardila Natasha Ismail Darren

Primitive Tasks

Duration (days) 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 3 0 2 3 2 2 0


Nil 1.1 1.1 1.2; 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3; 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.2; .3.4

Initials AR NT IS DR

Max Units 100% 100% 100% 100%

Std Rate 18/jam 15/jam 12/jam 10/jam

Ovt Rate 27/jam 20/jam 18/jam 15/jam

Cost/Use 0 75 50 0

Enter the following resource assignment. Primitive Tasks 1.1 Defining Team Organisation 1.2 Establish initial contact 1.3 Conduct initial interview 1.4 Define problem/opportunity 1.5 Problem ID Statement 2.1 Describe project scope 2.2 Conduct feasibility analysis 2.3 Define tasks and schedule 2.4 Refine project scope 2.5 Select baseline project plan 3.1 Data needs analysis 3.2 Resource identification 3.3 Define major processes 3.4 Design preliminary models 3.5 Deliver preliminary models Please answer the following questions: Find: a. b. c. d. Project Finish date Total Project Duration Total Work Hours Total Project Costs. Assignment AR (100%), NT (100%) AR (50%), IS (100%) AR (100%), IS (50%), DR(50%) NT (100%), DR (50%) AR(100%), DR (50%) AR (50%), NT (100%) AR (50%), IS (100%) AR (50%), DR(100%) NT (50%), DR (100%) AR(100%), DR (50%) AR (100%), NT (100%), DR(50%) AR (50%), IS (100%) AR (100%), IS (100%), DR(50%) NT (100%), DR (50%) AR(50%), DR (100%)

Use ChartWizard to produce the Critical Path (blue for slack tasks, and red for the critical tasks) for the project. Trace the critical path and list all critical tasks on the critical path. 3. Deliverables: Submit all the results (screenshot) accordingly: a. b. c. d. Project Statistics A Gantt Critical Path Associated Gantt information A task sequence of all critical tasks in the critical path.

Please ensure that your assignment is no longer than 10 pages (including cover page). Kindly staple you report, DO NOT ring bind it. DEADLINE : 12 Nov 2013


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