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Dreamspell Australia

Distinguishing between Dreamspell & Traditional Mayan Calendar

Contributed by Administrator Thursday, 22 January 2009

The Traditional Mayan Calendar Chol'qui as taught by the Mayan Elders of Guatemala is distinct from the Dreamspell Calendar system featured on this website DISTINGUISHING DREAMSPELL FROM THE TRADITIONAL MAYAN CALENDAR Clarifying Confusion on the Road to 2012 For the sake of catalyzing a new wave of understanding and education regarding calendar, it is important to clarify what it is, and what it is not. the Dreamspell

To begin, both the Traditional Mayan Calendar (known as Cholq'ij) and the Dreamspell offer a 260-day calendar. This count of 260 energies is generated from the 13 numbers in concert with the 20 glyphs (13 X 20 = 260), originated through the Olmec/Maya of ancient Mesoamerica. Undoubtedly, we recognize the "Classic Maya" and their astounding pyramid complexes as embodying a profound mastery of the science of Time which surpasses all other civilizations. In essence, the knowlege of the sacred ratio 13:20 which governs all of Creation is ancient knowledge held by the Maya and their magnificent culture which survives to this day. Dr. Jose Arguelles and Lloydine Arguelles (co-authors of the Dreamspell) entered into this essential cosmic knowledge and discovered a modern application of the 13:20, imparting a distinct form and function from the Cholq'ij, as a remedy for the westernized mind that has been unconsciously adhering to a paradigm where time is erroneously understood to = money; one which sets us apart from the natural order of the Biosphere. This new revelation of the powers of the 13:20 matrix came to be called the Law of Time, and the subsequent Dreamspell calendar system they presented to us is specifically for those of us living in a modern world that is, by its very design, founded on an artificial timing frequency. The purpose of this system is to assist us in discovering our harmonious potential to live in accord with the natural timing frequency of the Universe in which Time is understood as the Universal Frequency of Synchronization. With great respect and gratitude to the Maya for bestowing this jewel this master key of the knowledge of 13:20, we would like to publicly clarify that the form of the 260-unit Harmonic Module (Tzolkin) as presented in the Dreamspell/Wizard's count of this 13-moon Calendar is indeed a modern application of ancient science, and is DISTINCT from the form of the 260-day count that the living Maya in Guatemala and surrounding areas utilize. In fact, the 13-Moon Dreamspell calendar should not be understood to be "The Mayan Calendar." Not only are there actually 20 calendars which make up the Mayan Calendar System, but moreso because the 260-day calendar as the Maya use it today follows a distinct daycount as a sacred heritage of their culture one that is keeping the Long Count of days; the count of "13 Baktuns" (3113 BC-2012 AD) and it would be misrepresenting the Maya culture to not make a clear distinction. The Mayan Long count cycle is what Dr. Arguelles refers to as the Cycle of History. In fact, it is precisely this 5,125 year cycle, as it is currently closing out its final few years, which is the unifying point of focus for followers of both the Cholqu'ij and the Dreamspell. All of humanity is collectively journeying through this prophetic closing - all of us being prepared for the transition point of 2012. This Living Prophecy is described as the shifting of World Ages, as we are poised on the brink of entering a New World, post 2013.

In terms of the specific Mayan connection to the Dreamspell, beyond the foundation of the 13:20 code, the Dreamspell also embodies a correlation to the Yucatec Mayan "Chilam Balam". This is found in aspects such as the fixed July 26th new year date, the specific year-bearers, the consequent 52-year pattern of Earth families, and even the omitting of the the leap-year day Feb 29th is based in the resurrection of this prophetic tradition. Because there was a long break in this Mayan tradition, this Wizard's Count of the Dreamspell is known as "reformulated Chilam Balam," for what was known in ancient times as "Jaguar Priests" is known in today's world as "Earth Wizards!" As Dr. Arguelles writes: "The Dreamspell Count based on the Gregorian calendar synchronization date of July 26, is a precise expression of the prophetic tradition of the Chilam Balam - the Jaguar priests of Lowland Yucatec Maya. The Quiche or Mayan long count represents the chronological order of such, it Powered by Joomla! Generated: 16 March, 2010, 21:29

Dreamspell Australia

is a linear [expression] of the Tzolkin...The purpose of the Chilam Balam Count was to establish a basis for understanding that there exists a synchronic order of time, completely apart from what is usually referred to as the Long Count, the linear count of days (BC 3113 - AD 2012). The synchronic order is complementary to this linear interpretation, but introduces the human to the radial order of the higher dimensions...The two counts actually constitute a prophectic alliance...There is no conflict...The Law of Time embraces both systems in the higher fourth-dimensional order of truth." It is of great importance that we distinguish between "The Mayan Calendar" and "The 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar," that there is no cultural misrepresentation, and that we are simultaneously empowered with knowing the true function of the Dreamspell!


that light, let us briefly summarize the distinct powers of the Dreamspell



Journey of Timeship Earth 2013"

is a door to the infinite; a tool for galactic synchronization; the primary tool kit of fourth dimensional time; a harmonic set of codes which not only describe Earth as a living but which also offers profound principles for social reorganization; a storehouse of the interstellar, interplanetary cosmological history the complete codes and cosmology for establishing "galactic culture;" an antidote to the memory virus known as "cosmic amnesia;" all in all, a multi-dimensional tool for the human being in the modern world to reconnect to nature and the sacred mathematical synchronic order whole-system,

of the Earth;

of the Universe.

As Dr. Jose Arguelles (co-author of the Dreamspell) stated: "I understood the word 'Dreamspell' to mean any consensus reality... 'Spell in english has two different meanings, which are kind of connected: a spell can be an enchantment; and a spell also refers to a period of time you are enchanted for a period of time. "We are dreaming the same dream together; we are dreaming a common dream, and that is why we say, 'we want to dream together the highest dream'... "With the Dreamspell we are establishing the new cosmology of the mythic order... We've spoken about how the mathematics of the Law of Time establishes the cosmology of a new scientific order, but we have science and myth. We have the scientific sensibility and the mythic sensibility which are unified in ourselves in the two sides of our brain that cross over to govern the two sides of our body in a bilateral symmetry of the Loom of the 13 Moons in the Tzolkin. "Literally by following the 13 Moon Calendar and the Dreamspell Count, we are beginning to overcome the Dreamspell of History... We are in the process of overcoming the memory virus... "Through the Dreamspell we are talking about the responsibility of the Earth Wizards to re-enchant the world... When we talk about natural time we are talking about restoring ourselves in the sacred order of the universe. The universe never stopped being sacred. It was us who exercised our will, created this great, great, great illusory bubble that we feel is so real it is us who have alientated ourselves from the sacred. What is natural is sacred... "If there were no deviation from Natural Time, we wouldn't need a Dreamspell kit - but we have deviated, and the Law of Time says Powered by Joomla! Generated: 16 March, 2010, 21:29

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we need to relearn what it is to be Art. So, the Dreamspell is the code or set of codes that returns us to the truth that Time is Art. And since we are time, we are art!" To obtain a Traveller-size Dreamspell kit for your very own exploration of the complete codes of synchronic time, see Pacal Votan's Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico For more information on the Traditional Mayan Calendar visit: "XA TA XAC XA TA AMAC" (Yucatec Maya) "ONLY MAY THERE BE PEACE IN YOUR PRESENCE"

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Generated: 16 March, 2010, 21:29

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