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This project study mainly focuses on various factors that influence the degree of motivation among the sales representatives of . In order to get relevant primary data structured mainly close ended questionnaire was designed and administered for a sample size of 100 respondents (sales representatives of IN !"#!$%.IN& in and around city also an informal interview discussion was underta'en with selective few management representatives in the company. (ompany)s human resource policies procedures and other documents also were referred as secondary source of data. *ith the help of simple +ut relevant statistical method of the data was organized and analyzed. Major findings of the study are: The majority of sales representative selected the jo+ considering good salary offered +y IN !"#!$%.IN. ,ajority of sales representative consider team rewards play a vital role in increasing individual efficiency. -fter understanding the current degree of motivation among sales force and +ased on the research findings important suggestions were offered. Some of whi h are: .ystem of fle/i+le +enefits can +e adopted which will give sales representatives a wider menu to choose according to their personal needs. 0o+ rotation system should +e used to reduce +oredom. It may +e noted that the entire study is conducted with academic focus and hence it is suggested that if management of IN !"#!$%.IN. find some of the suggestion useful prior to implementing them a detailed study and investigation may +e done with this research finding at the +asis for in depth study to arrive at practical and feasi+le human resource strategy. 1


1uman #esource ,anagement is a management function that helps organizations to recruit2 select2 train2 and develop mem+ers in an organization. !nly human resource management is o+viously one function which is concerned with peoples dimension in organization. -ll major activities in the wor'ing life of an employee2 that is from the time of employees entry into the organization to the time employees leaves the organization all the activities come under the purview of human resource management. The activities are human resource management are human resource planning2 jo+ analysis2 jo+ design2 recruitment2 selection2 orientation and placement2 training and development2 performance appraisal and jo+ evaluation2 employee and e/ecutive remuneration2 motivation and communication2 welfare2 safety and health2 industrial relations.

'I(URE #)#

$ature of !RM Em*+oyee !iring

"ros*e ts %f !RM

Industria+ Re+ations

Em*+oyee E.e uti,e Remuneration

Em*+oyee Moti,ation

Em*+oyee Maintenan e

SC%"E %' !RM


'I(URE #)/

M%&E0 %' !RM %12ECTIVES %' !RM

1. So ieta+ o3je ti,es4 to +e ethically and socially responsi+le to the needs and challenges of society while minimizing the negative impact. 3. %rgani5ationa+ o3je ti,es4 to serve the organization with its primary o+jectives and +ring a+out overall organizational effectiveness. 4. 'un tiona+ o3je ti,es4to maintain the department)s contri+ution at a level where it serves the organizations needs tailoring the department according to the requirement of the organization. 5

5. "ersona+ o3je ti,es6 to assist employees in achieving their personal goals. If these goals of employees are met it helps the organization to maintain2 retain and motivate the employees.

M%TIVATI%$ #)# Introdu tion:4

- manager gets results through other people. 1is effectiveness depends2 to a large e/tent2 on the willingness of his employees to do the assigned tas's with interest and enthusiasm. ,otivation is the wor' a manager performs to inspire and encourage people to ta'e required action.

&efinition of moti,ation:4
-ccording to .cott2 7,otivation is a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals.8 ,otivation is a process which starts with a psychological or physiological need that initiates +ehavior that is aimed at achieving the goal.

Moti,ating em*+oyees is a ha++enge for organi5ations:4

,otivational framewor' indicates that motivation is a simple process +ut in reality this tas' of motivating employees is very daunting. !ne reason why motivation is a difficult tas' is that the wor'force is always changing. 9mployees join organizations with different needs and e/pectations. Their values2 +eliefs2 +ac'grounds2 lifestyles2 perceptions and attitudes vary. Not many organizations understand and also are not clear a+out the ways in which these diverse wor' forces can +e motivated.

'I(URE #)6

# Identifies $eeds

7 Reassess needs defi ien ies Em*+oyee

/ Sear hes for ways to satisfy needs

9 Re ei,es rewards or *unishment

6 Engages in goa+ dire ted 3eha,iour

8 "erforms

#)/ Im*ortan e of moti,ation in organi5ations:4

The success of an organization ultimately depends on how effectively managers are a+le to motivate their su+ordinates. In the words of -llen2 7poorly motivated people can nullify the soundest organization8. The following points +ring out the importance of motivation 1. ,otivated employees always loo' for +etter ways of doing a jo+. 3. ,otivated employee is quality oriented. 4. ,otivated employees are more productive. 5. ,otivated employees remain in the organizations for a longer period of time. :. To stimulate employee to accomplish desired goals. ;

;. To +oost the employee morale. <. To develop sound human relations. =. To develop sound team spirit. >. To inspire employee for responsi+le and challenging jo+s. 10. To promote healthy competition among employees.

#)6 $ature of Moti,ation:4

It is not easy to understand the comple/ities involved in motivating people. If an employee has an argument with his +oss and fails to report to wor' the ne/t day2 it may appear that his +ehaviour is a result of the confrontation. 1owever2 his +ehavoiur may actually +e motivated +y a com+ination of factors including overwor'2 family illness or some other pro+lems. -s things stand now2 the ?whys) of +ehaviour cannot +e e/plained easily. @et us e/plained some of the factors that complicate this processA a. Multiple causes: Bifferent people may have different visions for +ehaving in the same manner. or e/ample2 a +an' officer may join service clu+ +ecause it is a good place to have +usiness contractsC another may join +ecause of the social atmosphereC still another joins +ecause of the interesting programmes and spea'ers at the clu+. Thus2 three different ?whys) can underline the same +ehaviour2 further complicating the process of inferring motivation from +ehaviour. b.Multiple behaviour: urther2 the same motive or drive may result in different +ehaviour. or e/ample2 if #ao wants a promotion2 he may concentrate on performing his jo+ e/ceptionally well. Dut .iddharth2 who also wants a promotion2 may ta'e a different approach. 1e may try to ?apple polish) the +oss to get the promotion. ,otivation2 o+viously2 is a comple/ su+ject. It is difficult to e/plain and predict the +ehaviour of employees.

#)8 &eterminants of Moti,ation:

Traditionally it is +elieved that employees are motivated +y the opportunity to ma'e as much as money as possi+le and will act rationally to ma/imize their earnings. The assumption is that money2 +ecause what it can +uy2 is the most important


motivator2 of all people. -ccording to the pluralistic approach2 men wor' to fulfill a variety of needs. Three types of forces generally influence human +ehaviourA i. ii. iii. orces operating within the individual. orces operating within the organization and orces operating in the environment.

a. The individual: 1uman needs are +oth numerous and comple/. .ome of these needs cannot +e descri+ed and identified +ecause people hide their real needs under the cover of socially accepted +ehavior. It is the duty of the manager to match individual needs and e/pectations to the type of rewards availa+le in the jo+ setting. +. The organization: The climate in the organization must +e conducive to human performance. (limate plays an important part in determining wor'er)s motivation. The climate in an organization is determined +y a num+er of varia+les such as its leadership style2 autonomy enjoyed +y mem+ers2 growth prospects2 emotional support from mem+ers2 rewards structure2 etc. c.The environment: - wor'er does not live in two separate worlds2 one inside the factory and the other outside it. The trou+les and pleasure of off6the6jo+ life cannot +e put aside when reporting for wor' in the morning2 nor can factory matters +e dropped when returning home after wor'.


%eople join organization e/pecting rewards. irms give rewards in the form of money and other +enefits in e/change of employee)s availa+ility2 competencies and +ehaviors. Ty*es of Rewards: #) Mem3ershi* and Seniority 1ased Rewards:

In this system a senior employee receives more +enefits than his junior. -dvancement2 pay rises2 #etirement +enefits and perquisites depends on seniority of employees. /) 2o3 Status 1ased Rewards: In this system the firm rewards employees on the status of the jo+ they are holding. 0o+s that require more s'ill and effort2 have more responsi+ility and have difficult wor'ing conditions consequently these type of employees would +e placed in higher pay grades. 6) Com*eten y 3ased Rewards: In this system organization lin's to competencies of employees. (ompetencies are reflected through s'ills2 'nowledge and traits that to desira+le +ehavior. 8) "erforman e 1ased Rewards: In this type of system pay is lin'ed to performance a. %rofit sharing +. Team rewards c. Individual rewards

#)7 2%1 E$0AR(EME$T< E$RIC!ME$T A$& R%TATI%$

#) 2o3 En+argement -dd similar as's so that jo+ will have more variety and +e more interesting. /) 2o3 Enri hment: "ives the jo+ holder more decision ma'ing2 planning and controlling power. >

6) 2o3 Rotation: .hifting employee from one jo+ to another when a jo+ is no more changeling in order to reduce +oredom. EM"%;ERME$T: 9mpowerment is what young aspirants are loo'ing for in organization. ,ore than monetary rewards it is the feeling that employee ?owns) the jo+ that motivates him. 9mpowered employees are energetic and passionate. (%A0SETTI$(: "oal setting is one of the most effective and widely practiced techniques of motivation. It is the process motivating employees +y esta+lishing performance goals so that it will guide their +ehavior which is accepted +y them and others. :UA0TY %' ;%R=0I'E It has different meanings to the different levels of wor'ers. actors which contri+ute to E*@ are -dequate and fair compensation .afe and healthy wor'ing conditions .ecurity and growth opportunities !pportunity to +e creative and develop creativity



,D! means a set of procedures that +egins with goal setting and contri+utes through performance reviews. In this system participants +ecome ego6involved in decisions they made and tend to accept decisions as their own and feel personality responsi+le for implementing them.

'0EXI10E ;%R=I$( !%URS: To suit the convenience of the employees which leads to reduce a+senteeism2 increased productivity2 reduce over time e/penses and reduce traffic congestion near wor'sites. T;% TIER "AY SYSTEM: In this system lower wage is offered to newly hired employees than those already employed in the same jo+ this will induce the new entrant to stic' the same organization. '0EXI10E 1E$E'ITS: This system allows individuals to choose from a menu of +enefit pac'ages that is individually tailored to employee)s needs and situations. This system see's to replace the traditional fringe +enefits which are uniformed to all employees. "ARTICI"ATIVE MA$A(EME$T: It means associating representatives of wor'ers at every stage of decision ma'ing which amounts to wor'ers having share in reaching the final managerial decision in an enterprise.


*ays of %articipation -t +oard level Through !wnership Through complete control Through staff (ollective Dargaining .uggestion schemes Euality circles 0oint councils

C!A"TER / RESEARC! &ESI($ %' T!E STU&Y /)# I$TR%&UCTI%$:

,otivation is the process which starts with psychological or physiological needs that initiates +ehavior that is aimed at achieving the goals. The o+jective of motivation is to e/ploit the unused potential in people that are to +e motivated so that such e/ploitation results in greater efficiency2 higher production and +etter standard of living of the people. ,otivated employees always loo' for +etter ways of doing a jo+2 quality oriented2 more production2 stimulated to accomplish desired goals2 +oost the employee morale2 etc. motivation in simple terms may +e understood as a set of forces that cause people to +ehave in a goal oriented way. - study on motivation of employees would +enefit an organization to improve its 1# productivity.

/)/ STATEME$T %' T!E "R%10EM:

IN !"#!$%.IN is very 'een to find out the present degree of motivation among sales representatives resulting from the e/isting practices adopted in motivating the sales representatives. It will also help to identify the shortcoming in the motivational practices. This will help to suggest relevant motivational techniques which will increase the motivational level and performance.


1ence2 this project is underta'en to 'now the present motivational level of the sales representatives at IN !"#!$%.IN2 an assessment of the motivational techniques and to suggest suita+le measures to further enhance the same.

/)6 %12ECTIVES:
The o+jectives of the study are as followsA 1. To understand the present motivational techniques of IN !"#!$%.IN. 3. To identify the shortcomings in the motivational practices. 4. To assess the motivation level of the sales representatives. 5. To 'now and suggest relevant motivational techniques which will increase motivational level and performance. :. To suggest suita+le motivational techniques.

/)8 MET!%&%0%(Y:
&ata 1ase: This study is +ased on +oth primary data and secondary data. - structured interview schedule would +e used to collect the primary data from the sales representatives of IN !"#!$%.IN. The secondary data for the study of annual reports of IN !"#!$%.IN and pu+lished literature including internet. Sam*+e &esign: - multi6 stage random sampling procedure would +e followed to select the sample respondents. -t the first stage2 the sample units would +e chosen. IN !"#!$%.IN has 10 outlets in In India. 4 outlets each from the north2 south2 east and west zones of "untur would +e chosen. IN !"#!$%.IN has 100 sales representatives. The sample size comprises of ;0 respondents ie : respondents from each sample outlet. &ata Ana+ysis


-ppropriate +ut simple analytical methods li'e cross ta+ulation2 pie6charts2 +ar charts2 chi6squares2 etc would +e employed to analyze and interpret the data collected.

/)9 SC%"E %' T!E STU&Y:

The scope of the study is to understand the present motivational techniques practiced in the organization and how IN !"#!$%.IN can enhance the present motivational level +y adopting suita+le motivational techniques. The study will +e underta'en at its "untur (ompanies with a special focus on motivational practices adopted +y IN !"#!$%.IN with respect to its sales representatives.

/)7 0IMITATI%$S:
The limitations in this study areA 1. Betails regarding monetary remuneration provided +y the respondents may not +e accurate. Dut this limitation could +e overcome +y referring to industry average of IN !"#!$%.IN. 3. The research cannot +e generalized +ecause findings are relevant to IN !"#!$%.IN2 "untur.


To learn more on the various motivational techniques and how these are +eing practiced in real life situation. To 'now and understand what other techniques an organization can +e adopted to increase the motivational level and performance in addition to what has +een practiced. To gain an insight into what e/actly is the ultimate motivator whether it is money or other factors.


C!A"TER 6 C%M"A$Y "R%'I0E

C%M"A$Y "R%'I0E offers software development, web designing and web development, financial services, Overseas Education, services to Businesses worldwide, delivering high quality, cost effective, reliable result-oriented web and ecommerce solutions on time for a global clientele. Professionalism, !ill and

E"pertise are the tools we use to ma!e the web wor! for your Business bringing in ma"imum return on your investment in shortest possible time.


#e have delivered on I$ pro%ects of varying comple"ities for our very demanding and Internet savvy clients spread across the globe. #e develop unique web solutions which ensure increased efficiency and competitive advantage for your Business and thus to your end users.

#e speciali&e in web design ' development, search engine optimi&ation and web mar!eting, Ecommerce, multimedia solutions, content writing, graphic and logo design. #e build web solutions, which evolve with the changing needs of your Business. #e have a highly capable team of web consultants, creative designers, content writers, programmers and web mar!eting professionals who !now how to deliver results. #e treat each of our clients individually and therefore we do not offer set prices on any service. #hile we have competency and s!ills at par with the best in the world, following four are the core highlights of I()O*+O,P.I(, which constitutes I()O*+O,P.I( -dvantage

Directors Message
Over the years we have grown into a full fledged Software development, , financial services supermarket. We started over a decade ago and now have a nationwide network with a strong presence in the Southern region. In world wise region. Our three mantras 'client servicing,' 'integrity' and 'team work' are inculcated in the INFOGROUP.IN culture, maximizing wealth for our clients using various risk and return com inations. We elieve that if we have to grow, it is imperative our clients grow. Our intention is to ecome one of the top ten financial services firms in the country. Our vision is to emerge as the preferred financial services company with a larger network catering to various customer segments and needs. We started small and young and have grown to where we are ecause of your constant support and faith in us. '!y learning from the industry and the service I could provide as a start"up, a decade ack is still maintained y the various people in the organization that help customers realize their financial goals. #his is and will always remain our ultimate aim.' Lakshmi Reddy B Managing Director

Board of Directors:


1. S.Aswini Director 2. S.Nagi Reddy Director 3. Beeram Venkata Siva Reddy Director . S.Swami Ranga Reddy Director !. Venkata Ranga "aks#mi Director

$o% &anagement:
1.Beeram Venkata Siva Reddy' (enera) &anager *ndia +ead 2. S,nny (enera) &anager -SA +ead 3. Ravikant# Reddy (enera) &anager .ANADA +ead

Senior &anagement: 1. $.sa#it#i +r &anager 2. Narendra 3. /rant#i /,mar Reddy Asst. &anager &anager

$ec#no)ogies 0 1verseas 2d,cation /,mar Reddy &arketing

. 3radee% /,mar Asst &anager $ec#no)ogies !. &ad#, s,d#an Reddy Asst &anager

&arketing 4. Venkat &anager 5inancia) Services

$roup of %ompanies

Info "roup Technologies. Info "roup inancial .ervices.

Info "roup act ile

Info "roup is .oftware Bevelopment 2 inancial .ervices2 !verseas 9ducation2 -ir Tic'eting development (ompany Dased in "untur ounded in 3010.

6#at &akes -s $#e Best7

6e8 Deve)o%ment #e wor! with you at each step of the #eb development of your dream site.


St,nning 6e8 Design #e are ready to revise our wor! again and again until you get completely satisfied. Accessi8i)ity By understanding the importance of accessibility and visibility, we use coding standard compliant to ensure it wor!s perfectly on ma%or browsers. S,%%ort Service ' It is not %ust #eb design and development we assist you with, we ma!e sure to support you in the future if you meet with any problem in your site.

I()O*+O,P.I( is the one-stop-shop for all your Internet related requirements that eliminates the need of squandering from one place to another and managing multiple service providers to maintain a strong web presence for you.

Our offerings of #eb

olutions provide a full range of to suit your online

requirements. #e facilitate Businesses to function more efficiently and bring profitable returns. #e do not thin! that accomplishing any %ob is impossible, it is %ust that you have to use right methodologies and have right vision to do it. -nd we accomplish this %ob by forming a strong relationships with our clients by offering them right consultation and best possible services.

I()O*+O,P.I( is a leading provider of the Internet as #ebsite .esign, #ebsite .evelopment, hopping /art solutions0E-commerce olutions with services such

earch Engine Optimi&ation ,secure olutions1, )lash .esign, )lash

.evelopment, /all center services ,2ultimedia, *raphic .esign 3osting, #eb Promotion ervices.

olutions, #eb


9$+2 .R2A$*1N 15 S1&2$+*N( N26 *S N1$ A..1&3"*S+2D B: $+2 *N$2""2.$; B-$ B: $+2 *NS$*N.$ A.$*N( 5R1& *NN2R N2.2SS*$:. $+2 .R2A$*V2 &*ND 3"A:S 6*$+ $+2 1B<2.$ *$ "1V2S9

1,r Services
6e8site Design /orporate #ebsite .esign )lash #ebsite .esign tyle heets4 3$25 *raphic design 2'.ommerce ecure hopping /arts /ontent 2anagement $ools Payment *ateway Integration Bac!end .evelopment 0-dministrative 2odules1 $raining

*nteractive &,)timedia /orporate Presentations )lash -nimations4Intros )lash *ames )lash .evelopment 6ideo4 ound Editing Product /atalogues Electronic Business /ards4Brochures .or%orate *dentity Deve)o%ment 5ogo design Brochure design 2ar!eting /ollateral 0envelopes, visiting cards, letterheads, etc1 tationery standards 0standardi&ation of fonts, colors to be used on all print and electronic communication1 #e provide top-quality services and we can wor! to tight deadlines and budgets.

6e8 Designing
"ooking for we8 %age design services7


7our search ends8 here.... creating a website has never been easier999 "et=s define a we8site t#at can 8e rated as ,ser friend)y w#at it needs to #ave Perfect loo! and feel Ease of navigation Interactive Easy and fast opening pages web pages -t I()O*+O,P.I(, we ensure that we provide the best of facilities for /ustomer8s atisfaction by ma!ing a unique and slee! design so, that it gives

the customer %ust the !ind of loo! he desires. 7our promotion is our aim. Be it a small Business or a mid-si&e Business venture, it always requires sharp minds to understand the trade requirements of any regional mar!et and at

I()O*+O,P.I( you get %ust the right brains to wor! %ust in accordance with your !ind of mar!et.

#eb-design can be considered as the practice of creating, presenting and arranging the te"t matter in an innovative manner so, that it promotes Business of our customer. #orld #ide #eb has lately been considered as a great measure to promote Businesses at much affordable rates than any other means.

-ny web-design wor! should have the capacity of raising customer8s interest in the website and mainly in the !ind of service it provides. ,nless the layout of the website is attractive the website does not get the stay of visitors on them.

$he !ind of reach obtained in a website is not comparable to any other medium which is the reason why more and more companies are putting their sites on the web. I()O*+O,P.I( also, serves its customers by providing them with interactive #eb based -pplications such as chat, guest boo!, mailing lists, polls, message board counters, and form validations which may be integrated with the e"isting systems of the customers.


-lo!#eb prosperous #eb .esigning /ompany have sound technical capabilities that helps in developing fascinating and fast loading websites. #e have capabilities to design websites as EO, #ebsite .esign, )lash #eb $emplate,

#ebsite +edesigning and #ebsite 2aintenance. Our Professional #ebsite .esigners 4 e"pert ensure each worth parameter such as easy-navigation, overall reliability and content eminence within the timeframe and affordable budget. #e constantly ensure that our clients are satisfied with our web designing services and come bac! to us time after time.

Our team of designers, programmers, pro%ect managers and representatives will wor! to ma!e your pro%ect website a success.

6e8 Deve)o%ment

#ith the spectacular growth of the web, new opportunities are available for Businesses across the world. It is now essential to have a web presence and India has become the hub for website development for companies across the world.

/hoosing the right web design firm is essential for successful completion of your web design endevour. It does matter if you are a start up, or an establised Business loo!ing for web design, it is imperative that you should consider these details for your website development company, these being strong portfolio, strong communication s!ills, quic! turnaround and an eye for customer service.

#e have, due to our strong web development pro%ect delivery e"perience have developed an e"cellent standard of matching customer web design needs.

I()O*+O,P.I( is a we8 So),tions firm which is ideally positioned to provide low cost, high end quality web development and design wor! for the virtue of being based in India and having at its disposal, highly s!illed web developers.


#e are a full service website development firm in India and have offerings for web design, web development, e-commerce solutions, website redesign, +egular updations , shopping cart solutions, online showroom concepts. #e wor! equally well on interactive as well as static sites- we have the e"pertise and our wor! spea!s for itself.

6e8 +osting
#ebsite hosting serves as a foundation stone for online e"istence and consequently online promotion. It is a mode through which companies or individuals launch their website on www i.e. #orld #ide #eb. $he first and foremost step for a company that wishes to have a web presence is to sign up with a #eb 3osting company.









understands the need for moving with the times, and thereby complies with latest tools and technologies available in the e-mar!etplace. Our servers in India, are proactively monitored round the cloc!, and facilitate automatic bac!ing up of client data for contingency situations. -bove all, we offer dedicated, readily available customer support to ta!e care of all your hostingrelated queries and issues.

Benefits t#at *N51(R1-3.*N com%any %rovides yo, are :

Enables you to run a site online having all the details Provides a wide e"posure 5ets you create and maintain databases hopping cart for e-commerce websites Online -dvertisements


-lmost all companies need a computer permanently lin!ed to Internet even if they are not web service providers for sending their email and other files. o,

computer may be used as a website host by them for providing details about their services ' goods. $his could add to their Business as clients can place their orders online. A)) S#ared +osting Acco,nts *nc),de: #indow 4 5inu" Operating ystems /panel 4 Ples! 3osting /ontrol Panel POP: Email ' #ebmail -ccounts - ;.<, :.< )ramewor! ' Php =, > 2 ?5 ;<<> server, 2ysql .atabase +easonable Bandwidth 6e8 #osting S,%%ort System > A)okwe8: ;= @ A upport ystem by Phone 5ive /hat upport ;= @ A #eb 3osting -rticles 3osting /ontrol Panel $utorials


2mai) +osting

!osting .torage .pace ,y.E@ Bata+ases ,onthly Dandwidth "uaranteed $p6Time "ri e

1asi 1 "D 1 $nlimited >>.>F ?/@ A month

Standard : "D : $nlimited >>.>F ?8@ A month

"remier 10 "D 10 $nlimited >>.>F ?7@ A month

Emai+ .torage .pace 9mail -ddresses "ri e B ervice ta" e"tra

1asi 1 "D 10 ?#@ A month

Standard 3 "D 30 ?/@ A month

"remier 4 "D 40 ?6@ A month


(o matter what the si&e of your Business, at I()O*+O,P.I( we have a hosting and email plan to meet all of your needs. ,nli!e most hosting companies out there, we utili&e a virtual dedicated server which means your site is among only a handful of sites being hosted at the same time. $his frees up more system resources for your website, which leads to a more stable and secure hosting environment. #ith our CC.CD networ! uptime commitment, you will find that our hosting plans offer an affordable and reliable way for creating a successful online presence.

6it# t#is service; yo,r B,siness wi)):

have a more professional corporate image with a customi&ed email address 0-nythingE7our.omain.com1 communicate quic!ly and efficiently with customers reach new ' e"isting customers have a reliable web presence that mar!ets to customers ;= hours a day, :F> days a year.

$#is service is idea) for B,sinesses t#at:

rely on generic services li!e 3otmail and 7ahoo for Business communication need a more reliable means of Business communication

Searc# 2ngine o%timi?ation

earch Engine Optimi&ation 0 EO1 is the science and art of improving a website for search engines. earch Engine Optimi&ation is the most cost effective

promotional tools in mar!eting for generating a higher volume of targeted sales. #e move your website up in the organic results on *oogle, 7ahoo and Bing. $he term EO is adopted by consultants who carry out various optimi&ation pro%ects EO operations. EO

on behalf of clients and also by those employees who perform

ItGs proven that C<D of search users donGt go on from the first page.

targets various !inds of searches that may include image search, video search, organic search and industry related search. -ll these provide a pleasant web


presence to the website. Being an internet mar!eting scheme,

EO considers

the wor!ing of search engines and what e"actly people search for. Primarily, optimi&ing a website involves editing of the contents and 3$25 and also related coding in order to increase its pertinence to certain !eywords and to cut down the obstacles to the inde"ing activities of the search engines.

5or internationa) markets; Searc# 2ngine 1%timisation re@,ires t#e fo))owing o%erations:
$ranslation of web pages +egistration of the domain name with the top level domain in the mar!et #eb hosting providing a local IP address


EO Process is a long tas! enabling your website to achieve higher EO

ran!ings, the process includes the following, each pac!age has a different process. Heyword +esearch #ebsite -mends 4 On Page Optimi&ation 5in! Building 4 .irectory ubmission /ontent ,pdates 4 /opywriting +eporting 4 -nalytics 6#at eAact)y do we do7

EO may be offered as an impartial and detached service or as a part of a wider mar!eting crusade. In the view of the fact that effective bring changes to 3$25 source code of a website, EO may require to

EO method may be slotted EO it should be made

into for website design and maintenance. #hile hiring an

sure that sufficient researches are carried out about the potential advantages as well as the harms that a rec!less that various EO can bring to the website. $he services

EOs and other agencies provide to the web owners are as followsI

-ssessment of website contents and configuration. *iving technical advices on the development of website li!e hosting, redirecting, error pages and Java script usage .evelopment of the content 3andling the online Business progression Heyword +esearch EO $raining 2a!ing proficiency in certain mar!ets and layouts


#hile going through the plus and benefits of website with strategies of

EO, you might wish to infuse your EO,

earch Engine Optimisation. $a!e advantage of

taste out immense traffic and massive popularity for your website. 1n 3age 1%timi?ation earch Engine Optimisation is the process of improving the internal and e"ternal factors of your site through different process ranging from website design, web development and public relations to ta!e your web site to the productive pages in famous search engines li!e 7ahoo, *oogle and 2 (. $he prime aim of earch

Engine Optimisation is to drive more traffic to your website from the famous search engine engines to win your online goals. -t present in this fast and furious online world, earch Engine Optimi&ation had turned in to a powerful tool of Internet 2ar!eting. earch Engine Optimi&ation is the only affordable and effective tool which can ta!e your site above all limitations and competitions. Proper use of earch Engine Optimi&ation helps your site to render what the customer need and to appear before the customer when they search. earch Engine Optimi&ation increases the e"posure of the website to increase your profitability.

.ontact .enter Services

I()O*+O,P.I( is a leading /ontact /enter ervices provider with over years of

industry e"perience in delivering quality-driven contact center and /all /enter services. #e analy&e these services against multiple performance benchmar!s and continuously see! to improve them at each level.

#ith our services, clients have witnessed significant increase in customer satisfaction and retention levels.

Customer Su**or G9nhance the customer e/perience with consistent high quality support Te hni a+ Su**ort G9/pand your customers) lifetime value with

Customer 0oya+ty G#eward customer +ehavior and increase retention Sa+es GIncrease revenues through customer


relia+le 35/< support


:o,Bre Benefits
Increase and retain your base of loyal customers. Improve brand positioning through better customer service quality. Better manage customer service e"pectations at significantly lower costs.

Integrated Marketing

Integrated marketing is essential to getting a better return on investment (ROI). By integrating all marketing materials you can increase profits at very little expense. ;hat is Integrated MarBeting

Integrated marketing is more than just having a consistent look and feel to all of your marketing materials. Integrated marketing is the process of interlinking all marketing materials to enhance their effectiveness. or example! lets say that "arry#s $idgets just spent %&&!&&&.&& on a ne' 'ebsite. "arry then sits back and 'aits for the money to roll in. (erry#s $idgets! "arry#s biggest competition! follo's suit and spends %&&!&&&.&& on a ne' 'ebsite. (erry then adds the ne' 'ebsite address to his letterhead! Business cards! brochures! t.v. commercials! radio ads! flyers! t)shirts! billboards! golf balls! direct mail ads! etc. $hich company is more likely to get a better return on investment from their 'ebsite* (B+$! "arry just 'ent out of Business).

What does it cost

,o'! lets look at the costs involved 'ith integrated marketing. -o' much more did (erry have to spend to get that extra return* +he cost is minimal. .dding your ne' 'ebsite address to the next batch of Business cards! letterheads! brochures! etc. probably 'on#t cost much 3=

at all. -o'ever! the increase to the effectiveness of the 'ebsite 'ent up exponentially.

. campaign managed through I, O/RO01.I, using our 2olutions 3ail is a proven 'inner. $e consistently beat industry average open rates and link rates. .nd vitally 'e kno' ho' to 'ord and structure emails to be responsive and pass through spam filters (please note that 'e 'ill only run opt in email campaigns). $e 'ill provide the data management and import! designs! 'ording advice! coding! mailing and measurement.

Integrated Marketing - A Necessity

Increasing return on investment should be a major goal for any organi4ation. If your marketing isn#t consistent and integrated! you are losing money. "ook at your current marketing plan. .re you integrating all marketing materials! or are there places 'here you could improve. +he place most Businesses fail is in integrating their marketing materials to their sales people. "et me explain. If the salesperson can#t capitali4e on the marketing! you#ve 'asted money. urthermore! if the salesperson doesn#t kno' about the marketing plan or specific deals that are running! you have not integrated your marketing. 5ou must integrate your marketing from conception to sales receipt and beyond for any marketing plan to succeed.

&,)timedia Services
I()O*+O,P.I( provides professional services in 2ultimedia dedicated for complete 2ultimedia olutions. olutions .#eGre

Our company offers complete high effect 2ultimedia solutions li!e #ebsite designing, website development, website maintenance, website redesigning,


web promotion, *raphic .esigning, search engine optimi&ation, ;. and :. animations, 6ideo Editing Pro%ects that will impact your customers with stunning effects and effectively address your Business needs. #e have satisfied /lients belonging to various Business domains. efficiently and effectively to the clients erving

Deve)o%ment 0 So),tions:
Our I()O*+O,P.I( offers complete high effect 2ultimedia solutions li!e #ebsite designing, website development, website maintenance, website redesigning, web promotion, *raphic .esigning, search engine optimi&ation, ;. and :. animations, 6ideo Editing Pro%ects that will impact your customers with stunning effects and effectively address your Business needs. #e have satisfied /lients belonging to various Business domains. clients. erving efficiently and effectively to the

6e #ave #ig#)y eA%erienced ski))ed teams for: Deve)o%ment 0 So),tions #eb .esigning *raphic .esigning earch Engine Optimi&ation ;. ' :. animation E-5earning 6ideo Editing

Software Deve)o%ment

In today8s electronic age, almost all companies have switched over to atomi&ation. In today8s, fast world, itGs not easy to cope up with advances till your not automated. I()O*+O,P.I( provides you with that cutting edge of cost effective solutions. #e develop and furnish customi&ed software8s as per needs, features and requirements of individual0s1 companies or instance, development of cost effective software8s for


invoicing, accounting, trading etc. E+P and speciali&ed software8s. #e have e"pertise in visual basic softwareGs. oftware development on a range of technologies and platforms is an important part of I()O*+O,P.I( core Business. $he focus is to provide solutions to any customer8s specific requirements by wor!ing both onsite and offsite as necessary. #e have the e"pertise to deliver customi&ed solutions for E+P as well as e-commerce applications. #e also provide end-to-end solutions on a diverse variety of Businesses and organi&ations. In today8s 3i-tech Business times maintaining complete trac! records of Business on papers could prove fatal. #e speciali&e in software

development. Our e"pertise is highly rated by our clients. Be it %ava based applications, 6B based oftwareGs or .atabase management oftwareGs

our s!ill set matches to the best in industry. #e e"pertise in 5inu", truts, -pache, pring, 2 ?5 Jobs, #eb ?5 logic, erver,

P3P,J-6-4J;EE,-J-@,.(et, Postage ?5 erver, etc.

erver, 2y

*N51(R1-3.*N c,stomi?ation
K#e offer high quality, cost effective, reliable and effective I()O*+O,P.I( /ustom #ebsite .esigning services to all si&e companies around the world.K

)or those who are loo!ing to have their own professional website for their company, I()O*+O,P.I( can be a decisive and best choice that can create an e"tremely functional website or web application. In fact, I()O*+O,P.I( is one of the well !nown content management systems that can help an individual achieve a fle"ible and feature-rich website with bare minimum efforts and at a feasible price. It is an ideal content management system that can be highly effective for creating dynamic websites provided with a broad range of features.


-t I()O*+O,P.I( we !now its growing popularity and offer the most effective I()O*+O,P.I( services and help in creating some of the best custom content management system. #e have a wide e"perience in developing some of the best and robust I()O*+O,P.I( /2 based websites that constantly aim to assist our

clients in increasing its productivity, improve operational efficiency and reduce ris!.

#e have an e"pert team of web developers who have hands-on e"perience in creating and customi&ing I()O*+O,P.I( /2 for many corporate websites,

community portals, personal websites and e-commerce sites, social networ!s, and much more. By ma!ing the best use of freely available different add-on modules and customi&ing them, we can help you achieve any !ind of comple" results that our customers loo! at.

Our web developers have e"pertise in /ustom #eb designing and ability to create design of different websites with endless features along with the #eb open source modules in short period. Each of them is talented in theme development using 3$25, P3P, Java cript and / alongside of traditional

graphic design applications li!e Illustrator, -dobe Photoshop, and )lash to create advanced #eb ;.< sites as well.

-dding to this, we also have developers who are most efficient with scripting language. In fact, our programming team wor!s alongside our designers to code custom module solutions for advanced applications. -t I()O*+O,P.I( our manpower is the biggest strength that provides complete and the best services in website development using open source /2 solution.

-part from this, clean and error-free @3$25, /

code along with clean web

layouts and integrating it with I()O*+O,P.I( is our yet another forte that ma!es us different from our other competitors. Over the last few years, we have


developed websites for various Business firms operating in different industry verticals. (o doubt, we are good in /2 and thus our evidence of our honed

potential can be easily outlined in some of our best s!ills profiles.

6it# .&S 8ased we8sites yo, can #ave en#anced contro) over yo,r we8site content. Be)ow is a )ist of essentia) feat,res t#at are inc),ded in o,r 8asic .&S system: -dd pages, edit e"isting pages and delete pages tore files and images in /2 8libraries8 -dd, edit and delete colorsG on your website 2eta data management -dd content in 8simple8 or 8advanced8 ways E"tendable site through addition of new pages -utomated logs of page changes and edits -dd, edit and delete te"t and images -utomated site map of your web pages *raphical website statistics -dd 2ultilingual website content Integrated Java cript te"t editor -dd, edit and delete lin!s Professional custom designs -dvanced editing capabilities with 3$25

6e8 A%%)ications
2ere e"istence on web is not sufficient nowadays. If a website has %ust static information, chances are that it will start losing visitors soon. If any website is %ust designed for a limited customer base, then probably the website maintenance staff will not care to update or even visit it. ,sing a separate application for administration, may lead to maintenance of data at two different places. On top, frequent application updates and maintaining multiple copies of same data at different places is a nightmare in itself. o, what is the solutionL #hy not have something at a

central place which is updated frequently, allows you administration, gives you reports, and is available from any P/ worldwide. Be it for a small office use or for a multinational corporate, a complete #eb -pplication can serve it all.


I()O*+O,P.I( develops fully customi&ed #eb applications and custom software to meet the specific needs of your Business4organi&ation. #e have e"pertise in developing industry-specific solutions that empower Businesses with a functional, fle"ible and low-cost route for implementing their strategies. )rom dynamic applications to inter-active measures M the technical e"perts at I()O*+O,P.I( are always ready to cater to your requirements. 3uman mind always resists change, and so we believe that the success of any web application development company depends on how few are the changes being enforced. #ith a dedicated ' resourceful team of web application development e"perts we e"ecute comple" pro%ects with ease giving your web portal design a faster loading and easy understanding along with a smarter loo!.

Android A%%)ications
-ndroid is a 5inu" based open source operating system which has J-6- library 0similar to E1. -nd it is a robot or synthetic organism. $here is a general

thought that *oogle owns -ndroid. But not %ust *oogle, there is Open 3andset -llianceN, a group of F> technology and mobile companies including mobile operators, semiconductor companies, handset manufacturersO software

companies commerciali&ation companies who own -ndroid. I()O*+O,P.I( has a dedicated -ndroid application developers team who has the e"pertise on -ndroid and are catering to clients to build custom application on -ndroid, worldwide. #e have proficient e"pertise in creating android application 4 mobile applications, testing in a simulator, and porting to mobile devices. -ndroid, a software platform and operating system for mobile devices developed by *oogle and the Open 3andset -lliance, is the new cra&e of the 2obile application development industry. It allows developers to write managed code on Java based language that utili&es *oogle-developed Java libraries.


Being into 2obile -pplication .evelopment for quite some time for all the ma%or platforms, I()O*+O,P.I( was quic! to %ump into the development of -ndroid -pplication development since the day the features of the -ndroid .H was launched. $he great built-in

.H provides immense fle"ibility and opportunity to

develop diverse smart mobile applications, providing the opportunity to cash in for not only technology companies but also individual entrepreneurs from various industries and aspects, be it pharmaceuticals, sales force automation, entertainment, games, location based services of or any sort of utility applications. $he opportunity and possibilities are endless with -ndroid custom application development. Advantages of Android %)atform * 2, E.*E, /.2-, Bluetooth, #i-)i, E6-.O and ,2$ technologies to send4receive data across mobile networ!s. /omprehensive libraries for ;. and :. graphics. - wide range of libraries for image, audio and video files. )eatures of 6ideo camera, $ouch screen, *P , accelerometer and magnetometer. Inter process communication 0IP/1 message passing. P;P using *oogle $al!. ?5 it for data storage. E"port and signing app for publishing. A%%)ications #ith design driven development process where complete development is continuously monitored by e"pertise user interface designer, we can develop incredible and successful -ndroid software product for our clients. have wor!ed on range of features in -ndroid O li!e *P , #i-)i, e-mail, 2 ,

multimedia, *oogle -PIs, maps, browsers, motion sensors, payment systems etc. 5o))owing are convincing reason w#y yo, can #ire ,s to deve)o% android 1S a%%: #orld class user interface designers for creating most engaging user interface for your -ndroid O product. 2ore than >< technical e"perts for android software development. *uaranteed approval of application in android mar!et place. Our modern design driven development process to ma!e your product pi"el perfect. +igorous testing of application before delivery.


AB1-$ 23-B 51R&A$:

EP,B is an @25-based distribution format for e-boo!s that is rapidly gaining adoption by publishers and distributors. EP,B is free and open e-boo! standard by the international digital publishing forum 0I.P)1 with the file e"tension .EP,B. It was designed for optimi&ing the te"t display for a particle display device. PEP,BP is composed of three open standards, the Open Publication tructure 0OP 1, Open Pac!aging )ormat 0OP)1 and Open /ontainer )ormat 0O/)1. It is a single format that publishers and conversion houses can use in-house and also for distribution and sales.

6+: D1 :1- R2C-*R2 AN 23-B .1NV2RS*1N7

EP,B is the new industry format and is gaining popularity amongst ma%or publishers and retailers worldwide. Being an open standard format, it provides inter-portability between software and hardware for unencrypted reflow able eboo!s. $his format provides you with the ability to read EP,B boo!s on all operating systems using various e-boo! readers supporting softwareGs li!e -dobe .igital Edition, tan&a, )B reader etc. $hese digital boo!s can also be read on dedicated ony +eaders, I-Phones, 3andlin E +eader etc.

reader devices li!e

In short EP,B standard e-boo!s can be read on any device or reading application that supports EP,B enabling its reader to acquire wide range of eboo!s from various online resources. $he readers can easily create their own e5ibrary which will be independent of the type of readers they may have. converting your files to an e-Pub format is a very sensible thing to do. o

6+: *N51(R1-3.*N 51R 23-B .1NV2RS*1N7

-ny automated conversion tool may convert your files into an EP,B format but it may result in a formatted output with specific devices. $hat is where I()O*+O,P.I( comes into picture. #e provide you with manual conversion of all your files into the EP,B format with the most accurate formatting. I()O*+O,P.I( has recently started with the EP,B publishing service. #e provide a full range of EP,B conversion service which include but


not limited to the conversion of file formats li!e P.), word, e"cel, power point, 3$25 etc. Into the EP,B format. - large volume pro%ect is very easy for us to convert as we have a team of dedicated professionals who have the s!ills for handling voluminous conversions with ease. #e are bound to provide our customers with a high quality and customi&ed conversion service.

2B11/ .1NV2RS*1N S2RV*.2:

$echnology has changed the way we read boo!s in the modern era. 2ost of the boo!s are available in electronic formats which can be viewed on various e-boo! reading devices li!e Hindle, I-Pad, ony +eaders, 2s readers etc. 2ost of the publishers and individual authors are loo!ing forward to sell their boo!s in the eboo! formats which are compatible with the dedicated e-boo! reading devices. I()O*+O,P.I( provides with a high quality and low price e-boo! conversion service which can help publishers and individual authors to sell their e-boo!s on websites and e-boo! stores. #e have e"pert s!ills to convert e-boo!s from P.), #ord, normal paper bac!, 3$25 or any other format to widely used e-boo! formats li!e 2ob poc!et, Hindle, ony +eaders, iPad etc. #e can convert an e-boo! to any other format

according to your requirements. .eep thin!ing and thorough !nowledge of eboo! conversion has put us ahead in this field. /onverting e-boo!s from file formats having lots of images, te"t, tables or charts is not a difficult tas! for the e"pert team of professionals at I()O*+O,P.I(. #e have all the resources needed to convert voluminous content into an e-boo! and can provide you with a high quality e-boo! which can be easily viewed on your dedicated reading devices.

2B11/S 51R&A$S $+A$ 62 .1NV2R$ $1:

#e can convert to and from virtually most file formats. 2ost of the formats usually required are listed below. If you need your eBoo! converted to a file format not listed here you can still request that format through our ?uote +equest )orm. #e would confirm in our quote if we would be able to provide that format or not. 2OBI, for Hindle and 2obi poc!et 0 $his format is %ust li!e the -Q# or P+/ yet wor!s on both1 EP,B, )or iPad 0-pple iBoo!s1, Hobo e+eader, Barnes and (oble (oo!, ony +eader, -dobe .igital Editions, tan&a, Boo! *lutton etc. 3$25, )or #eb


)5IP BOOH, )lash boo!s for web /32, 2icrosoft /ompressed 3$25 3elp P.), -dobe Portable .ocument )ormat P.B, Palm .igital 2edia electronic boo!s E@E, 2ultimedia eBoo!s with virtual turning pages

3R*.*N( 51R 2'B11/ .1NV2RS*1N S2RV*.2S:

- confirm quote is only possible after reviewing your publication 4 boo! 4 manuscript as different documents come with different type of formatting, layout or comple"ity. #e review all documents 4 manuscripts closely and will revert bac! to you with a precise timeline and quote for this conversion. Please be advised that we use uploaded documents strictly for reviewing purposes only and do not distribute or use them in anyway what so ever. Hindly upload your document for a review by clic!ing here and we will revert bac! with a quote shortly. I()O*+O,P.I( M #e are the leading eBoo! conversion service provider. #e handle ePub conversion for almost every format. #e handle pdf to epub conversion, word to epub, @25 to epub etc. #e also provide multilingual ePub conversion support, than!s to our multilingual typesetting e"pertise. end us

your voluminous data or the content you thin! is too comple" to be converted to ePubO sit bac! and rela" while I()O*+O,P.I( ta!es care of it from start to end, giving wings to your boo!s. ?uality solutions on the time line has made our content transformation services to become prominent globally.


*N51(R1-3.*N 2'.ommerce So),tions

I()O*+O,P.I( provides e-commerce solutions from India serving Businesses all around the world. #e deliver high-quality professional e-commerce internet solutions for Businesses. In a highly competitive online mar!etplace, a very small percentage of companies can succeed. Our e-commerce software solutions will help you e"ceed your Business targets.


E-commerce web development gives a solid foundation to your website, hence ma!ing it a reliable place for shopping. Our range of e-commerce solutions includes- e-commerce hosting solutions, e-commerce shopping cart solutionscommerce website design, customi&ed e-commerce solutions and e-commerce software solutions. I()O*+O,P.I( goal is to deliver quality services and see your Business succeed. $he I()O*+O,P.I( team comprises of well-qualified and s!illed professionals at your service ;=4A and :F> days a year. -n e-commerce website design should be able to present comple" points of sale and purchase in a simpler format to the customers. Our approach develops unique websites with custom e-commerce solutions and custom shopping carts, which will place your Business ahead of its competitors. Our methodologies integrate popular and authentic payment processors in shopping carts such as Pay )low Pro, -uthori&e (et, PayPal, 6eri ign Pay )low lin!. #e cater our e-commerce solutions to companies that are product as well as service based. 3aving a secured payment option increases the credibility of an e-commerce website. /ontact us to get a free evaluation of your pro%ect.

1,r ecommerce we8 deve)o%ment so),tion wi)) #e)% yo, in t#e fo))owing:
/onvert those website viewers into customers. *enerate greater revenue. implifying maintenance of product catalogs. /ost avings. +each-out to new customers. Build-up your customer relationships and further your sales performance.

Digita) Asset &anagement

-s business processes become more and more comple"O with employees, wor!, and wor! )low spread all over the globeO managing data and records can no longer be a manual process. In the age of computers, it only ma!es sense that data is recorded and stored in .igital form. .igital -sset 2anagement involves storing data in digital form. In technical $erms a digital asset is any form of media that has been turned in to a binary source. $his


2ay include PowerPoint presentations, te"t documents, logos, photos, and email. $he importance of .igital -sset 2anagement can be gauged from the fact that it not involves storing data in easily understandable formats, but also that the management software, apart from storing and classifying data, come with the additional features of analy&ing it, thereby ensuring conducive business decisions ta!en at the right time. .igital -sset 2anagement means that you can study e"isting pro%ects and reuse valuable assets from them. $his also means faster development because the groundwor! that had done already ensures that people can concentrate on the requirements of the rest of the pro%ect. If data is managed manually, there may be situations when the company does not even reali&e that it has certain assets in its inventory that have been RforgottenG because of not being used over a period of time. o, for an asset to

be an asset, it is not only important that people have it, but they !now where to find it and can utili&e it when the need so arises. .igital assets are comprised of various file types including, but not limited to, the followingI Product images, 5ifestyle photography, audio ' video formats, PowerPoint, #ord, E"cel, -uto /-., ?uar!, Photoshop, Illustrator, Page2a!er, In-.esign, P.), and various other file formats. /onsists of management tas!s and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets, .igital Photographs, animations, videos and music are samples of media asset management 0a sub-category of .-21. .igital -sset 2anagement is also !nown as Pmedia asset managementS or Pdigital asset warehousing,S the techie bu&&words simply mean a centrali&ed repository for any and all of your digital content. hort descriptions or

thumbnails of your digital content, !nown as metadata, are stored in a database for easy searching and management. $his metadata is lin!ed to the actual image, file or video clip, normally stored on a server. #hen youGve found the description of the media youGre loo!ing for, you can quic!ly retrieve them. -nd


you donGt necessarily have to be in the officeTa good digital asset manager will let you retrieve clips over the Internet. Built as solid, reliable, enterprise class solutions for thousands of users to share digital assets, I()O*+O,P.I( .igital -sset 2anager is a web-based .igital -sset 2anagement system made for use by global organi&ations. upporting photos,

video, audio, print artwor! and office files, I()O*+O,P.I( .igital -sset 2anager can be customi&ed to meet the individual needs of your media management operation. Broadcast news agencies, multimedia publishers, advertising

production houses and others have begun to embrace digital asset managers. One reason is the rise of the #orld #ide #eb, where they ma!e it easier to repurpose content for online use while !eeping trac! of the original media.

3roDect &anagement So),tion

I()O*+O,P.I( P2 is a simple to use solution and it provides your team with

the tools necessary to manage and trac! their wor! assignments. It provides you with an accurate view of the pro%ect progress and eliminates common problems when wor!ing in teams li!e tas! accountability, status updating, issue management, multiple file version handling and wor! transparency.


2ngagement &anager
$his module will enable the company to manage all the engagements right from enquiry to closure of the pro%ect. )eatures includeI .efine customer group and customer 2anage inquiries 2anage 2omsG /reate4manage quotations /reate Job4Engagement card .efine pro%ect contacts .efine pro%ect start and end dates .efine delivery and billing milestones -ssign billing type 0fi"ed, hourly, monthly etc.,1 and terms -ssign resources including pro%ect leader and members

$ask and Reso,rce &anagement

Enables pro%ect management team to manage create and manage tas!s and resources. 2anage +esources with s!ill set, e"perience, availability and billing rate .efine tas!s, set start date ' end date, priority etc., .efine tas!s as internal and e"ternal .efine .ependencies ,pdate tas! status 2ar! tas! as a milestone

&i)estone &anager
Enables users to manage the milestones that mar! the completion of a phase, or tas! list typically mar!ed by a high level event such as completion. .efine milestone, milestone types .efine dependencies -ssign owner 0responsible person for the completion1 *roup tas!s under the milestone. )acility to update milestone progress )acility to mar! milestone as completed.

6orkf)ow &anager
$his module enables to create the fle"ible wor!flows and configure them to map any specific organi&ation structure of the pro%ect management team. Pro%ect management team can define authori&ation and approval hierarchy based on the role of the members in that pro%ect.


(ro,% .a)endar
Enables pro%ect team to view all tas!s, milestones ' meetings in the easy-toview pro%ect management calendar. 2embers can even add, edit tas!s and update tas!s from the calendar view itself.

3roDect 3rogress $racker

Provided a quic! view of ,pcoming, Overdue ' /ompleted 2ilestones and get to !now each pro%ect8s status, progress at any point of time. In case of delays it also displays the dependencies, delay reasons, remar!s by the pro%ect management team and impact of the delay. *antt /hart view 2ilestones viewt $emplate-based #or!flow -dvanced +esource cheduling #or! Brea!down tructure Issue 2anagement

$imes#eet 2ntry and $ime $racker

Enables pro%ect team members billable and non-billable hours spent on each tas! which can then be used for client billing. It also provides a gantt chart of the tas!s and progress. $imesheet can be entered with start and end time of tas! or %ust the duration.

Doc,ment S#aringE.o))a8oration
Enables pro%ect team to share and manage pro%ect related files centrally to ensure efficient group collaboration. ,sers can view, edit, share ' save pro%ect related documents from the browser based on the access rights of the user. )urther, versioning of the various documents can be managed. -ttach .ocuments to Pro%ects, $as!s, Issues, and ,sers upport for -ny )ile $ype P.), *I), JP*, .O/, @5 , .#*, .@), B2P, etc. 6ersion /ontrol )ile ' .irectory -rchiving .ocument ecurity .ownload 2ultiple .ocuments as a QIP )ile


3rod,ctivity $racker
Enables pro%ect leader to trac! the productivity of the resources by trac!ing tas! progress, time duration assigned and time ta!en to complete the tas!.

3roDect De)ivery
$his module handles post completion activities of the pro%ect including deliverables, release notes, lessons learnt during the pro%ect duration.

Enables pro%ect team to create and manage invoices based on the delivery of the pro%ect milestones or phases.

A)erts and Notifications

2anual E-mail (otification and automated Event-based E-mail (otifications E-mail $emplates 2 -lerts

3ricing 6e8site Designing 3)ans

6e8 Designing %ackages Designing 3)ans .omain (ame +egistration On -ctuals On -ctuals ; On -ctuals ;V; +evisions Starter 3ackage Advance 3ackage B,siness 3ackage

.esigning $emplate Options U earch Engine )riendly Professional .esign Product Images

3ome Page V > Inner 3ome Page VU;Inner 3ome Page V UW Inner Pages >-A Pages U;-U> Pages ;<-;; > lides with advance

)lash -nimation




Photo *allery $rade Enquiry )orm )+EE minor changes during the year ite tatistics



7es /ustomi&ed



ite submission in top search engines 0google, yahoo, msn, bing etc...1 +osting 5eat,res 3osting /ontrol Panel 3osting pace ><< 2B 7es U<< 2B 7es ;>< 2B 7es

POP: Email -ccounts each with U<< 2B pace


Premium -ntivirus V -ntispam ;= " F Email and Phone Pro%ect .uration 3A./A(2 .1S$ B ervice ta" e"tra upport

7es 7es >-A .ays Rs.F;GGGE'H

7es 7es U;-U= .ays Rs.12;GGGE'H

7es 7es UW-;< .ays Rs.1F;GGGE'H

+osting 3)ans 3)ans

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)ree virtual number for ; way 2 worth I(+.><<<4-. )lash 2 3andset .elivery support .edicated $elephonic customer support.

&inancial Services
Retai+ EDuity 1roBing

Inherent strength in Retai+ EDuity 1roBing I$'%(R%U")I$ has earned its reputation in retail equity +ro'ing and we have a fast e/panding national footprint that is geared to cater to new clients and territories. !ur services in retail equity +ro'ing include trading in 9quity2 (ommodities and utures and !ptions. !ur trading ervices are supported +y our research department that delivers incisive fundamental insights and well timed technical advice. *e offer clients profita+le investment ideas catering to the short2 medium and long term. I$'%(R%U")I$ is a Bepository %articipant of (entral Bepository .ervices (I& @td ((B.@&. Investors who maintain a Bemat account with IN !"#!$%.IN +enefit from the ease and convenience of having us as the central point of service for all their transactions in various e/changes. %ur retai+ in,estors 3enefit from our ,arious ,a+ue added ser,i es su h as:

%ic' of the wee' company research I - wee'ly investment idea Intraday2 %ositional technical calls #esearch #eports A Baily2 *ee'ly2 ,onthly .,. and email trade confirmation Bedicated toll free num+er for clients -ccess to +ac' office via we+site *ee'end customer forums

Institutiona+ EDuity 1roBing

Tai+ored to meet the in,estment reDuirements of +arge or*orate and finan ia+ institutions

I$'%(R%U")I$ Institutional 9quity +ro'ing division is a dedicated team that focuses on catering to unique needs of institutions and corporate. *e are consistently focusing on devising e/clusive investment strategies for our clients. !ur practice is +ased on a sound understanding of the financial goals of our clients2 our technical and fundamental research2 our insights into the mar'et and sophisticated investment strategies. !ur financial strategies +ased on the specific ris'Hreward ratio of individual clients and investments +ac'ed with e/clusive research.

*e are empanelled with several pu+lic sector and private +an's2 mutual funds and insurance companies.

%n+ine Trading Ser,i es


Trade on our state of the art on+ine *+atform E with Dui B and on,enient anywhere a ess

I$'%(R%U")I$ offers a state of the art trading platform IN !"#!$%.IN !nline that ena+les you to trade and monitor your investments across 9quities2 ,utual unds2 Berivatives and (ommodities from any des'top or laptop. Jou also access online research on equities and derivatives. The platform offers you more than a 1000 schemes from various -,()s and ,utual unds.

Choose a *+atform that suits your reDuirement

FI$'%(R%U")I$ %n+ine trading *+atformF is availa+le in three versions to suit the requirements of various types of investors and different levels of e/pertise. These includeA

I$'%(R%U")I$ .ilver (*e+ +ased2 easy version for +eginners& I$'%(R%U")I$ "old (*e+ +ased advanced version for e/perienced users& I$'%(R%U")I$ %latinum (software +ased2 premium version for advanced users&
%n+ine ser,i es on our Trading "+atform

9quity Trade I for any stoc' listed on the N.9 and D.9 K! I Implement a wide range of utures and !ptions trading strategies with speed and ease of use (ommodities I Trade in metals2 energy2 grains and other commodities
Customi5ed finan ia+ *+anning.

-s part of our advisory process2 we evaluate the client)s present financial situation2 understand their requirements and recommend the +est suited investment option ta'ing into consideration their ris' appetite.

Dased on this detailed profiling and analysis we create tailor6made plans that include a mi/ of 9quity Investments2 ,utual unds2 I%!s2 Be+t instruments2 Insurance (life and non life&2 .tructured %roducts and %rivate 9quity %lacements to ma/imize your returns.


Re,iew against we++ demar ated mi+estones

*e discuss these strategies with clients and facilitate their implementation. These investments and their returns are periodically analyzed to evaluate their performance against the set goals.

"ortfo+io Management Ser,i es G"MSH

0e,eraging E.*ertise to (enerate ;ea+th I$'%(R%U")I$ offers %ortfolio ,anagement .ervices for individuals who desire professional management of their investment portfolios.

!ur %,. is powered +y in6house research2 our e/pertise in various mar'ets and our access to the right investment opportunities at the right time.

*e create your portfolio depending on your investment goals and ris' 6 return profile. These portfolios see' a +alance +etween ris' appetites and return e/pectation.
*e have dedicated fund manager who service our %,. clients. The portfolios typically are a mi/ of +lue chip and growth stoc's and we generally maintain low portfolio churn.

1enefits of I$'%(R%U")I$ "ortfo+io Management

%rofessional management to your portfolio #egular reviews +y fund management team #egular reporting of the status of your investment reedom from regular paperwor'

Our '!S Schemes

Equities Based Schemes (rowth EThis %ortfolio provides investors with long term appreciation through investment in high growth companies in the large and mid cap segment. The stoc' selection is through +ottom6up approach with the help of disciplined fundamental analysis to identify companies with favora+le industry dynamics K strong earnings visi+ility.


Mutual Fund Schemes

&ynami I This %ortfolio invests in ,utual und schemes and aims to generate optimum returns with prudent mi/ of Be+t2 9quity and 1y+rid schemes. The portfolio has three variantsA

1. 3. 4.

1. -ggressive 3. ,oderate 4. (onservative

Va+ue Added Ser,i e for "MS ustomers

Lariety of %ortfolios tailored to your investment time frame .chemes that suit different ris' appetites %eace of mind I +ecause of the a+sence of leveraging or short selling ,onthly updates on fund performance

Insuran e Ad,isory Ser,i es

Insuring your +ife and *ro*erty with hoi e of e.em*+ary s hemes

The day of simplicity of choice in insurance is long over. Today there are numerous insurance companies offering a truly large num+er of insurance schemes with riders2 conditionality)s and different rates of payouts. .electing the right cover for your ris' has +ecome an activity requiring e/pertise and e/tensive 'nowledge of the mar'et.

;hy hoose I$'%(R%U")I$ as an In,estment 1roBerI

I$'%(R%U")I$ evaluates individual needs and helps people identify the most competitively priced insurance from highly rated companies. !ur qualified2 trained and e/perienced team of I#B- certified insurance professionals are adept at conducting a need and ris' analysis for a variety of @ife and Non @ife products.

*e offerA

$n+iased approach towards insurance advisory I we offer you what you need2 not merely what we have :1

Insurance and #is' ,anagement -dvisory .ervices @ife and Non @ife products -ssistance in claims and settlements

Mutua+ 'unds In,estment

'a i+itating inte++igent in,esting and management of Mutua+ 'und In,estments

I$'%(R%U")I$A IN !"#!$%.IN (apital has a dedicated ,utual unds Bes' to offer clients opportunities to profit from their investments. !ur primary goal is to save and secure your income. !ur team consists of trained and -, I certified personal with several years of e/perience in the industry. *e have tie ups with all leading -sset ,anagement (ompanies. !ur team helps investors 'eep a ta+ on the performance of their various investments in , schemes. *e ena+le investors to opt out of non performing schemes while choosing to stay invested in star performers +ased on performance ran'ings. *e provide monthly valuation statements of your accounts. !ur investors also have the advantage of utilizing financial calculators to model returns and su+scri+e to systematic investment plans and systematic withdrawal plans.

%ur Mutua+ 'und ser,i es

Bistri+ution of all leading fund houses. Bata+ase of over 3000 funds. - variety of .I%2 .*%2 .T%2 9@..2 ,I%2 ,%2 -r+itrage schemes etc.

Va+ue Added Ser,i es

*ee'ly und performance and fact sheet including top 10 holdings. ,onthly update on , industry. .,. alerts2 transactions update. !nline accessi+ility for all valuation statements. -ccess to a toll free num+er for any queries.

Commodity Trading
A huge o**ortunity in the Indian onte.t -s a predominantly agricultural country2 commodities play a significant role in the Indian economy. The government)s li+eralization of the commodities trading has opened up many new investment opportunities. It has also resulted in an increase in the momentum of


trade in commodities. IN !"#!$%.IN is a mem+er of the two main commodity e/changes and offers investors the a+ility to invest and trade in the ,ulti (ommodity e/change (,(M& as well as the National (ommodities Berivatives 9/change (N(B9M&.

!ur value added service for commodities investors includeA

Intraday and %ositional Technical (alls Baily undamental $pdates @ive chat offering suggestions on momentum trading %ersonalized Trading .trategies

&e*ository Ser,i es
Tailored to meet the investment requirements of large corporate and financial institutions IN !"#!$%.IN is a depository participant of (entral Bepository .ervices (I& @td. seamless and instantaneous transaction platform is provided to our clients through a specific one time instruction2 thus helping in hassle free automated pay in of sell o+ligation without any instruction slips. It there+y offers complete freedom from settlement ris's2 forgeries2 theft and paperwor'. !ur clients can also chec' their transactions and holdings online from I$'%(R%U")I$ we+site. - ris' free2 prompt and personalized depository service +y trained staff is an integral part of our company policy. *e there+y have the +est service standards in the industry at the most afforda+le costs. !ur wide networ' across the country provides a complete demat solution thus ma'ing our services more quic'2 convenient2 simple and secure.

%,er,iew on Curren y 'utures

The launch of currency derivatives in India has opened one more lucrative avenue for trading. The recommendations were made jointly +y the .9DI and the #DI. The currency futures participants are namely2 +an'ers2 importers2 e/porters2 ,N(s2 1NIs2 speculators and individuals. (urrency derivative is a contract +etween the seller and +uyer2 whose value is to +e derived from the underlying asset2 the currency amount. - derivative +ased on currency e/change rates is a future contract which stipulates the rate at which a given currency can +e e/changed for another currency as at a future date. *e at IN !"#!$%.IN (apital %vt. @td have +rought a new investment opportunity for all #esident Indians (N#I K II are restricted&. (lient can now diversify their portfolio2 +y trading in (urrency Berivatives.

Info grou*
Info (rou* IN !"#!$%.IN (-%IT-@ is a dynamic financial services company that thrives on +uilding and sustaining valua+le2 win6win relationships. *e com+ine in depth 'nowledge of financial and commodity mar'ets with cutting edge research and real6time transaction capa+ilities to offer our clients profita+le investment opportunities.


%ontact (s
Info Grou
6<2 .$#-N.1- NIL-.2 @-T N!.5012 5T1 @!!# #99D!N .1!* #!!, !%% ,-B1$#- N-"-#2 J!$.$ "$B"$NT$#6 :0004= (!NT-(T N!. @8@48@#6@7// 96mailA infoOIN !"#!$%.IN

Info Grou
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Info Grou
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96mailA infoOIN !"#!$%.IN


Ta+le 5.1 Bistri+ution of respondents according to age

'a tors Delow 3: 3;64: 4;65: 5; and a+ove Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 30 3; 10 5 7@

"er entage GLH 44.44 54.44 1;.;< ;.;< #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that 44.44F are in the age group of +elow 3:2 54.44F are in the age group of 3;64:2 1;.;<F of respondents are in the age group of 4;65:2 and the remaining ;.;<F of respondents are in the age group of 5; and a+ove.


rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents are in the age group of 3;64:.

Ta+le 5.3 Bistri+ution of respondents according to gender

'a tors ,ale emale Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 4: 3: 7@

"er entage GLH :=.44 51.;< #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that :=.44F are male and remaining are female. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents are male.

Ta+le 5.4 Bistri+ution of respondents according to designation

'a tors (ashier .ales man -sst. manager ,anager Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents : 50 10 : 7@

"er entage GLH =.44 ;;.;< 1;.;< =.44 #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that =.44F are cashier2 ;;.;<F are sales man2 1;.;<F are asst. manager and remaining are manager. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents are sales man.


Ta+le 5.5 Bistri+ution of respondents according to average income

'a tors Delow ;0000 ;00006=0000 =00006100000 100000 and a+ove Tota+
.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents : : 4: 1: 7@

"er entage GLH =.44 =.44 :=.44 3:.01 #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that =.44F are +elow ;00002 =.44F of respondents have an average income of ;00006=00002 :=.44F of respondents have an average income of =000061000002 and remaining 3:.01F of respondents have an average income of 100000 and a+ove. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents have an average income of =00006100000

Ta+le 5.: Bistri+ution of respondents according to family size

'a tors !ne Two Three our ive and a+ove Tota+
.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 1: 1: 10 10 10 7@

"er entage GLH 3: 3: 1;.;; 1;.;< 1;.;< #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that 3:F of respondents are single2 3:F are two mem+ers2 1;.;;F of respondents having family size of three2 1;.<<F are having family size of four and remaining respondents are having family size : and a+ove. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents are having family size of one and two.


Ta+le 5.; Bistri+ution of respondents according to num+er of years of service

'a tors 1 3 4 5 and a+ove Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 30 1= 13 10 7@

"er entage GLH 44.44 40 30 1;.;< #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that 44.44F have 1year of service2 40F are in 3 years of service2 30F of respondents have 4 years of service and the remaining ;.;<F of respondents have 5 and a+ove years of service. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents have a tenure of service of 1 year

Ta+le 5.< Bistri+ution of respondents according to no of promotion

'a tors Pero !ne Two Three K a+ove Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 50 10 ; 5 7@

"er entage GLH ;;.;; 1;.;; 10 ;.;< #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that ;;.;;F have no promotion2 1;.;<F have one promotion2 10F of respondents have 3 and the remaining ;.;<F of respondents have 4 and a+ove rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents did not receive any promotions. Ta+le 5.= :=

Bistri+ution of respondents according to orders per day

'a tors 10 > = Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 50 1: : 7@

"er entage GLH ;;.;< 3: =.44 #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that 50F of respondents meet the target of 10 orders per day2 3:F meets >2 and =.44F of respondents meets = orders rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents meets the order of 10 per day.

Ta+le 5.> Bistri+ution of respondents according to wor'ing hours

'a tors > = Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 50 30 7@

"er entage GLH ;;.;< 44.44 #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that ;;.;<F of respondents have > wor'ing hours and remaining respondents have = wor'ing hours. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents are having > wor'ing hours. Ta+le 5.10 Bistri+ution of respondents according to no of leaves availed :>

'a tors ive .i/ .even 9ight and a+ove Tota+

.ourcesA %rimary Bata

$o of res*ondents 35 1= 1: 4 7@

"er entage GLH 50 40 3: : #@@

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that 50F of respondents have availed : leaves2 40F have ;2 3:F of respondents have < and remaining respondents have = and a+ove leaves availed. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents have availed : leaves.

#a le ).**

#he reason for selecting the present +o

#he reason for selecting the present +o &riendly -o security atmosphere .etter career 1 3 ) **.*6 3 33.36 8 12.86 7 .76 *3 *4.56 * **.*6 * 3.16 7 .76 2 11.16 ) )).)6 *) )2.16 7 .76 11

!he age of the res ondent $ood salary .elow 12 3 *4.56 14"32 7 .76 34")2 7 .76 )4 and a ove 7 .76 3

!,% * 2.46 7 .76 ) *1.96 * 27.76 4

%loser to residence * 2.46 7 .76 1 4.26 7 .76 3

Incentives/ 0ewards 1 **.*6 7 .76 1 4.26 7 .76 )









.ourceA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents +etween age group of 4;65:. It is evident that 5:.3F of the respondents in the 4;65: age group have chosen this jo+ since it has got +etter career prospects. In the 3;64: age group category2 55.5F have selected the jo+ due to +etter career in IN !"#!$%.IN. Thus we can conclude that employees who are 3;65: years of age have joined IN !"#!$%.INdue to +etter career. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents who have selected +etter career as their reason for selecting the jo+ +ecause people in this age group are interested in jo+ sta+ility which is offered +y Data.

Ta+le 5.13 "er e*tion a3out the ty*es of rewards *ra ti ed in the organi5ation
#he age of the respondent .elow 12 14"32 34")2 )4 and a ove #he types of rewards -o %ompetency status ased ased rewards rewards 'erformanc e ased rewards

3 (**.*:
1 ;11.1: 9 ;19: 7

5 (33.3&
1 ;11.1: 8 ;12.8: 1 ;*77:

13 (;;.<&
2 ;22.4: *3 ;)*.9: 7

,em+ership Dased Tota+ #ewards 0 #K (0& GM@@H

7 * ;3.1: 7 9 ;*77: 3* ;*77: 1 ;*77:

Tota+ GH *3 e.*ressed as a L .ourcesA %rimary Bata





rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents +etween age group of 4;65: are of the opinion that %erformance +ased rewards are +eing practiced in IN !"#!$%.IN. Thus we can conclude that employees who are 3;65: years of age have joined IN !"#!$%.INdue to +etter performance prospects. rom the a+ove study it is found that ma/imum respondents who have selected performance +ased rewards are +ecause people in this age group are interested in performance +ased rewards which is offered +y Data.

Ta+le 5.14 %*inion a3out the remuneration offered

!he remuneration offered <ighly Satisfactory (ndecided Satisfactory =issatisfactory 7 1 ;8.5: * ;9.*: * ;4.5: ) 9 ;8*.8: *8 ;58.3: *7 ;97.9: *1 ;87: )9 1 ;*8.1: 1 ;8.5: 7 1 ;*3.3: 4 7 * ;).3: 7 7 * ## $#%%& 13 ;*77: ** ;*77: *2 ;*77: 47

#he average income of the respondent .elow 47,777 47,777"87,777 87,777"*,7,777 *,77,777 and a ove #otal ;: expressed as a6


.ourcesA %rimary Bata ;3

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents irrespective of all income group are satisfied with the remuneration +eing offered +y IN !"#!$%.IN. They feel that IN !"#!$%.IN provides them a good remuneration which helps motivates them to wor' +etter. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are satisfied with the remuneration +eing offered to them as they feel it as a motivating factor to them.

Ta+le 5.15 !pinion a+out the incentives offered

#he average income of the respondent >xcellent !he incenti'es offered (y the com any !oderate 'oor ?ery 'oor #otal

?ery $ood .elow 47,777 47,777" 87,777 7 2 ;)2.2: 8 ;3).8: 2 ;)2.2: 4 ;2).2: *1 ;21.1: 2 ;)2.2: 7 * ;).3: 7 7 * ;).3: 7 ** ;*77:

* ;).3: * ;9.*:

34 (100&
** ;*77:

87,777" *,7,777


*,77,777 and a ove

5 ;)4.5:

8 ;23@3:

1: (100&

Total (& 1 e/pressed as a F .ourcesA %rimary Bata




rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that :3.3F of the respondents +elonging to the income group of ;0000 6=00000 feels the incentives +eing offered +y IN !"#!$%.IN is moderate. They fee that the incentives provided +y the company helps them to perform +etter in the organizations. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents feels that the incentives +eing offered are moderate.

Ta+le 5.1:. The leave policy practiced in the organization

!he "ea'e o"icy #he age of the respondent .elow 12 14"32 34")2 )4 and a ove !ota" $& e* ressed as a + <ighly Satisfactory * ;2.4: 7 3 ;9.5: 7 ) Satisfactory *3 ;51.1: 5 ;55.8: 13 ;5).1: 1 ;*77: )2 (ndecided ) ;11.1: 1 ;11.1: 3 ;9.5: 7 9 =is" satisfactory 7 7 1 ;4.2: 7 1 ) $#%%& 47 #otal *8 ;*77: 9 3* ;*77:

.ourcesA %rimary Bata ;5

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents irrespective of all age group are satisfied with the leave policy practiced +y IN !"#!$%.IN. They feel that the organization has a concern to their employees and they provides them leave when they required. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are satisfied with the leave policy practiced +y the organization. It acts as a motivating factor to them.

Ta+le 5.1; The leave policy +eing practised

#he leave policy #he family size One #wo #hree &our &ive and a ove #otal ;: expressed as a 6 <ighly Satisfactory * *).36 * 5.56 7 .76 * 8.36 * 4.56 ) 4.56 Satisfactory 4 82.56 8 4*.26 *7 54.96 5 28.36 *) 93.36 )2 52.76 (ndecided 7 .76 3 13.*6 1 *2.)6 ) 33.36 7 .76 9 *2.76 =is" satisfactor y 7 .76 * 5.56 * 5.56 7 .76 7 .76 1 3.36 #otal

5 *77.76 *3 *77.76 *3 *77.76 *1 *77.76 *2 *77.76 47 *77.76

.ourcesA %rimary Bata ;:

rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents with the family size of : K a+ove are satisfied with the leave policy +eing practiced +y IN !"#!$%.IN. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are satisfied with the leave policy +eing practiced.

Ta+le 5.1< .atisfaction level of the medical allowance +eing offered

#he medical allowance >xcellent #he gender of the respondent !ale 1 ).36 &emale * 5.56 #otal ;: expressed as a 6 3 2.76 ?ery $ood 19 4*.56 4 )4.16 32 28.36 !oderate *3 15.56 ) 37.86 *5 18.36 'oor 3 4.)6 1 *2.)6 2 8.36 )5 *77.76 *3 *77.76 47 *77.76 #otal

.ourcesA %rimary Bata


rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the male respondents are more satisfied with the medical allowance +eing provided +y the IN !"#!$%.IN. The respondents feel that the company follows good medical allowance policies. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are satisfied with the medical allowance +eing practiced.

Ta+le 5.1= !pinion on the medical allowance practised

#he medical allowance >xcellent #he family size One * *).36 #wo #hree &our &ive and a ove 7 .76 7 .76 7 .76 1 *3.36 ) 25.*6 9 49.16 9 49.16 4 27.76 5 )4.56 * *).36 ) 37.86 ) 37.86 ) 33.36 ) 14.56 * *).36 7 .76 7 .76 1 *4.56 1 *3.36 5 *77.76 *3 *77.76 *3 *77.76 *1 *77.76 *2 *77.76 ?ery $ood !oderate 'oor #otal


#otal ;: expressed as a 6

3 2.76

32 28.36

*5 18.36

2 8.36

47 *77.76

.ourcesA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents are satisfied with the medical allowance +eing practiced +y IN !"#!$%.IN. The family size of two and three are more satisfied with the medical allowance +eing practiced. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are satisfied with the medical allowance +enefit. The company gives them a support whenever they need.

Ta+le 5.1> !pinion a+out the introduction of fle/i+le wor'ing hours

#he flexi le working hours system ?ery important #he gender of the respondent !ale 8 *5.76 &emale *2.)6 #otal ;: expressed as a 6 *7 Important 35 58.56 9 49.16 )4 (ndecided * 1.*6 * 5.56 1 ,ot so important * 1.*6 * 5.56 1 )5 *77.76 *3 *77.76 47 #otal

.ourcesA %rimary Bata


rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents feel that the introduction of fle/i+le wor'ing hours are important. ,ostly females respondents feel that it is +etter as they has to loo' after their homes as well as their jo+s. .o they feel if they do not have any particular timings fi/ed then it will +e +etter for them. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are in favour of introduction of fle/i+le wor'ing hours. They feel that if it is +eing introduced then it will ena+le them to perform +etter.

Ta+le 5.30 %erformance of the employees +ased on individual target setting

Individual target setting Strongly Agree #he age of the respondent .elow 12 1 **.*6 14"32 * **.*6 34")2 ) *1.96 )4 and a ove * Agree *) 55.86 4 44.56 15 85.*6 * (ndecided * 2.46 * **.*6 7 .76 7 =isagree * 2.46 * **.*6 7 .76 7 *8 *77.76 9 *77.76 3* *77.76 1 #otal


27.76 #otal ;: expressed as a 6 8 *3.36

27.76 )8 87.76

.76 1 3.36

.76 1 3.36

*77.76 47 *77.76

.ourcesA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents with age +etween 4; 65: feels that the individual target setting helps in +etter performance. They feel that it gives them an inner motivation to perform +etter. rom the a+ove study it is found that of the respondents are satisfied with the individual target setting

Ta+le 5.31 %erformance of the employees +ased on individual target setting

Individual target setting Strongly Agree #he average income of the respondent .elow 47,777 * 9.*6 47,777"87,777 * ).36 87,777"*,7,777 ) 34.)6 *,77,777 and a ove 1 8 51.56 1* 9*.36 5 43.46 *1 * 9.*6 7 .76 7 .76 * * 9.*6 * ).36 7 .76 7 ** *77.76 13 *77.76 ** *77.76 *2 Agree (ndecided =isagree #otal


*3.36 #otal ;: expressed as a 6 8 *3.36

87.76 )8 87.76

4.56 1 3.36

.76 1 3.36

*77.76 47 *77.76

.ourcesA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents with the average income of 100000 K a+ove feels that the individual target setting helps in +etter performance. It acts as a motivating factor to perform +etter. rom the a+ove study it is found that most of the respondents are satisfied with the individual target setting.

Ta+le 5.33 %erformance of the employees +ased on individual target setting

Individual target setting Strongly Agree #he gender of the respondent !ale 5 *).96 &emale * 5.56 #otal 8 Agree 38 87.96 *7 54.96 )8 (ndecided * 1.*6 * 5.56 1 =isagree * 1.*6 * 5.56 1 )5 *77.76 *3 *77.76 47 #otal


;: expressed as a 6






.ourcesA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the male respondents agree that the individual target setting helps in +etter performance. .pecially male respondents agreed that the individual target setting helps them to perform +etter. rom the a+ove study it is found that most of the respondents are satisfied with the individual target setting. They feel that it gives them a sense of competition amongst them to perform +etter.

Ta+le 5.34 Boes team rewards helps in efficiency of the mem+er

#he extend of team rewards increasing efficiency #o full extent #he age of the respondent .elow 12 2 15.86 14"32 * **.*6 34")2 ) *1.96 )4 and a ove 7 'artially ** 4*.*6 8 88.96 13 5).16 1 ,ot known * 2.46 7 .76 3 9.56 7 ?ery little * 2.46 7 .76 7 .76 7 ,ot at all 7 .76 7 .76 * 3.16 7 *8 *77.76 9 *77.76 3* *77.76 1 #otal


.76 #otal ;: expressed as a 6 *7 *4.56

*77.76 )) 53.36

.76 ) 4.56

.76 * *.56

.76 * *.56

*77.76 47 *77.76

.ourcesA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents with the age group of 4;65: feels that the team rewards help in increasing the efficiency of the mem+ers. The respondents specially in the age group of 3;64: agrees as they are more career conscious. They feel that it ena+les them to achieve target fast. rom the a+ove study it is found that most of the respondents feels that the team rewards help in increasing the efficiency of the mem+ers

Ta+le 5.35 Boes team rewards helps in efficiency of the mem+er

#he extend of team rewards increasing efficiency #o full extent #he average income of the respondent .elow 47,777 7 .76 47,777"87,777 2 1*.56 87,777"*,7,777 3 9 8*.86 *2 42.16 5 * 9.*6 1 8.56 * * 9.*6 7 .76 7 7 .76 * ).36 7 'artially ,ot known ?ery little ,ot at all #otal







15.36 *,77,777 and a ove 1 *3.36 #otal ;: expressed as a 6 *7 *4.56

43.46 *3 84.56 )) 53.36

9.*6 7 .76 ) 4.56

.76 7 .76 * *.56

.76 7 .76 * *.56






.ourcesA %rimary Bata rom the a+ove ta+le it is found that most of the respondents with the average income of 100000 and a+ove feels that the team rewards help in increasing the efficiency of the mem+ers. It ena+les them to perform +etter. rom the a+ove study it is found that most of the respondents feels that the team rewards help in increasing the efficiency of the mem+ers

Ta+le 5.3: 9ffect of motivation on performance .trongly -gree -gree 1= 43 (40& (:4.4& 1: (3:&
*) ;13.3: ** ;*8.3: *)

>nrichment and >mpowerment

$ndecided Bisagree .trongly Bisagree < 4 0 ;0 (1<& (:& (100& 15 (34.4& 1< (18.3: 1= (40& 31 3 (4.4& 4 (:.0& 10 (1;.<& < ;0 (100& ;0 (100& ;0 (100& ;0 <5

Target .etting Euality of wor' !f life %articipative ,anagement ,anagement Dy

3> (5=.4& 3: (51.<& 31 (4:& 1;

1 (1.<& 3

!+jectives(,D!& ;13.3: .ourcesA %rimary Bata






rom the a+ove ta+le we can find out the motivating factors which influences the performance. It is evident from the study that most of the respondents(:4.4F& agrees that IN !"#!$%.INhelps in enriching and empowering them professionally. It is also found that 5=.4F of the respondents feels that the policy of target setting has ena+led them to perform +etter. The majority of the respondents(51.<F& are of the opinion that IN !"#!$%.INhas motivated them to achieve their targets. ,ost of them feel that IN !"#!$%.INhas given them due considerations in the management decision ma'ings. It is also found that majority of the respondents are undecided whether ,D! is +eneficial for them or not. actorisation has +een used to analyse the data.

C!A"TER 'IVE SUMMARY %' 'I$&I$(S< C%$C0USI%$ A$& SU((ESTI%$: 9)# 'I$&I$(S:
In today)s glo+al environment organizations strive towards having a productive group of employees2 +ut this cannot happen only +y selecting and developing personal in a proper way. Individuals with e/tra ordinary competence can +e hired +ut still un organization cannot +e sure that they will perform satisfactorily. <:

The major ingredient is motivation which activates the potential of employees. rom the data analysis the findings are as followsA ,ost of the sales representative are the age group of 3;64: The average income of ma/imum sales representative e/ceeds #s.12002000H6 The majority of sales representative selected the jo+ considering good salary offered +y IN !"#!$%.IN. ,a/imum sales representative are satisfied with the remuneration +eing offered. The majority of sales representative agree the salary offered +y IN !"#!$%.IN. is own path with that of the industry standards. ,a/imum sales representative are satisfied +y the incentive scheme +eing practiced. ,ajority of sales representative are e/tremely satisfied with the leave policy of the company. ,a/imum sales representative consider the medical allowances +enefit to +e good. ,ajority of sales representative consider fle/i+le wor'ing hours are very important. ,a/imum sales representative consider individual target setting to +e very important. ,ajority of sales representative consider team rewards play a vital role in increasing individual efficiency. ,a/imum sales representative consider the fringe +enefits programme practiced presently promotes and protects their well +eing. ,ajority of sales representative consider the system of suggestion schemes does not lead to deriving +enefits and rewards. ,a/imum sales representative consider the jo+ facilities +eing offered are satisfactory. ,ajority of sales representatives are satisfied on discounts they receive on companies) products.

9)/ C%$C0USI%$

The footwear industry is one of the fastest and ever growing industry in the world
many multi national companies are operating in this sector one of the important peculiarities a+out this industry is that it is low margin industry. India with its position of second largest populated country in the world is the most attractive mar'et for all industrial giants. ,otivation is an important concept that has +een receiving considera+le attention from organization the increasing attention paid to motivation is justified +ecause of various reasons2 such as ,otivated employees come out with new ways of doing jo+s ,otivated employees are quality oriented ,otivated employees are more productive -ny new technology needs motivated employees to adapt it successfully

1owever any motivation technique adopted will have its own merits and demerits that is where the role of human resources management is at its prime to decide what technique to adopt and what not to.


The sales representatives of IN !"#!$%.IN are e/erting a great effort to perform +ecause the present motivational techniques adopted +y the company are proving to +e in the desired direction. rom my study I have found some facts and some recommendations which may +e +eneficial for the company to 'eep the motivational levels at desired position.


-s the company practices employee suggestions schemes2 there is a felling among the sales representatives that they suggestion offered +y them if proved to +e +eneficial for the organization do not lead to rewards hence the company should 'eep the employees motivated +y giving them suita+le rewards and recognition for effective suggestions.

The +enefits offered +y the organization are proving to +e effective in motivating the employees as most of the sales representatives are satisfied with the +enefit system2 however the organization can adopt the system of fle/i+le +enefits which will give sales representatives a menu of +enefits from which they can choose or tailor their +enefits according to their individuals needs and wants.

The system of jo+ rotation will also 'eep the motivation level as repetation of same type of jo+ may lead to +oredom.

IN !"#!$%.IN should organize programmes for representatives which will help them develop close relationships and give them a chance to interact with other mem+ers of the company.


#o+in % .tephen(3000& !rganisation Dehaviour New Belhi %rentice 1all of India. @uthans red(1>>=& !rganisation Dehaviour2 9ighth 9dition2 ,c"raw6 1ill International. <=

N -shwathappa (3003& 1uman #esource and %ersonel ,anagement2 Third 9dition2 Tata ,c"raw61ill %. .u++a #ao(3005& ,anagement and !rganisation Dehaviour Nothari (.#(3005& #esearch ,ethodology ,ethods and Techniques.

;e3sites www.IN !"#!$%.IN

:UESTI%$$AIRE A Comprehensive Study on Employee Motivation at IN !"#!$%.IN

&ear Sir A Madam< I< student of final semester ,D- at =ristu 2ayanti Co++ege of Management - Te hno+ogy< as a part of my curriculum have underta'en the project on ?Em*+oyee Moti,ationN with reference to I$'%(R%U")I$< 1anga+ore) I would +e grateful if you can 'indly co6operate with me +y spending your precious time and providing me valua+le information needed for the project. -ny information received from you will +e 'ept strictly confidential.


1. Name A 3. DranchA 4. -ge A a. +elow 3: c. +Hw 4;65: 5. .e/A a. ,ale


:. BesignationA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. ;. -verage incomeA a. Delow ;0000 c. +Hw =00006100000 <. amily sizeA a. !ne d. our >. No of promotionsA +. Two e. ive K a+ove QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. c. Three +. +Hw ;00006=0000 d. 100000 K a+ove

=. No of years of serviceA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 10. No of orders per dayA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 11. No of wor'ing hours in a day A QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 13. No of leaves availedA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

G3H "ART41
.14. *hat is the reason for selecting your present jo+R a. "ood salary c. 0o+ .ecurity e. Detter career g. IncentivesH #ewards +. ,ulti National (ompany d. riendly atmosphere f. (loser to residence g. (hallenging

15. *hat are the types of rewards practiced in the organizationR a. ,em+ership K .eniority +ased rewards =0

+. 0o+ status +ased rewards c. (ompetency +ased rewards d. %erformance +ased rewards 1:. *hat is your opinion a+out the remuneration offered +y the companyR a. 1ighly satisfactory c. $ndecided +. .atisfactory d. Bissatisfactory

1;. *hat is your opinion a+out the incentives offered +y the companyR a. 9/cellent d. %oor a. 1ighly satisfactory d. Bissatisfactory G H 1=. *hat is your opinion a+out the medical allowance +enefit offered +y the companyR a. 9/cellent d. %oor 1>. *hat is your opinion a+out the system of introducing fle/i+le wor'ing hours in the companyR a. Lery important d. Not so important +. Important c. $ndecided +. Lery good c. ,oderate +. Lery good e. Lery poor +. .atisfactory c. ,oderate c. ,oderate

1<. 1ow is the leave policy practiced +y the organizationR


30. Bo you thin' that the practice of individual target setting helps in +etter performanceR a. .trongly agree d. Bisagree 31. Bo you feel that the team rewards increases the efficiency of mem+ersR a. Jes +. No +. -gree c. $ndecided

33. If yes2 then to what e/tent does the team rewards helps in increasing the efficiency of the mem+ersR a. To full e/tent d. Lery little +. %artially e. Not at all c. Not 'nown

34. Boes the fringe +enefits programme presently practiced promotes and protects your well +eingR a. Jes +. No GdH 35. If the company wants to offer additional fringe +enefits in either cash or 'ind2 please indicate your preferenceR (ash Nind

3:. Bo you feel that the system of suggestion scheme adopted +y the organization has helped in deriving +enefitsR a. Jes +. No

3;. *hat is your opinion a+out the e/tent of jo+ facilities offered +y the companyR a. Belightful d. Not satisfactory +. .atisfactory e. %oor =3 c. ,oderate

3<. *hat do you feel a+out the level of discounts offered +y the companyR a. Lery high d. @ow +. 1igh e. Lery low c. ,edium

3=. %ic' out the most important motivating factor for the employee performance from the followingA a. #emuneration offered +. Incentives given c. @eave policy practiced d. ,edical allowance +enefit e. Introduction of fle/i+le wor'ing hours f. Individual target setting GeH g. Team rewards h. ringe +enefits 3=. %lease e/press your agreementH disagreement to the following statementsA .trongly -gree $n'nown Bisagree .trongly -gree a. IN !"#!$%.IN has enriched K empowered me professionally +. Target setting has ena+led me to perform +etter =4 disagree

c. The quality of wor' life in IN !"#!$%.IN motivates one to achieve target. d. I am given considerations in management decisions. e. ,anagement +y !+jective is +eneficial for all. 3<. IN !"#!$%.IN India @imited is seriously reviewing the e/isting 1.# practices to enhance the motivational level of its sales representatives2 'indly give 4 most important suggestions that can further improve the degree of motivationA 1. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 3. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 4. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

T!A$= Y%U


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