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Lectures 4 and 5


Chapter 11, p.361

W as te
G e n e ratio n

W as te h an d lin g , s e p ara tio n ,

s to rag e an d p ro c e s s in g
at th e s o u rc e

C o lle c tio n
S e p aratio n an d p ro c e s s in g
an d tran s fo rm atio n o f
s o lid w as te

Transfe r and
Transpo rt

D is p o s al

1. Overvie w
Solid wastes are components identified for disposal including residues:
- not recycled
- that remain after processing at a MRF
- that remain after recovery of conversion products and/or energy
Landfilling, by far, is the most common disposal method.
Major topics covered include:
- disposal methods at landfills
- types of landfills and landfilling methods
- siting considerations
- gas management
- leachate control
- surface water management
- settlement
- preliminary design
- operational plans
- closure and post closure care

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.2

2. Landfills - General
A. Definitions (p. 363)
Landfills are physical facilities perhaps encompassing several hundred acres used for
the disposal of residual solid wastes in the surface soils of the earth. Landfills are
engineered facilities involving a daily cover material typically 6" of soil.
A cell is the volume of MSW material placed in a day plus the cover material. The
cover controls the following functions:
- blowing debris
- vectors
- water seepage

A lift consists of one or more cells over the active area of the landfill and
considered with over material represents the height of the landfill.

B. Site Prepar a tion

Important considerations include:
- drainage-away from landfill
- excavation and preparation of bottom and sides
- stockpiling of cover material
- placement of monitoring equipment

C. Placem e n t of Wastes

The waste is placed in cells continuing upward and outward from the compaction face.
spread in 18-24" layers from the delivery vehicle and compacted. It is important to
compact in thin layers.
heights from 8-12'
widths (in and out distance) 10-30'
length of working face, perhaps 100'

D. Landfill Classification

Hazardous Waste
Designated Waste

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.3
E. Landfilling Methods (p. 375 )
1.) Exca v a t e d Cell/Tre n c h

A depression is dug in the earth and subsequently filled:

plenty of cover material and water table not near the surface
Cells are typically square up to 1000', side slopes 1.5:1 to 2:1
trenches 200-1000' long, reflects volume of daily operation
3-10'deep, not too deep as to present a safety hazard for burial
15-50' wide, turn equipment around

2.) Are a

used when pre-excavation is not appropriate perhaps because of high ground

limited cover material perhaps using imported soils
liners and leachate control systems are installed
a berm, earthen embankment, is constructed and serves as a starting point for
cells and lifts

3.) Can y o n / D e p r e s s i o n

filling in a hole, ravine, quarry that already exists

drainage is critical

3. Landfill - Siting Consider a tions

Haul Distance - Close to waste generation from an engineering point of view; a long
distance away from a political, NIMBY, point of view.
Location Restrictions - airports, flood plains, wetlands
Available Land - perhaps 25 years
Site Access - easy ingress egress for arterial roads, freeways; minimize passing of
residences; proximity to railroad lines for long hauls.
Soil Conditions and Topography - cover material and excavation
Climatological - precipitation for drainage and leachate control, prevailing winds for
litter and dust control, winter conditions for cover and overall ops.
Surface water - minimized on site
Geologic and Hydrogeologic Conditions - Most important environmental
considerations. Protect ground water aquifers from leachate, local buildings from
methane gas.

Given: Millis, Ma. has a landfill site which is 23' high and encompasses 17 acres (assume a
rectangular solid) and has been in operation since for 13.7 years. Records show they do about 3.5
lbs/ Assume 4:1 cover (4/5 waste and 1/5 dirt)
Find: Estimate the population assuming a flat population curve.

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.4

T6-3, p.138, 6.16lb/

T4-1, p.70, 760lb/yd3
Total volume = 23 ft x 17 acres x 43,560 ft2/acre x 1yd3/27ft3
Total volume = 630,813 yd3
Volume of waste = 630,813 yd3 x 4/5 (ratio of waste to the total)
Volume of waste = 504,651 yd3
Weight of waste = 504,651 yd3 x 760lb/yd3
Weight of waste = 383,534,507 lbs
Population = 383,534,507 lbs x x x
Population = 12,451

4. Landfill Gases
A. Overvie w

LandfillBiological Reactor



organic matter + H2 O (bacteria) biodegraded organic matter + CH4 + CO2 + other gases
(water is required for this reaction to go forward)

B. Composition and Genera tion of Gases(p. 382- 385 )

Primarily CH4 (methane) and CO2 (carbon dioxide); methane (.7167 g/L) has a
density less than air (1.2928 g/L) and will rise perhaps to building basements where it
may collect and be explode; CO2 is heavier than air (1.9768 g/L) and will sink to the
GWT and perhaps cause chemical problems.
Also N, O, Sulfides (odors) etc. and trace gases.
Trace gases such as acetone, toluene etc. are associated with the deposition of
hazardous wastes, more in older landfills.
Generation takes place in four phases:
- Phase I - Initial Adjustment - aerobic phase, mainly N2 and O2 being generated.
- Phase II - Transition- going anaerobic, pH of leachate (if any) will drop.
- Phase III - Acid -

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.5

- hydrolysis - a chemical reaction, higher molecular compounds (proteins, lipids

etc.) are transformed into simpler compounds that the MO's can metabolize.
- acidogenesis - microbial conversion of above compounds into lower mass
compounds such as acetic acid.
- Phase IV - Methane Fermentation -A second group of microbes (strict anaerobes)
converts the phase III material into CH4 (methane) and CO2 (carbon dioxide).
- Phase V - Maturation - die off
Volume - 14.0 ft3 /lb of biodegradable organic solids destroyed (see eq 11-2).
Function of lignin content. Lignin is the organic glue that binds trees and plants
Given: The previous landfill.
Find: Estimate the amount of gas over the life of the landfill. How many barrels of oil could have
been saved? 1.03x106Btu/1000ft3 of gas, 1bbl oil/5.8 x 106 BTU
Assume 14.0 lb/ft3 of biodegradable organic solids destroyed and 70% organics.
gas produced = 383,534,507 lbs x 14.0 ft3 /lb x .70(organic fraction)
gas produced = 3,758,638,168 ft3
methane = 3,758,638,168 ft3 x 50%
methane = 1,879,319,084 ft3
energy value of methane = 1.879x109 ft3 x 1.03x106Btu/1000ft3
energy value of methane = 1.94 x 10 12
energy value of oil = 1.94 x 1012 / 5.8 x 106 BTU
energy value of oil = 334,482 bbls of oil

**Problem 11-2, p 531

**Problem 11-3, p. 532

C. Move m e n t of Landfill Gas

Mechanisms include diffusion, migration of a gas from a higher to a lower

concentration and convection, the internal pressure of the landfill is greater than
atmospheric pressure.
Convection velocity 1-15 cm/d.

Most methane (lighter than air) is vented to the atmosphere, however, both CH4
(methane) and CO2 (carbon dioxide) have been found in concentrations of up to 40%
at lateral distances of up to 400' from the edges of unlined landfills. CO2 is heavier
than air and sinks perhaps to the GWT where it is readily soluble in water and forms

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.6
carbonic acid. The carbonic acid lowers the pH which increases the hardness and
mineral content via solubilization.
D. Control of Landfill Gases
Passive and active controls. With passive systems, the pressure of the gas that is
generated serves as the driving force for the movement of gas. Active systems used an
induced vacuum to control the flow of gas. Condensate is a major consideration.
1.) Pa s s i v e Con tr ol (p 40 3 )
Trenches (interceptor to collect)
Trenches/walls (barrier to redirect)
2.) Activ e
Extraction wells
Extraction trenches
Air dams
E. Manage m e n t of Landfill Gas

Flaring - thermal destruction, 1500F and a residence time of .3-.5s.

Energy Recovery Systems - direct use of gas in turbines to produce electricity, heat
water/steam for traditional steam electrical generating plant.

5. Leachat e
Leachate is defines as the liquid that has percolated through solid waste and has
extracted dissolved or suspended materials. The liquid usually enters the landfill from
external sources such as drainage, precipitation and ground water.
A. Composition of Leachat e (p. 418)

Function of the time i.e. landfill phase: BOD/COD ratio .5 initially, .05-.2 in mature
landfills. The BOD is consumed and the mature landfills contain humic and fuvic acids
which are not readily biodegradable.
Mature landfill: BOD 100-200 mg/l, pH 6.6-7.5, Total Iron 20-200 mg/l

B. Wate r Balance

Water entering as precipitation

Water entering in solid waste - typically MSW is 20% moisture

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.7

Water entering in cover material. Field Capacity(FC) is the maximum amount of

moisture that can be contained in the cover material: 6-12% for sands, 23-31 for clay
loams. FC is the quantity of water than can be held against the pull of gravity, eq. 1117
Water consumed in the formation of gas. (Rapidly Biodegradable Volatile Solids)
Water consumed = = 0.0119 lbH2O/ft3
Given: Continuing analysis of the previous landfill.
Find: The water consumed attendant to the gas production
Water consumed = 3,758,638,168 ft3 x 0.0119 lbH2O/ft3
Water consumed = 45.0 x 106 ft3 x 7.48gal/ft3 = 336 MG

Water lost as water vapor pV=nRT, .0022lb H2 O/ft3 landfill gas

Water balance equation:

Ssw =Wsw +WTS +WCM+WA(R) -WLG-WWV-WE +WB(L) eq 11- 18

The FC is compared to the amount of water present calculated in part by using the
water balance equation. If the amount of water present > FC, leachate will be formed.

C. Move m e n t of Leacha te

Darcy's Law eq 11-19 predicts the rate of seepage of leachate from the bottom of the
Q = -KA
K is the coefficient of permeability also and is 1333ft/day for uniform coarse sand and .
000003ft/day for colloidal clay.
Given: Silty clay. The bottom area of a landfill is 7.7 acres.
Find: If available, how much leakage would accrue in a year?
T11-15, p. 425
Silty clay, .022 gal/
eq. 11-21, p.427
Q(gal/yr) = K(gal/ft2.yr)(ft2)
Q(gal/yr) = .022 x 7.7 acres x 43,560ft2/acre
Q(gal/yr) = 7379 gal/yr

Breakthrough Time eq 11-22 is the time in years for leachate to penetrate a clay liner.
**Problem 11-8, p.352

D. Fate of Constitue n ts of Leachat e in Subsurface Migra tion

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.8

The constituents, of course, are the main reason for concern.

heavy metals - Removal is a function of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil
and defined as meq of cations/100 grams of soil e.g. 100 meq/100g for organic
colloids and 10meq/100g for clays. Should not be a problem.
trace organics - adsorption (the process of collecting soluble substances that are in
solution on a suitable surface) is the most common removal mechanism.

E. Control of Leacha te

As the leachate travels through the soil many of its harmful characteristics will be
lessened by filtration and adsorption, however, best practice calls for elimination or
Liner Systems (p.434): geomembrane, clay, geosynthetic clay, combinations

The geotextile is a thin synthetic material which minimizes the intermixing of different
soil layers. The geonet is a thin synthetic material which serves as a drainage layer,
instead or sand. The geomembrane is a thin synthetic material which serves as an
impervious barrier.
Collection Systems (p.436) sloped terraces and piped bottoms.
**Problem 11-11, p.532
F. Manage m e n t Options

Evaporate (possible air quality problems in LA area)
Integrated systems fig 11-74, p.446 including wetlands etc.

6. Surface Wate r Mana ge m e n t

Drainage facilities
Storm water storage basins

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.9

Intermediate cover perhaps using waste material from an old part of the landfill or
freshly processed.
Final cover
Percolation rates through cover soils eq 11-29 and tables p.456
The amount of water that can be stored in a soil is the FC(field capacity) - PWP
(permanent wilting percentage). FC is the amount of moisture left after draining by
gravity PWP is the amount of water that a plant can suck out of the soil.

7. Settle m e n t of Landfills (p.5 4 7 )

Nominal angle of repose for waste material is 1.5 to 1. 3:1 most commonly used for
side slope.
If height is over 50', use benches which not only help slope stability but serve as
roadways, places to put gas and water pipes.
Settlement occurs as the material decomposes and weight is lost as gas and leachate
(as much as 40% of original mass).
As the overburden increases, compaction and settlement occurs. Maximum specific
weight from 1750 to 2150 lb/yd3 . Eq. 11-30. 90% of the ultimate occurs in the first 5

8. Environm e n t a l Quality Monitoring

A. Vadose Zone Monitoring

The vadose zone is from the ground surface or bottom of the landfill until where the
permanent ground water begins. The soil pores are not filled with water.
The pressure of the water within the soil particles is always below atmospheric
pressure, therefore, to remove this moisture, a negative pressure, vacuum, is required.
A suction device or lysimeter is required.
Gases may move laterally in the vadose zone.

B. Ground wate r Monitoring

Wells Fig. 11-61

C. Air Quality Monitoring

Ambient Air Quality - gases leaking from the landfill into the surrounding air.
Extracted Landfill Gases - looking for trace constituents
Off Gases from Treatment and Processing Facilities

9. Prelimina r y Design of Landfills (p. 468 )

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.10
Site Layout (T 11-23), p.469
- access roads permanent and temporary
- land area, 25 years the more the better
- landfilling method, cell/trench, area, canyon
- completed characteristics, 3:1 side slopes, 50-75' height to bench, 3-6% slope of final
Type of Waste - typically Class III for MSW.
Estimation of Capacity
- Nominal Volume, determined by multiplying the average area between two adjacent
contours by the height of the lift and summing the volume of the successive lifts. The
volume capacity of the landfill must be adjusted for cover material e.g. if the cover is
3:1 and the calculated volume is 100,000 yd3 , the adjusted nominal volume is 100,000
x 3/4 = 75,000 yd3 .
- Initially 550 to 1200 lb/yd3 depends upon the waste, the distribution of waste and
- Impact of cover material. Daily 6"-1'; intermediate several feet; final 3-6'. Waste:soil
ratios range from 4:1 to 10:1. Cells usually are approximate parallelepipeds with cover
material on 3 sides.
- Decomposition and Overburden Height.
Geology and Geohydrology. Core samples are required to yield information on ground
water movement.
Leachate Management - Do NOT produce any in the first place. Trend is towards
composite liners including a geomembrane and clay layer
- Screening with berms, plantings and other landscaping. Hydorseeding. Buy much more
land than you need.
- Bird control - String monofilm
- Blowing dust, etc. - portable backstops, snow fencing, cover with earth ASAP.
- Vectors - Cover ASAP
Equipment - expensive capital expenditure p.483-485
**Problem 11-17, p.534

10. Landfill Opera tion (p.4 8 5 )

Operating Schedules (T11-27) Weekends? Heavy periods?

Filling Plan - Define working acreage, create first cell by working against berm,
continue creating cells in a logical manner by working against previous cells until the
working acreage is covered over which is the completion of the first lift, continue with
subsequent lifts until the design height is attained.
Records - truck count or scales, credit cards
Hazardous waste - spot inspections

11. Closure and Postclosure

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.11

Closure - come up to permitted height, fine-tune slopes, seal it off, plant it.
Postclosure - repair surfaces due to erosion, differential settlement; continuing running
gas and leachate facilities, continuing monitoring.

11-2, 11-3, 11-8, 11-11, 11-17

Read Chapter 11, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter, PP. 361-54
Problems, p.531, 11-1, 11-7, 11-16, 11-18 (lift height =10', landfill height=20',
4.1lb/, pop=80,000, soccer field 200'x300'), 11-25, 11-27, 11-30 and ancillary
problems 11A-11F inclusive.

Lectures 4 and 5, Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter Page No.12
LECTURES 4 AND 5 ....................................................................................................................................1
DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTES AND RESIDUAL MATTER..............................................................1
1. OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................1
2. LANDFILLS - GENERAL........................................................................................................................2
A. DEFINITIONS (P. 363)....................................................................................................................... 2
B. SITE PREPARATION........................................................................................................................... 2
C. PLACEMENT OF WASTES................................................................................................................... 2
D. LANDFILL CLASSIFICATION............................................................................................................... 2
E. LANDFILLING METHODS (P. 375)...................................................................................................... 3
1.) Excavated Cell/Trench ....................................................................................................................3
2.) Area...................................................................................................................................................3
3.) Canyon/Depression...........................................................................................................................3
3. LANDFILL - SITING CONSIDERATIONS...........................................................................................3
4. LANDFILL GASES...................................................................................................................................4
A. OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................... 4
B. COMPOSITION AND GENERATION OF GASES(P. 382-385)....................................................................4
C. MOVEMENT OF LANDFILL GAS......................................................................................................... 5
D. CONTROL OF LANDFILL GASES......................................................................................................... 6
1.) Passive Control (p 403)...................................................................................................................6
2.) Active................................................................................................................................................6
E. MANAGEMENT OF LANDFILL GAS..................................................................................................... 6
5. LEACHATE................................................................................................................................................6
A. COMPOSITION OF LEACHATE (P. 418)................................................................................................ 6
B. WATER BALANCE............................................................................................................................. 6
C. MOVEMENT OF LEACHATE................................................................................................................ 7
D. FATE OF CONSTITUENTS OF LEACHATE IN SUBSURFACE MIGRATION.................................................7
E. CONTROL OF LEACHATE................................................................................................................... 8
F. MANAGEMENT OPTIONS.................................................................................................................... 8
6. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................8
7. SETTLEMENT OF LANDFILLS (P.547)...............................................................................................9
8. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MONITORING.................................................................................9
A. VADOSE ZONE MONITORING............................................................................................................ 9
B. GROUND WATER MONITORING.......................................................................................................... 9
C. AIR QUALITY MONITORING.............................................................................................................. 9
9. PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF LANDFILLS (P. 468)............................................................................9
10. LANDFILL OPERATION (P.485).......................................................................................................10
11. CLOSURE AND POSTCLOSURE .....................................................................................................10

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