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EAS 208

Solution for 17-92 and 17-93

2014 D Joseph Mook

Figure 1: 17.92, 17.93 17.92: Given vP = 2 i = constant, = 45 Find OQ and P Q 17.93: Given = 50 and OQ = 1 rad s Find aP The problem consists of two rotating rigid bodies, connected by a pin so that their motions are related to each other. The general approach to such problems (which arise very frequently!) is to use the point of connection to obtain equations that can be solved for unknown components of the motion of one body or the other. The steps to solution may be visualized as 1. Use a specic set of coordinates, selected for convenience, to describe the kinematics of each body by itself. Here, as in almost all situations, polar coordinates will be the most convenient. Thus, we normally have a dierent set of coordinates for each body in the problem. Some of our problems in class may involve 3-4 bodies; in real-world practice, the number may be much larger, but the procedure is the same and the individual steps are not any more dicult, there are just more of them. 2. Using the perspective and coordinate system within each individual body, write velocity and acceleration equations for point(s) common to two or more bodies - in this case, point Q. Although these equations may be written independently, Q has exactly one velocity and exactly one acceleration, and we use that fact to set our velocity and acceleration equations equal to each other. 3. Although we may set our velocity and acceleration equations from each bodys perspective equal to each other for any common point (Q, in this problem), since each bodys equations are written in its own convenient coordinate system, we will then need to use geometry to convert to a single common coordinate system for solution. Solution of 17-92 1. For body OQ, well use a polar coordinate system with origin at O, with e ROQ pointing from O to Q, e OQ perpendicular to e ROQ positive dened by the right-hand rule. For body P Q, use a polar coordinate system with origin at P and e RP Q pointing from P to Q, etc. 2. The velocity of Q may be easily written in the polar coordinates of body OQ: vQ = vO + vQ/O = vO + (r OQ e ROQ + rOQ OQ e OQ ) We may substitute the known information that vO = 0, rOQ = 1.2 m, and r OQ = 0 to simplify vQ = 1.2OQ e OQ The exact same procedure is now applied using body P Q: vQ = vP + vQ/P = vP + (r P Q e RP Q + rP Q P Q e P Q ) Again, we may substitute the known information, in this case: vP = 2 i, rP Q = 1.2, and r P Q = 0: vQ = 2 i + 1.2P Q e P Q Now, point Q only has one velocity, so the right-hand sides of Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) must be equal: 1.2OQ e OQ = 2 i + 1.2P Q e P Q 1 (3) (2) (1)

EAS 208

Solution for 17-92 and 17-93

2014 D Joseph Mook

Eq. (3) is a vector equation in two dimensions (i.e., in the plane of the motion), so it contains two independent scalar equations. There are two unknowns, OQ and P Q , so there is enough information to solve for them. The key steps, to repeat, are (1) write velocity equations of any common points, using convenient coordinate systems for each body the point is part of; and then (2) since any point may have only one actual velocity, we may require that all velocity expressions for any given point must be equal, even though they appear in dierent coordinate systems. 3. Eq. (3) currently contains three dierent coordinate systems, all dened in the same 2-D plane of the motion. In order to solve, we need to convert to a single 2-D coordinate system using simple geometry. The choice of conversion is yours, but as discussed often in class, the algebra involved may sometimes be much easier (or harder) depending on the choice. Also, you must always avoid choosing two parallel directions as your coordinates, since parallel coordinates do not provide 2-D, only 1-D. In this case, note that since = 45 and rOQ = rP Q , we know that angle O Q P is 90 ; thus, e OQ is perpendicular to e P Q , so Im going to use those two as my common coordinates. Thus, I need only convert i into e OQ and e P Q : 1 1 OQ e P Q i = e 2 2 Thus, Eq. (3) may be written 1 1 OQ e P Q ) + 1.2P Q e P Q 1.2OQ e OQ = 2 ( e 2 2 from which we may solve each coordinate independently to nd OQ = 2 rad = 1.179 s 1.2 2 , P Q = 2 rad = 1.179 s 1.2 2

Lets do a quick reality check by visualizing the motion. It should be clear that if vP = (+) i (i.e., moving to the right), then P Q is rotating counterclockwise ( = (+)) and OQ is rotating clockwise ( = ()), which our math has found. Moreover, since the lengths of the two bars are equal, it makes sense that their angular velocities must be the same speed (opposite directions). Now repeat the process for accelerations:
2 aQ = aO + aQ/O = aO + {( rOQ rOQ ) eROQ + (2r OQ OQ + rOQ OQ ) eOQ }

Substituting aO = 0, rOQ = 1.2, r OQ = 0, r OQ = 0, and OQ = 1.179, we have aQ = (1.2 1.1792 ) eROQ + (1.2OQ ) eOQ = 1.667 eROQ + 1.2OQ e OQ Similarly,
2 aQ = aP + aQ/P = aP + {( rP Q rP eRP Q + (2r P Q P Q + rP Q P Q ) eP Q } Q )


Substituting aP = 0, rP Q = 1.2, r P Q = 0, r P Q = 0, and P Q = 1.179, we have aQ = (1.2 1.1792 ) eRP Q + (1.2P Q ) eP Q = 1.667 eRP Q + 1.2P Q e P Q Since Q has only one acceleration, the right-hand sides of Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) are equal: 1.667 eROQ + 1.2OQ e OQ = 1.667 eRP Q + 1.2P Q e P Q (6) (5)

There are two coordinate systems in Eq. (6), so we need to convert to a common one in order to solve. For this particular problem, since O P Q forms a 90 angle, we see that e ROQ = e P Q Thus, in Eq. (6), OQ = rad 1.667 = 1.39 2 1.2 s , P Q = 1.667 rad = 1.39 2 1.2 s , e RP Q = e OQ

EAS 208

Solution for 17-92 and 17-93

2014 D Joseph Mook

Solution of 17-93: The velocity of Q is again written in the polar coordinates of body OQ: vQ = vO + vQ/O = vO + (r OQ e ROQ + rOQ OQ e OQ ) We substitute the known information that vO = 0, rOQ = 1.2 m, and OQ = 1 rad s to obtain vQ = 1.2 eOQ As in 17.92, we write the velocity vQ using the coordinates of body P Q: vQ = vP + vQ/P = vP + (r P Q e RP Q + rP Q P Q e P Q ) Again, we may substitute the known information, in this case: vP = vP i (i.e., direction is constrained to i), rP Q = 1.2, and r P Q = 0: vQ = vP i + 1.2P Q e P Q We set vQ equal to vQ to obtain: vQ = 1.2 eOQ = vP i + 1.2P Q e P Q We now have available two scalar equations to nd the two unknowns vP and P Q , but we do need to convert to a common set of coordinates to solve. Unlike 17.92, = 50 here, so I nd it simpler to convert to i and j in this case: e OQ = 0.766 i + 0.663 j Thus, 1.2 eOQ = 1.2 (0.766 i + 0.663 j ) = vP i + 1.2P Q (0.766 i 0.663 j) from which we may solve each coordinate independently to nd P Q = rad 1.2 0.663 =1 1.2 0.663 s , vP = 1.20.766 + (1.2)(0.766) = 1.84 m s , e P Q = 0.766 i 0.663 j

Now repeat the process for accelerations:

2 aQ = aO + aQ/O = aO + {( rOQ rOQ ) eROQ + (2r OQ OQ + rOQ OQ ) eOQ }

Substituting aO = 0, rOQ = 1.2, r OQ = 0, r OQ = 0, OQ = 1, and OQ = 0, we have aQ = (1.2 12 ) eROQ = 1.2 eROQ In terms of body P Q,
2 aQ = aP + aQ/P = aP + {( rP Q rP eRP Q + (2r P Q P Q + rP Q P Q ) eP Q } Q )

Substituting aQ = 1.2 eROQ , aP = aP i, rP Q = 1.2, r P Q = 0, r P Q = 0, and P Q = 1, we have aQ = (1.2) eROQ = aP i 1.2 eRP Q + 1.2P Q e P Q We have two scalar equations to solve for aP and P Q . We convert to a common coordinate system, say, i and j, using e ROQ = 0.663 i + 0.766 j , e RP Q = 0.663 i + 0.766 j , e P Q = 0.766 i 0.663 j Thus, 1.2 (0.663 i + 0.766 j ) = aP i 1.2 (0.663 i + 0.766 j ) + 1.2P Q (0.766 i 0.663 j) Solving, we nd P Q = rad (1.2 0.766) + (1.2 0.766) =0 2 (1.2 0.663) s , aP = (1.2)(0.663) (1.2)(0.663) = 1.59 m s2

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