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1200 Pts - Renegades and Heretics - Infernal Dwarves of Skar 1.

2K allies
Name # Grp WS BS S T Wo I A Ld Save Cost
HQ: Company Command Platoon (7 , 291 pts) Company Command Platoon 1 291 (IA5, pg. 158) Company Command Squad 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 D6+4 5+ [291] (IA5, pg. 158); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Vox Caster; Close Combat Weapon (x2); Laspistol (x1); Autogun (x1); Plasma gun; Lascannon; Apostate Preacher; Enforcer; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades HW Team w/ Lascannon 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 D6+4 5+ [20] Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Lascannon; Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades Apostate Preacher 1 3 3 3/6 3 2 4/1 2 8 -/4(i) [117] (IA5, pg. 160); Infantry ; Rosarius; Unholy Relic; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Advisor; Battle Fury; Fanatical Exalted Champion 1 4 4 3/6 3 2 4/1 3 D6+4 4+ [37] (IA5, pg. 158); Infantry (Character); Assault Grenades; Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Exalted Champion; Independent Character; Leadership; Renegades Enforcer 1 4 4 3/6 3 2 4/1 2 10 4+ [62] (IA5, pg. 159); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Carapace Armour; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Advisor; Summary Execution Troops: Renegade Militia Platoon (28 , 471 pts) Renegade Militia Platoon 1 471 (IA5, pg. 161) Militia Command Squad 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 D6+4 5+ [167] (IA5, pg. 161); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Vox Caster; Close Combat Weapon (x2); Laspistol (x1); Autogun (x1); Plasma gun; Lascannon; Enforcer; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades HW Team w/ Lascannon 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 D6+4 5+ [20] Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Lascannon; Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades Champion 1 4 3 3/6 3 1 3/1 2 D6+4 4+ [30] (IA5, pg. 162); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Plasma Pistol; Power Fist; Leadership; Renegades Enforcer 1 4 4 3/6 3 2 4/1 2 10 4+ [62] (IA5, pg. 159); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Carapace Armour; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Advisor; Summary Execution Militia Squad 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 D6+4 5+ [152] (IA5, pg. 162); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Vox Caster; Close Combat Weapon (x8); Laspistol (x1); Autogun (x7); Plasma gun; Lascannon; Enforcer; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades HW Team w/ Lascannon 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 D6+4 5+ [20] Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Lascannon; Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades Enforcer 1 4 4 3/6 3 2 4/1 2 10 4+ [62] (IA5, pg. 159); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Carapace Armour; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Advisor; Summary Execution Militia Squad 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 D6+4 5+ [152] (IA5, pg. 162); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Vox Caster; Close Combat Weapon (x8); Laspistol (x1); Autogun (x7); Plasma gun; Lascannon; Enforcer; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades HW Team w/ Lascannon 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 D6+4 5+ [20] Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Lascannon; Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun; Combined Squad; Leadership; Renegades Enforcer 1 4 4 3/6 3 2 4/1 2 10 4+ [62] (IA5, pg. 159); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Carapace Armour; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Advisor; Summary Execution

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Save Cost
71 [71]

Fast Attack: Armoured Sentinel Squadron (1 , 71 pts) Armoured Sentinel Squadron 1 Armoured Sentinel 1 Grp: WS: 3 BS: 3 St: 5 In: 3 At: 1 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 HP: 0 Vehicle (Open-topped, Walker); Hunter-killer Missile; Searchlight; Autocannon A:2 Str 10 Thunder Hammer, TL Autocannon Heavy Support: Weapon Platform (10 , 150 pts) Weapon Platform 1 (IA5, pg. 167) Medusa Siege Gun 1 Grp: To: 7 Wo: 4 Save: 3+ Earthshaker Cannon Guardsmen 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Close Combat Weapon; Flak Armour; Assault Grenades; Lasgun (x4) Weapon Platform 1 (IA5, pg. 167) Medusa Siege Gun 1 Grp: To: 7 Wo: 4 Save: 3+ Earthshaker Cannon Guardsmen 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Close Combat Weapon; Flak Armour; Assault Grenades; Lasgun (x4)

75 [75] 5+ [24] 75 [75] 5+ [24]

Elite: Alpha Legion Squad (10 , 215 pts) Alpha Legion Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 9 3+ 215 (IA5, pg. 161); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x9); Boltgun (x8); Close Combat Weapon (x9); Plasma gun; Infiltrate 2 Carry PowerFists Aspiring Champion 1 4 4 4/8 4 1 4/1 2 10 3+ [65] (IA5, pg. 160); Infantry ; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Boltgun; Plasma Pistol; Power Fist; Infiltrate
Total Cost: 1198

Option Footnotes Special Rules Advisor Battle Fury A unit including an Apostate Preacher must charge in the Assault phase if there is an enemy unit within reach. This units always counts as moving and cannot fire heavy weapons (IA5, pg. 156 / IA6, pg. 134 / IA7, pg. 176). An Apostate Preacher and th unit he is assigned to may re-roll any failed to-hit rolls once in the turn they charge (IA5, pg. 160 / IA6, pg. 134 / IA7, pg. 176). Independent Character (see WH40k, pg. 39). Infiltrate (see WH40k, pg. 38). Any Renegade Militia unit within 12" of a Champion may use his Leadership instead of their won when taking Morale and Leadership tests as long as the Champion is not in close combat, falling back or pinned (IA5, pg. 156 / IA6, pg. 134 / IA7, pg. 176). The first time a Renegade unit is required to take a Ld test, roll D6 and add 4. This is the unit's Leadership for the rest of the game. This Ld characteristic is subject to all the usual modifiers (IA5, pg. 156 / IA6, pg. 134). Unit Type Infantry (see WH40k, pg. 44). Infantry (Character) (see WH40k, pgs. 44, 63) Vehicle (Open-topped, Walker) (see WH40k, pg. 82,84) Wargear Range 8"; S 3; AP -; Assault 1, Blast. Confers a 4+ Armour Save. S User; AP - ; Melee. 36" to 240" Range; S9; AP3; Ordnance Barrage 1, Large Blast (see C:IG, pg. 53). Confers a 5+ Armour Save. Unlimited range, S8; AP3; Heavy 1; One use only; (see WH40k, pg. 87). Range 8"; S 6; AP 4; Assault 1.
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Combined Squad Fanatical Independent Character Infiltrate Leadership


Summary Execution Infantry Infantry (Character) Vehicle (Open-topped, Walker) Assault Grenades Carapace Armour Close Combat Weapon Earthshaker Cannon Flak Armour Hunter-killer Missile Krak Grenades

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Lasgun Power Armour Rosarius Searchlight Unholy Relic Autocannon Autogun Bolt Pistol Boltgun Close Combat Weapon Lascannon Lasgun Laspistol Plasma gun Plasma Pistol Power Fist

Range: 24"; S 3; AP -; Rapid Fire. Confers a 3+ Armour Save. 4+ Invulnerable save (exceptions apply C:IG p35) (see WH40k, pg. 87). All friendly units gain +1A within 2D6" (p157 IA5 pt1) Weapons 48" Range; S 7; AP 4; Heavy 2. 24" Range; S 3; AP -; Rapid Fire. 12" Range; S 4; AP 5; Pistol. Range 24"; S 4; AP 5; Rapid Fire. S User; AP - ; Melee. Range: 48"; S 9; AP 2; Heavy 1. Range: 24"; S 3; AP -; Rapid Fire. Range: 12"; S 3; AP -; Pistol. Range 24"; S 7; AP 2; Rapid Fire, Gets Hot! Range 12"; S 7; AP 2; Pistol, Gets Hot! S x2; AP 2; Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy.

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

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