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Juvenile: Date of Birth: Age: Date of Admission: Evaluator: Date of Evaluation: Type of Evaluation:

J-RAT: Juvenile Risk Assessment Tool

Assessment of Risk for Sexual Re-offense


!lo"al Assessment of Risk for Sexual Re#idivism: !lo"al Assessment of Risk for $on-Sexual Behavioral Diffi#ulties: $on-A"usive %ro"lemati# Sexual Behavior& 'f Assessed: %rote#tive (a#tors S#ore: ) *+

The J-RAT may be used to re-evaluate risk over time. However, the J-RAT/IR (Interim Re-Assessment) is a om!anion instrument desi"ned #or the re-evaluation o# se$ual risk over time #or %uveniles !reviously assessed with the J-RAT.

,ersion + ,ersion Date- &e!tember ', ()*(

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& *///-*/0*

&tetson & hool +,, &outh &treet, -... /o$ 0)', /arre, 1A )*)), '23/0,,-+,+* www.stetsons hool.or"

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Juvenile Risk Assessment Tool 2J-RAT3 Assessment of Risk and $eeds for Sexual Re-4ffense The Juvenile Risk Assessment Tool The J-RAT is a stru tured lini al instrument desi"ned to assess the risk #or a se$ual re-o##ense in adoles ent males, a"es *(-*3 (*'th birthday), who have or are alle"ed to have en"a"ed in !rior se$ually abusive behavior. It is not desi"ned to be used to evaluate youn"er hildren, adults, or #emales. It is not !ossible to assess risk in absen e o# !reviously se$ually abusive behavior. 4nder these ir umstan es, it is not !ossible to assess risk #or a re-o##ense. Re-assessment of Risk over Time: Time 5imits on Evaluations of Risk -redi tions about #uture behavior in hildren and adoles ents are #luid and likely to han"e over time due to the !hysi al, emotional, and o"nitive develo!ment o# the %uvenile, as well as the im!a t an e##e t o# the so ial environment and/or treatment. A ordin"ly, risk #or #uture behaviors in %uveniles, in ludin" risk #or se$ual re idivism, should be !eriodi ally re-assessed, and any risk assessment should be onsidered valid only #or a !eriod o# a!!ro$imately one year or less. The J-RAT may be used to re-evaluate risk over time. However, the J-RAT Interim Re-Assessment (J-RAT/IR), a om!anion instrument to the J-RAT, is desi"ned #or the !ur!oses o# re-assessment #or %uveniles !reviously assessed with the J-RAT. J-RAT ,ariants The J-RAT may be used to assess risk in o"nitively lower #un tionin" adoles ents, but its variant, the (5o"nitively Im!aired) Juvenile Risk Assessment Tool (5I/J-RAT) is desi"ned #or risk assessment in lower #un tionin" adoles ents. 6or hildren youn"er than a"e *0, the 7aten y A"e-&e$ual Ad%ustment and Assessment Tool (7A-&AAT) is a variant o# the J-RAT intended #or the assessment o# se$ual behavior !roblems in youn"er hildren. Assessing Risk A risk assessment attem!ts to !redi t the likelihood, !robability, or !otential #or #uture behavior o# on ern, and is always based on a prior history o# su h behavior. Risk assessment is there#ore based on a history o# behaviors that indi ate a !ossible tra%e tory #or ontinued !roblemati behavior in the absen e o# interventions or events that may interru!t the behavioral trend. However, it is important to note that there is no certain way to determine whether or not problematic behavior will continue; it is only possible to assess the possibility or likelihood of continued problematic behavior based on history and information presented and collected during the course of the assessment. Assessing Risk for Sexual Re#idivism and 6ontinued Engagement in $on-Sexual %ro"lemati# Behavior A se$ual risk assessment attem!ts to !redi t the likelihood, !robability, or !otential #or a se$ual re-o##ense (re idivism), based on a history o# at least one !revious se$ually abusive behavior. It is not !ossible to assess risk in absen e o# a history o# se$ually abusive behavior. In the event that the se ual behavior being assessed is not abusive in nature, even if significantly se ually problematic, !omain ", #History of $e ually %busive &ehavior,' will necessarily be scored as #(,' although it may still be possible to note risk)concern for continued non-abusive se ually problematic behaviors. A se$ual risk assessment ty!i ally evaluates the risk #or a se$ual re-o##ense as high, moderate , or low under onditions where the o##ender has an o!!ortunity to en"a"e in se$ually abusive behavior. That is, the assessment evaluates risk under ir umstan es where8 (a) there is limited su!ervision o# the se$ually abusive youth, and (b) there is a ess to vi tims. 7nderstanding Assessments of Risk and $eed 9ven an assessment o# hi"h risk does not ne essarily mean that an individual will re-o##end or ontinue to en"a"e in se$ually troubled behavior, even under onditions that may allow a se$ual re-o##ense. It is more a!!ro!riate to understand the assessment o# risk as a way o# re o"ni:in" a preponderance or olle tion o# risk #a tors and, in !arti ular, #a tors that !ertain to ea h individual and ontinue to re!resent risk #or that !erson. 6rom this !ers!e tive, an assi"ned risk level re!resents the number and ty!e o# risk #a tors most !ertinent to that individual, and the areas o# risk that may be a #o us #or treatment, mana"ement, and/or su!ervision. ;hereas risk !oints to those #a tors that may ontribute to ontinued harm#ul or troubled behavior, it is also !ossible to think o# risk #a tors !ointin" to the needs o# assessed %uveniles, whi h may then be addressed as the tar"ets o# treatment and mana"ement #or both se$ually abusive and non-se$ually behaviorally troubled youth. I# seen this way, an assessment o# <risk= is also an assessment o# needs that may be tar"ets #or intervention. 8ost Sexually A"usive 9outh Do $ot Sexually Re-4ffend 9ven with an assessment o# moderate or hi"h risk, most adoles ents will not re-o##end se$ually #ollowin" treatment #or se$ually abusive behavior, as shown in multi!le studies !ublished in the literature that address %uvenile se$ually abusive behavior. A ordin"ly, it is im!ortant to bear in mind that an assessment o# risk re#le ts not only the !re!onderan e, nature, and severity o# risk #a tors #or any "iven youth, but also learly identi#ies areas in need o# treatment, mana"ement, and/or su!ervision, and the !ro"nosis #or most se$ually abusive youth #ollowin" treatment is !ositive i# ontinued a!!ro!riate are and su!ervision is !rovided. .# s!e ial note, this is e>ually true #or youths assi"ned at both low and hi"h levels o# risk, althou"h hi"h risk youth may have "reater on"oin" treatment and su!ervision needs u!on dis har"e. 8any Sexually A"usive 9outh 6ontinue to Engage in $on-Sexual %ro"lem Behaviors 1any studies that review and analy:e se$ual re idivism amon" %uvenile se$ual o##enders re o"ni:e and re!ort a hi"her rate o# non-se$ual re idivism than se$ual re idivism. That is, se$ually abusive youth are more likely to ontinue to en"a"e in non-se$ual behavioral !roblems, even a#ter treatment, than se$ually abusive behavior. However, many o# the

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

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risk #a tors !ertinent to assessin" se$ual re idivism are also !ertinent to assessin" risk #or ontinued non-se$ual behavior !roblems. Design and %roperties of the J-RAT The J-RAT is a stru tured lini al tool used to assist trained lini ians in the assessment o# risk #or ontinued se$ually abusive behavior (re idivism). The J-RAT !rovides the evaluatin" lini ian with a stru tured #ormat #or the assessment o# risk, based u!on #a tors #re>uently des ribed in the !ro#essional literature and other similar risk assessment instruments as relevant to risk #or se$ual re idivism in %uveniles. However, there is little stron" em!iri al eviden e that any o# these #a tors are stron"ly related to %uvenile se$ual re idivism, and debate e$ists about the a!a ity o# a lini al assessment tool to a urately !redi t risk, and es!e ially in hildren and adoles ents. @evertheless, the J-RAT is a stru tured and literature-"uided (sometimes known as a stru tured, "rounded, or an hored and em!iri ally-based) assessment instrument. The J-RAT is not a statisti ally based assessment instrument, nor does it have any !sy hometri !ro!erties. It is an or"ani:ed method #or the lini al assessment o# risk #or se$ual re-o##ense based on the !ro#essional literature. However, in ondu tin" a lini al assessment o# risk there is little doubt that a stru tured and literature-based assessment tool, su h as the J-RAT, o##ers a reasonable a!!roa h to assessment and o##ers a more valid and reliable a!!roa h than an unstru tured a!!roa h to risk assessment in whi h no risk assessment tool is used. Risk (a#tors Risk #a tors are those #a tors that drive or in rease the !ossibility o# ontinued se$ually abusive or non-se$ual behavioral !roblems. &ome risk #a tors are static as they are histori al, whereas others are dynamic, or urrent as their a tion is in the !resent. Aynami risk #a tors are usually the tar"ets #or treatment. &table dynami risk #a tors are onsistent and relatively un han"in" (althou"h are han"eable and may be treatment tar"ets). 9$am!les in lude a "enerally unstable or ertain livin" environment, a !attern o# antiso ial behaviors, or onsistently deviant se$ual interests. A ute dynami risk #a tors may han"e ra!idly, leadin" to !ossible sudden han"e in behavior or res!onse to events. /e omin" into$i ated, the sudden onset o# a !sy hiatri ondition, or a han"e in livin" environments are ea h e$am!les o# a ute dynami #a tors that may in rease risk #or se$ually or non-se$ually troubled behavior. However, !redi tions o# risk are not based u!on any sin"le #a tor or "rou! o# stati or dynami #a tors. Instead, !ro"nosis is based u!on a thorou"h review o# the history o# se$ually abusive behaviors and other non-se$ual, !ersonal, and onte$tual #a tors that to"ether lend themselves to a more om!lete understandin" o# the se$ually abusive youth and the ir umstan es that led or ontributed to, or in some other way in#luen ed, the se$ually abusive behavior. Risk Domains and Risk Elements The J-RAT is om!rised o# 0* risk <domains,= ea h o# whi h re!resents an overar hin" risk #a tor. 9a h risk domain re!resents an area o# behavior, a!a ity or skill, !sy hoso ial #un tionin", o"nition, relationshi!s, or environmental onditions, and ea h domain ontains individual risk elements. There are a total o# :; individual risk elements, ea h o# whi h is assessed inde!endently o# one another. Risk elements are assessed by the evaluator in terms o# the si"ni#i an e o# ea h element as a on ern, and ea h level o# si"ni#i an e is assi"ned a numeri al value. The assessed value "iven to ea h risk element yields an overall numeri al s ore, whi h leads to an assessed level o# risk #or ea h domain in terms o# its !ossible ontribution to a se$ual reo##ense. 4verall)!lo"al Assessment of Risk The #inal/"lobal assessment o# risk #or se$ual re idivism is the out ome o# a series o# assessments in ea h individual risk domain, ombined into a #inal numeri al s ore that translates into a "lobal level o# risk. ;ithin ea h risk domain and overall, based on the numeri al s ore, risk is assessed as high, moderate-high, moderate, low-moderate, or low. Risk may also be assessed as no risk, not applicable, or cannot assess in the event that there is no known history o# se$ually abusive behavior or there is insu##i ient eviden e or a!!li ability. However, there is no learly de#ined or readily a e!ted s ienti#i or reliably !roven way to assess risk #or a se$ual reo##ense. &imilarly, there is no sim!le or a urate way to ade>uately <s ore= di##erent items and thus reate a valid or reliable om!osite s ore that indi ates risk with ertainty. J-RAT Risk S#ales The J-RAT has three s ales, used to measure and assess8 (a) se$ual risk, (b) risk #or non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors, and, i# a!!li able, ( ) risk #or se$ual behavior that is non-abusive but troubled or an area o# on ern. &e$ual Risk. The J-RAT is !rimarily desi"ned to assess risk #or se$ual re idivism. @on-&e$ual Risk. /e ause o# the overla! in risk #a tors #or se$ually abusive behavior and non-se$ual !roblem behaviors, the J-RAT also yields a risk #or non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors. @on-Abusive &e$ual Risk . The J-RAT may also be used to assess individuals re!orted to have en"a"ed in se$ually ina!!ro!riate behavior that may not be de#ined as se$ually abusive. However, in this ase, the instrument will not yield an assessment o# risk #or se$ual re-o##ense, due to the absen e o# a history o# se$ually abusive behavior. %rote#tive (a#tors S#ale -rote tive #a tors re!resent relationshi!s, attitudes, belie#s, skills, and other #a tors at !lay in the li#e o# the %uvenile that may hel! miti"ate the level o# risk in any "iven domain, or the overall level o# risk. 9a h domain within the J-RAT ontains a !rote tive #a tors s reen, allowin" the evaluator to note the !resen e o# an identi#ied !rote tive #a tor. The overall !rote tive #a tors s ore shows how many o# the *+ identi#ied !rote tive #a tors a!!ly to the %uvenile.

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

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6omprehensive Assessment The J-RAT and similar stru tured lini al instruments are intended and desi"ned to be !art o# a lar"er and more om!rehensive !sy hoso ial and risk evaluation o# the %uvenile. The in#ormation "athered throu"h the assessment should !rovide the in#ormation re>uired by the J-RAT, and the in#ormation and assessment derived #rom the J-RAT should be in luded in and hel! sha!e the on lusions o# a written and om!rehensive !sy hoso ial risk re!ort. S#oring 'nstru#tions Assess the severity or si"ni#i an e o# ea h element within ea h risk domain. & ore in whole numbers only, usin" only the s orin" s ale #or ea h domain as shown within ea h domain. Total the $ignificance of *oncern olumn #or the domain Total & ore. The total s ore determines the risk level #or that domain, as shown. Indi ate the !resen e o# an identi#ied !rote tive #a tor by he k mark. Trans#er assessed risk and identi#ied !rote tive #a tors in ea h domain to the $ummary and $coring +able and ,rotective -actors $cale. In the $ummary and $coring +able "enerate and sum the total o# the numeri al s ores assi"ned, based on the s orin" key #or ea h domain. The se$ually abusive and non-se$ual antiso ial behavioral domains are both wei"hted more heavily than other domains, and the se$ually abusive domain is the most heavily wei"hted. /ased on the overall numeri al s ore, note the assessed level o# risk in both the &e ual Re-.ffense and the /on$e ual &ehavioral ,roblems s ales, and, i# a!!ro!riate, in the /on-%busive ,roblematic $e ual &ehavior s ale, whi h is drawn #rom elements *3 and *' o# domain *. 6omment- A omment should be !rovided #or every domain, !rovidin" an e$!lanation #or/or hi"hli"htin" key on erns within the domain and ensurin" trans!aren y so that the reader an understand the evaluatorBs rationale in assessment. J-RAT Domains Aomain *. History o# &e$ually Abusive /ehavior.........................................*' elements Aomain (. History o# @on-&e$ual Antiso ial /ehaviors...............................*0 elements Aomain 0. Res!onsibility................................................................................C elements Aomain +. Relationshi!s................................................................................3 elements Aomain ,. 5o"nitive 5a!a ity and Ability......................................................, elements Aomain C. &o ial &kills ..................................................................................2 elements Aomain 2. Aevelo!mental Adversity/Trauma................................................C elements Aomain 3. -ersonal 5hara teristi s and Dualities........................................3 elements Aomain '. -sy hiatri 5omorbidity and Treatment......................................., elements Aomain *). &ubstan e Abuse........................................................................+ elements Aomain**. 6amily 6a tors...........................................................................*( elements Aomain *(. 9nvironmental 5onditions..........................................................+ elements Total elements .............................................................................................. :; elements

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Domain 0- <istory of Sexually A"usive Behavior- +his domain relates to factors and details related to se ual behavior that is se ually abusive, Even in the event of significant se ually troubled)problematic behavior, if the se ual behavior is not clearly abusive in nature it is not possible to score elements "-"0, which should then be scored #(.' Risk Element *. &everity o# known se$ual o##ense(s) Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 1scoring code)descriptors offer e amples only2 08 ?a"ina/anal !enile !enetration, a tual or attem!ted, other severe behaviors (8 .ral se$, di"ital/ob%e t !enetration, masturbation o# or by vi tim, et . *8 1ild #ondlin"/molestation or e$hibitionism/4nknown // )8 @A 08 &i$ months or more // (8 Two-si$ months // *8 .ne month or less/4nknown // )8 @A 08 Three or more // (8 Two // *8 .ne or 4nknown // )8 @A 08 Three or more // (8 Two // *8 .ne // )8 @one/@A 08 &tran"er // (8 @ot well known // *8 5lose relative/ lose onne tion // )8 @A 08 Ees // )8 @o/4nknown/@ot a!!li able (do not s ore * or () 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @one/4nknown/@A 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @one/4nknown/@A 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @one/4nknown/@A 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @one/4nknown/@A 08 Threats o# re!risal, intimidation, bla kmail, et . (8 Harassment, bribery/rewards/!romises, mild threats o# re!risal *8 /eni"n/mild oer ion // )8 @one/4nknown/@A 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @o lear !ro"ression/@A 08 6our or more years youn"er // (8 Three to #our years youn"er *8 Two years youn"er // )8 &ame a"e or within one year/@A -hysi al or mental a!a ity, into$i ation, un ons ious, et . (not by a"e or !hysi al si:e) 08 &i"ni#i antly less able // (8 &omewhat less able // *8 1ild ine>uality )8 @o lear di##eren e in a!a ity/@A &e$ual arousal to or se$ual interest in !re-adoles ent hildren, si"ni#i antly youn"er hildren or adoles ents, animals, !hysi ally or emotionally harm#ul behavior related to se$ual behaviors, et ,, that are not normative se$ual interests. 08 &tron" eviden e // (8 &ome eviden e // *8 Ao not s ore // )8 @one/4nknown/@A 08 5lear knowled"e that behavior was harm#ul // (8 &ome knowled"e *8 1ild knowled"e // )8 @o knowled"e that behavior was harm#ul/4nknown/@A &e$ually abusive behavior ontinued even a#ter a!!rehension #or !rior se$ually abusive behavior. 08 Ees // )8 @o !rior a!!rehension/@A 9$ essive time s!ent thinkin"/#antasi:in" about, !lannin" #or, or en"a"in" in se$ual behaviors, in ludin" sel#-stimulation/masturbation, se$ual onta t with onsensual or nononsensual !artners, !hone or om!uter se$ual behavior, !orno"ra!hy use, et . 08 5ontinual or #re>uent in at least one area, beyond what mi"ht be a"e-e$!e ted (8 1oderate/!eriodi // *8 9rrati , rare, and/or mild )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown History o# non-abusive but !roblemati se$ual behaviors, su h as se$ual harassment, stalkin", se$ual mis ondu t, re!eated attem!ts to en"a"e or a tual en"a"ement in se$ual relationshi!s even when ina!!ro!riate, et . 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @one/4nknown 'n the event that elements 0-0; s#ore =/&> total elements 0? and 0: "elo1: @$onA"usive %ro"lemati# Sexual Behavior> 6omment-

(. Auration o# known o##endin" 0. &ubstantiated/known vi tims +. .ther alle"ed/re!orted vi tims ,. Relationshi! to at least one vi tim C. ?i tims o# both "enders 2. -lanned/!redatory 3. 4se o# violen e or threats '. 4se o# wea!ons *). 4se o# !hysi al restraint **. 4se o# oer ion

*(. -ro"ression in severity over time *0. ?i tim a"e (youn"er) *+. ?i tim a!a ity/e>uality

*,. Aeviant arousal or Interest

*C. Awareness o# se$ual behavior as abusive/harm#ul *2. &e$ually abusive behavior a#ter !rior a!!rehension *3. &e$ual !reo u!ation

*'. @on-abusive se$ual behavior !roblems

Total S#ore: S#ore / if elements 0-0; total / Risk 5evel (* and above8 Hi"h *C-()8 1oderate-Hi"h **-*,8 1oderate C-*)8 7ow-1oderate *-,8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess

$on-A"usive %ro"lemati# Sexual Behavior- In the event that it is not !ossible to assess risk #or or there is S#ore no known history o# se$ually abusive behavior (elements *-*2)8 5ombined & ore 9lements *3 and *'8 ,-C Hi"h 0-+ 1oderate *-( 7ow )8 @A/@one/5annot Assess

Domain 0 %rote#tive (a#tors Re o"ni:es se$ually abusive behavior as harm#ul to others A knowled"es and a e!ts res!onsibility #or se$ually abusive behavior

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

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Domain *- <istory of $on-Sexual Antiso#ial Behaviors- Non-sexual antisocial behaviors, attitudes, and needs Risk Element *. @on-se$ual !roblem ondu t Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 1scoring code)descriptors offer e amples only2 08 &i"ni#i ant/severe non-se$ual !roblemati behavior (8 1oderate, !ersistent non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors *8 1ild, #ew, or narrow ran"e o# non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors )8 @o history o# !ersistent non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors 08 A"e ** or youn"er // (8 A"e *(-*+ // *8 A"e *, !lus // )8 @A 08 &i"ni#i ant or !ersistent use o# violen e // (8 1oderate use o# violen e *8 . asional use o# mild violen e // )8 @o si"ni#i ant history o# violen e 08 &i"ni#i ant/!ersistent // (8 1oderate use o# a""ression or intimidation *8 1ild/o asional // )8 @o si"ni#i ant history/@A @on- om!lian e and !oor res!onse to authority 08 &i"ni#i ant/!ersistent // (8 1oderate // *8 1ild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant history Intentional a ts o# !hysi al or emotional ruelty dire ted toward other !eo!le 08 &i"ni#i ant or !ersistent // (8 &ome history // *8 Rare/mild // )8 @o history Intentional a ts o# ruelty dire ted toward animals 08 &i"ni#i ant ruelty or !ersistent history // (8 1oderate ruelty or !eriodi history *8 1ild or rare history // )8 @o history Intentional a ts o# #ire settin" or arson 08 &i"ni#i ant/!ersistent // (8 1oderate history // *8 Rare/mild // )8 @o history A ts o# !ro!erty destru tion or vandalism 08 &i"ni#i ant history // (8 1oderate history // *8 Rare/mild // )8 @o history @on-se$ual %uvenile or adult riminal har"es, onvi tions, or ad%udi ations #or learly se!arate and unrelated o##enses 08 6our or more // (8 Two-three // *8 .ne // )8 @o har"es or onvi tions Attem!ts to de eive, intentional dishonesty, intentional omission o# the truth 08 6re>uent and !ersistent // (8 5ommon behavior *8 Rare/mild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant history & hool sus!ensions and e$!ulsions and other s hool dis i!line, truan y, tardiness, "eneral behaviors in s hool environment 08 &i"ni#i ant, multi!le, or !ersistent behavioral issues within !ast two years (8 1oderate on"oin" or si"ni#i ant behavioral issues within !ast three years *8 1ild/#ew behavioral issues or no si"ni#i ant issues #or !ast #our years )8 @o si"ni#i ant history o# s hool behavioral issues @eed #or su!ervision in order to maintain a!!ro!riate non-se$ual behaviors 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 1oderate, on"oin" // *8 1ild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant need 6omment-

(. A"e o# onset o# !roblem ondu t 0. ?iolen e +. Intimidation/a""ression/!hysi al threats ,. .!!ositionality C. 5ruelty/&adism 2. 5ruelty to animals

3. 6ire settin" '. Aestru tion o# !ro!erty *). 5riminal har"es/ onvi tions **. Ae eit#ulness

*(. & hool behaviors

*0. @eed #or su!ervision Total S#ore: Risk 5evel 0(-0'8 Hi"h (+-0*8 1oderate-Hi"h *C-(08 1oderate '-*,8 7ow-1oderate *-38 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain * %rote#tive (a#tors

@o si"ni#i ant history o# non-se$ual behavioral !roblems

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e ,

Domain A- Responsi"ility- Ability/willingness to accept responsibility for behaviors and motivation for treatment Risk Element *. Aenial o# !roblemati se$ual behaviors (. Aenial o# non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors 0. 1inimi:ation o# !ersonal res!onsibility +. &el#-dis losin" Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern Aenial o# urrent or !rior se$ually abusive/!roblemati se$ual behavior 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 &omewhat // *8 1ild // )8 @o denial/@A Aenial o# urrent or !rior non-se$ual !roblemati behaviors 08 &i"ni#i ant // (8 &omewhat // *8 1ild // )8 @o denial/@A &i"ni#i antly or #re>uently minimi:es or dis!utes si"ni#i an e o# urrent and/or !rior se$ual or non-se$ual behavioral !roblems or the e##e ts o# the behavior on others 08&i"ni#i ant or #re>uent // (8 1oderate, ommon // *8 1ild // )8 @o on ern/@A ;illin"ness to o!enly !rovide in#ormation re"ardin" se$ual and non-se$ual behaviors 08 ?ery relu tant/will not share in#ormation, or only when oer ed or #or !ersonal "ain (8 1oderately "uarded about sharin" !ersonal in#ormation *8 1ild "uardedness in dis losin" !ersonal in#ormation )8 Fenerally dis loses !ersonal in#ormation when asked, or without !rom!tin" or @A 1otivation #or !arti i!atin" in treatment assessment and/or or seekin" han"e 08 @ot motivated, or en"a"in" in assessment and/or treatment #or !ersonal "ain (8 1i$ed motivation or motivation based on e$ternal oer ion/re>uirements *8 A!!ears somewhat motivated to en"a"e in assessment and/or treatment )8 A!!ears !ersonally motivated to en"a"e in assessment and/or treatment or @A 9$!ression/e$!erien e o# re"ret/"uilt #or !ast/!resent behaviors that ne"atively a##e t others 08 @o e$!ression or demonstration o# remorse or sel#-re!orted denial o# remorse (8 1i$ed or errati , moderate, or ambivalent e$!ression or demonstration o# remorse *8 Aemonstrates remorse #or !rior and urrent behaviors, but remains ambivalent. )8 Remorse learly and onsistently demonstrated and e$!ressed / @A 6omment-

,. Internal motivation

C. Remorse

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *,-*38 Hi"h *(-*+8 1oderate-Hi"h 3-**8 1oderate ,-28 7ow-1oderate *-+8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain A %rote#tive (a#tors A e!ts !ersonal res!onsibility 9$!resses remorse #or !ersonal behavior 1otivated #or treatment

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e C

Domain +- Relationships- Ability to engage in and experience meaningful relationships Risk Element *. 9m!athy and on ern #or others Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern Aemonstration o# ability to understand, res!ond to, and are about the #eelin"s and needs o# others 08 5onsistently limited // (8 1i$ed and/or in onsistent/ *8 Fenerally able to show on ern // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown -resen e and number o# !eer #riendshi!s 08 @one-#ew !eer a"e #riends, histori ally/ urrent // (8 &ome, but #ew #riendshi!s *8 Has and able to make !eer a"e #riends // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown The nature and >uality o# !eer relationshi!s 08 Ty!i ally stressed, strained, weak, or non-e$istent // (8 1oderate on erns *8 1ild on erns, relationshi!s are "enerally !ositive // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern The nature o# !eer "rou! asso iations, membershi!s, or a##iliations 08 @e"ative/antiso ial !eer "rou! values // (8 &omewhat antiso ial values *8 1ild antiso ial values in !eer "rou! // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A 6riendshi!s and a tive so ial a##iliations and relationshi!s with hildren a"ed three or more years youn"er than the %uvenile 08 All, many, or most a##iliations // (8 9>ual to number o# !eer #riendshi!s *8 1ost relationshi!s are with !eers or adults // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A @ature o# %uvenileBs relationshi! with im!ortant/si"ni#i ant #amily members, in ludin" biolo"i al, ado!ted, and/or ste! #amily 08 &i"ni#i antly stressed or unsu!!ortive, or absent (8 Relationshi!s with #amily members are unstable *8 6amily relationshi!s are "enerally su!!ortive and en"a"ed, )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern or @A Ability to build and #orm relationshi!s, and demonstrate the skills re>uired to build a!!ro!riate, e##e tive, and mutually su!!ortive relationshi!s 08 Ai##i ulty makin" or maintainin" relationshi!s (8 Relationshi!s are unstable or #ew *8 1ild di##i ulty and "enerally able to #orm/maintain so ial relationshi!s )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern or @A Ability or interest in seekin", #ormin", and maintainin" lastin" so ial relationshi!s and onne tions 08 7a k o# interest or ability, and/or #ew so ial onne tions outside o# #amily (8 Interest in #ormin" atta hments, but weak skills and/or #ew onne tions *8 Aes!ite some di##i ulty, e$!erien es so ial onne tion with others )8 @o si"ni#i ant on erns/4nknown

(. -eer #riendshi!s

0. -eer relationshi!s

+. -eer "rou! values

,. A##iliation with youn"er hildren or youn"er adoles ents

C. Relationshi!s with #amily members

2. Relationshi! buildin" skills

3. Atta hment and so ial onne tions

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *'-(+8 Hi"h *,-*38 1oderate-Hi"h *)-*+8 1oderate C-'8 7ow-1oderate *-,8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain + %rote#tive (a#tors 9$!resses on ern #or vi tims o# !ersonal behavior -roso ial !eer relationshi!s ( hosen or most ty!i al !eer "rou! en"a"es in !roso ial and so ially !ositive a tivities and behaviors) 1eanin"#ul and satis#yin" !eer relationshi!s 6omment-

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e 2

Domain B- 6ognitive 6apa#ity and A"ility- Based on cognitive capacity or impairment, the capacity to understand, judge, and form appropriate decisions that shape social behavior and relationships Risk Element *. Intelle tual a!a ity Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 5a!a ity to learn, o#ten measured throu"h ID, and resultin" thou"ht !ro esses that may su!!ort or im!air %ud"ment, om!rehension, or insi"ht 08 &i"ni#i antly o"nitively hallen"ed/im!aired // (8 1ildly im!aired *8 @o si"ni#i ant o"nitive im!airment // )8 @o o"nitive im!airment/4nknown 5a!a ity to distin"uish ri"ht #rom wron" and understand the di##eren e 08 5annot distin"uish or understand di##eren e // (8 @ot always able to understand di##eren e *8 5learly understands di##eren e, des!ite !oor behavioral hoi es // )8 @o di##i ulty/4nknown 5a!a ity to understand so ial situations and variables, and draw reasoned/a!!ro!riate on lusions that in#orm de ision makin". 08 5o"nitive im!airment (su h as ID or autisti s!e trum) si"ni#i antly in#luen es !oor %ud"ment (8 5o"nitive im!airment moderately in#luen es !oor %ud"ments and de isions *8 5o"nitive im!airment mildly in#luen es !oor %ud"ments and de isions )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown 5a!a ity to understand !ersonal motivations, the motivations and e$!e tations o# others, intera tions with others, and tri""ers and !re i!itants to !ersonal behavior and emotions 08 5o"nitive im!airment (su h as ID or autisti s!e trum) si"ni#i antly limits insi"ht (8 1oderately limits // *8 1ildly limits // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown Ability to understand so ial ues and so ial e$!e tations #or and a!!ro!riateness o# behavior. 08 5o"nitive im!airment (su h as ID or autisti s!e trum) si"ni#i antly limits om!rehension (8 1oderately limits // *8 1ildly limits // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown 6omment-

(. 5om!eten e

0. Jud"ment

+. Insi"ht

,. &o ial 5om!rehension

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *0-*,8 Hi"h *)-*(8 1oderate-Hi"h 2-'8 1oderate +-C8 7ow-1oderate *-08 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain B %rote#tive (a#tors Avera"e or hi"her ID

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e 3

Domain C- So#ial Skills- General social s ills and social functioning Risk Element *. 5o!in" skills Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern Able to deal e##e tively/a!!ro!riately with issues, !roblems, and emotional disturban e 08 Aemonstrates #ew e##e tive o!in" skills // (8 &ome o!in" skills, but errati in e##e tive use *8 Has some di##i ulty, but able to use o!in" skills // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown Ability to intera t and behave e##e tively and a!!ro!riately in so ial intera tions 08 &i"ni#i ant di##i ulty or !roblems in so ial situations // (8 1oderate di##i ulty or !roblems *8 1ild di##i ulty // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown &ense o# !ersonal om!eten e and on#iden e in so ial situations and intera tions 08 5onsistently e$!erien es or demonstrates a la k o# on#iden e in so ial settin"s (8 9$!erien es moderate dis om#ort in so ial settin"s // *8 1ild la k o# so ial on#iden e )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown 5a!a ity to re"ulate and mana"e emotional e$!erien es and maintain behavioral ontrol and stability 08 5onsistent and/or si"ni#i ant di##i ulty // (8 .n"oin", moderate di##i ulty *8 4sually demonstrates sel#-re"ulation // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown Ability to ommuni ate and e$!ress ideas, needs, and #eelin"s to others, and understand the ideas, needs, and #eelin"s o# others 08 Aemonstrates si"ni#i antly !oor ommuni ation skills // (8 1oderately weak ommuni ation skills *8 1ild ommuni ation di##i ulties // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown Ability to orre tly identity and a!!ro!riately resolve !roblems and issues 08 5onsistent di##i ulty with e##e tive !roblem solvin", or demonstration o# weak !roblem solvin" skills (8 1oderate or mi$ed di##i ulty // *8 1ild di##i ulty with !roblem solvin" skills )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown Ability to re o"ni:e and a!!ro!riately mana"e on#li ts and issues with others 08 5onsistently or !redi tably en"a"ed in on#li ts with others, shows !oor on#li t mana"ement skills (8 .#ten en"a"ed in on#li ts, with weak on#li t mana"ement skills // *8 1ild on ern )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown 6omment-

(. &o ial om!eten e

0. &o ial on#iden e

+. &el#-re"ulation

,. 5ommuni ation skills

C. -roblem solvin"

2. 5on#li t mana"ement

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *2-(*8 Hi"h *0-*C8 1oderate-Hi"h '-*(8 1oderate ,-38 7ow-1oderate *-+8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain C %rote#tive (a#tors 5ommuni ates well 1ana"es on#li t well 9##e tive sel#-re"ulation

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e '

Domain ;- Developmental Adversity)Trauma- !istory of prior adverse, traumatic, and/or other life transforming experiences and events Risk Element *. &e$ual vi timi:ation Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 08 &ubstantiated vi tim o# severe or si"ni#i ant hildhood se$ual abuse (8 &ubstantiated vi tim o# moderate hildhood se$ual abuse *8 &ubstantiated vi tim o# mild hildhood se$ual abuse )8 @o known history o# se$ual abuse 08 &ubstantiated vi tim o# severe/si"ni#i ant hildhood !hysi al abuse or ne"le t (8 &ubstantiated vi tim o# moderate !hysi al abuse or ne"le t *8 &ubstantiated vi tim o# mild hildhood or !hysi al abuse or ne"le t )8 @o known history o# !hysi al abuse or ne"le t -ast or urrent e$!osure to domesti violen e or other #orms o# #amily violen e. 08 ;itness to si"ni#i ant #amily violen e // (8 1oderate #amily violen e *8 1ild #amily violen e // )8 @o known history o# #amily violen e -ast or urrent e$!osure to "eneral violen e in the ommunity or s hool 08 &i"ni#i ant e$!osure to "eneral violen e // (8 1oderate e$!osure *8 1ild e$!osure to "eneral violen e )8 @o si"ni#i ant history o# e$!osure to "eneral violen e/4nknown 5urrent im!a t o# !ast or urrent loss o# si"ni#i ant and im!ortant #amily members or #amily #i"ures throu"h death or other #orms o# loss 08 &i"ni#i ant/on"oin" im!a t on urrent emotions, behaviors, or relationshi!s (8 1oderate and/or !eriodi im!a t // *8 1ild and/or in#re>uent im!a t )8 @o known history o# si"ni#i ant loss o# #amily member 5urrent im!a t o# other !ast or urrent events or situations e$!erien ed by the %uvenile as traumati 08 &i"ni#i ant di##i ulty dealin" with event // (8 1oderate di##i ulty *8 7ittle or mild di##i ulty // )8 @o re!ort o# other !ast trauma Brief des#ription of other trauma: Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *,-*38 Hi"h *(-*+8 1oderate-Hi"h 3-**8 1oderate ,-28 7ow-1oderate *-+8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain ; %rote#tive (a#tors @o history o# si"ni#i ant develo!mental trauma or loss 6omment-

(. -hysi al vi timi:ation or serious ne"le t

0. 9$!osure/witness to #amily/domesti violen e

+. 9$!osure to "eneral violen e

,. 7oss o# im!ortant #amily member(s)

C. .ther trauma

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e *)

Domain ?- %ersonal 6hara#teristi#s and Dualities- "mportant personality elements, traits, and characteristics Risk Element *. Im!ulsive Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern A ts s!ontaneously, without onsideration #or onse>uen es to sel# or others 08 &i"ni#i antly/#re>uent im!ulsive // (8 1oderate level o# im!ulsivity *8 1ildly, no si"ni#i ant im!ulsivity // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern 9$!erien es ruminative/#i$ed thou"hts or ur"es that are e$!erien ed as irresistible or di##i ult to over ome, and a ts u!on these #i$ed ideas 08 6re>uently e$!erien es om!ulsive ideas and #eels a need to a t u!on these (8 &omewhat e$!erien es/a ts u!on // *8 1ildly/rarely a ts u!on // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern &el#- entered and #re>uently en"a"es in behavior that is "randiose, entitled, or devoid o# em!athy or on ern #or others 08 6re>uent/!ersistent // (8 .#ten/moderate // *8 1ild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern Attem!ts to ontrol the behaviors o# others in order to "et !ersonal own needs met, and de#ine situations in ways bene#i ial to sel# 08 6re>uent/!ersistent // (8 .#ten/moderate // *8 1ild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern 08 6re>uent/!ersistent // (8 .#ten/moderate // *8 1ild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern Inability to tolerate situations in whi h %uvenile #eels #rustrated or unsatis#ied, and e$!e tation that the situation, environment, or !eo!le will han"e in order to meet !ersonal needs 08 6re>uent/!ersistent // (8 .#ten/moderate // *8 1ild // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern /ehavior motivated or s!arked by the o!!ortunity to a t out ina!!ro!riate ideas and interests 08 6re>uent/!ersistent // (8 .#ten/moderate // *8 1ildly // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern Aisinterested in or unable to so ially onne t with others, and a!!ears or #eels isolated 08 5learly and #re>uently dis onne ted #rom others // (8 &omewhat dis onne ted *8 1ildly/rarely dis onne ted or isolated // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern 6omment-

(. 5om!ulsive/.bsessive

0. @ar issisti /&el#- entered

+. 1ani!ulative/5oer ive

,. An"ry/A"itated C. Intolerant/Aemandin"

2. .!!ortunisti 3. Ais onne ted/Isolated

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *'-(+8 Hi"h *,-*38 1oderate-Hi"h *)-*+8 1oderate C-'8 7ow-1oderate *-,8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain ? %rote#tive (a#tors @o si"ni#i antly !roblemati !ersonality traits

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e **

Domain :- %sy#hiatri# 6omor"idity and Treatment- #reatment history and response Risk Element *. Treatment history8 "eneral Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 9$tent o# and need #or !rior "eneral !sy hiatri /behavioral treatment 08 &i"ni#i ant and/or #re>uent history // (8 1oderate history *8 1ild/limited history // )8 @o history/@A 9$tent o# and need #or !rior treatment #or se$ual behavior !roblems 08 -rior treatment #or se$ually abusive or se$ually troubled behavior (8 Ao not s ore // *8 Ao not s ore // )8 @o history/@A Res!onse to/e##e tiveness o# !rior treatment and/or ontinued !roblems a#ter om!letion o# treatment 08 &i"ni#i ant !roblemati behaviors #ollowin" om!letion o# treatment 08 Any ontinued se$ual behavior !roblems #ollowin" om!letion o# treatment (8 &ome ontinued non-se$ual behavioral !roblems *8 1ild ontinued non-se$ual behavioral !roblems // )8 @o !rior treatment/@A Aia"nosis (severity o# dia"nosis) that may si"ni#i antly in#luen e behavior G s#ore / if primary diagnosis is a disruptive "ehavioral disorder 1conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, etc.2$ 08 &i"ni#i ant !otential to in#luen e antiso ial behaviors // (8 &ome !otential *8 1ild !otential to in#luen e antiso ial behaviors )8 @A/4nknown, or !rimary dia"nosis is disru!tive behavioral disorder %rimary diagnosis 2in#lude only the primary)most signifi#ant diagnosis3: ,. 1edi ation om!lian e 5om!lian e with !res ribed or re ommended !sy hiatri medi ation re"imen 08 6re>uent, !redi table, and/or non-"oin" non- om!lian e (8 9rrati and/or mi$ed om!lian e *8 1ild non- om!lian e, and/or medi ation not riti al to ontrol behavior )8 @A/@o si"ni#i ant on ern/4nknown Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *0-*,8 Hi"h *)-*(8 1oderate-Hi"h 2-'8 1oderate +-C8 7ow-1oderate *-08 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain : %rote#tive (a#tors @o e$tensive treatment history Res!onded well to !rior "eneral treatment 6omment-

(. Treatment history8 !roblemati se$ual behavior 0. Treatment history8 res!onse

+. &i"ni#i an e o# !sy hiatri dia"nosis

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e *(

Domain 0/- Su"stan#e A"use- %se of alcohol or drugs in general, and in the perpetration of sexual offending Risk Element *. Feneral substan e use Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 08 9$tensive/routine urrent or re ent (within !ast year) al ohol/dru" use (8 1oderate urrent or re ent (within !ast year) al ohol/dru" use/history o# si"ni#i ant use *8 &ome/mild history o# urrent or !rior al ohol or dru" use )8 @o history o# al ohol or dru" use/4nknown 4se o# al ohol/dru"s to disinhibit #rom so ial restraints and !ersonal inhibitions 08 Intentional use #or !ur!ose o# disinhibition // (8 -artially used to disinhibit *8 @o intention #or use as disinhibitor // )8 @o history o# al ohol or dru" use/4nknown Ae"ree to whi h substan e use has reated or led to so ial, s hool/a ademi , #amily, behavioral, or le"al di##i ulties or !roblems 08 &i"ni#i ant di##i ulties to due to al ohol and/or dru" use // (8 1oderate di##i ulties *8 6ew/mild di##i ulties // )8 @o history o# al ohol or dru" use/4nknown Ae"ree to whi h substan e use was a #a tor in se$ually abusive or troubled behavior 08 &i"ni#i antly im!li ated // (8 1oderately im!li ated // *8 1ildly im!li ated )8 @o role/no history o# al ohol or dru" use/4nknown 6omment-

(. &ubstan e use as disinhibitor

0. -roblems due to substan e use

+. Role o# substan e use in se$ually troubled behavior Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *)-*(8 Hi"h '8 1oderate-Hi"h ,-38 1oderate +8 7ow-1oderate *-08 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain 0/ %rote#tive (a#tors @o history o# substan e abuse

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e *0

Domain 00- (amily (a#tors- &amily characteristics and stability %rimary family: ,rimary and)or most influential family environment for the 3uvenile, including biological, adopted, step, or foster %arental figures: %dults most important, prominent, and)or influential in the assigned parental role, biological, adopted, step, or foster Risk Element *. History o# stability/ onsisten y in !arental #i"ures Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern Aurin" hildhood and early adoles ent develo!ment, in ludin" han"es in !arental #i"ures or unstable relationshi!s between !arental #i"ures 08 ?ery in onsistent, han"eable, or unstable // (8 1oderately unstable/in onsistent *8 1ild instability or in onsisten y // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A 08 6amily environment is hi"hly unstable/ haoti /dys#un tional (8 1oderately unstable/!oorly #un tionin" *8 1ild !roblems/di##i ulties // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A 08 ?ery in onsistent, han"eable, or unstable // (8 1oderately *8 1ild instability or in onsisten y // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A Im!ortant #amily are available to the %uvenile and !rovide su!!ort 08 Im!ortant #amily members "enerally not available and/or su!!ortive (8 In onsistent availability and/or su!!ort, or unreliable *8 4sually available and su!!ortive // )8 @A 08 Im!ortant #amily members learly unsu!!ortive o# treatment (8 1oderately or in onsistently su!!ortive, or ambivalent about need *8 Fenerally su!!ortive o# treatment // )8 @A 08 Im!ortant #amily members onsistently uninvolved or de line involvement (8 In onsistent, unreliable, and or ambivalent *8 Fenerally/a e!tably involved // )8 @A 08 &i"ni#i ant di##i ulty !rovidin" su!ervision and/or maintainin" ontrol (8 1oderate di##i ulties/in onsistent // *8 Fenerally able to mana"e %uvenile )8 @A/4nknown 9##e tiveness and/or a!!ro!riateness o# ommuni ation amon" #amily members 08 5ommuni ation onsistently !oor and/or strained (8 1oderate di##i ulties, mi$ed messa"es // *8 1ild di##i ulty )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown 08 6amily on#li ts are urrent, si"ni#i ant and/or not mana"ed well (8 1oderate on-"oin" on#li ts amon" #amily members *8 6amily on#li ts are mild and not si"ni#i ant )8 @A/4nknown 08 5urrent si"ni#i ant and/or on-"oin" #amily violen e (8 History o# si"ni#i ant #amily violen e, or moderate urrent violen e *8 7ittle/mild history // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown 5urrent/re ent history o# !arental #i"ure al ohol or dru" use, mental health issues, and/or riminality 08 5urrent or re ent si"ni#i ant substan e abuse, !sy hiatri , and/or riminality (8 5urrent or re ent history o# moderate di##i ulties, or si"ni#i ant !rior history *8 1ild urrent or distant history // )8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern/@A/4nknown &ubstan e abuse *(. -arental #i"ure ommunity oo!eration -sy hiatri 5riminality -arental #i"ure a!a ity/willin"ness to oo!erate with ommunity su!!orts and authorities, in ludin" so ial servi es, s hool, treatment !roviders, ourts, et . 08 -oor oo!eration // (8 In onsistent oo!eration // *8 1ild or no urrent di##i ulties )8 @A/4nknown

(. 5urrent level o# !rimary #amily #un tionin"

0. 5urrent/re ent stability and onsisten y o# !arental #i"ures +. 5urrent #amily su!!ort and availability

,. -arental and #amily su!!ort #or treatment

C. -arental and #amily !arti i!ation in treatment 2. -arental #i"ure su!ervision/mana"ement o# %uvenile in home and ommunity 3. 5urrent #amily ommuni ation

'. 5urrent !attern o# #amily on#li t mana"ement

*). History o# #amily violen e

**. &i"ni#i ant !arental #a tors8 substan e abuse, mental health, and/or riminality

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel 0)-0C8 Hi"h (0-('8 1oderate-Hi"h *,-((8 1oderate 3-*+8 7ow-1oderate *-28 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain 00 %rote#tive (a#tors &table #amily environment 6amily su!!ort #or %uvenile -ositive/stron" #amily relationshi!s 6omment-

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

-a"e *+

Domain 0*- Environmental 6onditions- 'tressors, support, and supervision in the #ommunity environment Risk Element *. 9nvironmental stressors Signifi#an#e of 6on#ern 5urrent or e$!e ted #uture environmental/so ial and !ressures on the %uvenile in the ommunity 08 &i"ni#i ant, in ludin" #inan ial, le"al, homelessness, #amily, relationshi!s, et . (8 1oderate stressors // *8 1ild or #ew s!e i#i stressors // )8 5annot assess at this time 7evel o# su!ervision and monitorin" available to the %uvenile when in the ommunity 08 ?irtually no onsistent reliable, or e##e tive su!ervision available or likely (8 In onsistent or weak level o# su!ervision available or likely *8 &u!ervision/monitorin" available or likely as needed // )8 5annot assess at this time &tability o# home li#e and other livin" situations/resour es in the ommunity 08 &i"ni#i ant instability or un ertainty, in ludin" homelessness (8 1oderate on erns and/or un ertainty *8 @o si"ni#i ant on ern at this time // )8 5annot assess at this time Availability o# ommunity su!!ort, in ludin" #amily, treatment, edu ation, re reation, ase mana"ement, and other !ersonal su!!orts needed 08 7ittle to no ade>uate su!!ort available, or onsistently available (8 1inimal su!!ort available, or available only in onsistently or !artially *8 &u!!ort servi es available or likely to be available as needed )8 5annot assess at this time 6omment-

(. Availability o# su!ervision/monitorin"

0. &tability o# livin" onditions

+. Availability o# su!!ort system

Total S#ore: Risk 5evel *)-*(8 Hi"h '8 1oderate-Hi"h 2-38 1oderate ,-C8 7ow-1oderate *-+8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess Domain 0* %rote#tive (a#tors &tron" ommunity su!!ort system &tron" ommunity monitorin"/su!ervision &table ommunity livin" environment

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

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Summary and S#oring Ta"le Risk: (or Sexual Re-4ffense ) 6ontinued $on-Sexual Behavioral %ro"lems Domain *. History o# &e$ually Abusive /ehavior Domain S#ores Eey: 6onvert Domain Risk Ratings to $umeri#al S#ore 38 Hi"h // 28 1oderate-Hi"h // C8 1oderate ,8 7ow-1oderate // +8 7ow )8 @ot A!!li able/5annot assess/4n ertain/@o risk C8 Hi"h // ,8 1oderate-Hi"h // +8 1oderate 08 7ow-1oderate // (8 7ow )8 @ot A!!li able/5annot assess/4n ertain/@o risk ,8 Hi"h // +8 1oderate-Hi"h // 08 1oderate (8 7ow-1oderate // *8 7ow )8 @ot A!!li able/5annot assess/4n ertain/@o risk

(. History o# @on-&e$ual Antiso ial /ehaviors

0. +. ,. C. 2. 3. '. *). **. *(.

Res!onsibility Relationshi!s 5o"nitive 5a!a ity and Ability &o ial &kills Aevelo!mental Adversity/Trauma -ersonal 5hara teristi s and Dualities -sy hiatri 5omorbidity and Treatment &ubstan e Abuse 6amily 6a tors 9nvironmental 5onditions Total S#ore: Risk for Sexual Re-4ffense: 'f Domain 0 F /& enter @/>

Total S#ore: Risk for $on-Sexual Diffi#ulties: S#ore Domains *-0*& do not in#lude Domain 0 Risk for 6ontinued $on-Sexual Behavioral %ro"lems +C-,C8 Hi"h 0,-+,8 1oderate-Hi"h (0-0+8 1oderate *(-((87ow-1oderate *-**8 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess

Risk for Sexual Re-4ffense ,(-C+8 Hi"h 0'-,*8 1oderate-Hi"h (2-038 1oderate *+-(C87ow-1oderate *-*08 7ow )8 @one/@A/5annot Assess

$on-A"usive %ro"lemati# Sexual Behavior- 5ombined & ore 9lements *3 and *', Aomain *8 & ore8 0-+ 1oderate *-( 7ow )8 @A/@one/5annot Assess ,-C Hi"h Risk for Sexual Re-4ffense- Risk assessment is based u!on the !resen e and !re!onderan e o# assessed risk #a tors. Assessed risk for a sexual re-offense: Risk for 6ontinuing $on-Sexual Behavioral %ro"lems- Re"ardless o# the risk #or ontinued se$ually abusive behavior, many se$ually abusive youth are also at risk #or ontinued non-se$ual behavioral !roblems, and many are at "reater risk #or non-se$ual !roblems than they are ontinuin" se$ual behavior !roblems. Assessed risk for #ontinued non-sexual "ehavioral pro"lems: $on-A"usive Sexual- In the event that it is not !ossible to assess risk #or or no known history o# se$ually abusive behavior. Assessed risk)#on#ern for #ontinuing non-a"usive "ut sexually trou"led "ehavior: Summary: %rote#tive (a#tors S#ale- -rote tive #a tors are those #a tors that hel! o##set the e##e ts o# and !rote t a"ainst the ne"ative e##e ts o# risk #a tors. 7se this ta"le to summariGe and #onsolidate prote#tive fa#tors identified in ea#h individual risk domainRe o"ni:es se$ually abusive behavior as harm#ul to others 9##e tive sel#-re"ulation A knowled"es/a e!ts res!onsibility #or se$ually abusive behavior @o history o# si"ni#i ant develo!mental trauma or loss @o si"ni#i ant history o# non-se$ual behavioral !roblems @o si"ni#i antly !roblemati !ersonality traits A e!ts !ersonal res!onsibility @o e$tensive treatment history 9$!resses remorse #or !ersonal behavior Res!onded well to !rior "eneral treatment 1otivated #or treatment @o history o# substan e abuse 9$!resses on ern #or vi tims o# !ersonal behavior &table #amily environment -roso ial !eer relationshi!s 6amily su!!ort #or %uvenile 1eanin"#ul and satis#yin" !eer relationshi!s -ositive/stron" #amily relationshi!s Avera"e or hi"her ID &tron" ommunity su!!ort system 5ommuni ates well &tron" ommunity monitorin"/su!ervision 1ana"es on#li t well &table ommunity livin" environment %rote#tive (a#tors S#ore- Total $um"er of %rote#tive (a#tors: / (+

. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

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Brief Des#ription of Risk (a#tors 8ost Relevant to this Assessment &tati risk #a tors are those histori al risk #a tors that were !resent at or durin" the time o# the se$ually abusive or se$ually troubled behavior. &tati risk #a tors do not han"e over time as they are histori al. The most !rominent or si"ni#i ant stati risk #a tors #or this %uvenile in lude8 (delete this note, add here) Aynami risk #a tors are those more asso iated with urrent behaviors, thou"hts, #eelin"s, attitudes, intera tions, and relationshi!s, whi h an han"e over time. Treatment is "enerally dire ted towards dynami #a tors that an be reassessed !eriodi ally, allowin" an ade>uate !eriod o# time between assessments in order to reasonably note han"e. The most !rominent or si"ni#i ant dynami risk #a tors #or this %uvenile in lude8 (delete this note, add here) %rote#tive (a#tors That 8ay 5o1er the %ossi"ility of a Re-4ffense or 6ontinued Sexually Trou"led Behavior -rote tive #a tors are those #a tors that hel! o##set the e##e ts o# and !rote t a"ainst the ne"ative e##e ts o# risk #a tors, and in lude relationshi!s, !ersonal >ualities, skills, and other #a tors that may hel! miti"ate the level o# risk in any "iven domain, or the overall level o# risk. Althou"h !rote tive #a tors do not ne essarily redu e the !resen e and assessment o# risk #a tors, they should be ke!t in mind in reviewin" an assessment o# risk #or ontinued !roblemati behavior, and these #a tors may redu e risk and !rote t a"ainst it. .ut o# (+ identi#ied !ossible !rote tive #a tors, #or this %uvenile this assessment identi#ies the most !rominent !rote tive #a tors #or this %uvenile in lude8 (delete this note, add here) 6on#luding or Explanatory $otes 1if re4uired2 !rote tive #a tors. .verall,


Evaluator $ignature



. Stetson S#hool& 'n#-& */0*- J-RAT.?+

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