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Ways of eradicating disciplinary problems among students in SMK Seri Gombak.

Schools 1) Need to monitor discipline problems no matter how small a. As they are symptoms of more serious problems. 2) Stricter rules a. Public canning. 3) Expulsion of repeat offenders of serious misbehaviour a. Fighting, gangsterism, extortion.

Parents 1) Play a bigger role in monitoring their childrens whereabouts instead of blaming the school or ministry. 2) Play a more active role in the ParentTeacher Association as it is an ideal channel through which to express their dissatisfaction and put foward their comments on matters pertaining to their childrens education.

Education Ministry 1) Provie special training and reduced training hours to allow teachers to affectively focus on descipline problems in schools. a. Improve facilities.

Police 1) Need to empowered to arrest students suspected of being involved in gangsterism. 2) Advise and counsel students through lectures, talks and workshops. 3) Set up police booth and special rooms in schools for the police 4) Arrest gang members in schools.

Ways of eradicating disciplinary problems among students in SMK Seri Gombak. The reports in our newspaper say it all disciplinary problems among secondary school students are getting out of hand. For example, in SMK Seri Gombak. Even though the level of discipline for students there are moderate, or normal for schools in Selangor area, but if no action taken, it might get worse day by day. Therefore, it is imperative that action be taken by all sectors of society to eradicate these disciplinary problems. The school authorities play the most important role in this fight against disciplinary problems here. All teachers need to be vigilant and on the lookout for any form of indiscipline, even those as minor as absenteeism. They also need to investigate fights no matter how small, as these are symptoms of more serious problems. For example what happen in the school last February when 3 Malay student bullied an Indian student. This may cause a bigger problem such as hate among race. Preventive measures, such as strict enforcement of school rules, and appropriate punishment are extremely necessary nowadays. Public canning and expulsion of repeat offenders of serious misconduct, such as fighting, gengsterisme and extortion, are highly recommended. In order for the schools to effectively combat indiscipline, the full support of the Ministry of Education is necessary. The ministry could provide special training for heads of schools and discipline teachers. In addition, discipline teachers and counselors should be given reduced teaching loads so that they can better carry out their special responsibilities. Moreover, the ministry could provide financial support to improve facilities in schools to gainfully occupy the students. Parents form the next most important group of people who can help to eradicate disciplinary problems in secondary schools. Parents have a very important role to play in ensuring the good behavior of their children at all times. They should not leave the responsibility of educating their children solely on the shoulders of school teacher. They should constantly monitor their childrens whereabouts and make it a point to get to know their childrens friends. Because of the surrounding of the schools that is located at the centre of Selangor, negative behavior from outside can be a threat to students there. Besides that, parents should be aware of the activities that their children are engaged in. A good way of keeping tabs in the goings-on in schools is to play an active role in the Parent Teacher Association. Finally, the police can also be called upon to combat disciplinary problems in the school. They can be called upon to counsel students through lectures, talks and workshops. The police need to be allowed to patrol school compunds to make their precense felt. They should also be empowered to arrest students suspected of being involved in serious offences, such as gang fights.

Therefore, it is obvious that action can be and should be taken by the school authorites, parents, the Ministry of Education and the police in order to eliminate disciplinary problems in SMK Seri Gombak.

(494 words)

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