Anew P Sit: O Ion

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W e hope that you have enjoyed your summer. We are moving

into our spring and are enjoying seeing the sun again after a
few months. This winter seemed a little warmer than last
year, though its seems silly for us to call it winter when there is no snow!
About a month ago the girls started the new school year at Fetzer
Memorial Christian Academy. Hannah is in grade five, Sarah grade four
and Myah is in Senior Kindergarten. We were thrilled when a new girl
arrived to be in Hannah's class this term as she was lonely being the only
girl in her class last year. Hannah and Sonia have become instant friends.
It is an answer to prayer and a joy to see how happy Hannah is to have a
good friend. This year Hannah and the other grade five students have the
opportunity to learn to play an instrument. Hannah has chosen to play
the clarinet and is very excited about it. Sarah has begun flute lessons
with a young women named Andrea to give her a head start for when she
enters grade five next year. She is enjoying her weekly lessons. It is also a blessing for her to have such a great teacher who is
interested in helping Sarah to grow in her walk with the Lord.
All three girls continue to improve in their understanding and speaking in Spanish, they have classes twice a week at school.

ANew Position

I n
June Brenda took over the position as director of the Moms Helping Moms program. She works with the teachers who
are responsible for different classes as well as leading the Bible study. This month we are planning on starting the study
"Believing God" by Beth Moore. The study talks about moving beyond simply believing in God to believing God. It looks at
what faith is, what are the blessings of living by faith as well as the consequences we face when we don't. Please pray for me as I
lead this study as it is the first study I will lead completely in Spanish and my hope is that the Lord will equip me with the words
He wants me to say. Also, that it will be a blessing to everyone who does the study.
This month has been a particularly busy one for me with the moms program, but I am enjoying the new responsibilities that
have become part of my ministry area. I especially enjoy the time I am able to spend with the moms and I am really looking
forward to our new study and seeing how God will use this in each moms life.

The Moms Helping Moms ladies Brenda leading the moms Bible Study
O ur 2009 service team season is nearing an end and we have accomphshed a great deal. Balancing two work sites in
Manchay and Pachacamac has proved to be busy but both sites are advancing rapidly. This year we focused mainly on
Manchay with teams and used local labour for a lot of the work in Pachacamac. My goal was to complete Manchay this
year but it doesn't look hke that is going to happen.
Some of the highlights of the Manchay construction season are finishing our new office building, planning and outfitting a new
moms sewing workshop, and pouring another almost 20 metres of concrete driveway. Much has been done in changing the
layout of the soccer court and stairs up to the storage room above the workshop and a big emphasis has been put on adding life
to the centre in the form of grass, plants and trees. We also built 10 park benches that are spread around the property and get
lots of use from people looking for a place to rest.
Some of the highhghts of the Pachacamac construction season are completing the construction of the first four houses and get-
ting a start on number five. Fully completing the first two houses and getting families moved in. With the help of one of our
teams we installed a self levelling system on our water tanks, and we used local labour to build a waste water treatment
I would hke to thank all of the service teams who came and helped this year and also encourage any of you interested in com-
ing on a team in the next few years to contact the Kids Ahve office or myself for more information. Next year things will wrap
up in Manchay but there is still another 3 or 4 years in Pachacamac.

his year I have had the opportunity to get involved with a new ministry. For obvious reasons with our involvement
with Kids Alive, this new opportunity has just been on the odd weekend. I went to a mountain city called Huancayo
twice to visit a church for hearing impaired people. Both times I went with our pastor from our church in Manchay and a mis-
sionary that our church supports who is hearing impaired. This missionary's name is Hugo. Hugo went to Huancayo a few
years ago with a burden on his heart to look for deaf people and share the gospel with them. Little by httle he made contacts
until 3 years later he had a congregation of 60 deaf people meeting each Sunday. Hugo is not a pastor and it soon became clear
to him that he needed to turn his church over to a pastor and his family and for Hugo to move on. A hearing impaired pastor
and his wife were found in Lima and they came to take over the leadership of the church. Hugo returned to Lima and prayed
for a couple months asking for God's leading in his life as to where he should go next. God put it on his heart to go to lea, a
city south of Lima where two years ago a big earthquake devastated the area. Hugo went a couple times and found some deaf
people who were meeting in the central square each Saturday night. After a couple trips by himself, Hugo invited Pastor Joel
and myself to go with him the next time.
Pastor Joel and I went with Hugo the next time and we travelled all around the city looking for deaf people. We made a few
contacts during the day and asked them to pass on the word that we were there to meet with them Saturday night. That night
about 10 people showed up and we had a great time sharing with them. Later we went out for supper with two ladies and their
children. They seemed very open to God's word. We made plans with them to meet again in a month and then we headed
home to Lima.
Just this past week was our most recent trip to lea. Wernet up with one of the ladies that we had eaten supper with the last
time and we had a good discussion with her about the gospel and what it means for her life. That night we met in the square
and we had over 20 deaf people show up. We talked with them for a couple hours and were able to answer many of their ques-
tions that they had. We left it with them that they would look for a place that we could rent in order to start having regular
church services with them. Please pray that this will work out and that they will continue to come out and bring more of their
What's Ahead

W eare very excited that Pastor Greg and Marianne Patus will be coming to visit us this month for 10 days. We have
begun to count down the days and make preparations for their arrival. It is always great to have good friends
come and spend time with us. We have also just learned that Tyler's sister Jen and her husband Richard and
their two girls Eva and Astrid will be coming to visit us in July. Myah is especially excited because they will be arriving on
the day of her birthday, she is also convinced that it will be a really long sleep over with her cousins.
Next week the final team of the year arrives from Forward Baptist Church in Cambridge. They will be here for two weeks
working in Pachacamac on the third and forth houses and with Brenda and the moms in Manchay.

Praise and Prayer

Though the mountains
Items of Praise be shaken
• For Hannah's new friend at school Sonia
• For the new moms sewing room and the donations for new
and the hills be
sewing machines and sergers removed,
• For the opportunity Tyler and Pastor Joel have had to be
involved in a ministry with deaf people in lea
yet my unfailing love
Items of Prayer for you will not be shaken
• Wisdom for Brenda as she leads the moms Bible study and
nor my covenant of
for her ability to lead in Spanish
• Funding for each of our ministry sites as well as the peace be removed, "
necessary government paperwork that needs to be says the LORD, who
• Safety for Greg and Marianne's travel and that they will be
has compassion on you.
blessed during their time here Isaiah 54: 10
• For Erica a young mom who has a rare form of epilepsy.
Her diagnosis was just received and it will take some time I thank my God every time I remember
before the right combination of medications is found to you. Philippians 1: 3
control her seizures. She is also recovering from Viral We thank you for your continued love and
support, especially your prayers. May your
Meningitis, she is very tired and needs lots of rest which is
love for the Lord grow each day as you
hard for her as a single mom
spend time with Him.
• Funding for the completion of the interior of the houses in With love in Christ,
Pachacamac, so that we can move the children from the Tyler and Brenda Foss
home there before the new South American school year Hannah, Sarah and Myah

Contact us
Tyler and Brenda Foss By Phone: Kids Alive International Websites
Casilla 50, LaMolina 011-511-368-5478 Canadian site:
Lima 12, Peru Email: American site:
South America
Moms Helping Moms Blog:
http://momshelpingmomsperu.blogspot. com
Visit Our Family Blog: Ty's Construction Blog:
http://fosscrewinperu2.blogspot .com http://kaiperuconstructoin.blogspot .com

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