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Directions for Written Response #8: Washingtons Farewell Address You will be asked to write a paper explaining why

Washington warned against the spirit of party in his Farewell Address. 1. Number the paragraphs in the ex erpt from the Farewell Address. !. "ead the first two paragraphs of the ex erpt and mark the text while you read # ir le words you don$t know% high&light important information% and make margin notes regarding what you ha'e high&lighted(. ). *is uss with a partner what you ha'e high&lighted% and what is essentially being said in the first two paragraphs. +. Working with a group or partner% answer the following ,uestions in your notebooka. .n the first paragraph% what does Washington mean by the baneful effe ts of the spirit of party/ b. .n the se ond paragraph% why does Washington state that the spirit of party is more or less stifled% ontrolled% or repressed in most go'ernments/ . What do you think Washington means by but% those of the popular form% it is seen in its greatest rankness% and is truly their worst enemy/ 0. "ead the third paragraph of the ex erpt and mark the text while you read. 1. *is uss with a partner why you high&lighted what you did% and what the paragraph is essentially saying. 2. With a partner or group% answer the following ,uestions in your notebooka. .n the third paragraph% a ording to Washington% what is itself a frightful despotism/ b. .nterpret the last senten e of the third paragraph% beginning with the words the disorders and miseries and ending with the words ruins of publi liberty. 3. "ead the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the ex erpt and mark the text while you read. 4. *is uss with a partner why you high&lighted what you did% and what the paragraphs are essentially saying. 15. With a partner or group% answer the following ,uestions in your notebooka. .nterpret the fourth paragraph. What is Washington basi ally saying/ b. .n your own words% list three reasons why Washington finds fault with politi al parties. . Why does Washington state% 6hus the poli y and will of one ountry are sub7e ted to the poli y and will of another/ 11. "ead the sixth paragraph of the ex erpt and mark the text while you read. 1!. *is uss with a partner why you high&lighted what you did% and what the paragraph is essentially saying. 1). With a partner or group% answer the following ,uestions in your notebooka. .n the sixth paragraph% a ording to Washington% when should politi al parties be looked on with fa'or/ b. When should the spirit of party not be en ouraged/ Why not/

. What is meant in the last senten e beginning with A fire not to be ,uen hed and ending with it should onsume/ Homework: Write a 1 to 1 8 page paper explaining why Washington warned against the spirit of party. 9se 1! point font% 1.0 line spa ing% and 1 in h margins. Be sure to proof read our papers! Your paper should in lude an introdu tion with a learly stated thesis. :apers should ha'e between 1 and ) body paragraphs that support your thesis. :apers should in lude a on lusion. You should ha'e a minimum of + ,uotes from the primary sour e. Remem"er# ou must come up with our own thesis this time$

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