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Individual Student Record of Grading Outcomes

(To be completed by student while submitting the assessment and by the faculty when reporting the outcome of the students work) SECTION A: TO BE FILLED BY THE STUDENT

Student Name: Unit No and Name Assignment Title : Due Date: Grading criteria covered ithin this assignment:

14. Working with and leading People

Abdul Haseeb Shafkat Term : 1

Sept- Dec 2013

Recruitment, Selection and Retention Procedures


Date Submitted : (if different)

Merit Distinction




Student Declaration: By submitting the assessment electronically or in print, I confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it. I have also noted the assessment criteria and pass mark. I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no sections copied in whole or in part from any other sources, unless it is explicitly identified by means of quotation mark or in case of very long quotations, by means of wholly indented paragraphs Student Declaration: By submitting the assessment electronically or in print, I confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it. I have also noted the assessment criteria and pass mark. I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no sections copied in whole or in part from any other sources, unless it is explicitly identified by means of quotation mark or in case of very long quotations, by means of wholly indented paragraphs. SECTION B: TO BE FILLED BY THE FACULTY MEMBER
Learning Outco e E!idence "or t#e criteria
Pass Level


Met t#e criteria&


LO1 Be able to use Recruitment, Selection and Retention Procedures

1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff. 1.2 ssess t!e impact of legal, regulator" and et!ical considerations to t!e recruitment and selection process

() and (* Yes !o

(+ Yes !o

1.# $a%e part in t!e selection process 1.& 'valuate own contribution to t!e selection process
Merit Le!el

( , and (* (, Yes !o Yes !o

M+: select/design and

Yes !o

apply appropriate ethods/techni!"es

Distinction Level

D+ : #s a$le to skill%"lly

Yes !o

de onstrate the application o% the concept as well as present and co "nicate work coherently& "sing technical lang"age %l"ently

A$$e$$or$ Additional -eneral "eed'ac% and co


Outco e$ . -rade de$cri/tor$ ac#ie!ed 0please Tick1 Outco e$ . -rade De$cri/tor$ Ac#ie!ed 0 3 04e$1 or 5 0No11 )2) )2+ )2, )2* M+ D+

A$$e$$or$ Na e:

(s. )*ma +aroo,

Date I$$ued :

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