6952 Accountability Towards God .... Doing One's Duty Is Not Enough ....

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through Bertha Dudde 6952

Accountability towards God .... Doing one s duty is not enough ....

!he possibility e"ists #or e$ery hu%an being to attain &er#ection during his li#e on earth. !his is why he is accountable to God as to how he uses his ti%e on earth. !hus he cannot sin 'with i%&unity .... i.e.( it will not be without conse)uences i# he does not li$e a correct way o# li#e( i# he li$es it in a way that the soul does not deri$e any bene#it #ro% it. And these conse)uences ha$e to be acce&ted by hi%( which he subse)uently indeed $iews as '&unish%ent but which are %erely the result o# his wrong way o# li#e .... !hus he has to bla%e hi%sel# #or his a&&arent state o# &unish%ent( he caused it o# his own #ree will( #or he could *ust as well ha$e li$ed correctly( because it was &ossible #or hi%. But &eo&le $ery rarely thin+ o# their #uture res&onsibility towards God( Who cannot *udge any di##erently than earthly li#e de%ands. !hey don t thin+ about it because they don t belie$e( because they don t want to belie$e( that they ha$e to #ul#il a &ur&ose during their earthly li#e. ,eo&le s lac+ o# res&onsibility +ee&s steadily growing the %ore #aith dwindles a%ongst the%. !he actual earthly &ur&ose o# li#e is not considered and the ti%e a#ter the body s death is not thought o# either( because all #aith in it is lac+ing. !hat is why the soul will be horri#ied when it beco%es conscious

o# its e"istence as well as o# its %iserable state and when it realises that it caused this state itsel# .... On the other hand( howe$er( the hu%an being on earth can only e$er be ad%onished to li$e a res&onsible way o# li#e( he can only be in#or%ed o# a God s *udicial authority but he cannot be #orced to belie$e by %eans o# e$idence. And &eo&le also belie$e that it is su##icient to do their duty and not to co%%it any ob$ious o##ence .... But thereby they do not reach &er#ection and a li#e li+e that is not the &ur&ose o# their earthly e"istence. !he grace o# e%bodi%ent as a hu%an being %ust be utilised( because it is a gi#t #or the being which had dis#igured itsel# and which should( and is able to( attain its #or%er &er#ection again. -t is a gi#t( because the being turned away #ro% God o# its own #ree will( thus it had s&urned .is di$ine strength o# lo$e. But God o##ers the being .is strength o# lo$e once %ore( and .e does this when the soul tra$els the earthly &ath as a hu%an being. !his incredible gi#t o# grace should be res&ected by a &erson( he should not treat it carelessly( he should acce&t what God s lo$e o##ers to hi% .... !here#ore he will ha$e to *usti#y hi%sel# be#ore God as to how he used this gi#t o# grace. .e %ust do e$erything in his &ower in order to %a+e hi%sel# worthy o# God s lo$e( he %ust grate#ully acce&t what is o##ered to hi% in order to attain his &ast high le$el again/ but he should not li$e his earthly li#e irres&onsibly( #or this grace is only gi$en to hi% once. And although God will not let go o# hi%( he will ne$ertheless ne$er be able to catch u& with what he had neglected to do during his earthly li#e because o# his own #ault .... And his re%orse will be i%%ense once he recognises in the beyond the signi#icance o# the gi#t o# grace he had le#t unused on earth ....


,ublished by #riends o# new re$elations o# God 0 -n#or%ation( download o# all translated re$elations( the%e1boo+lets at2 htt&233www.bertha1dudde.in#o3english3inde".ht%l 4 htt&233en.bertha1dudde.org3

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