Motorway Deaths Rise As European Rate Falls: A&E Fundraising Letter Was Unauthorised, Says Hospital

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User:fredkenneally Date:19/02/2008Time:23:14:05Edition:20/02/2008Examiner LiveXX2002 Page:4Color:

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4 NEWS Irish Examiner

Wednesday 20.02.2008

A&E fundraising letter was unauthorised, says hospital SIPTU

ballots for
wounds.” It added: “It would scandal that the A&E received was written by a single ed ultrasound is urgently hospital’s EDs currently have
by Catherine Shanahan
A LETTER sent to Dublin GPs
be reasonable to assume that
the machine would be a stan-
department did not have its
own ultrasound machine.
member of the nursing staff,
without authorisation by the
needed, it would be ‘reasonable
to assume that the machine
dedicated ultrasound equip-
ment residing within them.
strike action
by a staff member at Beaumont dard piece of A&E equipment.” “If you have a knife stuck hospital,” Mr Duffy said. “It would be a standard piece of “Fact: Equipment purchases SIPTU will today begin bal-
Hospital A&E department, However, the letter said the between under shoulder blades, does not represent the views of A&E equipment’, the hospital is for the ED are prioritised by the loting its 1,800 members in
requesting help in fundraising hospital was unable to provide it is no time to go flashing your the emergency department, as it unable to fund it and the ED hospital’s management in Aer Lingus for strike action in
for an ultrasound machine was for the ultrasound machine plan E card at the Gullawntha purports. The fund raising staff have no alternative but to consultation with the ED team case the airline introduces its
written by a member of nursing from its annual budget and that Medical Clinic with the oak initiative referred to in the letter fund raise. All of this is totally led by the consultants. “The cost savings plan PCI-07 on
staff without authorisation from there was “no alternative” but tree in the atrium and the three to Dr Daly has not been incorrect,” Mr Duffy said. desirability of having a dedicat- Monday without the union’s
the hospital, management for staff to raise the necessary ladies playing the harp. You will submitted for approval.” “Fact: This is not a ‘standard ed ultrasound machine within agreement.
claimed last night. €24,000 themselves. be redirected to the public He said the letter “seriously piece of equipment’ in Irish the department was raised Two weeks ago the airline
In the letter, the staff member GPs were asked if they wished hospital,” Dr Daly said. misrepresented” the needs of emergency departments. Staff within the past six months. In told SIPTU that if the two
said: “The department is in to take part in a golf classic at However, last night the “exceptionally hard work- in Beaumont’s ED have the response, the hospital has sides could not reach agree-
urgent need of an ultrasound Beaverstown Golf Club in May, Beaumont Hospital chief ing emergency department” in same access to ultrasound as included it within a much larger ment on the make-up of the
machine which is required to for a fee per team of €450. executive Liam Duffy said the a manner that was unfair to their counterparts in other large tender currently under way for €10m savings that must be
speedily assess internal organ Dr Cyril Daly, based in GPs who had received the letter both the hospital and the agen- acute hospitals in Dublin, new ultrasound equipment for found with SIPTU by February
damage resulting from traffic Killester, Co Dublin, who had been “seriously misled”. cies which fund its activities. including the Mater, Tallaght the entire hospital which will 24, it would proceed on that
accidents and knife trauma received the letter, said it was a “The letter which Dr Daly “Dr Daly was told a dedicat- and St Vincent’s. None of these be completed this year.” date with the cost saving

SIPTU’s ballot is due to be
complete by Sunday.

Presidential visit

deaths rise
will making a three-day official
visit to Germany next week.
The head of state’s itinerary
is expected to include the
historic cities of Berlin and

as European
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Minister Eamon Ryan will also
be travelling with the delega-
tion to hold talks with German
politicians and officials.

rate falls
Mrs McAleese will depart
on Sunday after she attends
the Six Nations rugby game
between Ireland and Scotland
at Croke Park on Saturday.

by Ann Cahill Staying safe Disaster unit

Europe THE Government wants more
Cor respondent recruits for its international
How the best do it: disaster response unit.
DEATHS on Irish motor- ■ Switzerland: Has more The Rapid Response
ways are increasing at than doubled the number Corps, launched a year ago,
the second-highest rate in of speed checks. is a stand-by panel of skilled
Europe, while they are ■ Denmark: Has a penalty volunteers ready to deploy to
dropping in most other point for driving 30% humanitarian emergencies for
countr ies. above the speed limit and up to three months at a time.
The number of deaths on loss of licence with three A roster of 64 professionals
Irish motorways have risen points. is already in place but the
by 11%, while the number ■ Netherlands: Integrated Government now aims to
of deaths on Europe’s mo- road safety design and expand the corps by at least
torways have fallen by 5.5% traffic management, another 32.
on average a year between awareness campaigns and Foreign Affairs Minister
2000 and 2006. police enforcement. Dermot Ahern said the recruit-
Only Greece has a worse ■ Britain: Has active ment drive focuses on logis-
record with a 12% increase, traffic management tics, engineering and human-
according to the report including hard shoulder itarian skills as well as pro-
issued by European Trans- running during peak hours; tection and education officers
port Safety Council (ETSC) lower speed levels during for children.
in Brussels. congestion periods and The first volunteer to be
Ireland has the third- emergency refuge areas Anne Tydings, from Lisselton, Co Kerry, stands in front of an image of her son Pádraig, who was killed in a car crash, as she addresses teenagers at deployed, Thurles logistician
shortest length of motorway every 500m with roadside the Brandon Hotel as part of the AXA Roadsafe Roadshow. Picture: Domnick Walsh/Eye Focus Conor Lyons, died suddenly
among the 19 countries sur- telephones. Incident in Sri Lanka in September.

Students told of trauma of road crashes

veyed. Even though we have management control
just a fraction of the motor- centres have decreased
ways used in France and accidents by 25% on Amnesia case
Germany, the number of the M42 outside Birming- THE true identity of an Irish
fatalities given their length ham. man who is said to have suf-
and usage is almost the same fered brain damage in sport-
(under 3 deaths per billion by Donal Hickey safety message home in- attending was extremely ton, Co Kerry, whose son, tute of Technology, Tralee, ing activities is being pursued
vehicle-km on motorways) over the €2 billion a year cluded a human brain com- positive. Many of students Pádraig, was killed in an she is still on crutches, 13 by medical experts and
— though this is seventh towards the cost of new THE horror of road traffic ing out of an injured skull, were touched emotionally accident on the day after his months after the accident. police.
lowest of the countries sur- motorways. accidents was graphically a barely recognisable thigh by what they saw and 22nd birthday. There were also talks by Known as David Harrison
veyed and below the Euro- Countries pay far too little brought home to more than bone and a girl’s face ruined heard,’’ she added. He was a back seat in the representatives of the gardaí, the accident is believed to
pean average (4). attention to making sure 1,500 second-level students after an accident. ‘‘Fourteen people were car which crashed, in 2004. fire brigade and ambulance have happened eight years
The safest motorways are roads are as safe as possible, in Tralee, yesterday. Kerry County Council killed on Kerry roads last Another speaker was services and the A&E de- ago and the possibility of hav-
in Switzerland, Denmark, according to John Dawson Many were brought to road safety education officer year and our aim is to Anne-Marie Russell, 24, partment at Kerry General ing an Irish background stems
the Netherlands and Britain. chairman of the European tears on hearing first-hand Maria O’Regan said they reduce this number. Hope- who sustained serious leg Hospital. from his accent and reference
In these countries, less than Road Assessment Pro- accounts from victims and were delighted with the fully, the shock factor will injuries when the car in Ms O’Regan described to Tipperary. He has lived in
two people are killed on g ramme. family members of the huge turnout of pupils from have an impact on young which she was a passenger the road safety roadshow as Oldham town, on the outskirts
average for every billion “More people are killed devastation caused by car about 20 schools around the dr ivers.’’ crashed after the driver a worthwhile event that of Greater Manchester.
kilometres driven. on some sections of Eu- crashes. Some of the real county. Among the speakers was apparently fell asleep. should leave a lasting im- He was found collapsed in
The most dangerous mo- rope’s roads than die in a life images to drive the ‘‘The feedback from those Anne Tydings, from Lissel- A graduate of the Insti- pression on young people. Oldham in May 2000 and was
torways are in Slovenia and major rail crash, but far less taken to Royal Oldham Hos-
Hungary, where travellers money is spent changing

80% of motorway speeders top 141km/h

pital and treated for hypother-
are four times more likely to this than is spent on rail, air mia but as he recovered it
be killed. and factory safety where became apparent he had total
Motorways are considered there are far more stringent amnesia. A concerted bid is
the safest roads for traffic, laws,” he said. now underway to establish his
with far fewer fatalities and The length of motorway identity.
accidents happening on in Ireland rose from 100km by Juno McEnroe Figures obtained by the by gardaí in just 213 cases. He is 5ft 5in tall of medium
them than other types of in 2000 to 270km in 2006. Irish Examiner reveal . . . The breaches of speed build and has greying hair and
roads. A spokesperson for the FOUR out of five drivers Over 198,000 motorists were caught limits uncovered by the Irish blue eyes.
speeding on Irish roads last year.
More than a quarter of the Road Safety Authority said breaking speed limits on Examiner reveal the
Four out of five drivers breaking limits
distances travelled by mo- that Ireland still had a com- Irish motorways are racing treacherous risks drivers are
torists in the EU are on mo- paratively small amount of at 141km/h or more.
on Irish motorways (120km/h)
were racing at over 141 km/h. willing to take to finish Charity appeal
torways, even though they motorway and the numbers Statistics obtained by the Drivers breaking speeds in all zones journeys faster. ENABLE Ireland yesterday
account for only 1% of all of accidents and deaths Irish Examiner for 2007 by 10km/h or less accounted for Dangers to their safety announced a fundraising
paved roads. But just 8% (or could fluctuate very much show drivers caught just 6% or 1,103 of those caught. and other drivers’ will be campaign with fashion retailer
3,200 annually) of all road from one year to the next. speeding across different Over 86% of drivers (33,815) speed- highlighted this year as TK Maxx.
deaths are on motorways. “When you have a crash speed zones were danger- ing on national roads (100km/h) were gardaí turn their attention to GiveGet 2008 calls for
driving over 120km/h.
For drivers in Ireland, the they tend to involve multi- ously exceeding limits. speeders following the people to spring clean their
Nearly 70% of drivers (34,630)
risk, at less than four deaths ple vehicles and fatalities. Figures reveal that on city breaking limits in built up areas
successful clampdown on wardrobes and bring unwant-
per billion kilometres driv- “The gardaí are looking at and town streets, on national (60km/h) were speeding at over drink drivers last year. ed items to any TK Maxx or
en, is below the EU average a speed camera strategy and and regional roads as well as 80km/h. The decision to park plans Enable Ireland store from
— about the same as it is in this will have an effect when on motorways, nearly three Over 81% of drivers (48,836) caught for a privatised speed camera February 23 to March 9.
Germany and Finland. it becomes operational,” the quarters of drivers speeding speeding on urban and town roads system are being countered The items will then be sold
Switzerland, France and spokesperson said. were racing at 20km/h or (50km/h) were doing over 70km/h. Noel Brett: Speed is single biggest factor for road deaths. by increased numbers of in Enable Ireland stores raising
Austria have achieved the The report lists strategies more above limits. fixed Gatso cameras for funds to help take action on
biggest reduction in deaths other countries have found Drivers racing at the “Speed is the single bust action on speed and en- roads, in 50km/h zones. routes nationwide. disability.
of between 10% and 15% successful in reducing the treacherous speeds were biggest factor for road forcement in this country”. Up to 48,836 motorists Road safety campaigns in
from 2000 to 2006. accidents and fatalities and clocked by gardaí in 50, 60, deaths in Ireland,” said the More than 198,000 mo- were caught breaking limits schools will also be boosted
ETSC, an independent they range from opening the 80, 100 and 120km/h Road Safety Authority’s torists were caught speeding by 20km/h, reaching speeds with videos showing
watchdog monitoring road hard shoulder during peak zones. Noel Brett. on Irish roads last year. of 70km/h or more on the personal tales of teenagers
safety in Europe, wants the hours to section speed con- The speeding statistics The RSA chief said the The largest category of urban and town roads. seriously hurt in crashes in a
EU to insist on new safety trol where cameras measure were discouraging, road speeding figures were speeders were those break- In the same zone, drivers bid to alert youngsters about
strategies before handing average speed over 3km. safety chiefs conceded “hugely disappointing” and ing limits in housing estates, breaking the limit by only a the consequences of �
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last night. “illustrate the need for ro- on streets and ordinary small few kilometres were clocked dangerous driving. ��� ���

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GAA clubs on the ball for healthy lifestyles

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by Conor Kane within the GAA, and record their input into the the three clubs to continue
particularly regarding development of the in coming years.
THREE GAA clubs in post-match celebrations, as finalised policy. HSE drug education of-
Kilkenny have signed up to well as general concern Healthy Living Through ficer John Leahy described
the healthy lifestyle as part about drugs in all sport. Gaelic Games outlines the initiative as “a very im- ������ ����������
of an initiative being The initiative, which has drug facts, resources for portant step” by the three
launched by association culminated in the produc- people requiring help re- clubs following recent and
president Nickey Brennan tion of the policy, began in garding substance abuse much-publicised incidents
tomorrow night. 2007 and involved co- problems, a medical involving drug use among
Healthy Living Through operation between HSE checklist, guidelines for young people.
Gaelic Games is designed drug education officer and dealing with incidents of “It is a worrying prob-
as a policy on drugs and former Tipperary hurler drug use and club mem- lem for families, sports
alcohol and will be imple- John Leahy, Garda juvenile bers on prescribed medica- clubs and the workplace.
mented at first by the liaison officer Agnes tion, an incident report The creation of a policy is
����� �������
Dicksboro, James Stephens Reddy and representatives form, rules and recom- an important part of
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and O’Loughlin Gaels from the Dicksboro, mendations for the clubs helping to change people’s ������ ������
clubs in Kilkenny city. O’Loughlin Gaels and and substance use aware- attitude to drug use and
The launch takes place James Stephens clubs. ness and education. influence their habits in a ��� ���������
at 7.30pm tomorrow at the The project also entailed According to the HSE, positive manner.” ���� ��� �������
������� �������������������
Dicksboro GAA clubhouse facilitating a workshop the launch is the first step He paid tribute to the
and follows recent debate with underage representa- to ongoing substance use clubs involved for their John Leahy: A very impor- �������������������

on the role of alcohol tives from the clubs, to training programmes for co-operation. tant step.

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