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Bowling Green State University - Firelands College LIB 2210 - Research in the Electronic Library Patricia Antonelli, Instructor

( COURSE INTRODUCTION This is an introductory course to the library's electronic resources. This class is designed to enable students to become familiar with the various electronic services offered by the BGSU Library and Information Network and to develop proficiency in searching the World Wide Web for research purposes. TEXTBOOK Research Strategies: Finding your Way through the Information Fog by William B. Badke, 4th edition, ISBN:978146201017290000 You can find a copy in the Firelands Bookstore. If you are a main campus student and are in need of the book, just call the bookstore at Firelands, 419.433.5560 extension 20677 or email at and request the book. Our bookstore can put it on your bursar account and send it to the Main Campus bookstore. You can make whatever monetary arrangement works for you directly with the bookstore. If you don't have the book for the first class, don't worry. It will not stop you from doing the assignment for class one. There is enough information in the course documents for you to do the assignments and get started If you are having any trouble getting a copy of the book, please let me know right away. If you would like an online copy of the book, go to: I-Universe - there is an e-book available that downloads in PDF form to your computer. CLASS OUTLINE:

Class 1. Discuss the nature of information, Primary/secondary sources, 7 Steps of the Research Process, exploring topics. Class 2. The flow of information, how information is created, the availability of information. Class 3. Introduction to BGSU catalog and the OhioLINK catalog - how to retrieve a book from Firelands Library, Main Campus Libraries, and OhioLINK libraries. Class 4. Introduction to OhioLINK Research Databases. Search and interpret search results from Academic Search Complete. How to actually retrieve the periodicals you need, scholarly journals/popular journals. Class 5. Outline of a Research Database. Class 6. Searching the WWW and Evaluating Web sites Final Exam. Research Project HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS:

Each week I expect your assignments to be posted by Monday evening at midnight. I will put out a schedule of when each assignment is due. One point will be taken off for every two days an assignment is late. Notify me IN ADVANCE if you are having some type of difficulty that might prohibit you from posting your assignment on time, we may be able to work something out. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS/ POINTS Topic Worksheet 3 Introductory & Syllabus posting 2 Posting on video & comments 2+2 Book Searching Exercise - Book Ordering "Real" Books 6 Academic Search Complete Questions - 10 Full-text article/MLA or APA Citation 5 Searching the Web 10 Web Site Evaluation 10 Research Database Outline 25 Points QUIZZES - I will post the first quiz after class 3 and the second quiz after class 6. I will notify you when I post them, give you instructions on how to complete them, and when they are due. Quiz I parts one and two 10+10 Quiz II parts one and two 10+10 FINAL PROJECT - 75 Points - I will post this after you have completed the class 6 assignments and the second quiz. I will give you instruction and a due date. After adding up the amount of points you have accumulated, this is the chart I use to determine your letter grade. A = 200-190 pts B = 189-180 pts C = 179-170 pts D = 169-160 pts F = below 160 pts My office is located in the Firelands Library - Just ask at the front desk. I also have voicemail (Extension 20681) and e-mail Please feel free to come in and ask me questions or just visit! I rarely get to meet my online students. If you have any problems or questions, come to the Firelands Library and any of the library staff will be able to assist you. They will be aware of your assignments and be prepared to help you:) If you are a BGSU main campus student, the librarians at Jerome library will also be able to help. if you'd like, you can set up an appointment with one of the librarians - let me know if you need me to help you do this.

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