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EUROSBEEF November 2007

High school: A big step to take in life!

Take a look at the European

Everything changes: the little collegian class
becomes a big high school student.
But there’s something better than being a
simple high school student, for example being
in the European class!

What on earth is it?

It’s the same as the other classes, except for a

few details.

We’re so cute, aren't we?

This year the European class is made of selected pupils. We’re 35, 23 girls and 12
Mrs. Rosetti is our wonderful 'class teacher', and also our magnificent English

First, the European class is a motivated and determined one. What is different from
the others? What’s the aim of this class? It has got English-related projects.

Then, as it is called « European class », it aims to improve the pupils’ English

language, to discover different ways of living, to become more autonomous and
How do the teachers manage? Simple, we have already got one hour of full-English
chemistry and one of sciences. It’s an opportunity to improve our science and our
English. Kill two birds with one stone! We have one hour of bonus English too. Here
there’s no grammar, only conversation and warm atmosphere. Indeed, during this
course, the goal is to participate, to speak and communicate with the others… in
English of course! Otherwise where would be the interest of it?
Of course almost every teacher gets into it. Even in math, French and geography we
can sometimes practise our English!

At the end of the year, we are going to be bilingual! And to reward our time spent in
English, many outings are planned! For example, we went to the Quai d’Orsay
Museum in the mid-November, where the visit was in English of course.
Finally, a trip to England is being planned at the end of the year! No better way to
get in the country where the language we learn is spoken! We’re already impatient!

To conclude our European class is a common one, with a year full of plans and
especially a great atmosphere!

By Léa, Ferdinand & Vincent

November 2007


With the European class, we have a
course of NLD (Non Linguistic
Discipline). We will study three
subjects during the year. We have
already studied “arts and sciences”
and we are now beginning the 4th
polar year.
At the beginning of the year, we
studied the British units with the
Turner - Scarlet Sunset distances and the volume.
After, we focused on the impressionists and their artwork,
particularly Turner and his Sunset. We compared the painting of
Joseph Turner with Impression soleil
levant of Monet.
We had to make a description of a
painting of our choice.
Then, we learned the components and
materials for paintings (supports,
tools, paint). We studied the
techniques of restoration of
masterpieces. The paintings require
Monet - Impression Soleil lots of attention because of the
Levant exterior factors (such as light, insects,
humidity, photochemical aging,
burning,…) which destroy the old masters.
We also presented various colors to the classes in groups (blue,
yellow, green, red, black, violet, orange). In this briefing we
presented the origin, the history, the use, the significance and
experiences to make every color.

By Marie & Claire.

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