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Coenzymes Name Transfer Group Vitamin Components Active Site Structure formed Utilizing by or Reacts wit 1.

NAD / NADP a! Nicotinamide Adenosine "inucleotide b! Nicotinamide Adenine "inucleotide # osp ate &nvolved &n '(&"AT&'N R)"UCT&'N Reactions NA"+#- bounded to t e apoenzyme via. o Adenine o Ribose o #yrop osp ate groups $% group Nicotinic Acid * Niacin Nucleotide +A,# #yridine derivative a! C/ 0 low Carbon "ensity 1uinonoid $ydride ion NA"% o 2actate de ydrogenase o ,alate de ydrogenase o #yruvate de ydrogenase comple3 NA"#% o Glucose454 # osp ate de ydrogenase o NA"#$ in fatty acid synt ase comple3 4 Nucleotide o Repeating units of nucleic acid o 2in8ed by p osp odiester 9:46: +sugar lin8so &f w*o p osp ate groups nucleoside 2. FAD/FMN a! ;lavin Adenide "inucleotide b! ;lavin mononucleoti de +;,NVitamin <=> or Riboflavin &soallo3azine ring +part of t e nucleotide component Ribitol +sugar alco ola!N= of t e isoalloxazone ring b!N9 of t e isoalloxazone ring Semi?uinone ;A" o Succinic acid de ydrogenase +Citric Acid Cycle ;A"$ o 24amino acid o3idase 3. Coenzyme Q / Ubiquinone "oesn:t need T2C Ubi?uitous o 2ipid4soluble coenzyme a!C= of t e benzoquinone ring Semi?uinone NA"$4Co1 de ydrogenase +Comple3 &- of t e 4 '3idized ?uinonoid form absorbs strongly at >@74 >A7 nm 4 4 '3idized ;A" is intensely colored and absorbs ma3imally at /97 nm 4 '3idized ;A"$ is colorless 4 NA" is a pseudonucleotide 4 ,a3imum absorption spectra at 6/7 nm wavelengt 4 Absorbance decreases upon reduction to NA"$ Comments

vitamins because t ey are well cared for

o ;ound in t e inner mitoc ondrial membrane

b!C/ of t e benzoquinone ring c! Isop enoi! units +repeating as side c ains-

respiratory c ain

o "iappears w en reduced to ydro?uinone +?uinol form4 T e repeating isoprenoid units ma8e it lipid soluble!

". #e$ a%y! obio$in


# enylanaline ydro3ylase Tyrosine ydro3ylase Tryptop an ydro3ylase

4 Reduced from biopterin o "erived from GT#

&. 'ipoi( A(i! +5BC4 dit iooctanoic acid or t iotic acid-

Acyl Group and Active Alde yde &nvolved in ")CAR<'(D2AT&' N reactions

Covalently bound to
lysine:s 4amino group

a! )ul*u group

Cyclic +o3idized form'pen c ain or reduced form +di ydrolipoic acid-

#yruvic de ydrogenase comple3 48etoglutaric acid de ydrogenase

4 Sulfur group acceprs and transfers acyl groups and $% during '(&"AT&V) ")CAR<'(D2AT&'N of 48eto acids 4 Carbanion o <inds and transfers active alde yde and 8etol groups o Re?uires ,g%% 4 T## is inactivated by t iaminaseB an enzyme found in raw fis

+. #%iamine Py op%osp%a$e ,#PPAcyl Group and Active Alde yde &nvolved in ")CAR<'(D2AT&' N reactions /. Coenzyme A

T iamine * Vitamin <=

#yrimidine +substituted T iazole or t iazolium ring Terminal pyrop osp ate

a! C> of $%iazole in. +acidicB proton donor-

Carbanion center

#yruvate decarbo3ylase +non4o3idative #yruvate de ydrogenase comple3 +o3idativeB decarbo3ylase Trans8etolase

#antot enic Acid

A,# #ant otenic acid T ioe tanolamine

a! )ul*%y! yl of t ioet onalamine

T ioacyl derivatives

;atty acyl CoAS$ synt ase "i ydrolipoyl transacylase *


8. 0io(y$in +4
amino4biotinyl4 lysine-

Activation and transfer of C'> CAR<'(D2AT&'N


Imi!azolone ring Tetra ydrot iop ene +lin8ed to Valeric acid

a! Nitrogen group b! )ul*u of tetra ydrop ene

Acetyl CoA carbo3ylase #yruvate carbo3ylase #ropionyl carbo3ylase ,et ylmalonyl CoA carbo3ylase

4 Synt esis is in ibited by avidin +raw egg w ite4 ,ediates carbo3ylation of substrates by accepting AT#4activated carbo3yl group and transferring it to t e carbo3yl acceptor substrate 4 )3ists as pyrido3al p osp ate andpyrido3amine p osp ate

1. Py i!oxal P%osp%a$e


#yrido3ine * Vitamin <5

a!C/ alde yde group of py i!ine in.

Sc iff:s base o As it reacts wit alp a amino group of amino acids

Transaminases Amino acid decarbo3ylase Amino acid racemase +" 2 Serine ydro3ymet yl transferase T ymidylate synt etase ;ormyl transferase

12. #e$ a%y! o*oli( A(i!

TRANS;)RAS). ,et yl +4 C$6 ,et elyne +4 C$> ,et enyl +FC$ ;ormyl +4 C$' ;ormimino +4 C$FN$-

;olic Acid * Vitamin <A

#yridine ring +substituted- lin8ed to #4aminobenzoic acid +PA0A- bound to Glutamic acid

a!N9 of p$e i!ine in. b!N=7 of PA0A

4 "erived from successive reductions of folic acid 4 Synt esis is in ibited by folate agonists +met otre3ate and sulfonamides-

11. Cobami!e Coenzyme


Cyanocobalamine * Vitamin <=>

#e$ apy ole ring Central cobalt atom +univalent state-

,et ylmalonylCoa mutase ,et yl transferase

4 )3ists in deo3yadenosyl cobalamin and met ylcobalamine


Transfer Group



Active Site

Structure formed

Utilizing by or Reacts wit


'3idative Carbo3ylation involves 6 coenzymes. o T##B 2ipoic Acid and Coenzyme A

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