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HR306 Configuration of Time Recording HR306

R/3 System Release 46C 05/02/2001

HR306 Configuration of Time Recording.........................................................................................................................1 Copyright.......................................................................................................................................................................2 Human Resources 4.6 (1)...........................................................................................................................................4 Human Resources 4.6 (2).......................................................................................................................................... Course !rere"uisites...................................................................................................................................................6 Target #roup..............................................................................................................................................................$ Course %&er&ie'...........................................................................................................................................................1 Course #oa(s..............................................................................................................................................................2 Course Content...........................................................................................................................................................3 Course Content...........................................................................................................................................................4 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................ *ain +usiness ,cenario.............................................................................................................................................6 -ntroduction to ,.! Time *anagement........................................................................................................................1 -ntroduction to ,.! Time *anagement/0nit %12ecti&es..........................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 ,.! Time *anagement/ +usiness ,cenario..............................................................................................................4 ,.! Time *anagement/ %&er&ie'........................................................................................................................... %ptions in ,.! Time *anagement...........................................................................................................................6 Time Recording %ptions............................................................................................................................................$ 3hat is ,.! Time *anagement4..............................................................................................................................5 Time Recording *ethods..........................................................................................................................................6 Recording 7mp(oyee Time )ata..............................................................................................................................10 ,.! Time *anagement/ Re"uired -nfotypes..........................................................................................................11 -ntegration 'ith %ther ,.! Components................................................................................................................12 -ntroduction to ,.! Time *anagement/0nit ,ummary.........................................................................................13 Ca(i1er . +icyc(e Company (C.+)..............................................................................................................................1 C.+ Company/ 0nit %12ecti&es...............................................................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 C.+ Company/ +usiness ,cenario...........................................................................................................................4 -mp(ementation !ro2ect for C.+ Company.............................................................................................................. C.+ Company/ 7nterprise ,tructure.........................................................................................................................6 C.+ Company/ ,.! !roducts -mp(emented............................................................................................................$ .n 7mp(oyee8s !ersona( )ata....................................................................................................................................5 3or9 ,chedu(e *ode(s at C.+ Company................................................................................................................6 Time Recording.......................................................................................................................................................10 -ntegration 'ith %ther .reas...................................................................................................................................11 C.+ Company/ 0nit ,ummary...............................................................................................................................12 7nterprise ,tructure and #roupings...............................................................................................................................1 7nterprise ,tructure and #roupings/0nit %12ecti&es................................................................................................2

Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 7nterprise ,tructure and #roupings/+usiness ,cenario............................................................................................4 7nterprise ,tructure/ %&er&ie'.................................................................................................................................. C.+ Company/ 7nterprise ,tructure.........................................................................................................................6 !ersonne( ,u1areas/ Contro( -ndicators.....................................................................................................................$ C.+ Company/ !ersonne( ,tructure.........................................................................................................................5 7mp(oyee ,u1groups/ Contro( -ndicators..................................................................................................................6 )ifferences and ,imi(arities.....................................................................................................................................10 !ersonne( ,u1area #rouping for 3or9 ,chedu(es...................................................................................................11 .dditiona( !ersonne( ,u1area #roupings................................................................................................................12 7mp(oyee ,u1group #roupings...............................................................................................................................13 !ersonne( ,u1area/ Customi:ing ,teps....................................................................................................................14 7mp(oyee ,u1group ,teps.......................................................................................................................................1 7nterprise ,tructure and #roupings/0nit ,ummary................................................................................................16 7;ercise )ata...........................................................................................................................................................1$ 7nterprise ,tructure and #roupings 7;ercises........................................................................................................21 ,o(utions..................................................................................................................................................................22 3or9 ,chedu(es.............................................................................................................................................................1 3or9 ,chedu(es/ 0nit %12ecti&es..............................................................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 3or9 ,chedu(es/ +usiness ,cenario..........................................................................................................................4 Creating 3or9 ,chedu(es.......................................................................................................................................... !u1(ic Ho(iday Ca(endars/ Topic %12ecti&es.............................................................................................................6 3or9 ,chedu(es.........................................................................................................................................................$ !u1(ic Ho(idays and !u1(ic Ho(iday Ca(endar...........................................................................................................5 !u1(ic Ho(iday Ca(endars..........................................................................................................................................6 )etermining !u1(ic Ho(iday C(asses.......................................................................................................................10 .ssigning !u1(ic Ho(iday Ca(endars.......................................................................................................................11 3or9 ,chedu(es/ Topic %12ecti&es..........................................................................................................................12 3or9 ,chedu(e <e&e(s.............................................................................................................................................13 !ersonne( ,u1area #roupings..................................................................................................................................14 )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(es and =ariants........................................................................................................................1 +rea9 ,chedu(es.......................................................................................................................................................16 )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(es.............................................................................................................................................1$ )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(e C(asses..................................................................................................................................15 )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(es and =ariants........................................................................................................................16 )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(es/ =ariant Ru(es.....................................................................................................................20 !eriod 3or9 ,chedu(es............................................................................................................................................21 !eriod 3or9 ,chedu(es/ 3or9 !atterns...................................................................................................................22

)ay Types and ,e(ection Ru(es...............................................................................................................................23 )efining )ay Types.................................................................................................................................................24 )efining ,e(ection Ru(es.........................................................................................................................................2 )etermining ,pecia( )ays.......................................................................................................................................26 3or9 ,chedu(e Ru(es and 3or9 ,chedu(es.............................................................................................................2$ )efining 3or9 ,chedu(es/ 3or9 ,chedu(e Ru(es...................................................................................................25 3or9 ,chedu(es.......................................................................................................................................................26 )etermining 3or9days............................................................................................................................................30 !(anned 3or9ing Time............................................................................................................................................31 !(anned 3or9ing Time/ %&er&ie'..........................................................................................................................32 3or9 ,chedu(es/ 0nit ,ummary.............................................................................................................................33 3or9 ,chedu(es 7;ercises.......................................................................................................................................34 ,o(utions..................................................................................................................................................................41 !art>Time 3or9force.....................................................................................................................................................1 !art>Time 3or9force/ 0nit %12ecti&es......................................................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 !art>Time 3or9force/ +usiness ,cenario..................................................................................................................4 !art>Time 3or9force/ !(anned 3or9ing Time......................................................................................................... !art>Time 3or9force/ ,eparate 3or9 ,chedu(e Ru(e...............................................................................................6 !art>Time ,chedu(e/ *odifying -nfotype 000$.........................................................................................................$ !art>Time ,chedu(e/ *odifying -nfotype 000$.........................................................................................................5 !art>Time 3or9force/ *odifying <ea&e...................................................................................................................6 !art>Time 3or9force/ 0nit ,ummary.....................................................................................................................10 7;ercises..................................................................................................................................................................11 ,o(utions..................................................................................................................................................................12 Time )ata Recording and .dministration.....................................................................................................................1 Time Recording/ 0nit %12ecti&es..............................................................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 Time Recording/ +usiness ,cenario..........................................................................................................................4 %&er&ie' of Time -nfotypes...................................................................................................................................... Time Recording %ptions............................................................................................................................................6 ,etting 0p )e&iations in Time Recording.................................................................................................................$ ,etting 0p .1sences..................................................................................................................................................5 .1sences....................................................................................................................................................................6 ,etting 0p .ttendances............................................................................................................................................10 .ttendances..............................................................................................................................................................11 Creating .ttendance?.1sence @uotas.....................................................................................................................12 .ttendance and .1sence @uotas.............................................................................................................................13 .1sence @uotas.......................................................................................................................................................14

,u1stitutions.............................................................................................................................................................1 ,u1stitutions/ <e&e(ing +y ,u1stitution Type.........................................................................................................16 .&ai(a1i(ity..............................................................................................................................................................1$ %&ertime..................................................................................................................................................................15 7mp(oyee Remuneration -nfo..................................................................................................................................16 )ifferent !ayment....................................................................................................................................................20 %&er(apping Time -nfotypes....................................................................................................................................21 Co((ision Chec9s......................................................................................................................................................22 ,ystem Reaction to Co((iding Time -nfotypes.........................................................................................................23 Time Recording/ 0nit ,ummary..............................................................................................................................24 Aeitdatenerfassung und >&er'a(tung 7;ercises.......................................................................................................2 ,o(utions..................................................................................................................................................................2$ .ttendance and .1sence Counting................................................................................................................................1 .ttendance and .1sence Counting/ 0nit %12ecti&es.................................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 .ttendance and .1sence Counting/+usiness ,cenario..............................................................................................4 .ttendance and .1sence Counting/ -ntroduction...................................................................................................... <ea&e/ 7;amp(e.........................................................................................................................................................6 .ssigning Counting and @uota )eduction Ru(es/ %&er&ie'....................................................................................$ Counting Ru(es for .ttendances?.1sences................................................................................................................5 Conditions for Current )ay.......................................................................................................................................6 Conditions for the 3or9 ,chedu(e...........................................................................................................................10 Conditions for !(anned Hours and .ttendances?.1sences......................................................................................11 Contro((ing Counting...............................................................................................................................................12 Rounding Ru(es........................................................................................................................................................13 .ssigning Counting Ru(es to .tt.?.1s. Types (1)...................................................................................................14 .ssigning Counting Ru(es to .tt.?.1s. Types (2)...................................................................................................1 Counting 0sing )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(es/ -ntroduction.............................................................................................16 Counting 0sing )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(e =ariants (1)................................................................................................1$ Counting 0sing )ai(y 3or9 ,chedu(e =ariants (2)................................................................................................15 .ttendance and .1sence Counting/ 0nit ,ummary................................................................................................16 .us:Bh(ung &on .1> und .n'esenheiten C0DE1ungenF100CD7;ercisesG0F........................................................20 ,o(utions..................................................................................................................................................................23 .ttendance and .1sence @uotas...................................................................................................................................1 .ttendance and .1sence @uotas/ 0nit %12ecti&es....................................................................................................2 Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 .ttendance and .1sence @uotas/+usiness ,cenario (1)...........................................................................................4 .ttendance and .1sence @uotas/ +usiness ,cenario (2).......................................................................................... Creating .ttendance and .1sence @uotas/Topic %12ecti&es....................................................................................6

@uotas/ -ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................$ .1sence @uota for %ne 7mp(oyee/ 7;amp(e............................................................................................................5 .ttendance and .1sence @uota Types......................................................................................................................6 @uota )eduction/ Topic %12ecti&es.........................................................................................................................10 @uota )eduction/ %&er&ie'....................................................................................................................................11 -nteraction +et'een )eduction and Counting.........................................................................................................12 )eduction Ru(es for .ttendance?.1sence @uotas...................................................................................................13 7;amp(e/ )eduction Ru(es for .1sence @uotas......................................................................................................14 .ssigning )eduction Ru(es to Counting Ru(es.......................................................................................................1 .cti&ating @uota )eduction....................................................................................................................................16 @uota .ccrua(/ Topic %12ecti&es.............................................................................................................................1$ @uota .ccrua(/ %&er&ie'........................................................................................................................................15 .1sence 7ntit(ements in .1sences -nfotype (2006)................................................................................................16 .ccrua( of .1sence @uotas.....................................................................................................................................20 Ca(cu(ating .1sence @uota 7ntit(ements................................................................................................................21 #ranting .1sence 7ntit(ements/ )efau(t =a(ues.....................................................................................................22 )etermining @uota Type ,e(ection Ru(e.................................................................................................................23 *aintaining Heatures (1)..........................................................................................................................................24 *aintaining Heatures (2)..........................................................................................................................................2 Terms/ +ase 7ntit(ement and .ccrua( 7ntit(ement..................................................................................................26 ,pecifying +ase 7ntit(ement....................................................................................................................................2$ =a(idity and )eduction -nter&a(s.............................................................................................................................25 Reduction Ru(es.......................................................................................................................................................26 Rounding Ru(es........................................................................................................................................................30 ,e(ection Ru(es.........................................................................................................................................................31 .1sence @uota Type ,e(ection (1)..........................................................................................................................32 .1sence @uota Type ,e(ection (2)..........................................................................................................................33 )eduction and =a(idity -nter&a(s/ %&er&ie'...........................................................................................................34 #eneration Ru(es/ %&er&ie'....................................................................................................................................3 Report R!T@T.00 (#enerate .1sence @uotas).....................................................................................................36 ,chema T@T..........................................................................................................................................................3$ @uota %&er&ie' and @uota Compensation/Topic %12ecti&es.................................................................................35 @"uota %&er&ie'.....................................................................................................................................................36 @uota Compensation................................................................................................................................................40 .ttendance and .1sence @uotas/ 0nit ,ummary....................................................................................................41 7;ercises..................................................................................................................................................................42 ,o(utions.................................................................................................................................................................. 0 Cost .ssignment and .cti&ity .((ocation.....................................................................................................................1 Cost .ssignment and .cti&ity .((ocation/Topic %12ecti&es.....................................................................................2

Course %&er&ie' )iagram........................................................................................................................................3 Cost .ssignment and .cti&ity .((ocation/+usiness ,cenario...................................................................................4 -ntegrating -nfotypes.................................................................................................................................................. -nteraction 'ith .ccounting......................................................................................................................................6 .cti&ating Cost .ssignment for -nfotypes................................................................................................................$ .cti&ating Cost .ssignment......................................................................................................................................5 Cost .ssignment ,u1screens.....................................................................................................................................6 .cti&ating .cti&ity .((ocation for -nfotypes...........................................................................................................10 .cti&ating .cti&ity .((ocation.................................................................................................................................11 .cti&ity .((ocation ,u1screen.................................................................................................................................12 Cost .ssignment and .cti&ity .((ocation/0nit ,ummary.......................................................................................13

HR306 Configuration of ime Re!or"ing

Configuration of Time Recording

,ystem R?3 Re(ease 4.6+ .pri( 2000 0036613


Copyright 2001 SAP AG. A right! re!er"ed. #either thi! training manua nor any part thereof may $e copied or reproduced in any form or $y any mean!% or tran! ated into another anguage% &ithout the prior con!ent of SAP AG. The information contained in thi! document i! !u$'ect to change and !upp ement &ithout prior notice. A right! re!er"ed.

SAP AG 1999

Trademar9s/ ,ome soft'are products mar9eted 1y ,.! .# and its distri1utors contain proprietary soft'are components of other soft'are &endors. *icrosoftIJ 3-K)%3,IJ KTIJ 7LC7<IJ 3ordI and ,@< ,er&erI are registered trademar9s of *icrosoft Corporation. -+*IJ )+2IJ %,?2IJ )+2?6000IJ !ara((e( ,ysp(e;IJ *=,?7,.IJ R,?6000IJ .-LIJ ,?360IJ .,?400IJ %,?360IJ and %,?400I are registered trademar9s of -+* Corporation. %R.C<7I is a registered trademar9 of %R.C<7 CorporationJ Ca(iforniaJ 0,.. -KH%R*-LI>%n<ine for ,.! and -nformi;I )ynamic ,er&erT* are registered trademar9s of -nformi; ,oft'are -ncorporated. 0K-LIJ L?%penIJ %,H?1IJ and *otifI are registered trademar9s of The %pen #roup. HT*<J )HT*<J L*<J LHT*< are trademar9s or registered trademar9s of 33CIJ 3or(d 3ide 3e1 ConsortiumJ <a1oratory for Computer ,cience K743>3 5J *assachusetts -nstitute of Techno(ogyJ 4 Techno(ogy ,"uareJ Cam1ridgeJ *. 02136. M.=.I is a registered trademar9 of ,un *icrosystemsJ -nc. J 601 ,an .ntonio RoadJ !a(o .(toJ C. 64303 0,.. M.=.,CR-!TI is a registered trademar9 of ,un *icrosystemsJ -nc.J used under (icense for techno(ogy in&ented and imp(emented 1y Ketscape. ,.!J ,.! <ogoJ my,.!.comJ my,.!.com *ar9etp(aceJ my,.!.com 3or9p(aceJ my,.!.com +usiness ,cenariosJ my,.!.com .pp(ication HostingJ 3e1H(o'J R?2J R?3J R-=.J .+.!NJ ,.! +usiness 3or9f(o'J ,.! 7ar(y3atchJ ,.! .rchi&e<in9J +.!-J ,.!!H-R7J *anagement Coc9pitJ ,7*J are trademar9s or registered trademar9s of ,.! .# in #ermany and in se&era( other countries a((

o&er the 'or(d. .(( other products mentioned are trademar9s or registered trademar9s of their respecti&e companies. )esign/ ,.! Communications *edia

Human Re!ource! (.6 )1*
+e"e 2
HR0,1 1 "ay HR30, 3 "ays Configuration of ,aster .ata HR306 4 "ays Configuration of ime Re!or"ing

+e"e 3
see HR2 HR310.311 5 "ays ime $&aluation

CA,00 2 "ays CA S 'e Cross A##li!ation ime S'eet HR2,0 2 "ays

Human Resour!es $ssentials %

$m#loyee Self-Ser&i!e HR,-0 3 "ays Re#orting in Human Resour!es HR30/ 2 "ays


2 "ays HR,0, 3 "ays *rgani+ational ,anagement HR,20 2 "ays S'ift an" (or)for!e Planning

Human Resour!es $ssentials %%


2 "ays

HR32, 3 "ays /enefits A"ministration HR,(0 Com#ensation ,anagement 3 "ays

Configuration of HR System Controls HR3,0 5 "ays

Human Resour!es $ssentials %%%

Programming in HR HR,30 3 "ays e!'ni!al to#i!s in Human Resour!es

HR,10 3 "ays Personnel .e&elo#ment HR,1, 3 "ays raining an" $&ent ,anagement
SAP AG 1999

Human Re!ource! (.6 )2*
+e"e 2 +e"e 3
HR30, 3 "ays Configuration of ,aster .ata HR310 %ntro"u!tion to Payroll HR(00 HR0,2 2 "ays 2 "ays


1 "ay

Human Resour!es $ssentials %

5 "ays

Payroll Configuration HR(10 %n!enti&e 1ages 4 "ays

Human Resour!es $ssentials %%


2 "ays

Human Resour!es $ssentials %%% #ote0 Please note our !ountry s#e!ifi! !urri!ulum an" our !urri!ulum for release 406/0

SAP AG 1999

Cour!e Prere2ui!ite!

HR050 Human Resources HR305 Configuration of Master Data

SAP AG 1999

Target Group

Consultants an" #ro2e!t teams in&ol&e" in im#lementing

SAP ime ,anagement

3uration0 3 day!


Notes to the user The training materia(s are not teach-yourself rograms. They com lement the course instructor!s e" lanations. Oour materia( inc(udes space for noting do'n this additiona( information. There may not 1e enough time to do a(( the e;ercises during the course. The e;ercises are intended to 1e additiona( e;amp(es that are dea(t 'ith during the course. !articipants can a(so use them to deepen their 9no'(edge after the course.

Cour!e 4"er"ie&

Cour!e Goa ! Cour!e Content 5ain 6u!ine!! Scenario

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Cour!e Goa !

Thi! cour!e &i prepare you to0

7nder!tand the prere2ui!ite! for

SAP Time 5anagement

Configure indi"idua e ement! of &or8 !chedu e! Set up attendance!.a$!ence! and attendance.

a$!ence counting
Set up attendance and a$!ence entit ement! a!

&e a! accrua and deduction

9ntegrate infotype! &ith other area!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e Content

Preface 3nit 1 3nit 2 3nit 3 3nit 4 3nit 5 Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure! and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Cour!e Content

3nit 3nit 3nit 3nit 3nit

6 Part=Time ;or8force 4 Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration 5 Attendance and A$!ence Counting 9 Attendance and A$!ence >uota! 10 Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation :<erci!e! So ution!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#


5ain 6u!ine!! Scenario

The Ca i$er A 6icyc e )CA6* Company

i! an internationa enterpri!e that produce! and !e ! $icyc e! and cyc ing e2uipment.
The CA6 Company i! in the proce!! of

imp ementing the SAP Sy!tem.

?ou are re!pon!i$ e for !etting up

SAP Time Management. ?ou mu!t en!ure that the !y!tem i! configured to hand e time management proce!!e! !mooth y and effecti"e y in your enterpri!e.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement

4"er"ie& 5ethod! 9ntegration &ith 4ther SAP App ication!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i ha"e an0

4"er"ie& of SAP Time 5anagement


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

SAP Time 5anagement0 6u!ine!! Scenario

?ou &ant to get an o"er"ie& of the

feature! and option! a"ai a$ e in SAP Time 5anagement

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

SAP Time 5anagement0 4"er"ie&
$m#loyee Self-Ser&i!es Cross-A##li!ation ime S'eet

ime A!!ounts

3se0001or)ing times
Ca#a!ity Planning

ime A"ministrators

raining an" $&ents ,anagement (or)ing time regulations7 atten"an!es/a8sen!es7 su8stitutions %n!enti&e (ages Payroll Cost Assignment

ime Re!or"ing Systems

A!ti&ity Allo!ation

SAP AG 1999

The time that emp(oyees perform 'or9 and their a&ai(a1i(ity in the enterprise are essentia( e(ements of a comprehensi&e time management system. This time data is transferred to other app(ication areasJ such as SAP Controlling and SAP LogisticsJ and is an inf(uentia( factor in enterprise>'ise decision>ma9ing. SAP Time Management pro&ides you 'ith a f(e;i1(e means of setting up and recording 'or9ing times. )ata specifying actua( time 'or9ed is transferred to SAP Payroll to ca(cu(ate emp(oyee gross pay. =arious options are a&ai(a1(e for recording 'or9ing timesJ such as time recording using decentra(i:ed time recording 'ith the time sheetJ on(ine menusJ or time recording su1systems and emp(oyee se(f> ser&ice app(ications. Time accounts ((ea&eJ f(e;timeJ and so on) can 1e manua((y or automatica((y managed. 3or9ing times can 1e a((ocated as acti&ities in Contro((ingJ and the costs resu(ting from 'or9ing times can 1e assigned to the appropriate source. Time management information is used 'ithin SAP Logistics to determine emp(oyee a&ai(a1i(ity for capacity p(anning purposes. 7nterprise 'or9 re"uirements can 1e determined and emp(oyee shifts schedu(ed. Time tic9ets can 1e generated automatica((y from !(ant )ata Co((ection (!)C) postings.

(C) ,.! .#


4ption! in SAP Time 5anagement

Shift P anning

Cro!!=App ication Time Sheet

Time Recording

Time :"a uation 9ncenti"e ;age!

SAP AG 1999

7mp(oyee time data can 1e p(anned and recorded in &arious 'ays in SAP Time Management. SAP Shift Planning is used to p(an 'or9ing times 1y schedu(ing app(ica1(e 'or9ing times (shifts) for emp(oyees 1ased on the specific re"uirements for a period. SAP Time Recording uses time infotypes to record time data. The SAP Time Sheet can 1e used for decentra(i:ed time recording. 7mp(oyee8s actua( 'or9ing times are recorded in time management su1systems and &a(uated in SAP Time Evaluation. SAP Incentive Wages is used for performance>1ased compensation. Oou can process times as time tic9ets and &a(uate them in SAP Payroll.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Time Recording 4ption!

9nternet ;or8f o&

Cro!!=App ication Time Sheet

:SS Sing e Screen @a!t entry +i!t !creen Ca endar @or mu tip e per!on! and infotype!

Time Recording Sy!tem! Time Admini!trator!

SAP AG 1999

SAP Time Management pro&ides &arious systems and methods for recording emp(oyee timesJ such as actua( time 'or9edJ 1usiness tripsJ (ea&eJ or su1stitutions/ %n(ine entry 1y personne( or time data administrators Hront>end time recording systems Cross>.pp(ication Time ,heet ,e(f>ser&ice app(ications such as the -nternetJ 3or9f(o' formsJ or touch>screen systems Customer>specific systems 'ith an interface to the ,.! ,ystem Time data is stored in time infotypes. The personne( administrator can use &arious options for recording time data/ %ingle screen& Records one infotype for one emp(oyee 'ast entry& Records one infotype for se&era( emp(oyees (ist screen& Records se&era( infotype records for one emp(oyee Calendar& Records infotypes for a year (annua( ca(endar)J a month (month(y ca(endar)J or a 'ee9 ('ee9(y ca(endar) )ulti le ersons and infoty es entry& Records se&era( infotype records for se&era( persons

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

;hat i! SAP Time 5anagementA

;or8 !chedu e! Su$!titution!% a"ai a$i ity Time account! ;or8 on Sunday! 4ther SAP Sy!tem app ication!

;or8 on pu$ ic ho iday!



SAP Time Management pro&ides a f(e;i1(e 'ay of representing a(( of your human resources processes that concern the p(anningJ recordingJ and e&a(uation of emp(oyee times in the ,.! ,ystem. Time can 1e represented 1y 1oth ca(endar time and rea(>time in your enterprise. -n this 'ayJ e&en the most di&erse 'or9ing time mode(sJ such as f(e;timeJ norma( 'or9ing timeJ and shift operationsJ can 1e set up in the system. SAP Time Management ena1(es you to set up regu(ations regarding 1oth de&iations to su1stitutionsJ a&ai(a1i(ityJ and 1usiness tripsJ and any payment>re(e&ant e(ementsJ such as attendances and a1sencesJ 'or9 on ,undays and pu1(ic ho(idaysJ 1rea9sJ and so on. Oou can set up and manage time accounts for emp(oyee (ea&eJ for e;amp(eJ using SAP Time Management. -n additionJ recorded time data can 1e made a&ai(a1(e for use in other ,.! ,ystem app(ications. The standard ,.! ,ystem inc(udes samp(es of &arious 'or9ing time regu(ations. Oou can simp(y copy these or modify them to suit the re"uirements of your enterprise. Oou can a(so create your o'n specific indi&idua(i:ed 'or9ing time mode(s to correspond to your 1usiness re"uirements.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

Time Recording 5ethod!

Record on y de"iation! to &or8 !chedu e

;or8 !chedu e B Actua and p anned

Doctor's appt



2., hr!

Record a time!
Attendance Doctor's appt Attendance 0-000 11000 1(000 11000 1(000 1/000 3 hr! 2., hr! 3 hr! Recorded time! B Actua ;or8 !chedu e B P anned

SAP AG 1999

There are 1asica((y t'o different methods for transferring emp(oyee time data to the ,.! ,ystem/ )ethod #/ Record only de,iations to the -or. schedule This method records on(y emp(oyee time data that represents e;ceptions or de&iations to the 'or9 schedu(e assigned to emp(oyees. Here you can inc(ude the most current dataJ such as emp(oyee i((nessesJ schedu(e and record su1stititutionsJ and enter annua( (ea&e for emp(oyees. )ethod 2& Record actual times This method comp(ete(y records a(( actua( timesJ that isJ a(( transactions such as actua( 'or9ing timesJ a1sencesJ and so on. There are t'o procedures for recording actua( times/ /utomatic recording .ctua( times are recorded in front>end time recording systemsJ up(oaded to the ,.! ,ystem and then processed in SAP Time Evaluation. )anual recording .ctua( times are manua((y recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Recording :mp oyee Time 3ata


:ntit ement B n day!. hour!

5anage time account!

r :a y


3etermine pay

Su$!titution! 4ther!
SAP AG 1999

Run !tati!tic!

=arious situations re"uire that an emp(oyee8s p(anned specifications 1e recorded. Time infotypes are used for this purpose. Re"uested (ea&eJ sic9 daysJ 1usiness tripsJ su1stitutionsJ and so onJ are recorded for emp(oyees. .ttendances and a1sences are fre"uent(y deducted from such emp(oyee entit(ements ("uotas) as (ea&eJ for e;amp(e. .ttendances and a1sencesJ su1stitutionsJ and so onJ can affect emp(oyee pay. They are processed in time e&a(uation and payro(( according(y. ,ituations such as these are used for statistica( purposes in reporting.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

SAP Time 5anagement0 Re2uired 9nfotype!
P anned ;or8ing Time
11 10 1 5


2 3 4

4 6 5

4rg. A!!ignment Time Recording 9nfo

Per!ona 3ata
#ame 3ate of $irth

:mp oyee!

A$!ence >uota!

A &ay! mandatory @or time e"a uation on y

SAP AG 1999

-n SAP Time ManagementJ certain master data infotype records must 1e a&ai(a1(e for each emp(oyee. Time management data is stored in the same master data records that are a(so used in other human resources areas such as SAP Payroll or SAP Personnel Develo ment and Planning. The fo((o'ing infotypes are re"uired for the integration of time management data records/ !rgani"ational Assignment (0001) Personal Data (0002) A#sence $uotas (2006) to manage emp(oyee (ea&e Planned Wor%ing Time (000$)/ The appropriate Time *anagement status must 1e stored in this infotype. This status determines 'hether and ho' emp(oyee time data is to 1e processed in SAP Time Evaluation or in SAP Payroll. Time Recording Info (00 0)/ This infotype is on(y used 'hen SAP Time Evaluation is in acti&e use. -t a((o's interface data to 1e recei&ed at the su1system and additiona( emp(oyee information to 1e entered for the purposes of time e&a(uation. Note& The Payroll Status infotype (0003)J 'hich the system usua((y creates 'hen an emp(oyee is hiredJ determines the ear(iest retroacti&e accounting date and 'hen time e&a(uation is to 1e run ne;t.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

9ntegration &ith 4ther SAP Component!
Cro!!= Cro!!=App ication Time Sheet


5a!ter 3ata
Per!onne Time 5anagement


Confirmation! Attendance!.A$!ence!


Capacity P anning 4rder Schedu ing

Per!ona ;or8 Schedu e Shift P anning

Acti"ity A ocation Co!t A!!ignment

Time :"a uation 55= 55= SRC :<terna Ser"ice!

Per!onne Time :"ent!

;or8 Time :"ent! 9ncenti"e ;age! Time Tic8et!


PP P9 Confirmation! SAP AG 1999

Time Recording Sy!tem!


6a ance Sheet and Sa e! Re"enue Account!

This diagram sho's an o&er&ie' of the entire SAP Time Management process. SAP Time Management is direct(y and indirect(y (in9ed 'ith &arious interna( components in SAP &uman Resources and e;terna( app(ications. 0"am les& 3or9ing times recorded in the Cross'A lication Time Sheet are transferred as attendances to SAP Time Management. These attendances can 1e a((ocated as acti&ites in SAP Controlling. .ttendances are a(so transferred to SAP Time Evaluation for further processing. Time 1a(ances and time types are formedJ 'hich are then transferred to SAP Payroll. Hina((yJ the payro(( resu(ts are transferred to SAP Accounting. !ayro(( resu(ts are transferred to ,.! !ayro((. 7mp(oyee attendances and a1sences ser&e as information on emp(oyee a&ai(a1i(ity for capacity p(anning in SAP Logistics. 3or9ing times recorded in time recording systems are transferred as personne( time e&ents to time management and processed further in SAP Time Evaluation. 3age types formed are transferred to SAP Payroll.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement0 7nit Summary

?ou no& ha"e an0

4"er"ie& of SAP Time 5anagement


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company )CA6*

:nterpri!e Structure SAP Product! 9mp emented SAP Time 5anagement @ocu! Area!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

CA6 Company0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

3e!cri$e the enterpri!e !tructure of the

CA6 Company


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

CA6 Company0 6u!ine!! Scenario

?ou are in"o "ed in the imp ementation

pro'ect for SAP Time 5anagement at the CA6 Company.

?our 'o$ i! to configure thi! !y!tem !o that

emp oyee time management can $e hand ed efficient y $y your department.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

9mp ementation Pro'ect for CA6 Company

CAB Company
SAP AG 1999

The Ca(i1er . +icyc(e (C.+) Company is an enterprise that se((s 1icyc(es and cyc(ing e"uipment. The company head"uarters and administration department are (ocated at one site. There are t'o sa(es offices (ocated at different sitesJ each 'ith its o'n production p(ant. -n additionJ there is a(so a sa(es office su1sidiary (ocated a1road. <ast yearJ the C.+ Company decided to restructure their e;isting enterprise data processing systemJ rep(acing it 'ith the ,.! ,ystem. .(( ,.! components 'ere imp(emented at the same time. Oou are responsi1(e for setting up SAP Time Management. Oour 2o1 is to configure this system so that emp(oyee time management can 1e hand(ed efficient(y 1y your department. To do thisJ you 'i(( use the -*# and then test the settings in the app(ication.

(C) ,.! .#


CA6 Company0 :nterpri!e Structure

CAB Company

Head2uarter!. Admini!tration Country A

Sa e! 4ffice 9 Country A

Sa e! 4ffice 99 Country A

Production P ant! Country A

Sa e! 4ffice Country 6

SAP AG 1999

The enterprise structure of the C.+ Company is disp(ayed in the graphic a1o&e. The company head"uarters and administration department are (ocated at one site. There are t'o sa(es offices (ocated at different sitesJ each 'ith its o'n production p(ant. -n additionJ there is a(so a sa(es office a1road.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

CA6 Company0 SAP Product! 9mp emented

5a!ter 3ata

SAP Time &irt!chaft

Time 5anagement

CA/ Com#any
4rgani= Dationa 5gmt @inancia Accounting. Contro ing Payro

SAP AG 1999

<ast yearJ your enterprise decided to restructure their e;isting enterprise data processing system and rep(ace it 'ith the ,.! ,ystem 'ith the support of ,.! consu(tants. The a1o&e ,.! ,ystem components 'ere imp(emented at the same time.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

An :mp oyeeE! Per!ona 3ata

HR 5a!ter 3ata

Per!onne no. 00000001 3ate of $irth


9isa .u8ois

1625 Summer 9ane /ur)e7 6A 22015 3SA

P ace of $irth

/uenos Aires7 Argentina

:ntry date
:irst "ay of !urrent mont' mont'

:mp oyed a!
Sales $;e!uti&e $;ternal Sales <salarie" em#loyee=

;or8 center

;or8ing time.!hift
:le;time? 40 'ours #er 1ee)

SAP AG 1999

Ho' an emp(oyee fits into the enterprise structure of the company is determined 'hen the emp(oyee is hired. The emp(oyee8s HR master data record specifies the emp(oyeePs status (sa(aried emp(oyee or hour(y>'age earnerJ for e;amp(e) and in 'hat di&ision the emp(oyee 'or9s (at the head"uarters or at a sa(es officeJ for e;amp(e). . 'or9 schedu(e is assigned to each emp(oyee. The 'or9 schedu(e contains 'or9ing times inc(uding 1rea9s. 3or9 schedu(es can 1e set up to ref(ect &arious types of 'or9ing times such as fi;ed shiftsJ rotating shiftsJ or f(e;time. 3or9 schedu(es must 1e created in SAP Time Management.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

;or8 Schedu e 5ode ! at CA6 Company

Sa aried :mp oyee!

CAB Company

Sa e! e<ecuti"e! Admini!trator! Secretarie! 4ther!

Hour y=;age :arner!

@ e<time Rotating !hift! Part=time &or8er! 4ther!
SAP AG 1999

;arehou!e &or8er! +athe operator! ;e der! 4ther!

)ifferent types of emp(oyees at the C.+ Company ha&e different 'or9ing times.These 'or9ing times inc(ude a fu((>time 'or9force 'ho 'or9 f(e;time (for e;amp(eJ sa(aried emp(oyees in head"uarters and administration)J and a fu((>time 'or9force 'ho 'or9 rotating shifts (for e;amp(eJ 2anitorsJ production 'or9ersJ and specifica((y those in the data processing area). -n additionJ there is a part>time 'or9force 'ho 'or9 f(e;timeJ as 'e(( as part>time emp(oyees 'ho 'or9 according to a four>day 'or9ing time mode(.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Time Recording
;or8 Schedu e!
:ar y #orma #ight

F :mp oyee Time 3ata



6u!ine!! trip!% actua &or8 performed

Change! in p anned &or8ing time


SAP AG 1999

C.+ Company emp(oyees 'or9 according to the standard times (isted in their 'or9 schedu(es. Ho'e&erJ de&iations to Qnorma(R 'or9ing time occur a(( the time. 7mp(oyees ca(( in sic9J ta9e &arious forms of (ea&e (inc(uding &acation)J fi(( in for other co((eaguesJ 'or9 o&ertimeJ and so on. Oou must comp(ete certain steps in the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#) so that de&iations are correct(y recorded in the system and deducted according(y from the appropriate entit(ement.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

9ntegration &ith 4ther Area!

Acti"ity Type!
CAB Company

Acti"ity A ocation

Co!t A!!ignment

SAP AG 1999

Oou can enter data on(ine for 1oth acti&ity a((ocation (secondary cost a((ocation) and for cost assignment (primary cost a((ocation) in SAP Time Management. )ia(og 1o;es are a&ai(a1(e for certain time infotypes. .cti&ities performed in an enterprise can 1e a((ocated interna((y. .cti&ities to 1e a((ocated interna((y inc(ude emp(oyee time dataJ for e;amp(eJ 'hen emp(oyees 'or9 for another department. -f these times (acti&ities) are to 1e a((ocated 1et'een cost centersJ you enter a recei&er cost center in a dia(og 1o; as 'e(( as an acti&ity type for &a(uating the acti&ity performed. The acti&ity type a((o's you to &a(uate the acti&ity 'ith a price (rate) in Contro((ing. The sender cost center (usua((y the emp(oyee8s master cost center) is credited and the recei&er cost center is de1ited. The resu(tant actua( personne( costs are de1ited after the payro(( resu(ts from the emp(oyee8s master data are transferred. -n some casesJ the costs (primary costs) must 1e reposted to a cost center that de&iates from the master cost center. These entries can a(so 1e made in a dia(og 1o;. -n this caseJ the amount (primary costs) deri&ed from the cost center specified in the infotypes is de1ited.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

CA6 Company0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

3e!cri$e the enterpri!e !tructure of the

CA6 Company


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

:nterpri!e Structure and Grouping!

:nterpri!e Structure Per!onne Structure Purpo!e of Per!onne Su$area Grouping! and :mp oyee Su$group Grouping!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

:nterpri!e Structure and Grouping!0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

3e!cri$e the e"e ! in the per!onne and

enterpri!e !tructure!
7nder!tand the purpo!e of per!onne !u$area

grouping! and emp oyee !u$group grouping! in SAP Time 5anagement


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

:nterpri!e Structure and Grouping!0 6u!ine!! Scenario

7!ing the CA6 Company a! an e<amp e%

you &i earn ho& the per!onne and enterpri!e !tructure! are !et up in the SAP Sy!tem
?ou &i a !o earn ho& the CA6 Company

u!e! grouping! to differentiate $et&een "ariou! e ement! in SAP Time 5anagement

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

:nterpri!e Structure0 4"er"ie&

:nterpri!e Structure

Per!onne Structure

Sa aried :mp oyee!

Hour y=;age :arner!

SAP AG 1999

7ach emp(oyee must 1e uni"ue(y Qcategori:edR to fit into enterprise and personne( structures. -n other 'ordsJ the emp(oyee 'or9s in a certain area (at ,a(es %ffice -J for e;amp(e)J and has a certain status (sa(aried emp(oyee or hour(y>'age earner). Categori:ing an emp(oyee to fit into the enterprise and personne( structures ta9es p(ace in the emp(oyee8s master data record in the !rgani"ational Assignment infotype (0001). The !rgani"ational Assignment infotype must 1e created for e&ery emp(oyee. The enterprise and personne( structures are set up 1y comp(eting the Customi:ing steps in the -*#.

(C) ,.! .#


CA6 Company0 :nterpri!e Structure

C ient CAB Company Company code

CA6 Company Country A

Per!onne !u$area

CA6 Company Su$!idiary Country 6

CA6 Company


Head2uarter!. Admini!tration

Sa e! 4ffice 9

Sa e! 4ffice 99
Per!onne !u$area

Production P ant!

Sa e! 4ffice Su$!idiary

SAP AG 1999

The enterprise structure for personne( administration contains the fo((o'ing e(ements/ C(ient Company code !ersonne( .rea !ersonne( su1area The client contains a(( e(ements from the company code to the entire corporation. The com any code is defined in SAP Accounting. The company code creates the 1a(ance of accounts and the profit and (oss statements re"uired 1y (a'. The ersonnel area is used e;c(usi&e(y in personne( administration 'ithin the c(ient. 7ach personne( area must 1e assigned to a company code. The (ast e(ement in the enterprise structureJ 'hich is a(so used e;c(usi&e(y 1y personne( administrationJ is the ersonnel su1area. The groupings that determine 'hich settings must 1e made for an emp(oyee of a certain company code?personne( area are (in9ed to the personne( su1area. This graphic sho's the enterprise structure of the C.+ Company as an e;amp(e of an enterprise structure set up in the ,.! ,ystem.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Per!onne Su$area!0 Contro 9ndicator!


Attendance!. a$!ence! counting

Attendance. a$!ence 2uota!

:ar y +ate #ight 4ff

Per!onne Su$area

;or8 !chedu e!% dai y &or8 !chedu e! A"ai a$i ity

SAP AG 1999

Pu$ ic ho iday ca endar

The contro( indicators determined 1y the personne( su1area in SAP Time Management are/ .ssignment of a pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar to a personne( su1area !ersonne( su1area groupings for/ 3or9 schedu(es .ttendance and a1sence types ,u1stitution types and a&ai(a1i(ity types .ttendance and a1sence counting Time "uotas Time recording

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

CA6 Company0 Per!onne Structure

CAB Company


Sa aried :mp oyee

Hour y=;age :arner! Trainee!


SAP AG 1999

.n emp(oyee group consists of emp(oyees grouped together 1ased on their 'or9ing re(ationship in the enterprise (acti&eJ pensionerJ ear(y retireeJ and so on). .n emp(oyee su1group is a more specific di&ision of the emp(oyee group 1ased on emp(oyee status (sa(aried emp(oyees and hour(y>'age earners are su1groups of the Q.cti&eR emp(oyee group). .(( contro( features of the personne( structure are defined at the emp(oyee su1group (e&e(. The graphic a1o&e disp(ays part of the personne( structure in p(ace at the C.+ Company.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

:mp oyee Su$group!0 Contro 9ndicator!

:ar y #orma #ight

;or8 Schedu e!

:mp oyee Su$group!

Attendance. A$!ence >uota! n day!.hour!

SAP AG 1999

The contro( indicators determined 1y the emp(oyee su1group in SAP Time Management are/ 7mp(oyee su1group grouping for 'or9 schedu(es 7mp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

3ifference! and Simi aritie!

Personnel Time Management Work Schedules Time Data Recording and Administration Personnel Subarea Groupings for:
@ e<time Rotating !hift

Emplo ee Subgroup Grouping for!!!

Technica training

+anguage cour!e Accounting cour!e

SAP AG 1999

,imi(arities and differences 1et'een personne( su1areas or 1et'een emp(oyee su1groups 1ased on their time management aspects are represented 1y groupings in the system. !urpose of groupings/ .(( personne( su1areas that concern one personne( area hand(ed in the same 'ay (same 'or9 schedu(es app(yJ for e;amp(e) are assigned to a grouping. -f any time management aspect 'ithin the personne( su1areas is differentJ then each personne( su1area is assigned to different groupings. +y grouping together personne( su1areas into one groupJ you can reduce the amount of time and effort spent on maintenance. The permitted 'or9 schedu(es on(y need to 1e stored once for a personne( su1area groupingJ for e;amp(e. %n the other handJ you can contro( groupings using permissions. %n(y the 'or9 schedu(es for the grouping assigned to the personne( su1area are permitted. The same procedure app(ies to emp(oyee su1group groupings. #roupings are assigned at &arious points in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement . Note& #roupings are not on(y found in SAP Time ManagementJ 1ut in other ,.! componentsJ such as SAP Personnel Adminstration and SAP Payroll.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

Per!onne Su$area Grouping for ;or8 Schedu e!

Per!onne Su$area 0001

Per!onne Su$area 0002

Per!onne Su$area 0003

Grouping for ;or8 Schedu e!



;or8 Schedu e! #orma @ e<time (=day mode

#orma Rotating !hift

SAP AG 1999

. personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es is a group of personne( su1areas for 'hich the same 'or9 schedu(e ru(es app(y. This grouping a((o's you to contro( 'hether a 'or9 schedu(e is permitted for personne( su1areas. !ersonne( su1areas for 'hich the same 'or9 schedu(e ru(es are &a(id ha&e the same grouping. ,e&era( groupings are re"uiredJ ho'e&erJ if different 'or9 schedu(e ru(es app(y to different personne( su1areas. 3or9 schedu(e ru(es may ha&e the same namesJ e&en if they are assigned to different groupings. 0"am le& 7mp(oyees in your personne( su1areas 000# und 0002 'or9 according to the 'or9ing time mode(s norma(J f(e;timeJ and the 4>day mode(. 7mp(oyees in your personne( su1area 0003 'or9 according to the 'or9ing time mode(s norma( and rotating shift. The 'or9 schedu(es &a(id for personne( su1areas 000# and 0002 are not permitted in personne( su1area grouping 0003. The 'or9 schedu(es &a(id for personne( su1area 0003 are not permitted for personne( su1areas 000# and 0002.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

Additiona Per!onne Su$area Grouping!

Per!onne !u$area grouping! for0 ;or8 !chedu e! 3ai y &or8 !chedu e! Su$!titution! and a"ai a$i ity type! Attendance.a$!ence type! Attendance.a$!ence counting Time 2uota! Time recording ...

@ e<i$ e grouping option! for each e ement of time management

Grouping Grouping for for &or8 &or8 !chedu !chedu e! e!







Grouping Grouping for for attendance attendance and and a$!ence a$!ence type! type!





Grouping Grouping for... for...

SAP AG 1999

!ersonne( su1areas can 1e regrouped for different time management aspects. #roupings are on(y 1ased on one indi&idua( time management aspect and remain independent from each other. 0"am le& The same 'or9 schedu(es are &a(id for the 1oth personne( su1areas 000# and 0002. )ifferent 'or9 schedu(es are &a(id for the personne( su1areas 0003 and 0004. ThusJ personne( su1area groupings 000# and 0002 are assigned to grouping 0# for 'or9 schedu(esJ and personne( su1areas 0003 and 0004 are assigned to grouping 02. There are no differences regarding the attendance and a1sence types 1et'een the indi&idua( personne( su1areas. .(( attendance and a1sence types are permitted for the emp(oyees in a(( personne( su1areas. Hor this reasonJ a(( personne( su1areas are on(y assigned to grouping 0# 'hich contains a(( of the attendance and a1sence types that app(y in the enterprise. Oou can decide 'hether you need to distinguish 1et'een personne( areas for the other groupings.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

:mp oyee Su$group Grouping!

:mp oyee !u$group grouping for0 ;or8 !chedu e! Time 2uota!

Hour y=&age earner! 1 Temporary emp oyee! 4ther! Trainee! Sa aried emp oyee! 4ther!

Grouping Grouping for for ;or8 ;or8 Schedu Schedu e! e!

Rotating !hift Grouping Grouping for for Time Time >uota! >uota! 4ther! 1

#orma @ e<time

SAP AG 1999

The same princip(e that app(ies to personne( su1area groupings for certain time management aspects ('or9 schedu(esJ time "uotas) a(so app(ies to emp(oyee su1group groupings. -n this 'ayJ 'or9 schedu(es can a(so 1e defined for &arious emp(oyee su1groups. To do soJ emp(oyee su1group groupings for 'or9 schedu(es are defined. The standard ,.! ,ystem a(ready contains the groupings # 3hour(y>'age earner) and 2 (sa(aried emp(oyee). The groupings re"uired are assigned to the indi&idua( emp(oyee su1groups. 0"am le& -f the 'or9 schedu(es for hour(y>'age earners and sa(aried emp(oyees differJ and certain 'or9 schedu(es are on(y permitted for sa(aried emp(oyees and not for hour(y>'age earners (and &ice &ersa)J then you set up a grouping for sa(aried emp(oyees and one for hour(y>'age earners. -f there are no differences for these emp(oyee su1groupsJ then one grouping is sufficient. 7mp(oyee su1group groupings can a(so 1e set up for time "uotas (a1sence entit(ementsJ attendance appro&a(s). -n the standard ,.! ,ystemJ time "uotas are hand(ed simi(ar(y 1y a(( emp(oyee su1groups. The &a(ue # is assigned as the grouping for time "uotas to a(( of the emp(oyee su1groups.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

Per!onne Su$area0 Cu!tomiDing Step!
3i!p ay Structure0 SAP Reference 95G0 Per!onne Su$area
Structure :dit Goto 9nformation 7ti itie! 3efau t !etting! Sy!tem He p

:< ap!e

;here e !e u!ed

Per!onne Time 5anagement ;or8 Schedu e! Per!onne Su$area Grouping! Set Grouping! for the ;or8 Schedu e ;or8 Schedu e! Ru e! and ;or8 Schedu e! 3efine Grouping! for the Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Su$!titution! Set Per!onne Su$area Grouping! A$!ence! A$!ence Cata og Group Per!onne Su$area! for Attendance!.A$!ence! A$!ence Counting A$!ence Counting Ru e! )#e&* Group Per!onne Su$area! for Time >uota! A"ai a$i ity Group Per!onne Su$area! for A"ai a$i ity Type! 5anaging Time Account! 7!ing Attendance.A$!ence >uota! 3efine Grouping! for Time >uota! Group Per!onne Su$area! for Time >uota! Group Per!onne Su$area! for Time >uota! . . . SAP AG 1999

The -*# contains an o&er&ie' of a(( groupings in time management. The on(y prere"uisite is that you generate a pro2ect for 2ersonnel Time )anagement or at (east generate a pro2ect that contains time management components. 0sing this pro2ectJ you can generate a &ie' for steps re"uired for personne( su1areasJ as 'e(( as a &ie' for the steps re"uired for emp(oyee su1groups. -n this 'ayJ you get a comprehensi&e o&er&ie' of the groupings and assignements to 1e made. Oou can chec9 and assign the indicators determined 1y the personne( su1area in time management from the Customizing Steps for Personnel Subaereas &ie'. This s(ide disp(ays the re(e&ant Customi:ing steps.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 14

:mp oyee Su$group Step!

3i!p ay Structure0 SAP Reference 95G0 :mp oyee Su$group

Structure :dit Goto 9nformation 7ti itie! 3efau t !etting! Sy!tem He p

:< ap!e

;here e !e u!ed

Per!onne Time 5anagement ;or8 Schedu e! ;or8 Schedu e! Ru e! and ;or8 Schedu e! 3efine :mp oyee Su$groupGrouping! Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration A$!ence! A$!ence Cata og A$!ence Counting A$!ence Counting Ru e! )#e&* Group :mp oyee Su$group! for Time >uota! Attendance! 5anaging Time Account! 7!ing Attendance.A$!ence >uota! 3efine Grouping! for Time >uota! Group :mp oyee Su$group! for Time >uota! . . .

SAP AG 1999

Oou can chec9 and assign the indicators determined 1y the emp(oyee su1groups in time management from the Customizing Steps for Employee Subgroups &ie'. This s(ide disp(ays the re(e&ant Customi:ing steps.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

:nterpri!e Structure and Grouping!0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

3e!cri$e the e"e ! in the per!onne and

enterpri!e !tructure!
7nder!tand the purpo!e of per!onne

!u$area and emp oyee !u$group grouping! in SAP Time 5anagement


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

4.#$0"ercise 4ata
Gey to 9con! in :<erci!e! and So ution! :<erci!e! So ution! Cour!e 4$'ecti"e! 6u!ine!! Scenario Hint! H Tric8! ;arning or Caution

3ata 7!ed in :<erci!e! Type of 3ata


3ata in Training Sy!tem

306661SS Tom Mohnson Hour(y>'age earner (emp(oyee su1group L1)


306662SS Tarin .nderson ,a(aried emp(oyee (emp(oyee su1group L0)

Country #rouping !ersonne( .rea !ersonne( ,u1areas Time *anagement #roupings 3or9 ,chedu(es .1sence type

66 Rest of 'or(d C.+ Company in Country + (C.++) T!SS 01 #R00J H<7LJ K%R*J *3>1J *3>2J *3>3 0100 <ea&e 0200 -((ness 'ith certificate

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1$

@uota Type !u1(ic Ho(iday Ca(endar

10 .nnua( (ea&e 66 !u1(ic ho(iday ca(endar for the Ca(i1er . +icyc(e Company

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 15

:<erci!e 3ata Sheet for Attendance and A sence Counting and Attendance and A sence !uotas 7nit! Attendance and A$!ence Counting 3ata
.1sence type Counting ru(e


-((ness group SS Counting ru(e group SS

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! 3ata

.1sence "uota type Leave .1sence "uota type Additional leave @uota type se(ection ru(e group Rounding ru(es Ru(e for 1ase entit(ement

30USS $0USS 30USS 01 Hor "uota type 30USS/ 001 ('ith su1ru(es 001 and 002)

<ea&e group SS .dditiona( (ea&e group SS

Round to ne;t 'ho(e num1er +ase entit(ement Leave grou SS

Ru(e for 1ase entit(ement

Hor "uota type $0USS/ 001

+ase entit(ement Additional leave grou SS Reduced 1y inacti&e days group SS <ea&e accrua( group group SS .dditiona( (ea&e accrua( group group SS )eduction ru(e group SS

Reduction ru(e/ ,e(ection ru(e for "uota accrua( Leave ()*+,,,e(ection ru(e for "uota accrua( Additional leave (.*+,,@uota deduction ru(e
(C) ,.! .# HR306 16

30USS Hor "uota type 30USS/ 001

Hor "uota type $0USS/ 002


II B Group num$er

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 20

4.#*0nter rise %tructure and 5rou ings 0"ercises

6nit& 0nter rise %tructure and 5rou ings To ic& 7rgani8ational Reassignment

Oou comp(ete the personne( action for an organi:ationa( reassignment.

Oour emp(oyees undergo an organi:ationa( reassignment. ,tarting on Manuary 1 of the current yearJ they are to 1e assigned to another personne( su1area (!roduction).


7rgani8ational Reassignment Carry out the 7rgani8ational Reassignment personne( action for your hour(y>earner and sa(aried emp(oyee starting from Manuary 1 of the current year. .ssign the personne( su1area TP##. 7nter data for the su1se"uent infotypes as fo((o's/ Hour(y>'age earner/ ,a(aried emp(oyee/ SS V group num1er Tom Mohnson Tarin .nderson (!ersonne( num1er/ 306661SS) (!ersonne( num1er/ 306662SS)

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 21

6nit& 0nter rise %tructure and 5rou ings To ic& 7rgani8ational Reassignment

7rgani8ational Reassignment Choose Human resources Time management Administration Maintain time data Personal actions. -n the Personnel number fie(dJ enter the personne( num1er of the app(ica1(e emp(oyee (30 !## for your sa(aried emp(oyee). ThenJ enter the start date for the organi:ationa( reassignment in the "rom fie(d #$anuary ! of t%e current year&. ,e(ect the action type 'rganizational reassignment and choose E(ecuteJ or from the menuJ choose H) master data E(ecute. ,a&e the su1se"uent Actions infotype (0000). Confirm the 'arning message that appears 1y choosing Enter. -n the fo((o'ing 'rganizational )eassignment infotype (0001)J enter the personne( su1area TP## ('ith ## V group num1er) in the Personnel subarea fie(d and then sa&e your entries. .s no position assignment 'as madeJ choose Cancel in the Enter Position Assignment dia(og 1o; that appears on the screen. Oou do not need to ma9e any entries in the su1se"uent infotypes. Oou can precede to the ne;t record 1y choosing *e(t recordJ or +oto *e(t record from the menu. Confirm the 'arning message 1y choosing Enter. Carry out this personne( action for 1oth emp(oyees (personne( num1er 30 ,,!## and 30 ,,-##).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 22

;or8 Schedu e! Content!0
Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar ;or8 Schedu e!
6rea8 Schedu e! 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e! 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e Cariant! Period ;or8 Schedu e! 3ay Type! ;or8 Schedu e Ru e ;or8 Schedu e! P anned ;or8ing Time

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

;or8 Schedu e!0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

3e!cri$e pu$ ic ho iday! and the pu$ ic

ho iday ca endar
Create &or8 !chedu e!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

;or8 Schedu e!0 6u!ine!! Scenario

:mp oyee! at the CA6 Company &or8

according to "ariou! &or8 !chedu e!. @or e<amp e% fu =time emp oyee! &or8 f e<time or rotating !hift!. Part=time emp oyee! &or8 a four=day !chedu e. Prior to pu$ ic ho iday!% !ome emp oyee! &or8 reduced hour!.
9n thi! unit% you create the e ement!

re2uired to generate &or8 !chedu e! and a!!ign them to emp oyee!.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

Creating ;or8 Schedu e!

Pu$ ic Ho iday! Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar

6rea8 Schedu e!

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e!

Cariant! Cariant Ru e!

Period ;or8 Schedu e! 3ay Type!

;or8 Schedu e Ru e Generate! 5onth y ;or8 Schedu e!

P"anned #or$ing Time 9nfotype )000/*

SAP AG 1999

. &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar 'ith app(ica1(e pu1(ic days and a &a(id 'or9 schedu(e are prere"uisites in SAP Time Management. . 'or9 schedu(e is comprised of a num1er of indi&idua( e(ements inc(uding the pu1(ic ca(endar. .fter the indi&idua( e(ements are definedJ they are com1ined into a 'or9 schedu(e ru(e from 'hich a 'or9 schedu(e is generated. The app(ica1(e steps are carried out in Customi:ing. . generated 'or9 schedu(e is asssigned to an emp(oyee using the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$).

(C) ,.! .#


Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar!0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! topic% you &i $e a$ e to0

3e!cri$e the characteri!tic! of pu$ ic ho iday! 3e!cri$e the !tructure of the pu$ ic ho iday

ca endar
7nder!tand the re e"ance of pu$ ic ho iday!

for payment and get an o"er"ie& of attendance.a$!ence counting


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

;or8 Schedu e!


Ca endar

13 1(

20 21

2/ 2-

;or8ing Time

Shift 6000 a.m. = 2030 p.m.

@ e<time /000 a.m. = 6000 p.m.

SAP AG 1999

The centra( e(ement in SAP Time Management is the emp(oyee8s 'or9 schedu(e. The 'or9 schedu(e contains p(anned specifications of an emp(oyee8s 'or9ing timeJ inc(uding 1rea9s. The 'or9 schedu(e is 1ased on a &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

Pu$ ic Ho iday! and Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management Work Schedules


Determine Public "olida #lasses $% Public holida s $% Public holida calendar

SAP AG 1999

)ifferent pu1(ic ho(idays are ce(e1rated in &arious parts of the 'or(d depending on the specific countryJ regionJ re(igionJ cityJ and so on. -n SAP Time ManagementJ pu1(ic ho(idays are grouped together in the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar. To set up a 'or9 schedu(eJ you need a &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar inc(uding company>'ide pu1(ic ho(idays re(e&ant for your enterprise. The factory ca(endar does not affect the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar in any 'ay. !u1(ic ho(idays and the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar can 1e modified to suit nationa( or regiona( pro&isionsJ or e&en interna( 1usiness po(icy. Oou maintain pu1(ic ho(idays and the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar under either +lobal Settings or .or/ Sc%edules in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement .

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar!


Pu$. Ho iday Ca endar

Pu$. Ho iday Ca endar

#e& ?earE! 3ay :piphany Good @riday :a!ter Sunday :a!ter 5onday 9ndependence 3ay


Argentina Au!tria Canada 3enmar8

7nited Gingdom

Per!onne Su$area Head2uarter! 5J 5e<ico


5aintain Pu$ ic Ho iday! ;ith fi<ed date ;ith fi<ed day of &ee8 from date 3i!tance to :a!ter i! :a!ter Sunday i! a mo"a$ e ho iday
SAP AG 1999

7&ery 'or9 schedu(e is 1ased on a &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar that inc(udes a(( re(e&ant regiona( pu1(ic ho(idays. The standard ,.! ,ystem contains a comprehensi&e (ist of internationa(J nationa(J and regiona( pu1(ic ho(idays as 'e(( as samp(e pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endars. Oou can define ne' pu1(ic ho(idays and inc(ude them in a pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar. 7;isting ho(idays can a(so 1e partia((y modified or simp(y de(eted from a pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar. Oou can de(ete pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endars that are not used. The &a(idity of a pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar is specified 1y a &a(idity period. . pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar is assigned to a personne( su1area. !u1(ic ho(idays are set up and sa&ed once and then can 1e copied to &arious ca(endars. !u1(ic ho(idays can ha&e one of the fo((o'ing characteristics/ Hi;ed date ,pecific date and day of 'ee9 )istance to 7aster (7asterJ and certain days 1efore?after 7aster) *o&a1(e ho(iday (date not fi;ed)

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

3etermining Pu$ ic Ho iday C a!!e!

Ho Ho iday iday c c a!! a!! $ $ an8 an8 Ho Ho iday iday c c a!! a!! 1 1 Ho Ho iday iday c c a!! a!! 2 2 .. .. ..

K#ot K#ot a a ho ho idayL idayL K@u K@u =day =day ho ho idayL idayL KHa KHa f=day f=day ho ho idayL idayL


! 6onu


e +ea"

3:7TSCH : 5ARG 3:7 TSCH : 5ARG

SAP AG 1999

!u1(ic ho(idays are grouping into pu1(ic ho(iday c(asses in SAP Human )esources. The pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass is used for the se(ection of time 'age typesJ dai(y o'r9 schedu(e &ariantsJ day typesJ and for a1sence counting. -n the standard ,.! ,ystemJ the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass 1 is assigned to QordinaryR fu((> day pu1(ic ho(idays and the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass 2 is assigned to ha(f>day pu1(ic ho(idays. Kot a(( pu1(ic ho(idays are treated in the same 'ays. ,ome co((ecti&e agreements stipu(ate different ho(iday 1onuses for 'or9ing on certain pu1(ic ho(idaysJ such as *ay 1 (*ay )ay) in #ermanyJ or Than9sgi&ing in the 0nited ,tatus (fourth Thursday in Ko&em1er). -f you 'ant to treat a pu1(ic ho(iday different(yJ you can assign it an a(ternati&e pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass. Oou can use a &a(ue from 0 to + for the pu1(ic ho(iday c(assW 0 or 1lan. is used for days that are not pu1(ic ho(idays. Certan pu1(ic ho(idays may on(y 1e re(e&ant in specific re(igionsJ that isJ the pu1(ic ho(iday is o1ser&ed on(y 1y emp(oyees of a particu(ar re(igious group.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

A!!igning Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar!
Per!onne Su$area Grouping Country A

Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar Country A


Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar Region 6

SAP AG 1999

Per!onne Su$area Grouping Country 6

!u1(ic ho(idays differ in many of the countries and regions of the 'or(d. Hor this reasonJ pu1(ic ho(idays are grouped together in pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endars. 7&ery personne( area?personne( su1area has to 1e assigned a definiti&e pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar that is &a(id for the corresponding region (countryJ stateJ cityJ and so on). Oou must first create the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar and maintain the personne( areas and the personne( su1areas 1efore assignment can ta9e p(aceJ ho'e&er. The pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar &a(id for an emp(oyee depends upon the personne( area and?or personne( su1area to 'hich the emp(oyee is assigned. 0"am le& The personne( area 000# 1e(ongs to a p(ant in .rgentina and is assigned the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar /R (for .rgentina). The personne( area 0002 refers to a p(ant in +a&ariaJ #ermanyJ and thus is assigned the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar 0$.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

;or8 Schedu e!0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! topic% you &i $e a$ e to0

Set up the indi"idua e ement! of a

&or8 !chedu e
Generate and a!!ign a &or8 !chedu e


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

;or8 Schedu e +e"e !
5o Tu ;e Th @r Sa
4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@

4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@

:AR+? :AR+? :AR+? :AR+? :AR+? +AT: #9GHT 4@@ +AT: #9GHT 4@@ +AT: #9GHT 4@@ +AT: #9GHT 4@@ +AT: #9GHT 4@@

:ar y !hift0 6000 a.m. to 2000 p.m. 3ay

# # # #


+ + + + 4@@ 4@@ #

;or8 Pattern )( &ee8!*


SAP AG 1999

3or9 schedu(es define the 'or9 patterns for di&erse groups of emp(oyees in an enterprise. 7mp(oyees8 contractua((y agreed to 'or9ing times are set up in the 'or9 schedu(e. . &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar is a prere"uisite for e&ery 'or9 schedu(e. ,pecifications for 'or9 schedu(es are stored at three (e&e(s/ .t the daily (e&e(J dai(y 'or9 schedu(es inc(ude the 1rea9 schedu(e. Oou can a(so inc(ude &arious dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants (a(ternati&e &ersions of the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es). .t the (e&e(J dai(y 'or9 schedu(es are arranged into a specific pattern in the period 'or9 schedu(es. .t the monthly (e&e(J 'or9 schedu(es are created for se&era( ca(endar months 1ased on a &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday fie(d and a 'or9 schedu(e ru(e. The 'or9 schedu(e is set up step>1y>step in this unit. 3or9 schedu(es and dai(y 'or9 schedu(es can app(y to one or more personne( su1area or emp(oyee su1group groupings.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

Per!onne Su$area Grouping!
Grouping Grouping for for ;or8 ;or8 Schedu Schedu e! e!
0001 0002 0003

Grouping Grouping for for 3ai 3ai y y ;or8 ;or8 Schedu Schedu e! e!





#orma @ e<time

#orma Rotating !hift

01 01 01

Per!onne !u$area Grouping for &or8 !chedu e Grouping for dai y &or8 !chedu e ;or8 !chedu e 3ai y &or8 !chedu e
SAP AG 1999

#orma @ e<time

. personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es is a group of personne( su1areas for 'hich the same 'or9 schedu(e ru(es app(y. This grouping a((o's you to contro( the permissi1i(ity of 'or9 schedu(es 'ithin the personne( su1areas. !ersonne( su1areas for 'hich the same 'or9 schedu(e ru(es are &a(id ha&e the same grouping. ,e&era( groupings are re"uiredJ ho'e&erJ if different 'or9 schedu(e ru(es app(y to different personne( su1areas. . personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es is a group of personne( su1areas that 1ase their dai(y 'or9 schedu(es on the same 'or9 schedu(es. This grouping is not assigned direct(y to the personne( su1area 1ut is assigned to the grouping for 'or9 schedu(es. . personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es can 1e to one or more groupings for 'or9 schedu(es. -n this 'ayJ the permissi1i(ity of the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es used is contro((ed 'ithin the personne( su1areas. (The grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0# to 50 is reser&ed for use in time management.) 0"am le/ !ersonne( su1areas 000# and 0002 use the same 'or9 schedu(es and are thus assigned to the same grouping for 'or9 schedu(es (0#). Conse"uent(yJ they a(so use the same dai(y 'or9 schedu(es and are assigned to the same grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es (0#).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 14

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e! and Cariant!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management Work Schedules Personnel Subarea Groupings Dail Work Schedules

;or8 ;or8 Schedu Schedu e! e!

Define &reak Schedules Define Rules for 'ariants Define Dail Work Schedules

3ai 3ai y y ;or8 ;or8 Schedu Schedu e! e!

:ar y +ate #ight SAP AG 1999 @ e< @ e< A

Oou must first define dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ inc(uding 1rea9sJ for the indi&idua( 'or9 schedu(es at the C.+ Company. +ecause some emp(oyees 'or9 a reduced schedu(e prior to pu1(ic ho(idaysJ you must a(so define a(ternati&e &ersions of the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es. The conditions upon 'hich the &ariants app(y are defined in specific ru(es. The sma((est unit of the 'or9 schedu(e is the dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ 'hich contains information on the indi&idua( 'or9days. This information inc(udes 1rea9s and dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants. To set up the dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps in the Wor% Schedules Daily Wor% Schedules section in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement .

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

6rea8 Schedu e!

6rea8 Schedu e!

Start @i<ed 6rea8 Caria$ e 6rea8 3ynamic 6rea8 4"ertime 6rea8 22000 12000 1030

:nd 13000 10000 22010

7npaid 1000 002, 002, 001/


)no. hr!*

RefTime Type 1

(.00 4

SAP AG 1999

+rea9s are periods of time during the 'or9day 'hen emp(oyees are not re"uired to 'or9. The 1rea9 schedu(e defines the ru(es go&erning 1rea9s in a 'or9day. The 1rea9 schedu(e is assigned to a personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es. Oou can assign a 1rea9 schedu(e to as many dai(y 'or9 schedu(es as you re"uire. )ifferent types of 1rea9s are defined in as fo((o's in SAP Time Management/ 'i"ed 9rea.s/ +rea9s ta9en at a certain period of time (from 6/00 a. m. to 6/1 a.m.J for e;amp(e) :aria1le 9rea.s/ +rea9s that must 1e ta9en at any time 'ithin a specific inter&a(. 7mp(oyees themse(&es can determine the time 'hen their 1rea9 1egins and ends (an hour 1rea9 must 1e ta9en 1et'een 12/00 p.m. and 2/00 p.m.J for e;amp(e) 4ynamic 9rea.s/ +rea9s ta9en after a certain num1er of hours are 'or9ed (a 1 >minute 1rea9 must 1e ta9en after 'or9ing 4 hoursJ for e;amp(e). -n the Reference time (RefTime- fie(d in the f(e;time 'or9ing mode(sJ you can specify if a dynamic 1rea9 is to 1e ca(cu(ated from the start of p(anned 'or9ing time or norma( 'or9ing time. The start of p(anned 'or9ing time is preset in the standard ,.! ,ystem. )ynamic 1rea9s can 1e defined in more detai( in the 4;N9R function in time e&a(uation. 7,ertime 9rea.s& +rea9s ta9en 'hen 'or9ing o&ertimeW they are indicated 1y the 1rea9 type 7. 9rea.s ta9en after midnight (12/00 a.m.) during night shifts are to 1e assigned to the pre&ious day 1y acti&ating the pre&ious day indicator (chec91o;) in the 0P0 fie(d. -f 'or9 schedu(es change after they are a(ready assigned to dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ you must ree&a(uate the app(ica1(e dai(y 'or9 schedu(es. The -*# contains a uti(ity to comp(ete this tas9.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e!

:nd of core time

Start of core time

Start of core time

11 10 1 5
To er an ce


1 2 3
er an c
:nd of core time

4 6 5

Start of &or8ing time

SAP AG 1999


:nd of &or8ing time

. dai(y 'or9 schedu(e contains the specifications for a 'or9day These specifications inc(ude the start and end of 'or9ing timeJ p(anned 'or9ing hoursJ and 1rea9s. Oou can a(so indicate 'hether or not indi&idua( o&ertime appro&a(s are permitted in the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. Oou can a(so add &arious &ersions to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ a QshortenedR &ersionJ for e;amp(e. These &ersions are ca((ed dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants. -n the dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ you can specify 'hether or not these a(ternati&e &ersions of the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e are to 1e inc(uded. )ai(y 'or9 schedu(es can define fi;ed or f(e;i1(e 'or9ing times (f(e;time 'or9 schedu(es). H(e;time 'or9 schedu(es contain a period of time 'ithin 'hich emp(oyees may c(oc9>in and c(oc9>out (recording of actua( times). Core times can a(so 1e defined for f(e;time 'or9 schedu(esJ that isJ specific times 'hen emp(oyees are re"uired to 1e at 'or9. )ai(y 'or9 schedu(es can a(so contain 1egin or end to(erances. This pre&ents c(oc9>in?c(oc9>out times that differ on(y s(ight(y from norma( start or end of 'or9ing time from 1eing interpreted as o&ertime or 'or9ing time &io(ations.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1$

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e C a!!e!

Ca uation 6a!i! 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e C a!! )0 = 1*

Time ;age Type!

A$!ence Counting

3:7TSCH : 5ARG 3:7TSCH : 5AR G

SAP AG 1999

. dai(y 'or9 schedu(e is a description of the duration and (ocation of 'or9ing time for an emp(oyee on any gi&en 'or9day. . dai(y 'or9 schedu(e c(ass is assigned to a dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ 'hich is used as the &a(uation 1asis for the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. )ai(y 'or9 schedu(e c(asses ha&e a t'ofo(d purpose X they specify the conditions and ru(es for generating time 'age types and a(so determine ho' a1sences and attendances are counted. 0se the 0 planned 1or/ing %ours chec91o; to indicate dai(y 'or9 schedu(es containing days off of 'or9. Oou can assign as many dai(y 'or9 schedu(e c(asses as necessary.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 15

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e! and Cariant!

$ Pu

H ic

d oi


- hour! ( hour!

Regu ar dai y &or8 !chedu e Cariant a &ay! u!ed $efore pu$ ic ho iday!

SAP AG 1999

Oou can a(so create different &ersions of the dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ for e;amp(eJ a QshortenedR &ersion. These &ersions are ca((ed dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants. This type of dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant cou(d 1e acti&ated prior to pu1(ic ho(idays. . dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant is an a(ternati&e &ersion of a dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. -n additionJ a dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant has the same name as the origina( dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ 1ut an additiona( indicatorJ a (etter or num1erJ distinguishes it from its corresponding dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. The dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants can 1e inc(uded automatica((y 'hen generating the month(y 'or9 schedu(es. To do soJ you define ru(es that determine the conditions to 1e met in order for the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant to 1e used on a specific dayJ such as on days preceding pu1(ic ho(idaysJ for e;amp(e. 0"am le& 7mp(oyees 'ith f(e;i1(e 'or9ing times 'ho 'or9 *onday through Hriday according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e '(0< 'or9 fe'er hours than usua( prior to pu1(ic ho(idays. This scenario can 1e set up 1y using a dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant. The dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant must a(so 1e ca((ed '(0<J and must inc(ude an additiona( indicatorJ such as '(0< 9 oder '(0< # to distinguish it from the regu(ar dai(y 'or9ing schedu(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e!0 Cariant Ru e!

Ru e! to 3etermine Cariant!

Ru e 01 01

#o 01 02

Ho iday c a!! $123(,6/-1 ..<....... <<. <<<<<<<

Ho .c .ne<t day $123(,6/-1 <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<

;ee8day 123(,6/ <<<<<<< ....<..

Cariant 6 6

Se ection ru e for dai y &or8 !chedu e "ariant! from the dai y &or8 !chedu e

SAP AG 1999

Ru(es for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants are each indicated 1y a 2>digit num1er (ru(e). The dai(y 'or9 schedu(e specifies 'hich se(ection ru(e is used to determine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant. ThereforeJ a ru(e must a(ready e;ist. . ru(e can 1e(ong to se&era( dai(y 'or9 schedu(es. Corresponding &ariants must e;ist for these dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ such as '(0< 9J N7R) 9J and so on. -f a ru(e is app(ica1(eJ the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant for the corresponding day (the current day) is referenced 'hen the 'or9 schedu(e is generated. Ru(es are defined for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants depending on the fo((o'ing characteristics/ !u1(ic ho(iday c(ass of the current day !u1(ic ho(iday c(ass of the fo((o'ing day )ay of the 'ee9 of the current day . ru(e may contain se&era( su1ru(es. -n this 'ayJ a(( su1ru(es of the ru(e are run through unti( one of them app(ies. -f no su1ru(e is app(ica1(eJ then no dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant is referenced. 0"am le& Hor the a1o&e &ariant ru(e 0#J consisting of t'o su1ru(esJ 0# and 02/ %u1rule 0#/ . dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant 'ith the additiona( name 9 is referenced 'hen the current day is a ha(f>day pu1(ic ho(iday (pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass 2)J regard(ess of 'hether or not the fo((o'ing day is a pu1(ic ho(iday (no matter 'hat pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass)J and regard(ess of the day of the 'ee9 of the current day. %u1rule 02& =ariant + is referenced 'hen the current day is not a ha(f>day pu1(ic ho(iday (a(( pu1(ic ho(iday c(asses e;cept 2)J regard(ess of 'hether or not the fo((o'ing day is a ho(iday (no matter 'hat pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass)J and if the current day is a Hriday ()ay ).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 20

Period ;or8 Schedu e!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management Work Schedules !!! Period Work Schedules

:ar y 4ff #ight

+ + + + + 4@@ 4@@ # 4@@ 4@@ # # # #

Define Period Work Schedules

Period Period ;or8 ;or8 Schedu Schedu e! e!

SAP AG 1999

7mp(oyees 'or9 according to &arious 'or9 patterns. ,ome 'or9 at the same times and on the same days e&ery 'ee9J others 'or9 different times from 'ee9 to 'ee9. ,ome emp(oyees 'or9 on 'ee9endsJ others do not. +y using a repetiti&e se"uence of dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ you can define a periodic 'or9 pattern. These are ca((ed period 'or9 schedu(es. To set up period 'or9 schedu(esJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps (ocated under Wor% Schedules Period Wor% Schedules in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement .

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 21

Period ;or8 Schedu e!0 ;or8 Pattern!

Grpg Grpg P;S P;S P;S P;S te<t te<t 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 @+:J @+:J 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 @ @ e<time e<time 3=!hift 3=!hift operation operation 3=!hift 3=!hift operation operation 3=!hift 3=!hift operation operation 3=!hift operation 3=!hift operation

;8 ;8 no. no. 01 01 001 001 001 001 002 002 003 003 00( 00(

02 02

03 03

0( 0(

0, 0,

06 06

0/ 0/ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ #=11 #=11 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@

(; (; (; (; (; (; (; (;

@+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J @+:J 4@@ 4@@ @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 @=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 S=11 4@@ 4@@ #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 #=11 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 4@@

Grouping of dai y &or8 !chedu e! into a !pecific pattern

@+:J0 @+:J0 ;ee8 ;ee8 y y &or8 &or8 pattern pattern 530 =!hift operation =&ee8 period 3 ( 530 3= 3=!hift operation o"er o"er (= (=&ee8 period

SAP AG 1999

. period 'or9 schedu(e is the 1asis for generating a month(y 'or9 schedu(e. . period 'or9 schedu(e consists of a se"uence of dai(y 'or9 schedu(es representing a certain 'or9 pattern. . period 'or9 schedu(e can co&er one 'ee9 or more 'ee9sJ or e&en a part of a 'ee9. The period 'or9 schedu(e is app(ied to a hori:onta( time a;is (a &a(id pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar) that is then Yro((edY (repeated) unti( a month or a (onger period of time is comp(ete(y co&ered. -n other 'ordsJ the pattern defined in the period 'or9 schedu(e repeats itse(f continuous(y. The personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es is a group of personne( su1areas that use the same dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ period 'or9 schedu(esJ and 1rea9 schedu(es.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 22

3ay Type! and Se ection Ru e!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management Work Schedules !!! Da T pes

2000 2000

Define da

t pes

11 10 1
;or8 ;or8 on on pu$ pu$ ic ic ho ho iday! iday! Paid Paid on on pu$ pu$ ic ic ho ho iday!A iday!A
SAP AG 1999

Define selection rules Define special da s

.t the C.+ CompanyJ most emp(oyees in the production p(ant 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(idays. %ther emp(oyeesJ such as sa(aried emp(oyees at head"uarters and in administrationJ do not 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(idaysJ 1ut are paid for these days off. )ay types are used for determining 'hether emp(oyees ha&e to 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(idays and 'hether they are sti(( paid on these days. To set up day typesJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps under Wor% Schedules Day Ty es in -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 23

3efining 3ay Type!

3ay Type!
$ an8 1 2 3 ... ...

;or8.paid 4ff.paid 4ff.unpaid 4ff.!pecia day

3:7TSCH : 5AR G 3:7TSCH : 5ARG

SAP AG 1999

!u1(ic ho(idays on 'or9daysJ ,aturdaysJ and ,undays can 1e hand(ed different(y for &arious emp(oyee groups. The deciding factors are 'hether or not emp(oyees must 'or9 on a specific day and 'hether or not they are paid. The day type determines payment as 'e(( as p(anned a1sences and attendances for a specific ca(endar day in the 'or9 schedu(e. The day type is necessary for a1sence counting and for 'age type se(ection. The standard ,.! ,ystem contains four day types/ 1lan./ )ay on 'hich an emp(oyee 'or9s and is paid #/ )ay on 'hich an emp(oyee does not 'or9J 1ut is sti(( paid 2/ )ay on 'hich an emp(oyee does not 'or9 and is a(so not paid 3/ ,pecia( day on 'hich an emp(oyee does not 'or9 and is paid according to payro(( ru(es -n the 'or9 schedu(eJ the day type determines 'hether emp(oyees must 'or9 on a specifc day and 'hether or not they are paid.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 24

3efining Se ection Ru e!
Ru e 01 &ith ho iday c a!! Gi"e! day type $12 3 ( , 6 / - 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$12 3 ( , 6 / - 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$12 3 ( , 6 / - 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A!!ignment in &or8 !chedu e ru e Ru Ru e e :<p :<p anation0 anation0 9f 9f a a day day &ith &ith ho ho iday iday c c a!! a!! M$ M$ an8M an8M fa fa ! ! on on a a &ee8day% &ee8day% the the day day i! i! con!idered con!idered a a paid paid &or8day. &or8day. 9f 9f a a pu$ pu$ ic ic ho ho iday iday &ith &ith ho ho iday iday c c a!! a!! 1 1 fa fa ! ! on on a a &ee8day% &ee8day% the the day day i! i! con!idered con!idered a a paid paid day day off. off. 9f 9f a a pu$ pu$ ic ic ho ho iday iday &ith &ith ho ho iday iday c c a!! a!! 2 2 fa fa ! ! on on a a &ee8day% &ee8day% the the day day i! i! con!idered con!idered a a paid paid &or8day. &or8day. The The !ame !ame ru ru e! e! app app y y to to Saturday! Saturday! and and Sunday!. Sunday!.
SAP AG 1999

)ay types are assigned to the indi&idua( ca(endar days using se(ection ru(es for day types. The day type is determined 1y the day of the 'ee9 ('or9dayJ ,aturdayJ ,unday) and 1y the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass for that specific day of the 'ee9. The se(ection ru(es are indicated 1y a num1er (ru(e). The 'or9 schedu(e ru(e specifies 'hich ru(e is used to determine the day type.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

3etermining Specia 3ay!

3ay type 3
3:7TSC H : 5AR G

Ru e 01 A!!ignment in &or8 !chedu e

:<amp e0 Thur!day Pu$ ic ho iday @riday 6ridge day

SAP AG 1999

,pecia( days are days that are not pu1(ic ho(idays 1ut are hand(ed different(y. ,uch specia( days inc(ude Y1ridge daysJY for e;amp(eJ days on 'hich a group of emp(oyees might 1e off 'or9. ,pecai( days are indicated 1y day type 3 in the standard ,.! ,ystem. . specia( day is defined 1y a speciific dateW the app(ica1(e day type for specia( days is assigned direct(yJ regard(ess of 'hether the day is a 'ee9day or has a pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass. This date is (in9ed to a specific se(ection ru(e for day types. %ne or more specia( days can 1e defined for each se(ection ru(e. The se(ection ru(e for day typesJ inc(uding specia( daysJ is stored in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e. This ru(e recogni:es specia( days 'hen app(ica1(e 'or9 schedu(es are generated. This ru(e recogni:es specia( days 'hen app(ica1(e 'or9 schedu(es are generated. !ayment for specia( days is determined in payro((.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 26

;or8 Schedu e Ru e! and ;or8 Schedu e!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management !!! Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules
Define Emplo ee Subgroup Groupings

+ + + + +



# # # #


Define Groupings for the Public "olida #alendar Set Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules Generate Work Schedules Manuall Generate Work Schedules in &atch



;or8A PaidA

SAP AG 1999

.fter the indi&idua( e(ements ha&e 1een set up for 'or9 schedu(esJ you can no' define 'or9 schedu(e ru(esJ inc(uding f(e;time mode(s or rotating shifts for the C.+ Company. 3or9 schedu(es can then 1e generated and emp(oyees can 1e assigned to them. To define 'or9 schedu(e ru(es and generate month(y 'or9 schedu(esJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps in the Wor% Schedules Wor% Schedule Rules and Wor% Schedules section of the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2$

3efining ;or8 Schedu e!0 ;or8 Schedu e Ru e!
;or8 Schedu e Ru e A"erage &or8ing time 3ay type ru e 9nfotype 000/ 3efau t Ca ue!
Ru e 01 &ith ho iday c a!! Gi"e! day type $12 3 ( , 6 / - 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$12 3 ( , 6 / - 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$12 3 ( , 6 / - 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Reference date in period &or8 !chedu e Starting point in period &or8 !chedu e
Grpg 01 01 01 01 01


Reference date 5onday% 4ct. 16% 2000

;8 no. 001 (; 001 (; 002 (; 003 (; 00( 01 @+:J @=11 S=11 #=11 4@@

Starting point 001

02 @+:J @=11 S=11 #=11 4@@ 03 @+:J @=11 S=11 #=11 4@@ 0( @+:J @=11 S=11 #=11 4@@ 0, @+:J @=11 S=11 #=11 4@@ 06 4@@ @=11 4@@ 4@@ 4@@ 0/ 4@@ 4@@ #=11 4@@ 4@@

P;S @ e< 53 53 53 53

P;S te<t @ e<time 3=!hift operation 3=!hift operation 3=!hift operation 3=!hift operation

SAP AG 1999

The 'or9 schedu(e ru(e contains the a&erage 'or9ing times of emp(oyees. This data is used in payro((. Oou can store &arious ru(es re(ating to 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(idays in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(eJ determined 1y the se(ection ru(es for day types. )ay types specifiy 'hether or not emp(oyees must 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(iday c(asses and 'hether they are paid for the 'or9. 0se a reference date that fa((s on a *onday. The starting point detemines the position ((ocation) in the period 'or9 schedu(e at 'hich the 'or9 schedu(e starts. The 'or9 schedu(e ru(e has to 1e assigned to a personne( su1area groupingJ an emp(oyee su1group groupingJ and a grouping for the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar. ThereforeJ you can define 'or9 schedu(e ru(es different(y for se&era( groupings and then differentiate 1et'een the 'or9 schedu(e ru(es according to emp(oyee su1groupsJ for e;amp(e. ,e&era( 'or9 schedu(e ru(es can 1e 1ased on one period 'or9 schedu(e. Oou can use a period 'or9 schedu(e for as many pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endars as re"uired. 3hen generating the 'or9 schedu(eJ the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar stored in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e is referenced. 0"am le/ Oou choose %cto1er 16J 2000 (a *onday) as the reference dateJ and 00+ (6th day in the period 'or9 schedu(e) as the starting point. .s a resu(tJ the (/T0 shift is &a(id on %cto1er 15J and the indi&idua( days 1efore and after the 10th are app(ied (ro((ed) according to the period 'or9 schedu(e. Note& Oou can use one period 'or9 schedu(e for different 'or9 schedu(e ru(es in rotating shifts. To do soJ you on(y ha&e to reset the starting point to one 'ee9 ahead (starting point 00#J 00*J and so on).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 25

;or8 Schedu e!
:mp oyee Su$group Grouping
# # # # # 4ff 4ff + 4ff 4ff + + + +

;or8 Schedu e Ru e
12 13 1( 1, 16 1/ : @r 14ff Sa ... : : ;e Th


/ # Tu


10 #
Pu$. Ho .


# # ;e Th

4ff 4ff : : Sa Pu$. Pu$. Tu

Ho . Ho .

Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar Per!onne Su$area Grouping

5anua y or indi"idua

6ATCH B !e"era

;or8 Schedu e!
SAP AG 1999

)efining p(anned 'or9ing time for your emp(oyees p(ays a centra( ro(e in SAP Time Management. !(anned 'or9ing time is represented in the time management system 1y a (month(y) 'or9 schedu(e that is 1ased on a period 'or9 schedu(e. The period 'or9 schedu(eJ in turnJ is comprised of a fi;ed se"uence of dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 'hich a(so specify 1rea9 schedu(es &a(id for each day. The month(y 'or9 schedu(e is generated 1y app(ying the period 'or9 schedu(e to a hori:onta( a;isJ the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endarJ and repeated unti( the month or a(( months are co&ered. 3or9 schedu(es *0,T 1e generated. Oou can do this either manua((y or in 1atch. . month(y 'or9 schedu(e can on(y 1e generated if a(( re"uired groupings are made and the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e is defined. The automatic a(aternati&e ena1(es se&era( 'or9 schedu(es to 1e generated. in a 1atch input session. -f you 'ant a(( 'or9 schedu(es to 1e generated at one timeJ you on(y need to enter the time period to 1e generated. This method of generating month(y 'or9 schedu(es does not app(y to more than one c(ient at one time. =m ortant Note& . month(y 'or9 schedu(e generated from Manuary to )ecem1er of a specific year must a(so inc(ude )ecem1er of the pre&ious year and Manuary of the su1se"ent year. . pre&ious and su1se"uent period must e;ist for each period to 1e ca(cu(ated.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 26

3etermining ;or8day!

;hen do emp oyee! ha"e to &or8 and &hen are they offA
P anned Hour!


)deri"ed from pu$ ic ho iday c a!!*

3ay Type

SAP AG 1999

$ an8

1% 2% 3 ...


3hether or not a day is a day off in the 'or9 schedu(e is 1ased on the fo((o'ing criteria/ !(anned hours )ay type (deri&ed from pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass) HirstJ the p(anned hours are "ueried in the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. -f this is 0J then the day is a day offW if notJ then the day type is chec9ed. The pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass is e;p(icit(y chec9ed 1ecause the day type is deri&ed from the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass in the corresponding se(ection ru(es. -n other 'ordsJ the day type is a('ays determined 1y the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass. -f the day type is not e"ua( to 0J then the day is a day off.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 30

P anned ;or8ing Time
Pu$ ic ho iday ca endar Per!onne !u$area grouping!

:mp oyee !u$group grouping

9T 0001 9T 000/

%rgani&ationa" Assignment P"anned #or$ing Time

Pu$ ic Ho iday Ca endar

3ai y &or8 !chedu e


;or8 !chedu e ru e

Period &or8 !chedu e

:mp oyee !u$group grouping Pu$ ic ho iday ca endar Per!onne !u$area grouping! ;or8 !chedu e ru e

;or8 !chedu e!

9T 2nnn
SAP AG 1999

Time 9nfotype!

The month(y 'or9 schedu(e is assigned to an emp(oyee using the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$). The emp(oyee8s p(ace in the enterprise structure defined in the !rgani"ational Assignment infotype (0001) determines 'hich specific 'or9 schedu(es can 1e assigned to them. )ata stored in the !rgani"ational Assignment infotype (0001) determines 'hether a 'or9 schedu(e is permitted for a certain emp(oyee. Criteria such as emp(oyee su1group and personne( area?su1area are chec9ed. The system a(so chec9s if the 'or9 schedu(e 'as a(so generated for the emp(oyee su1group or personne( area?su1area in "uestion. 7mp(oyees 'ho are to 1e inc(uded in 1oth time e&a(uation and time recordingJ must 1e assigned in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 31

P anned ;or8ing Time0 4"er"ie&
() ,o u (e '
01 :le; /


03 *ff 09 10 *ff 16 14 *ff 23 24 *ff 30 31 *ff

*ff *ff *ff *ff

Create P"anned #or$ing Time

04 :le; 11

05 :le; 12 :le; :le; 19 :le; 26 :le; :le; :le;

06 :le; 13 :le; 20 :le; 24 :le;

04 :le; 14 :le; 21 :le; 25 :le;

05 :le; / 15 :le; / 22 :le; / 29 :le; /

(or) s!'e"ule (or) s!'e"ule rule (or) s!'e"ule rule ime ,gmt status @+:J
15 25

@o time e&al0

Part-time em#loyee ;or8ing time $m#loyment #er!ent0 .aily 1or)ing 'rs (ee)ly 1or)ing 'ours ,ont'ly 1or)ing 'rs Annual 1or)ing 'ours (ee)ly 1or)"ays


100.00 /.20 36.00 1,6.(1-/1.20 ,.00 3efau t "a ue! of the a"erage &or8ing hour! from the &or8 !chedu e

SAP AG 1999

.n emp(oyee8s 'or9ing time is stored in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$). Here you 'i(( a(so find the a&erage 'or9ing hours for the emp(oyee. These hours are defined in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(es. Hrom a 1usiness point>of>&ie'J p(anned 'or9ing time is defined as the start and end of dai(y 'or9ing time 'ithout 1rea9s. !(anned 'or9ing time specifies the time an emp(oyee must 'or9 each day at the enterprise. The Time )anagement status specifies 'hether the emp(oyee times are processed using time e&a(uation or payro(( accounting to generate 'age types. 0"am les& 0 V Ko time e&a(uation (processing in payro(() # V Time e&a(uation .CT0.< + V Time e&a(uation p(anned .n emp(oyee 'ith the time management status of 1lan. or 0 cannot 1e processed using time e&a(uation. This emp(oyee8s time data is processed in payro((. -ndi&idua(i:ed information on an emp(oyee8s 'or9ing time is represented in their persona( 'or9 schedu(e. !ersona( 'or9 schedu(es contain any changes and?or de&iations to 'or9ing time (such as su1stitutions)J as 'e(( as any changes made at a higher (e&e( (emp(oyee su1area groupings or personne( su1area groupings). !ersona( 'or9 schedu(es can 1e disp(ayed in a month(y ca(endar. .n emp(oyee8s actua( 'or9ing hours (inc(uding any de&iations from 'or9ing time) for each month are inc(uded in the persona( 'or9 schedu(e.
HR306 32

(C) ,.! .#

;or8 Schedu e!0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

3e!cri$e pu$ ic ho iday! and the pu$ ic

ho iday ca endar
Create &or8 !chedu e!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 33

5.34>or. %chedules 0"ercises

6nit& >or. %chedules To ic& Creating >or. %chedules
.t the conc(usion of these e;ercises you 'i(( 1e a1(e to/ Create a(( e(ements of the 'or9 schedu(e

7mp(oyees at the C.+ Company 'or9 according to &arious 'or9 schedu(es. Oou set up and generate 'or9 schedu(es and then assign them to emp(oyees at the C.+ Company. -n this e;erciseJ you can choose 1et'een a 'or9 schedu(e 'ith norma( 'or9ing time and a rotating shift.

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of -orld.

! tion /0 Regular Wor%ing Time

>or. %chedules& =ndi,idual 0lements 3Regular > Time? Ho((o' the Customi:ing steps descri1ed 1e(o' to create a 'or9 schedu(e 'ith regu(ar 'or9ing times. 3hen possi1(eJ use samp(e 'or9 schedu(es pro&ided in the systemJ and modify them as re"uired. Hina((yJ assign the generated 'or9 schedu(eJ no' ca((ed the 'or9 schedu(eJ to your sa(aried emp(oyee # 0nter the =)5 #-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 34

Chec. 5rou ing 2-# 2-2 Chec9 to ma9e sure the grouping for 'or9 schedu(e for your personne( su1area TP## Production ## is 0!. Chec9 to ma9e sure the grouping for 'or9 schedu(e for your personne( su1area TP## Production ## is 0!.

4efine a 9rea. %chedule 3-# Create 1rea9 schedu(e PA##. 7nter three unpaid 1rea9s as fo((o's/ Hrom !-200 to !230 p3m3J emp(oyees are entit(ed to a one hour (unch 1rea9 Hrom 3200 to 32!4 p3m3J emp(oyees may ta9e a coffee 1rea9. 7nter an o&ertime 1rea9 from !0200 p3m3 to !02!4. 0se the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. )efine dai(y 'or9 schedu(es.

4efine Rule for :ariants 4-# The &ariant # is a('ays &a(id on days defined 1y pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass 2 and on Hridays. Create ru(e !0 5 ## 1y copying and modifying the e;isting ru(e.

4efine a 4aily >or. %chedule 5-# )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e TP## 3*ormal ##?. Copy the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e "6!!. Choose the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. 3or9 starts at 7200 a3m3 'ith a p(anned 'or9ing time of * hours. .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e PA## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. 0se the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e ru(e !0 5 ## that you a(so created pre&ious(y.

4efine a 4aily >or. %chedule :ariant 6-# )efine a dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant )efine a shortened &ersion of your dai(y 'or9 schedu(e T8## as &ariant ! 'ith four p(anned 'or9ing hours from 7200 a3m3 to !-200 p3m3

4efine a 2eriod >or. %chedule $-# #roup together the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es T8## and '"" into one period 'or9 schedu(e ca((ed P8##. 0se an e;isting period 'or9 schedu(e. Choose the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0!.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3


7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 1 to )ay according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e T8##J and are off on )ay 6 and )ay $ (dai(y 'or9 schedu(e '""). )efine se(ection ru(e for day types

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 36

Chec. %election Rule for 4ay Ty es *-# Oour emp(oyees do not ha&e to 'or9 on Qfu((>dayR pu1(ic ho(idays (pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass #). 3or9 is considered paid on Qha(f>dayR pu1(ic ho(idays (pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass 2). Chec9 the se(ection ru(e 0!. This ru(e 'i(( 1e referenced (ater in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e.

4efine >or. %chedule Rule /@AA +-# +-2 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules and comp(ete the fo((o'ing steps in se"uence. Chec. em loyee su1grou grou ing 6>2>1 Chec9 the emp(oyee su1group grouping. *a9e sure that an emp(oyee su1group grouping a(ready e;ists for your emp(oyees. +-3 Chec. u1lic holiday calendar 6>3>1 Chec9 the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar assigned to the personne( su1area TP## Production ##. +-4 4efine a -or. schedule rule 6>4>1 )efine the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e A8##. Copy the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e "9E:. 0se the emp(oyee su1group grouping Salaried employee and the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar assigned to your personne( su1area TP##J as 'e(( as the personne( su1group grouping for 'or9 schedu(es of your personne( su1area (0!?. 6>4>2 Copy the ru(e for day types 0!. 6>4>3 0se your period 'or9 schedu(e P8## and chec9 the reference date and starting point. +-5 5enerate a -or. schedule for regular time 6> >1 #enerate the 'or9 schedu(e A8## for the created 'or9 schedu(e for a period of three years. .s a start dateJ choose the )ecem1er of the pre&ious yearJ and as an end date the Manuary of the current year p(us 3. +-6 /ssign -or. schedule 6>6>1 .ssign the ca(endar generated to your sa(aried emp(oyeeJ Tarin .nderson (30 ,,-## 'ith ,, V group num1er) starting the first of this month in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3$

'ption -2 )otating S%ift

>or. %chedules& =ndi,idual 0lements 3Rotating %hift? Ho((o' the Customi:ing steps descri1ed 1e(o' to create a 'or9 schedu(e for a rotating shift. 3hen possi1(eJ use the samp(e 'or9 schedu(es pro&ided in the systemJ and modify them as re"uired. Hina((yJ assign the generated 'or9 schedu(eJ no' ca((ed the 'or9 schedu(eJ to your hour(y>'age earner.

0nter the =)5 #-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules.

Chec. 5rou ings 2-# 2-2 Chec9 to ma9e sure the grouping for 'or9 schedu(e for your personne( su1area TP## Production ## is 0!. Chec9 to ma9e sure the grouping for 'or9 schedu(e for your personne( su1area TP## Production ## is 0!.

4efine a 9rea. %chedule 3-# Create a 1rea9 schedu(e ca((ed PA## 'ith t'o dynamic 1rea9s/ .fter ; hoursJ emp(oyees are entit(ed to a 1 >minute 1rea9. .fter hoursJ emp(oyees are entit(ed to a 4 >minute 1rea9. 0se the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. )efine dai(y 'or9 schedu(es.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 35

4efine a daily >or. %chedule 4-# )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e ")## (Early ##). Copy the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e "6 !!. Choose the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. 3or9 starts at 7200 a3m3 'ith a p(anned 'or9ing time of * hours. .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e PA## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e SP## (9ate ##). Copy the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e S6 !!. Choose the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. 3or9 starts at -200 p3m3 'ith a p(anned 'or9ing time of $.$5 industry hours (that is $ hoursJ 4 minutes). .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e PA## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e *A## (*ig%t ##). Copy the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e *6 !!. Choose the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. 3or9 starts at !0230 p3m3 'ith a p(anned 'or9ing time of 6.25 industry hours (that isJ 6 hoursJ 1 minutes). .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e PA## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e.



4efine a 2eriod >or. %chedule 5-# #roup the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es ")##J SP##J *A##J and '"" into one period 'or9 schedu(e ca((ed .P##. The 'or9 pattern repeats itse(f e&ery three 'ee9s. Oou can simp(y copy three 'ee9s in an e;isting period 'or9 schedu(e. Choose the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0!. 7nter the fo((o'ing data for each 'ee9/ >ee. #& 7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 01 to )ay 0 according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e ")##J and on )ay 06 and )ay 0$ they ha&e off. >ee. 2& 7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 01 to )ay 0 according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 9A##J and on )ay 06 and )ay 0$J they are off. >ee. 3& 7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 01 to )ay 04 according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e *<##J and on )ay 0 J )ay 06J and )ay 0$ they are off.


Chec. %election Rule for 4ay Ty es 6-# Oour emp(oyees are re"uired to 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(idays. Chec9 the se(ection ru(e 0-. This ru(e 'i(( 1e referenced (ater in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 36

4efine the >or. %chedule Rule />AA $-# $-2 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules and comp(ete the fo((o'ing steps in se"uence. Chec. em loyee su1grou grou ing $>2>1 Chec9 the emp(oyee su1group grouping. *a9e sure that an emp(oyee su1group grouping a(ready e;ists for your hour(y emp(oyees. $-3 Chec. u1lic holiday calendar $>3>1 Chec9 the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar assigned to the personne( su1area TP## Production ##. $-4 4efine a -or. schedule rule $>4>1 )efine the 'or9 schedu(e A.##. Copy the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e M36!. 0se the emp(oyee su1group grouping for Hourly61age earners and the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar assigned to your personne( su1area TP## as 'e(( as the personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es 0!. $>4>2 Copy the ru(e for day types 0-. $>4>3 0se your period 'or9 schedu(e .PS## and chec9 the reference date and starting point. $-5 5enerate -or. schedule for rotating shift $> >1 #enerate the 'or9 schedu(e A.## for the created 'or9 schedu(e for a period of three years. .s a start dateJ choose the )ecem1er of the pre&ious yearJ and as an end date the Manuary of the current year p(us 3. $-6 /ssign -or. schedule $>6>1 .ssign the ca(endar generated to your hour(y>'age earnerJ Tom MohnsonJ starting the first of this month in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 40

6nit& >or. %chedules To ic& Creating >or. %chedules

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

! tion /0 Regular Wor%ing Time

>or. %chedules& =ndi,idual 0lements 3Regular > Time? # 0nter the =)5 #-# -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules.

Chec. grou ings 2-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules Personnel Subarea +roupings =efine +rouping for .or/ Sc%edules The grouping for 'or9 schedu(es for your personne( su1area TPAA must 1e 0#. 2-2 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules Personnel Subarea +roupings =efine +rouping for .or/ Sc%edules The personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0# must 1e assigned to the a1o&e personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 41

4efine a 1rea. schedule 3-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =aily .or/ Sc%edules =efine >rea/ Sc%edule Copy an e;isting 1rea9 schedu(e or choose the *e1 entries 1utton. +ecause your 1rea9 schedu(e consists of three 1rea9sJ you need three (ines. 0se the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0! and ca(( your 1rea9 schedu(e >?##. Kum1er the (ines of the 1rea9 schedu(e from 0! to 03. 7nter three unpaid 1rea9s as fo((o's/ Hrom !-200 to !230 p3m3J emp(oyees are entit(ed to a one hour (unch 1rea9 Hrom 3200 to 32!4 p3m3J emp(oyees may ta9e a coffee 1rea9 7nter an o&ertime 1rea9 from !0200 p3m3 to !02!4. Hrom !0200 to !02!4 p3m3J emp(oyees are entit(ed to an o&ertime 1rea9 -n the %tart and 0nd co(umnsJ enter the app(ica1(e times and enter the duration of the 1rea9 in industria( hours (decima(s) in the 6n aid co(umn. To indicate an o&ertime 1rea9J you must enter the 1rea9 type ' (for o&ertime) in the >rea/ type ! co(umn.

4efine rule for ,ariants 4-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =aily .or/ Sc%edules =efine rules for @ariants Chec9 the ru(e and modify it if necessary. =ariant ! of your dai(y 'or9 schedu(e is to 1e &a(id on 1oth ha(f>day pu1(ic ho(idays and on Hridays. To do soJ create the ru(e !0 5 ##/ Rule No. Holiday class B123456789 10 + ## 10 + ## 01 02 ..x....... xx.xxxxxxx B123456789 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 4ay of the -ee. 1234567 xxxxxxx ....x.. 1 1 :ariant

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 42

4efine a daily -or. schedule 5-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =aily .or/ Sc%edules =efine =aily .or/ Sc%edules ,e(ect the entry E6!! and then choose CopyJ or choose Edit Copy as from the menu. 7nter 0! in the =aily 1or/ sc%edule grouping and in the =aily 1or/ sc%edule =S## and name it *ormal ##. *odify the p(anned 'or9ing time as fo((o's/ Planned 1or/ing time/ 7 ,tart of planned 1or/ing time/ 7200 a3m3 7nter the ru(e !0 5 ## you created in the =aily 1or/ sc%edule selection rule fie(d. -n the >rea/ sc%edule fie(dJ assign the 1rea9 schedu(e PA## that you defined pre&ious(y.

4efine a daily -or. schedule ,ariant 6-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =aily .or/ Sc%edules =efine =aily .or/ Sc%edules ,e(ect the entry T8## and then choose CopyJ or choose Edit Copy as from the menu. 7nter T8## =ariant ! and comp(ete the one>digit fie(d for the &ariant after the fie(d for the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e indicator. *odify the p(anned 'or9ing time as fo((o's/ Planned 1or/ing time/ ; ,tart of planned 1or/ing time/ 7200 a3m3

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 43

4efine a eriod -or. schedule $-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules Period .or/ Sc%edules =efine period 1or/ sc%edules ,e(ect and copy one of the e;isting period 'or9 schedu(es to P8##. 0se the grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0!. $-2 Hor days 0! to 04J enter the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e T8##J and the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e '"" for days 0 and 0A.

Chec. selection rule for day ty es *-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =ay Types =efine selection rules Chec9 ru(e 0!. -t 'i(( 1e referenced again in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e. Oour emp(oyees ha&e to 'or9 on Qha(f>dayR pu1(ic ho(idaysJ 1ut not Qfu((>dayR pu1(ic ho(idays. Rule -ith holiday class 01 5i,es day ty e 4ay of the -ee. B123456789 1 1111111 %aturday B123456789 1 1111111 %unday B123456789 1 1111111

4efine -or. schedule rule A8## for regular time +-# 92 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules To chec9 the emp(oyee su1group groupingJ choose .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules =efine Employee Subgroup +rouping 6>2>1 Chec9 'hether an emp(oyee su1group grouping a(ready e;ists for Salaried employees and ma9e a note of the grouping. Choose =efine Employee Subgroup +rouping. #o 1ac9 one step and no' choose/ +roup Employee Subgroups for .or/ Sc%edules. Chec9 'hether the a1o&e grouping for 'or9 schedu(es is assigned to your emp(oyee su1group grouping #Salaried employees&.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 44


To chec9 the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endarJ choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules =efine +roupings for Public Holiday Calendar 6>3>1 Chec9 'hether a pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar is a(ready assigned to your personne( su1area TP##. 0se the fo((o'ing pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar/ ,,


To define a 'or9 schedu(e ru(eJ choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules Set .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules 6>4>1 ,e(ect and copy an e;isting entry for sa(aried emp(oyeesJ such as "9E:. 0se the emp(oyee su1group grouping -J the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar assigned to your personne( su1areaJ as 'e(( as the personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es 0!. Kame your 'or9 schedu(e ru(e A8##. Note& -f the 'or9 schedu(e you are using as a temp(ate has any entry in the Alternative 1or% schedule rule fie(d in the Reduced 1or% areaJ de(ete this entry 1efore sa&ing your 'or9 schedu(e ru(e using the copy function. 6>4>2 Copy the ru(e for day types 0!. 6>4>3 7nter the period 'or9 schedu(e you created P8## in the appropriate fie(d. Choose $anuary !B !,,0 as the reference date (or another *onday)J and 00! as the starting point. ,a&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4


To generate 'or9 schedu(e for regu(ar 'or9ing timeJ choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules +enerate .or/ Sc%edules in >atc% 6> >1 7nter the fo((o'ing &a(ues in the entry screen for the 'or9 schedu(e/

0m loyee su1grou grou ing 2u1lic Holiday Calendar 2ersonnel su1area grou ing >or. schedule rule Calendar month from To

Public %oliday calendar for your personnel subarea 0! .)## =ecember of pre@ious year #in number format& $anuary of current year 5 3 #in number format&

Note/ The instructor may announce a different generation period Choose the Create all optionJ or choose Edit Create all from the menu. +-6 To assign a 'or9 schedu(eJ choose in a different session (System Create session) from the menu &uman resources Time management Administration Time data Maintain2 6>6>1 Hor your sa(aried emp(oyee 'ith the personne( num1er 30 !##J comp(ete the fo((o'ing steps/ 7nter Planned Wor%ing Time #000A& in the Infoty e fie(d. Choose the iconJ the menu optionJ or the function 1utton to Create. 7nter the first of the current month as the &a(id from date. 7nter the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e A8##. ,a&e your infotype record.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 46

! tion 30 Rotating Shift

# 0nter the =)5 #-# -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules.

Chec. grou ings 2-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules Personnel Subarea +roupings =efine +rouping for .or/ Sc%edules The grouping for 'or9 schedu(es for your personne( su1area TPAA must 1e 0#. 2-2 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules Personnel Subarea +roupings =efine +rouping for .or/ Sc%edules The personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0! must 1e assigned to the a1o&e personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es. Chec9 to ma9e sure that this assignment a(ready e;ists.

4efine a 1rea. schedule 3-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =aily .or/ Sc%edules =efine >rea/ Sc%edule Copy an e;isting 1rea9 schedu(e or choose the *e1 entries options. +ecause your 1rea9 schedu(e consists of t'o 1rea9sJ you need t'o (ines. 0se the personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0! and name your 1rea9 schedu(e P.##. Kum1er the (ines of your 1rea9 schedu(e 0! to 0-. Hor the t'o 1rea9s in the Cnpaid co(umnJ enter the duration of each 1rea9 in industria( hours (decima(s)J and in the After #*o3 %rs& co(umnJ enter ho' many hours the emp(oyee must 'or9 1efore he or she is entit(ed to a 1rea9. -n the first (ineJ enter a duration of 03-4 after ; hoursJ and in the second (ineJ enter a duration of 03A4 after hours.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4$

4efine a daily -or. schedule Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =aily .or/ Sc%edules =efine =aily .or/ Sc%edules 4-# )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e EA## (Early ##). 0se the personne( su1area grouping for the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. *odify the p(anned 'or9ing time as fo((o's/ Planned 1or/ing %ours/ A3A4 industry hours ($ hoursJ 4 minutes) ,tart of planned 1or/ing time/ 04230 a3m3 .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e P.## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e SP## (9ate ##). 0se the personne( su1area grouping for the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. *odify the p(anned 'or9ing time as fo((o's/ Planned 1or/ing %ours/ A3A4 industry hours ($ hoursJ 4 minutes) ,tart of planned 1or/ing time/ 0-200 a3m3 .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e P.## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. )efine the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e *A## (*ig%t ##). 0se the personne( su1area grouping for the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 0!. *odify the p(anned 'or9ing time as fo((o's/ Planned 1or/ing %ours/ 3-4 industry hours (6 hoursJ 1 minutes) ,tart of planned 1or/ing time/ !0230 p3m3 .ssign the 1rea9 schedu(e P.## you pre&ious(y created to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e.



4efine a eriod -or. schedule 5-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules Period .or/ Sc%edules =efine period 1or/ sc%edules ,e(ect and copy one of the e;isting period 'or9 schedu(es as .P##. +ecause the 'or9 pattern repeats itse(f e&ery three 'ee9sJ copy three (ines. 0se the personne( su1area grouping for dai(y 'or9 schedu(es 0!. 5-2 7nter the fo((o'ing data for each 'ee9/ >ee. #& 7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 01 to )ay 0 according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e ")##J and on )ay 06 and )ay 0$ they ha&e off. >ee. 2& 7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 01 to )ay 0 according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e SP##J and on )ay 06 and )ay 0$J they ha&e off. >ee. 3& 7mp(oyees 'or9 from )ay 01 to )ay 04 according to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e *A##J and on )ay 0 J )ay 06J and )ay 0$ they ha&e off.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 45

Chec. selection rule for day ty es 6-# Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules =ay Types =efine selection rules Chec9 ru(e 0-. -t 'i(( 1e referenced again in the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e. Oour emp(oyees must a(so 'or9 on pu1(ic ho(idays. Rule >ith holiday class 02 5i,es day ty e 4ay of the -ee. &()*+,-./0 %aturday &()*+,-./0 %unday &()*+,-./0

4efine the -or. schedule rule />AA for rotating shifts $-# $-2 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules Chec. em loyee su1grou grou ing $>2>1 Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules =efine +roupings for Employee Subgroups $>2>2 Choose =efine groupings for employee subgroups. Chec9 if an emp(oyee su1group grouping a(ready e;ists for your hour(y>'age earner. Choose +roup employee subgroups for 1or/ sc%edule. Chec9 if the a1o&e emp(oyee su1group grouping for 'or9 schedu(es is a(ready assigned to your emp(oyee su1group for hour(y>'age earners.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 46


/ssign a u1lic holiday calendar Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules =efine +roupings for t%e Public Holiday Calendar. Chec9 'hether a pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar is a(ready assigned to your personne( su1area TP##. 0se the fo((o'ing pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar/ ,,


4efine a -or. schedule rule Choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules Set .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules $>4>1 ,e(ect and copy an e;isting entry for hour(y>'age earners. 0se the emp(oyee su1group grouping !J the pu1(ic ho(iday ca(endar assigned to your personne( su1area groupingJ and the personne( su1area grouping for 'or9 schedu(es 0!. Kame the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e A.##. Note& -f the 'or9 schedu(e you are using as a temp(ate has any entry in the Alternative 1or% schedule rule fie(d in the Reduced 1or% areaJ de(ete this entry 1efore sa&ing your 'or9 schedu(e ru(e using the copy function. $>4>2 Copy the ru(e for day types 0-. $>4>3 0se the period 'or9 schedu(e .P## and enter it in the corresponding fie(d. Choose $anuary !B !,,0 (or another *onday) as your reference dateJ and 00! as your starting point. 7nter these &a(ues in the app(ica1(e fie(ds. Then sa&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#



To generate the 'or9 schedu(e .S## for rotating shiftsJ choose Personnel Time Management .or/ Sc%edules .or/ Sc%edule )ules and .or/ Sc%edules +enerate .or/ Sc%edules in >atc% 7nter the fo((o'ing &a(ues in the entry screen for the 'or9 schedu(e/

0m loyee su1grou grou ing

2u1lic holiday calendar Public %oliday calendar for your personnel subarea 2ersonnel su1area grou ing >or. schedule rule Calendar month from To 0! A8## =ecember of pre@ious year #in number format& $anuary of current year 5 3 #in number format&

Note/ The instructor may announce a different generation period Choose the Create all optionJ or choose Edit Create all from the menu. $-6 To generate the 'or9 schedu(e A.## for the rotating shiftJ choose Human resources Time management Administration Time data Maintain in a different session (System Create session) from the menu. $>6>1 Hor your hour(y>'age earner 'ith the personne( num1er 306#AAJ comp(ete the fo((o'ing steps/ 7nter Planned Wor%ing Time #000A? in the Infoty e fie(d. Choose the iconJ the menu optionJ or the function 1utton to Create. 7nter the first of the current month as the &a(id from date. 7nter the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e A8##. ,a&e your infotype record.

(C) ,.! .#


Part=Time ;or8force

Part=Time ;or8force Part=Time ;or8 Schedu e!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Part=Time ;or8force0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

Create and a!!ign part=time &or8 !chedu e!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Part=Time ;or8force0 6u!ine!! Scenario

The CA6 Company emp oy! part=time

9n thi! unit% you &i

earn the t&o option! a"ai a$ e for creating part=time &or8 !chedu e!.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

Part=Time ;or8force0 P anned ;or8ing Time

Separate Separate &or8 &or8 !chedu !chedu e e ru ru e e for part=time for part=time emp emp oyee! oyee!

Part= Part=Time :mp oyee

5odify 5odify e<i!ting e<i!ting &or8 !chedu &or8 !chedu e e ru ru e e for for fu fu =time =time emp emp oyee! oyee!

SAP AG 1999

Companies fre"uent(y emp(oy part>time emp(oyees. Kumerous part>time 'or9ing schedu(es e;istJ and they &ary 'ide(y according to enterprise and industry. !art>time 'or9ing pro&isions can 1e set up in SAP Time Management using t'o different methods. Oou can set up your o'n 'or9 schedu(e ru(es for your part>time emp(oyeesJ or you can use the 'or9 schedu(e ru(es that e;ist for your fu((>time 'or9force.

(C) ,.! .#


Part=Time ;or8force0 Separate ;or8 Schedu e Ru e

Separate Separate &or8 !chedu e ru ru e e for for part=time part=time emp oyee! oyee!
( hour! on 5onday!% ;edne!day!% and @riday! (=day &ee8!% - hour! per day

Part= Part=Time :mp oyee

SAP AG 1999

-f you 'ant to create a separate 'or9 schedu(e ru(e for a part>time emp(oyeeJ proceed e;act(y as you did for creating 'or9 schedu(e ru(es for your fu((>time emp(oyees. . 'or9 schedu(e ru(e for your part>time 'or9force can 1e used for a(( emp(oyees 'ho are going to 'or9 according to this ru(e. This means that you must fo((o' a(( of the re"uired steps for setting up dai(y 'or9 schedu(esJ period 'or9 schedu(esJ 'or9 schedu(e ru(esJ and so on in the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#). -n additionJ you ha&e to generate a 'or9 schedu(e from these e(ements and then assign it to your part>time emp(oyees in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$). The shortened 'or9ing time can 1e specified in one of the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e 1y simp(y entering fe'er p(anned 'or9ing hours (4 instead of 5J for e;amp(e) in the appropriate fie(ds. -n some casesJ there are emp(oyees 'ho ha&e the same dai(y 'or9 schedu(es as your fu((>time emp(oyees. Ho'e&erJ they 'or9 fe'er days in the 'ee9. Oou can then group the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es into an app(ica1(e period 'or9 schedu(e (3>day 'or9 'ee9 instead of ). +oth part>time scenarios can a(so 1e com1ined. -t is possi1(e that part>time emp(oyees 'or9 fe'er hours each day and fe'er days as fu((>time emp(oyees.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Part=Time Schedu e0 5odifying 9nfotype 000/

5odify 5odify e<i!ting e<i!ting &or8 &or8 !chedu !chedu e e ru ru e e for for part=time part=time emp emp oyee! oyee! in in the the P"anned P"anned #or$ing #or$ing Time Time infotype infotype )000/* )000/*

:mp :mp oyment oyment percent.0 percent.0 ,0N Hour! Hour! per per day0 day0 3.60 3.60 3ynamic 3ynamic dai dai y y &or8 &or8 !chedu !chedu e e

And And !o !o on on

Part= Part=Time :mp oyee

SAP AG 1999

-f you 'ant to specify a part>time ru(e 1ased on a fu((>time 'or9 schedu(e ru(eJ you ha&e to modify the a&erage 'or9ing hours in the e;isting dai(y 'or9 schedu(e in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$) for each app(ica1(e emp(oyee. Oou can a(so set the emp(oyment percentageJ as 'e(( as the 'or9ing hours per dayJ 'ee9J monthJ or year in this infotype. 0sing the function for creating dai(y 'or9 schedu(es dynamica((yJ you can specify &aria1(e 'or9ing times for part>time emp(oyees in your enterprise.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

Part=Time Schedu e0 5odifying 9nfotype 000/
A"erage &or8ing hour! for fu =time emp oyee! )emp oyment percentage B 100N* (or)ing time $m#loyment #er!ent0 .aily 1or)ing 'rs (ee)ly 1or)ing 'ours ,ont'ly 1or)ing 'rs Annual 1or)ing 'ours (or)ing time $m#loyment #er!ent0 .aily 1or)ing 'rs (ee)ly 1or)ing 'ours ,ont'ly 1or)ing 'rs Annual 1or)ing 'ours (ee)ly 1or)"ays ,0.00 3.60 1-.00 /6.2( 131.60 ,.00 :mp oyment percentage ,0N 3efau t "a ue! from a"erage &or8ing hour! in the &or8 !chedu e J .yn0 "aily 1or) s!'e"ule (ee)ly 1or)"ays 100.00 /.20 36.00 1,6.(1-/1.20 ,.00

Create P"anned #or$ing Time (or) s!'e"ule (or) s!'e"ule rule (or) s!'e"ule rule ime ,gmt status @+:J @o time e&al0

J Part-time em#loyee

SAP AG 1999

Oou must specify a part>time ru(e 1ased on a fu((>time 'or9 schedu(e ru(e for each emp(oyee indi&idua((y. To do soJ you change the a&erage 'or9ing hours of the fu((>time 'or9 schedu(e ru(e in the Planned .or/ing Time infotype (000$) in any of the fie(ds in the 'or9ing time secton of the screen. Note/ The standard ,.! ,ystem on(y has the Daily 1or%ing hours fie(d acti&ated. -n the -*#J you can specify 'hether you 'ant the other hour fie(ds to 1e acti&ated. Oou can o&er'rite the Em loyment ercentageJ Daily 1or%ing hoursJ Wee%ly 1or%ing hoursJ Monthly 1or%ing hoursJ and Annual 1or%ing hours fie(ds. -n this 'ayJ you on(y ha&e to o&er'rite one fie(d and the others are automatica((y ad2usted. .s soon as the emp(oyment percentage is (ess than 100ZJ the Part'time em loyee fie(d 1ecomes acti&ated. HurthermoreJ the persona( 'or9 schedu(e for the emp(oyee is modified according(y to ref(ect the part>time 'or9ing hours. !art>time 'or9 can a(so 1e specified in the Planned .or/ing Time infotype (000$) using the dynamic dai(y 'or9 schedu(e function. This function ena1(es you to set &aria1(e 'or9ing time for your part>time 'or9force 1y entering minimum and ma;imum 'or9ing hours.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

Part=Time ;or8force0 5odifying +ea"e

+ea"e entit ement reduced according to emp oyment percentage0 +, days "ea-e instead of .0 Part= Part=Time :mp oyee0 'mp"oyment percentage ( )0*

Condition! and ru e! defined in the 9mp ementation Guide )95G*

SAP AG 1999

-f "uota entit(ements such as (ea&e a(so need to 1e reducedJ you can a(so create the re"uired reduction ru(es 'ith the necessary conditions in the -*#. Oou can modify the (ea&e entit(ement according to the emp(oyment percentage for your part>time emp(oyees in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$). .nother option is to modify the capacity uti(i:ation (e&e( in the 4asic Pay infotype (0005) or 'ee9(y 'or9daysJ for e;amp(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Part=Time ;or8force0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

Create and a!!ign part=time &or8 !chedu e!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

6nit& 2art-Time >or.force To ic& %etting 6 a 2art-Time >or. %chedule

,et up an indi&idua( part>time 'or9 schedu(e

,ome emp(oyees at the C.+ Company 'or9 part>time. Hor many of these part>time emp(oyeesJ the part>time 'or9 schedu(e is set up indi&idua((y 1y simp(y modifying the e;isting 'or9 schedu(e ru(e.

%et 6 /n =ndi,idual 2art-Time >or. %chedule for /n 0m loyee *odify the 'or9ing time for your hour(y>'age earner in the Planned .or/ing Time infotype (000$) starting the first of the month after ne;tJ so that he has a part>time emp(oyment percentage of 40D.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

6nit& 2art-Time >or.force To ic& %etting 6 2art-Time >or. %chedules

%et 6 an =ndi,idual 2art-Time >or. %chedule for an 0m loyee Choose Human resources Time management Administration Maintain time data 7nter the personne( num1er of your hour(y>'age earner (30 ,,!## 'ith ## V group num1er) and then choose the Planned .or/ing Time infotype (000$) from the Time management data ta1. Choose the Copy optionJ or Edit Copy from the menu. -n the su1se"uent screenJ enter a &a(id start date as the first of the month after ne;t. -n the Employment percentage fie(dJ enter 50Z and choose Enter to confirm the su1se"uent 'arning message. The Part6time employee option (chec91o;) is automatica((y acti&ated. Chec9 'hether the 'or9ing time for the emp(oyee has changed. Then sa&e your data.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration

A$!ence! Attendance! Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Su$!titution! 4"ertime A"ai a$i ity Reaction to 4"er apping Time 9nfotype! )Co i!ion!*

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Time Recording0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

7!e 95G to !et up your time recording and

admini!tration proce!!e!
3etermine ho& the !y!tem react! to

co i!ion! $et&een time infotype!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Time Recording0 6u!ine!! Scenario

:mp oyee! at the CA6 Company &or8

according to the time! !pecified in their &or8 !chedu e!. Ho&e"er% de"iation! occur O emp oyee! ca in !ic8% go on "acation!% fi in for other emp oyee!% &or8 o"ertime% and !o on.
To record the!e de"iation! in the !y!tem and

to deduct them from the app ica$ e entit ement!% !pecific !etting! are re2uired in the 95G.
3e"iation! are recorded u!ing time infotype!.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

4"er"ie& of Time 9nfotype!

Record actua time! A$!ence! Attendance! 4"ertime )2001* )2002* )200,*

Record change! to p anned !pecification! Su$!titution! A"ai a$i ity )2003* )200(*

Record appro"a ! and a$!ence entit ement! A$!ence >uota! Attendance >uota!
SAP AG 1999

)2006* )200/*

!(anned specifications for an emp(oyee8s 'or9ing time is stored in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$). Ho'e&erJ there are fre"uent changes to the specified 'or9ing timesJ for e;amp(eJ if the emp(oyee 'or9s o&ertimeJ does not come to 'or9 ((ea&eJ i((ness)J attends a training courseJ or 'or9s different times than usua(. HurthermoreJ the emp(oyee is entit(ed to (ea&e or additiona( training in some enterprises. The specifications from these time infotypes are transferred and processed further in time e&a(uation and payro((.

(C) ,.! .#


Time Recording 4ption!

9nternet ;or8f o&

Cro!!=App ication Time Sheet

:SS Sing e Screen @a!t entry +i!t !creen Ca endar @or mu tip e per!on! and infotype!

Time Recording Sy!tem! Time Admini!trator!

SAP AG 1999

SAP Time Management pro&ides &arious systems and methods for recording emp(oyee timesJ such as actua( time 'or9edJ 1usiness tripsJ (ea&eJ or su1stitutions/ %n(ine entry 1y personne( or time data administrators Hront>end time recording systems Cross>.pp(ication Time ,heet ,e(f>ser&ice app(ications such as the -nternetJ 3or9f(o' formsJ or touch>screen systems Customer>specific systems 'ith an interface to the ,.! ,ystem Time data is stored in time infotypes. The personne( administrator can use &arious options for recording time data/ %ingle screen& Records one infotype for one emp(oyee 'ast entry& Records one infotype for se&era( emp(oyees (ist screen& Records se&era( infotype records for one emp(oyee Calendar& Records infotypes for a year (annua( ca(endar)J a month (month(y ca(endar)J or a 'ee9 ('ee9(y ca(endar) )ulti le ersons and infoty es entry& Records se&era( infotype records for se&era( persons

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Setting 7p 3e"iation! in Time Recording

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration Substitutions Absences Attendances1Actual Working Times 23ertime A3ailabilit Managing Time Accounts 4sing Attendance1Absence 5uotas !!!

3e"iation! 3e"iation!


SAP AG 1999

To ensure that &arious de&iations in 'or9ing time are efficient(y recorded at the C.+ CompanyJ you must first chec9 the corresponding settings in the -*# and modify themJ if necessary. To set up de&iationsJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps in the Time Data Recording and Administration section of the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement .

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

Setting 7p A$!ence!

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration !!! Absences Absence #atalog Define Absence T pes Determine Entr Screens and Time #onstraint #lasses

SAP AG 1999

The -*# contains samp(es of a1sence types. To set up a1sence typesJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps under the Time Data Recording and Administration A#sences section of the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5


A$!ence! 9nfotype )2001*

+ea"e i ne!!% other!

SAP AG 1999

.1sences such as (ea&e or i((ness can 1e c(assified as paid or unpaid. .1sences are recorded in the Absences infotype (2001) and are defined further 1y an attendance type (su1type). The -*# contains an a1sence cata(og 'ith samp(es that you can copy and modify for your indi&idua( use. .1sence types are dependent upon the personne( su1area grouping for attendances and a1sences. Oou need se&era( groupings on(y if personne( su1areas use se&era( different attendance and?or a1sence types and you 'ant to restrict entries for the personne( su1areas. HurthermoreJ you can determine 'hich entries the system chec9s 'hen an a1sence is recorded. These inc(ude system reactions on days offJ as 'e(( as the (imiting of a1sences to a certain num1er of days or partia( days. +ecause the indi&idua( a1sence types contain different types of informationJ the system uses a separate entry screen to record each indi&idua( a1sence in the Absences infotype (2001). 7ach a1sence type is assigned a time constraint c(ass that is referenced during the co((ision chec9 for e;isting time types. .1sences are counted using counting ru(esJ and &a(uated in payro(( accounting or time e&a(uation.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Setting 7p Attendance!

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration !!! Attendances1Actual Working Times

Define Absence T pes Determine Entr Screens and Time constraint classes

SAP AG 1999

The -*# contains samp(es of attendance types. To set up attendance typesJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps under Time =ata )ecording and Administration Attendances in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement. Note& .ttendance types are created in the same 'ay as a1sence types.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10


Attendances 9nfotype )2002*

6u!ine!! trip!

Attending cour!e!

Attendance hour!


SAP AG 1999

.ttendances recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002) descri1e the emp(oyee8s 'or9 schedu(e in more detai(. 0sing this infotypeJ you can store an emp(oyee8s attendance at training coursesJ 'or9ing hoursJ and o&ertimeJ for e;amp(e. -f you do not use time recording systems in your enterpriseJ emp(oyee actua( times are recorded. The attendances recorded in this infotype can 1e assigned to a cost center that differs from the master cost center. .nother e;amp(e of an attendance is a 1usiness trip. The emp(oyee is not 'or9ing at the usua( 'or9p(aceJ 1ut he or she is sti(( 'or9ing for the enterprise during the trip. .ttendances are recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002) and are defined more specifica((y 1y the attendance type (su1type). Note/ .ttendance types are created in the same 'ay as a1sence types.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

Creating Attendance.A$!ence >uota!

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 4sing Attendance1Absence 5uotas Time 5uota T pes Define Absence 5uota T pes Define Attendance 5uota T pes

SAP AG 1999

The -*# contains samp(es of a1sence and attendance "uotas. The corresponding Customi:ing steps for setting up attendance and a1sence "uotas are (ocated in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagment 1y choosing Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts Csing AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Time Fuota Types. ,e(ect the =efine Absence Fuota Types step for a1sence "uotas and the =efine Attendance Fuota Types step for the attendance "uotas.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

Attendance and A$!ence >uota!

A$!ence >uota! Repre!ent emp oyee a$!ence entit ement!

Attendance >uota! Repre!ent attendance appro"a !

+ea"e Time off entit ement 4"ertime appro"a


A sence !uotas 9nfotype )2006*

SAP AG 1999

Attendance !uotas 9nfotype )200/*

7mp(oyees in your enterprise are entit(ed to (ea&eJ additiona( trainingJ and so on. These types of entit(ements can 1e stored in "uotas and deducted from attendances and a1sences. 7mp(oyee a1sence entit(ements such as standard annua( (ea&eJ educationa( (ea&eJ and non>'or9ing shift entit(ement are set up in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006). 7mp(oyee attendance appro&a(s for specia( attendances (such as o&ertime appro&a() are set up in the Attendance $uotas infotype (200$). These appro&a(s can 1e "ueried in time e&a(uation. .n a1sence "uota is an emp(oyee8s time>(imited entit(ement to an a1sence. ,imi(ar(yJ an attendance "uota is an emp(oyee8s time>(imited entit(ement to an attendance. .ttendance "uota types and a1sence "uota types are used to represent these entit(ements in the system.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

A$!ence >uota!

A sences 9nfotype )2001* 01,0 +ea"e 6 day! A sence !uotas 9nfotype )2006* 3eduction Standard annua ea"e 1, day! AddE ea"e 2 day!

A sences 9nfotype )2001* 0230 3r.E! appt )partia =day* 3 hour!

#o 2uota

Prere2ui!ite for deduction0 Ru e! that determine deduction and the 2uota to $e deducted

SAP AG 1999

.ttendances and a1sences can 1e deducted from "uotas. -f attendances and a1sences are deducted from "uotasJ you must specify the type of "uota and the se"uence for deducting the app(ica1(e attendance or a1sence type.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 14

#e& 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e

9ndi"idua ;or8ing Time

11 1 10 2 12 1 3 11 1 10 52 4 1 3 4 6 5 5 4 4 6 5


#e& ;or8 Schedu e Ru e

:ar y #orma #ight

3ifferent Payment According to Po!ition

Su stitutions 9nfotype )2003*

SAP AG 1999

. su1stitution occurs 'hen an emp(oyee must carry out acti&ities and tas9s that de&iate from the 'or9ing time or payment stipu(ated in his or her 'or9 schedu(e. ,u1stitutions are recorded in the Su#stitutions infotype (2003). The fo((o'ing su1stitution types are a&ai(a1(e/ =ndi,idual time/ This su1stitution is recommended for changes to p(anned 'or9ing time that cannot 1e set up in dai(y 'or9 schedu(es or 'or9 schedu(es. Oou enter c(oc9 times to indicate the start and end of 'or9ing time. The orgina( p(anned 'or9ing time is o&er'ritten. Ne- daily -or. schedule& This su1stitution is recommended for dai(y changes to p(anned 'or9ing time. -t rep(aces the origina( p(anned 'or9ing time of the emp(oyee. Ne- -or. schedule rule/ This su1stitution is recommended for (ong>term changes to p(anned 'or9ing time. Here you can a(so enter the 'or9 schedu(e of the emp(oyee to 1e su1stituted 1y entering his or her personne( num1er. The 'or9 schedu(e of the other emp(oyees is used. The orgina( p(anned 'or9ing time is o&er'ritten. 4ifferent ayment& This su1stitution permits a different payment 1y su1stituting a different position that has different pay. The p(anned 'or9ing time is not o&er'ritten hereJ un(ess you com1ine this su1stitution 'ith one of the other su1stitutions. -n the dia(og 1o;J you can store a different payment (premiumJ a(ternati&e pay sca(e groupJ and so on) for the recorded su1stitution. -n a dia(og 1o;J you can assign the su1stitution either to a cost center that de&iates from the master cost center or an order.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Su$!titution!0 +e"e ing 6y Su$!titution Type

Su$!titution Type!
6u!ine!! rea!on! :mp oyee preference! ;ith !hift change compen!ation
3: 7 TSCH : 5AR G 3: 7TS C H: 5ARG

;.o !hift change compen!ation

3: 7 TSCH : 5AR G 3: 7TS C H: 5ARG

SAP AG 1999

Oou can set up &arious types of su1stitutions (foreperson su1stitutionsJ shift su1stitutionsJ and so on). ,u1stitution types can a(so 1e used for different payment. )epending on the su1stitution typeJ you can determine if a 1onus or other type of compensation app(ies. The fo((o'ing are e;amp(es of the different uses for &arious su1stitution types/ %u1stitution ty e 0# V 0m loyee reference (emp(oyee &o(untari(y su1stitutes for a night shift) %u1stitution ty e 02 V 9usiness reason (emp(oyee is assigned to this su1stitution) ,hift change compensation can 1e set up to 1e paid on(y for 1usiness reasons (su1stitution type 02? 3hen setting up the su1stitution type in the -*#J you can specify if compensation for a shift change is usua((y paid or not. This can a(so 1e "ueried in schema <T00 in payro((. Note& Oou can use feature :T/RT to define a defau(t su1stitution type.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

A"ai a$i ity

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e!0 Permitted for a"ai a$i ity

;or8 Schedu e Ru e0 Permitted for a"ai a$i ity 3efine a"ai a$i ity type!

A-ai"a i"ity 9nfotype )200(*

SAP AG 1999

.&ai(a1i(ities are stored in the A@ailability infotype (2004). =arious types of a&ai(a1i(ity must 1e maintained. They ta9e p(ace in fi;ed periods. .&ai(a1i(ity can 1e specified 1y a time of dayJ a dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ or a 'or9 schedu(e ru(e. The dai(y 'or9 schedu(e and the 'or9 schedu(e ru(e must 1e permitted for use in a&ai(a1i(ities. +efore setting up a&ai(a1i(itiesJ you must first set up the assignment of groupings for a&ai(a1i(ity types (and su1stitution types) for the personne( areas?su1areas. The standard ,.! ,ystem on(y uses the grouping 01. .dditiona( groupings are re"uired on(y if different a&ai(a1i(ity types (and su1stitution types) are used in se&era( different personne( areas?su1areas. 0"am le& The personne( su1area groupings 000# and 0002 use the same a&ai(a1i(ity types. The personne( su1area 0003J on the other handJ uses different a&ai(a1i(ity types. Oou must define these groupings for the a&ai(a1i(ity types re"uired in the enterprise. The time constraint c(ass for co((ision 'ith other time infotypes must 1e chec9ed. Hina((yJ the dai(y 'or9 schedu(es and 'or9 schedu(e ru(es permitted for a&ai(a1i(ities must 1e indicated.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1$


Hour! &or8ed in addition to norma &or8ing time

SAP AG 1999

%&ertime is hours that an emp(oyee 'or9s in addition to the p(anned 'or9ing time defined in his or her dai(y 'or9 schedu(e. %&ertime can 1e recorded in the !vertime infotype (200 ) or the Attendances infotype (2002). Oou record o&ertime hours in the !vertime infotype (200 ) on(y 'hen the hours de&iate from the 'or9 schedu(e. -n this infotypeJ you can enter o&ertime for one or more daysJ as 'e(( as o&ertime 1rea9s. Oou can a(so enter o&ertime 1rea9s. Hor partia(>day recordsJ you acti&ate the pre&ious day indicator to specify 'hether the record is to 1e assigned to the pre&ious day. 0sing the o&ertime compensation typeJ you determine if the o&ertime is paidJ or compensated 1y time off. The o&ertime compensation types are (ocated in the Attendances infotype (2002) and the !vertime infotype (200 ). -n the dia(og 1o;J you can store a different payment (premiumJ different pay sca(e groupJ and so on) for the recorded o&ertime. Oou can a(so assign the su1stitution to a cost center other than the master cost center or an order from this dia(og 1o;. -f you use time e&a(uation in your enterpriseJ o&ertime is automatica((y ca(cu(ated from the comp(eted actua( times. Here you can determine and process &arious types of o&ertime (dai(yJ 'ee9(y)J and appro&a( (for specific emp(oyeesJ according to 'or9 schedu(esJ genera().

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 15

:mp oyee Remuneration 9nfo

Tra"e ing a o&ance

'' Remuneration /nfo )2010* ;age type Amount.unit 5PPP Tra"e ing a o&ance 10 mi e!

HaDardou! duty pay

'' Remun0 /nfo 9nfotype )2010*

SAP AG 1999

Oou can use the EE )emuneration <nfo infotype (2010) to store manua((y ca(cu(ated 'age amountsJ ha:ardous duty paymentsJ and other unschedu(ed 'age types. These 'age types cannot 1e automatica((y generated in payro(( accounting and must therefore 1e recorded manua((y. =a(ues determined in the remuneration information are transferred direct(y to payro(( accounting. The EE )emuneration <nfo infotype (2010) is effecti&e as of a 9ey dateJ that isJ a period 'ith a &a(idity inter&a( (&a(id from and &a(id to dates) and not 2ust a period of time. -f the effecti&e date fa((s 'ithin a certain payro(( periodJ then compensation occurs in this same period. The 'age types used for emp(oyee remuneration information are (ocated in the -*# and can 1e modified to suit your re"uirements. 0"am le& .n emp(oyee must dri&e from one p(ant (ocation to another 'ith his or her o'n pri&ate carJ incurring tra&e((ing costs. This situation can 1e set up in the EE )emuneration <nfo infotype (2010) and assigned an appropriate 'age type (tra&e((ing a((o'anceJ for e;amp(e).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

3ifferent Payment

3ifferent Payment


4ther pay !ca e !tructure

According to po!ition Certain type! of emp oyee time data affect pay0 F . = 10 7#9

SAP AG 1999

Oou can record different compensation for certain emp(oyee time data. Oou can set up a different payment in &arious time management infotypes (such as attendancesJ o&ertimeJ a1sencesJ and a&ai(a1i(ity) to stipu(ate the fo((o'ing types of compensation/ +onus (premium) as supp(ementa( remuneration )etermine a different compensation using a pay sca(e assignment (de&iating from the emp(oyee8s regu(ar pay sca(e) Compensation 'ith position specifications (specific payment for a certain position) +onus or deduction of concrete amounts using the e;tra pay indicator and the &a(uation 1asis Oou can assign emp(oyee time data to a cost center other than the master cost center in a dia(og 1o;.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 20

4"er apping Time 9nfotype!

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration

S stem Reaction to #olliding Time 6nfot pes 4"er 4"er apping apping Time Time 3ata 3ata

Sa"eA Sa"eA 3e 3e imitA imitA

SAP AG 1999

The system reacts in &arious 'ays 'hen time infotypes co((ide. These system reactions are contro((ed 1y the time constraint c(ass.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 21

Co i!ion Chec8!
Scenario 10
9 ne!! record entered ,.1,.JJ ,.2,.JJ

+ea"e record Mde imitedM ,.10.JJ ,.1(.JJ ,.10.JJ ,.20.JJ ,.1,.JJ ,.2,.JJ

Scenario 20
:rror me!!age0 +ea"e record cannot $e entered

9 ne!! record remain! unchanged 6.2.JJ 6.22.JJ 6.2.JJ 6.22.JJ
SAP AG 1999

6.12.JJ 6.1-.JJ

3hen time data is recordedJ data records fre"uent(y o&er(ap one another. These Qo&er(apsR are ca((ed co((isions in the ,.! ,ystem. 3hen you enter a ne' time data recordJ the system chec9s if other records for this emp(oyee ha&e 1een recorded for the same time period. Co((ision chec9s pre&ent data records that conf(ict 'ith one another from co>e;isting in the system. 3hen co((isions occurJ the system reacts 1y issuing an error messageJ a 'arningJ or 1y de(imiting the o(d record.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 22

Sy!tem Reaction to Co iding Time 9nfotype!
Co i!ion &ith info

Create infotype record A sences infotype )2001* &ith time con!traint c a!! 01

type reco rd

A )de imited*

A sences infotype )2001* &ith time con!traint c a!! 01 A sences infotype )2001* &ith time con!traint c a!! 02

: )error*

:<p :<p anation0 anation0

1* 1* A A record record created created in in infotype infotype 2001 2001 &ith &ith time time con!traint con!traint c c a!! a!! 01 01 )+ea"e* )+ea"e* co co ide! ide! &ith &ith an an e<i!ting e<i!ting record record in in infotype infotype 2001 2001 that that a a !o !o ha! ha! the the time time con!traint con!traint c c a!! a!! 01 01 )partia )partia =day =day a$!ence* a$!ence* Sy!tem Sy!tem reaction0 reaction0 :<i!ting :<i!ting record! record! are are de de imited imited 2* 2* A A record record created created in in infotype infotype 2001 2001 &ith &ith time time con!traint con!traint c c a!! a!! 02 02 )+ea"e* )+ea"e* co co ide! ide! &ith &ith an an e<i!ting e<i!ting record record in in infotype infotype 2001 2001 &ith &ith the the time time con!traint con!traint c c a!! a!! 02 02 )i )i ne!!* ne!!* Sy!tem Sy!tem reaction0 reaction0 :rror :rror me!!age0 me!!age0 #e& #e& record record cannot cannot $e $e !a"ed !a"ed
SAP AG 1999

Co((ision chec9s use the time restraint c(asses of time recording data. =a(id time constraint reactions to co((isions 'hen recording an infotype are/ / The 7;isting record is de(imited and the ne' record created. . system message appears. 0 The ne' record cannot 1e inserted .n error message appears. > . ne' record is createdJ and the e;isting record is changed . 'arning message appears. N . ne' record is createdJ and the e;isting record is changed Ko system message appears.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 23

Time Recording0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

7!e the 9mp ementation Guide )95G*

to !et up your time recording proce!!e!

3etermine ho& the !y!tem react! to

co i!ion! $et&een time infotype!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 24

$.25@eitdatenerfassung und -,er-altung 0"ercises

6nit& Time 4ata Recording and /dministration To ic& Creating /ttendance and /1sence Ty es
.t the conc(usion of these e;ercisesJ you 'i(( 1e a1(e to/ Create a1sence types

Oou create attendance and a1sence types for your enterprise 1y copying and modifying the samp(es pro&ided in the standard ,.! R?3 ,ystem.

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

Create /1sence Ty es #-# #-2 Chec9 the appropriate groupings. Create the a1sence type <9## and ca(( it <llness group ##. Copy the a1sence type 0-00 #<llness 1it% certificate&. *a9e sure the ne' a1sence type has the correct personne( su1area grouping. -f the startJ endJ or entire period is designated as a Qnon>'or9ing periodR or a Qday offJR then a 'arning message appears. Ko restrictions are app(ied to the ma;imum duration for the a1sence type. To do soJ enter ,,, ca(endar days as the duration. #-3 Create the a1sence type C)## and ca(( it 9ea@e group ##. Copy the a1sence type 0!00 #9ea@e&. Copy a(( settings.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

7nter a sic9 day in the pre&ious year for one of your emp(oyees.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 26

6nit& Time 4ata Recording and /dministration To ic& Creating /ttendance and /1sence Ty es

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

Create /1sence Ty es #-# Chec. the ersonnel su1area grou ing for attendance and a1sence ty es -n the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#)J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog +roup Personnel Subareas for Attendances and Absences Chec9 to ma9e sure that the personne( su1area grouping for your personne( su1area TP## is 0!. #-2 Create an a1sence ty e -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog =efine absence types ,e(ect and copy the a1sence type 0-00 <llness 1it% certificate for the personne( su1area grouping 0! and ca(( it <9## <llness group ## ('ith SS V group num1er). +ecause you 'ant a 'arning message to appear if the startJ endJ or the entire a1sence is indicated as QoffJRenter a . in the "irst day is day off and 9ast day is day off fie(ds. +ecause no restrictions are to 1e made on the ma;imum durtion of the a1senceJ enter ,,, in the Ma(imum duration fie(d. <ea&e the Cnit fie(d blan/ for ca(endar days. ,a&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2$


Create the a1sence type C)## and ca(( it 9ea@e group ##. Copy the a1sence type 0!00 #9ea@e&. Copy a(( settings. %ther'iseJ proceed as descri1ed a1o&e.

To record a sic9 dayJ choose Human resources Time management Administration Time data Maintain and enter the a1sence type <9## in the Absences infotype (2001). Choose a date from the pre&ious year.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 25

Attendance and A$!ence Counting

Attendance and A$!ence Counting Ru e! Counting 7!ing 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e Cariant!

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Attendance and A$!ence Counting0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

Set up ru e! for counting attendance! and

Count attendance! and a$!ence! u!ing

dai y &or8 !chedu e!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Attendance and A$!ence Counting0 6u!ine!! Scenario

Attendance! and a$!ence! mu!t $e recorded

at the CA6 Company. :mp oyee! ca in !ic8% go on "acation% participate in training cour!e!% or go on $u!ine!! trip!.
Counting ru e! are !pecified for the!e attendance!

and a$!ence! to determine ho& many payro day! or hour! are to $e ca cu ated. The!e payro day! or hour! are re2uired for deduction from entit ement! )2uota entit ement!*% for payment% or for other !tati!tica purpo!e!. ?ou mu!t !et up the appropriate counting ru e! and a!!ign the indi"idua attendance and a$!ence type!.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

Attendance and A$!ence Counting0 9ntroduction

A sences 9nfotype 2001 Period from 0/.01.2001 to 0/.0,.2001

Ca endar day! Attendance.a$!ence hour! Attendance.a$!ence day! Payro hour! Payro day!

Attendances 9nfotype 2002

>uota 3eduction
SAP AG 1999


To ca(cu(ate the duration of an attendance?a1senceJ the system references the p(anned num1er of hours from the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &a(id for the specific day. This is not a('ays recommended. %n certain daysJ for e;amp(eJ such as pu1(ic ho(idays and 'ee9daysJ and for certain attendances and a1sences or dai(y and period 'or9 schedu(esJ specia( ru(es app(y for counting the duration of attendance or a1sence. ThusJ counting the dai(y duration of an attendance?a1sence can 1e contro((ed 1y ru(es. These ru(es are created and stored in the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#).

(C) ,.! .#


+ea"e0 :<amp e
Create A sences 1/nfotype .00+2

330 23.12.2001 to

#ame 2,.12.2001

5ary 5i er

Ca id

A$!ence! A$!ence type Time A$!ence hour! A$!ence day! Ca endar day! 0100 = 12.00 2.00 3.00 1.,0 +ea"e Pre". day

#um$er of ca endar day! in the a$!ence period

Tota num$er of p anned &or8ing time hour! according to &or8 !chedu e #um$er of day! &ith p anned &or8ing hour! Q 0
SAP AG 1999

>uota u!ed

3etermine! payro day! )here ea"e re2ue!ted* u!ing a counting ru e

The duration of an attendance?a1sence is ca(cu(ated in fi&e different types of units in the ,.! R?3 ,ystem. These units are inc(uded in the Attendances and Absences infotypes. Calendar days& The system ca(cu(ates ca(endar days using actua( ca(endar days for the attendance?a1sence. !artia( days are ca(cuated as 0 days. /ttendanceBa1sence hours and days/ .ttendance or a1sence hours 1ased on the specified p(anned hours in the 'or9 schedu(e are ca(cu(ated. -n this 'ayJ on(y the days on 'hich the emp(oyee had p(anned hours are inc(uded in the ca(cu(ation. 2ayroll hours and days/ !ayro(( days and hours are used for deducting "uotas and in payro(( accounting (num1er fie(d of a 'age type). The ca(cu(ation of payro(( days and hours is contro((ed 1y the settings made foron attendance?a1sence counting. -n this 'ayJ you can a(so inc(ude attendances?a1sences in the ca(cu(ation for days on 'hich the emp(oyee did not ha&e any p(anned hours.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

A!!igning Counting and >uota 3eduction Ru e!0 4"er"ie&

Rounding Ru e!

Attendance. A$!ence Type

>uota 3eduction Ru e0 ;hat 2uota! in in &hat orderA

Counting Ru e0 A Payro day! A Payro hour!

SAP AG 1999

Counting Rule& !ayro(( days and hours are determined 1y the attendance and a1sence counting ru(e. Rounding Rule& 3hen counting attendances?a1sencesJ &a(ues 'ith se&era( decima( points are determined. .s these &a(ues are not usua((y appropriate for use in "uota deduction and in payro((J you can assign a rounding ru(e to the counting ru(e to determine ho' the determined &a(ue is to 1e rounded off. 4eduction Rule for Cuotas& . deduction ru(e for "uotas can a(so 1e assigned to a counting ru(e thatJ in the case of "uota deductionJ determines 'hich "uotas are deducted in 'hat order. /ssigning a Counting Rule to an /ttendanceB/1sence Ty e& . counting ru(e must 1e assigned to each attendance?a1sence type to ensure that the payro(( days and hours are determined for the specia( attendance?a1sence. HurthermoreJ you must determine 'hether "uota deduction is to 1e acti&ated for each attendance?a1sence type. 3ith "uota deduction acti&atedJ the attendance?a1sence is deducted from "uotas according to the specified "uota deduction ru(es. These "uota deduction ru(es are a(so assigned to the counting ru(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

Counting Ru e! for Attendance!.A$!ence!

6a!ed on0
Attendance.a$!ence hour! Attendance.a$!ence day!

Counting Ru e! for Attendance.A$!ence Type! Counting

Condition! for current day Condition! for the &or8 !chedu e Condition! for p anned hour! Condition for attendance.a$!ence
SAP AG 1999

>uota mu tip ier Rounding

Payro hour! Payro day!

>uota 3eduction Ru e



>uota 3eduction

Oou store the counting ru(es for attendances and a1sences to determine payro(( days and hours in Customi:ing. The 1asis for app(ying the counting ru(e are the a1sence days and hours determined 1y the system. These are ca(cu(ated using the the p(anned hours specified in the 'or9 schedu(e. -n a counting ru(eJ you define the fo((o'ing/ Conditions that must 1e fi((ed for the corresponding counting ru(e to 1e usedJ inc(uding/ Conditions for current day (day of 'ee9J pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass) Conditions for 'or9 schedu(e (c(assification of dai(y 'or9 schedu(es and period 'or9 schedu(es) Conditions for p(anned hours (D V 0) Conditions for attendances?a1sences (fu((>dayJ partia(>day) ,pecifications that determine ho' to ca(cu(ate the payro(( days and hours. @uota mu(tip(iers and rounding ru(es are used in ca(cu(ation. To deduct "uotasJ you can assign "uota deduction ru(es to a counting ru(e. . counting ru(e can consist of se&era( indi&idua( ru(es. These indi&idua( ru(es are distinguished 1y their se"uentia( num1er. The system searches through the indi&idua( ru(es unti( one is met.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

Condition! for Current 3ay

App ica$ ity of ru e Condition! for current day 3ay of the &ee8 5onday Tue!day Ho iday c a!! #o pu$ ic ho iday Ho iday c a!! 1 = pu$ ic ho . Ho iday c a!! 2 = pu$ ic ho . ... ... ;edne!day Thur!day @riday Saturday 3ay type ;or8 acc. to per!ona ;S 3ay type 1 = day off 3ay type 2 = day off Sunday

SAP AG 1999

Oou can determine on 'hich days a counting ru(e for a1sence or attendance is to 1e &a(id. To do soJ use the Conditions for the current day. (The current day is the day to 1e counted.) -n this section of the screenJ you se(ect the characteristics the day must ha&e for the counting ru(e to app(y. -nc(uded in these characteristics are the day of the 'ee9 (*onday to ,unday)J the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass (1(an9J 1 > 6) and the day type ('or9day or day off). Note& Oou can se(ect se&era( options 'ithin a 1(oc9. Hor the ru(e to 1e &a(idJ at (east one of the options must 1e se(ected for the 1(oc9 disp(ayed.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Condition! for the ;or8 Schedu e

Condition! for the &or8 !chedu e Counting c a!! period &or8 !chedu e Counting c a!! 0 Counting c a!! 1 Counting c a!! 2 Counting c a!! 3 Counting c a!! ( ... ... 3ai y &or8 !chedu e c a!! 3ai y &or8 !chedu e c a!! 0 3ai y &or8 !chedu e c a!! 1 3ai y &or8 !chedu e c a!! 2 3ai y &or8 !chedu e c a!! 3 3ai y &or8 !chedu e c a!! (

SAP AG 1999

-n some cases you 'ant to ca(cu(ate the duration of a1sences and attendances different(y depending on the type of 'or9 on that day or the 'or9 pattern. Oou can determine for 'hich dai(y 'or9 schedu(es or period 'or9 schedu(es the counting ru(e to determine payro(( days and hours is to app(y. To do soJ use the counting class of the eriod -or. schedules and the daily -or. schedule class. Oou can se(ect from the counting c(asses 0 to 6 for 1oth the dai(y and period 'or9 schedu(es. The countring ru(es can therefore 1e set up for different dai(y 'or9 schedu(es as 'e(( as different period 'or9 schedu(es. Note #& Oou assign period 'or9 schedu(es to counting c(asses in the =efine Counting Classes for Period .or/ Sc%edules section of the -*#. Note 2& Oou can se(ect se&era( options 'ithin a 1(oc9.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

Condition! for P anned Hour! and Attendance!.A$!ence!

App ica$ ity of ru e Condition! for p anned hour! P anned hour! B 0 P anned hour! Q 0

Condition for attendance.a$!ence R 1 day @u =day

SAP AG 1999

HurthermoreJ you can (imit the &a(idity of the counting ru(e according to the Conditions for lanned hours and Conditions for attendancesBa1sences. .s a condition for the p(anned hours from the dai(y 'or9 schedu(eJ you can specify 'hether the p(anned hours must 1e e"ua( to or greater than 0. .s a condition for the attendance?a1senceJ you can specifiy 'hether the counting ru(e is &a(id for fu((> day or partia(>day attendances?a1sences. Note& Oou can se(ect se&era( options 'ithin a 1(oc9.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

Contro ing Counting

Counting Hour! >uota mu tip ier Rounding ru e! 5u tip y fir!t Round fir!t 100.00 N 01 3ay! >uota mu tip ier Rounding ru e! 5u tip y fir!t Round fir!t 100.00 N 01

SAP AG 1999

.fter you ha&e specified the conditions for app(ying the counting ru(e in the pre&ious stepsJ you can no' define ho' the payro(( days and hours ('hen the conditions app(y) are to 1e ca(cu(ated. Oou can specify different criteria for counting payro(( days and payro(( hours. -n this 'ayJ you can enter different "uota mu(tip(iers for 1oth time units. . "uota mu(tip(ier of 100Z means that the a1sence hours (or days) are e&a(uated at 100Z. -n additionJ you can se(ect the rounding ru(es defined in the days and hours sections of the screen. Hina((yJ you can se(ect 'hether or not you 'ant to mu(tip(y first and then roundJ or &ice &ersa for 1oth of these areas. -n this 'ayJ you can decide 'hen hours are counted 'hether payro(( hours shou(d 1e determined firstJ and the resu(t rounded according to the assigned rounding ru(eJ or 'hether the a1sence hours are to 1e roundedJ and then the payro(( hours are determined. This is a(so &a(id for counting in days. Kote/ The 4eduction rule section is discussed (ater in this course.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

Rounding Ru e!

Ca ue! determined are rounded up or do&n to ne<t &ho e num$er ,.213(3 day!
RoRu e 01 #ame #o. +o&er imit 0.,0000 9nc . 7pper imit 1.,0000 9nc . Tgt "a ue Ro . 1.00000

Round up to 001 ne<t &ho e no.

,.00000 day!

+o&er imit rounded off

Rounding ru e a !o "a id for inter"a ! 1., = 2., 2., = 3., S

Ca ue imit! are !et for determined "a ue! 3,.3(011 day!

RoRu e 0, #ame 5a<. "a ue #o. 001 +o&er imit 30.00000 9nc . 7pper imit 11%111.11111 9nc . Tgt "a ue Ro . 30.00000

30.00000 day!

Se2uentia num$er

SAP AG 1999

To count payro(( days and hoursJ you can use rounding ru(es to round the &a(ues determined up or do'n. Oou can define se&era( rounding ru(es. . rounding ru(e is uni"ue(y indicated 1y its 2>digit num1er and can consist of se&era( comp(ementary su1ru(es. The system runs through the su1ru(es unti( one is met. Oou define an upper and (o'er (imit for the rounding inter&a( in a rounding ru(e. -n the t'o <ncl. (inc(ude) co(umnsJ you acti&ate the s'itch to specify 'hether the upper and (o'er (imits are to 1e inc(uded 'hen ca(cu(ating the inter&a(. Oou enter the &a(ue to 'hich you 'ant to round up or do'n in the Target @alue co(umn. -n the )oll3 (ro((ed) co(umnJ you indicate if the inter&a( is to 1e ro((edJ that isJ copied to a(( su1se"uent inter&a(s 1y acti&ating the s'itch. -n this 'ayJ the duration of the inter&a(s is a('ays inc(uded. 0"am le& .ccording to rounding rule 0#J a(( &a(ues 1et'een 0. up to 1.4 are rounded to the target &a(ue #. The inter&a( is defined as Qro((edY here and is thus carried to the fo((o'ing inter&a(. The rounding ru(es can 1e assigned in the counting ru(es. Note& Rounding ru(es can a(so 1e used e(se'hereJ for e;amp(eJ to determine ho' a1sence entit(ements are rounded.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

A!!igning Counting Ru e! to Att..A$!. Type! )1*

Attendance. A$!ence Type

Rounding Ru e!

>uota 3eduction Ru e0 Counting Ru e0 A Payro day! A Payro hour! ;hat 2uota! in in &hat orderA

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration Absences Absence #atalog Absence #ounting !!! Assign #ounting Rules to Absence T pes
SAP AG 1999

Bou 'a&e to !reate a !onne!tion 8et1een t'e rele&ant a8sen!e an" atten"an!e ty#es an" t'eir !orres#on"ing !ounting rules so t'at "urations of atten"an!es an" a8sen!es are !al!ulate" 8y !ounting rules0 :urt'ermore7 you must !'e!) if t'e >uota "e"u!tion fun!tion is a!ti&ate" for ea!' atten"an!e/a8sen!e ty#e0 o assign atten"an!e/a8sen!e ty#es to !ounting rules7 !om#lete t'e Customi+ing ste#s un"er Time Data Recording Absences Absence Catalog Absence Counting an" similarly7 un"er Attendances Attendance Counting in t'e %,G for Per!onne Time 5anagement0

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 14

A!!igning Counting Ru e! to Att..A$!. Type! )2*

PS grouping Att..a$!. te<t

01 0100 +ea"e

Start 01.01.1110

:nd 31.12.1111

Counting.2uota deduction Counting ru e >uota deduction 3eduction o"er end of inter"a 010

SAP AG 1999

-n the CountingBDuota deduction section of the screenJ you se(ect the counting ru(e for the corresponding attendance or a1sence types. Oou a(so acti&ate "uota deduction if you 'ant the corresponding attendance?a1sence "uotas to 1e deducted in the Absence Fuotas infotype (2006) and the Attendance Fuotas infotype (200$). 0"am le& The a1sence type (ea,e 30#00? references the counting ru(e 0#0 to ca(cu(ate duration. This a1sence typeJ in turnJ can 1e assigned the rounding ru(es and deduction ru(es of the "uota types that are to 1e deducted 1y this a1sence type. The "uota deduction is acti&ated in this case. -n this 'ayJ a deduction is made from the e;isting "uotas according to the "uota deduction ru(e assigned to counting ru(e 002.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Counting 7!ing 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e!0 9ntroduction

:<amp e0
P anned hour! according to &or8 !chedu e! 6a!i! u!ed for counting certain attendance! and a$!ence!











Actua p anned &or8ing hour! from the &or8 !chedu e are not u!ed &hen counting attendance!.a$!ence!. Ho&e"er% a !pecific num$er of p anned &or8ing hour! )!uch a! an a"erage "a ue* i! !tored in the dai y &or8 !chedu e "ariant.
SAP AG 1999

.1sence days and hours determined 1y the p(anned 'or9ing hours stored in the 'or9 schedu(e are used for counting payro(( days and hours. %ccasiona((yJ the counting of certain fu((>day attendances or a1sences is not 1ased on the actua( days and hours determined 1y the p(anned 'or9ing hours stored in the 'or9 schedu(e. The num1er of p(anned hours can 1e determined 1y assigning an app(ica1(e dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant. 0"am le& -n your enterpriseJ emp(oyees 'or9 eight hours each day from *onday through Thursday. %n HridayJ they 'or9 four hours. The a1sence hours for i((ness are to 1e determined 1y processing a&erages. To do soJ you specify a dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant such as &ariant / 'ith $.2 hoursJ for e;amp(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

Counting 7!ing 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e Cariant! )1*

Attendance. A$!ence Type

Counting u!ing dai y &or8 !chedu e "ariant!

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration Absences Absence #atalog Absence #ounting Determine Dail for Absences Work Schedule 'ariants

SAP AG 1999

,ometimes attendance and a1sence counting (in addition to the counting ru(es) is to occur using a specia( dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariant. The &ariant must a(ready e;ist and is referenced depending on the ru(es defined. To do soJ you comp(ete a process simi(ar to the one for setting up and contro((ing &ariants for the 'or9 schedu(e. To assign attendance?a1sence types to counting ru(esJ comp(ete the Customi:ing steps under Time Data Recording and Administration A#sences A#sence Catalog A#sence Counting and simi(ar(yJ under Attendances Attendance Counting in the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1$

Counting 7!ing 3ai y ;or8 Schedu e Cariant! )2*

3ai y ;or8 Schedu e Ru e! for A$!ence Recording

Ru e 01

#o 01

Ho iday c a!! $123(,6/-1 <<<<<<<<<<

Ho .c .ne<t day $123(,6/-1 <<<<<<<<<<

Att..a$!. grpg 123(,6/-1 .<.......

;ee8day Cariant 123(,6/ <<<<<<< A

Ru e for !e ecting "ariant! of a dai y &or8 !chedu e

Attendance.a$!ence type! for dai y &or8 !chedu e "ariant!

SAP AG 1999

+efore you create the counting ru(e for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariantsJ you must first chec9 'hether your attendance and a1sence types are correct(y grouped. This grouping is re"uiredJ ho'e&erJ on(y for those attendance or a1sence types that you a(so 'ant to count using &ariants. .ttendance and a1sence types to 1e hand(ed simi(ar(y must 1e grouped together in a grouping. The &a(ue of the grouping is "ueried 'hen &ariants are se(ected during attendance?a1sence counting The ru(es are created under the fo((o'ing conditions/ !u1(ic ho(iday c(ass of the current day !u1(ic ho(iday c(ass of the fo((o'ing day #rouping of a1sence or attendance types for dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants )ay of the 'ee9 The ru(e to 1e used for attendance?a1sence counting using dai(y 'or9 schedu(e &ariants must 1e assigned to the dai(y 'or9 schedu(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 15

Attendance and A$!ence Counting0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

Set up ru e! for counting attendance! and

Count attendance! and a$!ence! u!ing

dai y &or8 !chedu e!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

*.20/us8Ehlung ,on /1- und /n-esenheiten F1ungen0"ercises

6nit& /ttendance and /1sence Counting To ic& Creating Counting Rules
.t the conc(usion of these e;ercisesJ you 'i(( 1e a1(e to/ Create counting ru(es for attendance and a1sences

.ttendances and a1sences must 1e recorded for C.+ Company. 7mp(oyees ca(( in sic9J go on &acationJ participate in training coursesJ or go on 1usiness trips. Oou create counting ru(es to determine payro(( days and hours for attendances and a1sences. Oou assign these counting ru(es to the app(ica1(e attendance and a1sence types.

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

/ttendance and /1sence Counting To correct(y determine payro(( days and hoursJ you must assign a counting ru(e to this a1sence type.


4efine a counting class for the eriod -or. schedule ,pecify any counting c(ass for your ne'(y created period 'or9 schedu(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 20


4efine a counting rule )efine a counting ru(e to 1e used for your a1sence type ?)##. Hirst choose the re(e&ant personne( su1area and emp(oyee su1group groupings. .ssign personne( su1area TP## to the personne( su1area grouping for time "uotas 0!. .ssign the app(ica1(e emp(oyee su1groups to the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas !. Hor these groupingsJ create counting ru(e !## ('ith SS V group num1er) and name it Counting rule group ##. .pp(y the fo((o'ing specifications to the counting ru(e/ The a1sence is counted on a(( se&en days of the 'ee9J regard(ess of the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass of the pre&ious day. The a1sence is on(y counted if the day is a 'or9day according to the 'or9 schedu(e. Counting occurs for a(( period 'or9 schedu(es and a(( dai(y 'or9 schedu(es. The ru(e app(ies on(y to p(anned hours D 0 and to fu((>day and partia(>day a1sences Hours and days are to 1e counted as 'ho(e amounts (100Z). Hours and days are rounded to the ne;t 'ho(e num1er. Choose and assign a suita1(e rounding ru(e. .1sence hours and days are to 1e mu(tip(ied first 'ith the "uota mu(tip(ier 1efore the &a(ues determined are rounded for payro(( days and hours. )o not enter any "uota deduction ru(es in the Deduction rule section. Oou 'i(( do this in the ne;t unit.


/ssign a counting rule to an a1sence ty e .ssign the counting ru(e !## to the a1sence types ?)## and C)##. Chec9 if the "uota deduction for the a1sence type C)## is a(ready acti&ated. Note& Creating "uotas and "uota deduction is co&ered in the ne;t unit.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 21

! tional 5ersion0 E6ercise /

3or9 through 0"ercise #J ho'e&erJ create a some'hat different counting ru(e and app(y the fo((o'ing specifications/ Counting occurs as descri1ed a1o&e for days that do not ha&e the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass (that isJ on ha(f>day ho(idays). Ho'e&erJ a different rounding ru(e is to 1e assigned for counting. =a(ues determined for hours and days are to 1e rounded as fo((o's/ =a(ues up to 03-4 are not inc(uded. =a(ues 1et'een 03-4 and 03A4 are rounded to 034. =a(ues greater than 03A4 are rounded to the ne;t 'ho(e num1er. This ru(e is transferred to su1se"uent inter&a(s. )oes a simi(ar rounding ru(e a(ready e;ist in the training system4 .ssign the app(ica1(e rounding ru(e in the Hours and =ays sections of the screen. Oou a(so 'ant to ca(cu(ate the &a(ues first and then round them. Hor days 'ith the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass -J ho'e&erJ counting occurs as fo((o's/ Hours are to 1e counted as their fu(( amount. Hu((>days are to 1e &a(ued as ha(f>days. 0se the rounding ru(e specified a1o&e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 22

6nit& /ttendance and /1sence Counting To ic& /ssigning Counting Rules

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

/ttendance and /1sence Counting #-# 4efine a counting rule for the eriod -or. schedule +ecause the counting c(ass of the period 'or9 schedu(e is "ueried in the counting ru(esJ you must ma9e the fo((o'ing entries in the app(ica1(e Customi:ing step for your ne'(y created period 'or9 schedu(e. -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog Absence Counting =efine counting classes for period 1or/ sc%edules. ,e(ect and copy a suita1(e entryJ and in the Period 1or/ sc%edule fie(dJ enter your pre&ious(y created period 'or9 schedu(e P8## #.P##&. *a9e sure that you copy the correct personne( su1area grouping (0!). -n the Counting class fie(dJ enter any counting c(ass (1et'een blan/ and ,). ,a&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 23


4efine a counting rule -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog Absence Counting )ules for Absence Counting #*e1& 1>2>1 To chec9 the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotasJ choose +roup employee subgroups for time Guotas. Chec9 the re(e&ant emp(oyee su1groups to ma9e sure that your emp(oyee is assigned to the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas !. 1>2>2 To chec9 the personne( su1area grouping for time "uotasJ choose +roup personnel subareas for time Guotas. Chec9 'hether your personne( su1area T!## is assigned to the grouping 0!3 1>2>3 To chec9 the rounding ru(es that you 'ant to assign in your counting ru(esJ choose =efine rules for counting absences. Ru(e 0! corresponds to the re"uirements of this e;ercise. -n this 'ayJ the &a(ues determined are rounded to the ne;t 'ho(e amount. 1>2>4 To create a ne' counting ru(eJ choose =efine counting rules. Choose the *e1 entries optionJ or choose Edit *e1 entries from the menu. 7nter the emp(oyee su1group grouping !J personne( su1area grouping 0! as 'e(( as the counting ru(e !## (SS V group num1er). Kame your counting ru(e Counting rule for group ##. +ecause the counting ru(e consists of t'o su1ru(esJ enter the se"uentia( num1ers 00! and 00- for your su1ru(es. +ecause the counting ru(e has on(y one su1ru(eJ enter the su1se"uent num1er 00! in this fie(d. (-n this caseJ you can a(so (ea&e the fie(d 1(an9.) 1>2> Hor the Conditions for current dayJ enter the fo((o'ing specifications/ The a1sence is to 1e counted on a(( 'ee9days. ,e(ect a(( se&en 'ee9days in the .ee/day section of the screen. The a1sence is counted independent(y of its pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass. ,e(ect the *ot a public %oliday option in the Holiday class section as 'e(( as a(( of the Holiday classes ! to ,. The a1sence is on(y to 1e counted if it is a 'or9day according to the 'or9 schedu(e. ,e(ect the .or/ according to 1or/ sc%edule option in the =ay type section of the screen.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 24

1>2>6 Hor the Conditions for the -or. scheduleJ enter the fo((o'ing specifications/ ,e(ect a(( options in the Counting classes for period 1or/ sc%edule and =aily 1or/ sc%edule classes sections of the screen. 1>2>$ Conditions for the lanned hours& ,e(ect the Planned %ours H 0 option. Conditions for a1senceBattendance& Choose 1oth I ! day and full6day options. 1>2>5 7nter the fo((o'ing specifications for Counting/ +ecause on(y hours and days in 'ho(e amounts are to 1e countedJ enter !00D as the "uota mu(tip(ier for 1oth areas. +ecause on(y 'ho(e hours and days are to 1e determinedJ choose for each the rounding ru(e 0!. This ena1(es the &a(ues determined to 1e rounded to 'ho(e amounts. The a1sence days and hours are to 1e first e&a(uated 1y the "uota mu(tip(ierJ and then rounded. <ea&e the defau(t option "irst multiply as is. 1>2>6 Ko entries are re"uired in the =eduction rule section. ,a&e your entries.


/ssign a counting rule to an a1sence ty e To assign the counting ru(e 1## ('ith SS V group num1er) to your a1sence types ?)## and C)##J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog Absence Counting Assign Counting )ules to Absence Types in the -*#. ,e(ect the a1sence type ?)## or C)## and then choose the =etails optionJ or choose +oto =etails from the menu. 7nter the counting ru(e 1SS for your a1sence types ?)## and C)##. Oou on(y need to acti&ate the $uota deduction fie(d for the a1sence type C)##. ,a&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

! tional 5ersion0 E6ercise /

Note& +efore creating the counting ru(eJ assign a counting c(ass to your period 'or9 schedu(e (see section #-#). 2 4efine a counting rule -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog Absence Counting )ules for Absence Counting #*e1& 2-# To chec9 the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotasJ choose +roup employee subgroups for time Guotas. Chec9 the re(e&ant emp(oyee su1groups to ma9e sure that your emp(oyee is assigned to the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas !. To chec9 the personne( su1area grouping for time "uotasJ choose +roup personnel subareas for time Guotas. Chec9 'hether your personne( su1area T!## is assigned to the grouping 0!. Chec9 'hether your personne( su1area TP## is assigned to the grouping 0!. 2-3 To create a ne' counting ru(eJ choose =efine counting rules. Choose the *e1 entries optionJ or choose Edit *e1 entries from the menu. 7nter the emp(oyee su1group grouping !J personne( su1area grouping 0! as 'e(( as the counting ru(e !## (SS V group num1er). Kame your counting ru(e Counting rule for group ##. +ecause the counting ru(e consists of t'o su1ru(esJ enter the se"uentia( num1ers 00! and 00- for your su1ru(es. +ecause the counting ru(e consists of t'o su1ru(esJ enter the se"uentia( num1ers 00! and 00- for your su1ru(es.


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 26

2>3>1 Kame the counting ru(e Counting rule group ##. +ecause the counting ru(e contains t'o su1ru(esJ enter the se"uentia( num1ers 00! and 00- for your su1ru(es. Conditions for current day& The a1sence is to 1e counted on a(( 'ee9days. ,e(ect a(( se&en 'ee9days in the .ee/day section of the screen. ,u1ru(e 00! is on(y &a(id for days 'ith pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass other than 2. ,e(ect a(( options in the Holiday class section e;cept pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass -. The a1sence is on(y to 1e counted if it is a 'or9day according to the 'or9 schedu(e. ,e(ect the .or/ according to 1or/ sc%edule option in the =ay type section of the screen. Conditions for the -or. schedule& ,e(ect a(( options in the Counting classes for period 1or/ sc%edule and =aily 1or/ sc%edule class sections of the screen. Conditions for the lanned hours& ,e(ect the Planned %ours H 0 option. Conditions for attendancesBa1sences& Choose 1oth options #partial6dayB full6day&. Counting/ +ecause on(y hours and days in 'ho(e amounts are to 1e countedJ choose the "uota mu(tip(ier !00D. for 1oth areas. To ensure that the &a(ues determines are rounded according to the specifications of the e;erciseJ choose the rounding ru(e !0 and enter it in each app(ica1(e fie(d for counting in hours or days. The a1sence days and hours are to 1e first e&a(uated 1y the "uota mu(tip(ierJ and then rounded. <ea&e the defau(t option "irst multiply as is. Ko entries are re"uired in the =eduction rule section. ,a&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2$

2>3>2 Create the su1ru(e for a(( days 'ith pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass -. ThenJ copy the su1ru(e 00! you created to a second su1ru(e 00-. To do soJ (ea&e the current &ie' 1y choosing the green arro1J then se(ect the su1ru(e you pre&ious(y created from the initia( screen and then choose the Copy option. Hor the ne' su1ru(eJ enter the se"uentia( num1er 00- and modify the ru(e as fo((o's/ +ecause the su1ru(e 00- is on(y to 1e &a(id for days 'ith pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass -J acti&ate the pu1(ic ho(iday c(ass - option in the Public %oliday class 1(oc9J and dese(ect a(( of the other options in this section. Copy a(( of the other conditions in su1ru(e 00! as is for your su1ru(e 00-. To count in hoursJ copy the e;isting specifications. To count in daysJ change the "uota mu(tip(ier to 40D. Change this &a(ue according(y. Then sa&e the su1ru(e 00-.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 25

Attendance and A$!ence >uota!

Setting 7p Attendance and A$!ence >uota! >uota 3eduction 3etermining 3efau t Ca ue! to Grant A$!ence :ntit ement! >uota Compen!ation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Attendance and A$!ence >uota!0 7nit 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

Create attendance and a$!ence 2uota! Set up 2uota deduction 3etermine defau t "a ue! to grant 2uota

entit ement!
Set up 2uota compen!ation


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Attendance and A$!ence >uota!0 6u!ine!! Scenario )1*

9n your enterpri!e% emp oyee! are granted

different attendance and a$!ence entit ement! for ea"e% educationa ea"e% and !o on.
?ou fir!t need to create different 2uota type!.

@urthermore% you &ant to u!e defau t "a ue! to accrue emp oyee a$!ence entit ement% a! &e a! accrue a$!ence entit ement! $y running a report. To do !o% you mu!t create the app ica$ e generation ru e! in the !y!tem.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

Attendance and A$!ence >uota!0 6u!ine!! Scenario )2*

9n addition% you mu!t !pecify &hen% that i!%

under &hat condition!% deduction! are made from the!e entit ement!. To do !o% you ma8e a!!ignment! $et&een attendance and a$!ence type! and the 2uota! to $e deducted.
?ou can a !o remunerate emp oyee! for

remaining or unu!ed a$!ence entit ement!.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#


Creating Attendance and A$!ence >uota!0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! topic% you &i $e a$ e to0

Create attendance and a$!ence 2uota!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

>uota!0 9ntroduction

A sence !uotas Repre!ent emp oyee a$!ence entit ement!

Attendance !uotas Repre!ent attendance appro"a !

+ea"e Time=4ff :ntit ement 4"ertime Appro"a


A sence !uotas 9nfotype )2006*

SAP AG 1999

Attendance !uotas 9nfotype )200/*

7mp(oyees in your enterprise are entit(ed to (ea&eJ additiona( trainingJ and so on. These types of entit(ements can 1e stored in "uotas and deducted from attendances and a1sences. 7mp(oyee a1sence entit(ementsJ such as standard annua( (ea&eJ educationa( (ea&eJ and non>'or9ing shift entit(ementJ are set up in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006). 7mp(oyee attendance appro&a(s for specia( attendances (such as o&ertime appro&a() are set up in the Attendance $uotas infotype (200$). These appro&a(s can 1e "ueried in time e&a(uation. .n a1sence "uota is an emp(oyee8s time>(imited entit(ement to an a1sence. ,imi(ar(yJ an attendance "uota is an emp(oyee8s time>(imited entit(ement to an attendance. .ttendance "uota types and a1sence "uota types are used to represent these entit(ements in the system.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

A$!ence >uota for 4ne :mp oyee0 :<amp e

Create A sence !uotas

0000123( Ca id 5ary 5i er

01.01.2001 S.. 12.31.2001

Ca idity 9nter"a Time=4ff Credit! Amount of >uota

A$!ence >uota! Type Time >uota num$er 3eduction 3eduction from 3eduction to 01.01.2001 31.03.2002 #eg. deduction to 10 Annua ea"e

A$!ence entit ement! in hour! or day!

2,.00000 3ay! 22.00000


3eduction 9nter"a
SAP AG 1999

#egati"e deduction permitted

.n attendance or a1sence "uota (standard annua( (ea&eJ for e;amp(e) is granted to an emp(oyee for a specific &a(idity period. The deduction inter&a( for the a1sence "uotas specifies the period in 'hich emp(oyees can use the "uota in the entit(ement. The start and end of the &a(idity inter&a( must not 1e the same as the &a(idity period. The type of credit (standard annua( (ea&eJ educationa( (ea&eJ and so on) is determined 1y the "uota type. The amount of credit is specified 1y the "uota amount (in days or hours). -n the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#)J you define 'hether "uota is managed in days or hours or 'hether negati&e deduction is permitted for each "uota type.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

Attendance and A$!ence >uota Type!

Per!onne !u$area grouping

for time 2uota!

:mp oyee !u$group grouping

for time 2uota!

Attendance.A$!ence >uota Type

Time.7nit of mea!ure A 3ay A Hour! #egati"e deduction to...

Time con!traint c a!!

Start.end time

SAP AG 1999

.ttendance and a1sence "uota types are 1ased on the personne( su1area and emp(oyee su1group groupings for time "uota types defined in the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#). .n emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uota types is a 1rea9 do'n of emp(oyee su1groups for 'hich the same attendance and a1sence "uota types are &a(id. . personne( su1area grouping for time "uota types is a 1rea9 do'n of personne( su1areasJ for 'hich the same attendance and a1sence "uota types are &a(id. The time unit (days?hours) for 'hich each "uota is managed is specified for each "uota type. To restrict the &a(idity of entit(ements to a certain timeJ you can specify an app(ica1(e time inter&a( for each "uota type. -f this time inter&a( is se(ected 'hen creating "uota for an emp(oyeeJ then the entit(ement e;ists on(y 'ithin the specified time inter&a(. HurthermoreJ you can specify the amount to 'hich a "uota can 1e deducted 1eyond its entit(ement. The amount specified for negati&e deduction a(so appears in the Attendance $uotas (200$) and A#sence $uotas (2006) infotypes. . time constraint c(ass is assigned to each attendance or a1sence "uota type 'hich is chec9ed if time infotypes o&er(ap (co((isions). .1sence "uota types can 1e (oc9ed for compensation.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

>uota 3eduction0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! topic% you &i $e a$ e to0

Set up deduction from 2uota entit ement!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

>uota 3eduction0 4"er"ie&
A$!ence Type

A sence !uotas 9nfotype )2006*

Counting Ru e

10 Annua ea"e

1, day!
,0 AddE

A sences 9nfotype )2001* 0100 +ea"e 6 day!

>uota 3eduction Ru e0 ;hich 2uota! in &hat !e2uenceA

2 day!

10 Annua ea"e


11 day!

,0 AddE

2 day!
SAP AG 1999

.1sences are entered in the Absences infotype (2001)J and the a1sence type is specified. .ttendances are entered in the same 'ay in the Attendances infotype (2002) 'here the attendance type is specified. .1sence "uotas are specified 'ith their corresponding "uota types in the Absence Fuotas infotype (2006)J and attendance "uotas in the Attendance Fuotas infotype (200$). @uotas and the attendances?a1sences to 1e deducted are stored from a specific 9ey date. To do soJ num1er range inter&a(s must 1e defined in the -*#. -f "uotas are to 1e deducted 1y attendances and a1sencesJ then the "uota from 'hich the attendance?a1sence type is to 1e deducted as 'e(( as the deduction se"uence must 1e specified. 0"am le& .n emp(oyee8s annua( entit(ement to (ea&e is stored in the Absence Fuotas infotype (2006) set up in a "uota type. Hor e;amp(eJ an emp(oyee has 2 days of standard annua( (ea&e (represented in Duota ty e #0)J as 'e(( as 3 days of additiona( (ea&e (represented in Duota ty e 50). -f the emp(oyee ta9es (ea&e (a1sence type 0#00)J then you must specify from 'hich "uota this a1sence type 0#00 is to 1e deducted and in 'hat se"uence the app(ica1(e "uota is to 1e deducted. This re(ationship is detai(ed in the fo((o'ing section.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

9nteraction 6et&een 3eduction and Counting

Rounding Ru e!

Attendance. A$!ence Type

>uota 3eduction Ru e0 ;hat 2uota! in &hat orderA

Counting Ru e0 A Payro day! A Payro hour!

SAP AG 1999

.n attendance?a1sence type can on(y 1e deducted from a "uota 'hen a re(ationship a(ready e;ists 1et'een the attendance?a1sence type and the app(ica1(e "uota. This re(ationship is esta1(ished 1y an assignment made in the -*# under Managing Time Accounts 7sing Attendance8A#sence $uotas $uota Deduction 7sing Attendances8A#sences. . counting ru(e is assigned to the attendance?a1sence type to determine the payro(( hours and days for the duration of this attendance?a1sence. -n turnJ "uota deduction ru(es are assigned to the counting ru(es to determine from 'hat "uotas and in 'hat se"uence this attendance?a1sence type is to 1e deducted. The Activate $uota Deduction option specifies 'hether or not "uota deduction is to ta9e p(ace for each attendance?a1sence type. -f you acti&ate the option that "uota deduction is to ta9e p(ace 'hen assigning a counting ru(e to an attendance?a1sence typeJ then the attendance?a1sence type is deducted from the "uotas according to the "uota deduction ru(e stored in the counting ru(e. %n the other handJ if this option for "uota deduction is not acti&ated for a particu(ar attendance?a1sence typeJ that isJ then the "uota deduction ru(e assigned to the counting ru(e does not app(y to this attendance?a1sence type. . rounding ru(e can a(so 1e assigned to a counting ru(e to round the payro(( hours and days determined.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

3eduction Ru e! for Attendance.A$!ence >uota!

Per!onne !u$area grouping

for time 2uota!

:mp oyee !u$group grouping

for time 2uota!

3eduction Ru e! for Attendance.A$!ence >uota Type!

7nit0 Hour! or day!

3etermine 2uota deduction according to deduction priority0

>uota type Ca id from Ca id to 3eduction from 3eduction to

3eduction of a$!ence 2uota!

9nfotype 2006

9nfotype 200/

3eduction of attendance 2uota!

SAP AG 1999

The se"uence for deducting "uotas 'ith different "uota types is specified in the deduction ru(es. This se"uence can 1e determined depending upon &arious criteria (such as "uota type)J 'hich can 1e assigned priorities. -n this 'ayJ you can define a specific se"uence for deducted "uota types. These deduction ru(es are 1ased on the emp(oyee su1group groupings as 'e(( as the personne( su1area grouping for time "uotas.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

:<amp e0 3eduction Ru e! for A$!ence >uota!
7nit of re e"ant a$!ence 2uota type! Hour! 3ay! A$!ence 2uota type! >uota te<t Cha enged emp oyee ea"e

A$!ence 2uota type 11

7nit 3ay! 3ay!

10 Annua ea"e >uota type !e2uence for further deduction #o further deduction Sort a other 2uota type! in a!cending order Sort a other 2uota type! in de!cending order 3eduction priority A$!ence 2uota type! Ca id from Ca id to 3eduction from 3eduction to
SAP AG 1999

Priority 1 #ot re e"ant #ot re e"ant Priority 3 Priority 2 A!cending A!cending A!cending A!cending 3e!cending 3e!cending 3e!cending 3e!cending

. deduction ru(e for a1sence "uotas depends on the personne( su1area grouping for time "uotasJ as 'e(( as the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas. The deduction ru(e is indicated 1y a 3>digit num1er. The unit (hours or days) of the "uota types to 1e deducted are se(ected in the deduction ru(e. This unit must 1e the same unit as in the "uota types to 1e deducted. 0sing deduction priorityJ you can set priorities for deduction 1ased on criteria such as Duota ty eJ ,alidity startBendJ as 'e(( as deduction startBend. HurthermoreJ you can store a specific se"uence for "uota deduction (up to 100 "uota types in a certain se"uence). Oou can specify "uotas not e;p(icit(y (isted in the se"uence for su1se"uent deduction. )eduction se"uence ta9es p(ace decending or ascending according to "uota type. Hirst the specia( se"uence is usedJ then the se"uence for ne;t deduction. ,o that this specia( se"uence or the "uota type se"uence for ne;t deduction is ta9en into accountJ a priority must 1e set for the "uota type.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 14

A!!igning 3eduction Ru e! to Counting Ru e!

:S grouping PS grouping Counting ru e Se2uentia num$er App ica$i ity of ru e ... Counting ... 3eduction ru e A$!ence 2uota! ;ithin entit ement 4"er entit ement

1 01 010 001 +ea"e

Attendance. A$!ence Type Rounding Ru e!

>uota 3eduction Ru e0 ;hat 2uota! in &hat !e2uenceA Counting Ru e0 A Payro day! A Payro hour!

Attendance 2uota! 010 ;ithin entit ement 4"er entit ement

SAP AG 1999

Counting ru(es are assigned to "uota deduction ru(es. )eduction ru(es for a1sence "uotas and attendance "uotas are assigned to counting ru(es. The deduction ru(es for 1oth attendance and a1sence "uotas are each specified in their indi&idua( areas. Oou ha&e t'o options in each area for storing deduction ru(es/ Oou can store deduction ru(es that/ )educting "uota up to the e;isting entit(ement in the A#sence $uotas (2006) and Attendance $uotas (200$). Regu(ate deduction from "uotas o&er and a1o&e the e;isting "uota entit(ement Note& !rere"uisite is that the period entered for the corresponding "uotas has a negati&e (o'er deduction (imit (9egative deduction to fie(d in the A#sence $uotas (2006) and Attendance $uotas (200$). Note& .ttendance?a1sence "uotas must 1e deducted using the same time unit in the deduction ru(es in the Within entitlement and !ver entitlement fie(ds 'ithin the same 1(oc9. -n contrastJ deduction ru(es for attendance "uotas and a1sence "uotas can 1e deducted using different time units.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1

Acti"ating >uota 3eduction

;hen 2uota deduction i! acti"e% the attendance.a$!ence type i! deducted from the corre!ponding 2uota!

Attendance.A$!ence Type Acti"ate 2uota deduction

Rounding Ru e!

>uota 3eduction Ru e0 ;hat 2uota! in &hat !e2uenceA

Counting Ru e0 A Payro day! A Payro hour!

PS grouping Att..a$!. te<t

01 0100 +ea"e

Counting.2uota deduction Counting ru e >uota deduction 3eduction o"er end of inter"a 010

SAP AG 1999

To assign a counting ru(e to an attendance?a1sence for determining payro(( hours and daysJ choose the Assign Counting Rules to A#sence Ty es (or Assign Counting rules to Attendance Ty es) step. The corresponding attendance?a1sence type is assigned to the counting ru(e in the Counting8$uota Deduction section. To acti&ate "uota deductionJ set the Cuota deduction indicator. Then the app(ica1(e deduction ru(es are accessed in the counting ru(e ("uota deduction ru(es for a1sence types 1y a1sencesJ and the "uota deduction ru(es for attendance types for attendances). The corresponding attendance?a1sence type is deducted according to the specifications for "uota deduction ru(es from the "uotas in the A#sence $uotas (2006) and Attendance $uotas (200$). -f "uota deduction is a(so to 1e deducted after the end date of the "uota inter&a(J then acti&ate the Deduction over end of interval fie(d. The deduction is carried out 'hen the start date for the app(ica1(e attendance?a1sence record (ies 'ithin the deduction inter&a( of the "uota. 0"am le& Hor the (ea,e a1sence typeJ the counting ru(e 002 is stored for determining payro(( days and hours. Counting and deduction ru(es are assigned to this counting ru(e. +ecause "uota deduction is acti&ated for the a1sence type (ea,eJ a1sence "uotas are deducted according to the deduction ru(es for a1sence "uotas stored in the counting ru(e.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

>uota Accrua 0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! topic% you &i $e a$ e to0

3e!cri$e the method! for accrua of

attendance and a$!ence 2uota!

3etermine defau t "a ue! for accrua of

a$!ence entit ement!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 1$

>uota Accrua 0 4"er"ie&
A sence !uotas 9nfotype )2006* 5anua y !a"e for one indi"idua emp oyee
;ith defau t "a ue! ;ithout defau t "a ue!

Attendance !uotas 9nfotype )200/*

5anua y !a"e for one indi"idua emp oyee &ithout defau t "a ue!

Sa"e for !e"era emp oyee! u!ing report RPT>TA00 and $a!ed on defau t "a ue!

@a!t entry !creen &ith defau t "a ue!

Automatic accrua u!ing time e"a uation

SAP AG 1999

There are &arious methods a&ai(a1(e for granting a1sence entit(ements to emp(oyees/ +y manua((y recording a1sence entit(ements in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006)J 'here a1sence entit(ement is granted to emp(oyees indi&idua((y 1ased on specia( criteria +y setting defau(t &a(ues for entit(ements 'hen creating records in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006) +y automatica((y accruing a1sence entit(ements. 7ntit(ement determined is on(y changed in certain e;ceptions. .n additiona( t'o methods are a&ai(a1(e to automatica((y accrue time>off credits/ 0sing report R2TCT/00J you can generate time>off entit(ements that are to 1e issued at one time in ad&ance. %ne such e;amp(e is standard annua( (ea&eJ 'hich is granted for one ca(endar year. -f time e&a(uation 3R2T=)000? is in useJ you can a(so permit time off entit(ements to 1e determined after a ca(cu(ation period is comp(eted. ,tandard annua( (ea&e is an e;amp(e 'here entit(ement increases for each emp(oyee at the end of a ca(cu(ation period. -n this processJ as opposed to the granting of (ea&e in ad&anceJ emp(oyees recei&e their time>off entit(ement after they ha&e a(ready Q'or9edR for it. .ttendance "uotas are specified manua((y in the Attendance $uotas infotype (200$).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 15

A$!ence :ntit ement! in A sences 9nfotype )2006*
t4is As used in course5
"ation fter ca"cu a d e in Determ d comp"ete period is
Time e"a uation RPT95:00%

od entire peri -ance n a r fo d d 3rante r2 in a "ea-e yea 1suc4 as

RPT>TA000 Generate!

a$!ence 2uota!

T500% T50(% T>TA !chema!

5a!ter data and comp eted pa!t time data 4ne=time entit ement accrua for a !u$!e2uent entit ement period 9mmediate a"ai a$i tiy after accrua Automatic reca cu ation
SAP AG 1999

Current time data

Regu ar percentage accrua Any time can $e !pecified for emp oyee a"ai a$i ity Automatic reca cu ation

The method to use for accruing a1sence entit(ements depends upon 'hether a1sence entit(ement is granted in ad&ance or in percentage after a ca(cu(ation period has 1een comp(eted. To grant a1sence entit(ement in ad&anceJ the tota( entit(ement for a su1se"uent period (such as a ca(endar year) is accrued at one time in ad&ance. The entit(ement is immediate(y a&ai(a1(e in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006). )etermining the entit(ement can ta9e p(ace depending on the emp(oyee8s HR master dataJ such as age or seniority. -f time e&a(uation is usedJ then you can inc(ude time data comp(eted in the past. -f a1sence entit(ement is granted in at one timeJ you can manua((y o&er'rite the time data records in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006). 3ith time e&a(uation in useJ you can determine time off entit(ements after a ca(cu(ation period is comp(eted. The difference to granting time off entit(ement in a in ad&ance is that the emp(oyeesJ in this methodJ are granted their entit(ements after they ha&e a(ready Q'or9edR for them. Current time data can a(so 1e used as the 1asis for determining entit(ement. .n emp(oyeeJ for e;amp(eJ might 1e entit(ed to 1. days of time off entit(ement after ha&ing 'or9ed his or her p(anned hours for each payro(( period. The ca(cu(ation period for that creditJ as 'e(( as the actua( point in time at 'hich the "uota is stored in a record in the A#sence $uotas infotype (2006)J are comp(ete(y irre(e&ant.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 16

Accrua of A$!ence >uota!
>uota >uota Type Type >uota >uota Type Type Se Se ection ection Ru Ru e e Group Group >7454 6a!e 6a!e :ntit :ntit ement ement 3eduction 3eduction 9nter"a 9nter"a
Ca Ca idity idity 9nter"a 9nter"a

Rounding Rounding Ru Ru e! e!

Generation Generation Ru Ru e e
Reduction Reduction Ru Ru e! e!

RPT95:00 RPT95:00 Generate!


3efau 3efau t t Ca Ca ue! ue!

Generate! A$!ence A$!ence >uota! >uota!

5anua y Accrue

SAP AG 1999

0se generation ru(es or defau(t &a(ues to fi(( a1sence "uotas. -n this s(ideJ you get an o&er&ie' of the &arious e(ements that p(ay a ro(e in accrua( of a1sence entit(ementJ as 'e(( as the different methods used for accrua(.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 20

Ca cu ating A$!ence >uota :ntit ement!

Personnel Time Management Time Data Recording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 4sing Attendance1 Absence 5uotas !!! #alculating Absence Entitlements Automatic Accrual of Abence 5uotas Rules for Generating Absence 5uotas Setting 4p Methods for 5uota Accrual

SAP AG 1999

Note& #eneration ru(es for granting ad&ance entit(ement to time off creditsJ as 'e(( as generation ru(es for automatic "uota accrua( using time e&a(uationJ are set up in simi(ar Customi:ing steps in the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#). The fo((o'ing section focuses on ho' to create ru(es for ca(cu(ating a1sence entit(ements 1ased on(y on determining defau(t &a(ues and the generating of entit(ements using report R2TCT/00 35enerate /1sence Cuotas?.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 21

Granting A$!ence :ntit ement!0 3efau t Ca ue!

3efau t Ca ue!
Sa"ing time off entit ement!0 5anua y &ith defau t "a ue 7!ing report RPT>TA00 Create A sence !uotas
0000123( Ca id 5ary 5i er

01.01.2001 To 31.12.2001

3etermine! "a idity inter"a 3etermine! 2uota amount 3etermine! deduction inter"a
SAP AG 1999

A$!ence >uota! Type Time Time 2uota num$er 3eduction 3eduction from 3eduction to 01.01.2001 31.03.2002 10 Annua ea"e

3etermine! 2uota type

2,.00000 3ay!

#eg. deduct. to


Oou must specify for a(( "uota types 'hether they are to 1e accrued automatica((y using time e&a(uation or manua((y accrued 1y the report R2TCT/00 35enerate /1sence Cuotas?. Oou must specify in the -*# 1efore ca(cu(ating a1sence entit(ements that "uota types accrued either manua((y or using the report R2TCT/++ are not to 1e generated in time e&a(uation. 3hen granting a1sence entit(ements in ad&ance using defau(t &a(ues or the report R2TCT/00J the "uota typeJ "uota num1er (amount)J as 'e(( as &a(idity and deduction periodsJ are determined from the Customi:ing ta1(es

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 22

3etermining >uota Type Se ection Ru e


3ifferent defau t "a ue! app y to emp oyee! &ith different organiDationa a!!ignment

;hat emp oyee !u$groupA

@eature >7454
>uerie! organiDationa a!!ignment Return "a ue0 >uota type !e ection ru e group Se ection ru e for 2uota!0
;hich type of 2uota! in &hat amount! are to $e accrued or propo!edA

20 day!

2( day!

2 day!


additiona ea"e

SAP AG 1999

0sing the $uota Ty e Selection Rule :rou J the a1sence "uota type se(ection is contro((ed indi&idua((y 1y the organi:ationa( assignment of the emp(oyee. +y using different "uota type se(ection ru(e groupsJ you can defne different ru(es for "uota se(ection. To manua((y accrue "uotas 'ith defau(t &a(ues as 'e(( as for "uota accrua( 1y report R2TCT/00J you specify the "uota type se(ection ru(e group in the feature C67)7. -n feature C67)7J you define 'hich "uota type se(ection ru(e is assigned 1ased on your emp(oyees8 organi:ationa( assignment. ,e(ection ru(es are specified for the "uota type se(ection ru(e group to contro( a1sence "uota deduction in a (ater step. 0"am le& ,a(aried emp(oyees are granted a standard annua( (ea&e of 24 days per year. -n contrastJ hour(y>'age earners are granted a standard annua( (ea&e of 20 days 'ith an additiona( (ea&e in the amount of 2 days. This distinction is set up 1y assigning different "uota type se(ection ru(e groups to the different emp(oyee su1groups (sa(aried emp(oyeesJ hour(y>'age earners). These "uota type se(ection ru(e groups are each assigned "uota se(ection ru(es that determine 'hat amounts of 'hich "uotas are to 1e proposed or accrued. Note& The "uota type se(ection ru(e group can a(so 1e assigned in the time e&a(uation schema to accrue a1sence entit(ementsJ if time e&a(uation is in use.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 23

5aintaining @eature! )1*
Structure of the feature determine! &hich fie d! in the deci!ion tree can $e 2ueried

6eatures5 /nitia" Screen

:eature >7454 C3*,* .etermination of >uota ty#e sele!tion rule grou#

Su8o82e!ts .e!ision tree Stru!ture Persons res#onsi8le/status Country/!om#onent assignment .o!umentation .is#lay

>uerie! per!onne and data !tructure fie d! to determine confirmation "a ue! Admini!trati"e data on feature

9n &hat country i! feature "a idA

SAP AG 1999

9nformation on !tructure and function

Heatures are o12ects 'ithin the ,.! ,ystemJ that determine certain &a(ues ca((ed confirmation &a(ues or resu(ts 1y "uerying &arious personne( or data structure fie(ds. These &a(ues are used to determine defau(t &a(ues or to contro( certain system processes. -n this 'ayJ features impro&e system f(e;i1ii(ty. There are t'o options for ca((ing feature maintenance/ #o direct(y to feature maintenance from the -*# for 2ersonnel Time )anagement or 2ayroll. HereJ the feature ca((ed is a('ays the one that is assigned to that component in the -*#. Ca(( the feature maintenance transaction 2003 direct(y. The ;eatures0 Initial Screen appears. Heatures are defined 1y the fo((o'ing fi&e e(ements that must 1e maintained in the fo((o'ing se"uence 'hen creating a feature/ !erson responsi1(e for a feature )ocumentation for feature Country?component assignment of a feature ,tructure of a feature )ecision tree for feature

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 24

5aintaining @eature! )2*

3eci!ion Tree

>7454 3etermine >uota Type Se ection Group P:RSG :mp oyee group 1 Acti"e P:RSG :mp oyee !u$group J0 Sa aried emp oyee 20 4ther&i!e 2,

Statu!0 Acti"e 3eci!ion operation 3eci!ion fie d "a ue

Confirmation "a ue

SAP AG 1999

Oou define 'hich "uota type se(ection ru(es are &a(id for 'hich emp(oyees in the decision tree of the feature C67)7. The decision ru(e in the feature can 1e structured according to numerous organi:ationa( dataJ such as company codeJ personne( areaJ emp(oyee groupJ emp(oyee su1group) )ecision trees can 1e simp(e or &ery comp(e; depending on their functionJ as 'e(( as the amount of fie(dsJ operationsJ and decision criteria inc(uded. The emp(oyee group is "ueried first in the a1o&e e;amp(e. -f the emp(oyee group is # 3acti,e em loyees?G then the emp(oyee su1group is "ueried. The "uota type se(ection group 20 is set for a(( emp(oyee groups 'ith # and emp(oyee su1groups 46 3salaried em loyees?W the Duota ty e selection grou 25 is set for a(( other emp(oyee su1groups.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Term!0 6a!e :ntit ement and Accrua :ntit ement

t ement 6a!e :nti

Tota entit ement $a!ed on a !pecified period ) B theoretica "a uation $a!i!*

ntit emen Accrua :

A$!ence entit ement determined per accrua period )u!ed to determine $a!e entit ement*

Accrua period B 1 year

Accrua entit ement B 2( day!

Accrua period B 1 month

Accrua entit ement B 2 day!

6a!e period B 1 year.6a!e entit ement B 2( day!

SAP AG 1999

9ase entitlementB eriod& Hor each a1sence typeJ you can store tota( entit(ement (in days or hours) 1ased on a specified period (such as a ca(endar year). +ase entit(ement is a theoretica( &a(ue used as the 1asis for ca(cu(ating accrua( entit(ement. /ccrual eriod& This time period descri1es the inter&a( that app(ies to ca(cu(ating the a1sence credit. The accrua( period can 1e se(ected regard(ess of the 1ase period (such as payro(( periodJ monthJ and so on). .ccrua( and 1ase periods can a(so 1e identica(. /ccrual entitlement& .ccrua( entit(ement is the a1sence entit(ement ca(cu(ated for a accrua( period. The ca(cu(ation of the accrua( entit(ement starts 'ith the 1ase entit(ement.. +y comparing the 1ase period and the accrua( periodJ the 1ase entit(ement is con&erted to the accrua( periodJ andJ in this 'ayJ determines the accrua( entit(ement. Hor e;amp(eJ the accrua( entit(ement (for a 1ase entit(ement of 24 days per year) is 1ased on an accrua( period of 1 month and 2 days. ,pecifying the accrua( period depends on co((ecti&e agreementsJ (ega( pro&isionsJ and interna( company po(icy.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 26

Specifying 6a!e :ntit ement
t ement 6a!e :nti
:ntire entit ement $a!ed on !pecified period )!uch a! ca endar year*

A$!ence A$!ence 2uota 2uota type type 10 10 B B Annua Annua ea"e ea"e

Ru e for $a!e entit . Se2uentia num$er Seniority Con!tant 6a!e period

Ca endar year

001 001

Ru e for $a!e entit . Se2uentia num$er Seniority Con!tant 6a!e period

Ca endar year

001 002


011 ?ear!


01, ?ear!

20.00000 3ay!

2(.00000 3ay!

SAP AG 1999

The 1ase entit(ement represents the ca(cu(ation 1ase from 'hich the accrua( period ca(cu(ates percentage of a1sence entit(ement. +ase entit(ement can 1e determined regard(ess of age or seniority of emp(oyees. -f different 1ase entit(ement is specified for each age or seniority inter&a(J then you can summari:e this in one ru(e. The indi&idua( inter&a(s for the ru(e are distinguished 1y the assigned se"uentia( num1er from one another. +ase entit(ement uses defined time periodsJ 'hich can 1e one of the fo((o'ing/ 7r 9ann +ased on a ca(endar year or any period of your choice )etermined using time e&a(uation or payro(( periods )etermined using accrua( period

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2$

Ca idity and 3eduction 9nter"a !
7ie8 97a"idity:Deduction /nter-a" for A sence !uotas95 %-er-ie8 A$!ence 2uota type 3eduction inter"a 10 Annua ea"e

3etermine! deduction inter"a for each 2uota type

3eduction from Start of deduction inter"a :nd of deduction inter"a Re . po!ition #o deduct. $efore 01 :nd pro$. period

3eduction to Start of deduction inter"a :nd of deduction inter"a Re . po!ition #o deduct. after 3 month!

7ie8 97a"idity:Deduction /nter-a" for A sence !uotas95 %-er-ie8 >uota type !e . grp Ca id from Ca endar year Time e"a uation period .. Re . po!ition SAP AG 1999 30 Ca id to Ca endar year Time e"a uation period ... Re . po!ition

3etermine! defau t "a ue! for "a idity period for each 2uota type !e ection ru e group

To determine a1sence entit(ements using defau(t &a(ues or 'hen accruing a1sence entit(ements using report R2TCT/00J you must determine the &a(idity and decution periods for the "uota types as fo((o's/ )efau(t &a(ues are store for the &a(idity period for each "uota type se(ection ru(e group. This means that the same &a(idity period is proposed for each "uota type se(ection ru(e group for a(( "uotas. These defau(t &a(ues concernign the &a(idity period are set up in the -*# in the /utomatic /ccrual 6sing Re ort R2TCT/00 for each "uota type se(ection ru(e group in the -*# step. The defau(t &a(ue is determined for the deduction inter&a( for each "uota type. The start and end times for deduction are defined re(ati&e to the &a(idity start and end. These defau(t &a(ues concerning the deduction period are set up in the -*# in the =efine Jalidity and =eduction Periods section. (The name of the -*# section ref(ects the fact that the &a(idity inter&a( is a(so specified 1y the "uotas accrued in time e&a(uation.)

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 25

Reduction Ru e!

Part=Time ;or8force0 :mp oyment percentage B -0N

7npaid ea"e0 , out of 22 day! in accrua period

:mp oyee ea"e! in the midd e of the accrua period )11 out of 22 day!*

Reduced according to emp oyment percentage

Reduced $y inacti"e day! in accrua period R 2,N0 #o reduction Q 2,N0 Percentua reduction

Accrua entit ement mu tip ied $y 0. SAP AG 1999

Accrua entit ment not reduced

Accrua entit ement mu tip ied $y 0.,

-n the Define Rules for Reducing $uota Entitlements stepJ you define the reduction ru(es to determine 'hich conditions must 1e met to reduce any entit(ements determined. Reduction ru(es are used if emp(oyees do not ha&e fu(( entit(ement to an a1sence "uota 1ecause they/ 3or9ed part>time 3ere not emp(oyees for the entire periodJ that isJ they had inacti&e periods of emp(oyee 1ecause they 2ust started 'or9ing at the companyJ or they (eft a company. Had certain a1sence times that had an Qinacti&eR day statusJ such as une;cused a1sences. Oou indicate 'hether an a1sence is &a(uated as inacti&e time 1y using the corresponding a1sence type. Reduced 'or9ing times can 1e identified using specia( a1sence "uotas. -f the reduced times are to 1e omitted or co((ected in a different specia( a1sence "uota is determined 1y the a1sence "uota type se(ection.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 26

Rounding Ru e!

Rounding Ru e!
Round time off !pecified entit ement!

,.213(3 day!

RoRu e 01



+o&er imit 0.,0000

9nc .

7pper imit 1.,0000

9nc . Tgt "a ue Ro . 1.00000

Round up to 001 ne<t &ho e no.

,.00000 day!

SAP AG 1999

-n the Define Rounding Rules for $uota Entitlement stepJ you define the rounding ru(es used for rounding "uota entit(ements determined. Oou can define se&era( rounding ru(es. . rounding ru(e is uni"ue(y indicated 1y its 2>digit num1er and can consist of se&era( comp(ementary su1ru(es. The system runs through the su1ru(es unti( one is met. Oou define an upper and (o'er (imit for the rounding inter&a( in a rounding ru(e. -n the t'o <ncl. (inc(ude) co(umnsJ you acti&ate the s'itch to specify 'hether the upper and (o'er (imits are to 1e inc(uded 'hen ca(cu(ating the inter&a(. Oou enter the &a(ue to 'hich you 'ant to round up or do'n in the Target @alue co(umn. -n the )oll3 (ro((ed) co(umnJ you indicate if the inter&a( is to 1e ro((edJ that isJ copied to a(( su1se"uent inter&a(s 1y acti&ating the s'itch. -n this 'ayJ the duration of the inter&a(s is a('ays inc(uded. These rounding ru(es are a(so used 'hen determining attendance?a1sence hours and days in attendance and a1sence counting.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 30

Se ection Ru e!
:mp oyee !u$group grouping

for time 2uota!

Per!onne !u$area grouping

@eature >7454

for time 2uota!

Per!onne !u$area grouping for

time recording >uota Type Se ection Ru e Group Se ection ru e!

Condition! for u!ing ru e )!uch a! entry date* Specifying accrua period A!!igning ru e for $a!e entit ement @urther proce!!ing of accrua entit ement

determined )rounding% reducing% and !o on*

@urther proce!!ing of tota entit ement

proce!!ed )rounding% capping*

SAP AG 1999

-n the Define :eneration Rules for $uota Selection stepJ you define the ru(es 1ased on the time off entit(ements of the emp(oyees. This section focuses on(y on the ru(es app(ying to determining defau(t &a(ues or generation using the report R2TCT/00. The ru(es for "uota se(ection are defined according to the a1o&e>named personne( su1area and emp(oyee su1group groupings. Note& The personne( su1area grouping for time recording is (ocated in the Time 0,aluation section of the -*#. -n additionJ these ru(es are defined 1ased on a "uota type se(ection ru(e group. )epending upon the organi:ationa( assignment of the emp(oyeeJ the "uota type se(ection ru(e group is defined in the feature C67)7. ,e(ection ru(es are stored for the "uota type se(ection ru(e group to determine the "uota to 1e accrued and in 'hat amountJ and ho' the "uota is roundedJ and so on.. This se(ection ru(e accrues "uota for the app(ica1(e emp(oyees using the report R2TCT/00 or determines defau(t &a(ues for creating "uotas.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 31

A$!ence >uota Type Se ection )1*

App ica$ ity of ru e

7nder &hat condition! )!uch a! emp oyeeE! entry date% degree of cha enge* i! the ru e to $e u!edA ;hat i! the ear ie!t date for ca cu ating an emp oyeeE! accrua entit ementA

Accrua period

:ntit ement i! to $e determined for &hat accrua period!A

Ru e for $a!e entit ement

;hich ru e i! to $e u!ed for $a!e entit ementA ;hat 8ey date i! to $e u!ed for determining !eniority and.or ageA

SAP AG 1999

-n a se(ection ru(e for "uota typesJ you ma9e the fo((o'ing settings/ %n the 6sa1ility ta1J you define under 'hat conditions the fo((o'ing se(ection ru(e is to 1e used (dependent on emp(oyeePs hiring date or on(y for emp(oyees in a certain cha((enge group or 'ith a certain degree of changed). -n additionJ you can a(so specify the ear(iest date this types of a1sence entit(ement can 1e ac"uired (such as after a pro1ation period). %n the /ccrual eriod ta1J you define the accrua( period for determining the entit(ements. %n the 9ase entitlement ta1J you define a pre&ious(y created ru(e for 1ase entit(ement to specify the &a(id 1ase entit(ement (depending on age and seniorityJ for e;amp(e). This 1ase entit(ement is used to determine the accrua( entit(ement. Oou can a(so specify ho' age or seniority is to 1e determined.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 32

A$!ence >uota Type Se ection )2*

@urther proce!!ing of entit ement accrua !

Can accrua entit ement $e reduced or roundedA Can the ma<imum entit ement for each accrua period $e e<ceededA Are difference! that re!u t from reducing or e<ceeding ma<imum "a ue! $e po!ted in a !pecia 2uotaA

Tota entit ement

Shou d the tota entit ement determined $e roundedA Can a !pecific ma<imum "a ue $e e<ceededA

SAP AG 1999

.ccrua( entit(ement can 1e determined 1y entering data in the first three specifications. Oou can enter additiona( specifications on the /dditional entitlement ta1J such as the conditions under 'hich "uota for part>time emp(oyees is to 1e rounded. To do soJ you assign an appropriate reduction or rounding ru(e. Oou can a(so determine a ma;imum &a(ue that is not to 1e e;ceeded. %n the total entitlement ta1J you can a(so enter specifications on the tota( entit(ement to 1e determined (roundingJ ma;imum &a(ue).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 33

3eduction and Ca idity 9nter"a !0 4"er"ie&

3eduction 9nter"a 3etermine deduction inter"a for each 2uota type )3eduction inter"a $a!ed on "a idity inter"a *
;ithin generation ru e!

Determine 'alidit

and Deduction Periods

Ca idity 9nter"a 3etermine "a idity inter"a for each 2uota type !e ection ru e group
Set up in method

Set 4p Automatic Accrual 4sing Report RPT5TA77 Set 'alidit 6nter3al for 5uota Accrual

SAP AG 1999

%n the fo((o'ing s(idesJ you get an o&er&ie' of the Customi:ing steps that determine 'hich "uotas in 'hat amounts and 'ith 'hat &a(idity and deduction inter&a(s can 1e accrued using report R2TCT/00 or 1y creating records in the A#ence $uotas infotype (2006).

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 34

Generation Ru e!0 4"er"ie&
A$!ence :ntit ement 3efine a 2uota type !e ection ru e group for each !e ection ru e
3efine Generation Ru e! for A$!ence >uota! Se ection ru e! Condition! for u!ing ru e )u!a$i ity* Ru e for $a!e entit ement ;ithin generation ru e!

Ca cu ate! entit ement $a!ed on $a!e period Ru e for accrua entit ement Ca cu ate! accrua entit ement )entit ement per accrua period* $a!ed on $a!e ru e @urther proce!!ing of ca cu ated accrua entit ement Reduction u!ing reduction ru e Rounding off u!ing rounding ru e @urther proce!!ing of ca cu ated tota entit ement Reduction u!ing reduction ru e Capping
SAP AG 1999

-f se&era( "uotas 'ith different "uota types for emp(oyees 'ith a certain organi:ationa( assignment are to 1e accruedJ then you can specify se&era( se(ection ru(es for the corresponding "uota type se(ection ru(e group. -n each of these se(ection ru(esJ you specify ho' "uota for a certain "uota type is to 1e accrued depending on specified conditionsJ as 'e(( as 1y ta9ing the app(ica1(e roundingJ cappingJ and reduction ru(es into account.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Report RPT>TA00 )Generate A$!ence >uota!*


Report RPT>TA00
3irect y update! or create!

record! in the A sence !uotas infotype )2006*

Create! $atch input !e!!ion :<ecute! te!t run

+ea"e AddE +ea"e

SAP AG 1999

.fter generation ru(es ha&e 1een specifiedJ you can use report R2TCT/00 to accrue "uota entit(ements in ad&ance for indi&idua( emp(oyees or a group of emp(oyees. To do soJ you must specify a generation inter&a( to determine the &a(idity period of the a1sence "uota record or records to 1e created. The fo((o'ing options are a&ai(a1(e for specifying the &a(idity period/ 7nter the start and end dates direct(y in the report se(ection screen sets the &a(idity inter&a( immediate(y 7nter the start date. The system date ser&es as the 9ey date for determining the actua( &a(idity inter&a( according to the entries in the &a(idity inter&a( specified in the -*#/ *a9e no entries (neither start nor end date). The system date ser&es as the 9ey date for determining the actua( &a(idity inter&a( according to the entries in the Customi:ing ta1(e :alidity =nter,al for /1sence Cuotas. Oou start the report R2TCT/00 in one of the fo((o'ing 'ays/ +y generating ne' infotype records direct(y in the A#sence $uotas infotype or update e;isting infotype records +y generating a 1atch input session to 1e run at a (ater time +y starting a test session X the resu(t can then 1e &ie'ed in an output (ist.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 36

Schema T>TA

Create P"anned #or$ing Time

Per!#o. ... Ca id 0000123( 0,.01.111- T #ame 5ary 5i er

Schema T>TA
Specia !chema u!ed for accrua of a$!ence 2uota


;or8 Schedu e Ru e ;or8 !chedu e ru e Time 5gmt !tatu! Part=time emp oyee #4R5 / S.. #orma

Automatic accrua of a$!ence entit ement! u!ing time e"a uation 7!e! time e"a uation method! for accrua of a$!ence entit ement!

;or8ing time ...

Regu ar percentua accrua of

entit ement
Set up any time for emp oyee

a"ai a$i ity

Automatic reca cu ation

SAP AG 1999

-f you 'ant to ta9e ad&antage of time e&a(uation functions 'hen generating a1sence entit(ementsJ 'ithout ha&ing imp(emented a(( of time e&a(uationJ you can use the standard schema TCT/. Hor a(( emp(oyees for 'hom a1sence entit(ements are to 1e accrued using this schemaJ you must set the Time )anagement status to $ in the Planned Wor%ing Time infotype (000$). -n payro((J status $ 3Time 0,aluation >ithout 2ayroll =ntegration? is considered as ha&ing status 0 3No Time 0,aluation? in time management.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3$

>uota 4"er"ie& and >uota Compen!ation0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of the!e topic!% you &i $e a$ e to0

3i!p ay the 2uota o"er"ie& Compen!ate 2uota entit ement!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 35

>2uota 4"er"ie&

%-er-ie8 of 'mp"oyee !uota

%-er-ie85 A 'ntit"ement A Remaining 'ntit"ement A Re;uested:Compensated A 7a"idity /nter-a" A Deduction /nter-a"

Annua ea"e Time off from 4T :ntit ement to educationa ea"e

Disp"ay and Process

SAP AG 1999

Oou can ca(( the "uota o&er&ie' from the Time data menu. Oou can use this function to maintain or disp(ay the attendance?a1sence "uotas of an emp(oyee. The "uota o&er&ie' a((o's you to disp(ay or maintain "uotas assigned to an emp(oyee for a certain period of time. The o&er&ie' inc(udes tota( entit(ementJ re"uested and remaining daysJ &a(idity inter&a(J and deduction inter&a( of the "uotaJ as 'e(( as a determination indicator to indicate if the entit(ement 'as accrued manua((y or automatica((y. -n the "uota o&er&ie'J you can choose a (ine containing "uota for more detai(ed information. Oou can correct and de(ete the manua((y recorded "uotas here (those that are not accrued in time e&a(uation). Oou can direct(y go to disp(ay or maintenance for the attendances?a1sences to 1e deducted from the (ist screen.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 36

>uota Compen!ation

A$!ence :ntit ement


>uota Compen!ation

Time=4ff :ntit ement

A sence !uotas 9nfotype )2006* !uota Compensation 9nfotype )0(16*

SAP AG 1999

-n the $uota Com ensation infotype (0416)J you can compensate emp(oyees for a1sence entit(ements that 'ere not deducted 1y a1sences. To compensate "uotasJ &arious methods are stored in Customi:ing that simp(ify recording of "uota compensation. Three different processes for deduction are a&ai(a1(e/ .ccording to a1sence "uota deduction ru(e from se&era( a1sence "uotas .ccording to a(( a1sence "uotas of one type that are deducti1(e as of a 9ey date for compensation Recorded a1sence "uotas manua((y -n addition to determining 'hich "uotas are to 1e compensatedJ the amount of the compensation must a(so 1e determined. .n appropriate(y configured 'age type must 1e assigned for &a(uation in payro(( The "uota or "uotas to 1e compensated are reduced 1y the specified &a(ue during compensation. Changes to remaining "uota are direct(y made during compensation in the infotype. Records from the $uota Com ensation infotype are direct(y &a(uated in the gross part of payro((.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 40

Attendance and A$!ence >uota!0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

Set up attendance and a$!ence 2uota! Set up 2uota deduction 3etermine defau t "a ue! to grant 2uota

entit ement!
Set up 2uota compen!ation


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 41

6nit& /ttendance and /1sence Cuotas To ic& Creating CuotasG Cuota /ccrualG and Cuota 4eduction
.t the conc(usion of these e;ercisesJ you 'i(( 1e a1(e to/ Create "uota types .ccrue a1sence entit(ements Create and assign "uota deduction ru(es Oou create the "uota types re"uired in your enterprise ((ea&eJ educationa( (ea&eJ and so on). The (ea&e entit(ement is granted to the emp(oyees on an annua( 1asis. The amount of entit(ement is dependent on emp(oyee seniority. Oou create the generation ru(es for accruing (ea&e entit(ement for your emp(oyees. -f emp(oyees ta9e (ea&eJ you must ensure that correct amounts are deducted from their entit(ementsJ in the correct se"uenceJ and so on. Oou create and assign the app(ica1(e "uota deduction ru(es.

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

Create an a1sence Duota ty e Create "uota type 305## 'ith the name 9ea@e group ## and "uota type A05## 'ith the name Special lea@e group ## (SS V group num1er). The "uota is to 1e deducted in daysJ and a deduction 1eyond the entit(ement is not permitted. Copy "uota !0 #Annual lea@e&.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 42

%et u Duota deduction 2-# Create and assign a Duota deduction rule -f your emp(oyees ta9e (ea&e (a1sence type C)##)J each (ea&e "uota must 1e deducted according(y. To do soJ the fo((o'ing specifications app(y/ -f an emp(oyee is entit(ed to additiona( (ea&e ("uota type A0 5 ##)J this (ea&e is to 1e deducted first. ThenJ the actua( (ea&e ("uota type 30 5 ##) is to 1e deducted. %ther a1sence entit(ements to 'hich an emp(oyee is entit(ed are not to 1e deducted. -f an emp(oyee is entit(ed to se&era( "uotas 'ith the same typeJ then these "uotas are to 1e deducted so that the "uotas that 'ou(d 1e forfeited ((ost) first (that isJ their deduction end dates 'ou(d 1e reached first) are a(so deducted first. -f "uotas can a(so 1e negati&e(y deductedJ that isJ they can 1e deducted 1eyond entit(ementJ is negati&e deduction to occur on(y 'hen a(( of the a&ai(a1(e "uotas are e;hausted (used up to their (imits)4 3here do you create a ru(e of this type4 2>1>1 )efine an app(ica1(e "uota deduction ru(e !## ('ith SS V group num1er)J in 'hich the se"uence of the "uotas to 1e deducted (first A0 5 ##J then 30 5 ##) is specified in a specific ru(e. *a9e sure that no deduction from additiona( "uotas is permitted. .ssign your "uota deduction ru(e at the appropriate position. 3here do you ma9e this assignment4 *a9e sure that a(( a1o&e conditions are met 'hen assigning. .cti&ate and chec9 "uota deduction for 9J##.



(C) ,.! .#

HR306 43

/ccrue a1sence entitlements 7mp(oyees in your personne( su1area are granted their (ea&e for one year in ad&ance. This (ea&e entit(ement depends on your seniority. The (ea&e is &a(id for the current yearJ ho'e&erJ it can 1e ta9en in the su1se"uent year. -n the fo((o'ing stepsJ you configure the system to automatica((y a((o' emp(oyee (ea&e entit(ement to accrue 1y running report )PTFTA00. 3-# 3-2 -ndicate that your ne' a1sence "uota type 9ea@e is to 1e accrued manua((yJ that isJ not 1y using time e&a(uation. 'eature C67)7 3hat does the feature FC'M' doJ that isJ 'hat is its function4 3hat is the confirmation &a(ue of the feature and 'here is this confirmation &a(ue referenced4 Ho' is the decision tree for the feature FC'M' structured in the training system4 3hat confirmation &a(ue app(ies to your emp(oyees Tarin .nderson #30 !##& and Tom Mohnson #30 0##&4 3-3 4efine 1ase entitlement ,et up the fo((o'ing (ea&e regu(ations for the emp(oyees in your personne( su1area/ 7mp(oyees 'ith 0 X ##) per year. yearsP seniority are entit(ed to 2 days (ea&e ("uota type 30 5 yearsP seniority are entit(ed to 25 days (ea&e ("uota

7mp(oyees 'ith more than type 30 5 ##) per year.

Create a 1ase entit(ement ru(e to represent these specifications and name it 00!. )o you need to create su1ru(es4 -f yesJ use the su1ru(es 00! and 00-. 0se the ca(endar year as the period on 'hich the 1ase entit(ement is 1ased.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 44


4efine reduction and rounding rules for Duota entitlements 0se the current ca(endar year as the &a(idity inter&a( for the proposed "uotaW the "uota can 1e deducted from the start of the &a(idity period unti( *arch 31 of the su1se"uent year. @uota deduction can 1egin after emp(oyeesP pro1ationary periods are comp(eted. -n 'hat -mp(ementation #uide (-*#) steps do you specify the defau(t &a(ues for &a(idity and deduction inter&a(s4 3hat are the inter&a(s 1ased on4 The deduction inter&a( is specified for each "uota type. 3hat a1out for each &a(idity inter&a(4


4efine reduction rules for Duota entitlements Oou need to create reduced (ea&e entit(ement to 1e proposed for emp(oyees 'ho 2oin or (ea&e the enterprise mid>year. Oou must set up a percentua( reduction in (ea&e entit(ement. Create an appropriate rounding ru(e 305## ('ith SS V group num1er). Kame the rounding ru(e )educed by inacti@e days group ##. 0se the accrua( period as the 1ase period for reduction. Note/ Confirm the 'arning concerning the ,.! namespace in this e;ercise. . num1er is used here as the QnameR of the reduction ru(e.


4efine rounding rules for Duota selection Oou 'ant to round up or do'n to fu(( days 'hen determining tota( entit(ement )oes a suita1(e rounding ru(e a(ready e;ist4 3hich ru(e is to 1e used4


4efine generation rules for Duota selection Create a se(ection ru(e for "uota accrua( 305## #9ea@e group ##& for the emp(oyees in your personne( areas. 3hat are the emp(oyee su1group groupings and personne( su1area groupings ca((ed4 7mp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas/ !ersonne( su1area grouping for time "uotas/ !ersonne( su1area grouping for time recording/


The se(ection ru(e and generation ru(es are &a(id for 'hat "uota type se(ection ru(e groups4 Chec9 the decision tree for feature FC'M' again. 3rite do'n the "uota type se(ection ru(e group here/

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

Hor the app(ica1(e groupings and "uota type se(ection ru(e groupJ create the se(ection ru(e 00! and name it 9ea@e accrual ##. This se(ection ru(e is to 1e used for accruing a1sence "uota type 30 5 ## ('ith SS V group num1er). The fo((o'ing specifications are &a(id for this se(ection ru(e/ =a(id for a(( emp(oyees in your personne( su1areaJ regard(ess of their seniority and degree of cha((enge or cha((enge group (disa1i(ity) Cumu(ation period represents one (1) ca(endar year ,pecify your ru(e for 1ase entit(ement. ,eniority is determined up to the e;act date. ,et up percentua( reduction of "uota entit(ement for emp(oyees 2oining or (ea&ing the enterprise in mid>year Tota( entit(ement determined is to 1e rounded so that on(y fu(( days are inc(uded

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 46

! tional E6ercise
4 /ccrue additional a1sence Duota entitlements 3o tional? The fo((o'ing optiona( e;ercise demonstrates ho' entit(ements for different "uota types are to 1e accrued for emp(oyees. -n some countriesJ this is re"uired. -n #ermanyJ for e;amp(eJ cha((enged emp(oyees are re"uired to 1e granted additiona( (ea&e 1ased on their degree of cha((enge (disa1i(ity). -n the 0,.J on the other handJ some emp(oyees are entit(ed to additiona( (ea&e as part of 'or9ersP compensation. 7mp(oyees in your personne( areas are to 1e granted three (3) days of additiona( (ea&e ("uota type A0 5 ## 'ith ,, V group num1er) per year. Note/ @uota types A0 5 ## are a(ready set up in the training system. 4-# % ecify 1ase entitlements 3o tional? Create an app(ica1(e 1ase entit(ement ru(e for "uota type A0 5 ## (3 days entit(ement per ca(endar year). Kame this 1ase entit(ement ru(e 00!. )o you need to create su1ru(es4 0se the ca(endar year as the period on 'hich the 1ase entit(ement is 1ased. 4-2 4efine ,alidity and deductions inter,als 3o tional? 3hat &a(idity inter&a( is &a(ue for the "uota to 1e accrued4 . deduction of "uota entit(ement is to 1e permitted for each in the current year. 4-3 4efine reduction and rounding rules for Duota entitlements 3o tional? .n appropriate(y reduced (ea&e entit(ement is to 1e accrued for emp(oyees 2oining or (ea&ing the enterprise mid>year. . percentua( reduction is to 1e set up. Oou 'ant to round up or do'n to fu(( days 'hen determining tota( entit(ement

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4$


4efine generation rules for Duota selection 3o tional? Create the se(ection ru(e 00- and name it Additional lea@e accrual group ##. This se(ection ru(e is to 1e used for accruing additiona( "uota A0 5 ## ('ith SS V group num1er). The fo((o'ing specifications are &a(id for this se(ection ru(e/

=a(id for a(( emp(oyees in your personne( su1areaJ regard(ess of their seniority and degree of cha((enge or cha((enge group (disa1i(ity) Cumu(ation period represents one (1) ca(endar year ,pecify your ru(e for 1ase entit(ement. ,et up percentua( reduction of "uota entit(ement for emp(oyees 2oining or (ea&ing the enterprise in mid>year Tota( entit(ement determined is to 1e rounded so that on(y fu(( days are inc(uded

4efine Duota entitlement for em loyees 5-# 5enerate a1sence entitlements using R2TCT/00 Hor your emp(oyees Tom Mohnson 330 ,,!##? and Tarin .nderson 330 ,,!##?J generate (ea&e "uota for the current year 1y running report R2TCT/00. Choose the +enerate batc% input session option. 5-2 )anually form a1sence entitlements -ithout default ,alues -f you a(ready comp(eted 7 tional 0"ercise 3J you can go to this e;ercise. Oour sa(aried emp(oyee Tarin Mohnson 330 !##? is entit(ed to 3 additiona( (ea&e days ("uota type A0 5 ##). Hor your sa(aried emp(oyeeJ manua((y specify an entit(ement of 3 additiona( (ea&e days ("uota type A0 5 ##). The &a(idity inter&a( for this "uota is the current year. The start and end of the deduction period is the same as the start and end of the &a(idity period.

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HR306 45

Create em loyee lea,e 6>1 Oour sa(aried emp(oyee is ta9ing &acation for the entire fo((o'ing 'ee9. ,et up this (ea&e for your emp(oyee. 0se a1sence type 9J##. 3hat amount of "uota is used4 6>2 3hat "uotas are deducted4 Ko' chec9 the "uota o&er&ie' for your sa(aried emp(oyee for the current year.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 46

6nit& /ttendance and /1sence Cuotas To ic& Creating CuotasG Cuota /ccrualG and Cuota 4eduction

-f the system as9s you to enter a country groupingJ enter Rest of the -orld.

Create an a1sence Duota ty e #-# 4efine grou ings for time Duotas -n the -mp(ementation #uide (-*#)J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas =efine groupings for time Guotas and then the fo((o'ing steps as indicated/ To chec9 the assignment of emp(oyee su1group grouping to the grouping for time "uotasJ choose +roup employee subgroups for time Guotas. Chec9 to ma9e sure that the grouping ! is assigned to your emp(oyee su1group Salaried employees. To chec9 the assignment of personne( su1area grouping to the grouping for time "uotasJ choose +roup personnel subareas for time Guotas. Chec9 to ma9e sure that the grouping 0! is assigned to your personne( su1area TP##.

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Create an a1sence Duota ty e -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Time Fuota Types =efine absence Guota types ,e(ect the "uota type !0 #Annual lea@e& and then choose Copy or Edit Copy as from the menu. Hor the emp(oyee su1group grouping for time "uotas ! and the personne( su1area grouping for time "uotas 0!J enter the a1ence "uota type 305## named 9ea@e group ## ('ith SS V group num1er) and the a1sence "uota type A05## named Special lea@e group ## (SS V group num1er). <ea&e the time?unit of measurement =ays as 'e(( as the e;isting time constraint c(ass as is. )o not ma9e any entries in the *egati@e deduction to fie(d. @uota for the ne' time "uota type cannot 1e deducted 1eyond the entit(ement. ,a&e your entries.

%et u Duota deduction 2-# Create and assign a Duota deduction rule To acti&ate "uota deductionJ you must first create an appropriate "uota deduction ru(e. This ru(e is then assigned to a counting ru(e. 2>1>1 Create a "uota deduction ru(e To create a "uota deduction ru(eJ choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Fuota =eduction 1it% AttendancesEAbsences =efine deduction rules for attendancesEabsences in the -*#. -n the su1se"uent dia(og 1o;J choose the =efine deduction rules for absence Guotas acti&ity. Choose the *e1 entries optionJ or choose Edit *e1 entries from the menu.

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*a9e the fo((o'ing entries for the deduction ru(e you are creating/ Start2 $anuary !B !,,0 End2 3!3!-3,,,, Employee subgroup grouping for time Guota types2 Personnel subarea grouping for time Guota types2 =eduction rule2 #=eduction rule group ##& Cnit for rele@ant absence Guota types2 -n the Absence Guota types section/ A0 5 ## on the first position 30 5 ## on fo((o'ing position -n the Fuota type seGuence ne(t deduction sectionJ choose the *o additional deduction option. -n the =eduction priority sectionJ enter ! as the priority for Absence Guota typesJ and - as the priority for =eduction end. <ea&e the defau(t &a(ue ascending for the se"uence. ,a&e your entries. ! 0! !## =ays

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2>1>2 .ssign "uota deduction ru(e to a counting ru(e To assign the "uota deduction ru(e to a counting ru(eJ Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Fuota =eduction 1it% AttendancesEAbsences Assign deduction rules to counting rules in the -*#. ,e(ect the !## from 7;ercise 1 in the pre&ious unitJ and choose the die =etails option (2nd option on the (eft in the menu or +oto =etails from the menu. ,cro(( to the end of the counting ru(e. ,tore the "uota deduction ru(e !## ('ith ## V group num1er) in 1oth the =eduction rule and Absence Guotas sections. ,tore these 1oth in the .it%in entitlement as 'e(( as '@er entitlement. -n this 'ayJ first the "uota deduction ru(e according to the stored "uota deduction ru(e a(( a&ai(a1(e "uotas up to the entit(ement are deducted in the .it%in entitlement fie(d and up to the negati&e (imit of "uota in the stored "uota deduction ru(e in the '@er entitlement fie(d. ,a&e your entries. 2>1>3 .cti&ate "uota deduction for an a1sence type To acti&ate and chec9 "uota deduction for the app(ica1(e a1sence type C)## ('ith ## V group num1er)J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Absences Absence Catalog Absence Counting Assign absence types to counting rules in the -*#. ,e(ect the a1sence type you pre&ious(y created C)## #9ea@e group ##& and choose =etails or +oto =etails from the menu. Chec9 'hether your counting ru(e !## is assigned to this a1sence type and if "uota deduction is a(ready acti&ated. This shou(d a(ready ha&e 1een comp(eted in 7;ercise 1 of the pre&ious unit.

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/ccrue a1sence entitlements 3-# -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements Setting Cp Met%ods for Fuota Accrual Automatical Accrual .it%out Time E@aluation Chec9 if the *o generat3 #generation& fie(d (chec91o;) is se(ected for your ne' "uota time type 30 5 ##. 3-2 'eature C67)7 3>2>1 Hunction of the feature FC'M' The feature FC'M' specifies 'hich "uota type se(ection ru(e group are assigned to emp(oyees depending on their organi:ationa( assignment. @uota type se(ection ru(es 'i(( 1e assigned to this "uota type se(ection ru(e group in a (ater step to specify ho' a1sence "uota accrues. Note& Oou can a(so assign a "uota type se(ection ru(e group in the time e&a(uation schema if you 'ant to accrue a1sence "uota entit(ements using time e&a(uation 3>2>2 ,tructure the decision tree for the feature FC'M' in the training system. -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas Specify rule groups for Guota type selection The decision tree for the feature FC'M' appears. Note #& Oou can a(so maintain the feature direct(y 1y entering Transaction PE03. Note 2& The decision tree for the feature is a(ready modified for the fo((o'ing e;ercise as fo((o's/

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-n the decision tree first "ueries the personne( area. The personne( su1area is a(so "ueried for the personne( area CA>>. The confirmation &a(ue ##530 is set for 1oth the personne( area CA>> and the personne( su1area TP##. This means that the "uota type se(ection ru(e group ##530. app(ies to the emp(oyees in personne( su1area TP##. 3-3 4efine 1ase entitlement -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas Set base entitlement -n the su1se"uent dia(og 1o;J choose the >ase entitlement for generating absence Guota acti&ity. To create ne' 1ase entit(ement ru(esJ choose the *e1 entries option or Edit *e1 entries from the menu. Create for this acti&ity a 1ase entit(ement ru(e 00! and name it >ase entitlement lea@e group ## for the "uota type 305## 9ea@e group ##. Oou must create t'o su1ru(es (00! and 00-) 1ecause your emp(oyees ha&e different 1ase entit(ements depending upon their (e&e( of seniority. 3>3>1 +ase entit(ement for emp(oyees 'ith 0 > yearsP seniority

*a9e the fo((o'ing entires for the first su1ru(e 00!/ Start2 $anuary !B !,,0 End2 3!3!-3,,,, Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 ! Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 0! Personnel subarea groupings for time recording2 0! Absence Guota type2 )ule for base entitlement2 SeGuential number2 Seniority2 Entitlement #Constant&2 )elated to period2 30 5 ## 00! 00! 0 64 years -4 #days& Calendar year

,a&e your entries and return 1y choosing >ac/.

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3>3>2 +ase entit(ement for emp(oyees 'ith seniority of more than


To create su1ru(e 00-J se(ect your entry for "uota type 305## and then choose Copy. *a9e the fo((o'ing changes to your pre&ious entries/ SeGuential number2 Seniority2 Entitlement #Constant&2 )elati@e period2 004 6,, years -7 days Calendar year

Choose Enter to confirm your entries and then >ac/. 3-4 4efine reduction and rounding rules for Duota entitlements 3>4>1 )efine &a(idity inter&a( To determine the &a(idity inter&a(s for the proposed "uota entit(ementsJ choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas Setting Cp Met%ods for Fuota Accrual Set Cp Automatic Accrual Csing )PTFTA00 in the -*#. -n the fo((o'ing dia(og 1o;J choose the Set Jalidity <nter@al for Fuota Accrual acti&ity. Choose *e1 entries and ma9e the fo((o'ing entries/ Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 Fuote type selection rule group2 Jalid from date2 Jalid to date2 ,a&e your entries. Note& The &a(idity inter&a( for the "uota to 1e accrued is defined for a "uota type se(ection ru(e groupJ that isJ the same &a(idity inter&a( is the defau(t for a(( "uotas 'ith this "uota type se(ection ru(e group (according to ru(es). Calendar year2 Start Calendar year2 End ! 0! 305##

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3>4>2 )efine deduction inter&a( To determine deduction inter&a( for the "uota 30 5 ## 9ea@e group ##J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts Csing AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine Jalidity and =eduction Periods Choose *e1 entries and ma9e the fo((o'ing entries/ Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 Absence Guota type ! 0! 305##

Fuota type selection rule group2 Start of @alidity inter@al *o deduction before2 0! #E(piry of probation& =eduction to2 End of @alidity inter@al )elati@e position2 3 mont%s ,a&e your entries. Note& -n contrast to the &a(idity inter&a(J the deduction inter&a( is determined for each "uota type. -n this 'ayJ a deduction inter&a( can 1e set for indi&idua( "uota types.

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4efine reduction rules for Duota entitlements To define the app(ica1(e reduction ru(e for "uota entit(ementsJ choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine rules for reduction of Guota entitlements in the -*#. -n the su1se"uent dia(og 1o;J choose the =efine reduction rules acti&ity Then choose *e1 entries and enter the fo((o'ing data/ )eduction rule2 >asic data2 )eduction rule for inacti@e days2 )eference period2 Percentage of inacti@e calendar days2 "rom percentage2 305## (Reduced 1y inacti&e days group SS) *o reduction Accrual period 0D Percentual reduction

,a&e your entries. Confirm the 'arning message 1y choosing Enter. Note/ Choose Enter to confirm the 'arning concerning the ,.! namespace in this e;ercise. . num1er is used here as the QnameR of the reduction ru(e.


4efine rounding rules for Duota entitlements To chec9 'hether the appropriate rounding ru(es a(ready e;ist to round up or do'n to 'ho(e &a(uesJ choose :u [1erpr[fenJ o1 1ereits eine entsprechende Rundungsrege( &or(iegtJ [1er Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine rules for rounding Guota entitlements in the -*#. The rounding ru(e 0! corresponding to the specifications re"uired/ you can round up or do'n for 'ho(e &a(ues.

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4efine generation rules for Duota selection Note& 0se the feature FC'M' (see 2>2) to determine the "uota type se(ection X 1ased on the organi:ationa( assignment of the emp(oyees X to determine the "uota type se(ection ru(e group that is to app(y to the app(ica1(e emp(oyees. Counting ru(es are stored for this "uota type se(ection ru(e to regu(ate the "uota accrua(. Hor this reasonJ chec9 the decision tree for the feature FC'M' to see 'hich "uota type se(ection ru(e group 'as set for the emp(oyees in your personne( su1area. The "uota type se(ection ru(e group shou(d 1e 30 5 ## ('ith SS V group num1er). To ca(( the decision tree for the feature FC'M' in the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =etermine Guota type selection rule group. To specify the generation ru(es for "uota accrua( in the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Adminitration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine generation rules for Guota selection Choose the *e1 entries option and ma9e the fo((o'ing entries/ Start2 $anuary !B !,,0 End2 3!3!-3,,,, Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 ! Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 0! Personnel subarea groupings for time recording2 30 5 ## Selection rule2 00! (<ea&e accrua( SS) Absence Guota type2 30 5 ## (<ea&e group SS)

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-n the >ase entitlement section/ )ule for base entitlement2 ?ey date for determining seniority2

00! E(act date

-n the Csability sectionJ copy the defau(t &a(ues Hrom the Accrual period ta1J choose Calendar year. -n the Accrual entitlement sectionJ enter/ )eduction rule2 305## -n the Total entitlement sectionJ enter/ )ounding rule2 0! ,a&e your entries.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 60

! tional E6ercise
4 /ccrue additional a1sence Duota entitlements 3o tional? 4-# % ecify 1ase entitlements 3o tional? -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine base entitlement -n the su1se"uent dia(og 1o;J choose the >ase entitlement for generating absence Guota acti&ity. To create ne' ru(es for 1ase enttit(ementsJ choose *e1 entries or Edit *e1 entries from t%e menu. 4>1>1 )efine 1ase entit(ement -n this acti&ityJ you create a ru(e for 1ase entit(ement 00! ca((ed >ase entitlement for additional lea@e ## for the "uota type A0 5 ## Additional lea@e. This ru(e contains no su1ru(es. *a9e the fo((o'ing entries for ru(e 00!/ ,tart/ Start2 $anuary !B !,,0 End2 3!3!-3,,,, Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 ! Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 0! Personnel subarea groupings for time recording2 0! Absence Guota type2 A0 5 ## )ule for base entitlement2 00! SeGuential number2 6 Entitlement K Constant2 3 days )elati@e period2 Calendar year ,a&e your entries and return 1y choosing >ac/.

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HR306 61


4efine ,alidity and deductions inter,als 3o tional? 4>2>1 )efine &a(idity inter&a( +ecause the &a(idity inter&a( is set for each "uota type se(ection ru(e groupJ and you ha&e a(ready done this in 2-4J you do not ha&e to ma9e any other entries. 4>2>2 )efine deduction inter&a( To determine deduction inter&a( for the "uota A0 5 ## #additional lea@e&J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine @alidity and deduction periods Choose *e1 entries and ma9e the fo((o'ing entries/ Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 ! Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 0! Personnel subarea groupings for time recording2 A05## Fuota type selection rule group2 =eduction end2 )elati@e position2 6 ,a&e your entries. Start of @alidity inter@al End of @alidity inter@al


4efine reduction and rounding rules for Duota entitlements 3o tional? 0se the reduction and rounding ru(es that you a(ready created in 2-5 and 2-6. )eduction rule2 )ounding rule2 305## )eduction rule for inacti@e days group ## 0! )ounding rule2 )ound up

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HR306 62


4efine generation rules for Duota selection 3o tional? -n the -*#J choose Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts 1it% AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements )ules for +enerating Absence Fuotas =efine generation rules for Guota selection Choose the *e1 entries option and ma9e the fo((o'ing entries/ Start2 $anuary !B !,,0 End2 3!3!-3,,,, Employee subgroup grouping for time Guotas2 ! Personnel subarea grouping for time Guotas2 0! Personnel subarea groupings for time recording2 30 5 ## Selection rule2 00- (.dditiona( (ea&e accrua( SS) Absence Guota type2 A0 5 ## (.dditiona( (ea&e)

-n the >ase entitlement section/ )ule for base entitlement2 00! -n the Csability sectionJ copy the defau(t &a(ues -n the Accrual period sectionJ se(ect Calendar year -n the Accrual entitlement sectionJ enter/ )eduction rule2 305## -n the Total entitlement sectionJ enter/ )ounding rule2 0! ,a&e your entries.

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HR306 63

4efine Duota entitlement for em loyees 5-# 5enerate a1sence entitlements using R2TCT/00 3Bh(en ,ie im 7inf[hrungs(eitfaden Personnel Time Management Time =ata )ecording and Administration Managing Time Accounts Csing AttendanceEAbsence Fuotas Calculating Absence Fuota Entitlements Setting Cp Met%ods for Fuota Accrual Automatical Accrual Csing )eport )PTFTA00 -n the su1se"uent dia(og 1o;J choose the Set up report @ariants for absence Guota accrual acti&ity. Report )PTFTA00 is customi:ed in the fo((o'ing screen. Choose E(ecute or the Start report option. -n the se(ection screen for the reportJ choose the fo((o'ing options/ Period2 Current year 30 0## and 30 !## ('ith SS V group num1er) >atc% input session

Selection2 Personnel number +eneration type2

Choose E(ecute or the Start report option. The 1atch input session must 1e run for each se(ected procedure to ensure that emp(oyees recei&e their (ea&e entit(ements. To do soJ choose System Ser@ices >atc% input Sessions. ,e(ect the session you created in the su1se"uent screen and choose )un session. -n the su1se"uent dia(og 1o;J choose the 'nly display errors option and confirm 1y choosing Enter The 1atch input session runs and generates (ea&e entit(ement for the appropriate emp(oyees. To chec9 the (ea&e entit(ementJ choose Human resources Time management Administration Time data =isplay from the menu.

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HR306 64

7nter the personne( num1er of your emp(oyees (30 ,,!## and 30 ,,-## 'ith SS V group num1er) or use possi1(e entries he(p. %ne the Time )ecording ta1J se(ect the Absence Guotas option. .s the periodJ choose Current year. Oou must set (ea&e entit(ement for each emp(oyee. ,imi(ar(yJ chec9 the (ea&e entit(ement of your second emp(oyee. 5-2 )anually form a1sence entitlements -ithout default ,alues Choose Human resources Time management Administration Time data Maintain. 7nter personne( num1er 30 ,,!## ('ith SS V group num1er) for your sa(aried emp(oyee in fie(d or use possi1(e entries he(p. -n the Time )ecording ta1J se(ect the Absence Fuotas option. Choose Current year as the period. Choose Create or Edit Create from the menu. -n the Create Absence Fuotas #<nfotype -00 & screenJ enter "uota type A0 5 ## Additional lea@e #1it% ## L group number& in the Type fie(d. -n the Fuota number (amount) fie(dJ enter a 3 (for 3 days). *a9e no entries in the =eduction start and =eduction end sections 1ecause the deduction inter&a( is to 1e the same as the &a(idity inter&a(. ,a&e your entries.

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HR306 6

Create em loyee lea,e 6>1 To create the a1sence 9ea@e for your emp(oyees in the systemJ choose Human resources Time management Administration Time data Maintain. -n the Personnel number fie(dJ enter 30 ,,-## as the personne( num1er for your sa(aried emp(oyee or use the possi1(e entries he(p option. -n the .or/ing Times ta1J choose the Absences option and enter the a1sence type C)## 9ea@e group ## in the Type fie(d. -n the Period sectionJ enter enter the start date of the a1sence as the *onday of the fo((o'ing 'ee9J and the end date of the a1sence the Hriday of the fo((o'ing 'ee9 in the Period fromMtoMfie(d. Choose Create or Edit Create from t%e menu. The payro(( days are disp(ayed in the Fuota used fie(d. Choose +oto =eduction to chec9 'hich "uota 'as deducted for this period. ,a&e your entries. 6>2 To disp(ay the "uota o&er&ie' for your sa(aried emp(oyeeJ choose Human resources Time management Administration Time data Fuota o@er@ie1. -n the Personnel number fie(dJ enter the personne( num1er of your sa(aried emp(oyee. -n the Selection data ta1J choose the Calendar year option in t%e Selection inter@al section. Choose the Absence Fuotas ta1 and chec9 'hat "uota e;ists and 'hat "uota 'as a(ready deducted.

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HR306 66

Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

Co!t A!!ignment Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

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HR306 1

Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation0 Topic 4$'ecti"e!

At the conc u!ion of thi! unit% you &i $e a$ e to0

Set up and acti"ate dia og $o<e! for acti"ity

a ocation and co!t a!!ignment for time infotype!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 2

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 3iagram

Cour!e 4"er"ie& 9ntroduction to SAP Time 5anagement Ca i$er A 6icyc e Company :nterpri!e Structure and Grouping! ;or8 Schedu e!

Part=Time ;or8force Time 3ata Recording and Admini!tration Attendance and A$!ence Counting Attendance and A$!ence >uota! Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 3

Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation0 6u!ine!! Scenario

Actua per!onne co!t! are po!ted to the

a!!igned co!t center after the payro re!u t! are tran!ferred )Co!t A!!ignment*.
9n the CA6 Company% acti"itie! and ta!8!

!tored a! time! are a ocated $et&een t&o co!t center! )Acti"ity A ocation*.

SAP AG 1999

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 4

9ntegrating 9nfotype!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management !!! 6ntegrating Time Management 8ith 2ther SAP Applications

Time 9nfotype!

Permit 6ntegration for 6nfot pes

Co!t A!!ignment Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

Oou can specify 'hat infotypes can 1e used 'hen integrating 'ith other ,.! components in the -*#.

(C) ,.! .#


9nteraction &ith Accounting
3ifferent co!t center G1

CAB Company

2 hour!


Co!t A!!ignment


Acti"ity A ocation
2 hour!


5a!ter co!t center or different co!t center

SAP AG 1999

Oou can enter data on(ine for 1oth acti&ity a((ocation (secondary cost a((ocation) and for cost assignment (primary cost a((ocation) in SAP Time Management. )ia(og 1o;es are a&ai(a1(e for certain time infotypes. .cti&ities performed in an enterprise can 1e a((ocated interna((y. .cti&ities to 1e a((ocated interna((y inc(ude emp(oyee time dataJ for e;amp(eJ 'hen emp(oyees 'or9 for another department. -f these times (acti&ities) are to 1e a((ocated 1et'een cost centersJ you enter a recei&er cost center in a dia(og 1o; as 'e(( as an acti&ity type for &a(uating the acti&ity performed. The acti&ity type a((o's you to &a(uate the acti&ity 'ith a price (rate) in Contro((ing. The sender cost center (usua((y the emp(oyee8s master cost center) is credited and the recei&er cost center is de1ited. Ho'e&erJ sometimes the sender cost center must 1e changed if an emp(oyee 'or9s for a different department and these acti&ities need to 1e assigned again to a recei&er cost center. .ctua( personne( costs that resu(t are de1ited after the payro(( resu(ts from the emp(oyee8s master data are transferred. -n some casesJ the costs (primary costs) must 1e reposted to a cost center other than the emp(oyee8s master cost center. The resu(ting actua( personne( costs are de1ited after the payro(( resu(ts from the emp(oyee8s master data are transferred. -n some casesJ the costs (primary costs) must 1e reposted to a cost center that de&iates from the master cost center. These entries can a(so 1e made in the su1se"uent screen for the corresponding time infotype. -n this caseJ the amount (primary costs) deri&ed from the cost center specified in the infotypes is de1ited.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Acti"ating Co!t A!!ignment for 9nfotype!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management !!! 6ntegrating Time Management 8ith 2ther SAP Applications Recording #ost Assignment Specifications

Time 9nfotype!

Permit Assignment of Personnel #osts for 6nfot pes Specif !!! #ontrolling 2b9ects Permitted

Co!t A!!ignment

SAP AG 1999

-n the -*#J you can specify 'hat cost assignment specifications are to 1e entered for 'hich infotypes and 'hich Contro((ing o12ects shou(d appear in the cost assignment screen in the infotype. These specifications are read to assign the costs deri&ed from the infotypes to the app(ica1(e Contro((ing o12ects as primary costs. The Contro((ing o12ects are de1ited 'hen the payro(( accounting resu(ts are transferred. Oou can (in9 a cost assignment specification to the fo((o'ing infotypes/ Additional Payments (001 )J Absences (2001)J Attendances (2002)J Substitutions (2003)J A@ailability (2004)J '@ertime (200 )J Employee )emuneration <nfo (2010) Note& The cost assignment screen can 1e set up dynamica((y for &arious emp(oyees using a feature.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 $

Acti"ating Co!t A!!ignment 9nfotype 9nfotype te<t
2001 2002 2003 200( 200, 2010 2011 A$!ence! Attendance! Su$!titution! A"ai a$i ity 4"ertime :: Remun. 9nfo Time :"ent!

Co!t a!!ignment

Acti"ate! additiona data for co!t a!!ignment in corre!ponding infotype

SAP AG 1999

-n the -*#J you can decide 'hich time infotypes you 'ant acti&ated in the screen for additiona( data on cost assignment (primary cost a((ocation). To do thisJ you ha&e to acti&ate cost assignment 1y inserting an H<I in the first position in the app(ica1(e fie(d in the Customi:ing step. Oou can do this for the Absences (2001)J Attendances (2002)J Substitutions (2003)J A@ailability (2004)J '@ertime (200 )J and EE )emuneration <nfo (2010) time infotypes. -f you 'ant to acti&ate additiona( cost assignment data for a certain infotypeJ you can ca(( up the appropriate screen 1y se(ecting the fie(d in the top section of the screen and then enter your specifications.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 5

Co!t A!!ignment Su$!creen!

Co!t A!!ignment Specification!

Account a!!ignment 6u!ine!! area Co!t center 4rder Company code

Se ect fie d! for !u$!creen! 3efine fie d attri$ute!

SAP AG 1999

Oou can a(so specify 'hat Contro((ing o12ects are permitted 'hen recording cost assignment specifications. The se(ected o12ects then appear in the cost assignment screen in the app(ica1(e infotypes. -n additionJ you can no' set attri1utes for the o12ect fie(dsJ for e;amp(eJ if you 'ant any of the fie(ds to 1e mandatory. Oou can a(so set up your screen in other 'ays. Oou can ha&e different fie(ds in the account assignment section of the screen for sa(aried emp(oyees than for hour(y>'age earners. Oou can contro( this function in feature C79(T.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 6

Acti"ating Acti"ity A ocation for 9nfotype!

CAB Company

Personnel Time Management !!! 6ntegrating Time Management 8ith 2ther SAP Applications Recording Specifications for Acti3it Allocation Allocation for

Time 9nfotype!

Permit Acti3it 6nfot pes Specif !!!

#ontrolling 2b9ects Permitted

Acti"ity A ocation

SAP AG 1999

-n the -*#J you can specify 'hat acti&ity a((ocation specifications are to 1e entered for time infotypes and 'hich Contro((ing o12ects shou(d appear in the acti&ity a((ocation screen in the infotype. Oou can (in9 the fo((o'ing infotypes to specifications for acti&ity a((ocation/ Absences (2001) Attendances (2002) EE )emuneration <nfo (2010) Note& .cti&ity a((ocation can 1e set up dynamica((y for &arious emp(oyees in feature C79(T. To use emp(oyee remuneration info for acti&ity a((ocationJ hours must 1e recored. -f you on(y use emp(oyee remnueration info 'ith amountsJ then cost assignment is sufficient. These acti&ity a((ocation specifications can 1e transferred to Contro((ing using report R2T247C0 'here acti&ity a((ocation is carried out (secondary cost a((ocation). -n distri1uted systemsJ this transfer occurs asynchronous(y using .<7.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 10

Acti"ating Acti"ity A ocation

2001 2002 2010

9nfotype te<t
A$!ence! Attendance! :: Remun. 9nfo

Acti"ity a ocation

Acti"ate! additiona data for acti"ity a ocation in the corre!ponding infotype

SAP AG 1999

-n the -*#J you can specify 'hich time infotypes you 'ant acti&ated in the screen for additiona( data on acti&ity a((ocation (secondary cost a((ocation).To acti&ate acti&ity a((ocationJ insert an H<I in the second position in the app(ica1(e fie(d in the Customi:ing step. Oou can do this for the Absences (2001)J Attendances (2002)J and EE )emuneration <nfo (2010) time infotypes. -f you 'ant to acti&ate additiona( data on acti&ity a((ocation for a certain infotypeJ you can ca(( up the appropriate screen 1y se(ecting the fie(d in the top section of the screen and then comp(ete the fie(d 'ith your specifications.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 11

Acti"ity A ocation Su$!creen
Acti"ity A ocation Specification!
Account a!!ignment 6u!ine!! area Co!t center Sender Co!t center Acti"ity type Company code 6u!ine!! area A 4rder Company code

Se ect fie d! for !u$!creen! 3efine fie d attri$ute!

SAP AG 1999

Oou can a(so specify 'hich fie(ds you 'ant to inc(ude in the additiona( screens for entry specifications for acti&ity a((ocation. The se(ected o12ects then appear in the acti&ity a((ocation screen in the app(ica1(e infotypes. -n the standard ,.! ,ystemJ the Com any codeJ 4usiness areaJ and Cost center fie(ds are used for the sender (cost center)J as 'e(( as the acti&ity type. The Com any codeJ 4usiness areaJ Cost centerJ and !rder fie(ds are used for the recei&er (cost center). The cost accounting area is disp(ayed 1ut not acti&ated. -n additionJ you can no' set attri1utes for the o12ect fie(dsJ for e;amp(eJ if you 'ant any of the fie(ds to 1e mandatory. Oou can a(so set up your screen in other 'ays. Oou might re"uire different fie(ds in acti&ity a((ocation specifications for sa(aried emp(oyees than you do for hour(y>'age earners. Oou can contro( this function in feature C79(T.

(C) ,.! .#

HR306 12

Co!t A!!ignment and Acti"ity A ocation0 7nit Summary

?ou are no& a$ e to0

Set up and acti"ate acti"ity a ocation

and co!t a!!ignment for time infotype!


(C) ,.! .#

HR306 13

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