EDUC6814 Learning Enivronment Plan Rubric

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EDUC6814: Learning Environment Plan

Beginning [7] Descriptions of the Learning Environment Aspects (Physical/Material, Cultural, Relational) [30%] Creative Use of Games and Game Design to Cultivate Learning [30%] The learning environment is described in vague generalities or it may not touch on all aspects of the environment. Developing [8.5] The learning environment is described with some level of detail, and the description touches on all of the aspects of the learning environment listed. Succeeding [10] The learning environment is imagined and reported, providing a thorough understanding of the learning environment, and the description touches on at least all of the aspects of the learning environment listed. Score/Level

The use of games and game design is noted, and there is an indication that such use would promote a low level of learning (such as fact or basic skill acquisition).

The creative use of games and game design is described and there is an indication that such use would promote more than a low level of learning.

The creative use of games and game design is described and there is an indication that such use would promote the cultivation of learning, that is, the end result may be guided by goals but is open to interpretation by students or student teams. The idea that learners can engage in a range of participatory activities is noted with detail and clear pathways between levels of participation.

Environmental Facilitation of Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out [30%] Conventions, Tone, and Coherence [10%]

The idea that learners can engage in a range of participatory activities is noted with little detail.

The idea that learners can engage in a range of participatory activities is noted with detail.

The plan is written with little effort and attention paid to editing the document, and it may be written in a way that is not entirely appropriate for an academic essay and audience, that is, it is conversational in tone or makes use of slang and folksy sayings in a way that detracts from the reading of the document. The plan may be presented in a disjointed manner.

The plan is written with effort and attention paid to editing the document so that it is readable and clearly written, although it is written in a way that is not entirely appropriate for an academic essay and audience, that is, it is conversational in tone or makes use of slang and folksy sayings in a way that detracts from the reading of the document. (Slang and folksy sayings can be used effectively to make a point, but use them intentionally and sparingly.) The plan may be presented in a fairly coherent manner.

The plan is written in a way that is appropriate for an academic essay and audience with effort and attention paid to editing the document so that it is readable and clearly written. The plan flows and coheres, the pieces fit well together.

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