Spring 2013: Professor James Vernon

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Spring 2013 History 151c Maker of the Modern World? Imperial Britain 1!

1" to the present# $rofessor %ames &ernon

For many years Britain was seen as the crucible of the modern world. Over the past three centuries this small, cold and wet island was the first to develop representative politics, the idea of the individual, an industrial economy, sustained and rapid population growth, rapid transport, a predominantly urban population, mass culture, the nuclear family, and, of course, an empire upon which the sun famously never set. And yet, despite this precocious modernity, imperial Britain remains a deeply traditional society that has failed to rid itself of ancient institutions like the monarchy, the aristocracy and the established church. The class explains this paradox through an account of the rise, fall and rebirth of liberalism!. "e will see how during the eighteenth century Britain!s ancien regime spawned a liberal! criti#ue of it by those who believed free trade, representative government, the rule of law, individual self$improvement and meritocracy would bring prosperity and civili%ation to all who deserved it. "hile liberalism! reformed much of the ancien regime during the nineteenth century it failed to deliver wealth and civili%ation at home &let alone across the empire' or to keep Britain abreast with its new global competitors. Although this lay the foundation for the growth of Britain(s welfare and security state in the twentieth century, we will see how social democracy emerged embedded in the remnants of the ancien regime, liberalism and the empire. These multiple inade#uacies of social democracy produced an evangelically reborn form of neo$liberalism! that has subse#uently become the common sense of our age. The class combines economic, social, political and cultural history.

)ach lecture is supported by a number of short readings consisting of primary web resources and a set textbook. These readings should be completed before each lecture and will be the basis of discussion in section. Assessment will be based upon section assignments and participation &*+,', a mid$term &*+,' and a final examination &-+,'. .tudents may write a short research paper &/+ pages' in place of the final exam if they declare so by the mid$term. 'ect(res) *ffice ho(rs) Mid+term) ,inal) -SIs) Tuesday and Thursday //$/0.*+, 0+ Barrows Tuesday *.*+$1.*+pm, 2winelle 00/-. 3 4arch /5 4ay, 6$//am 7illian 8hisom gchisom@berkeley.edu Office hours9 "ednesday, /$*pm .ections9 /+*. 4onday, *$-pm, 0+* "heeler /+0. Friday, :$/+am, 03: 2winelle 4elissa Turoff melissa.turoff@berkeley.edu Office hours9 Tuesday /$0pm .ections9 /+/. 4onday, -$1pm, 0+5 2winelle

.e/(ired te0t9 )llis "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, /3/- to the present &"iley$ Blackwell, 0+/+' /-+1/*:*55 'ect(re Sched(le 00 <anuary. =ntroduction9 2ownton Abbey and "hy Britain .till 4atters 0- <anuary. A new imperial state "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, chs./>0 Burke on "arren ;astings ?/366@ Aichard Brice, A 2iscourse on the Cove of Our 8ountry ?/36:@ Borter, Britain!s empire in /6/1 The Beterloo 4assacre &Breface' ?/6/:@ 0: <anuary. An enlightened civil societyD "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, chs.0>*

The .pectator, no.*. Addison 7eorge )liot, Felix ;olt the Aadical, ch.*/ The Broclamation for the )ncouragement of Biety and Eirtue ?/363@ The =nteresting Farrative of the Cife of Olaudah )#uiano ?/36:@, ch.1 <ohn Brand Observations on Bopular Anti#uities ?/333@, both prefaces */ <anuary. The great transformation and the population #uestion "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.4organ, Trade and the British )mpire Overton, The Agricultural Aevolution 4althus )ssay on the Brinciple of Bopulation ?/3:6@, chs./>0 Adam .mith, The "ealth of Fations, v.0, ch.1 1 February. A liberal revolution in imperial government "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.1. )vans, Caisse%$Faire and the Eictorians Boor Caw 8ommissioners Aeport ?/6*-@, Aemedial 4easures ==.=.=$01 The Forthcote$Trevelyan Aeport, pp./$// > 00$0* Gueen Eictoria!s Broclamation on 7overnment of =ndia /616 3 February. An empire of free tradeD "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.5. Oldfield, British Anti$.lavery Aichard 8obden on free trade ?/6-5@ Trevelyan on the =rish 8risis ?/6-6@, pp./6*$0+/ Aev 7eorge 8layton, ?Three@ .ermons on the 7reat )xhibition ?/61/@ )ngels, The 8ondition of the "orking 8lasses ?/6--@, pp.31$:+ /0 February. Cearning to do democracy BB8 B=tesi%e, Bolitical Aeform in Britain The Boll Book for "hitehaven ?/6*0@, scan 8orrupt Bractices Act ?/66*@, pp./$3 8hartist Fational Betititon ?/6*6@ The Ceague ?/6-5@ The Forthern .tar ?/6-3@ /- February. The uneven work of gender "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.6. ;enry 4ayhew, The Cife of a 8oster 7irl ?/65-@ 4rs Beeton!s Book of ;ousehold 4anagement H The 4istress ?/65/@ The )nglish "oman!s <ournal, v./ ?/616@ 8ampaign for "omen!s .uffrage /: February. Aeligion, reason and the pleasures of the freeborn )nglishman ;one, The )veryday Book ?/601@, )xplanatory Address

The Aeligious 8ensus of /61/, pp./+0$*. .amuel .miles, .elf$;elp ?/660@ Thomas "right, Among the 7odsI &/653' Fewcastle Jnited v Civerpool ?/:+/@ 0/ February. An industrial, urban and imperial nationD "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.3. "alter Bagehot, Combard .treet ?/63*@, ch./ "illiam Booth =n 2arkest )ngland ?/6:+@, Breface > ch./ )bene%er ;oward, 7arden 8ities of Tomorrow ?/:+0@, intro 05 February. The discovery of poverty and the social #uestion 4earns, The Bitter 8ry of Outcast Condon ?/66*@, pp./1$01 8harles Booth!s Boverty 4aps Blease, Few Ciberalism and the .ocial Guestion ?/:/*@n 06 February. )mpire, immigration and national efficiency <osephine Butler on abolition in =ndia ?/663@ Kipling and the "hite 4an!s Burden ?/6::@ ;obson, =mperialism ?/:+0@ ).Bankhurst, "hy "e Are 4ilitant ?/:/*@ 1 4arch. The 7reat "ar "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.:. 2iary of Brivate 2onald Fraser, .eptember /:/1 .assoon, Attack &/:/6' Guestions in 8ommons on 8onscientious ObLectors in Brison ?/:/3@ 3 4arch. 4id$term /0 4arch. Aebuilding (middle )ngland( "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.:. 4arie .topes, 4arried Cove ?/:/6@, preface and ch./ Baldwin, On )ngland and the "est!?/:05@ The 8ommons 2ebate on 7eneral 2yer ?/:0+@ &especially 8hurchill from /30+' /- 4arch. 2epression, planning and a new society ;uxley, Brave Few "orld ?/:*0@, ch./. <.4.Keynes, The 7eneral Theory ?/:*5@, ch.0<.B.Briestley!s )nglish <ourney ?/:*-@ Orwell!s Aoad To "igan Bier ?/:*3@, ch.3 Fational ;unger 4arch ?/:*0@ /: 4arch. 4ass democracy and the problem of leisure

)yles, 8inema in the /:*+s ;MB)AC=FK Nhttp9OOwww.grassrootsfeminism.netOcmsOnodeO0*-N Beckham ;ealth 8entre 4ass Observation &/:*3', pp./$/0 0/ 4arch. The Beople(s "arD "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch./+. 8hurchill in the J. /:-0 Aationing in Britain Brest, )vacuation The Beveridge Aeport ?/:-0@ 05 > 06 4arch. .pring break 0 April. )ngineering the new <erusalem Cet J. Face the Future The Festival of Britain The Festival in Condon on film &/:1/' - April. Affluence and consensusD The 8oronation on TE Cabour Barty Bolitical Broadcast ?/:1:@ 7oldthorpe et al, The Affluent "orker ?/:5:@, conclusion : April. )nd of empire and the invention of multiculturalism The Atlantic 8harter )mpire "indrush <ourney by a Condon Bus &/:1+' 4acmillan, "inds of 8hange ?/:5+@ // April. A new meritocracy H or whatever happened to the working classD Film9 1: JB /5 April. The long /:5+s and the ends of 8hristian Britain. The "olfenden Aeport ?/:13@ Carkin!s Annus 4irabilis 8ivil Aights and the Troubles in F.=reland .pare Aib ?/:30@ /6 April. Bunk Britain. "asson, A ;istory of 4odern Britain, ch.//. Bowell, Aivers of Blood ?/:56@ 8onservative Barty 4anifesto /:3:9Our Five Tasks Thatcher gets elected

0* April. Thatcher, Blair and neo$liberalismD Thatcher on 8hristianity and "ealth Blair on 8hristian .ocialism 4illenium 2ome 01 April. Fo class *+ April. .tudent Bresentations 0 4ay. 8ourse Aeview

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