' J W e ' J .: Contributed Favor

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Mrs. qomez-Vranga's and Mrs.

Merri({'s Kinder Corner

Octo6er 2009 Newsletter

I liope everyone wi[[ soon 6e enjoyitlfJ tlie wOndeifu[ autumn weatlier. October kicf<Joff our
lio[U{ayseason and we haie some 'CJery6usy montlis ahead. I want to tlianl00u a[[ wlio hase
contributed to our Treasure Chest. }lny donation of small. toys or party favor type items is stiff needed.
Once a student liasjil[ed tlieir sticR!r cliart (20) or lia'CJewon a game duritlfJ dass tliey are rewarded Gy
pickitlfJ a prize in tlie treasure cliest. (By R!epitlfJ new items in tlie cliest liefps to R!ep tlie student
Just some reminders. .. 1)please send a snack; witli your cliiU everyday, we eat toqether and tliere is
nothinq harder tlian to see a cliiU sit witli a sadface 6ecause tliey haoe nothinq to eat. 2)}l[[ 6irtlidays
wi[[ 6e ceiebrated on tlie second Priday of tlie month-s-please get witli mefirst on tlie item you wouU
uR! to 6ritlfJ to sliare witli tlie cfass-remem6er--no "Parties" no Boodle 6ags orfooa-- on(y cup caR! s
andjuice or some type of treat. }l1S0, invitations wi[[ on(y 6e sent out ifeveryone in tlie cfass is
in'CJitea.3):Now tliat tlie children are comfortable witli wa[kitlfJ to class, we encourage you to drop tlie
children off in tliefront of tlie schoot and allotu tliem to wa[ft in on tlieir own. If you stiff want to
wa[fttliem to class, please say your gooa-Gye at tlie door. We are encouraging tlie students to 6e more
independent and self-confident. 4) (fass starts at 8:05 tliis year so please encourage punctuality. 5)
p[ease review tlie student Iiand600ftregardltlfJ uniforms-winterunifonn starts on 10-20,
6) Lunches from liome need to lia'CJeeverytliitlfJ tlie cliiU wi[[ need to eat, tliat includes: spoons, forf<J, "
straws and napkins. Lunches from liome must also 6e read) to eat; we can not wann upfOOdfor tlie
students. If you haoe any questions on any matters please 'E-tnaii me.
q'fie students are 'CJeryexcited' about tliis schoo! year. ~adltlfJ groups are off to a great start. }l[[
students are lia'CJitlfJfunand proqressinq well. p[ease taR! afew minutes everyday and read witli your
cliiU and encourage your cliiU to read to you. ~adlng heips to promote a liiglier self-esteem foryour
cliiCd'.:Most of tlie students are doitlfJ wef{ ieaminq tlieir siglit words. I strotlfJ(y encourage you to lieCp
your cliiU learn tlieir weeFify siglit word fist; GydoitlfJ so, their readinq wi{{ improve great(y.

Here are afew reminders of tlie montlis up cominq events and a fooftinto our classroom.
Important Dates:
Oct. 7 :Mass - 8:30
Oct. 9 Dads and Donuts 8: 00-8: 20
Oct. 14 :Mass- 8:30
Oct. 16 r£.nd of Quarter / p[ease sign up for saint costume if you haven' t already.
Oct.19 Winter 'Uniforms 6egins/start of 2tuf quarter/}l{{ schooi picture
Oct. 20 ~port cards sent liome in biue [older
Oct. 21 :Mass - 8:30/pre-1(pumpkin auction
Oct .22 Parent/Teacher conferences 9-5-:No schoot
Oct. 23 No schoo!
Oct. 26 It's tlie qreat Pumpkin Weel?J (BritlfJin a smarr PV:MP1(I:N for your child. (size of a
Cantafoupe) and p[ease sign up to 6ritlfJin a pumpkin treat!
Oct. 27 Pumpkins are due in classroom
Oct. 28 :Mass - 8:30/ In£. Sclioo{ pictures
Oct. 29 Saint (Booft~ports due (more to come)! we need 2 voiunteers to lieCpdecorate pumpkins
Oct.30 }l{{ Saints c])ay/fticfs come dressed in saint costume over P. r£. sliorts and t-shirt.
****:More info to come.

---- __ --.JI
JI6raliam, Jac06 d Esau, Jrofy r:R.psary,tlie Pope, :Moses and' tlie 'fen Commarufments, 1( 4J virtue is

Learning to identifying and' write tlie num6ers 28--44, writing addition. num6er sentences, identifying
ordinai position to si.:{JIi,addition facts doubles to 18, i£entifying a rectanqle, iaentifying tlie
attributes of pattern 6focli.§,graplis, simple su6traction

(J'fionicsant! lRsadino:
CDevefopinga phonemic awareness for tlie Ietters P, I, rr,L, J{, 1?. :N, aruf:M practicing aecoding and
6Cendingskiers, reading short vowef stories, siglit words, signs for sounds (wee/ify spefEing 6ee),
practice i£entifying 6eginning, miaaCeand ending sounds, and rliyming

SifJlit words:
are a[[ do fiis
Gy as for I
am Ge get if
in can go ret
Gut cfia fias man

Learning to iaentify and' write tlie Ietters (['p, Ii, 'It, u; J-{fi, <Jq; Nn; aruf:Mm, copying sliort sentences
from tlie board, aevefoping qood' liarufwriting skieCs,practicing spacing ana proper tetter 'formation,
writing injournals

£anouage )Irts:
Learning about nouns tliat name people, animals, tliings, and places, aevefoping tlie concept of print,
group read alouds, iaentifying sentences, commas, periods, quotation marli.§,question marli.§,and.
exclamation marli.§,

Social. .Studies:
PaCf,effects of weather on trees, 'Explorers, Cliristoplier Columbus, historical concepts, categories of
time and pumpkin unit

:Maps, gfo6e, continents, directionaliiy, water and Iandforms, types of transfonnation
((Thegreat Pumpkin Week;' Oct. 26 -30

(j)uring this week, the students wirr Ieam everything

there is to (earn about pumpkins. We wirr 6e doing
pumpkin activities arr weetincruding: reading stories,
pumpkin math, pumpkin phonics, crafts, poems,
pumpkin food tasting, and the growing of a pumpkin,
cookie decorating, carving and decorating pumpkins.
Have any 6ook§ about pumpkins? Piease 6ring them in.
If anyone has the video ((It's the great pumpkin Charlie
Broam" could we please 6orrow it for Priday Oct.
30th? Eacii child. needs to 6ring to school a smarr
pumpkin, the size of a cantaloupe. I also need for
volunteers to 6ak.f some pumpkins treats for the class, I
wir{ also need pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sugar
cookies the shape of a pumpkin, and candy corn.

Thanh; you so much!

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