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Mathematics 416

Carrousel 416: Chapter 4

This document is a tool designed to help give teachers a clear description of what should be
covered in Chapter 4 of the Carrousel 4 textbook. The textbook offers more material than can be
covered in most regular classes. However, this summary should be seen as a guide only; the
amount of time available as well as the students' interests and capabilities will determine the
materiel which is covered. Further information about the material is found in the Teacher's Guide.

Objectives Covered in Chapter 4

This itinerary covers Objective 3: To help students develop the ability to analyze statistical data.
The emphasis is on analyzing situations by asking pertinent questions about the data collected
and by examining measures of position and some measures of dispersion.

It is important to refer to the MEQ Curriculum document for more details on the objectives
of the program (pp. 27 - 31).

Time 24% of the year.

1. Students and adults are bombarded on a daily basis with data and statistics. Therefore,
they must be prepared to critically analyze the data and make informed decisions regarding
this mass of information.

They will study the ways to collect data in an unbiased manner and then learn about the
tools needed to analyze the data.

2. Conceptual understanding rather than application of formulas is the crux of this section.
The knowledge of how the different statistics help us to interpret data.

3. Prior Knowledge:

Secondary I: Students interpreted and presented data in tables and graphs of all types
using data they had gathered where possible.

Secondary III: Students learned to derive information about a situation from measures of
central tendency (mean, median, mode) and the range, one measure of dispersion. They
also learned to display data using a histogram.

4. The use of a graphing calculator and/or computer software can greatly enhance the study of
statistics (analysis and interpretation) both in terms of conceptual understanding and of
saving time.

5. Having students collect data which is relevant to their daily lives also piques their interest
and actively involves them.

Please send any comments or suggested changes regarding this document to Carolyn Gould at tel:
450-672-4010, extension 4705; fax: 450-465-8809; or e-mail:

This document has been prepared by Carolyn Gould, Resource Person for MAPCO.
It is available on the MAPCO website:
Mathematics 416

Carrousel 4: Chapter 4

Topic Time Priority 1 Optional Omit

Class Homework

1. Statistical 2% Population & Investment 1: 4

Studies Sample Think Tank: p. 8
(pp. 2 - 8) Census, Poll, Survey
Methods of
Gathering Data
Investment 1: 1-3,

2. Sampling 6% √ Representative Investment 2: 3, 8,

(pp. 9 - 29) Sample 9 (because of poor
Sampling Methods translation)
Investment 2: 1, 2, Think Tank: p. 14
4-7, 10 Investment 3: 10,
Sources of Bias 12
Comparing Samples Workout 9: 9, 18-
Investment 3: 1-9, 21
Think Tank: p. 23
Workout 9: 1-8, 10-
Pop Quiz 9

3. Quartiles 3% √ Calculating Investment 4: 10,

(pp. 30 - 39) Quartiles 11 (because of poor
Constructing a Box- translation), 12
and-Whisker Plot
Interpreting a Box-
and-Whisker Plot*
Comparing Box-and-
Whisker Plots**
Investment 4: 1-9,
Think Tank: p. 39

This document has been prepared by Carolyn Gould, Resource Person for MAPCO.
It is available on the MAPCO website:
Mathematics 416

Carrousel 4: Chapter 4
Topic Time Priority 1 Optional Omit

Class Homework

4. Measures of 6% √ Types of Measures Investment 5: 8,

Position Quintile Rank 10
(pp. 40 - 60) Investment 5: 1-7, Think Tank: p. 45
9 Investment 6: 12,
Percentile Rank 15, 16
Investment 6: 1-11, Think Tank: p. 49:
13, 14 c
Think Tank: p. 49: Workout 10: 12,
a, b 15, 16
Percentile Rank
Investment 7: 1-4
Think Tank: p. 52
Workout 10: 1-11,
13, 14
Pop Quiz 10

5. Data 7% √ Distribution Tables Workout 11: 11,

Interpretation Graphs 13, 14, 17
(pp. 61 - 84) Measures of Central
Measures of
Measures of
Investment 8: 1-10
Think Tank: p. 72
Workout 11: 1-10,
12, 15, 16
Pop Quiz 11

* p. 34 b) should read as follows: In which quarter of the distribution are the results
concentrated most densely?

** p. 35 a) should read as follows: Which league is represented by the top diagram?

f) should read as follows: In which quarter ...

This document has been prepared by Carolyn Gould, Resource Person for MAPCO.
It is available on the MAPCO website:

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