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V PhyACh19_15

Giancoli; Physics; 5th ed.

V PhyACh19_15 Consider the network of resistors shown in the figure below. Answer ualitati!ely" a# $hat ha%%ens to the !oltage across each resistor when switch & is closed' b# $hat ha%%ens to the current through each when the switch is closed' c# $hat ha%%ens to the %ower out%ut of the battery when the switch is closed' d#

(et R1 = R, = R+ = R* = 1)) and V = *5) V . -eter.ine the current through each resistor before and after closing the switch. Are your ualitati!e %rediction confir.ed'

&uggested solution"

-ata" R1 = R, = R+ = R* = 1)) / V = *5) V Proble." I1 = ' ; I , = ' ; I + = ' ; I * = ' 0 uestions a/ b/ c. a# $hen switch & is closed/ due to the fact that the new resistance/ R, / is in %arallel with the other two resistances/ R+ / 0 R* / the total resistance of the circuit decreases. 1herefore/ the total current in the circuit increases. 1his %roduces/ in return/ a larger %otential dro% in the first resistor/ R1 / i.e. V1 increases. 1herefore/ the %otential difference across the re.aining resistors decreases by the sa.e a.ount/ i.e. V+ =V* decreases. 2b!iously/ the %otential dro% across the second resistor/ i.e. V, increases fro. 3ero to V, =V+ =V* . b# As answered abo!e/ when the switch is closed/ the current through the first resistor increases. i.e. I 1 increases. 4ut de%ending on the resistance of the newly added resistor the currents through the third and fourth resistor .ay decrease or increase. 1his is due to the fact that these resistors share the current which %asses through the first resistor. 2b!iously the current through the second resistor increases fro. none5e6istence to a finite !alue. c# -ue to the reasons e6%lained in detail/ when the switch is closed/ the total resistance of the syste. decreases which in return causes an increase in the total current %assing through the battery. 1herefore/ due to the fact that the %ower dissi%ated in the circuit is a linear function of both current and !oltage/ i.e. P = VI / the total %ower dissi%ated in the circuit should increase. d#

R, = R+ = R* = 1))

are connected in %arallel. 1herefore/ the e ui!alent

resistance of these three resistors is"

1 1 1 1 + 1)) = + + = R,+* = R,+* R, R+ R+ 1)) +

1his 7e ui!alent8 resistor is connected in series to total resistance of the circuit is

R1 = 1))

. 1herefore the

Rtot = R1 + R,+* = 1)) +

1)) *)) = + +

9sing 2h.:s law/ we .ay calculate the total current %assing through the circuit ;and the battery#"

V = RI I =

V *5.) *5.) + *5.) ,= = = = = A R Rtot *)) *)) <) +

> beh3ad..assou.3adeh?


V PhyACh19_15

Giancoli; Physics; 5th ed.

1his current is shared by the other three resistors e ually. 1herefore/ after the switch is closed the following currents are going to %ass the resistors"

I1 =

,= 9 A; I , = I + = I * = A . <) <)

Anitially/ when the resistor nu.ber two was not connected to the circuit/ we would ha!e instead"

1 1 1 , 1)) = + = R,+* = = 5) R+* R+ R+ 1)) , Rtot = R1 + R+* = 1)) + 5) = 15)

V = RI I = V *5.) = = ).+ A R 15)
1his current is shared by the other two resistors e ually. 1herefore/ before the switch is closed the following currents %assed through the resistors"

I1 = ).+ A; I+ = I * = ).15 A

1herefore/ as %redicted abo!e/ after the switch is closed/ the current through the first resistor increases/ but through the other resistors decreases"

,= 9 I1 = A > ).+ A; I , = I+ = I * = A < ).15 A <) <)

(et R1 = R, = R+ = R* = 1)) and V = *5) V . -eter.ine the current through each resistor before and after closing the switch. Are your ualitati!e %rediction c 4ecause/ the needed resistance is s.aller than the resistance %ut by .istake in the circuit/ it is sufficient to connect this .istakenly connected resistor in %arallel by a resistor in such a way that the e ui!alent resistance of the co.bination is
1 Rneeded =


$hat ha%%ens to the %ower out%ut of the battery when the switch is closed'

Rneeded = +,)


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 +, 1 = + = + = = = Req RM RC *<) +,) RC RC +,) *<) 9B) 9B)

1 1 = RC = 9B) RC 9B)
Answer" 1o correct the %roble. we .ay choose to connect a 7correction resistor8 of resistance

RC = 9B)

in %arallel with the .istakenly soldered resistor. 1he e ui!alent

> beh3ad..assou.3adeh?


V PhyACh19_15

Giancoli; Physics; 5th ed.

resistance of the new connection is then e6actly that of the needed resistance"

Rneeded = +,)

> beh3ad..assou.3adeh?


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