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Errata & FAQ

Rooms ............................................................................................................................. 5
Omen Cards .................................................................................................................... 7
Item Cards....................................................................................................................... 9
Event Cards................................................................................................................... 11
Rules ............................................................................................................................. 13
Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 17
1) The Mummy Walks .............................................................................................. 18
2) The Séance............................................................................................................ 18
3) Frog-Leg Stew ...................................................................................................... 18
5) I was a Teenage Lycanthrope ............................................................................... 19
6) The Floating Eye .................................................................................................. 19
8) Wail of the Banshee.............................................................................................. 20
9) The Dance of Death.............................................................................................. 20
11) Let Them In ........................................................................................................ 20
14) The Stars Are Right ............................................................................................ 20
16) The Phantom's Embrace ..................................................................................... 20
18) Offspring............................................................................................................. 21
21) House of the Living Dead................................................................................... 21
22) The Abyss Gazes Back ....................................................................................... 21
23) Tentacled Horror................................................................................................. 22
25) Voodoo ............................................................................................................... 22
27) Amok Flesh......................................................................................................... 22
28) Ring of King Solomon........................................................................................ 22
31) It's Alive! ............................................................................................................ 23
33) Creature from the Lake....................................................................................... 23
34) Mad, Mad World ................................................................................................ 23
35) Small Change...................................................................................................... 23
37) Checkmate .......................................................................................................... 24
39) The Heir.............................................................................................................. 24
40) Buried Alive ....................................................................................................... 24
41) Invisible Traitor .................................................................................................. 25
42) Comes the Hero .................................................................................................. 25
43) A Gathering of Shadows..................................................................................... 25
45) Tick tick tick....................................................................................................... 26
46) The Feast............................................................................................................. 26
47) Worm Ouroboros................................................................................................ 26
45) Tick tick tick
Why is the Underground Lake on the upper floor? If a hero somehow gets into the same room with the traitor and the traitor blows her
See, it's a special kind of levitating lake, and... All right, it's a misprint. Here's how to up with the proximity trigger, does it hurt the traitor at all?
handle the Underground Lake. When you find the lake on the upper floor, the floor No.
collapses, plunging you down through the ground floor and into the lake in the basement.
Put the Underground Lake tile next to any door in the basement (put it next to the
Basement Landing if no other tiles have been played in the basement yet). The spot 46) The Feast
where you intended to play this tile on the upper floor is still open and a different tile can
be played there the next time it's explored. ERRATA: Instead of the Haunt revealer, the traitor should be "Madame Zostra
(cooking) or lowest Speed."
Library, Gymnasium, Larder, Chapel -- Can you stay in one of these rooms turn
after turn to increase an attribute? Heroes are supposed to get the victims out the front door. Isn't the front door
No. Each character can receive the benefit from each room just once per game (one boost locked?
for each trait for each player, if all four rooms are in play). Most players find this easy to The escape rules were left out of this Haunt. You can attempt a Knowledge roll (picking
remember but if someone gets argumentative, keep a simple, written record. the lock) or a Might roll (breaking the lock) of 6+ to open the front door in the Entrance
Hall. If you succeed, draw an event card and end your turn. On subsequent turns all
Junk Room, Pentagram Chamber, Attic, Graveyard -- If you fail the roll to exit explorers can move out the front door to escape, then re-enter to bring out more victims.
from one of these rooms, do you stop moving besides taking damage?
No. You can exit freely, if you have the movement. The die roll is purely to avoid the Secrets of Survival states that, "If a hero begins his or her turn in the same room as
damage. a Victim, that hero can move with the Victim two spaces in any direction before
moving normally and taking actions for that turn." Does that mean that a victim
Junk Room, Pentagram Chamber, Attic, Graveyard -- If something like the Mystic may be moved multiple times in the same round by different heroes?
Slide causes you to leave one of these rooms involuntarily, do you still make a roll? Yes, it does. These folks need all the shepherding they can get.
Yes. You roll no matter what causes you to leave.

Collapsed Room -- When you turn over a room for the Collapsed Room to lead to, 47) Worm Ouroboros
where do you put the new room?
Adjacent to any basement room already in play. If no basement room is in play, place it ERRATA: Instead of "Madame Zostra (cooking) or lowest Speed," the traitor should be
adjacent to the Basement Landing. the Haunt revealer.
Collapsed Room -- If you land in a room with two parts, like the Chasm, which half ERRATA: In addition to not being affected by the Revolver, the Worm is also not
do you land in? affected by the Toy Monkey, the Dynamite, or any other Speed attack.
If anything transports you to a barrier room, you decide which side of the room to end up
in. If the arrival causes a counter to be created, as with the Collapsed Room or the Secret
Passage, then that counter is permanently on the side of the room you choose. Anything
that takes you to the Vault, however, always leaves you outside the door.

Collapsed Room -- Could a monster or player intentionally choose to fall through

the floor of the collapsed room to get to the basement?

Collapsed Room -- What does "take 1 die of physical damage" mean?

Roll one die. If the result is 1 or 2, your character takes 1 or 2 points of physical damage.
If the result is 0, you got lucky and take no damage.

5 26
41) Invisible Traitor Mystic Elevator -- If the Collapsed Room, Secret Passage, Secret Stairs, or
Revolving Wall lead to the Mystic Elevator, does the counter stay there even when
Under "Right Now," the Traitor's Tome states "Write down the room you're in. the elevator moves?
Then remove your figure from the house." If the other explorers know what room Yes. It's Mystic, after all.
the traitor starts in, and they all move before him, won't the closer ones be able to
attack him before he goes anywhere?
The strange forces that transformed the traitor also transported him. This should state that
you may write down any room in the house to start in.

Can the traitor both try to steal an item and attack someone on the same turn?

42) Comes the Hero

Once the statue has been animated, can heroes switch items in order for it to attack
a different trait?
No. Once it has been animated, it stays in one form.

If the traitor also has the Dog, could the Dog retrieve the body for the Traitor?
No. It's a big dog, but not that big.

43) A Gathering of Shadows

The shadows' movement is confusing. Do they hug the walls? How many moves does
it take them to go around corners? Can they cross the Chasm? What happens if
they get trapped behind doorways they can't get past?
A shadow must always be placed so that it is on a wall of a room. The movement rules
for doorways, however, do make this ambiguous. To simplify, use the following rule:
Errata: Ignore the sections that begin "Doorways separate walls" and "If a wall has a
doorway on it." Shadows can move across doorways in the space above or beneath the
door with no movement penalty; each wall counts as one space. It costs a shadow one
point of movement to go from the wall on one side of a doorway to the wall on the other

What about the Coal Chute room? Is it a point to go in and another to go down, or
is that only one point?
Moving from the Coal Chute or Collapsed Room to its related basement room counts as
moving one space. From a wall adjacent to either end of the Coal Chute, or from any wall
in the Collapsed Room, you can move one space to a wall adjacent to the other end of the
Coal Chute or any wall beneath the Collapsed Room. A shadow can also move up into
the Collapsed Room.

25 6
37) Checkmate
Omen Cards
Can all omen cards except for the Dog, Girl, Bite, and Madman be dropped, traded, The Traitor rules state, "You can't pick up items (even though the heroes can)."
or stolen? Does this refer to regular item cards or just the special items that the heroes are
Yes. looking for?
You can still pick up and carry regular items; you aren't allowed to carry the special
If you use the Crystal Ball to search for a room, can you look through both the draw items.
stack and the discard stack?
No. In fact, you can't use the Crystal Ball to search for rooms at all (even though the card
text states that you can). The Crystal Ball can be used only to look through undrawn Item 39) The Heir
and Event cards (not discarded Item or Event cards).
The Survival book states, "The haunt revealer … secretly chooses which hero is the
Do the Dog, Girl, or Madman omens have any stats? Their tokens show them heir. The haunt revealer then writes down that character's name on a piece of
stunned on the opposite side. Can they be affected by traps or attacked by monsters paper." Who chooses the heir if the haunt revealer is also the traitor?
or the traitor? In that case, the hero to the traitor's left should pick who the heir is.
These tokens have "stunned" printed on one side because in certain scenarios they may
become monsters. The rest of the time, they act like items that can't be dropped, traded, ERRATA: When the Haunt Revealer chooses who the heir is, he must choose someone
or stolen. Unless they become monsters, their counters don't even need to be used. other than himself. This prevents the heroes from winning instantly if the Revealer
happens to already have the Ring.

40) Buried Alive

Under "Right Now," the Traitor's Tome states, "Choose a basement room in the
house. Secretly write down your choice. The person you buried is in that room."
What if no one's been in the basement yet, so the only room there is the Landing?
If there are fewer than five rooms, including the landing, currently in the basement, the
traitor may draw and place basement rooms until there are five before writing down
which one is the burial room.

Under "The Spirit Board," Secrets of Survival states "When you use the Spirit
Board to find the burial room, you can't take any other actions that turn." Does this
mean you just stop moving at the time you use it, or does it mean you cannot move
at all or do anything else on a turn you use it?
The latter.

Under "The Spirit Board," Secrets of Survival states "5-6 Roll 2 dice; your friend
can raise one trait by an amount equal to the result." But the traitor just seems to be
keeping track of our friend's total damage, not individual traits.
That's correct, there are no traits. Just roll two dice and tell the traitor to subtract the
result from your friend's damage total.

7 24
Where are the statistics for the Demon Lord?
Devoured by the greater demon of editing. Here they are: Speed 1, Might 7, Sanity 7.

31) It's Alive!

Heroes are affected by organs if they move into a room with them. Are they also
affected if they begin a turn in a room that contains an organ?

33) Creature from the Lake

Can the traitor go out onto the lake, too, to fight his enemies?
Yes. The character must make a strength roll for movement but doesn't need to roll to
search for the girl.

34) Mad, Mad World

The rules state that the Madman leaves whoever has that card and comes to me.
What do I do with him? Is he one of the servants?
No, he just adds to your Might like it states on his card.

The rules state, "If you defeat a Servant or the traitor with a Might attack, you grab
your opponent instead of stunning or inflicting damage." However, "You can only
carry one person at a time." What happens if you are carrying somebody and you
get attacked and are victorious? Does the person you're carrying escape?
The rules should state, "you may grab your opponent." If you decide not to grab, then you
may stun him or her normally.

35) Small Change

The Survival rules state, "You can't leave the house until all living explorers have
been picked up." Does this mean the heroes must pick up the traitor as well?
No, this should state that you need to pick up all living heroes.

If you're in the airplane, the plane has a Speed of 5. Does this mean that all the
players (except the traitor) in the plane move the plane at a speed of 5 on each of
their turn(s)? Or is it just the player with the highest speed that gets to move the
plane on his or her turn, and the other players in the plane are just along for the
The latter. Things should move fairly quickly once the heroes get the plane started.

23) Tentacled Horror
Item Cards
The Armor card states "Any time you take physical damage, reduce it by one." Is When you use the Crystal Ball to learn which room the head is in, do you get that
this applied only once on your turn, the way most items are used, or is it "always room from the deck if it isn't out yet, or must you locate the room itself normally?
on"? You must search for the room and find it normally.
It is always on. Are all the tentacles put out immediately in rooms that already are in play when the
Haunt is discovered, or can the traitor save some tentacles for rooms that get
Armor -- If something specifically states lose 1 speed (such as a room roll failure or discovered later?
an item side effect), is the armor able to prevent the damage? You may save some tentacles for later if you wish.
No. The armor doesn't protect you from things that cause you to lose Might or Speed
(such as some loathsome illness). It only protects you from things that do physical
damage, such as combat. It also doesn't protect you from having other items stolen 25) Voodoo
through combat if someone beats your roll by two or more.
ERRATA: In the Traitor's Tome, change "You Win When … all the heroes are dead" to
The Axe, Spear, and Blood Dagger all state "Roll x additional dice when making a "You Win When … at least half the heroes are dead."
Might attack with this weapon." Does this mean you don't get any bonus when
you're defending against someone else's attack while carrying the weapon? Can heroes find and destroy other heroes' dolls?
Yes. The bonus is only for attacking. No. Each hero may only find and destroy his or her own doll.

Can I carry more than one of the Axe, Spear, and Blood Dagger and decide which If a hero dies, is his or her doll immediately destroyed?
one to use during an attack? Yes.

If I have the Blood Dagger, can I decide not to use in a particular attack? 27) Amok Flesh
Yes. The use of any weapon is optional. If you don't add the three dice for the Blood
Dagger, then you don't lose any Speed. You still take two dice of physical damage if it The rules state, "Each time an explorer finds an ingredient, that explorer can use
gets stolen, however, regardless of whether you've ever used it. one space of movement while in an adjacent room (with a connecting door) to throw
the ingredient into the Blob." Does that mean you can only throw the ingredient on
Dynamite -- The card states that any explorer or monster that fails its speed roll the same turn you find the ingredient? Or can you hold onto the ingredient and
takes four points of physical damage. I thought monsters didn't take physical throw it later?
damage. What does this mean? Yes, you can throw it on a later turn. The ingredient is essentially an item, which is
A monster that fails its speed roll is treated the same as if it had been defeated in physical represented by the Knowledge token. This also means an ingredient can be stolen by the
combat, so some monsters will be stunned and others killed, depending on the scenario. traitor.
Incorporeal monsters such as ghosts that can't be attacked physically are not affected by
the dynamite. Monsters that start the scenario with either no Might score or no Speed
score are not affected by the dynamite. 28) Ring of King Solomon
Can the Toy Monkey attack multiple times in the same turn, if it is carried through ERRATA: The traitor should not be the discoverer. Change the traitor to "Highest
several rooms containing monsters and/or explorers? knowledge not discoverer."
No. Once the monkey has attacked, it cannot attack again until next turn. Bad monkey! If
the room contains several possible targets, the monkey's owner decides which one it The Traitor's Tome states, "Choose a room…with an event symbol," but then it
attacks. shows an omen symbol. Which is it?
The book should show an event symbol.

9 22
The rules state heroes can win by escaping from the house. How do we escape?
The escape rules got left out of this Haunt. You can attempt a Knowledge roll (picking
the lock) or a Might roll (breaking the lock) of 6+ to open the front door in the Entrance
Hall. If you succeed, draw an event card and end your turn. On subsequent turns all
explorers can move out the front door to escape.

What do I need to roll to blow up the house with six players?


18) Offspring

If a hero holds his breath to move through rooms with spores, and then spends the
next turn catching his breath (not moving) in a room with a spore in it, how much
damage does the hero take?
One die of damage.

21) House of the Living Dead

If a hero gets killed and becomes a zombie, can that character still move
independently or does the zombie lord control him or her?
The character can move independently. (You still have some shreds of intelligence left,
even if it is focused entirely on eating your friends.)

The rules state, "Put a number of Zombie tokens equal to the number of players in
the following rooms (in order): Crypt, Graveyard, Entrance Hall, Chapel,
Conservatory, and Pentagram Chamber." What happens if there are more players
than the number of these rooms that have been discovered?
In that case, keep distributing zombies evenly in these rooms until there is one zombie for
each player. Then go to the next step and place another Zombie in each room that has at
least one.

22) The Abyss Gazes Back

If an exorcism is successfully completed in, say, the Chapel, and then the Chapel
gets sucked away, does the exorcism still count? In other words, once an exorcism
roll has been completed, is it permanent?

If there are two adjacent tiles to be destroyed and you are standing on one of them,
can you try to dive to the other one, and from there to safety?
No. You can "dive to safety" only once per turn.

8) Wail of the Banshee
Event Cards
If you've been pinned by Debris, can you take an action in the room (such as rolling If heroes take the Spirit Board from the traitor, is the hero carrying the board
a die)? immune to the banshee?
No. She recognizes who her enemies are.
No. The only thing you can do while you're pinned is to roll and attempt to free yourself.
On certain rolls, the banshee moves semi-randomly during its turn. What does it
The Image in the Mirror (reversed) card lets you draw an item card. Why does it mean to "turn left, if possible"?
have text about discarding this card if you don't already have another Item card? It might be easier to imagine that the banshee hugs a particular wall. On a roll of 1, she
Ignore the boldface text on this card that states, "If you don't have any item cards …" etc. hugs the left-hand wall. (So she could still exit a room by turning right, if no other exit
was available.) On a roll of 3, she hugs the right-hand wall. Either way, she always takes
The Image in the Mirror Omen card causes you to lose an item. Does it affect her full movement.
Omens that are also items, such as the Book?
9) The Dance of Death
Does the Moment of Hope card affect traitors, too?
No. This card should state, "Each hero." The Survival Manual states that explorers who fail their Sanity rolls move toward
the Ballroom, and those who fail in the Ballroom become traitors. The Traitor's
Does the Moment of Hope card affect combat? Tome, however, states, "If an explorer fails this roll, that explorer becomes a
No. traitor." Which is correct?
Secrets of Survival is correct.
The Mystic Slide card states that on a Might roll of 5+, the explorer can end up in
any explored room on a level below the slide. If the slide is discovered in an Upper
Level room, can the explorer end up in a basement room, or does "a level below the 11) Let Them In
slide" mean "one level below the slide?"
"A level below the slide" means any level. If you found this card on the top floor and Which rooms have outside-facing windows?
controlled your slide, you could go to any room on the Ground Floor or in the Basement. There are six Specter tokens for a reason: there are exactly six rooms with windows. Two
of them are on the starting ground floor tile: The Grand Staircase and The Entrance Hall
Do the Secret Stairs and Secret Passage lead to a room that's already discovered or (which doesn't actually have a window, but you are instructed to put one there). The other
a new room? four are the Master Bedroom, Bedroom, Chapel, and Dining Room.
A room already discovered.

Does a "passage" leading from the Secret Stairs or Secret Passage use up a door 14) The Stars Are Right
No. What happens if more cans of paint need to be placed than there are legal rooms to
place them in at the beginning of the Haunt?
Does using the Secret Stairs or Secret Passage count as an extra tile for movement In that case, the heroes need to discover rooms that haven't been found yet.
These cards state, "Moving from one Secret Passage/Stairs token to the other counts as
moving one space." No matter how far apart the rooms actually are, you can move from
16) The Phantom's Embrace
one room directly to the other as if they were adjacent -- meaning you pay one move. The
passageway itself is not considered an additional space.
Both the Survival and Traitor's books mention the Phantom showing up in rooms
with the event symbol, but then they show the omen symbol. Which is it?
Can you use the Secret Stairs or Secret Passage on the turn they are discovered,
The books should show an event symbol.
even if you've used up all your movement?

11 20
Does casting the spell on the witch do anything else to her besides making it possible
to defeat her? Can monsters use the Secret Stairs, Secret Passage, Revolving Wall, and Mystic
No. Slide to move around?
Yes. It's their house, after all. (Besides, it's possible for these to create areas of the house
Can frogs do anything on their turn if they are being carried? that can't be reached any other way, and some scenarios won't work if monsters can't
No. reach all rooms.) Ignore the section of the rules that states, "unless those cards state that
only explorers can use them." Also, a monster wouldn't need to roll to use the revolving
Can the traitor do anything with the Book if he or she manages to get it from the wall.
Nothing beyond trying to make sure that they don't get it back.

Can the witch pick up the book?


Can the witch pick up a frog?

No. The only creatures that can affect frogs are the cat and the other heroes.

5) I was a Teenage Lycanthrope

What happens if a werewolf or the dog are defeated without silver bullets?
That's impossible. Nothing can affect werewolves until the heroes get the gun and silver

Will a single shot with the Silver Bullets kill a Werewolf?


If another explorer becomes a werewolf, does he or she get all the werewolf benefits
listed in the Traitor's book under "Right Now" and "You must do this on your

6) The Floating Eye

Can heroes attack the eyeball normally to stun it?


The rules state, "Instead of making a Might attack, an Alien can make a Sanity
attack against each of the explorers in the same room." Can it make a normal attack
instead if it wishes to?
Yes. Being smacked by a giant, floating eyeball is no fun.

19 12
Rules 1) The Mummy Walks
Are all trait scores and carried items/omens public knowledge or can you refuse to
answer questions about them? The traitor should be the haunt revealer, not the person to the revealer's left.
They are public knowledge. Keep your character card and you Item and Omen cards face Survival Book -- The rules state, "On a turn after you discover the name, while you
up. have the Book, you can attempt a Knowledge roll of 5+ to find the name." This
seems contradictory. What does it mean?
Certain scenarios state that things must be done a number of times equal to the Once you've learned the name of this particular mummy, you need to search the book for
number of explorers. Does this include explorers who get killed? the proper spell to banish it -- and the book doesn't have an index. So you're searching the
Yes. book for a spell of the same name.

Certain scenarios state to place the marker on the Turn/Damage track on the space What if the Traitor has the book?
marked zero. There is no zero on the track. Then the other explorers need to get it back!
Just put it as far to the left as you can and then move it to "1" on the Traitor's first turn.
Must the same explorer make both rolls?
Certain scenarios tell the heroes to go through a deck and get a particular Item or No.
Omen card. How do we decide which hero gets it?
If everyone can agree who would be best to have it, then that person gets it. If you can't If might and speed are both at their lowest level, can the mummy then kill heroes?
decide, it goes to either the discoverer or the person to the left of the discoverer, Yes.
whichever one isn't the traitor.

If someone in the house makes a knowledge roll to find out a particular piece of 2) The Séance
information (a mummy's name, a room that needs to be visited, etc.), do all the
other explorers know this information automatically? ERRATA: If the ghost ends any turn in a collapsed room, you must place it in the
Yes. Pentagram Chamber. If the Pentagram Chamber has collapsed or isn't on the board, place
it on the Entrance Hall.
When you enter a room that has either an item, omen, or event, but also has text on
the tile, such as the Gym, which do you do first? The rules state that players can make a séance roll only if they have the Spirit Board
End your movement and draw a card first. Then follow any instructions on the tile. or are in the Pentagram Chamber. But the traitor has the Spirit Board, and other
characters aren't allowed to attack until after the séance is completed, so how can
Can you make more than one die roll on your turn? you get the board?
Yes. For example, if you discover the Vault and the event card you draw there states that The traitor might draw an event card that causes him or her to drop the board. Otherwise,
the Safe is present as well, you could attempt to open both on your turn. You cannot, you'll have to find the Pentagram Chamber to complete the séance.
however, try to make the same roll more than once per turn. For example, you couldn't
keep rolling to open the Vault until you succeeded. If the ghost makes a sanity attack and loses, is it stunned?
The rules state, "Add each new tile as logically as you can, creating adjacent rooms
with connecting doors. (Connect doorways whenever possible.)" What if it isn't
possible, and you have to place a door or window next to a wall? 3) Frog-Leg Stew
If two connected features don't match, then you've created a false door or window (not
uncommon in haunted houses). You can't move through these false features. False How can the witch be killed?
windows between rooms do not count as windows for the purposes of any scenario or Once you have cast Form of Mortal on the witch, any successful attack of any sort will
card. defeat her and win the game.

What happens if a floor gets closed off so that there are no more available doors to
explore or connect rooms to and you still need to add a room tile?

13 18
This is a rare occurrence, but it is a possibility. To correct it, add this rule: You may not
Scenarios play a tile in such a way that it completely seal off a level. If a tile could only be played
1) The Mummy Walks in such a way that a level would be sealed off with no free doorways left, then discard
2) The Séance that tile and draw new ones until you draw one that leaves a free doorway.
3) Frog-Leg Stew
5) I was a Teenage Lycanthrope You must stop moving when you draw a card, but can you do other things?
6) The Floating Eye Yes, you can do other things after drawing a card; you just can't move. For example, on
8) Wail of the Banshee the turn you discover the vault (and draw an event card), you can also try to open the
9) The Dance of Death vault.
11) Let Them In
14) The Stars Are Right Do you draw a card only when you discover a room, or each time you enter it?
16) The Phantom's Embrace Only when you discover it.
18) Offspring
21) House of the Living Dead Drawing Omen, Item, and Event Cards -- What happens if I discover a new room
22) The Abyss Gazes Back due to the Collapsed Room or the effects of an event card, like The Lost One or the
23) Tentacled Horror Walls? If the new room has an icon, do I draw another card?
25) Voodoo Yes.
27) Amok Flesh
28) Ring of King Solomon When encountering the Chasm, Catacombs, Vault, or Tower, the rules state "If you
31) It's Alive! fail the roll, you can't cross the barrier, though you can still move back the way you
33) Creature from the Lake came." But the tiles state, "If you fail, you stop moving." Which is correct?
34) Mad, Mad World The tiles. Your movement ends if you fail the roll.
35) Small Change
37) Checkmate The manual states, "Some items, like the Armor, can't be traded, but they can be
39) The Heir dropped or picked up." The Armor card states, "This item can't be stolen," but it
40) Buried Alive doesn't mention anything about being traded. Which is correct?
41) Invisible Traitor The card is correct. When in doubt, assume that cards and tiles trump the rules.
42) Comes the Hero
43) A Gathering of Shadows When making an attack, what happens if you use an item that stuns monsters (such
45) Tick tick tick as the druidic bracelet) against creatures that are destroyed when defeated? Such
46) The Feast creatures do not have the "S" stun symbol on the backs of their tokens.
47) Worm Ouroboros The creatures would still be stunned, even though they don't have an S. Just remember to
flip them back up on their turn.

Do all attacks use Might unless there is a card or ability that states otherwise?

What happens if you discover an Omen room after the Haunt has been revealed?
You draw and keep the Omen card, but you don't make a Haunt roll.

When making a Haunt Roll, the rules state the roll must be less than the number of
Omens drawn, while the following example states less than or equal. Which is
Both are. The example states that you had four Omens on the table when you drew a new
one, and a roll of four or less will trigger the haunt. That's slightly confusing, but five
Omens are in play when the roll is made, so the example is also correct.

17 14
Can heroes slow down monsters and traitors using the rules for Moving Past
Opponents (pg. 12)?

The Traitor's New Powers and How Monsters Work rules state that traitors and
monsters "ignore all non-damaging" room features and effects. What are some
examples of non-damaging room features?
It might be clearer if it was worded like this: "Traitors and monsters can use any
beneficial text on a room tile (such as the movement from the Collapsed Room or the
Gallery) while ignoring any harmful text (damage from these two rooms, or from the
Furnace Room, the Crypt, and the Junk Room, or the turn-ending text on the Chasm and
the Tower)." Monsters are also able to climb up the Coal Chute and Collapsed Room and
down from the Gallery without making a roll, so they can't be trapped on a floor.

Can you attack a monster that is stunned?

You could, but there would be no additional effect -- a stunned monster can't be stunned
more. If the monster had items, then you could steal one using the stealing rules.

When monsters enter the Mystic Elevator, can they move it to any floor they wish
without rolling the way traitors do?
Yes. They can still only use it once per turn, though.


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