Soalan English Paper 1 Year 3

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Choose the best answer from the options marked A , B , C and D.

Then, on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. SECTION A Questions 1- 10 Choose the correct answers. 1 The __________ is a wild animal. A B C cat bear camel donkey

! The calendar is ________________. A B C oval round trian"le rectan"le

# $ohn uses a pair of _____________ while playin" in the park. A B C shoes boots sneakers rollerblades

% The pupils love &iss 'ee because she is a kind _____________. A B C clerk nurse teacher policewoman


Questions 5 7 (eplace the pictures with the correct phrases. Aman wants to make a paper wei"ht. )irst, he cleans ________________ *+, with soap and water.

Then he dries it with a cloth. -e ____________________ *., with a brush. 'astly, he puts the stone in the _________________. */, + A a wood B a cloth C a stone a paper A wipes the stone B cleans the stone C paints the stone washes the stone A sun to dry B sun to burn C sun to cook sun to bake


Question 8 - 10 Choose the correct answer. 0 A The bird is sittin" on the door. B C The bird is sittin" on the roof. The bird is sittin" on the window.


There is a pillow on the bed. There is a picture on the bed. There is a table beside the bed.



This is a carrot. 3t is not a cucumber. This is a cucumber. 3t is not a bean. This is a tomato. 3t is not a cucumber.


SECTION B Questions 11 15 Choose the most suitable answer to fit the situation in the picture. 11 A Twice a day. B )or fifteen minutes. C 3n the mornin" and evenin".



4es, it is. 5o strai"ht. 3t6s across the road.



3t6s all ri"ht. 4es, of course. 4ou6re welcome.

1% A B C 3 am a hawker. This is a stall. 4es, 3 do.



A 7orrid"e is "ood for you . B 4es, there6s porrid"e. C 4es, of course.

SECTION C Questions 1 !0 Choose the correct answer. 1. 8e have a bun"alow by ______________ sea. A B C a an the

1/ Ali is the __________ badminton player in his school. A B C 10 A B C best "ood better The children ___________milk everyday. drink drinks drinkin"


11 8ould you like mutton soup ___________chicken soup9 . A B C or but and

!2 :heila wrote a letter ___________ her friend yesterday. A B C to at for

Question !1 Choose the word that has the opposite "e#nin$ to the word underlined. !1 &y father is t#ll but my mother is __________ A B C bi" lon" short

Questions !! !% Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. !! A B C :arah, where are you "oin" ; :arah, where are you "oin". :arah, where are you "oin"9 Apples, oran"es and pears are fruits. Apples oran"es and pears are fruits. Apples, oran"es, and pears are fruits.

!# A B C


Questions !& !5 Choose the correct answer. !% 3 saw an _________________ in the <oo yesterday. A B C elepant aliphant elephant

!+ =ncik Ahmad rides on his _______________ to work. A motosikal B motocycle C motorcicle motorcycle


SECTION D Questions ! %0 'ook at the picture carefully and then read the passa"e carefully. Based on the picture and passa"e,choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

-on" has a very bi" bedroom. __________ bed is near the *!., window. There are some books __________ a table lamp on the * !/ , desk. -on" _________ his bedroom everyday. -is room is very * !0 , ___________ and tidy. There is a pail ___________ -on"6s bed. *!1, * #2 ,


A -is B -er C They




A so B but C and A mop B mops C mopped A wet B dirty C clean A on B under C beside




SECTION E Questions %1 %5 (ead the passa"e carefully and choose the correct answers.


4a<id wants to "o to the library. -e wants to borrow a book. 4a<id > 3 want to "o to the library. Can you please tell me the way9

7refect > 8alk alon" this way and you will see the bookshop on your ri"ht. There is a canteen on you left. 4a<id > ?h; 3s the library near the bookshop9

7refect > @o, you have to walk strai"ht until you see a pond and the library is beside it. 4a<id #1 A B C #! A B C ## A B C > Thank you very much.

4a<id wants to "o to the ____________ . pond library bookshop 4a<id will see a __________on his left. toilet canteen bookshop 8hat does 4a<id have to do when he sees the bookshop9 -e has to ________________________ . turn left turn ri"ht turn around walk strai"ht



#% The word it in the dialo"ue refers to the ________________ A B C #+ A B C pond library bookshop. 8hy is 4a<id "oin" to the library9 -e wants to ____________ a book. buy sell borrow

Questions % &0 (ead the passa"e below carefully and choose the correct answer.



?nce upon a time, there was a farmer who had a buffalo. The buffalo helped the farmer to plou"h his paddy field. =very evenin" the farmer tied the buffalo outside the house and went home. ?ne day, when he opened his front door, his do" Aumped up to "reet him. -e was very happy and patted the do". The buffalo saw this and thou"ht, B 3 will Aump up and "reet my master tomorrow.C The neDt mornin", the farmer went to untie the buffalo. The buffalo Aumped up to lick the farmer. -e shouted at the buffalo an"rily.


The farmer had a ___________ A B C cow and a do" buffalo and a cat do" and a buffalo cow and a buffalo

#/ The farmer used the buffalo to ______________. A B C carry thin"s pull the cart "uard his house plou"h the paddy field


8hat did the do" do when the farmer opened the front door9 A B 3t barked at the farmer. 3t Aumped up and bit the farmer



C 3t Aumped up to "reet the farmer. 8here did the farmer tie the buffalo9 -e tied the buffalo ____________ the house. A inside B outside C in front of


8hy do you think the farmer shouted at the buffalo9 A The buffalo ran away. B The farmer was happy. C The farmer was an"ry.


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