Industrial Revolution FRQ

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The late 18th to mid-19th century was a time of peace throughout Europe.

The population rose drastically, and items like wood and cotton were needed in greater quantities. The discovery of coal in Britain as a more productive heating element paved the way for the creation of the steam engines. Coal and iron were in great abundance in Great Britain making iron tools and machinery, cheaper to make and power. Much of the governments authority came from parliament ensuring that taxes and laws are fair. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain because Britain had the finest economic, political and geographical conditions in all of Europe. As Great Britains population increased, so did the greater demand for work. The production of goods and services generated new jobs and even new cities. There was a rapidly expanding working class with extra money to spend. Everything from small trinkets to lavishing pottery was made for the different classes. Great Britain thrived economically because of the large amounts of raw materials that could be manufactured and exported as goods to other countries. The idea of capitalism allowed people to make what they want without having to worry that the government will try to censor or control their work. As a result factories sprawled out across Britain with assembly lines making everything from buttons to small metal boxes with secret compartments. The demand for new skills, disciplines, and larger labor forces raised the standard for living. Unlike any country in Europe Great Britains monarch and parliament did not interfere with trade. The introduction of Free Trade to Britain unhindered the purchase and sale of goods and services between countries without the imposition of constraints, which maximized

the economic output and embraced income growth for their citizens. Great Britain was also the only country in Europe that didnt have any censorship laws. Ideas could be spread among philosophers and inventors without having to be looked over by higher authority. This allowed the ideas and designs to be universally used and improved throughout Britain. The freedoms of trade and exchange of ideas in Britain helped the Industrial Revolution expand rapidly. Britains geographical features where key to the Industrial Revolution. The abundance of natural resources like coal, iron, and cotton meant that fewer items needed to be imported. The raw materials could also be sold to other countries. Great Britain is an island nation separated from the main land with many rivers great for travel. Canals where built throughout Great Britain letting people transport goods with little difficulty. Great Britain became a vast naval power with colonies overseas to make trading faster and more efficient. The ports and canal systems made Great Britain one of the largest exporters in Europe. Any items needed were also imported with ease. Intellectual freedom, geographical features, and free trade were why the Industrial Revolution was able to thrive in Great Britain.

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