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USB Telephone Recording System

User Manual

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

Table of Contents
The First Chapter: Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 The Second Chapter: Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 The Third Chapter: Technic arameter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! The Fourth chapter: Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #$% C Con&iguration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #$2 Installation Steps----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #$3 Remo'e the de'ice sa&ely ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%% The Fi&th chapter: So&t(are )peration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%2 !$% Startup System ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%2 !$2 Main Inter&ace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%3 !$3 *ogin----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%# !$# Recording Setting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%! !$! arameter Setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%+ !$!$% Recording Item -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%, !$!$2 Item ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 !$!$3 ass(ord Item --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2# !$!$# *anguage Item --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2# !$!$! /0tension Item --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2! !$!$" )ther Item -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2" !$" Recording 1uery -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2+ !$+ Unans(ered Call -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 !$, *og Bro(se -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 !$2 opup Setting------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 !$2$%Introduction o& popup system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 !$2$2 Installation step -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3# !$2$3 Setting /0ample ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3" !$2$# 3escription o& Incoming Call in&ormation------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 The Si0th Chapter /0amples o& opup using:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------#%

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

The &irst chapter:System Introduction

Than4s &or using hone Recording System5 )n some special occasion6 must sa'e phone call content $There&ore6it is 'ery important to install a good Telephone Recording System . 7 good hone Recording System must record correct 6high 8uality call content 6(hich is easy to 8uery$ By our many years o& e0perience in 'oice technology and the most ad'ance digital technology6 9e de'elop time$ hone Recording System6(hich can run 9in+ system 326" and can record6 monitor and in8uire multi-routes phone call at the same

hone Recording System is (idely used in commercial call6electric po(er dispatch6hotline call 6complain call6 &inancial and stoc4 6tra&&ic and transportation 6and so on$

The Second chapter:Main function

%$ )peration System
Supporting 9indo(s2,; 2<<<;-T;= >ersion6 /nglish operation system$ ;(in+ Simpli&ied Chinese >ersion6 Traditional Chinese

2. Unans(ered Call
It can record the unans(ered call i& your telephone line is applied &or caller id &unction$

3$ Multi-(ay o& starting record

The system has >oltage Control6?ey Control6Sound Control and so on$$Start time o& recording can .e set &reely @can record some duration 6or record (hole a day$

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

4.3etect 3irection
It can auto detect the incoming call and outgoing call direction $

!$ Real time monitoring

Can monitor e'ery real-time con'ersation o& e0tension$

6. Auto recording circularly

Can set # dis4 at most6 (hich is harddis4 or su.area$ I& system hard dis4 (ill .e &ully occupied6it (ill delete pre'ious record content so that system can operate continuously $ . Bac!up automatically It can .ac4 up some important in&ormation .y the customer need$ 7ccording to the user As demand 6it can .ac4up the recording &ile to any catalog or C3$

,$ "all Management
7d'anced call management &unction-Can list 6print and statistical all incoming and outgoing call $

#.*og )peration
The system has the integrity operation log6it can record all o& the system operation$

$%.Business Management
It can pop up the clientBs detail in&ormation o& incoming call i& you add the client in&ormation to your in&ormation .an4$$ It also can record your clientBs address6telephone num.er6 .usiness record and so on contents$This system .ecomes your .usiness helper$

%%$ /0tension Record

7&ter the recording system is connected to B= 6it (ill record the e0tension particular in&ormation and can designate (hich e0tension in not recording status.

$2. &A' (uery

It can 8uery and listen the recording &ile in the other C .y *7- a&ter you installing the telephone recording system$

%3$ User Management

The system has multile'el user management &unction6do relati'e operation according to di&&erent authoriCation$

%#$ Using Range

Telephone line &or outside line6 e0tension line6 IS3- and analog lines$

$) A*"
Telephone Recording System can slo'e the pro.lem a.out .oth sides con'ersation sound no im.alance6li4e one side sound small6and the other side is too .ig$

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

The Third chapter: Technical +arameter

Compression times:%;2;# The most consume po(er: 10W Temperature: !<C-#< Signal -oise roportion :"<dB Dumidity: !E-,!E Fre8uency:3<<F3#<<DG3dB Resistance:3CH, MI67CH%<<4I$ 3ata rate: %" ?.ps:32?.ps$";%s$ Inter&ace (ay:RJ%%$ Recording distortion: 2E Main call FS?36TMF$ FS? concoct mode:*ogic 0: 2200Hz1% Logic 1: 1200Hz1%. Calling monitor: Sgnal tone6>oice6 arity re'ersal$ 3TMF code: <F2,K6L676B6C63 /0change &unction:2!" Channel e0change$ >oice &ile:97>6TS26TS#$ hone 'oltage standard:#<-%2<>Mringing: %,-#,MIdle: !-%+>MDoo4 o&&: 3$2>Mpo(er o&&:

The Fourth chapter:System Installation In order to ma4e USB hone Recording System operate normally6 (e recommend C re8uirement according the &ollo(ing$

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual 4.$ C Con&iguration

C U Speed N ,<<MDG entium % USB inter&ace a.o'e$ Memory :!%2M Darddis4N%"<OMIn compression %:%63!hour;O6$ i& %:# 6 %#<hour;O$6!"<<hours;#<O6%2<<<hours;,<O$: 7udio

4.2 ,nstallation step:

#$2$% Connecting the USB 'oicelogger system (ith the C6as pic sho(n$

#$2$2 The connecting mode as .elo($

ic %

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

#$2$3 Insert the C3 into C6and install the system dri'er$ a$ 3.lclic4 USBP3ri'erPSetup$e0ein C3 to install the dri'er6as pic:

.$ Clic4 Q)?R6as pic .elo($

c$ Clic4 QinstallR6as pic .elo($

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

d$Clic4 Qne0tRS

e$Clic4 QContinueR6as .elo($

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

&$ Then clic4 QFinishR $7s .elo($

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

#$2$# Install the system ser'er$ a.-pen the USB file in "./ and d0lclic! the file 1 Setup.e2e3/then according to the guide to
finish installation.

4.4 Remo5e the de5ice safely %$ 3.lclic4 Qdelete the hard(are sa&etyR6as .elo($ 2$ Clic4 Q stopR and remo'e the e8uipment$


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

-otice: All of the a0o5e settings should 0e done on the +" turned off. ,t must 0e shut do6n
"M-S and the 7,'.-7S operating system po6er management in relation to "+U/ hard dis! and other options so that computer is al6ays running at full speed/ or it may cause une2pected errors.

The fifth chapter Soft6are -peration ).$ Startup System

/nter into 9I-3)9 operation system6then clic4 t(ice USBT shortcut mode on the des4top to enter into recording system$

InitialiCation state o& system:

%$User name:admin

ass(ord:admin$ 2$Can monitor all the channels$ 3$The recording direction is all recording #$The storage route o& recording &ile is:CUT0RecU$ !$The recording &ile compression ratio is :%:%$ "$The recording duration is 2#hours$ +$The startup (ay o& recording is ressure control$


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

).2 Main interface



USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

%$9hen system start main inter&ace 6recording system is in (or4ing status$ 2$Monitor: System can monitor li'ely$ User d.lclic4 the icon to monitor the con'ersation$ )nly
can monitor one port at one time$

3$Icon interpretation o& Channels:

Idle Monitor Incoming call Doo4ing o&&


disconnection ).4 *ogin

Sound Control Recording

Sound control

%$*ogin:7&ter input user name and pass(ord6can login$3i&&erent users ha'e di&&erent authoriCation$

3e&ault user name:admin6 ass(ord:admin *ogout:7&ter &inish operation6can logout$)ther user must login .e&ore enter into system$

).4 Recording Setting


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

User;call to input user and call o& the channel6it can .e inputed Chinese6/nglish and so on$MFig$2: Monitor: Can set to monitor or not $3e&ault all the ports can .e monitor$ Recording : Can set to record or not $3e&ault all the ports can .e monitor$ 2#-hour recording :I& (ant to record at di&&erent time section6set Q2#hours recordingto .e no$ Time section: --:--:--de&ault no set$ Time can .e di'ided into three paragraphs$For e0ample6some customer only (ant to record at ,:<<-%2:<< %#:<<-%,:<<$It can input Q<,:<<Rat QStart time%R6 Q%2:<<Rat Q/nd time%R6 Q%#:<<Rat QStart time2R6 Q%,:<<Rat Q/nd time2R$ Startup mode:There is >oltage Control6?ey Control6Sound Control6.ut de&ault >oltage ControlR$ >oltage control: Start-up the recording according to 'oltage o& phone line$That means hoo4ing o&& to record6hoo4ing on to stop recording $The mode is mostly used at analog line$

?ey control: Start-up or stop recording according to 4ey o& userBs phone$ 7&ter you setting (ith Q4ey controlRmode$It (ill start to record (hen you clic4Kand stop recording (hen you clic4Lin your con'ersation$But i& not clic4 any 4ey6it (ill not record$ 7s pic %< .elo($


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$%< ).) +arameter Setting

!$!$% Recording )ption


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual


To ensure space &or each dis4 is not &ully occupied6 it can set the reser'ed space according to the customerBs need$9hen the system memory (ill .e &ulled6it (ill auto delete the &oremost &ile %<<MB6so that to ensure the system can sa'e &ile at any time$ For e0ample pic%#6 the recording &ile is sa'ed in catalogC:UT0RecU R$9hen the memory o& dis4 C less than !<<MB6the system (ill delete %<<M &oremost &ile $

Can set # directory at most6(hich is di&&erent memory at di&&erent dis4$3onBt 4eep the directory in C dis46and protect the system &rom 'irus$$ Sec &or .eginning to record :9hen hoo4ing @o&& or hoo4ing-on duration6or delay time o& Sound Control only reach a certain time set .y system6system (ill record$7s pic%!6it (ill .egin to record (hen your con'ersation reach !secV


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

7uto &iltrate seconds .y using sound control:7&ter you open this &unction6the recording &ile (ill .e sa'ed (hen the con'ersation time more than the end time o& sound control$For e0ample : pic$%!: The &iltration seconds o& sound control is %< sec$6.ut the recording &ile can .e sa'ed (hen the con'ersation time more than %<sec$a&ter you using the sound control$ The e0ample o& QSound controlR:The channel <% must use sound control to record$The condition is : % It (ill start recording (hen the 'oice reaches 2<d. and ! sec$ 2 It canBt recording i& the con'ersation less than %< sec$ 3It (ill stop recording i& the sound less than 2<d. and 3sec$

-peration steps:
%$ )pen QRecording settingR and change channel <% recording startup mode to QSound ControlR6and adWust the sound sensiti'ity is Q2<R$7&ter your setting 6please e0it and restart the system6so that the system can 'alidate modi&ications$7s pic%":


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

2$)pen : Q arameter SettingR pic$%+: Q Recording ItemR QStart recording secondsR and set Q!R$ M7s


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$%+ 3$)pen Q arameter settingR N QRecording ItemR N QThe end seconds o& sound controlR and set
Q%<R6and the recording &ile canBt .e sa'ed i& con'ersation less than %< sec$ ic$%,

#$)pen Q arameter settingR6and set Qthe end seconds o& sound controlR is Q3R$ It (ill stop recording i& the sound less than 2<d. and 3 sec$ MFig$ %2:


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$%2 FT auto .ac4up: 7&ter open FT setting6it can .ac4up the recording &ile to the C .y internet;*an$

).).2 'um0er -ption


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$2% 3escription o& call

+rohi0iting recording 0y special num0er:,t can set to prohi0it recording 0y special num0er.

For e0ample: The Ban4 o& China in the Call ser'ice X2!!""X6 in order to a'oid lea4age o& personal data and do not (ish to .e recorded6It can clic4 Q7ddR.utton in the list and input Q2!!""R$7&ter you &inish setting and clic4 Qsa'eR6the Q2!!""R (ill not .e recorded $ ic$2%: ).).4 +ass6ord option


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$22 .escription of pass6ord option:

Use pass(ord protection:I& open the option6it need input pass(ord to login the system$ )ther option:It stands &or the option has .een protected i& the option is tic4ed 6 7dmin pass(ord ta.le: It can add6amend the operation pass(ord$

).).4 &anguage -ption:

8our &anguage -ption:

%$ 7utomation 3iscrimination: 7uto 2$ Simpli&ied Chinese >ersion:CDS

4.Traditional Chinese >ersion: CDT #$/nglish: /-O -otice:The system de&ault language is Q7utoR $


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

+ic.24 ).).) 92tension -ption : )pen I inter&ace: lease mar4 Q*aunch I R and use the ) U &unction$ /0tension'ise to use 7ra.ic numerals or /nglish numerals$ User: /0tension user name$ I address o& /0tension C:Input the I address o& /0tension C$ 3epartment:Input the department o& /0tension$ Channels:Stands &or popup channel$I& you input Q<%6<2R6it (ill pop-up the e0tension correlation in&ormation o& channel <% and channel <2$ lease use 6 to .loc4 o&& i& it has more channels in 3BC case states$7s picture2#:


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$2# !$"$" )ther )ption: 3escription o& other option:

The ta.le o& e0tension prohi.ited to record:7&ter the system is connected to the B= 6Can add the e0tension call prohi.ited to record here$For e0ample:It can input /0tension%<<% at the option6i& you (ant /0tension %<<% not .e recorded$ The discriminating 'alue o& 3TMF :The system de&aultR3R$For e0ample i& it gets some mista4e in dial a call in some telephone or telecommunication line6 6it can set discriminating 'alue o& 3TMF here$ Setting the &re8uency o& telephone in .usy status :The system de&ault #!< DC.

5.6 Recording Query

By this &unction6user can play 6delete6ma4e interpretation6and print the recording &ile and so on$$


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

Clic4 right to open the menu

Introduction: )nly a&ter clic4ing recording record6can play 6ma4e interpretation6.ac4-up and delete the &ile and so on$I& mar4 (ith QLR6it means the record has &inished$

lay the recording automatically and continuously:The system play the recording &ile &rom .lue ro( to the last ro($

lay recording :The system plays recording .y recording card de&ault6please connect the audio .o0 to the recording card S ?6and dou.le clic4 the recording &ile as you (ant to listen6 then clic4 QplayR.utton to play the recording $ Time &ormat:*engthRmeans play recording time6it can .e displayed at counting screenV scaleRmeans play recording time6it can .e displayed at counting screen$ 3elete present li.rary: 3elete all record at present li.rary$M*i.rary (ithout any tic4 is 'ery important$: 3elete the selected &ile: 3elete the selected recording &ile$ /0port /0cel: /0port the data to the /0cel$ Re&ur.ish record: Re&ur.ish the recording $ )pen month li.rary:)pen the history &ile o& month li.rary$ Importance:It means QImportantR and canBt to delete i& the record is tic4ed $But i& (ant to delete6please clic4 cancel6then delete$ Synthesis 1uery:)pen the 8uery o& (indo(s$pic2+$

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual File siCe selected:Select the recording &ile6(hich unit is ?B$I& the &ile is deleted or remo'ed6 the &ile is displayed doesnBt e0ist$ For e0ample: Recording &ile interpretation: <%-B-2<+!!2"2<"""%-%<<%-2<<+<!%<%3332+$(a' <% stands &or channel num.er6B stands &or dialing-out67 stands &or dial-in6 2<+!!2"2<"""% stands &or dial-out or dial-in 6 %<<% stands &or e0tension62<<+<!%<%3332+ stands &or %3:33:2+ on %< th May62<<+$

You can 8uery the recording .y condition as pic 2+:

Channel: Input the 8uery channels num.er6Blan4 means all channels$$ Uers; select the 8uery user;call num.er6.lan4 means all users;call$ Remar4: Can 8uery .y the user remar4 in&ormation$ Time:Can set .eginning or &inishing time o& 8uery$ Call Stands &or dialing-in or dialing-out call .E stands &or all characters6Z stands &or only one character$ Con'ersation time:1uery .y con'ersation time$ Filter condition o& In8uiry:

/0amples o& 8uery:
a$I& you (ant to 8uery the """%6you can input E"""%Ein the Qdial a num.erRcote 6and

clic4 Qdisplay the result o& in8uiryR6then all the recording record o& Q"""%R (ill .e &iltrated$ .$ I& the -)$! is Q<R 6 direction is Qdialing-in and the con'ersation time is Q)ct,th62<<#R6you can 8uery as pic: Input ZZZZ<at Q3ialing a num.erR6and 4eep .lan4 o& option )ut -going call6Setting

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual 2<<#-%<-<, <<:<<:<<at QStart timeR6 2<<#-%<-<, !2:!2:!2at Q/nd timeR$

ic$2, 3$ For e0ample:TheRemar4R in&ormation is QIncoming call o& Mr Chang6and he tal4ed a.out
the e0ploitation mar4et pro.lem last time$R6I& you (ant to 8uery the record6you can input QE e0ploitation mar4etR at QRemar4R6and clic4 Q3isplay the result o& in8uiryR6then you can 8uery the record o& you need$ Statistic %$Statistic all of the channels: Recording In8uiry N rint and collect6and it can statistic all o& the channels$ 2$Collect the designation channel:I& you need statistical the recording &ile o& each channel6you can do the step6 Msuch as channel <2:V Clic4Recording In8uiryR N QSynthesis In8uiryR Ninput Q<2R in the QchannelsR and set the 8uery condition6such as time is Q3ialling-- in Ror Q3ialling @outR6then clic4 Qdisplay the in8uiry resultR6MFig$22:6in8uiry result MFig$3<:6)nly collect the data o& channels<2$


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual


). Unans(ered Call


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

It (ill display the unans(ered call here $Clic4 Qdelete allR it (ill delete all the unans(ered call record$

).: &og Bro6se


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual


Record all daily operations6 it can clic4 the log data.ase to chec4 the months log as you need$

).# opup Client In&ormation -otice: The telephone line must .e applied &or Caller I3 MFS?;3TMF: 6i& need to use the &eature a.out opup$ ).#.$ .escription of +-+U+ system feature Incoming call display real time Client in&ormation M-ame6history and so on: display real time Incoming call in&ormation research and client data 8uery Client in&ormation modi&ication and upgrade Blac4list telephone reminder Incoming call in&ormation sent out .y speci&ied agent Supports more user using the ) U on *7 )&&er the incoming call data inter&ace to other CRM so&t(are real time$ It (ill popup the client in&ormation (hen has incoming call$ !$2$2 +opup setting mode:
).#.2.$ Insert the C3 6in case o& O is the dri'er6and running O:U ) U USetup$e0e then &inish the installation .y guide$

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual !$2$2$2 7&ter &inish the installation6it (ill .uild up ) U SYST/Mon the des4top6it can d.lclic4 to run the popup system$

ic$ ).#.2.4;$ ).#.2.4 Running recording systemN arameter settingN/0tension )ption N *aunch I
M:6Rand add the I address on the /0t$ C$ -otice: I address can search in Qnet(or4 nei.orhoodR *ocal connectionR6as pic !$2$2$3-%$ I& the computer auto get I address 6it can add the de&ault I address: %2+$<$<$%6as pic 33 .elo($


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual


!$2$3 .escription of ,ncoming "all information


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$3, Incoming call: Caller

I3:It can see the detail Caller Id in the menu M7s pic 3,:$

In&ormation:It can send the detail contents to the appointed e0t 6 department or all I 6so that can .ac4up the clientBs data$


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

Fig$326 I& you (ant to send some in&ormation to the e0tension <<%6it can input the content at QIn&ormation input sectionR$Then input <<% at QIn&ormation (ill .e sent toR and clic4 QsendR6then you (ill &inish the in&ormation$ 7llstands &or sending in&ormation to all o& the e0tension$

Client data: 3isplay all the client data6it can add 6delete or edit the client data$$ Running *og: Bro(se the running log in&ormation o& A ) U R$ Settings: 7&ter setting the menu Q popup client in&ormationR6it (ill popup the in&ormation o& setting$ Inter&ace language has /nglish6Chinese simpli&ied character6 Traditional and so on$ 3e&ault:7UT)6it (ill set the language .y the 9I-3)9S system de&ault $ /0it: Clic4 theXe0it systemX .utton$in lo(er right corner o& the system$

).#.4 .escription of ,ncoming "all information

%$I& the incoming call is (rited in the data.ase .e&ore 6it (ill display the client in&ormation in QBrie& 3escriptionR$3.lclic4 the record6it (ill display the detail in&ormation $

2$ I& get the ne( incoming call num.er6it can d.lclic4 to add the into client data

For e0ample:I& (ant to add the ne( telephone o& e0istented into client in&ormation data.ase 6and it can input the client in&ormation &eature &ield to do some &uCCy en8uiry$7&ter Qcon&irmR6it can 8uery the client in&ormation$ 3.lclic4 it can display the client detail in&ormation and add the ne( into menu Qtelephone num.erR6and clic4 Qmodi&yR$ 7s pic #%6it add the <<<<%23 in QChang gongR o& client in&ormation data.ase$ The detail step as .elo(:

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

pic #% %$ 3.lclic4 the ne( red record6&or e0ample <<<<%23 and it (ill display the (indo(s
Qselect data.aseR$ 2$ Then select Qadd into client in&ormation data.aseR$7s pic ##$

3$Input the client detail in&ormation6&or e0ample: QGhanggongR6clic4 Acon&irmR and &ind the
record o& him$

#$ 3.lclic4 the record o& QGhanggongR6the <<<<%23(ill add into the record6then
clic4 Qmodi&yR6as pic #3$



USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

It (ill popup the .lac4 alarm (indo(s i& incoming the .lac4list$

The Si0th Chapter

92amples of +opup using:

"$% I& 3 computer need to use poup6and the client in&ormation need to share$ -otice: I& (ant to use the &eature6all the computers need in the same *7- and can 'isit (ell$ For e0ample: )ne company ha'e three computers need to use popup 6There are C 76 C B6 C C$ The C 7 Ip address: %22$%",$%$2 B I address : %22$%",$%$3 C I address: %22$%",$%$#6in case o& the C 7 is installed the recording card6it can do the steps as .elo(: "$%$% ut the recording system C3 into C 76and open the &older o& ) U 6then d.lclic4 Qsetup$e0eR to &inish the installation$ "$%2 Then share completely the ) U installation catalog on C 76the installation catalog de&ault C:U rogram FilesU ) U SYST/M6Me0amples o& = : as pic .elo($


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

"$%3 The B step as .elo(: "$%$3$% ut the recording system C3 on C B6 and open the &older Q ) U R6d.lclic4 the &ile Qsetup$e0eR to &inish the installation$ "$%$3$2 Clic4 Qnet(or4 nei.orhoodR on the right6 then clic4 Qsearch computerR6as pic "$%$3-%$ Searching the I address %22$%",$%$2 on C 76 then &ind out and open the catalog Qpopup systemR$ Select the Qpopup $e0eR and clic4 the command Q.uild up the shortcut modeR6 then it (ill .uild up the shortcut mode o& opup $e0e 6and it can send to the des4top on C$



USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic "$%$3-2

ic$"$%$3-3 "$%$3$3 Then d.lclic4 to open the Q opup$e0eR on the des4top6as pic "$%$3-#$

ic$"$%$3-# "$%$3$# opup on computer C6re&er to "$%$3$ "$%$#$)penning the USBT in computer 7 des4top- Q arameter settingR Q/0t$ optionR6then add the 3 I address$7s pic "$%$#-% .elo($

USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

ic$"$%$#-% "$2 I& 3 C need to popup in company6 and (hich C it is stand alone data.ase 6then it not need to share the client in&ormation $ -otice: I& (ant to use the &eature6all the computers need in the same *7- and can 'isit (ell$

For e0ample: )ne company ha'e three computers need to use popup 6There are C 76 C B6 C C$ The C 7 Ip address: %22$%",$%$2 B I address : %22$%",$%$3 C I address: %22$%",$%$#6in case o& the C 7 is installed the recording card6it can do the steps as .elo(:


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual

"$2$% Then do the operation on C 76 open the Recording System Ser'er -R arameter settingR----R/0t$ optionR ---- Q*aunch I M6then add 3 I address as the pic$ "$2$2 Installing the ) U client in&ormation system on computer B6and C$ "$2$3 Then running the popup system on computer B and C$ "$3 opup .y appointed channels$ For e0ample6I& (ant to popup on computer %22$%",$%$2 (hen channels <% incoming call 6and popup on computer %22$%",$%$3(hen channels <2 incoming call6then it can set as .elo($$ Setting as the pic6it (ill popup on C %22$%",$%$2$ and also popup on C %22$%",$%$3 (hen channels <2 incoming call$ But there is no limit on C %22$%",$%$#6and it can popup at any channels$


USB Telephone Recording System User Manual


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