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MS Last 1unne| I||tranon 1r|a|

Lva|uanon rogram - kev|ew of

Cperanona| erformance
Independent kev|ew ko|e MS Last A|r I||tranon
koads and Mar|nme Serv|ces - NSW
22 lebruary 2012
MS Last 1unne| I||tranon 1r|a|
Lva|uanon rogram - kev|ew of
Cperanona| erformance
Independent kev|ew ko|e MS Last A|r I||tranon
koads and Mar|nme Serv|ces - NSW
ACn 063 473 818
1hls reporL Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe parucular lnsLrucuons and
requlremenLs of our cllenLs. lL ls noL lnLended for and should noL
be relled upon by any Lhlrd parLy and no responslblllLy ls
underLaken Lo any Lhlrd parLy.
lnLellecLual properLy conLalned ln Lhls documenL remalns Lhe
properLy of AMCC Consulung unless speclcally asslgned ln
1he orlglnal copy of Lhls documenL ls held by AMCC Consulung.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1, lssued as 8evlslon 1 8eference # M1202.2009.!030.!88.86
Monash 8uslness ark
19 8uslness ark urlve
nomng Plll vlC 3168
1 +61 3 9342 3700
l +61 3 9342 3790
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce iii
8oads and Marlume Servlces, nSW (8MServlces) has exLenslvely lnvesugaLed opuons for lmprovlng
alr quallLy ln Lhe M3 LasL Lunnel over Lhe lasL decade.
ln !une 2006 Lhe nSW governmenL announced an Alr CuallLy lmprovemenL lan (ACl) Lo lmprove
alr quallLy ln Lhe Sydney M3 LasL 1unnel. 1he lan lncluded:
! lnsLalllng a vldeo camera sysLem Lo ldenufy polluung heavy vehlcles ln Lhe Lunnel,
! lmplemenung Lhe Clean lleeL rogram,
! lnsLalllng an exLra 12 [eL fans ln Lhe Lunnel Lo manage venulauon ows, and
! Commenclng an 18 monLh Lrlal Lo esLabllsh Lhe eecuveness of alr lLrauon Lechnology.
lllLrauon of Lhe Lunnel alr has frequenLly been suggesLed as a means of lmprovlng Lunnel alr quallLy.
Powever, 8MServlces lnvesugauons revealed LhaL Lhere had been no rlgorous assessmenL of Lhe
eecuveness of lLrauon Lechnology. An alr lLrauon sysLem was consLrucLed Lo lLer Lhe alr ln Lhe
wesLbound Lunnel of Lhe M3 LasL and was operaLed for 18 monLhs. 1hls reporL conLalns an
assessmenL of:
! 1he performance of a uenlLrlcauon (uenCx) lLer Lo reduce nlLrogen oxldes,
! 1he performance of an LlecLrosLauc reclplLaLor (LS) Lo lLer parucles,
! 1he rellablllLy of Lhe compleLe Alr lllLrauon lanL (Al),
! 1he lmpacL of Lhe Al on alr quallLy ln Lhe Lunnel, and
! 1he cosL eecuveness of Lhe sysLem.
DeNCx h|ter eva|uanon
nlLrogen dloxlde (nC
) ls Lhe componenL of nC
LhaL has mosL lmpacL on healLh. 1he uenCx sysLem
conslsLed of an array of modules conLalnlng acuvaLed carbon as a lLer medlum. ApproxlmaLely
/s of alr ls drawn Lhrough Lhe carbon modules wlLh Lhe lnLenL of capLurlng nlLrogen oxldes from
Lhe alr.
1hree measuremenL meLhods were used Lo esLabllsh Lhe performance of Lhe sysLem. 1he resulLs
were conslsLenL and esLabllshed LhaL Lhe uenCx lLer removed 33 of Lhe nC
from Lhe alr whlch
was a much lower removal raLe Lhan expecLed. LaboraLory LesLs were conducLed Lo esLabllsh lf Lhe
low removal raLe was because of Lhe deslgn of Lhe lLer module or agelng" of Lhe acuvaLed carbon
lLer medlum. lL was found LhaL Lhe lLer medlum was capable of removlng almosL all of Lhe nC
ln a sulLably deslgned enclosure.
lL was noLed LhaL Lhe nC
ls converLed Lo nC, raLher Lhan belng capLured" and kepL ln Lhe lLer.
1hls process means LhaL Lhe lLer medlum ls noL consumed by Lhe reacuon and can be used for a
long perlod of ume wlLhouL replacemenL.
1he uenCx lLer only processed 14 of Lhe alr ln Lhe wesLbound Lunnel so could noL have a large
lmpacL on nC
levels ln Lhe Lunnel. Lnlarglng Lhe currenL deslgn of uenCx lLer Lo lLer all of Lhe
Lunnel alr would be lmpracucal as lL would requlre a much larger lLrauon bulldlng fooLprlnL.
Powever laboraLory experlmenLs demonsLraLed LhaL Lhe acuvaLed carbon can be used ln much
smaller quanuues Lhan Lhe currenL deslgn. lurLher research lnLo acuvaLed carbon would be requlred
Lo develop more eecuve ways of reduclng nC
ln Lunnels.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce iv
Powever, uslng acuvaLed carbon Lo reduce nC
ln a Lunnel wlll only sllghLly reduce LoLal nC
emlsslons from Lhe sLack.
LS eva|uanon
An LS slmllar ln deslgn Lo sysLems used overseas Lo reduce paruculaLe emlsslons ln Lunnels was
lnsLalled and lLs ablllLy Lo reduce paruculaLe mauer (M) was assessed.
ApproxlmaLely 200m
/s of alr ls drawn Lhrough Lhe LS wlLh Lhe lnLenL of capLurlng paruculaLes
from Lhe alr.
and M
were Lhe paruculaLe emlsslons assessed. M
refers Lo all parucles less Lhan 10
mlcromeLres (m) ln aerodynamlc dlameLer. M
ls Lhe fracuon of all parucles less Lhan 2.3m ln
aerodynamlc dlameLer and ls a subseL of M
1hree dlerenL meLhods of analyslng Lhe peneLrauon" of M Lhrough Lhe lLer were used. 1he
resulLs from all Lechnlques were conslsLenL and showed LhaL around 63 of Lhe M was capLured.
1hls ls much less Lhan Lhe LargeL 80 emclency.
lL was also found LhaL Lhere was an agglomerauon of smaller parucles Lo form very large (over
20m) parucles. lL was hypoLheslsed LhaL Lhese very large parucles elLher formed on Lhe collecuon
plaLe of Lhe LS and Lhen broke free lnLo Lhe alr-sLream or were creaLed ln Lhe alr-sLream and dldn'L
auach Lo Lhe collecuon plaLes. 1hls suggesLs LhaL Lhe LS was operaung aL or beyond lLs llmlL ln
Lerms of Lhe veloclLy of alr ow Lhrough Lhe sysLem.
lL was concluded LhaL LS emclency could be lmproved by slgnlcanLly reduclng Lhe speed of Lhe
alrow Lhrough Lhe sysLem and/or lncreaslng Lhe paLh lengLh for alrow Lhrough Lhe sysLem. 8oLh of
Lhese opuons would add Lo Lhe caplLal cosL of Lhe sysLem and Lo Lhe space requlred for lLs
1unne| a|r qua||ty
1he LS reduced M
by abouL 63 and provlded a slmllar lmprovemenL Lo Lhe vlslblllLy of Lhe alr
LhaL passed Lhrough lL. Aer mlxlng Lhe lLered alr wlLh Lunnel alr Lhe lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy for
Lhe alr ln Lhe Lunnel was around 29. 1hls reduced Lo a calculaLed 6 lmprovemenL Lo vlslblllLy over
ume aL Lhe Lop of Lhe wesLbound Lunnel approxlmaLely 0.4km downsLream of Lhe planL.
I||tranon p|ant operanona| assessment
1he lLrauon sysLem was run for longer perlods and more conslsLenLly Lhan ls Lyplcal ln oLher road
Lunnel lnsLallauons around Lhe world and dld noL operaLe rellably.
1he alm was Lo run Lhe sysLem from mldday Lo 6pm on weekdays Lo colnclde wlLh Lhe hlgh polluuon
perlods ln Lhe Lunnel. 1he sysLem had 84 avallablllLy over Lhls ume, raLher Lhan Lhe expecLed
99.3. As lL ls a complex sysLem wlLh a number of lnLerlocks or lnLer-dependenL componenLs,
problems wlLh relauvely mlnor componenLs could shuL Lhe whole sysLem down.
1he sysLem cosL $60m ln LoLal for consLrucuon lncludlng clvll consLrucuon and machlnery cosLs,
$16m for machlnery (lLrauon equlpmenL and elecLrlcal and mechanlcal planL). 8unnlng cosLs were
esumaLed aL $833,000/annum.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce v
1he cosL of nC
removal was calculaLed aL:
! $4,014,000/L lf Lhe $60m clvll consLrucuon and machlnery cosLs were amorused over 20 years
and operaung cosLs lncluded.
! $1,711,000/L lf all clvll consLrucuon cosLs were lgnored and Lhe $16m machlnery cosLs
amorused over 20 years and operaung cosLs lncluded.
! $874,000/L lf all clvll consLrucuon and machlnery cosLs were lgnored and operaung cosLs
1he cosL of M
removal was calculaLed aL:
! $17,393,000/L lf Lhe $60m clvll consLrucuon and machlnery cosLs were amorused over 20
years and operaung cosLs lncluded.
! $7,413,000/L lf all clvll consLrucuon cosLs were lgnored and Lhe $16m machlnery cosLs
amorused over 20 years and operaung cosLs lncluded.
! $3,787,000/L lf all clvll consLrucuon and machlnery cosLs were lgnored and operaung cosLs
As a comparlson Lhe cosL of removlng paruculaLe polluuon uslng vehlcle paruculaLe lLers ranges
from $130,000/L Lo $300,000/L.
1hls Lrlal has esLabllshed LhaL:
! 1he uenCx sysLem ls noL eecuve or cosL eecuve as congured buL Lhere may be poLenual
Lo develop an eecuve sysLem.
! 1he LS was unable Lo eecuvely or cosL eecuvely remove M as congured and lLs
operauon was unrellable. lmprovlng Lhe performance of Lhe LS would requlre greaLer space
and Lhe addluon of more equlpmenL whlch would furLher reduce lLs cosL eecuveness and
add Lo lLs complexlLy whlch could furLher reduce rellablllLy.
! 1he knowledge galned regardlng M behavlour and measuremenL may provlde a foundauon
for lnvesugauons lnLo an alLernauve deslgn of a lower cosL and more emclenL sysLem for M
8ased on Lhe ouLcomes of Lhe Lrlal and Lhe observauons sLaLed above, Lhe followlng
recommendauons should be consldered:
1. 1haL Lhe operauon of Lhe alr lLrauon planL should cease ln lLs currenL form, and
2. 1haL alLernauve meLhods for reduclng nC
and M be lnvesugaLed furLher lncludlng
conslderauon of oLher componenLs of Lhe ACl for Lhe beneL of boLh Lhe M3 LasL and for
fuLure Lunnel deslgns.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce vi
1 IN1kCDUC1ICN....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 nCMLnCLA1u8L............................................................................................................ 3
2 DLNCk IIL1Lk LkICkMANCL............................................................................................... S
2.1 S?S1LM LvALuA1lCn ML1PCu.................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Chemllumlnescence nCx Analysers...............................................................................................6
2.1.2 CavlLy AuenuaLed hase Shl (CAS) nC2 MonlLors...................................................................6
2.1.3 8ag Samples...................................................................................................................................6
2.2 8LSuL1S Cl S?S1LM LvALuA1lCn................................................................................ 8
2.2.1 ChemllumlnescenL Analysers.........................................................................................................8
2.2.2 CAS MonlLor................................................................................................................................9
2.2.3 8ag Samples.................................................................................................................................11
2.3 MCuuLL LvALuA1lCn ML1PCu................................................................................ 12
2.3.1 8LSuL1S Cl MCuuLL LvALuA1lCn..........................................................................................13
2.3.2 ulSCuSSlCn................................................................................................................................13
3 LLLC1kCS1A1IC kLCII1A1Ck LkICkMANCL..................................................................14
3.1 ML1PCu........................................................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 1apered LlemenL Csclllaung Mlcrobalance (1LCM)...................................................................13
3.1.2 Low volume (Lv) Samplers..........................................................................................................13
3.1.3 Aerodynamlc arucle Slzers (AS)...............................................................................................16
3.2 8LSuL1S......................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 1LCM...........................................................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Low volume Sampler...................................................................................................................20
3.2.3 AS...............................................................................................................................................21
3.3 ulSCuSSlCn.................................................................................................................. 21
4 LIILC1 CI IIL1kA1ICN CN 1UNNLL AIk UALI1...............................................................22
4.1 M3 LAS1 1unnLL vLn1lLA1lCn S?S1LM................................................................... 22
4.2 ML1PCu........................................................................................................................ 23
4.3 8LSuL1S......................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.1 vlslblllLy lmprovemenL Across 1he LS.......................................................................................23
4.3.2 vlslblllLy lmprovemenL Across 1he Al.......................................................................................26
4.3.3 vlslblllLy lmprovemenL ln 1he WesLbound 1unnel ......................................................................29
4.4 ulSCuSSlCn.................................................................................................................. 30
S CLkA1ICNAL LkICkMANCL CI 1nL SS1LM..................................................................33
3.1 8LLlA8lLl1? Anu AvAlLA8lLl1?................................................................................... 33
3.2 Al8 lLCW 8A1LS........................................................................................................... 33
3.2.1 MeasuremenL And Calculauon Cf llow 8aLes.............................................................................33
3.2.2 1unnel And Al llow 8aLes.........................................................................................................33
3.3 Al CWL8 Anu LnL8C? CCnSuM1lCn................................................................ 36
3.4 Al CCS1S .................................................................................................................... 38
3.4.1 CaplLal CosL..................................................................................................................................38
3.4.2 Cperauonal CosLs ........................................................................................................................38
3.3 C8LLnPCuSL CAS LMlSSlCnS .................................................................................. 39
3.3.1 ConsLrucuon Creenhouse Lmlsslons...........................................................................................39
3.3.2 Cperauonal Creenhouse Lmlsslons.............................................................................................39
3.6 1C1AL CLLu1An1 8LMCvAL...................................................................................... 40
3.7 CCS1 L8 kC Cl CLLu1An1 8LMCvLu.................................................................... 40
3.7.1 1oLal lnsLallauon And Cperauonal CosLs er kg olluLanL 8emoved..........................................40
3.7.2 Cperaung CosL er kg olluLanL 8emoved..................................................................................41
3.7.3 SensluvlLy Analysls.......................................................................................................................41
3.8 C8LLnPCuSL CAS LMlSSlCnS L8 klLCC8AM Cl CLLu1An1 8LMCvLu..........43
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce vii
3.8.1 1oLal lnsLallauon And Cperauonal Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons er kg olluLanL 8emoved.......43
3.8.2 Cperauonal Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons er kg olluLanL 8emoved...........................................43
6 DLAk1MLN1 CI LANNING CCNDI1ICNS CI AkCVAL.................................................44
7 DISCUSSICN........................................................................................................................... 46
7.1 uLnCx llL1L8............................................................................................................... 46
7.2 LS ................................................................................................................................. 46
7.3 1unnLL Al8 CuALl1?................................................................................................... 47
7.4 CCS1 LllLC1lvLnLSS................................................................................................... 48
8 CCNCLUSICNS....................................................................................................................... 49
9 kLCCMMLNDA1ICNS............................................................................................................ S0
10 kLILkLNCLS.......................................................................................................................... S1
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce viii
1able 1: ually Separauon 8aLes lor M2.3 And M10 (Monday 10Lh !anuary 2011 - lrlday 28Lh !anuary
1able 2: nephelomeLer Measured vlslblllLy lmprovemenL 1hrough LS.....................................................24
1able 3: 1unnel vlslblllLy lmprovemenL 8eLween Al lnleL And CuLleL uurlng Al Cperauon - Pours
WlLh 60 MlnuLes Cf Al Cperauon.............................................................................................28
1able 4: Average And eak 1unnel vlslblllLy 8eadlngs lor Weekdays 12pm - 6pm.....................................29
1able 3: Average Pourly 1ramc CounLs WesLbound And LasLbound lor uays When Al Was 8unnlng And
noL 8unnlng.................................................................................................................................29
1able 6: 8esulLs Cf Comparlson 8eLween Pours Al 8unnlng And noL 8unnlng lor ACS404 8ased Cn
lnlual 8anges Cf u004_vSal vlslblllLy 8eadlng............................................................................30
1able 7: MonLhly 8unnlng 1lmes..................................................................................................................34
1able 8: 1unnel And Al llow 8aLes uurlng Al Cperauon........................................................................33
1able 9: Al ower Consumpuon - ually Averages 8y MonLh....................................................................36
1able 10: 1oLal Al Lnergy use Slnce Aprll 2010.........................................................................................37
1able 11: Summary 8unnlng CosLs Cf Al...................................................................................................38
1able 12: ConsLrucuon Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons......................................................................................39
1able 13: Apporuoned CosLs er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved.........................................................................40
1able 14: Apporuoned Cperaung CosLs er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved........................................................41
1able 13: Apporuoned 1oLal Creenhouse Lmlsslons er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved....................................43
1able 16: Apporuoned Creenhouse Lmlsslons er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved.............................................43
1able 17: Condluon Cf Approval 81M (MonlLorlng And 8eporung) ............................................................44
1able 18: Average Manual Alrspeed MeasuremenL Compared WlLh Average LnvlsLaA8M 8ecorded
1able 19: M10 8emoval er ?ear..................................................................................................................2
1able 20: M10 8emoval er ?ear..................................................................................................................3
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce ix
llgure 1 : Locauon Cf Al ln 1he M3 LasL 1unnel .........................................................................................2
llgure 2 : uenCx AcuvaLed Carbon Modules.................................................................................................3
llgure 3 : v-Shaped Congurauon Cf uenCx lllLer, lndlcaung Alrow 1hrough Carbon Modules Cn 8oLh
Sldes urawn 8y uenCx lans. ........................................................................................................3
llgure 4 : 8ag Cases ueslgned And ConsLrucLed 8y CSl8C 1o laclllLaLe lnLegraLed Alr Samples 8efore And
Aer uenCx lllLer.........................................................................................................................7
llgure 3: 8eal-ume nCx And nC MeasuremenLs ln Al (llgure 3.3 Cf [3]) .................................................8
llgure 6: ulerenually CalculaLed 8eal-ume nC And nC2 8emoval Lmclencles (llgure 3.7 Cf [3]) ............8
llgure 7: Lxample Cf CAS nC2 ConcenLrauons Measured 8efore And Aer 1he uenCx SysLem (llgure
3.8 Cf [3]).......................................................................................................................................9
llgure 8: Lxample Cf CAS nC2 8emoval Lmclency uaLa lor 1he uenCx SysLem (llgure 3.9 Cf [3]) .......10
llgure 9: uependence Cf nC2 8emoval Lmclency uaLa WlLh 8especL 1o lnlual nC2 ConcenLrauons
(llgure 3.11 Cf [3]).......................................................................................................................10
llgure 10: Schemauc ulagram Cf 1he AcuvaLed Carbon 1esL 8lg (llgure 7.1 Cf [3]) ..................................12
llgure 11: 1he AcuvaLed Carbon 1esL 8lg lnsLalled WlLhln 1he Al (llgure 7.2 Cf [3]) ..............................12
llgure 12: Schemauc Cf LS rocess............................................................................................................14
llgure 13 : ApparaLus used lor Lv CravlmeLrlc MeasuremenLs WlLhln 1he Al (llgure 4.1 lrom [9]) ......16
llgure 14 : 1wo AS unlLs ueployed Ad[acenLly (for Comparlson urposes) (llgure 3.1a lrom [9]) ..........17
llgure 13 : M2.3 And M10 lor Monday 24Lh !anuary 2011....................................................................18
llgure 16 : Lxamples Cf M2.3, M10 And 1S Lv lllLers (llgure 4.3 lrom [9]) ........................................20
llgure 17 : Al arucle CapLure Lmclency luncuon (llgure 3.4 lrom [9]) .................................................21
llgure 18 : M3 LasL venulauon SysLem Schemauc.......................................................................................22
llgure 19: nephelomeLer 8eadlngs Monday 10Lh !anuary 2011.................................................................23
llgure 20: nephelomeLer 8eadlngs Wednesday 12Lh !anuary 2011............................................................23
llgure 21 : Schemauc Cf Al lndlcaung osluon Cf vlslblllLy MonlLors 8efore And Aer Al ..................26
llgure 22 : 1unnel vlslblllLy Cn 1hursday 17Lh lebruary 2011.....................................................................26
llgure 23 : 1unnel vlslblllLy Cn Monday 17Lh !anuary 2011........................................................................27
llgure 24 : MonLhly Average ACS404 Lxuncuon CoemclenL lrom lebruary 2002 1o !uly 2011 ................31
llgure 23 : Average ually 1ruck 1ramc CounL Compared 1o ACS404 vlslblllLy, normallsed 1o May 2003..31
llgure 26: Average Medlum And Long vehlcle CounLs er Pour ln WesLbound 1unnel .............................42
llgure 27: Pour Cf 1he uay 1haL 1he Maxlmum Pourly 8eadlng Cccurred lor ACS404............................42
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce x
Lquauon 1....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Lquauon 2....................................................................................................................................................... 3
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 1
Concerns have been ralsed abouL Lhe quallLy of alr ln Lhe M3 LasL Lunnel and lLrauon of Lhe Lunnel
alr suggesLed as a soluuon.
8MServlces has exLenslvely lnvesugaLed opuons for lmprovlng alr quallLy ln Lhe M3 LasL Lunnel.
1hese lnvesugauons have lncluded:
! A workshop auended by Lunnel experLs from around Lhe world, held ln Sydney ln 2000, Lo
esLabllsh besL pracuce Lunnel venulauon,
! A 8MServlces, n8A delegauon Lo norway ln 2001 Lo lnspecL Lunnel venulauon sLraLegles ln
Cslo, Laerdal, 1rondhelm and urammen,
! A 8MServlces delegauon Lo !apan ln 2003 Lo lnvesugaLe Lunnel venulauon and alr cleanlng
Lechnology. !apan has over 8000 road Lunnels wlLh a comblned lengLh of over 2300km. 1he
delegauon vlslLed 6 Lunnels and noLed LhaL !apan had over 40 Lunnels wlLh lnsLalled lLrauon
sysLems. MosL sysLems were lnsLalled Lo lmprove ln-Lunnel vlslblllLy, whlle seven Lunnels had
sysLems Lo address communlLy concerns abouL exLernal alr quallLy. no daLa was avallable Lo
lndlcaLe Lhe emcacy of Lhe alr lLrauon sysLems used, and
! Commlsslonlng Chlld & AssoclaLes Lo revlew lnLernauonal developmenLs ln emlsslon
LreaLmenL sysLems ln road Lunnels. A reporL [1] was lssued whlch ouLllned Lhe alr lLrauon
Lechnologles avallable.
1hese lnvesugauons revealed LhaL Lhere has been no rlgorous assessmenL of Lhe eecuveness of
lLrauon Lechnology, ln parucular Lhe LS's and uenCx processes used ln some overseas Lunnels Lo
lLer paruculaLe mauer and nlLrogen oxldes respecuvely.
ln !une 2006 Lhe nSW governmenL announced an Alr CuallLy lmprovemenL lan (ACl) Lo lmprove
Lhe alr quallLy ln Lhe Sydney M3 LasL 1unnel. 1he lan lncluded:
! vldeo ldenucauon of gross polluung heavy vehlcles ln Lhe Lunnel,
! 1he Clean lleeL rogram,
! An exLra 12 [eL fans lnsLalled ln Lhe Lunnel Lo beuer manage venulauon ows, and
! A Lrlal Lo esLabllsh Lhe eecuveness of alr lLrauon Lechnology.
1o conducL Lhe Lrlal of alr lLrauon Lechnology 8MServlces has:
! SoughL approval Lo bulld and operaLe a lLrauon sysLem ln Lhe M3 LasL from Lhe ueparLmenL
of lannlng. 1hls approval was glven sub[ecL Lo Lhe Condluons llsLed ln Appendlx A,
! ueveloped a monlLorlng program for Lhe Lrlal ln consulLauon wlLh Lhe ueparLmenL of
lannlng, Lhe ueparLmenL of LnvlronmenL and CllmaLe Change and nSW PealLh [2],
! ConducLed a Lender process for Lhe supply of an LS Lo remove parucles and an acuvaLed
carbon uenCx sysLem Lo remove nlLrogen oxldes. lllLronLec was selecLed as Lhe suppller of
Lhese sysLems, and
! ConLracLed 8auldersLone Pornlbrook (8P) Lo consLrucL Lhe alr lLrauon planL (Al) and
8auldersLone Pornlbrook 8llnger 8erger (8P88) Lo operaLe Lhe Al. lllLronLec supplled and
lnsLalled Lhe lLrauon equlpmenL wlLhln Lhe planL.
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1he planL was consLrucLed aL ground level on 8exley 8oad ln Larlwood ad[acenL Lo Lhe wesLern end
of Lhe M3 LasL 1unnel. A Lunnel was consLrucLed from Lhe planL bulldlng Lo a polnL approxlmaLely
0.3km from Lhe exlL of Lhe wesLbound Lunnel Lo enable alr Lo be drawn from Lhe Lunnel, lLered and
Lhen reLurned Lo Lhe Lunnel, as shown ln llgure 1.
llgure 1 : Locauon of Al ln Lhe M3 LasL 1unnel
up Lo 200m
/s of alr can be exLracLed from Lhe wesLbound Lunnel by Lhe fans ln Lhe lLrauon
sysLem. 1he alr Lravels around 280m from Lhe Lunnel Lhrough an alr ducL Lo Lhe lLrauon planL and
passes Lhrough Lhe LS. up Lo 30m
/s of Lhls alrow can Lhen be drawn Lhrough Lhe uenCx unlL.
1he lLered alr ls fed back lnLo Lhe Lunnel vla an alr ducL parallel Lo Lhe lnleL alr ducL.
Alr quallLy monlLorlng equlpmenL was operaLed upsLream and downsLream of Lhe lLrauon sysLems
and LhaL daLa collecLed for analysls. 1he CSl8C was commlssloned Lo deLermlne Lhe performance of
each of Lhe lLrauon sysLems ln Lerms of parucle removal and nlLrogen oxldes removal. 1he CSl8C
used a number of dlerenL lnsLrumenLs and processes and underLook addluonal daLa analysls.
1he lLrauon Lrlal commenced on 9 March 2010 and ended on 9 SepLember 2011. AMCC was
engaged by 8MServlces as an lndependenL organlsauon Lo asslsL ln Lhe managemenL of Lhe Lrlal and
Lo provlde Lhls evaluauon reporL, as requlred by Lhe ueparLmenL of lannlng's Condluon of Approval
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1hls reporL ouLllnes Lhe meLhods used Lo assess Lhe performance of Lhe lLrauon sysLems and Lhe
resulLs of LhaL assessmenL. 1he reporL ls sLrucLured as follows:
! Secuon 2 provldes an assessmenL of Lhe performance of Lhe uenCx planL,
! Secuon 3 provldes an assessmenL of Lhe performance of Lhe LlecLrosLauc reclplLaLor,
! Secuon 4 dlscusses Lhe eecL of Lhe Al on Lunnel alr quallLy,
! Secuon 3 provldes an assessmenL of Lhe operauonal performance of Lhe Al,
! Secuon 6 dlscusses Lhe ouLcome of Lhe Lrlal ln Lerms of Lhe ueparLmenL of lannlng
Condluons of Approval,
! Secuon 7 ls a dlscusslon of Lrlal resulLs,
! Secuon 8 llsLs concluslon, and
! Secuon 9 llsLs recommendauons.
Aerodynamlc ulameLer hyslcal dlameLer of a unlL denslLy sphere LhaL seules Lhrough Lhe
alr wlLh an equlvalenL veloclLy
Al Alr lllLrauon lanL
AS Aerodynamlc arucle Slzer
ACl Alr CuallLy lmprovemenL lan
8P 8auldersLone Pornlbrook
8P88 8auldersLone Pornlbrook 8llnger + 8erger
CAS CavlLy AuenuaLed hase Shl
CC Carbon Monoxlde
Carbon uloxlde
CSl8C CommonwealLh Sclenuc and lndusLrlal 8esearch Crganlsauon
uenCx uenlLrlcauon
Lu1 AusLrallan LasLern uayllghL (Savlng) 1lme
LLl LlecLrlcal Low ressure lmpacLor
LS LlecLro SLauc reclplLaLor
LS1 AusLrallan LasLern SLandard 1lme
luMS lllLer uynamlcs MeasuremenL SysLem
lllLronLec Company engaged for Lhe supply and lnsLallauon of Lhe alr
lLrauon equlpmenL
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CPC Creenhouse Cas
l/C lnpuLs and CuLpuLs
Lv Sampler Low volume Sampler
nA1A nauonal Assoclauon of 1esung AuLhorlues
nCA nauonal Creenhouse AccounLs
nC nlLrlc oxlde
nlLrogen dloxlde
Comblnauon of nlLrogen oxldes nC and nC
n8A norweglan ubllc 8oads AdmlnlsLrauon
nSW new SouLh Wales
lA8C ermanenL lnLernauonal Assoclauon of 8oad Congresses
M aruculaLe Mauer (M
and M
are Lhe mass fracuons wlLh
parucles of aerodynamlc dlameLers less Lhan 2.3 and 10 mlcrons)
8MServlces 8oads and Marlume Servlces, nSW
SCAuA Supervlsory ConLrol And uaLa Acqulsluon
1LCM 1apered LlemenL Csclllaung Mlcrobalance
1S 1oLal Suspended aruculaLe (all paruculaLe mauer ln Lhe alr)
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1he uenCx lLer sysLem conslsLs of a framework supporung a number of lLer modules and Lwo
fans Lo draw alr Lhrough Lhe modules. Lach module conslsLs of a wlre baskeL conLalnlng acuvaLed
carbon as Lhe lLer medlum, as shown ln llgure 2. 1here are approxlmaLely 1000 modules arranged
ln a v" shaped congurauon as shown ln llgure 3. 1he LoLal surface area of Lhe boxes was abouL
[3] and Lhe LargeL alrow was 30m
llgure 2 : uenCx acuvaLed carbon modules
llgure 3 : v-Shaped congurauon of uenCx lLer, lndlcaung alrow Lhrough carbon modules on
boLh sldes drawn by uenCx fans.
nlLrogen oxldes (nC
) are mosLly nC wlLh some (usually around 3) nC
. lrom a healLh perspecuve
ls of greaLesL concern.
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1he performance of Lhe compleLe uenCx sysLem ln place ln Lhe Al was assessed as well as Lhe
performance of a slngle lLer module ln a laboraLory envlronmenL.
CSl8C underLook an exLenslve program of work Lo assess Lhe performance of Lhe uenCx. 1he deLall
of Lhls assessmenL ls conLalned ln CSl8C reporL Alr lLrauon planL of Lhe M3 1unnel: ueLermlnauon
of nlLrlc oxlde and nlLrogen dloxlde removal emclencles" [3]. A summary of Lhe key elemenLs of Lhe
assessmenL ls presenLed ln Lhe followlng secuons.
1hree measuremenL Lechnlques were used Lo esLabllsh Lhe capaclLy of Lhe sysLem Lo reduce nC
Lach Lechnlque measured nC
levels before and aer Lhe uenCx lLer.
2.1.1 Chem||um|nescence NC
8eal-ume measuremenLs were conducLed uslng 1hermosher nC-nC
analysers [6] congured
Lo sulL Lhe dynamlc naLure of Lhe Lunnel envlronmenL. lour analysers were used - one palr before
and one palr aer Lhe uenCx unlL, wlLh each palr sampllng from Lhe same alrsLream. ln each palr of
lnsLrumenLs, one analyser was seL on nC
mode and Lhe oLher analyser on nC mode ln order Lo
provlde real-ume nC
, nC readlngs and calculaLed nC
values. nC
values are calculaLed by
subLracung Lhe nC readlng from Lhe nC
readlng. 1he downsLream readlngs were oseL by 10
seconds Lo accounL for Lhe ume dlerence for alr sampllng before and aer Lhe uenCx sysLem.
8egular callbrauons were performed on all lnsLrumenLs uslng Lhe same callbrauon gas mlxLure
2.1.2 Cav|ty Auenuated hase Sh|h (CAS) NC
1he CAS monlLors, a proLoLype devlce for speclcally measurlng nC
, were obLalned Loward Lhe
end of Lhe Lrlal. 1he CAS nC
monlLor avolds Lhe problems of derlvlng nC
from a nC
and nC
measuremenL by dlrecLly measurlng Lhe absorpuon of nC
. 1he accuracy and speed of Lhls
lnsLrumenL ls far superlor Lo chemllumlnescenL analysers for nC
measuremenL [6], [7].
Cne CAS monlLor was lnsLalled before Lhe uenCx lLer and one aer. 1he machlnes were run wlLh
Lhelr facLory callbrauons. 1he downsLream readlngs were oseL by 10 seconds Lo accounL for Lhe
Lemporal separauon of Lhe upsLream and downsLream analyser alr lnleLs.
2.1.3 8ag Samp|es
8ag samples were Laken Lo decrease Lhe errors lnherenL ln performlng a subLracuon of
measuremenLs from dlerenL nC
analysers. Samples of alr, from before and aer Lhe uenCx
sysLem, were capLured ln lmpermeable 1eon bags. 1he nC
and nC for each sample were Lhen
analysed ln Lurn on Lhe same callbraLed 1hermosher nC-nC
chemllumlnescenL analyser. 1hls
provlded a very accuraLe measure of nC and nC
reducuon across Lhe uenCx aL Lhe cosL of loss of
real-ume lnformauon.
llgure 4 lllusLraLes Lhe operauon of some bag measuremenLs. llgure (a) shows a Lyplcal case
conLalnlng Lwo 3L 1eon bags, and a valve and lLer arrangemenL aL Lhe lnleL. 1he bag alr ls belng
measured dlrecLly lnLo Lhe sample porL of Lhe chemllumlnescenL analyser. llgure (b) shows Lwo
cases sampllng alr lnslde Lhe uenCx lLer. SysLemauc co-locaLed measuremenLs were conducLed
over Lhe Lrlal Lo ensure Lhe accuracy of Lhe measuremenLs.
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(a) 8ags belng sampled by chemllumlnescenL
(b) 8ags seL up Lo sample alr lnslde uenCx lLer
llgure 4 : 8ag cases deslgned and consLrucLed by CSl8C Lo faclllLaLe lnLegraLed alr samples before
and aer uenCx lLer
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2.2.1 Chem||um|nescent Ana|ysers
llgure 3 ls an example of nC, nC
measuremenL by Lhe ChemllumlnescenL analysers. lL can be seen
LhaL Lhere ls conslderable varlauon ln Lhe level of nC
and nC over ume. 1he eecL of Lhe uenCx ls
evldenced by Lhe lower nC
and nC levels downsLream of Lhe uenCx lLer.
1he dlerence beLween nC and nC
(and hence nC
) also varles over ume. As llgure 6 shows, Lhe
removal emclency of Lhe uenCx lLer also varles over ume, as does Lhe nC removal emclency
Lo a lesser exLenL.
llgure 3: 8eal-ume nC
and nC measuremenLs ln Al (llgure 3.3 of [3])
llgure 6: ulerenually calculaLed real-ume nC and nC
removal emclencles (llgure 3.7 of [3])
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Cver Lhe 27 days and 118 hours LhaL Lhe four ChemllumlnescenL analysers were operaung Lhe
uenCx lLer removed on average 12 of nC and 30 of nC
Powever, Lhere were slgnlcanL uncerLalnues wlLh Lhe removal emclencles calculaLed uslng Lhls
meLhod due Lo large lnherenL lnsLrumenLal errors whlle runnlng Lhe 1hermo analysers ln real ume.
lurLher dlscusslon of uncerLalnues can be found ln [3].
2.2.2 CAS Mon|tor
llgure 7 ls an example of nC
concenLrauon daLa measured by Lhe CAS analyser. 1hls gure shows
Lhe dynamlc varlauon ln nC
levels over ume, wlLh slgnlcanLly hlgher accuracy. ShelLer 2 refers Lo
upsLream of Lhe uenCx, and ShelLer 3 ls downsLream.
llgure 7: Lxample of CAS nC
concenLrauons measured before and aer Lhe uenCx sysLem
(llgure 3.8 of [3])
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llgure 8 shows an example of Lhe uenCx nC
removal emclency derlved from CAS daLa. Cn
average Lhe nC
removal emclency of Lhe uenCx sysLem was around 33.
llgure 8: Lxample of CAS nC
removal emclency daLa for Lhe uenCx sysLem (llgure 3.9 of [3])
lurLher analysls showed LhaL Lhere ls a sLrong relauonshlp beLween upsLream nC
and nC
removal emclency. As nC
concenLrauons lncrease, lLer emclency lmproves up Lo a
llmlung band of approxlmaLely 30 Lo 60, as shown ln llgure 9.
llgure 9: uependence of nC
removal emclency daLa wlLh respecL Lo lnlual nC
(llgure 3.11 of [3])
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2.2.3 8ag Samp|es
Analysls of bag samples from a number of dlerenL locauons across Lhe cross secuon of Lhe Al,
boLh before and aer Lhe uenCx sysLem, showed LhaL Lhere was no slgnlcanL varlauon ln nC
concenLrauons across Lhe Lunnel.
lrom 23 LesLs LhaL lnvolved bag samples upsLream and downsLream of Lhe lLer, lL was found LhaL
Lhe average nC and nC
removal emclencles were 12 and 33 percenL respecuvely.
uurlng Lhe bag LesLs Lhe fan speed was varled from 33 Lo 90 of Lhe maxlmum speed and lL was
found LhaL Lhere was relauvely consLanL removal emclency, suggesung Lhe uenCx sysLem could be
operaLed aL hlgher ow raLes. 1hls resulL along wlLh Lhe unexpecLedly low nC
removal emclency
prompLed Lhe developmenL of a LesL rlg Lo allow Lhe emclency of Lhe acuvaLed carbon lLer medlum
Lo be measured under laboraLory condluons.
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A serles of laboraLory LesLs were conducLed Lo esLabllsh lf Lhe lower Lhan expecLed uenCx emclency
was due Lo Lhe deslgn of Lhe lLer module or Lo agelng" of Lhe lLer medlum.
lndlvldual boxes of acuvaLed carbon were secured ln Lhe rlg as shown ln llgure 10 and llgure 11. Alr
was drawn Lhrough Lhe box aL measured raLes and varylng amounLs of nC and nC
were drawn
Lhrough Lhe modules. MeasuremenLs Laken aer Lhe box allowed Lhe nC
and nC removal
emclency of lndlvldual boxes of new and used acuvaLed carbon Lo be calculaLed.
llgure 10: Schemauc dlagram of Lhe AcuvaLed Carbon 1esL 8lg (llgure 7.1 of [3])
llgure 11: 1he AcuvaLed Carbon 1esL 8lg lnsLalled wlLhln Lhe Al (llgure 7.2 of [3])
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1he LesL rlg was operaLed wlLh:
! new" acuvaLed carbon from Lhe same orlglnal bulk acuvaLed carbon supply used for lllng
Lhe uenCx lLer,
! used" acuvaLed carbon modules carefully exLracLed from Lhe uenCx lLer, and
! used" acuvaLed carbon used ln con[uncuon wlLh a modled module deslgn Lo decrease
leakage alrow Lhrough Lhe module.
1he amounL of acuvaLed carbon used and Lhe raLe of ow Lhrough Lhe module were also varled. ln
LoLal 73 separaLe experlmenLs were conducLed uslng Lhls LesL rlg, as well as 33 valldauon runs.
lL was found LhaL Lhe:
! 1he emclency of Lhe acuvaLed carbon was noL sLrongly aecLed by changlng Lhe raLe of alr
! new acuvaLed carbon LhaL had noL prevlously been used as a lLer ln a sLandard module
deslgn had nC
removal emclency of over 99 percenL.
! used acuvaLed carbon modules Laken from Lhe uenCx lLer ln a sLandard module deslgn had
removal emclency of 83, and
! used acuvaLed carbon ln a modled module deslgn had nC
removal emclency of 98 percenL.
Lxamlnauon of Lhe "used" lLer modules showed LhaL ln all cases LesLed Lhere was a gap aL Lhe Lop
of Lhe module (posslbly caused by enLralnmenL of acuvaLed carbon ln Lhe alrsLream over ume)
allowlng a large amounL of alr Lo pass over Lhe Lop of Lhe acuvaLed carbon. 8y modlfylng Lhe module
deslgn Lo prevenL Lhls leakage lL was found LhaL Lhe emclency of Lhe used carbon ls slmllar Lo LhaL of
new carbon.
uurlng Lhls Lesung lL was nouced LhaL aer sLopplng ln[ecuon of elLher nC or nC
, Lhe boxes
emlued nC for ln excess of 12 hours aer concluslon of Lesung. 1hls phenomenon ls Lermed o-
gasslng", and llkely lndlcaLed caLalyuc converslon by Lhe acuvaLed carbon of nC
Lo nC. 1hls has
lmpllcauons for Lhe calculaLed removal emclency of nC, as boLh nC
and nC removal aL one polnL
ln ume are assoclaLed wlLh subsequenL delayed nC emlsslon.
lL was noLed LhaL Lhe nC2 ls converLed Lo nC, raLher Lhan belng capLured" and kepL ln Lhe lLer.
1hls process means LhaL Lhe lLer medlum ls noL consumed by Lhe reacuon and can be used for a
long perlod of ume wlLhouL replacemenL.
1he use of nC
lLers ln road Lunnels ls a relauvely new developmenL and lL ls clear LhaL lLrauon
sysLems are noL yeL opumlsed. 1hls Lrlal has shown LhaL Lhe deslgn of Lhe lnsLalled sysLem could be
lmproved Lo obLaln beuer nC
removal emclency.
lL was found LhaL acuvaLed carbon ls eecuve aL removlng nC
buL does noL work as eecuvely for
nC due Lo Lhe phenomenon of o-gasslng". Cver ume, Lhe nC
removed by Lhe acuvaLed carbon ls
glven o as nC, as well as some of Lhe nC LhaL ls only removed Lemporarlly. 1hls also lndlcaLes LhaL
Lhe carbon acLs as a caLalysL raLher Lhan an absorber of nC
and LhaL lLs llfe as a lLer should exLend
beyond Lhe Lwo Lo Lhree years LhaL was lnlually predlcLed.
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1he LS conslsLs of banks of meLal plaLes arranged across Lhe alr ow paLh LhaL are deslgned Lo
remove paruculaLe mauer from alr by lnduclng a charge on parucles and Lhen collecung Lhe charged
1he rsL bank of plaLes ls a pre-lonlser wlLh a charge of -12kv. A second bank of lonlslng plaLes has a
-10kv charge. 1he alr conLalnlng Lhe charged parucles ls Lhen passed Lhrough a seL of collecLor
plaLes wlLh alLernaLe plaLes charged Lo -7kv and zero (or earLhed). 1he charged parucles are
auracLed Lo and adhere Lo Lhe collecLor plaLes. 1hese plaLes are perlodlcally cleaned by waLer [eLs
and Lhe parucle-laden wash waLer ls lLered and reused for Lhe nexL washdown.
1he LS process ls deplcLed ln llgure 12, and occurs before Lhe removal of nC
and nC ln Lhe
uenCx planL.
llgure 12: Schemauc of LS process
1he alr ow Lhrough Lhe LS averaged 184m
/s whlch ls 38 of Lhe average wesLbound Lunnel
alrow. 1he cross-secuonal area of Lhe LS ls abouL 30m
[4] whlch means Lhe alr ls passlng Lhrough
Lhe LS aL abouL 3.7m/s.
aruculaLe mauer (M) ln alr ls a complex sysLem lncludlng alrborne solld phase parucles and low
vapour pressure llquld phase parucles. arucle slzes ln alr can vary slgnlcanLly, wlLh aerodynamlc
parucle slzes ranglng from below 0.01 Lo over 100 m. PlsLorlcally, M measuremenL has
concenLraLed on Lhe measuremenL of all parucles or Lhe 1oLal Suspended aruculaLes (1S).
Powever research on Lhe healLh eecLs of M has focused auenuon on parucles LhaL can be lnhaled
lnLo Lhe resplraLory sysLem, predomlnanLly parucles of aerodynamlc dlameLer less Lhan 10m (M
and parucularly Lhose wlLh aerodynamlc dlameLer less Lhan 2.3m (M
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LS performance ls [udged by deLermlnlng Lhe proporuon of parucles LhaL are removed by Lhe LS,
l.e. how eecuvely Lhe sysLem sLops Lhe peneLrauon" of parucles Lhrough Lhe sysLem. 1he
performance can be assessed by elLher deLermlnlng Lhe mass of parucles LhaL peneLraLe Lhe sysLem
or by Lhe number of parucles LhaL peneLraLe Lhe sysLem.
CSl8C underLook an exLenslve program of work Lo assess Lhe performance of Lhe LS, whlch
resulLed ln opumlsauon of 1apered LlemenL Csclllaung Mlcrobalance (1LCM) for dynamlc emclency
measuremenLs [8] and a program of gravlmeLrlc and parucle number measuremenLs. 1he deLall of
measuremenLs and analysls conducLed for parucles ls conLalned ln CSl8C reporL Alr lLrauon planL
of Lhe M3 1unnel: ueLermlnauon of arucle 8emoval Lmclencles" [9]. A summary of Lhe key
elemenLs of Lhe assessmenL ls presenLed ln Lhe followlng secuons.
3.1 ML1nCD
1hree Lechnlques were used Lo assess parucle peneLrauon, namely:
3.1.1 1apered L|ement Csc|||anng M|croba|ance (1LCM)
1LCMs are wldely used as Lhe sLandard measurlng sysLem for amblenL alr quallLy and measure
parucle concenLrauons as g/m
1hree 1hermosher 1403 1LCMs were used, one upsLream of Lhe LS and Lwo downsLream. Lach
1LCM measured M
and M
. 1he 1LCMs were ad[usLed Lo provlde readlngs updaLed every 6
mlnuLes and were synchronlsed ln Lhelr operauons as recommended by CSl8C [8]. 1he 1LCMs
uullsed Lhe lllLer uynamlcs MeasuremenL SysLem (luMS) Lo accounL for Lhe eecLs of volaule
componenLs LhaL are noL measured separaLely wlLh oLher 1LCMs.
1he 1LCMs were operaLed on weekdays from 2 Lo 3 pm Lo allgn wlLh peak heavy vehlcle Lramc (and
maxlmum haze) and Lo avold Lhe LS wash cycles, as Lhe molsLure lnLake durlng washdown could
lnLerfere wlLh Lhe lnsLrumenLs.
1he 1LCMs were run for a perlod wlLh Lhe LS Lurned o Lo ensure LhaL Lhey all gave slmllar
3.1.2 Low Vo|ume (LV) Samp|ers
Low volume samplers draw a known volume of alr Lhrough lLers whlch capLure Lhe parucles ln Lhe
alr. 1o calculaLe Lhe mass of parucles capLured Lhe lLers are welghed before and aer sampllng.
LcoLech Mlcrovol model 1100 Lv samplers were used. up Lo 11 samplers were used aL varlous
posluons upsLream and downsLream of Lhe LS Lo esLabllsh LS peneLrauon emclency for M
and 1S. 1he helghL of Lhe lnLake Lo Lhe samplers could be varled. 8y ralslng or lowerlng Lhe
lnLakes lL was posslble Lo esLabllsh Lhe dlsLrlbuuon of parucles over Lhe cross secuon of Lhe Al Lo
deLermlne lf Lhe parucles were unlformly mlxed ln Lhe alr sLream enLerlng Lhe LS.
1o ensure LhaL a sumclenL mass of parucles were capLured Lhe Lv samplers were operaLed for
around 10 hours over Lhe peak Lramc perlod from around 8am Lo 3.43pm.
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llgure 13 shows Lhe apparaLus used Lo suspend Lhe Lv lLer holders ln Lhe Al alrow.
llgure 13 : ApparaLus used for Lv gravlmeLrlc measuremenLs wlLhln Lhe Al (llgure 4.1 from [9])
3.1.3 Aerodynam|c arnc|e S|zers (AS)
arucle number concenLrauons were measured uslng Lwo 1Sl model 3321 AS sysLems. 1hese
lnsLrumenLs can measure parucles ranglng ln slze from 0.3 Lo 20m. 1he lnsLrumenLs were
callbraLed and maLched prlor Lo Lhls sLudy by Lhe manufacLurer.
MeasuremenLs were conducLed uslng one AS upsLream of Lhe LS, and one downsLream. 1hls
allowed a deLermlnauon of Lhe slze dlsLrlbuuon of parucles (before and aer Lhe LS) and Lhe
degree of sLraucauon over Lhe M sampllng planes.
An LlecLrlcal Low ressure lmpacLor (LLl) was used ln assoclauon wlLh Lhe AS Lo slze selecuvely
capLure parucles for mlcroscopy analyses durlng Lhls sLudy.
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llgure 14 : 1wo AS unlLs deployed ad[acenLly (for comparlson purposes) (llgure 3.1a from [9])
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3.2 kLSUL1S
3.2.1 1LCM
llgure 13 shows Lyplcal ouLpuL from Lhe 1LCMs. 1he lnlual splke ls caused by Lhe 1LCM pump sLarL-
up. ln llgure 13, ShelLer 1 refers Lo an upsLream measuremenL from Lhe LS, ShelLer 2 ls dlrecLly
downsLream of Lhe LS and ShelLer 4 ls furLher downsLream posL Lhe uenCx. 1he 1LCM
measuremenLs respond qulckly Lo changlng paruculaLe levels, and shows Lhe reducuon ln boLh M
and M
over a Lyplcal perlod of several hours.
llgure 13 : M
and M
for Monday 24Lh !anuary 2011
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1able 1 shows paruculaLe separauon raLes for 10Lh Lo 28Lh !anuary 2011. 1he resulLs durlng planL
operauon lndlcaLe an approxlmaLely 63 reducuon ln boLh M
and M
Lhrough Lhe LS.
1able 1: ually Separauon 8aLes lor M
And M
(Monday 10Lh !anuary 2011 -
lrlday 28Lh !anuary 2011)
ln LS
ln LS
g/m g/m g/m g/m
266.1 109.4 146.2 38.9
319.6 109.8 390.3 127.7 63.6 67.3
331.9 123.3 419.3 138.8 64.9 62.1
333.7 103.8 400.2 127.4 68.3 68.2
331.0 121.3 432.4 144.0 63.4 66.7
389.2 164.1 463.7 198.4 37.8 37.4
340.6 128.7 409.9 146.0 62.2 64.4
296.4 104.9 338.4 131.2 64.6 63.4
417.4 120.2 307.6 134.1 71.2 69.6
383.3 136.3 439.3 173.2 64.6 61.9
393.1 119.9 470.9 170.9 69.3 63.7
274.6 94.7 341.8 129.3 63.3 62.2
Average 343.2 119.9 423.3 1S0.8 64.9 64.3
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3.2.2 Low Vo|ume Samp|er
llgure 16 shows examples of exposed lLers locaLed upsLream (Lop row) and downsLream (bouom
row) of Lhe LS.
llgure 16 : Lxamples of M
, M
and 1S Lv lLers (llgure 4.3 from [9])
Cn average Lhe M removal emclencles of Lhe LS, measured uslng Lv samplers, was 69 for M
70 for M
and 61 for 1S.
1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL whlle Lhe LS ls removlng M
and M
parucles lL ls also generaung
larger parucles posslbly as a resulL of coagulauon of Lhe ner parucle fracuons.
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3.2.3 AS
llgure 17 shows Lhe parucle capLure emclency of Lhe LS for dlerenL parucle slzes based on
spherlcal equlvalenL parucle geomeLry and Lhe number concenLrauon of parucles.
llgure 17 : Al parucle capLure emclency funcuon (llgure 3.4 from [9])
llgure 17 shows LhaL around 90 of Lhe coarser fracuons of Lhe parucles are removed reduclng Lo
abouL 63 for Lhe nesL parucles resolved by Lhe AS.
1he AS dld noL measure number concenLrauons for parucles less Lhan 0.3m because of Lhe small
conLrlbuuon of parucles of Lhls slze Lo M
and M
and Lhe need for addluonal lnsLrumenLauon
Lo measure Lhem.
1he parucle removal emclency wlLh respecL Lo Lhe 0.3 Lo 2.3m parucles and Lhe 0.3 Lo 10m
parucles was 39 and 61 respecuvely. lL should be noLed LhaL Lhese resulLs are on a parucle
number basls, whlch welghLs Loward Lhe hlgh number of very ne parucles. 1hls cannoL be dlrecLly
compared wlLh Lhe resulLs from Secuon 3.2.2, slnce gravlmeLrlc analysls Lends Lo be welghLed
Loward hlgher mass parucles.
1he Lhree slgnlcanLly dlerenL meLhods of measuremenL used all showed LhaL Lhe LS removes
around 63 of M
and M
and 60 of 1S. 1hls ls less Lhan Lhe over 80 emclency clalmed for
Lhese sysLems.
Cbservauons downsLream of Lhe LS suggesL LhaL Lhe LS process ls creaung large parucles (over
20m) LhaL are noL belng capLured on Lhe LS collecLor plaLes buL are deposlung on earLhed
surfaces ln Lhe Al downsLream of Lhe LS. lL was anuclpaLed LhaL Lhe sysLem would be capable of
removlng almosL all of Lhese large parucles buL Lhe 1S removal emclency was only 60. 1o explaln
Lhe surprlslngly poor performance of Lhe LS aL removlng large parucles, lL was hypoLheslsed LhaL
larger parucles formed on Lhe collecuon plaLes and Lhen broke away. A posslble explanauon ls LhaL
Lhe LS was operaung aL or beyond lLs llmlL ln Lerms of Lhe veloclLy of alr ow Lhrough Lhe sysLem.
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1hls Secuon dlscusses Lhe performance of Lhe Al ln reduclng haze levels ln Lhe Lunnel, or
lmprovlng vlslblllLy, ln parucular aL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe wesLbound carrlageway.
1he Lunnel venulauon sysLem ls a closed" sysLem LhaL has been deslgned Lo avold alr emlsslons
Lhrough Lhe porLals. olluLed alr ls emlued from Lhe venulauon sLack aL 1urrella. 1he alr LhaL ls
removed ls replaced aL approxlmaLely Lhe same locauon downsLream ln Lhe Lunnel by Lhe maln alr
supply, whlch draws alr from Lhe lnLake sLrucLure aL uu SLreeL, Arnclle. lresh alr ls also drawn lnLo
Lhe Lunnel aL all of Lhe porLals. lans move alr LhroughouL Lhe Lunnel and cross-venulauon passages
LhaL Lransfer alr beLween Lhe Lwo Lunnels. llgure 18 shows Lhe venulauon sysLem layouL.
llgure 18 : M3 LasL venulauon SysLem Schemauc
venulauon scheme lllusLraung alr lnleL/ouLleL ln M3 LasL WesLbound and LasLbound 1unnel
1he Al LreaLed alr ln Lhe wesLbound Lunnel. olluLed alr was removed from Lhe Lunnel (Al lnleL)
abouL 0.3km from Lhe wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel and lLered alr was reLurned Lo Lhe Lunnel (Al
ouLleL) furLher along Lhe Lunnel. 1he Al lnleL and ouLleL Lo Lhe Lunnel were locaLed aL Lhe bouom
of an 8 grade LhaL conunues Lo Lhe wesLern porLal of Lhe Lunnel.
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4.2 ML1nCD
1he eecL of Lhe LS on Lunnel haze or vlslblllLy was assessed by:
3. Measurlng Lhe lmprovemenL ln Lhe vlslblllLy of alr LhaL has passed Lhrough Lhe LS:
1wo LcoLech Aurora 1000 nephelomeLers were mounLed upsLream and downsLream of Lhe
LS. nephelomeLers measure Lhe scauerlng and reecuon of llghL passlng Lhrough alr. 1he
amounL of scauerlng and reecuon ls relaLed Lo Lhe Lype and denslLy of parucles ln Lhe alr. lL
ls known LhaL Lhe concenLrauon of M
has Lhe mosL eecL on vlslblllLy.
4. Measurlng Lhe lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy of Lunnel alr from before Lhe Al lnleL Lo aer Lhe
Al ouLleL:
SlCk Malhak vlcoLec 414 1unnel MonlLor vlslblllLy sensors were lnsLalled ln Lhe wesLbound
Lunnel, one (u004_vls) before Lhe Al lnleL and one (u003_vls) aer Lhe Al ouLleL. 1he
dlerence ln vlslblllLy of Lunnel alr was measured wlLh Lhe Al runnlng and wlLhouL Lhe Al
3. Calculaung Lhe eecL on vlslblllLy aL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel:
A vlslblllLy monlLor (ACS404) ls permanenLly mounLed aL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel [usL
before Lhe cross passage LhaL Lransfers alr from Lhe wesLbound Lunnel Lo Lhe easLbound
Lunnel. 1he eecL of Lhe Al on vlslblllLy aL Lhls polnL was analysed by comparlng vlslblllLy aL
ACS404 wlLh and wlLhouL Lhe Al runnlng. 1hls analysls also lnvesugaLed Lhe eecL of Lhe
Al on vlslblllLy aL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel for varylng lnlual Lunnel vlslblllLy condluons
aL Lhe enLry polnL Lo Lhe Al from clear Lo hazy.
1he eecL of Lhe Al on vlslblllLy ln Lhe easLbound Lunnel was also consldered. Powever, lL was noL
posslble Lo obLaln slgnlcanL evldence of any eecL on vlslblllLy ln Lhe easLbound Lunnel due Lo Lhe
dlmlnlshlng lmpacL of Lhe Al as dlsLance downsLream from lL lncreases. 1here was also Lhe
compoundlng eecL of dlerenL Lramc mlx and speed condluons for easLbound and wesLbound
4.3 kLSUL1S
4.3.1 V|s|b|||ty Improvement Across 1he LS
vlslblllLy measuremenLs were Laken when Lhe planL was operauonal, Lyplcally beLween 12 pm and 6
pm on weekdays. 1he averaged monLhly vlslblllLy lmprovemenLs across Lhe Al from Aprll 2010 Lo
!anuary 2011 are llsLed ln 1able 2.
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1able 2: nephelomeLer Measured vlslblllLy lmprovemenL 1hrough LS
MonLhly Average lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy Across LS
MonLh ulerence
Aprll 2010 71.8
May 2010 70.4
!une 2010 38.9
!uly 2010 39.3
AugusL 2010 63.1
SepLember 2010 32.2
CcLober 2010 34.3
november 2010 62.6
uecember 2010 62.7
!anuary 2011 64.9
Cvera|| Average 62.0
1he average monLhly vlslblllLy lmprovemenL over Lhls perlod was 62. 1hls correlaLes closely wlLh
Lhe gravlmeLrlc M
and M
removal raLes of around 63 measured by Lhe 1LCMs as deLalled ln
Secuon 3.2.1.
1yplcal nephelomeLer readlngs are shown ln llgure 19 and llgure 20. uurlng Al operauon, Lhe
upsLream nephelomeLer Lyplcally reads beLween 400 and 600 Mm-1 whlle Lhe downsLream
nephelomeLer Lyplcally reads around 200 Mm-1.
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llgure 19: nephelomeLer readlngs Monday 10Lh !anuary 2011
llgure 20: nephelomeLer readlngs Wednesday 12Lh !anuary 2011
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4.3.2 V|s|b|||ty Improvement Across 1he AI
1hls secuon conslders ln-Lunnel vlslblllLy sensors u004_vSal and u003_vSal from before Lhe Al
and aer Lhe Al, as shown ln llgure 21. llgure 22 shows vlslblllLy measuremenLs before and aer
Lhe Al on 17 lebruary 2011 when Lhe Al fans were runnlng, buL Lhe LS was noL operauonal.
lndlvldual splkes ln vlslblllLy can be observed wlLh a sllghL ume delay beLween Lhe Lwo monlLors. 1he
average exuncuon coemclenL for 12pm Lo 6pm before Lhe Al was 0.0019m-1, whlle Lhe average
exuncuon coemclenL aer Lhe Al was 13 hlgher aL 0.0022m-1. lL ls belleved LhaL Lhe hlgher
gure aL Lhe second monlLor ls due Lo Lhe M emlsslons from vehlcles Lravelllng beLween Lhe Lwo
vlslblllLy sensors.
llgure 21 : Schemauc of Al lndlcaung posluon of vlslblllLy monlLors before and aer Al
llgure 22 : 1unnel vlslblllLy on 1hursday 17Lh lebruary 2011
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llgure 23 ls Lyplcal ploL of Lhe Lunnel vlslblllLy sensors, from Monday 17Lh !anuary 2011. lL shows a
23 Lo 30 lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy durlng LS operauon.
llgure 23 : 1unnel vlslblllLy on Monday 17Lh !anuary 2011
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1he vlslblllLy change ln Lhe Lunnel alr when Lhe Al was runnlng beLween Lhe Al lnleL and ouLleL ls
shown ln 1able 3. Pours where Lhe Al had noL operaLed eecuvely for Lhe whole hour were
omlued from Lhls calculauon.
1able 3: 1unnel vlslblllLy lmprovemenL 8eLween Al lnleL And CuLleL uurlng Al
Cperauon - Pours WlLh 60 MlnuLes Cf Al Cperauon
MonLhly Average
(durlng Al
Average MonLhly
vlslblllLy u004_vls
8efore Cake uurlng
Al Cperauon
Average MonLhly vlslblllLy
u003_vls Aer Cake
uurlng Al Cperauon
(1/km) (1/km) ( ulerence)
March 2010 2.613 2.433 6.1
Aprll 2010 1.423 0.911 36.0
May 2010 1.339 0.903 33.6
!une 2010 1.200 0.731 39.0
!uly 2010 1.211 0.792 34.6
AugusL 2010 1.694 1.133 31.9
SepLember 2010 1.334 0.933 29.9
CcLober 2010 1.334 1.113 27.3
november 2010 1.674 1.133 31.0
uecember 2010 2.101 1.442 31.4
!anuary 2011 1.393 0.967 39.4
lebruary 2011 1.801 1.202 33.2
March 2011 1.649 1.038 37.0
Aprll 2011 1.727 1.233 28.3
May 2011 1.308 1.077 17.6
!une 2011 1.233 0.937 23.7
!uly 2011 1.208 1.033 12.7
Average 1.S70 1.12S 29.0
1he average lmprovemenL ln Lunnel vlslblllLy beLween Lhe Al lnleL and ouLleL durlng Al operauon
over Lhe perlod from March 2010 Lo !uly 2011 was 29.
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4.3.3 V|s|b|||ty Improvement In 1he Westbound 1unne|
vlslblllLy aL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel has been Lracked slnce Lhe Lunnel opened by a monlLor
lnsLalled for operauonal reasons. 1hls monlLor, ldenued as ACS404, ls locaLed [usL before Lhe
wesLern cross passage.
1he average ACS404 readlng from 12pm-6pm and also Lhe hlghesL hourly average ACS404 readlng
from 12pm-6pm were compared for days LhaL Lhe Al was runnlng or noL runnlng. lor Lhls
comparlson, daLa was analysed from 480 days ln Lhe perlod of March 2010 Lo !uly 2011 where daLa
was avallable for Lhe perlod 12pm-6pm. 1here were 208 weekdays wlLh Lhe Al fully operauonal for
3 hours (300 mlnuLes) or more, whlch were compared Lo 62 weekdays where Lhe Al was
operauonal for 30 mlnuLes or less. 1he resulLs are shown ln 1able 4.
1able 4: Average And eak 1unnel vlslblllLy 8eadlngs lor Weekdays 12pm - 6pm
Average vlslblllLy 8eadlng lrom
12pm - 6pm
eak Pourly Average vlslblllLy
8eadlng lrom 12pm - 6pm
Al runnlng Al noL runnlng Al runnlng Al noL runnlng
(1/m) (1/m) (1/m) (1/m)
ACS404 0.00210 0.00213 0.00239 0.00266
1he resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL ACS404 readlngs were very sllghLly lmproved when Lhe Al was operaung.
Powever, as seen ln 1able 3, Lhe Lramc counLs for Lhe key medlum and long vehlcles were generally
hlgher on Lhe days Lhe Al was runnlng, lndlcaung Lhe sLrong llkellhood LhaL Lhe Al was
performlng beuer Lhan shown ln 1able 4.
1able 3: Average Pourly 1ramc CounLs WesLbound And LasLbound lor uays When Al
Was 8unnlng And noL 8unnlng.
Al SLaLus L8 ShorL L8
L8 Long W8 ShorL W8
W8 Long
8unnlng 2763 126 131 2434 130 149
noL 8unnlng 2840 111 128 2437 123 124
1o auempL Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe eecL of varylng Lramc counLs, a separaLe analysls was conducLed on Lhe
same 480 days ln Lhe perlod Aprll 2010 Lo !une 2011 where daLa was avallable for Lhe perlod 12pm-
! Lach hour beLween 12pm and 6pm ln Lhe perlod was sorLed accordlng Lo how many mlnuLes
Lhe Al was operauonal. Pours wlLh Lhe Al operauonal for 60 mlnuLes or 0 mlnuLes were
lncluded ln furLher analysls, and hours wlLh lnLermedlaLe umes of operauon were noL
! Pours were sorLed lnLo caLegorles accordlng Lo u004_vSal vlslblllLy readlngs. 1he lnLenuon of
Lhls sorung was Lo esLabllsh a conslsLenL basellne for comparlson.
! Average ACS404 readlngs were esLabllshed wlLh Lhe Al on and o for all caLegorles of
vlslblllLy aL u004_vSal.
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ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J0
1he resulLs are glven ln 1able 6.
1able 6: 8esulLs Cf Comparlson 8eLween Pours Al 8unnlng And noL 8unnlng lor
ACS404 8ased Cn lnlual 8anges Cf u004_vSal vlslblllLy 8eadlng
lnlual u004 vlslblllLy 8eadlng
ln 8ange: (1/m)
Average ACS404 8eadlng (1/m) 8educuon
Al Cn 0 MlnuLes Al Cn 60 MlnuLes
0-0.001 0.00132 0.00123 7
0.001-0.002 0.00230 0.00210 9
0.002-0.003 0.00273 0.00238 6
0.003-0.004 0.00343 0.00281 18
Average 0.00244 0.00218 11
An average 11 Al performance ln lmprovlng ACS404 vlslblllLy was calculaLed over Lhe dlerenL
lnlual condluon ranges. lL appears from Lhe daLa LhaL Lhe Al becomes more emclenL aL lmprovlng
ACS404 vlslblllLy for hlgher lnlual vlslblllLy readlngs. Powever, Al lnleL vlslblllLy of 0.003-0.004m
only accounLed for 2.3 of Lhe hours analysed. 1he ma[orlLy (80) of Lhe daLa came from lnlual Al
lnleL vlslblllLy ln Lhe rsL Lwo brackeLs, from 0-0.002m
. When Lhe lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy aL
ACS404 ls ume-welghLed Lo reecL Lhe average ACS404 vlslblllLy lmprovemenL over ume, Lhe resulL
ls abouL 6.
lL ls known LhaL Lhe vlslblllLy levels ln Lhe Lunnel are closely relaLed Lo Lhe number of heavy vehlcles
ln Lhe Lramc. Changes ln Lhe volume of llghL vehlcles (cars) have llule eecL on vlslblllLy levels.
1o place Lhe vlslblllLy readlngs durlng Lhe Lrlal ln a long-Lerm conLexL llgure 24 shows Lhe average
vlslblllLy readlngs aL ASC 404 from lebruary 2002 Lo !uly 2011. vlslblllLy has lmproved sllghLly over
LhaL ume perlod.
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llgure 24 : MonLhly average ACS404 exuncuon coemclenL from lebruary 2002 Lo !uly 2011
1he small lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy ln Lhe Lunnel has occurred desplLe an lncrease ln vehlcle
numbers. llgure 23 shows Lhe monLhly average vlslblllLy aL ACS404 compared Lo Lhe monLhly
average dally Lramc counLs for shorL, medlum and long vehlcles, all lndexed Lo Lhe same sLarung
polnL ln May 2003. 1ramc counLs have lncreased over ume, parucularly for long vehlcles, buL
vlslblllLy aL ACS404, has lmproved. lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhe lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy wlll conunue as
older polluung vehlcles conunue Lo be replaced by new cleaner vehlcles. rogresslve lmprovemenLs
ln fuel quallLy wlll also conunue Lo have an eecL.
llgure 23 : Average dally Lruck Lramc counL compared Lo ACS404 vlslblllLy, normallsed Lo May 2003
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J2
1he eecL of Lhe Al on Lhe vlslblllLy of Lhe Lunnel alr beLween Lhe Al lnleL and ouLleL ls abouL
29, LhaL ls around half of Lhe vlslblllLy lmprovemenL Lhrough Lhe LS. 1hls ls loglcal as Lhe LS
LreaLs and reLurns abouL 60 of Lhe alr owlng ln Lhe Lunnel.
1he lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy a furLher 0.4km along Lhe Lunnel, near Lhe wesLern exlL, appears Lo be
abouL 6 on average over ume. 1he calculauon of Lhls eecL ls dlmculL as Lhe vlslblllLy levels aL Lhe
wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel are aecLed by Lramc volumes and Lramc mlx. vlslblllLy aL Lhls polnL ls
parucularly sensluve Lo emlsslons from Lrucks Lravelllng up Lhe gradlenL aL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce JJ
Assesslng Lhe operauonal performance of Lhe sysLem lnvolved:
! MonlLorlng planL sLaLus Lo esLabllsh Lhe rellablllLy of operauon.
! MonlLorlng alr ow Lo esLabllsh ow raLes Lhrough Lhe wesLbound road Lunnel, Lhe LS and
Lhe uenCx lLer.
! MonlLorlng power and energy consumpuon.
! Calculaung cosLs and greenhouse emlsslons.
! Calculaung Lhe cosL and greenhouse gas emlsslons per Lonne of polluLanL removed.
1he LS was usually scheduled Lo run from 12pm Lo 6pm LS1 (or Lu1) on weekdays. Supervlsory
ConLrol and uaLa Acqulsluon (SCAuA) lnpuLs and ouLpuLs (l/C) were logged ln a daLa recordlng
soware package - LnvlsLaA8M - and analysed Lo deLermlne when Lhe Al was operauonal and
ldenufy any lssues wlLh lLs operauon. 1he followlng l/C were monlLored Lo measure Al operauon:
! C001_Cnds - re-lonlser Pv CeneraLor Cn
! C002_Cnds - LS Pv CeneraLor 1 (lonlser) Cn
! C003_Cnds - LS Pv CeneraLor 2 (CollecLor) Cn
! l001_8nds - lan 1 Cn
! l002_8nds - lan 2 Cn
! l003_8nds - lan 3 Cn
! l004_8nds - lan 4 Cn
uurlng ordlnary Al operauon, all Lhe above slgnals should record 1', or Cn. lf any were noL on,
Lhen Lhe Al was noL consldered Lo be operaung correcLly.
Cperaung umes were conrmed wlLh Lhe dally Al operaLor logs. 1hese logs were supplled by
8P88 lncludlng lnformauon on Al sLarL ume, sLop ume, any lssues or alarms and Lhelr resoluuon,
and Lhe Al wash-down acuvlLy. 1hese logs were comblned by AMCC lnLo a dally spreadsheeL
uLled Al AvallablllLy," lncluded as Appendlx 8. 1he spreadsheeL comblnes lnformauon from Lhe
Al Logs and lnformauon from operaLors abouL lssues faced and resolved.
1he LoLal hours scheduled, LoLal hours operauonal, number of days LhaL Lhe planL ran as scheduled
for 6 hours and Lhe number of days lL ran for 3 hours or less are llsLed ln 1able 7 from Lhe sLarL of
operauon ln Aprll 2010 unul Aprll 2011. lrom Aprll 2011 unul Lhe end of Lhe Lrlal Lhe Al was run Lo
sulL Lhe schedule of CSl8C experlmenLs, and Lherefore daLa from Lhls perlod has noL been lncluded
ln Lhe rellablllLy assessmenL.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J4
1able 7: MonLhly 8unnlng 1lmes
MonLh 1oLal Pours
1oLal Pours
no. uays
6 Pours
no. uays
3 Pours
Cr Less

Aprll 2010 108.0 82.0 73.9 7 38.9 9 30.0

May 2010 123.0 93.3 76.4 8 38.4 9 43.2
!une 2010 124.0 113.0 91.1 13 62.9 3 24.2
!uly 2010 132.0 120.3 91.3 14 63.6 3 13.6
AugusL 2010 132.0 116.0 87.9 13 68.2 4 18.2
SepLember 2010 132.0 126.3 93.8 13 68.2 2 9.1
CcLober 2010 113.3 81.0 71.4 8 42.3 11 38.2
november 2010 130.0 100.3 77.3 12 33.4 7 32.3
uecember 2010 120.0 91.3 76.3 12 60.0 7 33.0
!anuary 2011 114.0 90.3 79.4 11 37.9 6 31.6
lebruary 2011 119.0 101.0 84.9 14 70.6 3 23.2
March 2011 132.0 123.0 93.2 13 68.2 3 22.7
Aprll 2011 90.3 84.3 93.4 13 86.2 3 33.1
Average 120.9 102.0 84.0 12.1 60.0 6.0 30.0
lL can be seen from 1able 7 LhaL Lhe average avallablllLy of Lhe Al was 84 over Lhe perlod Aprll
2010 Lo Aprll 2011. 1he worsL monLhs were Aprll 2010, CcLober 2010 and uecember 2010 wlLh
avallablllues of 76, 71 and 76. 1he besL monLhs were SepLember 2010, March 2011 and Aprll
2011, wlLh avallablllues of 96, 93 and 93. 1hls compares wlLh Lhe LargeL of 99.3 avallablllLy
[10], whlch was never achleved.
ln some monLhs Lhe planL was fully operauonal on only 7 or 8 days. As can be seen ln 1able 7 Lhe
proporuon of days per monLh LhaL Lhe planL ran as specled was approxlmaLely 60, whlle Lhe
proporuon of days LhaL Lhe planL operaLed for 3 hours or less was on average 30.
lL should be noLed LhaL:
! Cf Lhe 36 weeks of operauon slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lrlal ln Aprll 2010 Lo Lhe end of Aprll
2011, no week lncluded 3 days faulL-free operauon.
! 32 ouL of 36 weeks of operauon have feaLured aL leasL one Al sLarL faulL requlrlng a resLarL,
an alarm sLopplng Lhe planL, or Lhe planL noL runnlng aL all.
! Cn approxlmaLely 20 of days when lL was scheduled Lo operaLe, Lhe planL was dlmculL Lo
sLarL and experlenced alarms and errors ln Lhe rsL half hour Lo hour of operauon. 1hls
lncluded faulLs such as hlgh volLage generaLor errors, dampers noL openlng or fans falllng Lo
energlse. When such fallures occurred operauons had Lo be performed by experlenced
personnel on-slLe, ranglng from slmple resLarLs Lo sLarung Lhe planL manually.
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lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J5
S.2.1 Measurement And Ca|cu|anon Cf I|ow kates
1he LargeL ow raLes were 200m
/s Lhrough Lhe LS and 30m
/s Lhrough Lhe uenCx planL.
lllLronLec was able Lo seL ow raLes of abouL 184m/s Lhrough Lhe LS and 44m/s Lhrough Lhe
uenCx lLer durlng commlsslonlng.
Cver Lhe Lrlal, ow raLes Lhrough Lhe Al were monlLored uslng ow meLers before Lhe LS and on
elLher slde of Lhe uenCx lLer.
1he alr ow raLes ln Lhe wesLbound Lunnel near Lhe Al were calculaLed as an average of Lwo ow-
meLers, one lnsLalled before Lhe Al lnleL and Lhe oLher aer Lhe Al ouLleL.
S.2.2 1unne| And AI I|ow kates
1he monLhly average ow raLes (as calculaLed ln Appendlx C) durlng umes of Al operauon are
llsLed ln 1able 8. 1he overall average Lunnel ow raLe durlng Al operauonal hours was abouL
318m/s. 1he average alrow lnLo Lhe Al durlng Al operauon was 184m/s, whlch represenLed
abouL 38 of Lunnel alrow. 1he average ow Lhrough Lhe uenCx unlL was 44m/s, whlch
represenLed 24 of Al alrow and 14 of wesLbound Lunnel alrow.
1able 8: 1unnel And Al llow 8aLes uurlng Al Cperauon
MonLhly Average
uurlng Al Cperauon
1unnel llow 8aLe Al llow 8aLe uenCx llow 8aLe
MonLh m
/s m
/s m
Aprll 2010 319.3 184.3 42.6
May 2010 316.1 184.2 32.8
!une 2010 304.3 183.6 43.3
!uly 2010 313.3 184.2 46.8
AugusL 2010 303.4 184.0 43.7
SepLember 2010 329.3 183.4 44.3
CcLober 2010 328.2 181.7 40.1
november 2010 327.0 193.6 43.7
uecember 2010 319.6 190.8 42.1
!anuary 2011 321.7 182.9 41.4
lebruary 2011 317.6 180.0 43.2
March 2011 313.7 181.3 41.4
Aprll 2011 316.4 178.3 43.6
Cvera|| Average 318.0 184.4 44.1
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J6
1he elecLrlcal power daLa was obLalned from Lhe SCAuA sysLem and measured for umes LhaL Lhe
hlgh volLage (Pv) CeneraLors of Lhe LS were on and o. 1able 9 llsLs Lhe Al dally average
elecLrlcal power level by monLh.
1he power use, wlLhouL LS operauon, lncreased ln november and uecember as 8MServlces were
runnlng Lhe maln venulauon fans for Lhree hours aL nlghL on weekdays Lo obLaln background
readlngs and Lo check lnsLrumenL callbrauon.
1able 9: Al ower Consumpuon - ually Averages 8y MonLh
MonLhly Average WlLhouL LS
MonLh kW Average
kW Average
Aprll 2010 18.0 341 206 1029 991 1213
May 2010 17.3 336 218 1132 1032 1307
!une 2010 17.2 346 223 1260 1191 1339
!uly 2010 16.3 313 227 1231 1238 1364
AugusL 2010 18.3 339 221 1313 1182 1309
SepLember 2010 19.4 377 213 1303 1308 1660
CcLober 2010 20.3 404 199 1137 1127 1487
november 2010 23.1 488 230 1322 1313 1360
uecember 2010 63.2 939 221 1239 2030 2231
!anuary 2011 43.2 867 179 977 1396 1668
lebruary 2011 37.9 740 173 1006 1416 1709
March 2011 32.7 1030 182 1003 1766 2007
Aprll 2011 41.3 798 190 973 1344 1639
May 2011 31.1 617 179 980 1237 1308
!une 2011 40.2 916 224 798 1311 1632
Cvera|| Average 30.9 S93 206 1116 1327 1618
1. Some days' operauon were noL lncluded due Lo SCAuA daLa belng compleLely unavallable, or only parually avallable for Lhe
day whlch would lead Lo mlsleadlng resulLs.
lrom 1able 9, lL can be seen LhaL on average Lhe planL used:
! 31kW for umes of non-LS operauon (generally Lhe Al belng o).
! 206kW for umes of LS operauon (generally Lhe Al belng on).
! 1116 kWh per day durlng LS operauon.
! 1618kWh per weekday.
! 1327kWh per day for all days lncludlng weekends.
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1oLal energy use averaged weekly has been glven for weeks ln monLhs from Aprll 2010 Lo !une 2011
ln 1able 10. 1he average energy use per week was recorded as 8604kWh. 1he LoLal elecLrlclLy
consumpuon from Aprll 2010 Lo end of !une 2011 ls 332.1MWh, and Lhe esumaLed elecLrlclLy use
for Lhe Al Lrlal Lo 9Lh SepLember 2011 ls 671MWh.
1able 10: 1oLal Al Lnergy use Slnce Aprll 2010
MonLh 1oLal Consumpuon, Average kWh/week
Aprll 2010 6691
May 2010 6980
!une 2010 8047
!uly 2010 8388
AugusL 2010 7387
SepLember 2010 9139
CcLober 2010 7306
november 2010 7741
uecember 2010 8929
!anuary 2011 8713
lebruary 2011 9914
March 2011 12363
Aprll 2011 9403
May 2011 8662
!une 2011 9180
Average kWh] Week 8604
Cn Lhe 20Lh and 21sL !anuary 2011 Lhe elecLrlclLy consumpuon wlLh Lhe Al operaung wlLhouL Lhe
uenCx lLer was compared Lo consumpuon wlLh all sysLems operauonal. 1he marglnal elecLrlclLy
cosL for runnlng Lhe uenCx was found Lo be approxlmaLely 22kW, or 11 of LoLal Al elecLrlclLy
consumpuon. 1he value of 22kW ls low compared wlLh Lhe raLed power of Lhe uenCx fans,
however, Lhls can be explalned by Lhe facL LhaL Lhere was a low pressure drop over Lhe uenCx array
due Lo gaps and alr leak paLhs found durlng Lhe Lrlal.
lor Lhe purpose of followlng calculauons lL wlll be assumed LhaL, lf Lhe planL were operaung rellably
for 6 hours each weekday:
! 1he dally weekday power consumpuon would be 1620 kWh (comprlsed of 18 hours aL 20kW
and 6 hours aL 210kW),
! 1he dally consumpuon on a weekend would be 480 kWh, wlLh a
! 1oLal weekly power consumpuon of 9060 kWh.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J8
S.4.1 Cap|ta| Cost
1he caplLal cosL of consLrucung Lhe Al was $60m whlch lncludes a cosL for machlnery of $16m.
S.4.2 Cperanona| Costs
1he acLual operauonal cosLs per annum for Lhe Al over Lhe evaluauon perlod are summarlsed ln
1able 11.
1able 11: Summary 8unnlng CosLs Cf Al
CosL ($/annum)
MalnLenance of asseLs $139,476
MalnLenance of asseLs Lo be conducLed by sub-conLracLors $138,268
Moblllsauon $66,077
8aslc Consumables $4,398
ro[ecL Coordlnauon $343,200
CS1 on above lLems $71,162
WaLer Consumpuon $7,260
1C1AL 5790,041
LlecLrlclLy Consumpuon $33,288
1ota| w|th L|ectr|c|ty Consumpnon 5823,330
lor Lhe purpose of followlng calculauons lL wlll be assumed LhaL, lf Lhe planL were operaung for 6 hours
each weekday, Lhe LoLal weekly power consumpuon would be 9060 kWh as calculaLed above and
power cosL $0.0744 per kWh:
! Lhe power cosL per week would be $674, and
! Lhe annual cosL for power would be $33,031.
Assumlng fuLure runnlng cosLs of abouL $800,000 per annum Lhe LoLal operauonal cosLs per annum
for fuLure Al operauon wlll be assumed Lo be $833,000.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J9
S.S.1 Construcnon Greenhouse Lm|ss|ons
1he greenhouse gas emlsslons from consLrucuon of Lhe Al were esumaLed uslng 8MServlces
Creenhouse Cas lnvenLory for 8oad ConsLrucuon ro[ecLs [11]. 1hls Lool allows calculauon of
equlvalenL emlsslons from consLrucuon pro[ecLs and ls generally conslsLenL wlLh Lhe World
8esources lnsuLuLe and AusLralla's nauonal Creenhouse Accounung procedures [12].
1he lnvenLory collecLs all ma[or sources of greenhouse gas emlsslons, and classles Lhem as:
! Scope 1: ulrecL CPC emlsslons. lor example fuels used on slLe.
! Scope 2: lndlrecL CPC emlsslons. lor example emlsslons generaLed Lhrough Lhe producuon of
elecLrlclLy purchased Lo use on slLe.
! Scope 3: lndlrecL CPC emlsslons from sources noL owned or conLrolled by Lhe roponenL. lor
example emlsslons generaLed by Lhe producuon of maLerlals such as sLeel and cemenL.
1he full analysls ls lncluded as Appendlx u, and Lhe resulLs are summarlsed ln 1able 12 below, wlLh
Lhe emlsslons glven ln LCC
e, emlsslons wlLh greenhouse eecL equlvalenL Lo 1 Lon CC
1able 12: ConsLrucuon Creenhouse Cas Lmlsslons
lLem CuanuLy unlL Lmlsslon LsumaLe
LlecLrlclLy used on slLe
for consLrucuon
968000 kWh 10333
ConcreLe 12883 1onne 1990
SLeel 323 1onne 1003
ShoLcreLe 1330 1onne 260
ulesel used for planL
43300 L 130
ulesel consumed for
wasLe LransporL
37300 L 110
CLher n/A n/A 60
1ota| 13910
S.S.2 Cperanona| Greenhouse Lm|ss|ons
lor Lhe purposes of Lhls evaluauon Lhe nauonal Creenhouse lacLors for !uly 2010 [12] were uullsed
Lo allgn wlLh Lhe perlod of operauon. 8ased on a weekly power consumpuon of 9060 kWh and
assumlng 0.90kg of carbon dloxlde are released per kWh [12], Lhe annual greenhouse emlsslons
resulung from power consumpuon are 424LCC
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 40
1he amounLs of nC
and M
removed by Lhe uenCx lLer and LS respecuvely have been
calculaLed ln Appendlx L. lL was assumed LhaL Lhe:
! Lmclency of Lhe uenCx lLer ls 33 and emclency of Lhe LS ls 63.
! Average concenLrauon of nC
upsLream of Lhe lLer ls 0.43ppm and M
ls 330g/m
! Al ls scheduled Lo operaLe from 12pm-6pm weekdays, and has avallablllLy of 84.
! luLure power use of Lhe Al ls 210kW whlle operaung, 20kW whlle noL operaung, and
9060kWh weekly.
Clven Lhe above assumpuons, approxlmaLely:
! 100kg/year of nC
would be removed by Lhe uenCx lLer, and
! 200kg/year of M
would be removed by Lhe LS.
1he dollar cosL of removal per kg of M
and nC
was calculaLed for boLh Lhe llfeume of Lhe Al,
lncludlng all caplLal and operaung cosLs and annually lncludlng only Lhe operaung cosLs.
Slnce componenLs of Lhe Al have dlerenL deslgn llves (e.g. Lhe Lunnel and underground bulldlng
have 100 year deslgn llfe, whlle mechanlcal and elecLrlcal equlpmenL have 10-20 year deslgn llfe
[10]) and Lhe useful llfe of Lhe Al ls unknown, deslgn llves from 10-100 years could be used as Lhe
basls of depreclauon. Powever, glven rapld advances ln vehlcle Lechnology and Lhe poLenual for
lmprovemenLs ln Lunnel venulauon Lechnology a maxlmum of 20 years deslgn llfe was consldered
8ased on relauve sysLem slzes and cosLs, 90 of caplLal and operauonal cosLs have been
apporuoned Lo Lhe removal of M and 10 Lo Lhe removal of nC
. 1hls apporuonlng ls based on Lhe
comparauve cosLs of deslgnlng and bulldlng M and nC
removal Lechnology, as well as Lhe
marglnal operauonal cosL of runnlng Lhe uenCx lLer. 1he cosL of polluLanL removal per kg was
calculaLed by dlvldlng Lhe apporuoned cosL by Lhe mass of M
or nC
removed over a perlod.
S.7.1 1ota| Insta||anon And Cperanona| Costs er kg o||utant kemoved
1he caplLal cosL of Lhe Al was $60m and Lhe annual operaung cosLs, as calculaLed above, are
1he apporuoned LoLal lnsLallauon and operaung cosLs over 10 and 20 years for boLh M
and nC
are shown ln 1able 13. 1hese cosLs reecL Lhe cosL eecuveness of consLrucung Lhe Al for Lhe
glven deslgn llfe.
1able 13: Apporuoned CosLs er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved
uescrlpuon CosL er kg M
CosL er kg nC
lnsLallauon and Cperaung CosLs - 10 year llfe $30,999 $7,133
lnsLallauon and Cperaung CosLs - 20 year llfe $17,393 $4,014
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
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ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 41
S.7.2 Cperanng Cost er kg o||utant kemoved
1he annual operaung cosL of $833,000 ls apporuoned Lo 90 for M
and 10 for nC
. 1hese
values are Lhen dlvlded by Lhe annual mass of polluLanL removed, refer Lo Appendlx L, Lo glve Lhe
per kg cosL of M
and nC
removed, as shown ln 1able 14. 1hese cosLs exclude lnsLallauon cosL,
and so provlde a measure of Lhe ongolng cosL eecuveness of runnlng Lhe Al.
1able 14: Apporuoned Cperaung CosLs er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved
CosL er kg M
CosL er kg nC
Cperaung CosL $3,787 $874
S.7.3 Sens|nv|ty Ana|ys|s
1he sensluvlLy of Lhe above calculauon Lo changes ln cosLs was assessed by conslderlng alLernauve
ulscusslon wlLh 8MServlces suggesLed LhaL posslble changes LhaL could occur wlLh Lhe M3 LasL Al
! A doubllng of operaung hours from 6 Lo 12 hours per day, and
! uoubllng of power cosLs from $33,000 Lo $70,000 per annum.
lor Lhe purpose of Lhls sensluvlLy LesL, lL was assumed LhaL whlle doubllng operaung hours from 6 Lo
12 hours per day, Lhe concenLrauon levels would remaln unchanged from Lhe assumed levels above.
1hls ls reasonable because Lhe average levels of key medlum and long vehlcles ln Lhe wesLbound
Lunnel are hlgh from 6am Lo 12pm as well as 12pm Lo 6pm, as shown ln llgure 26. noLe from llgure
26 LhaL lL would llkely be less emclenL Lo run Lhe Al on weekends, or for more Lhan 12 hours per
day, and also poLenually reduce Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe planL furLher.
llgure 27 shows Lhe ume of day aL whlch Lhe maxlmum ACS404 readlng has occurred on weekdays.
1he maxlmum readlng ume ls Lrendlng down over ume from abouL 2pm Lo 12pm, and almosL all
maxlmum readlngs have been beLween 6am and 6pm.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 42
llgure 26: Average medlum and long vehlcle counLs per hour ln wesLbound Lunnel
llgure 27: Pour of Lhe day LhaL Lhe maxlmum hourly readlng occurred for ACS404
lL was also assumed LhaL Lhe Al would have Lhe same ongolng avallablllLy and operaung cosLs
excludlng elecLrlclLy, alLhough hlgher use could posslbly enLall hlgher charges for malnLenance.
lor a 20 year deslgn llfe, lncludlng lnsLallauon and operaung cosLs, Lhese changes would resulL ln:
! CosL per kg of M
removal of $8776, and
! CosL per kg of nC
removal of $2023.
LlecLrlclLy cosLs are small ln relauon Lo consLrucuon and operauon cosLs. Lven wlLh Lhe hlgher
power use, 78 of Lhe cosL per kg of polluLanL removal ls due Lo Lhe caplLal cosLs (excludlng power)
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 4J
and less Lhan 2 ls due Lo power cosLs. Pence runnlng Lhe Al for Lwlce as long eecuvely halves
Lhe LoLal cosL per kg of polluLanL removed.
lf only operauonal cosLs are consldered Lhese changes would resulL ln:
! CosL per kg of M
removal of $1973, and
! CosL per kg of nC
removal of $433.
1he doubllng of operaung hours eecuvely halves Lhe operaung cosL per kg of polluLanL removal as
elecLrlclLy cosLs are low compared Lo oLher operaung cosLs. 1hls assumes LhaL Lhe longer operaung
hours would noL resulL ln hlgher operaung expenses (alLhough LhaL would llkely be Lhe case).
lurLher exLenslons of Lhe operaung hours would have decreased eecL as polluLanL levels, and
hence polluLanL removal levels, are much lower pre 6am and posL 6pm.
1he LoLal equlvalenL Creenhouse Cas emlsslons for each kg of polluLanL removed were calculaLed
uslng boLh Lhe equlvalenL CPC emlsslons for Al consLrucuon calculaLed ln Secuon 3.3.1 and Lhe
equlvalenL CPC emlsslons for annual Al elecLrlclLy consumpuon, as calculaLed ln Secuon 3.3.2.
1he consLrucuon greenhouse emlsslons were apporuoned ln Lhe same rauo as Lhe consLrucuon
cosLs: 90 Lo paruculaLe removal and 10 Lo nC
1he emlsslons per kg of polluLanL removed have also been calculaLed for Al operauon uslng
measured Al elecLrlclLy consumpuon wlLh Lhe uenCx runnlng and wlLhouL Lhe uenCx runnlng.
S.8.1 1ota| Insta||anon And Cperanona| Greenhouse Gas Lm|ss|ons er kg o||utant
Assumlng a 20 year deslgn llfe and glven consLrucuon greenhouse emlsslons of 13,910 LCC2e and
operaung emlsslons of 424 LCC2 per annum Lhe apporuoned CC2e emlsslons per kg of polluLanL
removed are shown ln 1able 13.
1able 13: Apporuoned 1oLal Creenhouse Lmlsslons er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved
uescrlpuon kg CC2e er kg
kg CC2e er kg
lnsLallauon and Cperaung Lmlsslons 3,060 1,220
S.8.2 Cperanona| Greenhouse Gas Lm|ss|ons er kg o||utant kemoved
Al operaung power wlLh and wlLhouL Lhe uenCx runnlng were Laken from measured daLa Lo glve
Lhe relauve energy consumpuon. 1he apporuoned greenhouse emlsslons per kg M
and per kg
are glven ln 1able 16.
1able 16: Apporuoned Creenhouse Lmlsslons er kg Cf olluLanL 8emoved
uescrlpuon kg CC2e er kg
kg CC2e er kg
Cperaung Lmlsslons 1,097 270
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 44
A comparlson of Lhe ouLcomes of Lhe Al Lvaluauon rogram agalnsL Lhe requlremenLs of
ueparLmenL of lannlng Condluon of Approval 81M ls provlded ln 1able 17.
1able 17: Condluon Cf Approval 81M (MonlLorlng And 8eporung)
Condluon Cf
8equlremenL Cf Condluon And Concluslon
81M(o) Mooltotloq ooJ vetlfcouoo of tbe oolse petfotmooce of tbe flttouoo tecbooloqy
ooJ ptovlsloo of o flttouoo ttlol tepott tbot locloJes o cooclosloo ooJ
tecommeoJouoos teqotJloq tbe vloblllty of coouooloq tbe ttlol.
nolse performance was monlLored and verled Lo sausfy ro[ecL 8rlef
requlremenLs as well as Lhe new SouLh Wales lndusLrlal nolse ollcy (LA, 2000),
as deLalled ln Appendlx l.
1hls 8eporL: "M3 LasL 1unnel lllLrauon 1rlal Lvaluauon rogram - 8evlew of
Cperauonal erformance", AMCC, r2009.[030.003.1, 22 lebruary 2012 was
lssued aL Lhe compleuon of Lhe Al Lrlal. Concluslons are found ln Secuon 8 of
Lhls 8eporL and recommendauons are found ln Secuon 9 of Lhls 8eporL.
81M(b) Mooltotloq umes, Jotouoos, telloblllty ooJ ovolloblllty of tbe flttouoo tecbooloqy
lanL run umes were monlLored and recorded, as dlscussed ln Secuon 3.1. 1he
Al was operaLed generally from 12pm Lo 6pm weekdays excepL durlng umes of
planned or unplanned downume, and unless oLherwlse requlred by CSl8C for
speclc experlmenLal acuvlLy.
1he Al ran for an average of 102 hours per monLh ouL of an average of 121
hours scheduled. 1he Al avallablllLy averaged 84.
81M(c) Mooltotloq televoot fow totes tbtooqb tbe ptoject toooels, ooJ loto/oot of tbe
flttouoo tecbooloqy.
llow raLes were recorded as deLalled ln Secuon 3.2.
1he wesLbound Lunnel ow raLe averaged 318m
/s durlng ume of Al operauon.
1he Al ow raLe averaged 184m
/s. 1he uenCx ow raLe averaged 44m
81M(J) Mooltotloq televoot potometets ptlot to ooJ followloq tteotmeot tbtooqb tbe
flttouoo tecbooloqy, locloJloq lM
, lM
ooJ oxlJes of olttoqeo.
, M
and nC
levels were recorded LhroughouL Lhe evaluauon program as
descrlbed ln Secuons 2 and 3.
levels averaged around 330g/m
before Lhe LS, and 100g/m
durlng measured perlods, wlLh an approxlmaLe 63 reducuon Lhrough Lhe LS.
levels averaged 320g/m
before Lhe LS, and 100g/m
aer durlng
measured perlods, wlLh an approxlmaLe 63 reducuon Lhrough Lhe LS.
nC levels averaged 3.1ppm before Lhe uenCx, and 2.7ppm aer from bag
measuremenLs, wlLh an approxlmaLe 12 reducuon.
levels averaged 0.33ppm before Lhe uenCx, and 0.13ppm aer from bag
measuremenLs , wlLh an approxlmaLe 33 reducuon.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 45
1able 17: Condluon Cf Approval 81M (MonlLorlng And 8eporung)
Condluon Cf
8equlremenL Cf Condluon And Concluslon
81M(e) Mooltotloq televoot potometets wltblo tbe ptoject toooels, to ossess tbe e[ects
of tbe flttouoo tecbooloqy oo lo-toooel olt poollty.
Paze measuremenLs were recorded ln Lhe pro[ecL Lunnels ln Secuon 4.
An average lmprovemenL of 29 was recorded durlng ume of Al operauon
beLween vlslblllLy monlLors lnsLalled before and aer Lhe Al ln Lhe wesLbound
An lmprovemenL of approxlmaLely 6 ln vlslblllLy aL Lhe wesLern exlL of Lhe
wesLbound Lunnel over ume was assoclaLed wlLh Al operauon.
81M(f) colcolouoo of tbe petfotmooce of tbe flttouoo tecbooloqy, oo tbe bosls of
pollotoot cooceottouoo, totol pollotoot looJ, ooJ cost pet klloqtom of eocb
pollotoot temoveJ.
1he LoLal esumaLed amounLs of polluLanLs removed, as well as Lhe cosLs per kg
removed were calculaLed ln Secuons 3.4, 3.6 and 3.7.
1he apporuoned LoLal cosL of M
(lncludlng lnsLallauon depreclaLed over 20
years) ls $17,393 per kg M
removed, and $4,014 per kg nC
1he apporuoned marglnal cosLs for Lhe polluLanL removal were esumaLed Lo be
$3,787 per kg M
removed, and $874 per kg nC
ApproxlmaLely 300kg of M
and 140kg of nC
were removed over Lhe Lrlal
81M(q) ltovlsloos fot tecotJloq ooJ tepotuoq mooltotloq Joto ooJ ooolyses, os televoot.
1he daLa has been recorded and reporLed on ln Lhls reporL.
81M(b) Mooltotloq of tbe eoetqy coosompuoo ooJ epolvoleot qteeoboose qos emlssloos
ossocloteJ wltb tbe flttouoo ttlol.
1he energy consumpuon and equlvalenL greenhouse gas emlsslons assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe lLrauon Lrlal were calculaLed ln Secuons 3.3, 3.3 and 3.8.
1he energy consumpuon assoclaLed wlLh Lhe Al over Lhe Lrlal was
8604kWh/week, wlLh one week lnvolvlng scheduled operauon for 6 hours over 3
1he equlvalenL greenhouse gas emlsslons of consLrucuon were 13910LCC2.
1he emlsslons apporuoned Lo ongolng operauon of Lhe Al were 1.10LCC2 per
kg M
removed and 0.27LCC2 per kg nC
81M(l) ltovlsloo fot tbe ltoqtom ooJ 5ommoty kepotts of tbe mooltotloq to be moJe
pobllcly ovolloble.
1hls reporL wlll be released sub[ecL Lo approval.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 46
1he Lrlal of an LS was conducLed because of concerns abouL Lhe quallLy of alr ln Lhe M3 LasL
Lunnel, ln parucular Lhe haze or loss of vlslblllLy LhaL resulLs from Lhe scauerlng or reecuon of llghL
from M ln Lhe alr.
1he Lrlal also lncluded a lLer Lo reduce nC
, because of lncreaslng concerns abouL nC
and Lhe
emergence of Lechnology LhaL may be able Lo reduce nC
1he Lrlal of Lhe M3 LasL Al ls Lhe mosL comprehenslve examlnauon Lo daLe of Lunnel lLrauon
sysLems. AlLhough sysLems are lnsLalled ln overseas Lunnels Lhey are noL always used and Lhelr
performance has noL been sub[ecLed Lo rlgorous analysls.
1he behavlour of polluLanLs such as M and nC
ls complex and Lhelr measuremenL ls a dlmculL and
evolvlng sclence. 1he rapld changes ln polluLanL levels ln Lhe Lunnels were anoLher compllcauon.
SLandard polluLanL measuremenL lnsLrumenLauon ls congured for Lhe relauvely slow changes of
polluLanL levels ln amblenL alr. 1o ensure polluLanL measuremenLs were credlble Lhe CSl8C was
commlssloned Lo advlse on Lhe Lype and operauon of Lhe monlLorlng equlpmenL, Lo conducL a range
of measuremenLs and Lo reporL on Lhe analysls of daLa.
7.1 DLNCk IIL1Lk
lL was found LhaL Lhere ls poLenual Lo eecuvely reduce nC
levels ln Lunnel alr by opumlslng Lhe
deslgn of Lhe uenCx lLer.
nlLrogen dloxlde (nC
) ls Lhe componenL of nC
LhaL has mosL lmpacL on healLh. As congured Lhe
uenCx lLer removed abouL 33 of Lhe nC
whlch was a much lower removal raLe Lhan expecLed.
LaboraLory LesLs esLabllshed LhaL Lhe low removal raLe was due Lo Lhe deslgn of Lhe lLer module. lL
was found LhaL Lhe acuvaLed carbon lLer medlum was capable of removlng almosL all of Lhe nC
conLalned ln sulLable enclosure. lL was also found LhaL a relauvely Lhln lLer (around 23mm) lLer
could be eecuve and LhaL agelng" of Lhe lLer medlum was noL an lssue. revlous advlce had been
LhaL Lhe lLer medlum would age or become less acuve over ume and would have Lo be replaced.
1hese ndlngs suggesL LhaL lL may be posslble Lo develop a more eecuve uenCx sysLem. Powever,
as congured Lhe uenCx sysLem ls noL cosL eecuve. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe cosL gures for
uenCx provlded ln Secuon 3.7 are Lhe addluonal cosL of runnlng Lhe uenCx wblle runnlng Lhe resL
of Lhe Al, lncludlng Lhe maln fans.
lL was found LhaL nC
ls converLed Lo nC by Lhe uenCx lLer, raLher Lhan belng capLured" and kepL
ln Lhe lLer. 1he reducuon of nC
levels ln Lhe Lunnel would provlde a beneL for Lunnel users buL
emlsslons from Lhe sLack may only be sllghLly reduced. Also, Lhe lLer ls expecLed Lo smooLh nC
levels, by Lemporarlly reduclng hlgh nC levels, and o-gasslng laLer.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 47
7.2 LS
1he LS removed around 63 of Lhe M
. 1hls ls much less Lhan Lhe LargeLed 80 emclency
anuclpaLed when Lhe Al was bullL. 1he 1S removal emclency of 60 was also lower Lhan
lL was also found LhaL Lhe LS caused smaller parucles Lo agglomeraLe and form very large (over
20m) parucles LhaL passed Lhrough Lhe LS. lL was hypoLheslsed LhaL Lhese very large parucles
formed on Lhe collecuon plaLe of Lhe LS and Lhen broke free lnLo Lhe alr sLream or LhaL Lhey
formed ln Lhe LS buL were noL capLured by Lhe collecuon plaLes. 1hls suggesLs LhaL Lhe LS was
operaung aL lLs llmlL ln Lerms of Lhe veloclLy of alr owlng Lhrough Lhe sysLem.
Conslderauon of Lhe reasons for Lhe relauvely low emclency of Lhe LS suggesLed LhaL lL would be
posslble Lo lncrease emclency buL LhaL would requlre a reducuon ln Lhe veloclLy of alrow Lhrough
Lhe sysLem, or more collecuon plaLes. Any opuon Lo lmprove emclency would add Lo Lhe caplLal cosL
of Lhe sysLem and furLher lncrease Lhe already hlgh cosL per Lonne of paruculaLe removal.
erhaps of more concern was Lhe unrellablllLy of Lhe sysLem. lL was lnLended LhaL Lhe LS would be
avallable 99.3 of Lhe ume buL lLs avallablllLy was only 84. lf Lhe LS sysLem were belng used ln a
Lunnel Lo manage alr quallLy lLs rellablllLy would have Lo be slgnlcanLly lmproved or Lhere would be
a rlsk of frequenL Lunnel closures or aL leasL perlods of poor alr quallLy.
1he alm of Lunnel venulauon ls Lo ln[ecL clean alr from ouLslde Lhe Lunnel lnLo Lhe Lunnel Lo dlluLe
polluLanLs Lo an accepLable level. LSs are an alLernauve means of provldlng clean alr Lo ln[ecL lnLo a
Alr quallLy ln Lhe M3 LasL has always meL Lhe vlslblllLy sLandards seL aL Lhe deslgn sLage. 1hese
sLandards were based on Lhe World 8oad Assoclauon (lA8C) goals for vlslblllLy ln Lunnels [13]. 1he
worsL case slLuauon for Lunnel alr quallLy ls congesLed Lramc. lA8C specles a vlslblllLy goal of
when Lramc ls congesLed and 0.003m
for free owlng Lramc. 1he M3 LasL achleves levels
of around 0.003m
for congesLed Lramc. lA8C classles a vlslblllLy of 0.003m
as clear alr wlLh
vlslblllLy of hundreds of meLres.
Alr quallLy, as measured by vlslblllLy has lmproved sllghLly slnce Lhe Lunnel opened desplLe
lncreaslng numbers of vehlcles, especlally heavy vehlcles. 1here ls a llmlL Lo Lhe number of vehlcles
LhaL can be ln Lhe Lunnel aL any one ume and LhaL llmlL ls belng approached durlng Lhe whole of Lhe
worklng day. Clven LhaL Lramc volumes are reachlng Lhelr llmlL and emlsslons per vehlcle wlll
conunue Lo drop lL ls anuclpaLed LhaL vlslblllLy levels ln Lhe Lunnel wlll conunue Lo lmprove.
1he alrow Lhrough Lhe wesLbound M3 LasL Lunnel ls around 318m
/s when Lramc volumes are
hlgh. 1he Al exLracLed 184m
/s (38) of Lhls alr and passed lL Lhrough Lhe LS where abouL 63 of
Lhe parucles were removed and vlslblllLy was lmproved by around 62, before Lhe alr was reLurned
Lo Lhe Lunnel. Aer mlxlng Lhe lLered alr wlLh Lunnel alr Lhe lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy for Lhe alr ln
Lhe Lunnel aL LhaL polnL was around 29. AL Lhe wesLern end of Lhe Lunnel Lhe vlslblllLy
lmprovemenL was on average over ume abouL 6.
Clven Lhe relauvely good vlslblllLy levels LhaL exlsL already ln Lhe Lunnel, lL ls noL known lf Lhe
lmprovemenLs achleved by Lhe LS would be percepuble Lo Lunnel users.
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 48
1he cosL of nC
and M removal by lLrauon ls slgnlcanL when compared wlLh oLher meLhods of
removal. lor example, Lhe ueparLmenL of LnvlronmenL, CllmaLe Change and WaLer (uLCCW) nSW
lssued cosL esumaLes for alLernauve parucle removal meLhods ln Lhe range of $130,000 Lo $300,000
per Lon parucles removed [16]. 1he Al operaung cosLs (excludlng lnsLallauon), wlLh consLanL
elevaLed parucle concenLrauons aL Lhe lnleL for 12 hours per day would sull be of Lhe order of
$2,000,000 per Lon parucles removed.
lL ls also lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe beneL of more general polluLanL reducuon measures such as
hlgher emlsslon sLandards and reLromng are galned ouLslde Lhe road Lunnel. 1he Al only
lmproved vlslblllLy ln Lhe lasL 0.4km of Lhe wesLbound M3 LasL Lunnel. MoLorlsLs would pass
Lhrough Lhls secuon of Lunnel ln less Lhan one mlnuLe even ln congesLed Lramc condluons. 1he
lmprovemenL was 29 beLween Lhe Al lnleL and ouLleL, and abouL 6 aL Lhe wesLbound exlL, and
a correspondlng very low lmprovemenL ln Lhe easLbound Lunnel. ln comparlson, Lhe beneLs of
polluuon reducuon measures such as vehlcle emlsslons managemenL are galned everywhere ln Lhe
road neLwork.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
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ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 49
An 18 monLh Lrlal has been conducLed of an Al LhaL conslsLed of an LS Lo lLer M and a uenCx
planL Lo lLer nC
. 1he Al was bullL aL a cosL of $60m and cosLs abouL $833,000 per annum Lo
AMCC were conLracLed Lo oversee and reporL on Lhe Lrlal and Lhe CSl8C was conLracLed Lo advlse
on and conducL measuremenLs of Lhe performance of Lhe sysLem.
lL was found LhaL:
1. 1he LS had a M reducuon emclency of around 63,
2. 1he uenCx lLer had an emclency of around 33,
3. 1he Al was unrellable wlLh an average avallablllLy of 84,
4. 1he Al provlded a marglnal lmprovemenL ln vlslblllLy for 0.4km of Lhe wesLbound Lunnel ln
Lhe 4km long M3 LasL Lunnel,
3. 1he cosL per kg of polluLanL removed was hlgh when compared wlLh Lechnlques Lo reduce
emlsslons aL source, such as new vehlcle emlsslon sLandards and reLromng parucle Lraps Lo
older Lrucks,
6. lL ls noL posslble Lo cosL eecuvely remove polluLanLs wlLh Lhe sysLem as lnsLalled or Lo
modlfy LhaL sysLem Lo make lL cosL eecuve, and
7. LxLenslve knowledge has been galned from Lhe Lrlal LhaL may enable Lhe developmenL of cosL
eecuve sysLems Lo reduce polluLanLs ln Lunnels.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 50
8ased on Lhe ouLcomes of Lhe Lrlal and Lhe observauons sLaLed above, Lhe followlng
recommendauons should be consldered:
1. 1haL Lhe operauon of Lhe alr lLrauon planL should cease ln lLs currenL form, and
2. 1haL alLernauve meLhods for reduclng nC
and M be lnvesugaLed furLher lncludlng
conslderauon of oLher componenLs of Lhe ACl for Lhe beneL of boLh Lhe M3 LasL and for
fuLure Lunnel deslgns.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 51
[1] Ch||d & Assoc|ates, '8evlew of Lmlsslon 1reaLmenL SysLems and 1echnologles - 8oad 1unnel
Appllcauon,' Chlld & AssoclaLes for 81A nSW, SepLember 2004
[2] AMCG Consu|nng, '81A M3 LasL Alr lllLrauon ro[ecL Lvaluauon lan,' 1echnlcal 8eporL no.
101, doc. no. L2009.[030.0908.101, 29 SepLember 2009
[3] I||trontec, "uenlLrlcauon lanL, uenCx lllLer, AcuvaLed Carbon 8ox," l1-0-001-3, 6 november
[4] I||trontec, "Alr lllLrauon, LlecLrosLauc reclplLaLor, 8ack 8x10" l1-C-l-001-0, 13 CcLober 2008
[3] na|||burton, 8, "Alr lLrauon planL of Lhe M3 1unnel: ueLermlnauon of nlLrlc oxlde and nlLrogen
dloxlde removal emclencles", CSl8C research reporL, 1 november 2011
[6] 1hermo, "Model 42l lnsLrucuon Manual, Chemllumlnescence nC-nC
, arL number
101330-00", 24 March 2003
[7] Aerodyne kesearch Inc, "CAS nC
MonlLor - lasL 8esponse verslon", !uly 2011
[8] na|||burton, 8, "Lvaluauon of Lhe lllLer uynamlcs MeasuremenL SysLem 1apered LlemenL
Csclllaung Mlcrobalance ln Lhe M3 Alr lllLrauon lanL", CSl8C reporL L106968, 21 uecember
[9] na|||burton, 8, "Alr lLrauon planL of Lhe M3 1unnel: ueLermlnauon of arucle 8emoval
Lmclencles", CSl8C research reporL, 8 november 2011
[10] koads and 1ramc Author|ty of NSW, "M3 LasL Alr lllLrauon ro[ecL - ro[ecL 8rlef. ConLracL
verslon", SepLember 2007
[11] koads and 1ramc Author|ty of NSW, '81A_ConsLrucuonCPCLmlsslonslnvenLory_(1.6)', 23
lebruary 2011
[12] Department of C||mate Change and Lnergy Lmc|ency, 'nauonal Creenhouse AccounLs (nCA)
lacLors,' !uly 2010
[13] I||trontec, 'Commlsslonlng 8eporL, M3 LasL MoLorway Alr lllLrauon lanL,' 26-3-2010
[14] 8n88, 'M3 LasL lllLrauon ro[ecL Compleuon 8eporL,' March 2010
[13] IAkC, 8oad 1unnels: vehlcle Lmlsslons and Alr uemand for venulauon", 1able ll.2-1 - LlmlL
values for venulauon slzlng, november 2004.
[16] Department of Lnv|ronment, C||mate Change and Water, 'Acuon for Alr, 2009 updaLe,'
november 2009
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
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M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce A 1
Appendlces ConLenLs LlsL
uocumenL name/number no Cf ages
Modlcauon Approval - Secuon 73W of Lhe LnvlronmenLal lannlng and
AssessmenL AcL 1979
1. All documenLs ln Lhls appendlces malnLaln Lhelr orlglnal numberlng.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
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Appendlces ConLenLs LlsL
uocumenL name/number no Cf ages
n2009.[030.039 - Al AvallablllLy.xls 8
1. All documenLs ln Lhls appendlces malnLaln Lhelr orlglnal numberlng.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
Event Excerpt from AFP Log Date Planned work Started automatically
Ran for approximately
6 hours Stopped in alarm Stopped correctly
Rinse started
automatically Rinse occurred
Approximate hours of operation
Hours rounded to 0.5hrs, and greater
than 6 unpermitted
Public Holiday 5/04/2010 No
6/04/2010 Yes No 6
7/04/2010 No Yes 5
8/04/2010 No Yes 2.5
9/04/2010 No Yes 3
12/04/2010 Yes No 6
13/04/2010 No No No 3.5
14/04/2010 ? No No 0
15/04/2010 No Yes No 6
16/04/2010 Yes Yes 6
19/04/2010 No Yes 4.5
20/04/2010 No Yes 5
21/04/2010 No Yes 4.5
Incorrect shutdown 1130 - RM logged in to alter the washdown time. This was not possible, RW scanned all documentation for "Automatic Rinse Settings" to no avail. RW contacted Evan (Ipower) who provided high level login's which also did not work. He will get back to us later 22/04/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1203 - PLC1/D006 Plant Outlet Damper Fail to Open 1206 - Reset Damper - Click Device D006 and Click reset then click yes 1208 - Plant Sequence restarted. 1215 - RW conducting AFP training with MG and RO. 1310 - RW enquired 23/04/2010 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 5.5
Public Holiday 26/04/2010 No No No
1800 - AFP shut down. 1818 - Automatic rinse failed to start. 1819 - Rinse cycle started manually 1930 - Rinse cycle finished. 2005 - Clean water tank high high level alarm. 27/04/2010 No Yes No Yes No Yes 6
0726 AFP Alarm PLC1 / SOO1_SLL pump 202 failed to drain 0726 AFP Alarm PLC1 / SOO1_SLL pump 202 failed to drain 0820 pump keeps alarming Maximo service request 2448 created 1030 RM advised that he was attending AFP site with 4 others 1110 - Phone received 28/04/2010 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 6
0600 - Pre separator sump high high and low low alarm sounding approx 15 mins. 0855 - P201 in auto, pre separator sump low level sensor placed OOS. RW 0857 - Pre separator sump high high and low low alarm still present. 0900 - RW placed all pre separator s 29/04/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 6
HVG002 fault 1210 - AFP Plant operational. KW Cleared Sump Level Alarm for P202 to enable run of AFP. AFP Sart OK. 1322 - AFP stopped running, due to HVG2 general fault. KW consulted, advised to restart plant. Pump 201 placed into auto to enable plant start. 1323 - Pum 30/04/2010 No No No Yes No Yes Yes 1
0624 - RM requested to start the AFP to check the fault status. Ultra filtration healthy padlock closed. Only alarm present is clean water tank high level. Kev has looked at the system and is advising RM of possable fault problem. 0720 - Bhegis ( Ben ) ran 3/05/2010 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 5.5
HV generator 2 fault 1108 AFP Security alarm out put (any door is opened ) alarm Z010, Kevin confirmed door open 1200 - AFP started. 1201 - Security output ( any door is open ) alarm & Safety relay healthy status alarm 1222 - ESP HV Generator 2 ( Collector ) Generator fault, s 4/05/2010 No No No Yes No Yes 0
1211 AFP Started from Bexley AFP station by KW 1805 - AFP shut down. 1811 - Security alarm output ( any door is open ) alarm. 1820 - Automatic rinse sequence did not start, sequence started manually. 1900 - Wash down sequence complete. 5/05/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1150 - Prepaired to start AFP. Energised F001/002/003/004. Placed P201 in auto to get plant permissive. 1153 - Attempted to get ultrafiltration online for plant permissive. Failed 1154 - KW advised of issues and requested he attend TCR. 1155 - Issue with U 6/05/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 5.5
1150 - In contact with KW to ensure we can start AFP. 1155 - Energized fans 1200 - Attempted to start AFP, showed Denox and ventilation VSD non energized, Compressed air tank de energized 1206 - In contact with KW to explain issues. KW to look into issues. 7/05/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5.5
0939 Kev called from the AFP he will be starting and stopping fans for testing. 1200 - AFP started. 1205 - Fans waiting to energise. 1207 - RW set rinse cycle to start at 1805 to test automatic rinse. 1230 - AFP system produced critical alarm Pre sepeperat 10/05/2010 No No Yes No Yes No No 6
F002 fault 0852 - AFP door alarms triggered by LSA refer to incident log #64759 1132 - Kev advised he was running the rinse cycle from the AFP manually. 1155 - F001-004 energised. 1210 - AFP started 1213 - High voltage generator G003 fault - KW advised. 1218 - KW inf 11/05/2010 No No No Yes No No Yes 4.5
1200 - AFP activated by TCRO, fan energized 001, 002, 003, 004, fail to start, damper 006 in manual, ultra filtration plan need on site reset, to run 1208 - KW to investigate, not running 1234 - Ultra filtration to be acknowledge at the AFP before starting 12/05/2010 No No Yes No Yes No No 5.5
Start Sequence Failed 1204 - AFP started 1205 - AFP failed to start 3 locks closed 1207 - KW advised 1218 - RW onsite he advise to energise all fans and place one sump pump into auto this was done and start sequence started again 1220 - start sequence failed at step 4 RW advise 13/05/2010 No No 0
1155 - Energised fans, pump in auto. Plant started. In contact with KW 1157 - Plant outlet isolation damper failed to open. Reset as advised by KW. 1200 - Plant sequence started, pump placed into manual. 1800 AFP stopped and manual rinse cycle commenced 14/05/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
AFP inoperational 1200 - AFP failed to start plant sequence. Work order #2471 raised. JG advised. 1309 - phoned KW and was informed of the problem. He is looking into it. 1318 - BB on way to AFP to drain the sump pump. 1410 - Safety Relay Healthy Status alarm 1415 - Safety 17/05/2010 No No No 0
AFP inoperational 1200 - AFP not started as it is not currently operational. 1322 - Cal from Ben advising they will be starting and stopping the AFP 1400 - AFP started by Ben at AFP site and kept running. 1803 - AFP Shut-down automatically. 1818 - Wash-down sequence complet 18/05/2010 No No No No Yes Yes Yes 2.5
1200 - AFP started manually. 1231 - AFP produced critical alarm "Pre separator sump pump 1 fail to drain", plant still running. 1800 - AFP Plant Sequence shutdown 1803 - AFP Rinse Sequence started 1810 - AFP Rinse Sequence finished 19/05/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Installing fire detectors 0753 - WP 4592 Holland Bros. Installing fire detectors at AFP on behalf of Chubb 1141 - BB rang & said not to start the AFP until Holland bros have finished working there.. 1310 - Holland Bros ( Anthony ) called to say they were finished at the AFP & it ca 20/05/2010 Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 4.5
Dumper 004 open 1210 - BB advised that CHUBB ready to exit the AFP 1220 - AFP energized, and started, dumper 004 open and shout 1227 - AFP shut down, BB contacted and reset system, same problem. 1230 - BB gone to Bexley station to investigate 1332 - AFP restarted and runn 21/05/2010 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4.5
HV generator 1 fault 0618 - WO 'S:- A2235,2218,2201 & 2284 issued to Lear Siegler Aust. 0643 - AFP safety relay alarm. LSA onsite. 1200 - KW advised the AFP ia ready to start. 1210 - AFP on line and running. 1420 - Noticed AFP in YELLOW alarm state (NO AUDITABLE ALARM SOUNDED) 24/05/2010 No Yes No Yes No No Yes 4.5
0622 - KW and BBH (Gary Willams) onsite at the AFP 0730 - KW reported they have potentially rectified the problem with the level sensors in the sump area. A tablespoon of water was in the unit, they dried it out and tightened the unit. 0930 - Meeting with 25/05/2010 No No Yes No No Yes Yes 6
AFP Stopped 1150 - Check prestart on plant and sump levels. 1154 - Started plant sequence. 1455 - Restart AFP plant sequence as it stopped. 1804 - AFP Plant Sequence Stop by logged on 1818 - AFP Rinsing sequence activated, rinsing sequence stopped, KW contacted, open 26/05/2010 No No No Yes No No Yes 5
1200 - Starting AFP. 1803 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped 1809 - AFP Rinse Sequence commenced 1820 - AFP Rinse Sequence stopped 1847 - Urgent alarm ESP HV Generator 2 (collector) Generator Fault 1855 - Advised KW. KW advised that he will fix tomorrow morning. 27/05/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
AFP stopped in alarm without work planned, but ran for approximately 6 hours
AFP ran for approximately 6 hours, but rinse did not occur
AFP ran for 5 or less hours without work planned
No AFP Report
AFP ran for 6hrs, did not stop in alarm, AFP rinse occurred
Work was planned during operation
AFP had errors or alarms at start, but ran for approximately 6 hours without stopping in alarm
1200 - AFP running. No faults on start-up. 1800 - AFP Stopped automatically 1801 - Wash down started automatically 1846 - ESP HV generator 2 alarm fault. (G0003) (Reset) 28/05/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started 1809 - AFP fail to stop. Stopped manually 1813 - Alarm T002 clean water tank failed to fill 1814 - Alarm reset 1815 - V040 placed into manual and valve opened tank filled 1821 - Alarm T002 water level high V040 closed Alarm reset 1822 - 31/05/2010 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
1804 - AFP plant sequence automaticaly stopped. AFP rince sequence started automatically. 1818 - AFP rince sequence stopped automatically. Plant sequence didnt start back up. Was observed that there was not an option to stop plant sequence if it re starte 1/06/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
0644 - RW placed clean water valve V040 in manual closed. KW advised via email. 0826 - Changed clean water tank, fresh water supply valve V040 back to auto. 1119 - AFP produced urgent alarm. T002_LSHH "Cleaan water tank high high level alarm". 1121 - KW ad 2/06/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1050 - Chris reset the fault on G0003 that was reported on 2/6/10 1150 - Energized F001- F002 - F003 - F004 1153 - Planted started 3/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
VF 1VSD motor current high 1200 - Plant sequence compressor was not ready and took 10 minutes to become available. 1201 - AFP activated 1548 - AFP stopped due to VF 1VSD motor current high high. 1553 - Attempted to restart F001 still unavailable. 1606 - AFP re-started. Alarm reset. 4/06/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5.5
LVMA01 Phase 2 Current Alarm 1200 - AFP started 1209 - LVMA01 Phase 2 Current High High Alarm system shutting down 1212 - Ventilation fan 1 Bearing Vibration High High Alarm 1213 - KW contacted he will look at problem at AFP and will advise when to start it again 1218 - Alarm reset - 7/06/2010 No Yes No Yes No No No 0
AFP Air shaft 1126 - KW Advised he would start the AFP on site. KW Started AFP. 1132 - AFP fully running. 1138 - KW Advised he had stopped the AFP re attending AFP air shaft. 1329 - KW advised he he is attempting to start and run the AFP manually. 1801 - RW logged on, o 8/06/2010 No No No Yes Yes No Yes 4.5
Fan error 1150 - AFP manual start, waiting for KW to give the all clear as doors are open and TCRO unsure of location of workers. 1200 - AFP manual start commenced, D001 & 002 opened. 1202 - F001 started in manual, running. 1204 - PLC 1 F002, ventilation fan VSD cur 9/06/2010 No No No Yes No No Yes 5
1150 - AFP manual start commenced. 1159 - AFP running in manual. 1201 - RW requested a crash stop test, crash stop faulty did not work, KW advised, AFP not affected. 10/06/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
Crash stop testing 1150 - Kevin checking with high power to see if we are ok for a start on the AFP. 1200 - AFP started in Auto. 1328 - Call from AFP high power and are going to attempt a crash stop on the AFP. 1329 - Crash Stop commenced. 1336 - testing on crash stop to con 11/06/2010 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Public Holiday 14/06/2010 No No No
global reset. 1215 - Started 15/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 5.5
HV generator 1 fault 1433 - AFP Alarm ESP HV Generator 1 (Ioniser) General Fault 1434 - Advised K.Wearne 1435 - Alarm manually resetted 1443 - AFP Alarm ESP HV Generator 1 (Ioniser) General Fault 1443 - Alarm manually reset K.Wearne attending AFP 1503 - K.Wearne phone to advis 16/06/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5.5
1153 - Air Filtration Plant started. (MG) 1154 - Air Filtration Plant failed to start. Plant outlet isolation damper failed to open. (D0006). Fault reset. 1155 - Air Filtration Plant failed to start. Plant outlet isolation damper failed to open. (D0006). F 17/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1000 - WO A2817 issued to Filtrontec for AFP works. 1200 - Plant Sequence started by KW at AFP 1558 - WO A2817, all off site. 18/06/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP did not start automaticly, Denox & ventelation system not ready. 1208 - JB contacted KW. 1210 - Plant started manually after crash stop was pressed, a global reset was then done & fans energised. 1211 - Plant now running. 1800 - Rinse cycle comm 21/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1150 - AFP in alarm system reset and F003,F004,F001,F002 energised fans failed to energise AB advise they had same problem Monday and crash stop was use to reset system 1151 - Crash stop used system has reset and fans energised 1156 - Dampers D005,D006 had 22/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1157 - John at AFP called advised that they were out of AFP area and plant could be started 1200 - AFP plant all OOS 1202 - AFP pllaced back into service and fans energised 1204 - Plant unavaiable due to Ultrafiltration System healthy WS called AFP spoke t 23/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1155 - AFP global reset and fans energised. 1200 - AFP start sequence commenced. 1817 - AFP failed to stop Manually stopped 1822 - Rinse sequence failed to start due to Fresh water tank failed to fill V040 placed into manual and opened 1824 - High water al 24/06/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1150 - AFP started, Fans F001,002,003 & 004 had to be engerised. 1203 - AFP all OK running. 1800 - AFP shut down, auto rinse commenced. 25/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1755 - Prepared to shut down AFP 1759 - Observed T002 was not full enough on rinse sequence start up list = locked 1800 - Called KW and put V040 in manual open to top up T002 1804 - T002 still not full 1808 - AFP procduced urgent alarm - T002 failed to fil 28/06/2010 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - Received all-clear from AFP (John) to start plant. AFP failed to start - D0006 failed to open. Placed in manual, attempted to open, asset listed as unavailable. Reset asset and manually opened and close.Placed back into auto, started sequence. Plant 29/06/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Clean water tank top-up 1200 - AFP Started 1441 - KW stopped the plan from Bexley, and top up clean water tank 1531 - AFP Restarted from Bexley 30/06/2010 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5
1/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
AFP didn't start 1200 - AFP global reset and energised fans. Started. 1500 - Observed AFP was off, re started. 2/07/2010 Yes No No Yes Yes 2.5
5/07/2010 No 4
6/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
0837 - LSA picked up WO's 0859 - AFP urgent alarms - LSA entered AFP - Safety relay healthy status alarm 1200 - AFP Started 1411 - Security alarm output door open. 7/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1210 - AFP alarms cleared 1215 - AFP start sequence commenced 1247 - Alarm ESP HV generator G002Fault 1252 - KW reset HV transformer system restarted 8/07/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5.5
9/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
12/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1756 - Air Filtration Plant shut down automatically. D006 Placed into manual closed. 1803 - Rinse sequence started manually. Automatic start failed. Maximo entry completed (2640) re failed automatic Rinse Sequence. KW Advised via e-mail. 13/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 5.5
14/07/2010 No No Yes No Yes No No 6
1838 - AFP Plant Sequence commencing startup (Step 5) - Hit Crash Stop 15/07/2010 No Yes Yes No No No No 6
F001 stopped 1200 - AFP activated 1425 - AFP stopped alarm,( F001 stopped due to low flow sp, global rest activated) 1435 - Alarm did not reset 1436 - KW contacted and message left on his telephone 1537 - KW returned the call, ASS 209 faulty devise Air flow 346 Air spe 16/07/2010 No Yes No Yes No No No 2.5
19/07/2010 No No Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1155 - F001,002,003 & 004 energised. 1201 - Plant inlet & outlet dampers in fault, AFP did not start. 1202 - Fault reset. 1204 - AFP started in Auto. 20/07/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - BHEgis (Kevin) advised he would start the AFP on-site. 1201 - plant stopped alarm on F001 Kevin investigating. 1203 - Alarm reset plant start sequence commenced. 1210 - AFP running 1330 - AFP shut down by I.Power 1500 - AFP started by I-Power 1809 - 21/07/2010 No No Yes Yes No No Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP plant not started, Ultrafiltration system not ready , issue reported to KW who will look into it. 1212 - KW started the plant sequence from the AFP. 1220 - System alarm "DeNOx Fan 2 Fail to reach Speed", KW advised, AFP stopped. 1230 - Plant seq 22/07/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP started manually. 1214 - AFP produced urgent alarm "Clean water tank high high level alarm", KW advised he will look into it, AFP still running. 1251 - AFP produced urgent alarm "Safety relay healthy status alarm", KW advised, AFP stopped runnin 23/07/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 6
26/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - Air Filtration Plant Failed to start. Ultrafiltration system alarm. KW Advised. 1212 - KW Attended Air Filtration Plant. 1220 - Air Filtration Plant started by KW. 27/07/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5.5
28/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
29/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
30/07/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
2/08/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
0830 - AFP numerous urgent alarms for doors due to workers entering and exiting site. Equipment door 1. Corridor door2 Corridor 1 Comms room door 3/08/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1339 - AFP Plant stopped due to HVG002 Filure. System reset and started. 4/08/2010 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
1156 - AFP Started. 1157 - D006 failed to open, reset, all OK, KW advised. 5/08/2010 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
1840 - Clean water tank failed to fill, unable to reset, KW advised. 6/08/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
9/08/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1154 - AFP fans failed to energised crash stop button used 1155 - AFP fans energised but plant sequence unavialbe due to ultrafiltration plant not avaiable KW called no answer V040 placed into manual but failed to al;low operator to open valve ultrafiltrat 10/08/2010 No No Yes Yes No No No 5.5
HV generator 1 (ioniser) fault. 0836 - AFP Rinse sequence started onsite by Kevin W 1200 - AFP started. 1207 - AFP stoped. PLC G002 ESP HV generator 1 (ioniser) generator fault. Global reset. BB advised of issues. 1209 - Plant started. 1216 - AFP stopped. PLC G002 ESP HV generator 1 (ion 11/08/2010 No No No Yes No No Yes 0
1200 - AFP Started. 1204 - De-nox fan failed to reach speed. 1205 - AFP shutdown & Alarm reset. 1207 - AFP Started. 12/08/2010 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
13/08/2010 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1210 - AFP produced a critical alarm "DeNOx Fan 2 fail to reach speed", AFP shut itself down. 1212 - AFP reset & restarted. 1801 - AFP shut down, rinse sequence commenced. 1815 - AFP urgent alarm - Pre separator sump low low le 16/08/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
17/08/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - Failed attempt to start AFP due to Brendon (CSIRO) being onsite. KW phoned Brendan's phone and left message. 1215 - Brendon phoned and off site. 1218 - AFP started manually. 18/08/2010 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5.5
19/08/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Ultrafiltration system in alarm 1200 - AFP unable to start due to the RTA & CSIRO on site. 1202 - RTA & CSIRO off site. 1205 - Ultrafiltration system in alarm, KW notified, KW informed TCRO that the AFP will not be started / run today. 1209 - JG informed. 20/08/2010 No No No No No No No 0
23/08/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1053 - iPower onsite and shutting down AFP Server 1158 - AFP Server back online 1203 - CSIRO out, Doors Close 1204 - Plants Sequence Faults to Start, Ultrafiltration System Heathy locked, Kevin advised and on route to AFP 1230 - AFP started by KW at the AF 24/08/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5.5
HV generator 1 fault 1202 - AFP Started. (CSIRO off site) 1211 - Alarm ESP HV generator 1 fault 1212 - AFP stopped Kevin advised 1206 - Alarm ESP HV generator 1 fault 1224 - Alarm ESP HV generator 1 fault 1230 - Alarm ESP HV generator 1 fault 1240 - Alarm ESP HV generator 1 fa 25/08/2010 No No No Yes No 5
1200 - AFP failed to start Compressor ready alarm 1201 - Crash stop button used 1204 - AFP started 26/08/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
CSIRO tests 0940 - KW & CSIRO on site AFP, running voltage tests. 1128 - CSIRO off site, permit returned, KW still on site running tests. 1405 - AFP Started by KW. 1830 - AFP shut down Manually 1835 - V040 opened manually 1838 - V040 closed rinse cycle ready 27/08/2010 Yes No No No No No Yes 4.5
1200 - AFP failed to start 1202 - Crash stop button and globel reset, plant failed to start called K.W. He check and found the ultrafiltration had been switched to maunal 1215 - Plant started from the AFP by KW 30/08/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
31/08/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1/09/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1156 AFP Started by Kevin from Bexley 1759 AFP stopped manually & no wash down completed as per KW email. 2/09/2010 Yes No Yes No No No No 6
3/09/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
6/09/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
7/09/2010 Yes No 6
8/09/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
9/09/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1215 - AFP fans energized and AFP started. 1222 - Received an urgent alarm - DeNOx Fan 2 Fail to Reach Speed. 1223 - KW advised 1225 - Alarms reset, AFP started. 10/09/2010 No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 6
13/09/2010 Yes Yes 5.5
14/09/2010 No Yes 4.5
15/09/2010 Yes 6
16/09/2010 Yes 6
17/09/2010 Yes 5.5
20/09/2010 Yes 6
21/09/2010 Yes 6
22/09/2010 Yes 5.5
23/09/2010 Yes 5.5
24/09/2010 Yes 5.5
27/09/2010 Yes 6
28/09/2010 Yes 6
29/09/2010 No No 4.5
30/09/2010 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
Ultrafiltration system in alarm 1210 - AFP didn't start due to Ultrafiltration System Heathy lock out - KW advised and was attending AFP to start Plant Sequence 1800 - AFP did not shut down automatically.1802 - AFP shut down manually. 1803 - AFP Rinse sequence in is in alarm "Tank 2 leve 1/10/2010 No No No Yes No No No 4
Public Holiday 4/10/2010 No No
Denox Fans not running 1100 - AFP plant running started by KW 1110 - AFP stopped by KW 1210 - AFP started By KW 1307 - Alarm De nox fan 2 isolater open 1310 - AFP plant running started by KW 1324 - AFP stopped Alarm De nox fan 2 isolater open 1334 - Alarm De nox fan 2 isolater o 5/10/2010 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1
6/10/2010 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
7/10/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
8/10/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1150 - CSIRO ( Dave ) rang , they are still working at the AFP so it can not be started for the time being. 1249 - CSIRO ( Dave ) rang , they would like us to run the plant for a while. AFP statred. 1406 - CSIRO ( Dave ) rang they would like to work on the 11/10/2010 Yes No No No Yes No Yes 4
12/10/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1156 - CSIRO (Dan) advised he would call when AFP available for start-up. 1206 - BB advised he would start the AFP on-site. 1207 - AFP Started manually by BB on-site. 1251 - BB stopped AFP manually on-site. 1305 - AFP started. 1445 - AFP stopped by CSIRO ( 13/10/2010 Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 4.5
14/10/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - Unable to start AFP. Safety Relay Tripped. Message left for BB to advise on further action. 1216 - BB Started AFP on-site. 1218 - AFP Failed to start. Isolation damper fault. Fault cleared. BB re-started AFP on-site. 1219 - AFP Failed to start. Isol 15/10/2010 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5.5
0801 - AFP alarm, door opened and safety status alarm activated. CSIRO at AFP along with Maintenance. 0945 - Advised that SCADA would be offline for ten minutes due to maintenance. 2303 - CSIRO on site AFP. 18/10/2010 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
KW working in plant 0545 - CSIRO rang they are now off site, they would like us to run the Ventelation fans until 0700. 0700 - Ventelation fans off. 1200 - AFP not started, KW still at Bexley working at the plant. 1220 - AFP started by KW at Bexley. 19/10/2010 Yes No No No No No No 5
KW working in plant 1200 - AFP, KW not operating, KW working in it. AFP Started and stopped thought out the day from Bexley station, KW in control of starting and stopping it. 20/10/2010 Yes No No No No No No 0
HV generator 1 fault 1201 - ESP HV Genererator 1 Fault and acknowledge by KW onsite. Main Roller Door (Trip Alarm) Door Alarm and acknowledge by KW onsite. 1207 - Plant Inlet Isolation Damper Fail to Clouse Alarm and acknowledge by KW onsite. 1419 - KW advised AFP running manu 21/10/2010 No No No Yes No No Yes 0
Operation cancelled 0840 - Received a call from BB and was advised the AFP will not be running today at all. 22/10/2010 No No No No No No No 0
KW Operating in Local 1200 - Kev called and advised he was working on the AFP and would run it in local 25/10/2010 Yes No No No No No No 0
0910 - APP started by KW at Bexley. 1800 - AFP crash stopped as requested by Kevin and no wash down 26/10/2010 ? No Yes No No No No 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO onsite and will run AFP this afternoon, as per KW instructions. 1351 - KQW phone to advised CSIRO onsite all day & night and will handle plant running & wash down sequences 27/10/2010 Yes No Yes No No No Yes 5
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO onsite and will operate AFP. No wash down required tonight 28/10/2010 Yes No No No No No No 4
29/10/2010 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
1/11/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1400 - AFP - Kev, called and requested Crash Stop. No wash down at 1800hrs. 1800 - AFP - Crashed Stop. 2/11/2010 No No Yes No No No No 5
0935 - AFP - I-Power requested that both users be logged out of AFP platform/system 0940 - AFP - System shutdown conducted by I-Power. 1215 - AFP - KW started AFP from Bexley. KW advised of CRASH STOP at 1800hrs and NO WASH DOWN. 3/11/2010 No No Yes No No No No 6
4/11/2010 No No Yes No No Yes Yes 5.5
Power outage 1220 - AFP started manually.1516 - AFP Stopped, all power transferred to A supply by Energy Australia, UGL, Management aware. 1516 - Kevin call and message left to contact control. 5/11/2010 Yes No No Yes No No No 3
8/11/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1800 - AFP - Normal Stop & No wash down tonight. 9/11/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes No No 6
0730 - KW working on the water tanks at the AFP draining and refilling. He said acknowledge the alarms and not action require. 1200 - Called kevin and confirmed that we are to start the AFP. 1201 - AFP started.1325 - KW called from AFP control room, advise 10/11/2010 No No Yes No Yes No No 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1802 - AFP shut do wn automatically. 1803 - AFP Rinse sequence started. 1810 - AFP Rinse sequence finished. 1900 - Ultrafiltration started automatically. 1912 - AFP alarm "Pre Separation Pump2 Failed to drain" * KW advised via phone, wi 11/11/2010 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - KW advised not to run the AFP today. 12/11/2010 No No No No No No No 0
HV generator 1 fault 1048 - Received Phone Call from (RTA) Steve requested Plant Sequence to start - AFP Plant Sequence commenced 1054 - Plant Sequence stop due to HV Generator 1 fault, resetted - AFP Plant Sequence commenced again 1100 - Plant Sequence stop due to HV Generato 15/11/2010 No No No Yes No No No 0
Pre-ioniser HV Fault 1200 - AFP Manually Started 1208 - HGV 001 in fault,"Pre Ioniser HV Generator Fault" reset and restarted AFP. 1213 - HGV 001 in fault again "Pre Ioniser HV Generator Fault" reset and restarted AFP. KW informed, said if the AFP would not restart not ot run 16/11/2010 No No No Yes No No No 0
0645 - Pre Ioniser, Started when straight into fault then reset. 0700 - Pre Ioniser, Started when straight into fault then reset. 0720 - Pre Ioniser, Started when straight into fault then reset. 0735 - Pre Ioniser, Started when straight into fault then res 17/11/2010 No No Yes No Yes No No 6
1200 - AFP started 1227 - Pre Separator Sump Pump 1 & 2 failed to drain. 1800 - AFP Stopped manually. Unable to run the rinse sequence due to Pre-Seperation sump pumps. KW advised. 18/11/2010 No Yes Yes No No No No 6
19/11/2010 No No Yes No No 5.5
1220 - AFP started1800 - AFP stopped manually.1810 - Wash down sequence started manually. 22/11/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP Failed to start - Isolation damper failed to open.1204 - KW Advsied.1210 - AFP Dampers opened manually and closed manually.1211 - AFP Started. No faults.1825 - AFP stopped1830 - AFP wash down started 23/11/2010 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
AMOG and LSA in plant 24/11/2010 Yes No No No Yes No No 4
1200 - AFP Started.1800 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped.1805 - AFP Wash Down commenced.2100 - AFP Fans F001/002 Placed into manual and started as per RTA Request.0300 - AFP Fans F001/002 stopped 25/11/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
0812 - KW said the APF wasn't to be started due to maintenance work and he had opened damper 006 inmanual. Ref KW maintenance Tech.1600 - Maintenance left the AFP and asked for the Damper 006 to be closed 26/11/2010 No No No No No No No 0
1200 AFP Started1800 AFP stopped automaticly.1805 Wash down sequence started automaticly.1830 Wash down complete.2100 Fans F001 & F002 started. 29/11/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
0600 - TCRO Operator logged in.0758 - B.B, contacted MCC and advised was on site at AFP.1200 - KW started AFP.1800 - APF stopped automaticly & wash down sequence started.1830 - Wash down complete.2100 - Fans F001 & F002 started for RTA test.0300 - Fans sto 30/11/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Multiple alarms for 'Plant Outlet Isolation Damper' fail to open. Unable to start AFP. Damper opened in manual. 1303 - Started. 'Plant Outlet Isolation Damper' opened OK. KW emailed with fault. 1800 - APF stopped automaticly & wash down sequence started. 1 1/12/2010 No No No No Yes Yes Yes 5
1200 - AFP Started.1802 - AFP Stopped1810 - AFP Wash Down Started2100 - F001 & F002 Started as per RTA Instructions0330 - F001 & F002 Stopped 2/12/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1205 - Air Filtration Plant Started. 1801 - AFP Stopped manually. 1810 - Rinse sequence started manually. 1825 - Rinse sequence completed. 3/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP Stoppped 6/12/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1220 - Pre separator sump pump 1 fail to drain. AFP still running. KW informed of alarm via phone call. 1252 - Pre separator sump pump 2 fail to drain. KW aware of this issue. 1800 - AFP stopped manually & wash down started. 2100 - F001 7/12/2010 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1400 - AFP Started 1800 - AFP stopped 1810 - Rinse commenced. 2100 - AFP started had trouble with FOO1. Reset and now working fine. 0300 - AFP stopped. 8/12/2010 No No No No Yes Yes Yes 4
1200 - AFP Started. 1202 - AFP Inlet outlet damper failed to open (D006) Reset. 1203 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP stopped. 2100 AFP not started as Bexley sub works and change of supply to A has placed AFP OOS. 9/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1202 - AFP Inlet outlet damper failed to open (D006) Reset. 1203 - AFP re-started. 1800 - AFP Stopped 1810 - AFP Washdown Started 2100 - AFP Fans Started 0100 - AFP Fans Stopped 10/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1802 - AFP shut down automatically. 1803 - AFP Rinse sequence started. 1810 - AFP Rinse sequence finished. 1900 - Ultra filtration started automatically. 2006 - Ultra filtration stopped automatically. 13/12/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1230 - AFP stopped 1235 - AFP restarted after system reset. 1802 - AFP shut down automatically. 1803 - AFP Rinse sequence started. 1810 - AFP Rinse sequence finished. 1900 - Ultra filtration started automatically. 2006 - Ultra 14/12/2010 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP StartedD1215 - AFP Stop Alarm- ventilation fan 002 fail to startD1235 - AFP Alarm damper D005 failed to close damper reset 1240 - AFP Alarm damper D005 failed to close damper reset 1242 - Damper placed into manual and opened then placed into aut 15/12/2010 No No No Yes No No No 0
1220 - AFP Started 1800 - AFP stopped automaticly. 1810 - Wash down sequence started automaticly. 1830 - Wash down complete. 2100 - Fans started for RTA test. 0300 - RTA test complete, fans stopped. 16/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5.5
1220 - AFP Started 1800 - AFP stopped automaticly. 1810 - Wash down sequence started automaticly. 1830 - Wash down complete. 2100 - Fans started for RTA test. 2105 - F001 alarm 2106 - F002 alarm alarms reset 2126 - P201 alarm failed to drain alarm reset 21 17/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP did not run today, could not reset faults, KW advised. AFP network was down due to power change over on TRX211. 20/12/2010 No No No No No No No 0
1200 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP Stopped manually. 1812 - Rinse would not start, KW informed. * Tank 2 level at or above High High level. * Pre-Seperation Sump Pumps Ready. 2100 - AFP, F001 & 002 in manual and started. 2128 - Pre - seperator pump 1 failed to 21/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes No No 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP off 1815 - Wash down commenced. 2100 - AFP started in manual as per instructions. 0300 - AFP stopped. 22/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1205 - Attempted to start AFP, Plant Start Permissives would not allow. Contacted KW, advised he would look into the issue remotely. 1211 - KW resolved issues, plant running. 1634 - Received alarm "Pre Separator Sump High High Level", continuously going ba 23/12/2010 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started 1800 - AFP stopped 2100 - Fans started for RTA test. 2110 - Fan F002 went into alarm & would not run , F001 still running. 0100 - Fans shutdown. 24/12/2010 No Yes Yes No Yes No No 6
Public holiday 27/12/2010
Public holiday 28/12/2010
1200 - AFP would not start,"Ventilation fan 2 - fail to start" 1205 - Global auto & global reset did not work, KW advised via SMS, JG also advised. 29/12/2010 No No No Yes No No No 0
1100 - Rang KW about not being able to run the AFP yesterday, he said he would look into it. 1200 - KW advised.not to run the AFP today, he cant fix the issue. 30/12/2010 No No No Yes No No No 0
Public holiday 3/01/2011
1200 - AFP Started. * Failed to start - D006 failed to open. (Plant Outlet Isolation Damper Failed to Open) 1201 - AFP alam reset and restarted. * Failed to start - D006 failed to open. (Plant Outlet Isolation Damper Failed to Open) 1204 - AFP alam reset a 4/01/2011 No No Yes No Yes No No 6
1200 - AFP Started. * Failed to start - D006 failed to open. (Plant Outlet Isolation Damper Failed to Open) 1201 - AFP alam reset and restarted. * Failed to start - D006 failed to open. (Plant Outlet Isolation Damper Failed to Open) 1204 - AFP alam reset a 5/01/2011 No No No No No No No 4
1200 - AFP started ESP HV Generator 2 (collector) Generator fault. AFP failed to start Global reset. 1210 - AFP started again ESP HV Generator 2 (collector) Generator fault. AFP failed to start Global reset. Ben from maint called and advised. 1236 - Ben ca 6/01/2011 No No Yes No No No No 5.5
0845 - Wash down done by BB at Bexley, he advised not to do a wash down at 1800. 1200 - Attempted to start AFP, ESP High voltage generator 2 ( Collector ) Generator Fault , global reset. 1205 - ESP High voltage generator 2 ( Collector ) Generator Fault , g 7/01/2011 No No Yes No No No No 5.5
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started11800 - AFP shut down automatically and rinse cycle started 1825 - Rinse cycle finished 1830 - D005 opened 2100 - AFP OOS due to Fire testing at Node 12 10/01/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Failed to start due to Outlet Damper 06 failed to open. 1201 - AFP Failed to start due to Outlet Damper 06 failed to open. 1203 - Outlet damper 06 set to manual open. Damper opened. 1204 - AFP Set to start. 1206 - AFP Failed to start due to Outl 11/01/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - Air Filtration Plant Started.* Running OK 1800 - AFP stopped 1808 - AFP Wash down started 1825 - Rinse cycle stopped 2100 - Run main Fans (F001 & F002) as per BB Request via phone. 0100 Fans stopped 12/01/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1808 - Rinse down sequence commenced. 1820 - Rinse sequence stopped. 2100 - Main Fans running. (F001 &F002). 0200 - AFP stopped 13/01/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1130 - Maint ( BB ) rang advising not to start the AFP until maint works had finished, he will call when available to start. 1200 - AFP not started as per instructions. 1330 - AFP started, advised by KW not to do a wash down tonight. 1800 - AFP stopped, no 14/01/2011 Yes Yes No No Yes No No 4.5
1300 - AFP Plant Sequence commenced 1800 - AFP stopped , wash down sequence commenced. 1820 - AFP wash down sequence completed. No RTA trial due to works in the AFP during maintenance closure. 17/01/2011 No No No No Yes Yes Yes 5
1200 - Global reset required. 1205 - AFP started 1224 - Denox fan 003/004 in VSD fault. AFP Stopped. Unable to reset Denox fans. FA Advised. Kev W onsite at 1900 and was advised of AFP not running. He would look into issues during closure. RTA trial did no 18/01/2011 No No No Yes No No No 0
1200 - AFP unable to start due to fans F001 to F004 unavailable / email sent to KW & KW * F002 in alarm. * P201 in alarm. Advised that contractors will be on site on the 20th january to investigate issues. No RTA trial too k place. 19/01/2011 No No No No No No No 0
1200 - AFP unable to start. BB aware. 1345 - AFP started, BB comfirmed he had started the plant. 1430 - BB made awere that the F003 & F004 were out of service. The DeNox wasn't running. BB advised this was correct. 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1830 - Rinse sequence 20/01/2011 No No No No Yes No Yes 0
1120 - AFP Main Fans Started and the DeNox fans started by KW 1200 - APF started by KW on site. 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1817 - Rinse sequence started. 1830 - Rinse sequence stopped. 2100 - Main Fans 001 & 002 Started as per RTA Request. 0300 - Main Fans stoppe 21/01/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started manualy 1800 - AFP stopped manually. 1815 - Wash down sequence started. 2100 - AFP fans started for RTA test. 0100 - AFP fans stopped. 24/01/2011 No No Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence commenced 1800 - AFP stopped. 1815 - Wash down sequence. 2100 - Fans started for RTA test. 0200 - RTA test complete, fans stopped. 25/01/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Public holiday 26/01/2011
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP Stopped 1802 - AFP Washdown Started 2120 - AFP Fan F001 Started - F002 would not energise due to VSD Fault 0110 - AFP Fan F001 Stopped 27/01/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1203 - Air Filtration Plant started. 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1830 - Rinse sequence started. 1845 - Rinse sequence stopped. 2100 - Main fans started as per RTA Request. 0300 - Main fans stopped. 28/01/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually.1800 - AFP stopped 1815 - Wash down 31/01/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started 1452 - Alarms - outlet PM10 from station 4 main signal out of range. outlet PM2.5 from station 4 main signal out of range. outlet PM 03 from station 4 main signal out of range. outlet PM CO from station 4 main signal out of range. outlet 1/02/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped manually & wash down started.. 2100 - Attempted to start RTA fan trial, "Ventilation fan 2 fail to start" alarm 2101 - Ventilation fan 1 running, Ventilation fan 2 fail to start 2115 - After numerious attempt 2/02/2011 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - AFP failed to start. Damper 006 Failed topen on four occasions.s1210 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP stopped 1830 - rinse cycle started 2300 - AFP started delay due to closure and damper D006 failed to open alarm 3/02/2011 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. (3 x attempts to start due to D006 failing to open). 1211 - Pre-Ionizer generator failed to start. System stopped. Fault cleared. 1217 - Pre-Ionizer generator failed to start. System stopped. Fault cleared. KW Advised. 1800 - AFP shutt 4/02/2011 No No Yes No No No Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped. 2100 - AFP started. 2335 - AFP stopped, F001 went into fault & stopped. * Alarms reset. 2339 - AFP restarted. 0200 - AFP stopped. 7/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes 6
1200 - AFP started.e1800 - AFP stopped 1815 - Wash down not started unable to start due to Tank 2 level at or above high level (Kev called and left message). 1949 - Tank 2 level fault now clear able to start wash down. 1950 - Wash down comenced. 2100 - AFP 8/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 6
0730 - AFP Alarm Activated - Building door open, personnel accessed. 1203 - BHEgis, Kev, advises that AFP would be started from AFP site. 1800 - AFP stopped waiting for Tank 2 level and compressor padlocks to open for rinse cycle. 1930 - Wash down commence 9/02/2011 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 6
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence Started 1800 - AFP stopped manually. 1830 - Wash down sequence started. 2100 - AFP fans started for RTA trial. 0200 - RTA test complete. 10/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 6
1158 - AFP started.s1200 - D006 Fail To Start alarm received and reset, plant start-up sequence successfully re-started. 1805 - AFP stopped 1930 - Rinse cycle started 2230 - AFP main fans placed into manual and started 2231 - Alarm F002 failed to start 225 11/02/2011 No No Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - AFP started 1800 - AFP stopped. 2100 - The RTA nightly test could not be run tonight due to not being able to energise F001 & F002, unable to start. KW & Premier Fire are fire testing & Node 10 is isolated. 14/02/2011 No Yes No No Yes 4
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped. Did not run fans at night due to inspections and dual closures 15/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1215 - Urgent alarm "Denox fan 1 VSD fault" & "Denox fan 2 VSD fault" unable to reset AFP stopped , KW advised. 1240 - RTA rang from the AFP & asked why the AFP is not running. 1245 - BB advised, 1300 - KW returned call he will 16/02/2011 No No No Yes No Yes 0
1200 - AFP Started manually 1800 - AFP stopped 1820 - Rinse cycle started. 2100 - AFP not started as main axial fans in exhaust mode, node 10 isolated and switching supply in sub stations, AFP in fault. 0448 - Faults cleared in AFP. 17/02/2011 No No No No Yes No Yes 0
1159 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1800- AFP shut down automatically 1803 - AFP Rinse sequence started 1900 - AFP Rinse sequence finish 2100 - Fan 001/002 fan started RTA test 0200 - Fan stopped 18/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped 1805 - AFP Wash Down started 2300 - AFP Main Fans Started 0300 - AFP Main Fans Stopped 21/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP stopped, rise cycle commenced. 2020 - Pre-Separator Sump Fail to Drain alarms on P201 and P202, would not reset. KW advised. 22/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped. 2100 - AFP Started as per RTA instructions. 0200 - AFP Stopped. 23/02/2011 No No No No Yes 3.5
1200 - Maint HH advised that the AFP can not be started due to an RTA inspection. 1250 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP stopped 1830 - Wash down 2100 AFP not started as UGL George is at AFP to test GCS on the back up work station and MCC will not have control of 24/02/2011 Yes No No No Yes No Yes 4
1200 - AFP Started 1800 - AFP stopped 1830 - Wash down 2100 - Fan 001/002 open and dampers started as per BB email for RTA test 0200 - Fan 001/002 closed dampers closed as per BB email for RTA test 25/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1800- AFP Shut down automatically 1803 - AFP Rinse sequence starteded 1820 - AFP Rinse sequence finished 2100 - Fan 001/002 started in manual 0200 - Fan 001/002 stopped 28/02/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1206 - AFP start failed, F001, VSD motor current high. 1207 - Alarm reset & AFP restarted. 1213 - AFP running. 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1810 - Rinse cycle commenced. 1825 - Rinse cycle completed. 2100 - Main fans (F001 & F002) Started manual 1/03/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP rinse accidently started started 1202 - AFP Rinse crash stopped, Kev advised and instructed TCRO to run the fans in manual as per the night shift for 30 mins and then start AFP normally. 1232 - AFP in auto and started as per normal procedure. 18 2/03/2011 No No Yes No Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped. 2100 - AFP/RTA test started. 0200 - AFP/RTA test stopped. 3/03/2011 No No Yes No Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped 1910 - Wash down commenced. 2100 - AFP/RTA test started. 0200 - AFP/RTA test stopped. 4/03/2011 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 6
2100 - AFP started in accordance with RTA testing email from BB 0200 - AFP fan testing stopped manually 5/03/2011
2100 - AFP RTA fan trial started as per email. 0200 - Fan trial complete. 6/03/2011
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP stopped Automatically 1807 - Rinse cycle started 1818 - Rinse cycle finished 2100 - AFP RTA fan trial started as per email. 0200 - Fan trial complete. 7/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP stopped Automatically 1807 - Rinse cycle started 1818 - Rinse cycle finished 2140 - AFP main fans started for testing purposes. 0200 - AFP main fans stopped. 8/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5.5
1200 - Air Filtration Plant started. 1730 - AFP Stopped automatically due to false CRX Fire Alarm. Please reder to Incident Log #072014. 2100 - AFP Main fans started manually as per RTA Request. 0300 - AFP Main fans stopped. 9/03/2011 No Yes Yes Yes No No No 5
1200 - KW from maintenance called and requested that the AFP be not started. 1548 - AFP started by Kevin at the AFP 1740 - AFP auto shut down by fire alarm "Pit 6, 25% Low Explosive Limit" * Node 10 isolated by Maintenance, as handed over by TCRO day shift 10/03/2011 Yes No No Yes No No No 2
1200 - AFP started manually. 1804 - AFP stopped. 2100 - AFP, RTA test commenced. 0200 - AFP, RTA test finished. 11/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5.5
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1800 - AFP stopped automaticly. 1805 - Wash down started automaticly. 14/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP Shutdown automatically. 1807 - AFP Rinse sequence started. 1826 - AFP Rinse sequence finished. 1900- AFP Ultrafiltration started automatically. 2001 - AFP Ultrafiltration stopped automatically. 2100 - AFP as requested by RTA 15/03/2011 No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3.5
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped 1805 - AFP Wash Down Sequence started 16/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1034 - Filtron, John, at AFP for the delivery of spare parts. Once parts collected and stored he will leave site. 1100 - Filtron, John, off site from AFP. 1200 - AFP Started. 1201 - AFP Damper Failed To Open. Damper Reset. 1202 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP Pl 17/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1820- Rince sequence commenced. 1830 Rince sequence completed. 2100 - AFP Main Fans started as per request from RTA. 0300 - AFP Main fans stopped as per request from RTA. 18/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP stopped & wash down started 2100 - RTA fan trian started 0200 - Fan trial complete. 21/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP start up sequence commenced 1430 - AFP pre seperator sump low low level alarm. Kev W onsite and placed sump OOS until morning. 1800 - AFP stopped & wash down started. 2100 - RTA fan trial started 0200 - RTA fan trial complete. 22/03/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1032 - Ipower phone to advised shutting down SCADA Server for 30 mins 1158 - AFP Plant sequence started 1800 - AFP stopped manually 1806 - AFP rinse cycle started Manually 1836 - Rinse cycle finished 2100 - AFP fan 001/002 started 0200 - AFP fan 001/002 st 23/03/2011 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started manually. 1800 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped 1804 - AFP Wash Down Sequence started 1825 - Rinse cycle finished 2113 - AFP main fans placed into manual dampers opened fans running as per RTA trial 0256 - AFP stopped 24/03/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP Stopped manually. 1813 - AFP Rinse sequence started manually. 1824 - Rinse sequence stopped. 2125 - AFP Main Fans started manually as per RTA Request. (Unable to clear sump pump alarm prior to manual Main Fan start). 0301 - A 25/03/2011 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
2100 - AFP Main Fans started as per RTA Request. 0236 - AFP Main Fans stopped as per RTA Request. 26/03/2011
2102 - AFP main fans started for testing purposes. 0401 - AFP main fans turned off. 27/03/2011
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped. (RO) 1805 - AFP wash down started (RO) 2100 - AFP started as per RTA trial (RM) 2101 - Damper outlet D006 failed to open, reset. (RM) 2103 - AFP now running as per BB email for RTA trial. (RM) 0200 - AFP sto 28/03/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Ipower Working 1200 - AFP not started due to Ipower solutions working at Plant they will advise once testing has finished so plant can be started 1558 - AFP started Ipower onsite till plant is running 1604 - AFP running 1800 - JB stopped AFP manually & started wash down. 29/03/2011 Yes No No No No Yes Yes 2
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1800 - JB stopped AFP manually & started the wash down 2100 - JB started RTA fan trial. 0200 - JB stopped RTA fan trial. 30/03/2011 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1158 - AFP Started manually. 1426 - CSIRO Commenced testing on AFP. CSIRO Have manual control of AFP. 1603 - AFP Plant Sequence started by KW 1804 - AFP stopped Automatically 1810 - Rinse cycle started automatically 31/03/2011 Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 4
1200 - AFP Started manually. 1804 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped. 1827 - AFP Wash Down Sequence started 1836 - V040 - Open manually, Fail to Fill Alarm 2100 - AFP main fans & dampers D001,002 ,005,006 placed into manual and started as per memo 0200 - AFP shu 1/04/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1159 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP stopped. 2138 - AFP started for RTA test, started late due to EB closure works. 0200 - AFP stopped for RTA test. 4/04/2011 No Yes Yes No No No No 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP started. 1450 - CSIRO ( WO #5373922 ) rang to say they were doing some testing at the AFP & requested TCRO log out of the AFP computer at the MCC. 1500 - AFP stopped by CSIRO. 1525 - AFP started. 1540 - AFP stopped again by CSIRO, unable to moni 5/04/2011 Yes Yes No No 3
1200 - AFP started manually 1802 - AFP stopped automaticly & wash down started. JB 2204 - AFP fan trial started JB 0200 - AFP fan trial stoipped. JB 6/04/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1022 - CSIRO onsite, testing and operating AFP 1800 - CSIRO called & requested not to do a wash down as the AFP had not run much today,CSIRO are now off site.JB 2103 - AFP fan trial started. JB 0201 - AFP fan trial complete JB 7/04/2011 Yes No No 0.5
1158 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1800 - AFP stopped manually 1820 - Rinse cycle started manually 2100 - Fan 001/002 started, RTA requested 0200 - Fan 001/002 stoppedl 8/04/2011 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
1200 - AFP unable to start Kevin called Alarm UPS mains disconnected alarm unable to energise F001 and F002. 2259 - KW Advised he had powered down both VSD's and re-energised both. Faults now cleared. 11/04/2011 No No No No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 0805 - CSIRO ( Brendain ) on site at the AFP,they will be running it from there today & requested we log out of the AFP computer at the MCC. TCRO's did not operate AFP at all today as requested by CSIRO. *No fan running tests completed tonight as works in 12/04/2011 Yes No No No No No No 1.5
1205 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped. 1805 - Wash down commenced. 2100 - Kevin called as AFP in fault, Kev advised AFP is in fault due to fire system works, AFP will not be run due to closure works. 13/04/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1203 CSRIO technician requested the AFP off they will start the system for testing 1310 AFP started by technician 1745 - CSIRO called and advised they are leaving site and did not require the AFP run for the last 15 minutes until 1800 also no wash down req 14/04/2011 Yes No No No No No No 1.5
1200 - AFP De-energised 1206 - AFP Plant Sequence 1840 - AFP stopped manually & wash down satrted. 2300 - RTA fan trial commenced. 0300 - RTA fan trial complete. 15/04/2011 No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 6
1200 - Air Filtration Plant Started. 1758 - Air Filtration Plant Stopped. 1806 - Wash down sequence aborted due to Tank02 alarm. Tank 02 at or above high level. Unable to commence rinse sequence. KW Notified. 2103 - AFP Main fans F001 & F002 Started as per 18/04/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes No No 6
1204 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP Stopped. (CB) 1905 - Rinse Sequence commenced. (CB) 2100 - AFP Main Fans 001 & 002 Started as per RTA Request. (CB) 0315 - AFP Main Fans 001 & 002 Stopped. (CB) 19/04/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1201 - AFP started maunually. 1802 - AFP stopped manually. 2153 - RTA test started, late due to drop off EB & WB. 0200 - RTA test finished. 20/04/2011 No No Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1202 - AFP Started. 1800 - AFP stopped (RM) 1805 - Wash down commenced (RM) 2105 - AFP started as per trial . (delayed start due to drop offs for maint works WB and EB at the same time) AFP computer time is 2105. 0158 - AFP stopped as per trial ( AFP compu 21/04/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
Public Holiday 2100 - AFP started as per AFP RTA instructions. 0200 - AFP stopped as per AFP RTA instructions. 22/04/2011
Public Holiday 25/04/2011
Public Holiday 2100 - Unable to start main fans due to Damper fail to open alarm. 2103 - Alarm reset. 2104 - AFP Main fans 001 & 002 started as per RTA request. 0159 - AFP Main fans stopped. 26/04/2011
1200 - AFP started. 1800 - AFP Stopped automatically. 1803 - AFP Wash sequence started automatically. 1814 - AFP Drying commenced. 1818 - AFP completed sequences. 2100 - RTA, AFP test statred. 2108 - VSD001 "Motor Current High High" F001 failed to run. * F 27/04/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started by KW at the Bexley. 1800 - AFP stopped manually. 2100 - AFP started manually for RTA test. 0200 - AFP stopped manually for RTA test. 28/04/2011 No No Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP started manually. 1800 - AFP stopped 1810 - Wash Down commenced 2105 - AFP started as per RTA trial email 0228 - AFP stopped 29/04/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Started as per RTA Request.t1817 - AFP stopped manuallyt1820 - Rinse cycle started manually 1840 - Rinse cycle complete 2100 - AFP Main fans started manually as per RTA instructions 0200 - AFP shut down manually as per trial 2/05/2011 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
1158 - AFP started manually. 1200 - AFP stopped due to D006 failed to open. * Unable to reset. 1204 - Unable to start the AFP, due to alarm. * KW notified via email. 3/05/2011 No No No Yes No No No 0
1200 - AFP failed to start, due to damper D006 in fault "Failed to open / close" * Maximo service request No.3478. 4/05/2011 No No No No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP will be controlled by CSIRO as advised by Kevin. (RM) 1803 - AFP Stopped. (MG) 1812 - CSIRO Advised they would be re-starting the AFP re testing. (MG) 2103 - AFP Main fans (001 & 002) started as per RTA Request. (MG) 0232 - AFP Main stopped. (MG 5/05/2011 Yes 2
1240 - AFP started, running late due to computer problems. 1800 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped 1805 - AFP Rinse Sequence started 2111 - AFP Main Fans (001 & 002) started as per RTA Request 0200 - AFP Main Fans stopped 6/05/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5
CSIRO Working 1022 - CSIRO onsite at AFP they advised that they would be running plant 2057 - AFP main fans running for trial purposes. 0157 - AFP main fans stopped as per trial instruction email. 9/05/2011 Yes 2.5
1202 - AFP Started manually re fault on Damper 006. 1803 - AFP stopped, rinse sequence commenced. (RO) 2106 - AFP main fans started for testing purposes. (RO) 0200 - AFP main fans stopped. 10/05/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Not started due to works conducted on D0006. (KW) NOTE - AFP NOT TO BE RUN TONIGHT. 11/05/2011 No 0.5
1201 - Air Filtration Plant started in manual. * D006 still in fault "Failed to close" 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1830 - Rince sequence started. 1845 - AFP Rince sequence stopped 2115 - AFP Main fans started as per RTA Request. 0200 - AFP Main fans stopped as per 12/05/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP running started bye the CSRIO earlier in the day. To be shut down as per normal at 1800 1800 - AFP Stopped. 1805 - Rinse sequence manually started. 2100 - AFP main Fans started as per RTA instructions 0200 - AFP main Fans stopped 13/05/2011 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 5.5
1158 - AFP started. 1850 - AFP did not stop automatically. 1851 - AFP stopped and rinse started AFP not running for RTA trial as night works for closures have prevented the AFP from running. 16/05/2011 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1805 - AFP sequence stopped automaticly. 1810 - Wash down started automaticly. 2100 - Fan trial not run due to closures. 17/05/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP Already running due to CSIRO Testing. 1800 - Could not be stopped due to CSIRO testing. 18/05/2011 Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP Already running due to CSIRO Testing. 1755 - CSIRO onsite and advised no to do Wash Sequence 2136 - AFP Main Fans started 2320 - AFP Main Fans stopped due to AFP Fire Alarm Testing by Premeir fire 19/05/2011 Yes No No 6
0920 - TS rang to request an Auto start for the AFP today. 1200 - Air Filtration Plant auto start failed. * All alarms present except. " Ventilation system ready" 1208 - Rang Terry to inform him of the problem, he then requested a manual start. 1210 - AFP 20/05/2011 No No Yes No Yes No Yes 6
1200 - AFP started. 1803 - AFP stopped (it did not stop automatically) RM 1810 - Wash down started (did not start automatically) RM 2104 - AFP started as per RTA trials 2158 - AFP stopped due to the following alarms. Air filtration MCC open\tripped.alarm U 23/05/2011 No Yes Yes No No No Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1155 Call the AFP in regard of starting the plane.incident number 73696 CSIRO ( Jeremy ) will start the plan when ready 1810 CSIRO ( Jeremy ) rang & requested no wash down or fan trial tonight, CSIRO are now off site. 24/05/2011 Yes No No 0.5
CSIRO & IPower Working 0900 - Ipower called advised he would be shutting down scada system at AFP for approx 30 mins 0930 - TS advised that they were having a problem with wash down compressor pump is shorting out AFP when it was running and they were working on fixing problem e 25/05/2011 Yes No No 0.5
CSIRO Working 0851 - Received phone call from CSIRO (Jeremy) onsite, and will be running AFP today 1200 - AFP Already running due to CSIRO Testing. 26/05/2011 Yes 6
1200 - AFP Not started due to A1 working in area of main fans. 27/05/2011 Yes No No No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 1155 - CSIRO rang to say they are at the AFP & will be operating it today. 30/05/2011 Yes No No No No 1
CSIRO Working 0948 - CSIRO rang, they will be running the AFP today. 1800 - AFP was not running at start of night shift. 2100 - AFP started RTA trial. 0220 - AFP stopped. 31/05/2011 Yes No No No No 1.5
CSIRO Working 0922 - CSIRO Gerrame onsite at AFP he will run from AFP at 1200. AFP is not to be run by MCC at all until tomorrow as advised by Gerrame CSIRO. 1/06/2011 Yes No No No No 4.5
CSIRO Working 1100 - CSIRO onsite at AFP and will be running AFP today 1708 - Received a call from Jeremy, no operation of the AFP tonight 2/06/2011 Yes No No No No 4.5
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO Advsied they are running tests on the AFP. AFP Not to be started at 12:00 as per RTA Request. 1411 - CSIRO Advsied they had departed AFP. AFP Running. F0003 & F0004 Started manually. 1424 - AFP Stopped. De-Nox fans failed to reach speed. Syste 3/06/2011 Yes No No No No 3.5
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP will be run by CSIRO as advised by TSt1600 - CSIRO advised TCRO not to complete wash down or run AFP at all tonight 6/06/2011 Yes No No No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 0743 - CSIRO ( Jeremy ) on site at the AFP they will be running the plant from there today and not to run the AFP at all. 1845 - CSRIO off site from the AFP comfirmed that there was to be no wash down and the fan to weren't to be run. 7/06/2011 Yes No No No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 1151 - CSIRO ( Jeremy ) rang, they will be operating the plant today. 1800 - CSIRO ( Jeremy ) rang, they are off site and advised don't run the AFP during the night. 8/06/2011 Yes No No No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 1151 - CSIRO ( Jeremy ) rang, they will be operating the plant today. 1800 - Plant not operating as CSIRO on site and is operating plant. 9/06/2011 Yes No No No No No No 2
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1810 - AFP did not stop automaticly, stopped manually & wash down started. 2100 - RTA fan trial started. 0200 - Fan trial complete 10/06/2011 No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6
Public Holidsy 1800 - AFP Not running due to Public Holiday. (Monday) 13/06/2011
1200 - AFP started 1805 - AFP stopped. 1831 - AFP Rinse sequence commenced. 1835 - AFP In fault. Rinse valve #09 Failed to open causing sequence to stop. KW and TS Advised via email. 2100 - AFP Main fans started as per RTA Request. 0200 - AFP Main fans sto 14/06/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes No No 6
1204 - AFP started. 1807 - AFP stopped. Advised that washdown sequence was not required. 2100 - AFP Fans run 0200 - Fans stopped 15/06/2011 No Yes Yes No Yes No No 6
1200 - AFP started by Kevin at AFP. No rinse tonight but run the trial as normal. 1330 - AFP stopped Fan F002 high bearing temp. Kevin advised and will restart 1444 - AFP stopped Fan F002 high bearing temp. Kevin advised and will restart 1632 - AFP stopped 16/06/2011 No No No No Yes No No 5
1200 - AFP Plant Sequence started 1230 - Fan 2 Vibration Alarm, unable to restart, notify KW, as TS not in 1320 - AFP Plant Sequence restarted 1414 - AFP Plant Sequence stopped by KW to inspect fans. 1758 - AFP stopped fan 2 vibration alarm. Not restarted 17/06/2011 No Yes No Yes No No No 4
1207 - AFP Started manually. 1234 - AFP Main Fans 001 & 002 stopped. Alarm (Excessive Vibration). 1235 - Alarms reset. AFP Started manually. 1359 - Main ventilation fan bearing alarm. AFP Stopped again. 1402 - Alarm reset. TS Advised. 1406 - AFP Started. 1 20/06/2011 No No No Yes No No No 2.5
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP Not started. (CSIRO Advised the AFP was not to be started at midday. CSIRO started AFP to conduct testing.CSIRO advised there was to be no wash down and no main fans to be run at 21:00) Night shift advised. 21/06/2011 Yes No No No No 0
CSIRO Working 1106 - Call from CSIRO stating they will operate the AFP today. 1625 - Call from the CSIRO to say that no wash down required. The fans do not need to be run for the RTA trial. 1800 - As per advice from CSIRO that no wash down required and the fans do not n 22/06/2011 Yes No No No 4
1119 - Maint ( Kev ) rang he will be operating the AFP today. 1156 - JG contacted AFP to enquire about running requirements for today. KW advsied he would run the plant today & would later contact TCRO regarding operation requirements for tonight. 1800 - W 23/06/2011 Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 5.5
1215 - AFP started. 1420 - AFP stopped, ESP HV Generator 2 in fault, alarms reset & plant restarted. 1425 - AFP running 1800 - AFP stopped automatically. 2100 - AFP statrted for the RTA trail 2230 - AFP stopped fand will not restart Bexley pump running. 22 24/06/2011 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - AFP Started by CSIROt1800 - Jeremy from CSIRO call and requested that we don't do a wash down or run the fan tonight 27/06/2011 Yes 1.5
Plant running non stop CSIRO Have advised that for the next three days, today included, the AFP will be running non-stop. Obviously no wash-downs or main fan running will be required. 28/06/2011 Yes 0
Plant running non stop 0930 - CSRIO on site at the AFP, no action required from TCRO 29/06/2011 Yes 0
Plant running non stop 30/06/2011 Yes 0
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO on site, AFP already running as per email. 1345 - CSIRO ( Jeremy ) rang, they are now off site, he requested the fans, wash down & RTA fan trial not run today. 1/07/2011 Yes 0
CSIRO Working 6.30 - LVMA01 sum power factor out of range alarm. In contact with Kev W, advised him of the urganttalarm.t1155 - Received a call from AFP CSIRO (Jeremy) advised they would be running the AFP manually from the AFP and it was not to be started from the cont 4/07/2011 Yes 0
1200 - AFP Started manually. 1205 - Denox fan 002 failed to reach speed. AFP Automatic shut down. 1206 - System reset. AFP Started. 1213 - Denox fan 002 failed to reach speed. AFP Automatic shut down. 1214 - System reset. AFP Started. 1221 - Denox fan 002 5/07/2011 No No No No No No No 4
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO have full control of the AFP. 1800 - AFP called (Brendan) CSIRO will look after AFP and trial not to run tonight 6/07/2011 Yes 6
CSIRO Working 0830 - CSIRO on site at the AFP. 1440 - CSIRO off site. 1800 - AFP Not running. CSIRO On-site. No trial to be done tonight. 7/07/2011 Yes 5.5
CSIRO Working As advised by the CSIRO please dont run or wash down the AFP today or over the weekend. Mondays day shift please call the CSIRO prior to starting the plant at midday for further instructions on running the AFP. 8/07/2011 Yes 0
CSIRO Working 1201 CSIRO - Jeremy call from AFP, they will run the plant. Jeremy also advise no wash down or trial was required tonight. 11/07/2011 0
CSIRO Working 0830 - CSIRO onsite and will be operating the AFP all day. 1900 - CSIRO rang, they dont want the plant run tonight, they will be back tomorrow. 12/07/2011 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO Have control of AFP. AFP Running. 1922 - CSIRO ( Jeremy) called advised that they were leaving site and not to do wash down tonight or start plant 13/07/2011 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSRIO in control of AFP today 1800 - CSIRO at AFP they will control it tonight no wash down required 14/07/2011 5
CSIRO Working 0709 - CSIRO on site, AFP, advised they will be running the plant today 1434 - CSIRO off site, no wash down or trial required tonight. 15/07/2011 5.5
CSIRO Working 1200 - Checked with TS ( Maint ) that it was OK to run the AFP, plant started in manual. 1210 - CSIRO rang, they are on site & will be operating it today. 1213 - AFP stopped by CSIRO. 1800 - CSIRO off site and do not want the AFP washed down or run tonight 18/07/2011 3.5
CSIRO Working 1110 Received a call from the CSIRO crew, they will look after the AFP today. No washdown or trial fan run required tonight. 19/07/2011 6
CSIRO Working 0912 - CSIRO onsite at AFP and will be controling it all day, NO Wash Down required. 1858 - CSIRO rang, they are off site, they requested the plant left as is till tomorrow when they will be back. 20/07/2011 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO Advsied they have full control of the AFP. No actions required by TCRO unless otherwise notified. 2000 Graham from CSIRO requested not to start the AFP tomorrow. 21/07/2011 6
CSIRO Working 1200 - CSIRO Advsied they have full control of the AFP. No actions required by TCRO unless otherwise notified. 22/07/2011 0
Totals: Total Hours Scheduled Total Hours Operational % No. days 6 hours % No. days 5 hours or less % No. days 4 hours or less
Apr-10 108 82 75.9% 7 38.9% 9 50.0% 5
May-10 125 95.5 76.4% 8 38.4% 9 43.2% 4
Jun-10 124 113 91.1% 13 62.9% 5 24.2% 2
Jul-10 132 120.5 91.3% 14 63.6% 3 13.6% 3
Aug-10 132 116 87.9% 15 68.2% 4 18.2% 2
Sep-10 132 126.5 95.8% 15 68.2% 2 9.1% 0
Oct-10 113.5 81 71.4% 8 42.3% 11 58.1% 8
Nov-10 130 100.5 77.3% 12 55.4% 7 32.3% 6
Dec-10 120 91.5 76.3% 12 60.0% 7 35.0% 5
Jan-11 114 90.5 79.4% 11 57.9% 6 31.6% 4
Feb-11 119 101 84.9% 14 70.6% 5 25.2% 5
Mar-11 132 123 93.2% 15 68.2% 5 22.7% 4
Apr-11 90.5 84.5 93.4% 13 86.2% 5 33.1% 5
May-11 104 79 76.0% 10 57.7% 11 63.5% 10
Jun-11 67.5 61 90.4% 4 35.6% 16 142.2% 13
Jul-11 96 59.5 62.0% 6 37.5% 8 50.0% 7
Average 116.2 97.7 84.0% 11.4 58.3% 7.00 40.1% 5.1
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce c 1
Appendlces ConLenLs LlsL
uocumenL name/number no Cf ages
CerucaLe of Callbrauon Conformance - 1Sl veloclCalc 100mm vane
llowraLe MeasuremenLs 14 SepL 2010.xlsx 2
1. All documenLs ln Lhls appendlces malnLaln Lhelr orlglnal numberlng.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce c 2
1he average Lunnel ow raLes ln Lhe Lunnel reglon of Lhe Al were calculaLed as an average of Lwo
new ow-meLers lnsLalled ln Lhe Lunnel, u002_llal lnsLalled before Lhe Al oake, and u003_llal
lnsLalled aer Lhe resupply.
1he LargeL ow raLe for Lhe Al durlng operauon was 200m/s. ln order Lo assess lf Lhls seLpolnL was
belng achleved, 8MServlces and AMCC conducLed LesLs on 14-9-2010 Lo manually measure
alrspeed, and hence Al ow raLe, aL dlerenL polnLs ln Lhe planL. MeasuremenLs were made uslng
a veloclCalc lus100mm vane AnemomeLer (Callbrauon CerucaLe 18774) aL ShelLer 1, ShelLer 3
and aer Lhe roughlng lLer, boLh wlLh and wlLhouL Lhe uenlLrlcauon lanL runnlng. All
measuremenLs are lncluded ln Lhls Appendlx.
1able 18 shows resulLs for average alrspeed measured durlng Lhe alrspeed Lrlal compared wlLh Lhe
alrspeeds measured on LnvlsLaA8M uslng veloclLy lnsLrumenLs aL ShelLer 1 and 3. 1he
measuremenLs aL Lhe roughlng lLer were [udged less rellable due Lo Lurbulence.
1able 18 lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe Average LnvlsLaA8M veloclues are conslsLenLly lower Lhan Lhe manual
readlngs. 1hls ls due Lo Lhe recorded readlngs belng performed aL a reference LemperaLure of 0C.
1hese ad[usLmenLs are shown ln 1able 18 for Lhe average LemperaLure durlng Lhe ume of recordlng
of 27C. 1he correlauon beLween Lhe ad[usLed readlngs and Lhe manual readlngs ls Lhen closer.
1able 18: Average Manual Alrspeed MeasuremenL Compared WlLh Average
LnvlsLaA8M 8ecorded Alrspeed
1lme and Locauon Average Manual
Alrspeed 8eadlng
Average LnvlsLaA8M
veloclLy 8eadlng (m/s)
Ad[usLed Average
LnvlsLaA8M veloclLy
8eadlng (m/s) (uslng
average MeasuremenL
1emperaLure of 27C)
ShelLer 1, 11:30-13:13,
16-9-2010 (WlLh uenCx)
3.06 4.86 3.34
ShelLer 3, 11:30-13:13,
16-9-2010 (WlLh uenCx)
6.21 3.34 6.09
ShelLer 1, 13:30-13:00,
16-9-2010 (WlLhouL
3.11 4.33 3
ShelLer 3, 13:30-13:00,
16-9-2010 (WlLhouL
7.77 7.29 8.01
1he Lunnel ow raLe has been calculaLed as Lhe average resulL from Lhe Lwo lnsLalled Lunnel alrow
sensors, u002_llal and u003_llal, whlch measure alrow respecuvely before and aer Lhe Al.
1heoreucally Lhese alrow sensors should be equal, as Lhe Al reLurns as much alrow as lL dlverLs
from Lhe Lunnel. ln reallLy Lhere are small dlerences beLween Lhe measuremenLs and Lhey are only
used aer belng averaged.
1he Al ow raLe has been calculaLed for all days slnce Lhe commencemenL of operauon uslng Lhe
formula ln Lquauon 1. 1he veloclLy near ShelLer 1 ls muluplled by Lhe LemperaLure mulupller uslng
Lhe Al LemperaLure supplled from Lhe SCAuA, and Lhen by Lhe cross-secuonal area near Lhe
measuremenL. 1he cross-secuonal area used ln Lhe calculauon was 33m
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce c J
AFP Flowrate!Velocity "Shelter 1#$
Lquauon 1
uenCx owraLes were calculaLed uslng alrspeed measuremenLs on boLh sldes of Lhe uenCx planL,
and Lhen subLracung Lhls alrow from Lhe known alr lnow Lo Lhe Al. 1he Lwo veloclLy devlces
used were veloclLy uevlces 2 and 3, lnsLalled on elLher slde of uenCx. 1he formula used Lo calculaLe
uenCx alrow ls glven by Lquauon 2. 1he values of Area
and Area
are 11.73m
DeNOx Flow!AFP Flow&VelDev2$"
#$" Area
#$" Area
Equation 2
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
Commencment Time: 11:30
Completion Time: 13:15
Measurments at Station 1 (m/s)
Distance from LH Wall
Height of floor 500mm 1000mm 2000mm 3000mm 4000mm 5000mm 6000mm 6500mm
500mm 3.50 4.35 4.85 5.15 5.25 5.55 5.20 4.85 4.8375 170.28
10000mm 4.00 4.50 4.40 5.00 5.30 5.55 5.30 4.80 4.85625 170.94
2000mm 3.80 4.30 4.60 5.00 5.60 6.25 6.35 6.00 5.2375 184.36
3000mm 4.25 4.40 4.60 4.75 5.30 6.00 7.00 7.00 5.4125 190.52
4000mm 2.60 3.30 4.40 4.65 5.60 6.05 6.60 6.50 4.9625 174.68
Average 5.06
Flow duct 7.04m x 5.0m Average Flowarate (m3/s) 178.16
Average Velocity from Envista ARM (m/s) 4.86
Measurments Roughing Filter (m/s)
Distance from LH Wall
Height of floor Upright 1 Upright 2 Upright 3 Upright 4 Upright 5 Upright 6 Upright 7 Upright 8 Upright 9
500mm 2.00 3.35 3.80 7.00 5.00 2.55 6.45 6.50 7.85
1000mm 2.60 3.40 3.50 6.40 4.00 2.00 5.35 6.05 7.40
2000mm 4.10 2.20 3.20 6.50 4.15 1.00 2.25 3.50 6.65
3000mm 4.10 3.20 2.15 4.85 5.20 0.80 1.15 1.35 3.65
4000mm 5.15 3.50 3.50 4.45 5.30 2.70 3.30 2.00 1.30
Average 3.92
Flow duct 10.5m x 5.0m Average Flowrate (m3/s) 205.80
Measurments at Shelter 3 (DeNOx) (m/s)
Height of floor 350mm 900mm 1450mm 2000mm 350mm 900mm 1450mm 2000mm
500mm 5.75 6 6.45 5.3 5.875 69.03125 6.05 5.9 5.85 6.1 5.975 70.20625
1000mm 5.9 6.3 6.3 6.25 6.1875 72.703125 6.05 6 6.05 5.35 5.8625 68.884375
2000mm 6.35 6.5 7.05 6.9 6.7 78.725 6.3 6.3 6.75 3.95 5.825 68.44375
3000mm 6.45 6.9 7.4 5 6.4375 75.640625 6.35 6.7 7.15 4.4 6.15 72.2625
4000mm 6.4 6.9 7.2 6.25 6.6875 78.578125 6.3 6.35 6.7 6.2 6.3875 75.053125
Flow duct 2.35m x 5.0m x 3 ducts Flow duct 2.35m x 5.0m x 3 ducts
Average 6.38 Average 6.04
Average Flowrate (m3/s) 74.94 Average Flowrate (m3/s) 70.97
Total Average Flowrate around DeNOx 145.91
Average Velocity from Envista ARM (m/s) 5.54
Hence DeNOx Flowrate (m3/s) 32.25
Average Vel
at Height
Avg Flowrate
at Height
Instrument used:VelociCalc Plus100mm Vane Anemometer (Calibration Certificate 18774)
Distance from LH (North) Wall Distance from RH (South) Wall Average Vel
at Height
Avg Flowrate
at Height
Air Velocity Measurements 5M East Filtration Plant
Measurment made on Tuesday 14th September 2010
With DeNOX running
Avg Flowrate
at Height
Average Vel
at Height
Commencment Time: 13:30
Completion Time: 15:00
Measurments at Station 1 (m/s)
Distance from LH Wall
Height of floor 500mm 1000mm 2000mm 3000mm 4000mm 5000mm 6000mm 6500mm
500mm 3.95 4.45 5.20 5.15 5.50 5.50 5.60 5.35 5.0875 179.08
10000mm 4.20 4.75 5.00 4.95 5.20 5.85 5.80 5.35 5.1375 180.84
2000mm 4.40 4.45 4.30 4.70 5.35 5.80 6.40 6.20 5.2 183.04
3000mm 4.20 4.30 4.25 4.75 5.10 6.10 6.65 6.95 5.2875 186.12
4000mm 2.70 3.40 4.10 4.60 5.30 5.80 6.35 6.60 4.85625 170.94
Average 5.11
Flow duct 7.04m x 5.0m Average Flowarate (m3/s) 180.00
Average Velocity from Envista ARM (m/s) 4.55
Measurments at Shelter 3 (DeNOx) (m/s)
Height of floor 350mm 900mm 1450mm 2000mm 350mm 900mm 1450mm 2000mm
500mm 7.45 7.95 7.45 6.5 7.3375 86.215625 7.5 7.4 7.35 7.8 7.5125 88.271875
1000mm 7.25 8.05 7.2 6.35 7.2125 84.746875 7.65 7.35 7.85 7.05 7.475 87.83125
2000mm 8 8.1 7.6 7.2 7.725 90.76875 7.7 7.85 8.1 7.6 7.8125 91.796875
3000mm 7.8 8.2 8.65 8.35 8.25 96.9375 8.05 8.3 8.55 8.45 8.3375 97.965625
4000mm 7.55 8 8.5 7.8 7.9625 93.559375 7.8 7.75 8.1 8.65 8.075 94.88125
Flow duct 2.35m x 5.0m x 3 ducts Flow duct 2.35m x 5.0m x 3 ducts
Average 7.70 Average 7.84
Average Flowarate (m3/s) 90.45 Average Flowarate (m3/s) 92.15
Total Average Flowrate around DeNOx 182.60
Average Velocity from Envista ARM (m/s) 7.29
Air Velocity Measurements 5M East Filtration Plant
Measurment made on Tuesday 14th September 2010
Without DeNOX running
Instrument used:VelociCalc Plus100mm Vane Anemometer (Calibration Certificate 18774)
Average Vel
at Height
Avg Flowrate
at Height
Avg Flowrate
at Height
Distance from LH (North) Wall Average Vel
at Height
Avg Flowrate
at Height
Distance from RH (South) Wall Average Vel
at Height
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Appendlces ConLenLs LlsL
uocumenL name/number no Cf ages
M3 lLrauon planL consLrucuon CC2 assessmenL.xls 2
1. All documenLs ln Lhls appendlces malnLaln Lhelr orlglnal numberlng.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
Category Item Quantity Unit Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 EF Unit Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total Comment
Diesel 45,500 L 2.683 0.205 t CO2e/kL 122 0 9 131
Use in site plant and vehicles.
EF source = NGA Factors June
2009 (Scope 1 + Scope 3)
Petrol 1,000 L 2.295 0.181 t CO2e/kL 2 0 0 2
Use in generators and other
EF source = NGA Factors June
2009 (Scope 1 + Scope 3)
Total electricity consumed 967,838 kWh 0.0089 0.0018 t CO2e/kWh 0 8,614 1,742 10,356
Electricity used by road headers
and for operation of the site sheds
and other site infrastructure.
EF source = NGA Factors June
2009 (Scope 1 + Scope 3)
Materials production and transport
- Coarse aggregate 4,608 tonnes 0.0128 t CO2e/tonne 59 59
- Fine aggregate 1,728 tonnes 0.0128 t CO2e/tonne 22 22
12,885 - Cement 2,195 tonnes 0.804 t CO2e/tonne 1,764 1,764
1,990 - Fly ash 732 tonnes 0.134 t CO2e/tonne 98 98
- Coarse sand 2,215 tonnes 0.013 t CO2e/tonne 28 28
- Fine sand 1,408 tonnes 0.013 t CO2e/tonne 18 18
- Cement 228 tonnes 0.804 t CO2e/tonne 183 183
- Fly ash 60 tonnes 0.134 t CO2e/tonne 8 8
- Silica fume 24 tonnes 0.000 t CO2e/tonne 0 0
1,333 - Coarse aggregate 366 tonnes 0.013 t CO2e/tonne 5 5
262 - Coarse sand 374 tonnes 0.013 t CO2e/tonne 5 5
- Fine sand 250 tonnes 0.013 t CO2e/tonne 3 3
- Fibre 0.5 tonnes t CO2e/tonne 0 0
- Steel fibre 30 tonnes 1.927 t CO2e/tonne 58 58
19 - Coarse aggregate 11 tonnes 0.0128 t CO2e/tonne 0.13 0.13
1.33 - Fine aggregate 8 tonnes 0.0128 t CO2e/tonne 0.10 0.10
- Bitumen 1 tonnes 0.4340 t CO2e/tonne 0.45 0.45
- processing energy 7,795 MJ 0.0824 kgCO2e/MJ 0.64 0.64
Imported sand 250 tonnes 0.013 t CO2e/tonne 3.2 3
Imported soil 50 tonnes t CO2e/tonne 0.0 0
Excluded as considered
insignificant compared to other
Copper 5 tonnes 6.200 t CO2e/tonne 31.0 31
Imported sandstone 92 tonnes t CO2e/tonne 0.0 0
Assumed density 2.3 tonnes/m3.
Excluded due to uncertainty
associated with mining of
sandstone. Likely to be insignificant
to overall result.
Steel 523 tonnes 1.927 1,007 1,007
Steel Bar = 400.871T
Steel Mesh = 82 tonnes
30 Tonne Of stainlesss steel in
5 Tonne Stainless steel in Dnox
5 Tonne of stainless steel in
EF assumes average recycled
content of 35% by weight and
emissions factors for:
- steel manufactured from virgin
materials of 2.35
- steel manufactored from recycled
content of 1.140
Diesel consumed in material transport
vehicles 9,200 L 2.887 t CO2e/kL 0 0 27 27
Assumes material transport
vehicles were operated on diesel
and had an average fuel
consumption rate of 0.368 L/km.
Approximately 960 loads were
required to transport key materials
(such as concrete) to the site.
EF source = NGA Factors June
2009 (Scope 1 + Scope 3)
Assumes material transport
vehicles operated by third party.
Waste transport and disposal
Mixed construction and demolition
wastes 650 tonnes 0.000 0
Material assumed to be reused or
buried offsite. Assumed to be
mostly inert with zero emission
Excavated rock, VENM, spoil etc not
reused on site 41,250 tonnes 0.000 0
Material assumed to be reused or
buried offsite. Assumed to be
mostly inert with zero emission
Assumes 8m3 of asphalt made up
of the following mix:
- coarse aggregate 1320 kg/m3
- fine aggregate 950 kg/m3
- bitumen 130 kg/m3
Assumes asphalt processing
energy of 406 MJ/tonne.
Assumes imported soil has a
similar embodied energy to
important sand.
Emission Factor Emissions (tCO2e)
Assumes 5,760m3 of concrete
made up of the concrete mixes
shown below.
Assumes 600m3 of shotcrete
made up of the mix shown below.
Diesel consumed in waste transport
vehicles 37,300 L 2.887 t CO2e/kL 0 0 108 108
Assumes all waste transport
vehicles were operated on diesel
and had an average fuel
consumption rate of 0.368 L/km.
Approximately 3900 loads of waste
were transported from the site.
Assumes third party operation of
EF source = NGA Factors June
2009 (Scope 1 + Scope 3)
Activated carbon 30 tonnes t CO2e/tonne 0 0 0 0
Imported from Sri Lanka. Exclude
as EF not available.
124 8,614 5,180 13,918
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 1
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 2
! Lmclency of Lhe uenCx lLer ls 33 and emclency of Lhe LS ls 63.
! Average concenLrauon of nC
upsLream of Lhe lLer ls 0.43ppm and M
ls 330g/m
! Al ls scheduled Lo operaLe from 12pm-6pm weekdays, and has avallablllLy of 84.
! luLure power use of Lhe Al ls 210kW whlle operaung, 20kW whlle noL operaung, and
9060kW weekly.
8emoval quanuLy ln 1able 19.
1able 19: M
8emoval er ?ear
CuanuLy value unlL
ConcenLrauon of M
ln Lunnel
330 g/m
8emoval raLe of M
8emoved concenLrauon of M
227.3 g/m
Al owraLe 184.4 m/s
8emoval raLe of M
0.0420 g/s
8emoval of M
ln 1 hour 131.0 g
PlsLorlcal avallablllLy of Al 84
8emoval of M
over 6 hour
906.1 g
8emoval of M
over 3 day
4.3 kg
8emoval of ln M
over 1 year 198.4 kg
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce J
8emoval quanuLy ln 1able 20.
1able 20: M
8emoval er ?ear
CuanuLy value unlL
ConcenLrauon of nC
ln Lunnel
832.8 g/m
8emoval raLe of nC
8emoved concenLrauon of nC
438.0 g/m
uenCx owraLe 44.1 m/s
8emoval raLe of nC
0.0202 g/s
8emoval of nC
over 1 hour 72.7 g
PlsLorlcal avallablllLy of Al 84
8emoval of nC
over 6 hour day 436.3 g
8emoval of nC
over 3 day
2.18 kg
8emoval of nC
over 1 year 93.3 kg
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce 4
no eecL was found ln Lhe Al on elLher Carbon Monoxlde (CC) or Czone (C
) over Lhe course of
Lhe Lrlal, as expecLed slnce Lhe Lechnology was noL deslgned Lo lmpacL on Lhese polluLanLs.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce l 1
Appendlces ConLenLs LlsL
uocumenL name/number no Cf ages
Leuer from Wllklnson Murray, 28 lebruary 2010 6
1. All documenLs ln Lhls appendlces malnLaln Lhelr orlglnal numberlng.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818
M5 ost 1oooel lllttouoo 1tlol voloouoo ltoqtom - kevlew of Opetouoool letfotmooce l 2
LxLernal nolse measuremenLs were conducLed durlng Al operauon as parL of commlsslonlng.
LnvlronmenLal aspecLs - nolse, wasLe managemenL, waLer LreaLmenL were LesLed and slgned o on
AccepLance 1esL Compleuon CerucaLe llL1-1-A1CC-009[00], as documenLed ln Lhe lllLronLec
Commlsslonlng 8eporL [13].
Secuon 3.7 of Lhe ro[ecL 8rlef [10] requlres Lhe nolse levels generaLed by Lhe Al operauon Lo be
verled by a nA1A reglsLered organlsauon. 1he 8P Compleuon 8eporL [14] lncludes a leuer
(lncluded ln Lhls Appendlx) from Wllklnson Murray, Lhe pro[ecL nolse and vlbrauon consulLanLs, Lo
sausfy ro[ecL 8rlef requlremenLs.
1he Wllklnson Murray leuer deLalls nolse Lesung conducLed for background nolse and Al operaung
nolse. lollowlng Lhe meLhodology provlded ln Lhe new SouLh Wales lndusLrlal nolse ollcy
(LA,2000), accepLable nolse levels for dayume, evenlng and nlghL were Laken as Lhe mlnlmum of
Lhe lnLruslveness and ad[usLed amenlLy crlLerla. nolse Lesung was conducLed aL Lhree locauons near
Lhe Al for nlghL-ume Al operauon, whlch had Lhe lowesL assoclaLed accepLable nolse levels.
uurlng Lhe measuremenLs, nolse emlsslons from Lhe planL were well wlLhln Lhe relevanL crlLerla, and
no nolse from Lhe Al was audlble. 1he nolse emlsslons were Lherefore consldered accepLable.
uocumenL number - r2009.[030.003.1
lssued as 8evlslon 1, 22 lebruary 2012
uoc 8ef: ALlas:\...\r2009.[030.003.1.odL
ACn 063 473 818

28 February 2010 WM Project Number: 06354-CT
Our Ref: BH280210 Compliance Testing Results

Graham Crighton
Baulderstone Hornibrook
Level 10, 40 Miller Street

Dear Graham
Re: M5 EAST FILTRATION PROJ ECT - Compliance Testing Results

Wilkinson Murray have been engaged to carry out work to satisfy Ministers Conditions of Approval
(MCoA) 81D, 81H and 81M for the M5 East Filtration Project. This letter details noise and vibration
testing required by MCoAs 81M(a) and 81D respectively.
1. Noise Criteria
MCoA 81H requires that the Proponent shall derive noise limits for the trial and associated works in
accordance with the New South Wales Industrial Noise Policy (EPA, 2000). The Proponent shall submit
a copy of this derivation to the Director-General who may agree with the derived noise limits, in which
case, the noise limits shall henceforth apply to the trial and associated works.
1.1. Industrial Noise Policy
The New South Wales Industrial Noise Policy (INP) stipulates two separate criteria: the intrusiveness
and the amenity criteria.
The intrusiveness criteria are derived from the Rating Background Level (RBL) and defined over a
typical worst-case 15 minute period by the noise level descriptor L
. In general, the L
level should not exceed the Rating Background Level (RBL) by more than 5dBA.
The amenity criterion sets an upper limit to control the total L
noise level from all industrial sources.
It is defined as the L
over the entire day, evening or night time period. In this case, the potentially
affected residences would be classified as suburban and the relevant recommended acceptable
amenity criteria for L
are 55, 45 and 40dBA for daytime, evening and night time periods
To set the amenity criteria for any project the INP has a sliding scale based on the existing industrial
noise. As there is no significant source of industrial noise in this area the amenity criteria are set at
the acceptable levels cited in the previous paragraph.
06354-CT / Baulderstone Hornibrook - 2 - Wilkinson Murray (Sydney) Pty Limited

In areas of high traffic noise the INP permits amenity criteria to be adjusted. For an area to be
considered for high traffic noise the following must apply:
Traffic noise is identified as the dominant noise source;
Existing traffic noise levels are 10dB or more above the acceptable noise level for the area; and
It is highly unlikely that road traffic noise levels will decrease in the future.
1.2. Existing Acoustic Environment
In order to determine the existing acoustic environment noise monitoring was conducted at four
residential receivers for a minimum seven day period between Tuesday 7 February and Tuesday
21 February, 2007.
The noise monitoring equipment used for the long-term unattended measurements consisted of
Environmental Noise Loggers set to A-Weighted, Fast response continuously monitoring over
15-minute sampling periods. This equipment is capable of remotely monitoring and storing noise level
descriptors for later detailed analysis. The equipment calibration was checked before and after the
survey and no significant drift had occurred. Monitoring was conducted in free-field conditions
(i.e. away from building facades and other reflecting surfaces).
The noise logger determines the L
, L
, L
and L
levels of the existing noise environment. (A
glossary of acoustic terms is provided in Appendix A). The L
, L
and L
levels are the levels
exceeded for 1%, 10% and 90% of the sample time respectively. The L
is indicative of maximum
noise levels due to individual noise events such as the passby of a heavy vehicle. The L
level is
normally taken as the background noise level. The LAeq level represents the Equivalent Continuous
Sound Level and has the same sound energy over the sampling period as the actual noise
environment with its fluctuating sound levels.
A descriptor known as the Rating Background Level (RBL) is defined in the NSW Department of
Environment & Climate Change (DECC) document, the NSW Industrial Noise Policy (INP). The RBL is
used in determining criteria for construction noise from the proposal. This is calculated from the
measured logger data by taking tenth percentile L
values for each day, and forming the median of
the resulting levels.
Table 1 summarises the Rating Background Level for the monitoring locations during the daytime
(7.00am-6.00pm), evening (6.00pm-10.00pm) and night time (10.00pm-7.00am). These values are
used in determining criteria for noise from construction activities.
Table 1 Summary of Noise Monitoring Results
Measured RBL (dBA) Measured L
ID Location
Day Evening Night Day Evening Night
1 94 Wolli Ave rear yard 48 47 37 55 62 51
2 9 J ohnston St rear yard 52 53 43 62 59 54
3 26 Shaw St rear yard 43 42 35 56 55 51

These background noise levels are primarily due to traffic noise on the M5 and Bexley Road.
The locations monitored are considered representative of surrounding receivers. Where noise
monitoring was not undertaken background noise levels have been estimated using levels measured
at alternate locations having similar exposure to relevant noise sources.
06354-CT / Baulderstone Hornibrook - 3 - Wilkinson Murray (Sydney) Pty Limited

Note that monitoring was initially conducted at 65 Wolli Avenue and this location was used for initial
compliance monitoring of construction noise. This was due to the construction site entry being
opposite this address. The most potentially impacted receiver from operational noise in that direction
is 94 Wolli Avenue, which also has a reduced measured background noise level. Therefore if
compliance is achieved at 94 Wolli Avenue, then it is expected to also be achieved at 65 Wolli Avenue.
Monitoring has previously been conducted at 26 Shaw Street for this project. This was initially chosen
over Kingsgrove Avenue because it was expected that the reduced background at this location would
more than offset the slightly increased distance from the site. Through the construction phase 1
Kingsgrove Avenue was identified as being more affected by construction noise. Therefore this
location is considered more appropriate to monitor compliance of the operational noise. The RBLs for
26 Shaw Street have been adopted for this location. This has been shown to be slightly conservative
through construction noise (day and night) monitoring.
1.3. Project Specific Noise Criteria
The measured L
noise levels, along with site observations suggest that the amenity criteria for
some periods should be adjusted from the acceptable noise levels as this is a high traffic noise area.
In these cases the amenity criteria becomes L
minus 10dB. Note that elevated noise levels were
measured at 94 Wolli Avenue during the evening time period. This is not consistent with the level
increase at other receivers and so is believed to be possibly due to localised noise, not traffic noise.
Therefore the amenity criterion for this period at 94 Wolli Avenue has not been adjusted.
The intrusiveness criteria are derived directly from the RBLs.
Since the operation of the plant for this project is constant, the amenity and intrusiveness criteria can
be compared and the project specific noise criterion becomes the more stringent of the two. Table 2
presents the relevant criteria for the project.
Table 2 Summary of Noise Criteria
Adjusted Amenity
Project Specific
(dBA) ID
Day Evening Night Day Evening Night Day Evening Night
1 94 Wolli Ave 53 52 42 55 45 41 53 45 41
2 9 J ohnston St 57 58 48 55 49 44 55 49 44
4 1 Kingsgrove Ave 48 47 40 55 45 41 48 45 40

These locations are shown in Figure 1.
06354-CT / Baulderstone Hornibrook - 4 - Wilkinson Murray (Sydney) Pty Limited

Figure 1 Aerial Photo Showing Monitoring Locations

2. Vibration Criteria
MCoA 81D requires the Proponent shall ensure that vibration resulting from the construction and
operation of the filtration technology does not exceed the evaluation criteria presented in
Environmental Noise Management Assessing Vibration: A Technical Guideline (DEC, 2006).
Operational vibration criteria were detailed in projects Detailed Design Report (Hyder). In accordance
with the DECCWs guidelines the preferred weighted acceleration values have been adopted as the
vibration criteria for this project.
Table 3 Summary of Vibration Criteria for Residential Receivers
Weighted RMS Acceleration (m/ s
Time Period
Vertical Axis Horizontal Axis

0.010 0.007
0.007 0.005
Note: 1. Day (7am 10pm), Night (10pm 7am)
06354-CT / Baulderstone Hornibrook - 5 - Wilkinson Murray (Sydney) Pty Limited

3. Operational Noise and Vibration Testing Methodology
MCoA 81M states:
The Proponent shall prepare and implement a Filtration Trial Monitoring Program to monitor and
record the performance of the filtration technology. The Program shall be developed in consultation
with the Department, the EPA and NSW Health, and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
a) monitoring and verification of the noise performance of the filtration technology of the filtration
technology and provision of a filtration trial report that includes a conclusion and recommendations
regarding the viability of continuing the trial
In addition to point (a) which explicitly requires noise to be assessed and reported, we have included
vibration also, in order to explicitly demonstrate compliance with MCoA 81D.
For both noise and vibration the night time period is the most stringent. Therefore testing was
conducted during this time period. If criteria are met at this time it is considered that they will be met
at all other times also.
The testing details were as follows:
Noise and vibration measurements were conducted adjacent to the receivers in Table 2.
Noise and vibration testing was conducted over a period of 15 minutes with the filtration plant
operational at the typical maximum operating capacity.
Vibration measurements were conducted in third-octaves to allow the weighted accelerations to be
calculated and reported against criteria specified in Table 3. In addition, peak particle velocities
(PPV) were also measured.
Noise level measurements were conducted using a Bruel and Kjaer (B&K) 2260 SLM. The SLM
holds current NATA certification. In addition the calibration was checked on site before and after
the measurements and no significant drift observed.
Vibration measurements were conducted using a B&K 2260 SLM with a B&K 4370 accelerometer.
PPV measurements were conducted using a Texcel ATM.

4. Operational Noise and Vibration Testing Results
Noise and vibration testing was conducted on Wednesday 24
February 2010 between 12.30am and
Table 4 presents a summary of the measurement results.
06354-CT / Baulderstone Hornibrook - 6 - Wilkinson Murray (Sydney) Pty Limited

Table 4 Summary of Measurement Results
Measured Noise Level
Acceleration Criteria
(m/ s)
Measured Weighted
(m/ s)
LAeq LA90




of axis
(mm/ s)
1 1.20am 41 46 38 <30 <0.001 <0.001 <0.008
2 12.45am 44 51 41 <33 <0.001 <0.001 <0.008
4 1.45am 40 43 35 <27
0.007 0.005
<0.001 <0.001 <0.008

During the measurements noise from the filtration plant was inaudible throughout. The estimated
noise levels are representative of the maximum possible noise level in order for the plant to have been
inaudible at the ambient noise levels. The measurements show that noise emissions from the plant
are well within the relevant criteria at all locations.
Vibration was imperceptible at all three measurement locations. The measured vibration was below
the noise floor of our equipment, which is well within the relevant criteria. Therefore vibration
emissions from the plant are well within the relevant criteria and thus are considered acceptable.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Wilkinson Murray has conducted compliance testing of noise and vibration emissions from the M5 East
Filtration Plant as required by the MCoA. These emissions were found to be well within the relevant
criteria and thus are considered acceptable.
I trust this information is sufficient. Please contact us if you have any further queries.
Yours faithfully

Adam Bioletti
Senior Engineer

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