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Before we start

When you read, do you prefer to read silently or loudly? What kind of text do you read silently or loudly? Which type of reading do you think will help you understand the text better?

In this topic we will look at 5 different types of reading: Oral reading Silent reading Shared reading Guided reading Independent reading

Activity 1 a. Work with your partner. Take turn to read to your pair the text using oral reading. b. Before you start reading, prepare yourself by marking your text for pauses, and phrases to be read with extra emphasis. Answer the questions that follow. c. Remember to Read fluently Pause and stop at appropriate places Read at a suitable rate or pace for your audience Use a variety of appropriate intonation (pitch, stress, tone, etc)




Questions for Passage 1 1. What is this article about? 2. What do bears usually do when they meet people in the woods? 3. How often do bear attacks occur? 4. What should you never do if a bear approaches? 5. Why shouldnt you do that? 6. What can some bears run faster than? 7. What should you do if a bear approaches you? 8. What should you do if a grizzly bear attacks you? 9. What do you need to protect? 10. What should you do if a female black bear attacks you? 11. What should you do if a male black bear attacks you? 12. Why should you fight a male black bear, but not a female black bear? Questions for Passage 2 1. What is the title of this article? 2. What is a shipwreck? 3. What do some people think is the most important thing to bring? 4. How long can a person live without food? 5. How long after a shipwreck are people usually rescued? 6. What is the most important thing to bring? 7. What are some good things for signaling rescuers? 8. If it is not too cold, what is the next most important thing to consider? 9. How long can a person live without fresh water? 10. If it is really cold out, then what is the next most important thing to worry about? 11. Finally, if you have something to signal, fresh water, and warm clothes, what might you want to think about?




Activity 2 While your partner is reading you should fill in the Listener Self-Assessment form and Oral Reading Assessment form. Listener Self-assessment Form Name Date

Check () YES or NO and state a reason for your answer. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Self-Assessment Was I prepared and willing to listen? Did I think about what was being read aloud? Did I understand some or most of things I heard? Did I enjoy listening to the text read aloud? Was I able to predict some of the things before I heard them read aloud? Was I able to summarize what I heard? YES NO Reason

As a listener: Strengths


Improvement suggestion




Oral Reading Assessment Form Readers name Date

Rate the reading using the following scale, where 5 is Excellent and 1 is Poor. Give your comment.

Assessment Were all words pronounced correctly? Could all words be heard clearly? Were key words emphasized? Was mood or feeling conveyed effectively? Was volume used effectively? Was pitch used effectively? Was the selection read at an appropriate rate for audience and purpose? Were phrases read effectively as complete units? Was punctuation interpreted correctly? Was audience interest captured and sustained? TOTAL

Scale 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345





Activity 3 Go to this website and test yourself on your reading fluency: First, do the speed reading test, then, do the comprehension test. How did you perform? Did you read out loud, or did you read silently? Do you think it will make a difference if you read out loud or silently? Activity 4 Read the text silently and answer the questions that follow. Questions 1. What is the title of the article?

2. What has been the renewed interest in recent years?

3. Why has there been a renewed interest in manned space missions?

4. Why is it important to have a permanent base on the moon?

5. What can water be used for?

6. Why is transporting water from the earth not a good idea?

7. What does it mean if there is water on the moon?

8. Give 2 reasons why not everybody thinks a manned mission to Mars is a good idea?

9. Why is space travel dangerous?

10. Why do some scientists prefer robotic missions to manned mission?




Activity 5 Prepare yourself for oral reading by marking your text for pauses and phrases to be read with extra emphasis. Which do you think help you understand the text better, oral or silent reading? Complete the activity. In your own words summarize the text. You may begin with The text is about

Activity 6 Practise shared reading. Browse the text and look for: 1. The title 2. The main idea of the text (what the text is about?) 3. The plot (what happened in the story?) 4. The characters (Who and what are the people in the story?) 5. Words that you do not know the meaning 6. Words that you are not sure how to pronounce 7. Points where you can pause 8. Words or phrases that you need to read with extra emphasis Read the text and do Activity 7 Activity 7 Come up with 3 WH-questions from the story that you read. 1. 2. 3. Activity 8 Get into groups of 4. Predict what the text is about. Look for words that are new to you and discuss with your group members what you know about ghosts? Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Questions 1. Who was the woman in the story? 2. Why did the woman always bring the empty milk bottles to the grocery?

3. What did the grocer find when he followed the woman?




Activity 9 You will be given 3 texts taken from a book written by Steve Chandler, entitled 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself. Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Write a summary of one of the texts that you read and present to the class. Story Number 15 1. Why did Abraham Lincoln like to read the newspaper aloud to himself? 2. Which sense did you involve when you read aloud to yourself? 3. Who wrote the book The Greatest Salesman in the World? Story Number 31 4. Who was William Blake? 5. What did the author mean by saying Open the present? 6. According to the text, what is the difference between the Americans and the Japanese with regards to appreciation and art? Story Number 59 7. What happened to your next day if you have a troubled sleep? 8. Why do you need to think of your day as a painters canvas? 9. What is blind circumstances according to the text? 10. Out of the three motivational stories that you read, which one do you like the most? Why?

Activity 10 Practise Independent reading. Find a short text (it can be a story, information, news, etc) that is not more than 1 page. Read the text and write 3 sentences summarizing the content of the text. Submit your work in the next class.


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