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Physics Notes 2010

Core Module 1: Space

Contextual Outline Scientists have drawn on advances in areas such as aeronautics, material science, robotics, electronics, medicine and energy production to develop viable spacecraft. Perhaps the most dangerous parts of any space mission are the launch, re-entry and landing. A huge force is required to propel the rocket a sufficient distance from the Earth so that it is able to either escape the Earths gravitational pull or maintain an orbit. Following a successful mission, re-entry through the Earths atmosphere provides further challenges to scientists if astronauts are to return to Earth safely. Rapid advances in technologies over the past fifty years have allowed the exploration of not only the Moon, but the Solar System and, to an increasing extent, the Universe. Space exploration is becoming more viable. Information from research undertaken in space programs has impacted on society through the development of devices such as personal computers, advanced medical equipment and communication satellites, and has enabled the accurate mapping of natural resources. Space research and exploration increases our understanding of the Earths own environment, the Solar System and the Universe. This module increases students understanding of the history, nature and practice of physics and the implications of physics for society and the environment.

SI Units Quantity Length Mass Time Electric Current Thermodynamic Temperature Amount of Substance Unit metre kilogram second ampere kelvin mole Symbol m kg s A K mol

SI Prefixes 10n 109 106 103 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 Prefix giga mega kilo centi milli micro nano Symbol G M k c m n

1. The Earth has a gravitational field that exerts a force on objects both on it and around it 1.1 Define weight as the force on an object due to a gravitational field. Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses o Usually a very small, if not negligible force o When one or both of masses is as large as a planet the force becomes significant o Weight is the force on an object due to a gravitational field vector quantity

W = mg

W = force exerted (N) on mass m, m = mass (kg), g = field vector or acceleration due to gravity (N kg-1 or m s-2)

Gravitational field vector field within which a mass will experience a force o Direction of field line at any point is towards centre of the Earth o Field vector: a single vector that describes the strength and direction of a uniform vector field o For a gravitational field, the field vector is g same as direction of associated force o Net force applied to a mass will cause it to accelerate according to Newtons 2nd Law g also represents acceleration due to gravity

1.2 Explain that a change in gravitational energy is related to work done Gravitational potential energy (Ep): the energy of a mass due to its position within a gravitational field o Equal to the work done to move the object to the point o Work done is the measure of how much energy is required to displace an object a specified distance o Ground is our defined zero level Ep = 0 Ep = work done to move to the point = Fs = (mg) x h = mgh

Ep = mgh

Ep = gravitational potential energy (J) m = mass (kg), g = acceleration due to gravity (m s-2), h = height (m)

o If an object is moved against the gravitational field, positive work is done acquires energy o If an object is moved with the gravitational field, negative work is done loses energy

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