End of Term Review With KEY 2011

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End of Term Review

1. A 9-year-old patient with cystic fibrosis will take pancreatic enzymes 3 times a day. The nurse will know the childs mother needs more education on the purpose and timing of these enzymes if she says A. "The purpose of the enzymes is to help digest the fat in foods." B. "The enzymes should be taken prior to meals." C. "They should be given following breakfast lun!h and dinner." ". "They should be taken at meal times # times a day." . !hich one of the following treatment plans is most appropriate in the nursing"medical management of a 1#-year-old child with congesti$e heart failure% A. $igh !on!entrations of o%ygen stri!t bed rest diureti!s B. &ral fluids daily weights high'(owler)s position C. $igh'(owler)s position digo%in diureti!s daily weights. ". "igo%in diureti!s prophyla!ti! antibioti!s 3. To facilitate breathing in a child with bronchiolitis& the nursing care plan will include establishing an en$ironment of A. $umidified o%ygen B. *arm mist with o%ygen C. Cool moist o%ygen ". &%ygen therapy with no mist '. A nurse is preparing to perform a physical assessment on a toddler. !hich of these actions should the nurse take% A. +erform the assessment from head to toe. B. ,eave intrusive pro!edures su!h as ear and eye e%aminations until the end. C. E%plain ea!h part of the e%amination to the !hild before performing it. ". Ask the mother to tell the !hild not to be afraid. (. Administering an immunization to a -month-old infant& the anatomical area the nurse will use is the A. Bottom of the deltoid mus!le B. ,ateral and anterior aspe!t of the thigh C. Top of the deltoid mus!le ". "orsogluteal mus!le ). An infant who had surgery ) hours ago is now back on the pediatric unit. !hich one of the following signs is the earliest indicator of a shock state% A. Bulging fontanels B. +ulse rate of -./ C. &ne diaper !hange sin!e surgery ". Respiratory rate of 0/ and irregular *. +ollecting physical data on an infant at the well-baby clinic& the nurse will obser$e which of the following signs in an infant with congenital hip dysplasia% A. ,imited addu!tion of the affe!ted leg B. 1ymmetri!al gluteal folds C. (emoral pulse when the hip is fle%ed and the leg is abdu!ted ". ,imited abdu!tion of the affe!ted leg ,. -n a year old with increased intracranial pressure& which one of the following signs would be cause for alarm% A. "iminishing sunset sign B. Absen!e of nystagmus C. E2ual pupils that rea!t to light ". 3n!reasing lethargy and drowsiness 9. A 3-month-old infant has unrepaired Tetralogy of .allot. !hich of the following signs and symptoms would the infant be e/pected to e/hibit%

End of Term Review

A. Ta!hy!ardia hypertension de!reased femoral pulses B. Cir!umoral !yanosis hypo%i! spells feeding fatigue C. $ypotension brady!ardia dyspnea ". Cyanosis ta!hypnea hypertension in upper e%tremities 1#. A 3-year-old child is brought to an emergency department by his mother because she could not get him to wake up completely after his nap. 0e is semiconscious and has a lowgrade fe$er. The physician suspects lead poisoning. The nurse should e/pect that the child will be treated with A. Cal!ium disodium edetate 4E"TA5 B. 1yrup of ipe!a! C. A!tivated !har!oal ". Erythromy!in 11. !hen assessing a -month-old infants refle/es& the nurse should understand that at this age the infant should e/hibit A. A negative Babinski)s refle% B. An absent toni! ne!k refle% C. An absent rooting refle% ". A palmar grasp 1 . An 11-year-old patient with the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fe$er will ha$e a care plan that includes the most important nursing measure of A. 1uffi!ient vitamins for tissue repair B. Adheren!e to bed rest regimen C. Breathing e%er!ises to in!rease o%ygen e%!hange ". 3solation for prevention of infe!tion 13. 1efore discharging a 3-year-old child to home in a hip spica cast& the nurse will want to be sure that the A. Child is s!heduled for a !ast !hange in 6 or # days. B. Child !an !rut!h walk safely C. Child)s mother understands the need to faithfully administer nar!oti! analgesi!s for pain. ". Cast is not restri!ting her abdomen and the edges are nonirritating. 1'. A child has the diagnosis of impetigo contagiosa. To pre$ent further spread of the disease& the nurse should instruct the mother to A. 1tri!tly isolate this !hild from others in his family. B. Take all other !hildren in the family to the physi!ian to be va!!inated for this disease. C. *ash toys and other ob7e!ts the !hild uses with soap and very hot water. ". 8ot take any spe!ial pre!autions. 1(. A ' year old with a diagnosis of possible epiglottitis is admitted to the pediatric unit. A priority nursing inter$ention will be to A. Avoid use of restraints. B. 9eep the !hild in an upright position. C. Administer o%ygen mist therapy. ". :onitor hydration status.

1). A new mother is worried about a 2soft spot2 on the top of her newborn infant3s head. The nurse informs her that this is a normal physical finding called the anterior fontanel. The mother understands further teaching when she states that 2-t will close on its own when my infant is4 A. "6'# months of age." B. ".'; months of age."

End of Term Review

C. "-6'-< months of age." ". "-;'6= months of age." 1*. The nurse is at the bedside when a 9 year old has a seizure shortly after admission. The first action during the seizure is to A. Call the physi!ian immediately. B. +la!e a tongue blade between the !hild)s teeth. C. +rote!t the !hild from in7ury by removing ob7e!ts from the bed. ". &bserve the !ourse of the seizure for future diagnosis. 1,. A young patient& age 1 & is hospitalized for left lower lobe pneumonia. The physician has ordered percussion& $ibration and postural drainage for as long as tolerated or 3# minutes. 5rior to pro$iding this inter$ention& the nursing priority action is to A. >ive instru!tions on !orre!t diaphragmati! breathing. B. Assess vital signs. C. Aus!ultate lung fields. ". Assess sputum !hara!teristi!s. 19. A year old has eaten half a bottle of his grandmothers ferrous sulfate tablets. !hen the mother calls the clinic& the nurse will tell the mother to A. Take him to the hospital immediately. B. >ive him syrup of ipe!a! to indu!e vomiting. C. Conta!t the poison !ontrol !enter by phone. ". "o nothing be!ause vitamins are nonpoisonous. #. !hat de$elopment stage is the sense of industry% A. Adoles!ent B. +res!hool C. 1!hool'age ". Toddler 1. !hen a child is admitted with the diagnosis of croup& why are cool mist $aporizers better to use than hot steam $aporizers% A. The temperature of the mist is irrelevant be!ause the !hild needs humidity. B. :ore moisture !an be delivered in !ool mist than with hot steam. C. 1mall !hildren are more resistant to anything that is hot. ". The !ool mist relieves swelling in the airways and makes breathing easier. . The parents of a ' month old noticed that many bruises were forming on their sons knees& buttocks and thighs. The blood tests re$eal that he has classic hemophilia. The nurse understands that hemophilia is A. Caused by spontaneous mutation. B. Transmitted by diseased mothers to affe!ted sons on the ? !hromosome. C. Transmitted by asymptomati! fathers to affe!ted sons on the @ !hromosome. ". Transmitted by asymptomati! females to affe!ted sons on the ? !hromosome.

3. The initial treatment of children with rheumatic fe$er consists of the administration of drugs such as A. +eni!illin and sali!ylates. B. Antihypertensives. C. Aspirin and digitalis. ". +henobarbital or morphine. '. A special& controlled diet instituted relati$ely early after birth may pre$ent or limit mental retardation in children with the condition of

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A. Cretinism. B. "own)s syndrome. C. +henylketonuria 4+9A5. ". Tay'1a!hs disease. (. The nurse in a well-baby clinic reminds a mother that at ' months of age the infant should recei$e immunizations that include A. "Ta+ ::R and $epatitis B. B. $epatitis B only. C. "Ta+ 3+B +BC and $ib. ". "Ta+ ::R $bCB and $ib. ). !hen counseling the mother of a child with cystic fibrosis& which of the following choices would indicate to the nurse that the mother understands the most appropriate food to combine with a pancreatic enzyme A. 1li!ed !anned fruit. B. Cottage !heese. C. Applesau!e. ". @ogurt. *. A 3-year-old in respiratory distress has orders for 9#6 o/ygen administration. The nurse could most effecti$ely administer this o/ygen when the child is spontaneously breathing by using a7n8 A. &%ygen tent. B. (a!e mask with re'breathing reservoir. C. &%ygen hood ". 8asal prongs. ,. 9ne test that can monitor the progress in treating hypo$olemic shock in a child is hourly A. Arterial blood gases. B. 1erum potassium level. C. Blood pressure management for hypertension. ". :easurement of urine output. 9. -f untreated& a child who has contracted diphtheria may die because of A. ,iver failure. B. 1epsis. C. Airway obstru!tion. ". $yperkalemia. 3#. -nter$entions in the plan of care for a neonate who is admitted for sepsis should include A. &btaining a !atheter urine spe!imen as ordered prior to starting antibioti! therapy. B. Administering o%ygen to in!rease o%ygen saturations before blood gas determinations are drawn. C. Administering antibioti! infusions after the blood !ulture results are obtained. ". Administering a!etaminophen after !omplete blood !ount 4CBC5 is drawn. 31. A toddler is scheduled to recei$e the measles-mumps-rubella 7::;8 and inacti$ated polio 7-5<8 $accines. The nurse should not administer the ::; $accine if the child A. Tests positive for the human immunodefi!ien!y virus 4$3B5. B. $as a !old and low'grade temperature. C. 3s !urrently re!eiving immunosuppressive drugs. ". E%perien!ed a mild rash after a previous immunization in7e!tion.

End of Term Review

3 . The nurse talking with the parents of a toddler who is struggling with toilet training reassures them their child is demonstrating a typical de$elopmental stage that =rikson described as4 A. "Trust vs. mistrust." B. "Autonomy vs. shame and doubt." C. "3nitiative vs. guilt." ". "3ndustry vs. inferiority." 33. A symptom of meningitis in a young infant is A. Constipation. B. 1unken fontanels. C. A !hange in feeding pattern. ". A subnormal temperature 3'. A -year-old male child arri$ed in the =mergency >epartment with complaints of sore throat& difficulty swallowing& and suspected diagnosis of acute epiglottitis. !hich of the following inter$entions should not be included in the child3s immediate care and assessment% A. Bital signs B. :edi!al history C. Assessment of breath sounds ". Throat !ulture 3(. A characteristic lesion that occurs in children with measles 7rubeola8 is A. Erythema marginatum. B. An erythematous rash. C. 9oplik spots. ". +ete!hiae 3). 0emophilia is an /-linked recessi$e trait. !hich of the following is characteristic of /linked recessi$e inheritance% A. Affe!ted individuals are prin!ipally females. B. Affe!ted individuals will always have affe!ted parents. C. There are no !arriers. ". Affe!ted individuals are prin!ipally males. 3*. The most accurate assessment of fluid $olume imbalance in a child is determined by A. :easurement of intake and output. B. "aily weighing. C. Assessment of skin turgor. ". Evaluation of areas of edema. 3,. The nurse is caring for a newborn with meningomyelocele. The correct position for the baby to be placed preoperati$ely is A. 1emi'(owler)s position. B. 1upine position. C. +rone position. ". 1ide'lying position. 39. +linical manifestations the nurse would e/pect to see in a hydrocephalus include A. Apnea and hypotension. B. "ilated s!alp veins and bulging fontanels. C. Brady!ardia and hypertension. ". Brady!ardia and hypertension. -month-old with

End of Term Review

'#. A )-year-old child is admitted with a diagnosis of asthma. An early sign of respiratory distress would be A. An in!reased pulse rate. B. An in!reased temperature. C. 3nter!ostal and sternal retra!tions. ". An in!reased respiratory rate. '1. An ,-year-old child had a tonsillectomy 1 hours ago. The nurse notes the following4 T9,? 5-11 & thready? ;-3)& shallow? skin& cool and clammy. The nurse assesses the patient to be in shock. The first inter$ention is to A. Begin o%ygen by nasal !annula. B. +la!e the !hild on a !ardia! monitor. C. &btain arterial blood gases 4AB>s5. ". +ut the !hild in the semi'(owler)s position. ' . A young child has a diagnosis of nephrosis. !hich of the following medications would the nurse plan to discuss with his parents% A. >lu!o!orti!oids. B. ,ong'term antibioti!s. C. Antihypertensives. ". Antiemeti! drugs. '3. A 1 -year-old child is admitted with bronchial asthma. 0e is discharged on albuterol 7a beta-adrenergic agonist8 by metered dose inhaler. >ischarge planning will include the e/planation that this drug will A. Redu!e inflammation. B. 1low the heart rate. C. Relieve bron!hospasm. ". 3nhibit the release of histamine. ''. The clinic nurse is teaching the parents of a newborn about the immunization schedule they will follow. The immunizations that should be started after the first birthday or at 1( months are A. $emophilus influenzae type b 4$ib5. B. :easles mumps and rubella 4::R5. C. "iphtheria pertussis and tetanus 4"+T5. ". Trivalent oral polio 4T&+B5. '(. An infant with tetralogy of .allot 7T9.8 is ha$ing a hypercyanotic episode 72tet2 spell8. !hich of the following nursing inter$entions should the nurse implement% 7@elect all that apply.8 A. +la!e the !hild in knee'!hest position. B. "raw blood for a serum hemoglobin. C. Administer o%ygen. ". Administer morphine and propranolol intravenously as ordered. E. Administer Benadryl as ordered.

'). !hen assessing a patient for nephrosis& which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would the nurse e/pect% A. >ross hematuria weight gain and hypertension. B. +roteinuria edema and de!reased albumin. C. (ever weight gain and hematuria. ". Ba!teriuria and hypotension.

End of Term Review

'*. !hen monitoring a 1#-year-old child who has undergone a cardiac catheterization& which of the following signs would ha$e the highest priority for continued monitoring% A. >eneralized weakness. B. ,oss of appetite. C. "iffi!ulty voiding. ". Cardia! arrhythmias. ',. A )-year-old is admitted with a diagnosis of rheumatic fe$er. !hich of the following goals is the most important when caring for her while she is in the hospital% A. +roviding rest. B. +roviding a nutritious diet. C. :aintaining !onta!t with s!hool friends. ". 9eeping up with s!hoolwork. '9. !hen assessing the male child with hypospadias& the nurse would obser$e for A. The absen!e of a testi!le. B. A smaller'than'normal penis. C. A urethral opening along the ventral surfa!e of the penis. ". A herniation into the s!rotal sa!. (#. A nurse is planning to pro$ide education for a family who has a child with sickle-cell anemia. .or the pre$ention of a sickle-cell crisis& the nurse should teach the family the importance of a$oiding4 A. &ver'hydration. B. :idrange altitudes. C. *eight loss without dehydration. ". Respiratory infe!tion and dehydration. (1. ;eyes syndrome usually de$elops following A. 1trep throat. B. Ba!terial meningitis. C. A!etaminophen overdose. ". Biral infe!tion. ( . To impro$e the comfort of a child in the acute stage of meningitis& the nursing inter$ention is to A. +lay musi!al audiotapes. B. :assage !hild)s ne!k and ba!k. C. 9eep room lights dim. ". >ently ro!k the !hild (3. The leading cause of mental retardation& physical disability& and seizures in children is A. Can!er. B. Congenital birth defe!t. C. $ead in7ury. ". Cerebral palsy.

('. =lbow restraints are used with infants who ha$e had a cleft palate repair. 5arents are instructed that the restraints should be A. 1nug to prevent arm movement. B. +inned tightly to the infant)s shirt. C. +ositioned from wrist to elbow. ". Removed one at a time at fre2uent intervals.

End of Term Review

((. Assessing a child who has painful ear& a bulging tympanic membrane is an indication of A. 1trep throat. B. +erforation of tympani! membrane. C. Thi!kened tympani! membrane. ". A!ute otitis media. (). A common manifestation of chronic hypo/emia in children that the nurse would assess for is A. ,ow hemato!rit and hemoglobin. B. 1low respiratory rate. C. Clubbing of fingers and toes. ". Capillary refill less than 6 se!onds. (*. A characteristic position assumed by a toddler with tetralogy of .allot is A. 1itting with head forward. B. 12uatting. C. Trendelenburg. ". 1upine. (,. !hen a child with cerebral palsy is admitted to the hospital& the plan of care must include A. Bed rest to speed re!overy. B. The !hild)s normal e%er!ise program. C. +hysi!al restraints to prevent falls. ". A low'!alorie diet be!ause of immobility. (9. !hen an infant with tetrology of .allot has a hypercyanotic episode& the initial treatment is to gi$e o/ygen and place the infant in the position of A. 1upine. B. $igh'(owler)s C. 9nee'!hest. ". Reverse Trendelenburg. )#. -nfants with cyanotic heart disease are often difficult to feed because they e/hibit A. "yspnea and fatigue. B. Apnei! episodes and sleepiness. C. +oor su!k and swallow refle%es. ". +oor appetite and low !alorie needs. )1. >uring warm weather& the nurse will instruct the parents of a child with sickle cell anemia that the child must A. :aintain appropriate hydration. B. Take aspirin to avoid blood !lots. C. Take !orti!osteroids. ". Avoid any e%ertion. ) . -n children& the de$elopment of rheumatic fe$er can be reduced by A. 3solating !hildren with rheumati! fever. B. >iving antibioti!s whenever the !hild is e%posed to a !old or flu. C. Culturing and treating strep throat infe!tions. ". 3mmunizing !hildren against disease. )3. >ischarge instructions for a child who has had rheumatic fe$er need to emphasize compliance with A. +rophyla!ti! antibioti! treatment. B. "aily e%er!ise regimen. C. :onthly throat !ultures. ". 1erial ele!tro!ardiograms every year

End of Term Review

)'. An early symptom of congesti$e heart failure in an infant is A. *heezing. B. As!ites. C. Tiring easily. ". Cyanosis )(. A mother asks the nurse some Auestions about toilet training her daughter& age 1 1" years. The most basic principle to consider in attempting to toilet train a toddler is that A. >irls present uni2ue problems in toilet training. B. Children must be physiologi!ally ready for toilet training. C. All !hildren must be 6 years of age before toilet training should be started. ". Toilet training will !ome without any spe!ial effort on the part of the parent. )). A simple& nonin$asi$e method to assess adeAuacy of tissue perfusion is A. E!ho!ardiography. B. 1erum ele!trolyte monitoring. C. Arterial blood gas monitoring. ". Capillary refill. )*. An infant is admitted with the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. As the condition progresses& the nurse would assess for A. Ta!hypnea and retra!tions. B. $igh fever and to%i! appearan!e. C. 1low deep respirations. ". Thi!k yellowish mu!ous produ!tion. ),. !hich of the following is of greatest de$elopmental concern for a 1#-year-old girl hospitalized for the first time% A. 1taying in unfamiliar surroundings. B. :issing her friends and a!tivities. C. Being separated from her parents. ". (earing needles and in7e!tions. )9. The nurse is caring for a 3-month-old infant with >own syndrome. !hich of the following conditions would pose the greatest threat to the babys health% A. Chi!ken po%. B. 1ore throats. C. ,ung infe!tions. ". Allergies *#. An infant is months old and had repair to a cleft lip 1# hours ago. 0e is now crying. The most important nursing inter$ention would be to A. :edi!ate him immediately. B. Allow him to !ry. C. >et his mother to hold him ". >ive him his pa!ifier.

*1. !hen assessing a child who is ha$ing an acute asthma attack& the nurses first priority is to A. Avoid giving too mu!h medi!ation. B. Evaluate the !hild)s hydration status. C. Aus!ultate lung bases for air movement. ". Take the !hild)s temperature and blood pressure. * . A -year-old child has Bust been started on total parenteral nutrition 7T5C8. !hich of the following laboratory $alues must be monitored closely during this time%

End of Term Review

A. Arine spe!ifi! gravity. B. *hite blood !ell !ount. C. Red blood !ell !ount. ". 1erum glu!ose. *3. A safety precaution when caring for a child with a tracheostomy is to A. 1u!tion for -/'-0 se!onds every 6 hours. B. 9eep a new tra!heostomy tube at the bedside. C. +osition !hild on abdomen to prevent aspiration. ". 9eep new ties at the bedside if old ones begin to fray. *'. A child with cystic fibrosis is at risk for a deficiency in which $itamins% A. Bitamins C and B.. B. Bitamins A and ". C. B-6 and nia!in. ". B- and foli! a!id. *(. -n a child with cystic fibrosis& the best time to perform chest physiotherapy 7+5T8 would be A. 3mmediately before meals. B. 6 hours after meals. C. After deep su!tioning. ". "uring night hours. *). Assessing an infant with bronchiolitis an ominous sign would be A. Refusal to drink. B. *heezing in bron!hi. C. "iminished breath sounds. ". Cra!kles in lungs. **. The young patient has Bust been admitted for e$aluation. The nurse reports that the physical assessment re$eals a finding that may indicate coarctation of the aorta& which is A. *eak femoral pulses. B. $igh blood pressure in the legs. C. *eak radial pulses. ". ,ow blood pressure in the arms. *,. The nurse is planning care for a 3-month-old infant with eczema. !hich of the following would take top priority in this infant3s care% A. :aintaining ade2uate nutrition B. 9eeping the baby !ontent C. +reventing infe!tion of lesions ". Applying antibioti!s to lesions

*9. A child with cerebral palsy needs a diet A. $igh in !alories. B. $igh in iron. C. ,ow in !alories. ". ,ow in fiber. ,#. The staff is de$eloping a care plan for a child who is to ha$e a cardiac catheterization. .ollowing the procedure& the plan of care will include A. :aintaining 8+& status for . hours. B. Applying dire!t pressure over site for - hour.


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C. :aintaining ade2uate hydration. ". 9eeping affe!ted e%tremity straight ,1. A strategy to impro$e nutrition in an infant who tires easily because of congesti$e heart failure is to feed the infant A. Every . hours. B. "iluted formula. C. $igh'!alorie formula. ". Every hour. , . !hen teaching a family about the side effects of diuretics for their child& the nurse encourages gi$ing tomato Buice and meats. @he e/plains to the parents that because of the medication& the child needs replacement A. +otassium. B. Bitamins. C. Chlorides. ". Chlorides. ,3. !hen e$aluating the use of prednisone in treating a child with leukemia& the nurse would note effecti$eness when obser$ing that the child has A. A de!rease in the inflammatory response. B. A de!rease in nausea and vomiting. C. An in!rease in the white blood !ell !ount. ". Relief from all pain. ,'. The discharge nurse is teaching the family of a child with asthma about home care issues. The nurse will know they understand the important factors when they say they will A. 9eep the !hild indoors during the winter. B. :aintain temperature of the home at C6degree (. C. 9eep dogs away from the !hild. ". (orbid smoking in the home. ,(. A dramatic decline in 0-flu type 1 illness o$er the last decade is attributed to A. >reater resistan!e to $'flu. B. "evelopment of more effe!tive antibioti!s. C. Effe!tive edu!ation about the disease. ". 3ntrodu!tion of va!!ination for $'flu. ,). +hildren diagnosed with hypercalcemia are at high risk for A. 1pontaneous fra!tures. B. Renal !al!uli. C. Tetany. ". Bitamin " defi!ien!y. ,*. The classic symptom in an infant with pertussis is a A. 1pasmati! !ough and stridor. B. >rayish membrane over the tonsils. C. 1welling of lymph nodes. ". Red raised rash. ,,. -n a young child& the type of infection that occurs in the eyelid and tissues surrounding the eye& is likely to be a 7an8 A. ,o!alized infe!tion treated with antibioti! eye ointment. B. Biral infe!tion that will resolve on its own. C. 3nfe!tion that !an result in glau!oma. ". 1erious ba!terial infe!tion re2uiring 3B antibioti! treatment. ,9. 0yperlipidemia can be managed in most children by


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A. *eight loss. B. Antihypertensive medi!ation. C. "iet and e%er!ise. ". "igo%in and furosemide 4,asi%5. 9#. An infant is brought to the well-baby clinic. !hile the nurse is collecting data& which obser$ation would lead the nurse to suspect a diagnosis of meningitis in the infant% A. 1evere !onstipation. B. 3n!reased pulse rate. C. $igh'pit!hed !ry. ". Rigidity of lower e%tremities. 91. A nursing priority when caring for an infant in a mist tent is to A. Remove the !hild from the tent every hour. B. +la!e toys in the tent for stimulation. C. Change sheets often to keep the !hild dry. ". Continuously monitor the !hild)s heart rate. 9 . +hildren with acute otitis media are treated with a full 1# - 1' day course of antibiotics. -t is important to instruct the parents to A. >ive medi!ation until pain is gone. B. >ive medi!ation with meals only. C. Ask physi!ian for prophyla!ti! antibioti!s. ". >ive all pres!ribed medi!ation until it is finished. 93. !hich of the following symptoms may be an indication of respiratory alkalosis in a young child% A. Tingling in fingers. B. 1hallow respirations. C. Ta!hy!ardia. ". ,ethargy. 9'. The infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is at risk for de$eloping A. :etaboli! alkalosis. B. :etaboli! a!idosis. C. Respiratory alkalosis. ". Respiratory a!idosis.

9(. !hen congesti$e heart failure 7+0.8 in a '-year-old child is well controlled& the nurse will e$aluate that the A. $eart rate will be normal. B. "iureti! dose !an be de!reased. C. Energy level is in!reased. ". "igo%in dose !an be de!reased. 9). A 1#-year-old child has Bust had a bone marrow transplant. The nursing care plan will focus on the fact that the child is at high risk for A. :arrow re7e!tion. B. 3nfe!tion. C. "ehydration. ". Bleeding 9*. The nurse will instruct the mother that a common side effect of >T5 $accines in children is A. (ever over -/6degree (.


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B. Redness at site. C. Rash. ". Doint pain. 9,. Tri$alent oral polio $accine is contraindicated if the child A. 3s allergi! to eggs. B. 3s immunosuppressed. C. $as had a rea!tion to pertussis va!!ine. ". $as a history of seizures. 99. A common clinical manifestation of mononucleosis in older children and adolescents is A. $eada!he. B. :us!le pain. C. ,ymphadenopathy. ". $epatomegaly. 1##. 0aemophilus influenza type 1 is a significant health problem for children because it could de$elop into A. :eningitis. B. Antibioti!'resistant illness. C. Anaphyla!ti! sho!k. ". (lu'like symptoms. 1#1. !hich of the following clinical manifestations are usually present in glomerulonephritis% @elect all that apply. A. +eriorbital edema B. 3rritability C. $ematuria ". >ross proteinuria E. "e!reased BA8 and !reatinine 1# . !hich of the following are clinical manifestations of diabetes insipidus% @elect all that apply. A. +olydipsia B. +olyphasia C. +olyuria ". +olyda!tyly E. $ypogly!emia


End of Term Review

Answer 9ey'End of Term Review

1. + . + 3. + '. 1 (. 1 ). + *. > ,. > 9. 1 1#. A 11. > 1 .1 13. > 1'. + 1(. 1 1). + 1*. + 1,. + 19. + #. + 1. > .> 3. A '. + (. + ). + *. 1 ,. > 9. + 3#. A 31. + 3 .1 33. + 3'. >

3(. + 3). > 3*. 1 3,. + 39. 1 '#. A '1. A ' .A '3. + ''. 1 '(. A& +& > '). 1 '*. > ',. A '9. + (#. > (1. > ( .+ (3. + ('. > ((. > (). + (*. 1 (,. 1 (9. + )#. A )1. A ) .+ )3. A )'. + )(. 1 )). > )*. A ),. 1

)9. + *#. + *1. + * .> *3. 1 *'. 1 *(. 1 *). + **. A *,. + *9. A ,#. > ,1. + , .A ,3. A ,'. > ,(. > ,). 1 ,*. A ,,. > ,9. + 9#. + 91. + 9 .> 93. A 9'. A 9(. + 9). 1 9*. 1 9,. 1 99. + 1##. A 1#1. A& 1& + 1# . A& +


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