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Viva questions / Nov-2005

VIVA QUESTIONS PEDODONTICS............................ my viva was just 10min they showe me an o!" an as#e me to $on$ente%ate on&y on the ante%io% %e"ion..........the ante%io%s we%e a&& '%o#en own an $a%ious........ t%eatment (o% that......... !u&!e$tomy.......the who&e !%o$e u%e $hoi$e o( ).A mu$h.... En o onti$s........... a'out a$$ess wo%#in" &en"th what o u i%%i"ate it an why what is smea% &aye% what is e ta A* +, -----Contents o( it what is ste!'a$# how i u o'tu%ate what ha!!ens i( you ove% o'tu%ate Pe%io onti$s............. A&& a'out my $ase ................t%eatment !&annin"...............en o !e%io& wi&& you mana"e........(u%$ation invov&ement wi&& mana"e..........missin" teeth what a%e u "oin" to o a'out it.......smo#in".......what a%e the e((e$ wi&& u mana"e .....wi&& u t%eat a smo#e%........anti'ioti$s in !e%io Ama&"am...... its the same as othe%s whathave you one.....e.!&ain........what ama&"am you wi&& use......what &ine%............ty!es o( mat%i. 'an s..........whi$h o you !%e( wi&& you %emove ove%han"s.......why u i not use !ins Com!osite......... a'out 'eve&s.........why u i nto 'eve& the &in"ua& si e........ o u wnat to use !ins ante%io%&y..........what $om!osites wi&& u use............what is nanote$hno&o"y /! ...... how wi&& u ta#e im!%ession.........what mate%ia& u wi&&use 0 y..........a'out tem! %esto%ation...........what mate%ia& to $ement it............(%omthe &a' '%i "e $omes u! it oesnt sit on the tooth what a%e the $ wi& you $he$# them.............a'out "in"iva& %et%ation $o% s...........what $ement u wi&& use (o% !e%mament $ementation o( the '%i "e 0 y

o%a& su%"e%y......... my viva went ve%y 'a &y i was '&an# it was on&y a't wa%(a%in an anatomy.............showe mea !i$tu%e a '&a$# an white an as#e me to i enti(y the thin"s he !ointe out it was man i'u& a&veo&a%.n1 &in"ua&.n1 masete% mus$&e1 'u$$inato%.m1 !a%oti "&an 1man i'&e2it was a ho%i3onta& se$tion so he wante me to te&& him whi$h !a%t o( the man i&e it was.....4 o%a& %a io&o"y............. he showe me a 'itewin" an a !e%ia!i$a& an as#e me to inte%!%et it. s&o' %u&e. then anothe% 'itewin" inte%!%etation .......two teeth we%e e.t%a$te an he as#e me when o u thi# those wou& have 'een e.t%a$te ..........i wasnt su%e.......... i am wo%%ie as he i nto show me any no%ma& anatomy................we wi&& see what ha!!ens o%a& me i$ine........... s&i e o( (i'%oma....... 5 o( it an mana"ement es6uamative "in"ivitis..........whe%e a&& $an u see it (& it o$$u%s an man"ement ante%io% !a&ata& swe&&in"...... es$%i'e the &esion.......what tests u wi&& o.....what %a io"%a!hs u wi&& ta#e....... 5 seve%e "in"iva& en&a%"ement......... 5

these we%e my viva 6uestions.........i thin# i havent (o%"otten anythin"........!eo!&e who a%e ta#in" thei% e.ams in sy ney an &ate% a%e &u$#y to have so many 6uestions in han %ea y an u "uys #nwo at&east what u "ot to stu y an how to "o a'out stu yin" o u% e.ams we&& "oo &u$ o not (o%"et that u "uys a&so have to !ut u! a&& the 6uestions a(te% u (insihs u% e.ams........who #nows it wou& 'e use(u& to so many !&ease o the same on$e u a&& (inish u% e.ams too. /o% the ones who have !ut u! the 6uestions.........than# u a&& o( u..........a&& o( u have one a "%eat jo'..................ho!e(u&&y eve%ythi"n "oes a&& we&& with a&& o( us............"oo &u$# with the %esu&ts an 'e in tou$h. &uv !oo%ni *i Eve%y'o y A&& the 'est (o% eve%y'o y1those waitin" (o% the %esu&t an those "ivin" the e.ams. O%a& Su%"e%y

Dia'etes1what !%e$autions you wi&& &i#e to ta#e. hy!e%tension1what !%e$autions. a&& the inst%uments. anatomy mus$&es o( masti$ation1my&ohyoi %i "e 1e.te%na& o'&i6ue %i "e !a&ate. anti'ioti$s !%o!hy&a.sis. su%"i$e& an "e&(oam o%a& ant%a& $omminu$ation1what wi&& you o.

o%a& %a io&o"y an o%a& me i$ine %esi ua& $yst in the o!" 2ha i have w%itten ou% w%itten 6uestions !&ease 'e 6ui$# (o% %a io&o"y4 'itewin"s (o% $a%ies ma&i"nan$y in o!" how wi&& you see !e%i$o%nitis s&i e white &esion s&i e o%a& u&$e%s s&i e anu" whi$h vitamin $auses "in"iva& hy!e%!&asia7 !%ostho what mate%ia& how mu$h %e u$tion o$$&usion1what wi&& you $he$# how wi&& you $he$#1shimsto$# t%y in !%o$e u%e ies (ai&u%e o( $astin" not (ittin( the !atient why7 $om!osite an ama&"am what have you one what ty!e o( $om!osite (o% ante%io% teeth whats nano why wont you use hy'%i a&one i( this !atient ha $omee with t%auma1as we "ot ant 11an +1 (%a$tu%e 1what wi&& you o what a%e the &on" te%m e((e$ts o( t%auma what wi&& you wa%n the !atient a'out we ha $ts (o% ama&"am whats $t$ whta wi&& you o i( !atient $omes to u% $&ini$ (o% $t$ $an you use $om!osite in the !oste%io% what ty!e o( ama&"am why havent you use a !in !ae o 'itewin"s ename& hy!o!&asias t%eatment eve%yste! to %esto%e the mo&a%s !u&!otomy i $ant %em mu$h now !e%io $ase !%o"nosis %eso%!tion $ase !%esentation t%eatment !&an (u&&

t%auma to o$$&usion !%o"nosis so%%y "usy these a%e the on&y 6ues i $an %emem'e% nt st%ess o we&&.

well, the Questions asked to me Oral Surgery 1.precautions to be taken for Patient on anticoagulants. 2.whatis I !" #.$ntibiotic prophyla%is. &.ner'e supply of palate. (.)unction of surgicel. *.O$)+say you would refer to specialist, -.$ll instruments ../se of cryers 0.1P! 12.3ow do you test clinically if the patient had O$) 11.Precautions for hypertensi'e patient 12.$ction of $drenaline in 4$ !adiology 1.5itewing6diagonose pro%imal caries,e%tend+say if in enamel cap,789,or well in dentin,and treatment accordingly 2. ormal landmarks OP:. #.:host image of !amus &.mental ridge in IOP$ (.radiolucency in the ant mandible6describe the radiograph and radiolucency. Oral ;edicine 1.7entigerous cyst 2.$ /: #.cer'ical lesion6causes,is the case indicated for porcelain 'eneer. &.$bscess in post mandibular region63ow do you proceed if this case presents in your clinic,<hat if the history says the patient is a sports man (.$ntibiotics for 7ental infection *.7=7 for anterior ma%illary swelling on the gingi'a -.>reatment for pregnancy granuloma Paedodontics 1.Intrusion6>reatment 2.1hronological 3ypoplasia6>reatment #.)lourides &. on pharmacological management of uncoperati'e patient (.$nterior strip crowns

*.Stainless steel crown -.>reatment on first appointment for a moderately an%ious patient 8ndodontics 1.Instuments used for coronal prep of !oot canal 2.Obturation techni?ue used #.$lternati'e approach you would adapt if canal difficult to locate &.Other modalities for !7 stabilisation other than clamp. (.reason for clamp popping out *.Isolation of a tooth for endo6with sound tooth structure sub gingi'ally fi%ed Partial denture 1.8numerate the steps adopted in your clinic before cementation of the bridge you @ust recie'ed from the lab for the prep you ha'e done 2.luting cements #.what would you do if the the pro%imal contact is lost in a metal crown,ceramic crown on ad@ustment &,Shimstock (.On which cast will you check the bridge once it returns from the lab. 1omposite 1.<hat composite will you use for restoration of 11 and 21 class IA 2.<hen will you use pulp protecting agent under composites'elling where indicated and contraindicated in class IA &.3ow long will these restoration last (.<hat is the ad'antage of microfilled *.<hat will your treatment be if the composite for the abo'e fail twice $malgam 1.criteria for pulp protection 2.8%plain the 'arious retenti'e features you ha'e adopted for the 'arious ca'ities you ha'e prepared #.<hat would you use for pulp protection &.3ow will you clinically assess the pro%imity of your prep to the pulp. (.3ow will you diagnose a cracked tooth <hat would you treatment be for the same *.Is crack 'isible radiographically -.<hat material will you use for temporariBe a tooth suspected to be ha'ind a crack Periodontics 1.reasons for food traps 2.interdental aids

#.prognosis of this patient &.1hoice of material for !pd in this patient (.$d'antage of $P) *.7ifferent types of )louride a'ailable -.Sali'ary test ..!eason for rootcaries in aged. drugs causing Cerostomia 12.)luorides for routine use >hatDs all what i can remember. :ood luck . !gds Sangeetha 3i to e'eryone and good luck to the ones who entered the e%am and to the ones who will enter the e%am. It was really a stresfull e%am for all of us . 5ut now I returned to normal life , I hope weDll all get good results and we wonDt ha'e these stresfull e%ams again.

171 ?uestions 1. 3ow do you check your crown when it came from lab 2. <hat instructions will you write to lab when you take the impression #. tell about amalgam types &. the components of amalgam (. 3ow do you manage to make a good contact point while you are doing a 1lass 2 amalgam *. <hy did you use slot instead of pin -. why did you gi'e be'el+for composite, .. 3ow does :lass ionomer bond to tooth 0. <ill you put aliner under composite 12. In endo we didn,t ha'e much time and they didnDt ask much ?uestions. <hich techni?ue you used and e%plain step back techni?ue Pedo + In pedo I didnDt know how to start , and they only show apicture and listen to you they donDt ask or say anything while you are talking, so practising in front of an OP: or a picture will be good. >hey donDt make any comments what you said , 1. they showed a picture where 11 was missing after trauma and 21 was replanted and they asked what will you do 2. 5itewing tell what will you do #. panoromic there was a twining of both 11 and 21 and they asked what will you do Perio 1. In general I spent most of the time for case presentation 2. Show 'ertical bone loss and horiBontal bone loss. 3ow 'ertical bone loss is formed #. >raumatic occlusion, does it cause 'ertical bone loss &. Patient has microdont 12 and 22. <hat is it and how does it form +de'elopmental, (. <hat is your diagnosis, treatment plan

!adiology 1. OP: landmarks 2. 5itewing what doyou see #. OP: in anterior mandibular region there was radiolucency and ask what can it be. &. Showed OP: and said patient came with pain in Q& what can cause pain in this ?uadrant ;edicine 1. 11 had a !1> and radiolucency at the apical, it had an open ape% and thin dentinal walls asked what will you do, the patient had this !1> for 1( years had no pain, you donDt ha'e pre'ious radiographs or access to pre'ious radiographs what will you do 2. chronic apical peridontitis signs, symptoms #. in anterior region there was an a gingi'al o'ergrowth , it was epulis.7ifferential diagnosis and what will you ask to the patient &. >ell about s?uamous cell carcinoma. <hat tests you will do when you suspect 1a. I said biopsy, remo'ing cause and waiting a little to see if thereis any change but he said another test so I donDt know the answer Surgery I had no patient. 1. eedle stick in@ury , what will you do. If the patient doesnDt gi'e any information and blood samples what will you do. Infecti'ity of 3epatitis 1 2. 4andmarks for inferior al'eolar ner'e block. 7efine the borders of pterygomandibular space. #. which local anesthetics we use here. Percentage of lignocaine. ma%imum dose. 3ow many cartridges e?ual to ma%imium dose &. 3ow does local anesthetics work (. !easons for failure of local anesthesia *. Patients has diabetes what will you do. If it is not controlled will you make e%traction, what precaution you will take. Patient taking oral medicine to control diabetes what will you do -. <hat is warfarin. /p to which I ! will you make your e%traction in your dental office .. 3ow does it surgicel and sponge +Iforgot its name now, but you all know the name, work, I said only one mechanism but they asked 2 mechanism for each of them 0. <hat are they made of 12. Patient taking steroid, what will you, for a small operation , for an e%tensi'e operation 11. Prophylactic antibiotics for bacterial endocarditis 12. $fter e%traction how do you understand if there is an oroantral communication. <hat will you if you suspect there is an oroantral communication. 3ow many days later you will recall the patient


November 2005 Final ADC Exam

Oral Surgery

1- 70 kg patient, what is the 2- %ethoglo&inae ia

a!i u

"ose o# a"renaline$

'- (o pli)ations o# e!tra)tion o# stan" alone upper *- +he #our types o# "ia&eti)s 5- %o"erate to severe signs o# hypogly)ae ia


Oral Medicine

1$ ,phthous ul)er- "i##erential "iagnosis an" treat ent 2$ Squa ous )ell )ar)ino a, "es)ription, "i##erential "iagnosis an" questions to patient$ .raw how you woul" &iopsy '$ .entigerous )yst, "es)ri&e *$ %(/,$ 0hi)h 1aw lesion "oes not etastasise- 2$ , elo&lasto a 22$ 3steosar)o a 222$ (on"rosar)o a 2V 4wing5s tu our 6$ , lesion with a)ute pain an" ten"er to per)ussion$ 7v pulp test- 2$ (hroni) pulpitis 22$ 8eriapi)la granulo a 222$ 8eriapi)al ,&s)ess 5$ , pi)ture with gingivitis an" &lee"ing on 21

Oral Radiology

1- 8erapi)al showing lower se)on" pre olar, #irst an" "istal #irst olar

olar an" se)on"

olar with lesions on


2- +wo &itewings #or )o parison$ 3ne is very light, 2 "es)ri&e" as #ogge"$ 9ist the reason '- 6ig ra"iolu)en)y e!ten"ing #ro "istal '1 to '7$ "i##erential an" "es)ription

*- (hroni) osteolyti) lesion )hara)teristi)s 5- .ark ! rays )auses

:- 9an"

arks on upper posterior 8,

In ec!ion con!rol

1- 0hat

ay )ause aerosol in#e)tion to other health workers ini ise aerosol )onta inations

2- ;ow woul" you

'- 0hat "iseases are sprea" though aerosol *- Nee"le sti)k in1ury 5- (riti)al instru ent< the pro)e"ures sin)e #inishing using until sterilising an" the storage require ent :- 0here to "ispose ite s, long list 7- +ype o# gloves to &e store" in )lini) =- 0hen "o you wash your han"s


1- 8hotos o# hypo ineralisation, )arious teeth, photograph$ +! options 2- (ase o# 5 years ol" to "o )harting an" treat ent plan '- %(/ a&out pulpoto y aterials


1- .e#ine- )urve o# Spee, ,"a s )lasp, ring )lasp, post "a , retro olar pa" 2- 2n #ree en" sa""les lower "enture what are the in"ire)t retention )o ponents '- 0hat are the easures you will &e taken to repairing a )o plete partial "enture *- >8. "esigns o# upper an" lower 5- 0rite pres)ription ?Sy"ney +e plate@ ake sure you are not sprea"ing in#e)tion when


1- ,##e)ts o# s oking on perio"ontiu


anage ent

2- .e#ine atta)h ent loss an" how "o you assess it )lini)ally$ 0hat e##e)t "oes it have on the prognosis o# lower #irst olarA '- 9ong an" short treat ent plan #or- ,$ ,)ute 8erio"ontal ,&s)ess 6$ ,NBC ($ .ia&etes .$ 6a)teriu 4n"o)ar"itis ($ 2 unosuppresse" patient *- Short an" long ter treat ent #or a!illary #irst olar with- 10 (lass 222 #ur)ation an" gra"e 2 o&ility$ 8rognosis ;a"i Viva po)ket on the palatal root,


1- 4!plain how you per#or

pulpoto y

2- (evek pulpoto y< e!plain how you "o it '- Ki" with heart pro&le *- ;ow how "oes this )hange your anage entA

any )arpules o# 9, woul" you use in one sessionA


1- ,re you happy a&out your a))ess )avitiesA 2- 0hy "o we per#or '- 0hat is your this pro)e"ure ?a))ess )avity@A

aster api)al #ileA ;ow "o you get to know itA

*- 0hy "o we instru entA 5- 0hat is s ear layer e!a)tlyA :- 0hat are the &est )he i)al solutions to re ove s ear layerA 7- 0hy "o we use ru&&er "a A

=- 0hi)h other )la ps )oul" have &een use" to )la p 25 other than the one you "i"A 0oul" you use the anterior one hereA +he e!a iner sai"- 0hy notA 6elieve e 2 use it everywhere an" it is the &est #or en"oD E- ,re you happy a&out your >(+A 2 sai" no there is a&out F over#illingD then he sai"- why you are not happy a&out 2 "o not think woul" a pro&le #or teeth with ra"iolu)en)yD


2t was all a&out

y patient$

1$ 2$ '$ *$

2s atta)h ent loss very i portantA 0hat woul" you "o to repla)e these issing teethA .o you think i plants )an &e use" hereA 2s there enough &one to support itA 0hile 2 was looking again at the 38C the e!a iner sai" yes there is enough &one #or two i plantsD$ 5$ ;ow woul" you treat this patient i# he is your &est un)le an" you are not worrie" a&out oneyA :$ .on5t you think G8. is an optionA 7$ 0hat "o you think is the ost i portant thing in "eter ining the prognosis o# the teeth


1$ 2$ '$ *$

0hat aterial woul" you use to take an i pression o# your &ri"geA 0hy woul" you use 8oly vinyl silo!aneA ;ow "o you take itA 4!plain in "etails$$ 0hat woul" you "o i# the patient )o es &a)k an" the por)elain is )hippe" o##A 2 talke" a&out repair then they ask$ 5$ .o you think repair is a goo" optionA :$ 6ut what i# the patient )o e in )ouple o# weeks a#ter )e entation with this issueA


Fir&! 'I'A

1$ +ell

e how woul" you treat this tiny )aries on '5A

2$ 0hat are the #eatures you "i" to i prove resistan)e an" retention in your preparationA

Second 'I'A

1$ 0hat )o posite woul" you use to restore these preparationsA 8lease "o not use &ran" na es 2 )an only un"erstan" generi)sHH 2$ 0hy "i" you &evel the palatal si"eA '$ 0hi)h a"hesive syste woul" you useA 0hy "o not use the one &ottle syste A 0hat are the a##e)ts o# one &ottle on ena el an" one "entineA +hen he sai" 2 think 2 have gone too #ar we are not here to go this #ar an" then the other e!a iner sai" yes 2 think so *$ 0hat woul" you "o i# this patient )o es &a)k in two weeks ti e with #ra)ture restorationA 0hat i# he plays sportA 0hat woul" you tell the patientA

Oral radiology

1$ 2$ '$ *$

+rau ati) &one )yst 0hat other ra"iographs woul" you take 0hat woul" write in the report Iou #orgot to talk a&out the &oar"ers how woul" you "es)ri&e the A

Oral medicine#

1$ 2$ '$ *$

0hat white lesions you ay see in the outhA (an you please tell e what you know a&out ,phthous Bl)ersA 0hat "o you know a&out li)hen planusA 0hat is the age groupA ;e showe" e a &a)k o# a wo an with re" pat)hes$ 0hat "o you think this isA ;ow "o patients get allergy in the "ental )lini)A 5$ (an you tell e how "o )o e to know a "entigerous )ystA :$ 0hat are the #eatures o# ,NBCA 0hat is the treat entA 7$ (an please write show e how "o you write a pres)ription #or your patientA 0hat are the in#or ation on itA

Oral &urgery

1$ ;e showe" e a photo o# nee"le penetrating the &u))inator towar"s 2,N an" ask e to i"enti#y 2,N, paroti", &u))inator, ra us, asseter, superior )onstri)tor an" lingual nerve 2$ +he patient lost )ons)iousness in the "ental )hair how woul" anageA ;ow "o you tell he is not &reathingA ?;e sai" a irror ne!t to the outh o# your patient an" o&serve #or #ogging is the &est an" ost a))urate way@ '$ ;ow woul" you anage patient with heart pro&le s *$ ;ow woul" you anage patient with rheu ati) heart #ever ;a"i
Questions what I %eme'e% so (a%. Peo!&e who $an a Chee%s Poo%nima DA8 1.............. O9A) SU9:E98 1.$a&$u&ation o( ).A (o% a ;0#" a u&t. we we%e su!!ose to $a&$u&ate the num'e% o( $a%t%i "es. ).A o( +.+$.$ with 1<100.000. +.=ethhaemo"&o'uanemia.... >. /ou% Ty!es o( Dia'etes ?.Si"ns 0 sym!toms o( mo e%ate to seve%e *y!o"&y$emia @.Ahat a%e the $om!&i$ations o( e.t%a$tion o( a &one stan in" u!!e% ma.i&&a%y mo&a%7 O9A) =EDICINE The%e we%e too mnay sma&& 6uestions in one majo% 6uestion an most o( them we%e s&i e too........ $ou& nt (insihs the !a!e% at a&& 'e ve%y (ast....... 1.U&$e% &i#e &esions on the 'u$$a& mu$osa..............what 6uestions you wi&& as# the !atient..........what is you% i((e%entia& ia"nosis...........what is you% t%eatmenet !&an............... +.A %aise &esion on the 'u$$a& mu$osa .................. es$%i'e the &esion...........what a%e the i((e%entia& ia"nosis........... %aw the ty!e o( 'io!sy on the ia"%am >.the%e we%e th%ee m$6 #in o( 6uestions i o not %emem'e% the 6uestions as i i nt answe% them they we%e ve%y wei% ?. enti"e%ous $yst..........%a io&o"i$a& (eatu%es o( it an othe% im!o%atnt (eatu%es @.A'out t%e%atment !&an ........... why o u o a t%eatment !&an........... this was a $ontinuation o( anothe% main 6uestion ,.anothe% s&i e o( ANU:2 at&east i w%ote it has that ..........I am not su%e whehte% I am %i"ht..........4 es$%i'e the s&i e...............$auses (o% it............. 5 (o% it....................t%eatment (o% it............... on it o% (i&& the "a!s a%e we&$ome.

O9A) 9ADIO)O:8

anothe% ve%y &on" !a!e% u "ot 'e su!e%(ast........................ 1.%a io"%a!h showin" $o%onoi !%o$ess1se!ta o( ma.i&&a%y sinus an (ew othe% thin"s was a&& ma%#e an u we%e su!!ose to i enti(y the ma%#e thin"s +.$om!a%ison 'etween two 'itewin"s one (i&m was a%# an the othe% (i&m was &i"ht. we we%e as#e to w%ite the i((e%en$es '5w the two (i&ms. >.anothe% 'itewin" w%ite waht a&& u $an see in the (i&m...........this 6uestion ha ne"ative ma%#in" ?.the%e was an othe% (i&m whi$h we%e to w%ite what a&& we $an see inthe (i&m it has some (i&&in"s.......some !e%ia!i$a& %a io&u$en$$$........ o!" showin" a we&& e(ine mu&ti&o$u&a% %a io&u$en$y in the man i'&e e.ten in" (%omt he in$io%s a&most u!to the +n mo&a%s...........what a%e the 5 7 ,.what a%e the %a io"%a!hi$ (eatu%es o( a $h%oni$ osteo&yti$ &esion7 ;..............hmmmmmmmmmm ............i amnot %emem'e%in" the &ast 6uestion IN/ECTION CONT9O) 1.what a%e the iseases s!%ea 'y ae%oso& o you !%event it...........what a%e the means 'y whi$h the ae%oso&s a%e s!%ea th%ou"h enta& inst%uments7 +.when o you wash you% han s7 >.they "ave a nu'e% o( thin"s an we we%e su!!ose to $hoose whi$h waste 'in they wou& "o into (o% e"<$tious waste5 "ene%a& waste 5 !a!e% waste...........&ie# that they "ave us a num'e% o( thin"s &i#e !a!e% towe&s..........2it was easy u $ou& mana"e that4 ?.what a%e a&& the !%o$e u%es that %e6ui%e wea%in" the "&oves 'y enta& sta(( mem'e%s. DA8 +..................... PEDODONTICS we ha a &ot o( s&i these s&i es we%e a&& m$6 an soem ha some w%itin" to 'e one.........&i#e they ha as#e some sma&& 6uestions 1.s&i e o( swo&en &i!2&owe%4 +.(%a$tu%e u!!!e% in$iso% >.ame&o"enesis im!e%(e$ta.............i enti(y the s&i e...........what wou& 'e you% t%eatment........what wi&& ha!!en i( we wi&& not t%eat it ?.$h%ono&o"i$a& hy!os!&asia.............what is it.........what is you% t%eatment...........what wi&& ha!!en i( you wi&& nt t%eat it....... @.!i$tu%es on o&i$o5mesio5'%a$hy ,.i enti(y $&ass11 $&ass + iv 11 $&ass > ;.the%e we%e (ew othe% m$6 a'out !u&!otomy an !u&!e$ was &i#e they "ave a $hoi$e o( what u wou& o in this $ o( the $hoi$e was a&so e.t%a$tion......$ant %emem'e% the etai&s o( that 6uestion..............'ut u $an mana"e anwe%in" them B.a $ase o( avu&sion .......$om!&i$ations o( avu&sion an (o&&ow u! an hwo &on" wi&& u (o&&ow u!............

C.a %a io"%a!h showin" &ate%in$iso% (o% me it &oo#e &i#e ens inva"inatus 'ut i ont #ow a't othe%s.............. $ase assessment..........they "ive u the $ha%t an a&so a whoe& set o( %a io"%a!h an $o&o% !hoto"%a!hs see a&& o( them $a%e(u&&y an $ha%t !%o!e%&y whatee% u $an then the%e we%e 6uestions a't the $ase assessment..........itse&( whi$h u wi&& have to w%ite a(te% $ha%tin"........a&& these $a%iies se!a%ate ma%#s...........!&ease 'e ve%y ( is not easy at a&&.......... CD1 CASE ASSESS=ENT i have one ve%y 'a &y n this as i $ou& nt (inish the !a!e%.........i &e(t a who&e set o( 6uestions ..................thats why i am not su%e a'out !assin" it was a $ase we%e the '%i "e whi$h was &ose has $ome o(( ...............they "ive u a&& the .%ays nee e an a&so the !hto"%a!hs..........!&ease answe% to the !oint may 'e that saves time an he&! my $ase it was not time !%o!e%&y at a&&......... the%e we%e sho%t 6uestions as#e a'out the $ase they "ave u just nee to answe% those 6uestions...........

PE9IODONTICS 1.e((e$ts o( smo#in" on !e%io onta& tissues. *ow wi&& you mana"e a !atient who is a heavy smo#e%7 2it was somethi"n&i#e this the 6uestion.......not too su%e4 +.what is the !%o"nosis o( a u!!e% mo&a% tooth with "%a e > (u%$ation invov&ement an 10mm !o$#et7 >.Atta$hment &oss an the !%o"nosis o( a &owe% mo&a%. ?.Sho%t te%m an &on" te%m t%eatment !&annin" (o% the (o&&owin" an anti'ioti$s whe%eve% nee e ............... ia'etes1 anu"1 'a$te%ia& en o$a% i its1 !e%io onta& a's$ess1 immuno$om!%omise . P9OST*ODONTICS esi"n u!!e% an &owe% %.!. an we ha a sy ney !%es$%i!tion 1.w%ite '%ie(&y a'out $u%ve o( s!ee1 a ams $&as!1 %in" $&as!1 !ost am1 %et%omo&a% !a . +.$%ossin(e$tion !%o$e u%es (o% a entu%e whi$h is ta#en (o% t%immin". >.in i%e$t %etention

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